Summer Sweetheart Chapter 1107 – 1108

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Chapter 1107

Alyssa’s heart touched her throat.

Listening nervously to the movement outside.

Alvin entered the door and said: “It turns out to be CEO Grant.”

Peter didn’t let it go and sang with him: “It turns out to be Mr. Mann.”

Alvin stretched out his hand: “Long time no see.”

“Isn’t this just seen at the front desk before?” Peter stretched out his hand and shook his hand with a smile.

He knew what kind of banquet Alvin was here to host today, but how did he not know that Alvin’s shameless banquet was not a serious banquet at all, but an engagement banquet.

And still be engaged to Alyssa!

If Alvin succeeded in organizing the banquet, wouldn’t Peter’s sign be broken?

In the future, there is no face to see Alyssa and Karl.

Tina would definitely not let him go.

Thinking of this, Peter made his teeth tickled with anger, and the more he thought about it, the more mad.

Peter, who was thinking about it more and more angry, seemed to have a grudge when shaking hands with Alvin, and he couldn’t help clenching his hands tightly again.

Alvin is no better than him.

Peter held it tightly, and Alvin also held it tightly.

Moreover, Alvin was still chatting with Peter: “Didn’t you just see me? I didn’t expect to see you again so soon. I didn’t expect CEO Grant to be so concerned about my affairs. I am really moved.”

“Since you’re so moved, let’s have a drink together. It’s a rare opportunity. Mr. Mann should give me this face, right?” Peter said with a smile.

Alvin would have believed Peter’s words if he could not feel how painful his hand was pinched.

“The other day, I think this day is not suitable for drinking, or suitable for marriage.” Alvin’s expression was serious, and he wanted to get rid of Peter’s hand.

Peter is a sleek person. If you spend it here with him, Alvin’s good deeds will probably be ruined.

Alvin knew this better than anyone else.

Therefore, he does not intend to consume it anymore.

If you continue to consume it, he won’t be able to ask for it.

Peter naturally understood that Alvin didn’t plan to spend it with him anymore, but wanted to fight him.

But Peter continued to talk to him: “I went out today and looked at the almanac. It’s really not suitable for marriage. Besides, what’s so good about getting married? You can’t give up the entire forest for the sake of one tree, right? And…”

Alvin interrupted him directly: “Stop talking nonsense!”

When the voice fell, Alvin waved his hand, and the people behind him began to fight.

Peter knew that a fierce battle would be impossible, and he waved his hand: “Close the door! Don’t let people in, don’t let people out.”

People can’t let Alvin take it away, and fights are necessary, but Best Day will continue to do business in the future.

Fighting will affect business, so keep the door closed and fight.

Anya, who had been hiding in the theater before, originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but now Peter ordered a bodyguard to walk over and close the door.

Anya was so frightened that her legs were soft: “You get out of the way, I want to go out.”

The bodyguard also followed Peter for a long time, and glanced at Anya: “Hand over the phone.”

Anya asked, “Should I let my mobile phone go?”

The bodyguard stretched out his hand impatiently: “Hurry up.”

Anya was afraid of death, so many people in this room have already fought, and by the time they have no eyes, it was her who was really hurt.

After all, neither Peter nor Alvin can be provoked casually.

So she took out the phone.

Chapter 1108

After Anya handed over the phone, she said, “Open the door and let me go out.”

The bodyguard put the phone in his pocket, and said blankly: “As Mr. Grant said just now, don’t let people come in, don’t let people go out, miss, please follow the rules of Best Day at Best Day.”

“You…” Anya didn’t expect a bodyguard to be so shrewd and unreasonable.

The bodyguard stood by the door and ignored Anya.

The main reason why he brought Anya’s mobile phone was to prevent Anya from calling the police.

Anya was already in a panic right now, she didn’t expect this at all, and only thought of this when she handed over her phone.

But it was too late. She had no other care, so she could only hide in a corner, hoping that she would not be hurt by them.

The inner bedroom.

Alyssa had been listening to the movement outside by the door. At this time, listening to the movement outside was getting bigger and bigger, she knew that there had been a fight outside.

She was tired from standing before and already sat on the ground.

Some have recovered by now.

She got up, reached out to turn the doorknob, opened the door a gap, and looked out carefully through the gap.

The whole room is full of people.

It should be possible to escape from the chaos.

Alyssa closed the door again, slowly, planning to rush out in a hurry.

It didn’t take long before she opened the door again, and walked out without being noticeable, bowing gently.

She put the hat of the sweater on her head and walked slowly along the wall towards the door.

Anya has been shrinking against the wall for fear of being hurt, her eyes kept looking around.

Therefore, she was the first person to see Alyssa.

She felt that she would stay here now, all thanks to Alyssa.

Therefore, as soon as she saw Alyssa, she shouted in revenge: “Alyssa is here, she is out!”

Alyssa was almost at the door, and Anya’s roar brought everyone’s attention to Alyssa.

Alyssa was against the wall, unable to move.

“Grab her! Don’t hurt her!” Alvin’s voice sounded from the crowd.

There are too many people in the room, and Alyssa hasn’t seen where Alvin is.

Immediately afterwards, Peter also said loudly: “Protect Alyssa! If she is arrested, don’t want all of your year-end awards. Give me all the northwest wind for the New Year!”

As soon as Peter’s words fell, his hands rushed up to Alyssa to protect her and stop Alvin’s men who were coming to catch her.

Alyssa was protected by them, paused, and then walked outside against the wall.

Her legs are still not flexible, so she walks very slowly.

Anya took advantage of the chaos and came to Alyssa and blocked her way: “Where to go?”

Alyssa looked at Anya coldly: “Get out of the way!”

“No way!” Anya’s gaze fell on her leg, her eyes full of unwillingness and malice: “What happened to your leg?”

After she finished speaking, she raised her foot and kicked Alyssa’s leg hard.

“Huh–” Alyssa only felt her legs numb, so she couldn’t get any stronger, and fell to the ground with a muffled snort.

Anya squatted in front of her and said gloating, “Are you lame?”

Alyssa sat on the ground and looked at Anya coldly: “Did Alvin give you any benefit?”

“No.” Anya shook her head indifferently: “I don’t need any benefits. I just feel happy to see you in such a desperate look.”

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