Summer Sweetheart Chapter 1055 – 1056

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Chapter 1055

Alyssa looked at Wilfred coldly: “What experiment?”

After hearing Alyssa’s question, Wilfred’s eyes became more frantic: “An experiment that is valuable to the whole world. I spent a lot of manpower and material resources for this, and also consumed half of my life energy, although…” Alyssa interrupted him coldly: “So, as an experimental subject, do I need to listen to your nonsense?

Let’s talk about the point, stop talking nonsense, I don’t want to know how many people you killed, how much money you spent, and how much time you spent on your so-called “experiment that is valuable to the whole world.”

Go to his mother’s experiment! Clifford was raised by Wilfred. He did so many abnormal things. Where can Wilfred who raised him be normal?

Besides, can a normal person treat a living person as an experimental subject?

And it was when Alyssa didn’t know it.

Wilfred would only be more perverted than Clifford.

Alyssa now looks sick at Wilfred.

Wilfred’s face suddenly changed.

Alyssa not only interrupted his enthusiasm for communication, but also angered him.

Wilfred curled the corners of his lips coldly and looked at Alyssa with a gloomy expression: “Do you know what happened to the last person who dared to talk to me like you?”

“How’s it going for him?

Is he dead?”

Alyssa looked indifferent: “Then you kill me. Anyway, I’m better off as I am now.”

Alyssa would say this, naturally because she knew very well that she was very useful to Wilfred now.

Therefore, even if she irritated Wilfred with her words, Wilfred would not do anything to her.

Wilfred’s mouth trembles with anger by Alyssa’s words, but he quickly suppresses his anger.

He let out a long sigh of relief, calmed his emotions, and said, “Don’t irritate me, it’s no good for you.”

Alyssa looked straight ahead, ignored Wilfred, and was not interested in what he said.

Wilfred laughed suddenly: “Since you are not interested in what I say, then we have to say something that interests you, for example… Let’s guess what Karl can come over, how about it?”

Hearing the words “Karl”, Alyssa turned her head to look at Wilfred.

Wilfred tilted his head slightly and smiled very mildly.

Alyssa clenched her hands and stared at Wilfred coldly.

Wilfred continued, “I look forward to Karl coming over, are you the same as me?”

Alyssa suddenly remembered that Wilfred had called her “Experimental Body No. 2”.

In other words, there is also experimental subject number one.

Wilfred said that he expects Karl to come here. Is it also related to the subject?

Alyssa thought about the problem in her heart, still with a calm expression on her face: “Does it make any difference to me whether he comes or not?”

I will die sooner or later.”

Wilfred said quietly: “No, our experiment has reached maturity, and you can survive.”

“What about Subject One?


Alyssa looked careless, as if she was really asking casually.

Wilfred is very true about the experiment. He said seriously: “Of course, but there was an accident in the middle of the experiment No. 1, which caused that link to be repeated. Don’t worry, we will definitely succeed.”

Alyssa thought in her heart, it turned out that there really was Experimental Subject One.

Chapter 1056

“That…” Alyssa wanted to say something, but she caught a glimpse of Wilfred raising hand.

The assistant standing behind him immediately took a needle.

There is still transparent liquid and body in the needle tube.

Alyssa noticed what Wilfred had to do, and she couldn’t help but shrink back.

But the next moment, two people came forward to hold her tightly.

Alyssa struggled and said loudly, “Let go of me!”

But no one cares about her at all.

Wilfred raised the needle and pierced her heavily.

Soon, Alyssa lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she was no longer in the laboratory.

Alyssa looked around and found that it was a bedroom, with no way to tell where it was.

Alyssa shouted outside: “Anyone?”

At the next moment, someone opened the door and walked in.

What came in was a maid-like person, who was still wearing a maid’s uniform. She lowered her head and bent over respectfully towards Alyssa, “Miss Alyssa.”

Then walked towards her.

Alyssa watched the maid approaching and asked, “Where is this?

Where’s Wilfred?”

She didn’t know how long she had slept, or where it was.

She only remembered in a daze that Wilfred gave her a shot, and then she lost consciousness.

But the maid ignored her.

The maid walked over and directly picked up Alyssa from the bed.

Alyssa didn’t prepare for a while, she was suddenly picked up, and she was shocked.

The maid put her on the wheelchair without saying a word, took a coat to put on her, and took a blanket to cover her body.

Very detailed.

Alyssa squinted at the maid, and vaguely saw that the maid’s outline was a bit deep, not as soft as an orientalist.

Alyssa’s eyes widened suddenly when she thought of something.

After the maid pushed her out of the door, Alyssa’s heart was confirmed.

She lives in a villa.

The villa is completely decorated in Western style.

The villa was very large and equipped with an elevator. The maid pushed her into the elevator and went downstairs to the restaurant.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Alyssa saw the maple trees gradually reddening outside.

She just slept and was no longer in the country.

“Miss Alyssa, please have a meal.”

The maid has prepared the meal.

Alyssa glanced at the food on the table and asked, “Where is Wilfred?

I want to see him.”

The maid lowered her eyes slightly, as if she hadn’t heard Alyssa’s words, pestering there like a wood.

Alyssa understood that the maids who took care of her were all instructions from Wilfred, and would not say a word to her.

No matter what Alyssa asked, they would not speak.

What is this?

Is house arrest in disguise?

Alyssa took a long breath and reached out to touch her eyebrows, feeling a mess in her heart.

Wilfred didn’t know where, and the maid couldn’t utter another extra word.

And she looks like this, even if she opens the door to let her escape, she can’t escape.

Alyssa picked up the chopsticks and decided to eat first.

Although she was eating, she still paid close attention to the maids around her.

A maid walked out after seeing her picking up chopsticks to eat.

Alyssa glanced at the maid walking out, and wondered in her heart, is the maid going out to contact Wilfred?

Wilfred did not come back until she finished eating.

Alyssa glanced at the maid and asked, “I want to go for a walk.”

The maid didn’t refuse, so she pushed her outside.

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