Summer Sweetheart Chapter 1027 – 1028

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Chapter 1027

Alyssa could feel that the man in front of her had been successfully angered by her words.

In front of outsiders, a man who is happy, angry and invisible, can always be happy because of her word, because he can be very angry with a word.

Alyssa suddenly felt sad.

What did Karl look like when she was dragged down.

Alyssa sucked her nose and said, “Karl, I’m really tired, I don’t want to be cured, I…” Not waiting for Karl to get angry, Alyssa started crying first.

Uncontrollable crying.

Karl’s anger that rushed to the top of his head was washed away by Alyssa’s tears.

He took Alyssa into his arms and coaxed her with a good temper: “don’t say such frustrating words, I’m not tired, you think about Grace.”

In fact, Karl felt that he was not a bad talker. He often just didn’t bother to talk nonsense with others.

But in the face of Alyssa, he was a little at a loss. He didn’t know what to say to restore her peace and keep her in a good state of mind to receive treatment.

Those tactics used in business are useless on Alyssa.

Once a problem occurs in a person’s heart, it is difficult to heal, even more difficult to heal than a deteriorating body.

“I don’t want to be treated, I don’t want to be treated…” Alyssa was still crying, almost out of breath.

Karl hugged her tightly, moved his lips but didn’t know how to speak.

Until Alyssa cried and fainted.

Noticing that the person in his arms was no longer moving, Karl released his hand in a panic to look at her face.

His face suddenly changed, and his voice was trembling: “Alyssa?”

no respond.

He carefully reached out to probe Alyssa’s neck.

At this time, Clifford’s voice sounded behind him: “Don’t be so nervous, just cried and fainted.”

Karl turned his head, his eyes were as cold as frost.

Although Clifford had an indifferent tone, his expression was still a bit solemn.

… After setting up Alyssa, Karl and Clifford went outside.

Karl hadn’t looked so good since Alyssa said those things just now.

Clifford snorted and looked at Karl: “It’s just depression, like a dead wife…cough.”

Before Clifford had finished speaking, he was smashed by Karl with a fist.

Clifford didn’t have any defense, so he took a punch and took a few steps backwards.

He clutched the place where he was hit by Karl’s fist, and laughed at the corner of his mouth: “I can’t even make a joke, Karl, you know that a weak person like you is easy to be caught. Handle it.”

Karl didn’t care what he said, just staring at him coldly: “You can’t find a medicine that can cure Alyssa, I will replace and cooperate.”

Clifford, who was smiling on his face, suddenly changed his expression.

This is enough to show Wilfred’s ability, he can make Clifford change color.

Wilfred must be an extremely terrifying existence, otherwise it wouldn’t make Clifford be afraid of this.

Karl calmly watched Clifford’s reaction.

After a brief panic, Clifford returned to his normal look, and said with a sneer: “Do you think Wilfred is also someone who can cooperate and use casually?

Looking for the skin of a tiger, and sooner or later reap the rewards, I am a good example.”

Hearing this, Karl glanced at Clifford with contempt.

His eyes seemed to tell Clifford that he would not be the same as Clifford.

Chapter 1028

What Clifford hated most was Karl’s appearance.

The kidnapping case at that time had a great impact on both of them, and he could only be controlled by Wilfred to do something shameless for him, but Karl was still so arrogant and confident.

If you don’t think about it, you will realize that he and Karl are actually different people.

When this happens, the dissatisfaction and hatred in his heart will drown him like a tide until it is swallowed.

After Alyssa’s infusion, the symptoms eased, and even the legs that had been numb and unconscious, she could vaguely feel some pain, not as numb as before.

Karl was relieved because of Alyssa’s symptoms, and he felt better, and no longer frowned.

Luther would come back, because Karl had asked him for a long vacation.

However, the school contacted Luther, saying that there was a very important task for Luther to complete temporarily.

For a school like Luther, when he was in school, he needed to do tasks. There was no money, and there was a salary, but it was hard work.

Karl asked him for a long vacation, already using the relationship and breaking the rules.

Now the school contacted Luther to let him go back to school, and Karl stopped keeping him, and ordered the servant to help him prepare his luggage.

But Luther no longer loves what others touched his things, and he is very vigilant, so he packed his luggage.

When Alyssa came over, she happened to see Luther packing up luggage.

Luther’s door was open. Alyssa came over in a wheelchair alone, leaning against the door without making a sound, and did not enter.

After living with the closest person, Luther’s vigilance was also lowered, humming while packing his luggage, so he didn’t realize that Alyssa was coming.

Alyssa was by the door watching Luther carefully putting things, and they were neatly stacked again.

Even if all the family members had accidents one after another, Luther cheered up and could still live a good life.

It was a very correct decision not to let Luther know the dirty things Trevor did.

When Luther stood in front of the suitcase thinking about what else he has to take, he felt the presence of someone. He looked back at the door and said sharply, “Who!”

When he turned around and found that it was Alyssa, his expression eased a little: “Sister Alyssa, why are you here?”

Luther hurriedly walked over, helped Alyssa push her wheelchair, and pushed her in.

Alyssa smiled: “I heard them say that you didn’t ask the servant to come and help you pack up, so I just wanted to come over and see if you need help.”

“I’m not a kid anymore. I can pack my luggage. Where can someone help me?”

Luther’s tone had a hint of coquetry.

He would only do this in front of Alyssa.

Alyssa laughed, “In the eyes of Karl and me, you are just a child.”

Luther snorted.

He asked Alyssa to sit aside, and carefully took a blanket and put it on her lap: “Sister Alyssa, just sit here and don’t move, I’ll pack things.”

Luther fixedly looked at Alyssa, and seemed to keep staring at her like this before her answer.

Alyssa nodded: “Okay.”

It made her look like a child.

Luther walked around the room to collect things.

When he received everything, he threw it on the sofa next to Alyssa, and when all the items were collected, he sat cross-legged on the sofa and began to organize.

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