Summer Sweetheart Chapter 1121 – 1122

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Chapter 1121

Alyssa turned her head and asked Karl, “Your friend?”

After she came out, the young man didn’t talk to Karl anymore. She didn’t know what the two said before she came out.

However, the atmosphere between Karl and that man was harmonious.

Karl walked behind her to push her in wheelchair, and said while pushing, “Jamie Hanson, the third child of the Hanson family.”

“The warrior you mentioned before?” Before coming to Westberg, Karl had mentioned the top famous warriors in Westberg with her.

“Yeah.” Karl thought of something and said again: “If you meet him in the future, stay away from him.”

Alyssa was surprised: “Why?”

Karl didn’t seem to be afraid of him, how could he deliberately order her to stay away from that Hanson.

“His wife ran away. He has recently gone mad to make the city full of wind and rain, making the warrior family uneasy.” Karl’s tone was as usual, but after listening carefully, she could hear a little bit of schadenfreude in his tone.

“Sounds like a ruthless character.” Alyssa snorted after speaking, “Other people’s wife ran away, why are you in trouble?”

Karl didn’t speak, until he was about to return to the restaurant, Karl said leisurely: “The mouth is too poisonous, this is his retribution.”

Alyssa twitched the corners of her mouth: “It sounds like your mouth is not poisonous.”

“My mouth is poisonous?” Karl leaned over, leaning his head towards Alyssa: “My mouth is not poisonous, don’t you believe it?”

Alyssa stretched out her hand out of anger and patted his head: “Be serious.”

Karl k!ssed h3r on the cheek before pushing her into the dining room.

After breakfast, Alyssa thought Karl was going out.

But after returning to the room, he looked for a movie with interest: “Want to watch a movie?”

“Didn’t you come out to do errands?” What is it to be with her in the hotel?

“You have been on the plane for so long yesterday. Now you need to take a good rest.” Karl pulled her into his arms and planned to watch a movie with her.

Alyssa pushed him: “I had enough rest last night, now I can go out.”

Yesterday’s flight was indeed a bit tirying, but one night’s rest was enough, and she was not made of mud.

Karl’s expression was weak: “Come here.”

It is a tone that cannot be rejected.

Alyssa knew that he was worried about her and didn’t want to quarrel with him because of such trivial matters.

But she didn’t want to delay his business.

She obediently snuggled into Karl’s arms, trying to reason with him: “Karl, listen to me…”

“I don’t talk while watching the movie.” Karl stretched out his hand and gently covered her mouth, motioning her not to talk.

In the end, Alyssa still hadn’t stunned Karl, and watched a whole movie in his arms.

Midway through, Smith never came to Karl. Only then did Alyssa know that this was Karl’s idea.

After waking up from a nap in the afternoon, Alyssa went to the bathroom to wash her face. Halfway through the wash, she felt someone watching her.

Turning her head, she found that Karl was leaning against the door and looking at her.

Karl walked over and wiped her hair wet with water on her ears: “Come with me somewhere tonight.”

Alyssa’s eyes lit up: “Okay, where to go?”

Finally going out to do business.

Seeing her excited look, Karl also smiled: “Go to Real Supreme, there will be a banquet in the evening.”

Alyssa frowned quickly: “No dress.”

“Don’t worry, I have arranged everything.” Karl reached out and tapped twice between her eyebrows.

Chapter 1122

Alyssa knew that Karl said that the arrangements had been made, and it must have been all arranged.

In the evening, Karl even ordered a meal especially.

“Eat first, there is not enough food at the banquet.” Karl pulled her to the table and sat down.

Alyssa knew that there was indeed not enough food at this kind of banquet. After sitting down, she asked Karl while eating, “What kind of banquet?”

“It’s a nonsense banquet, but there will be many people you know.” Karl’s eyes flashed coldly.

Alyssa raised her head and glanced at him, but she didn’t ask too much.

People she knows…

Wilfred, Clifford… She also knew them.

After eating, the stylist came in to get her ready.

When it was her turn to wear earrings, the stylist asked her: “Which pair of earrings do you want to wear?”

The stylist said that she would help Alyssa to remove the earrings from her ears.

Alyssa quickly reached out and stopped: “Don’t take it, just wear this.”

“Alright, these star earrings are very unique.” The stylist smiled and put down her hands.

Alyssa glanced in the direction of the living room and smiled: “My husband gave it to me.”

It was given to her by Karl before coming to Westberg.

The star-shaped earrings are studded with small diamonds. They are delicate and beautiful, and she likes them very much.

She still remembers when she asked Karl why he suddenly gave her earrings. Karl’s answer at the time was:

––I thought it would look good on you, so I bought it.

It was eight o’clock in the evening when they arrived at Real Supreme.

When she and Karl arrived, the banquet was already full of clothes, and it was very lively.

Alyssa was pushed by Karl in a wheelchair, walking beside them was Smith.

As soon as they entered, other people’s eyes gradually focused on them, and many others were whispering.

“I haven’t heard of any contacts between the Hanson Family and the Adams’ family. Karl actually came to the banquet hosted by the Hanson Family?”

“Who knows.”

“The business world is like a battlefield, where are there eternal enemies…”

“That’s right…”

Alyssa looked ahead without squinting, but her ears were erected, listening to other people’s comments.

It turned out to be the banquet of the warriors.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the crowd: “Alyssa, we meet again.”

This familiar voice made Alyssa frown, and as soon as she raised her eyes she saw Alvin walking towards this side.

Almost immediately, she felt a bitter breath coming from Karl behind her.

“Karl.” She turned back and called his name nervously.

Although she didn’t want to see Alvin, she was afraid that Karl would fight with Alvin.

She knew that if Karl was angry, he would do everything.

Karl’s complexion was slightly calm, and asked her gently, “What would you like to drink?”

“Watermelon juice.” Alyssa also wanted to divert Karl’s attention.

But Alvin made up his mind to come and provoke them, even if Alyssa and Karl ignored him, he still walked over here.

It’s just that he raised his foot and was blocked by a man.

He looked up and called out, “Jamie Hanson?”

Alvin used to love to play and run around the world. He participated in a lot of high-end banquet clubs. He also heard that there was an arrogant and ruthless Three Sir in the Hanson Family.

He didn’t have a deep contact with Jamie, but he didn’t like this Jamie very much, because he always felt that Jamie and Karl were of the same kind.

He hated Karl, and even the Third of the Battle Family, was a little disgusted.

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