Summer Sweetheart Chapter 1033 – 1034

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Chapter 1033

Alyssa burst into laughter and shook her head vigorously.

The more Karl cared about her, the more she felt guilty and sad.

She pursed the corners of her lips, stopped the urge to cry, and then said: “I’m sorry…” “Karl, I’m sorry…” Karl didn’t know what happened to Alyssa, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed. , But still reached out to touch her face.

With a soothing tone, he asked her softly, “Sorry for what?”

Alyssa had already stopped the urge to cry, but when he heard his gentle tone, she couldn’t help it.

Karl was patient with Alyssa, but when he kept crying without knowing the reason, he was also a little irritable.

But still patiently said: “Stop crying, tell me, what’s wrong?”

Alyssa stretched out her hand and wiped the tears on her face: “I’m fine.”

After she finished speaking, she smiled at Karl.

Karl’s face was solemn, and he reached out and took her into his arms.

Alyssa didn’t want to say, he could not ask.

You can know what’s going on by calling Peter back.

Alyssa reached out and hugged Karl back, hugging him tightly.

Karl carefully felt Alyssa’s hug tighter, surprise flashed in his eyes, but there was no sound.

After a while, Alyssa’s mood completely calmed down.

She relaxed, letting herself rely on Karl, leaning on him tightly, and whispering, “I will treat the illness well.”

Karl understood what she said.

But Alyssa quickly said: “You can’t trouble Peter.”

Karl just responded indifferently, “OK.”

Alyssa knew Karl too well, so she wouldn’t just believe him.

She let go of him, and reached out to pat Karl’s head: “You have to say ‘no’.”

Karl did not blink his eyes, letting Alyssa pat him on the head.

Then he whispered: “No.”

He didn’t bother Peter, he just started beating people.

Alyssa laughed softly when she heard the word.

Karl, who was out there on weekdays, was not always gentle in front of her, but he was the most temperless.

Alyssa fixedly stared at Karl: “I didn’t seem to tell you one thing.”


Karl frowned, his expression faintly tense.

Alyssa reached out and pressed Karl’s frowning eyebrows, and said softly, “I love you, love you very much.”

Karl never thought that she was going to say this.

He has always been calm and self-sufficient, and his face also has a deep feeling of astonishment.

Alyssa had never said this to him.

Karl was stunned for a while, then slightly changed his face, “I see.”

His reaction seemed calm, but the invisible smile in his eyes revealed his emotions.

The corners of the lips rose up involuntarily.

Alyssa didn’t expect him to be so happy, so she le@ned forward and gave h!m a k!ss.

Karl quickly turned away from the guest.

… Alyssa was emotionally fluctuating a bit today, crying and laughing and saying so much, her body was a little unable to hold it, she was taken back to her room to rest by Karl.

She didn’t want to sleep so fast, but she couldn’t control herself as soon as she lay on the bed.

Soon she fell asleep.

Waiting for Alyssa to fall asleep, Karl got up and walked out.

It’s time to beat Peter.

It was a good thing for Alyssa to open up, but she also cried for so long.

Should she be beaten or him.

Chapter 1034

Peter took Tina to look around, and when he came back, it was already an hour later.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Karl sitting in the hall.

Karl’s legs were folded together, sitting in a very casual posture, and it seemed that he was very relaxed.

Peter didn’t know how Karl was thinking about beating him, so he happily ran over and sat down beside Karl and asked him, “Where is she?”

Karl raised his eyes: “Sleeping.”


Peter had just returned from the outside, and he was walking in a hurry in the middle. It was still a bit hot right now.

He pulled his collar, unbuttoned another button, turned to the servant not far away and said, “Pour me a glass of water.”

The servant poured water and brought it to Peter.

“Thank you.”

Peter took a sip of the water, remembered the good things he had done before, and asked Karl happily: “After we left, what did you talk to Alyssa?”

Peter felt that he had done a good thing, and Karl had to thank him.

When Karl heard this, he looked at Peter with a smile, “Want to know?”

Peter felt that Karl’s expression was a bit scary.

He carefully held the cup of water, moved it aside, and retreated to a safe distance before he said carefully: “I…I don’t want to know.”

Karl stood up and said very seriously: “You come out, I will tell you.”

Peter looked at Karl suspiciously.

Karl’s expression was so serious that he couldn’t confirm what Karl wanted to do.

Not afraid and itching to know what Karl was going to do.

Go, I’m afraid that Karl will kick him.

Alas, he is too difficult.

Karl walked a few steps, then saw that Peter hadn’t followed him, and said, “Come on.”

Peter scratched his head, got up and walked over.

When he reached the open space outside, Karl began to take off his coat.

As soon as Peter saw Karl beginning to take off his coat, his whole body was not well.

“I have something to go back first…” Peter said as he ran out.

But soon he was caught by Karl.

“Let’s have a good chat.”

Karl had already grabbed Peter, and naturally would not give him another chance to escape.

Peter had been planted in Karl’s hands countless times, and he knew very well that he could not run away if he caught him.

Peter had learned how to shame if Karl didn’t get in.

“Before I die, I want to ask, what did I do to make you do this to me?”

Peter had a bitter face and looked pitiful.

Karl snorted coldly, and beat him directly without giving him any answer.

Peter was actually quite good at it, and he might even be able to make a tie with Karl if he tried his best.

After the two played a few rounds, Peter lay on the ground and pretended to be dead: “I can’t do it, I’m dead.”

“Uncle Grant, come on!”

Grace’s voice suddenly came from the corner.

Peter and Karl followed the sound and saw Grace sitting on a bench with a candy in her mouth, two short legs dangling, and their small faces were full of excitement.

Peter twitched his mouth: “Your dad hit me, are you happy?”

“Dad is great!”

Grace glanced at Peter, smiled and stretched out a thumb to Karl.

Peter was still lying on the ground, propped his head with one hand, and said earnestly: “Grace, you are still a child. Children usually feel scared when they see adults fighting, and then they cry, you know?”

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