Summer Sweetheart Chapter 1015 – 1016

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Chapter 1015

Alyssa has no appetite, but everyone is there and the atmosphere is just right. She doesn’t want to make everyone unhappy.

Everyone here cares about her.

She doesn’t know how many days she has left. If there is no other way, she also wants to make everyone happy in the few days left.

She lowered her eyes, suppressed the emotions in her eyes, and only slightly held the corners of her lips, showing a happy look.

After eating, Grace made a fuss about going out for a walk.

Alyssa naturally followed Grace.

As long as she agreed, the remaining Luther and Karl would naturally follow her.

A group of people went to the outside terrace.

The mountain is not as noisy as the city, the only thing is the screaming of insects and birds.

Alyssa looked down and felt that there were more bodyguards.

Now that she has inconveniences in her legs and feet, she doesn’t like to move anymore, and naturally there are fewer things to do, and more often she is silently paying attention to the little things in life.

For example, what kind of dishes were made in the kitchen today, how much food Grace ate, and how many bodyguards were guarding the gate… Alyssa was so bored that she could only pay attention to these things, and she would notice a slight change around her.

There was wind on the terrace, and Karl waved Grace over and buttoned Grace’s coat. Turning his head, he saw Alyssa looking downstairs in a daze.

Karl walked over.

Alyssa noticed that someone was standing next to her and shielding her from the wind, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Karl.

He was wearing a thin shirt, the finest fabrics were blown by the wind, and he looked very graceful.

Karl saw that she had been staring at him, leaned over slightly and asked her, “What are you looking at?”

Alyssa laughed suddenly, she stretched out her hand to hold Karl’s and said: “I read a topic on the Internet before, and someone asked whether I want to find a good-looking husband, or find someone who is not good-looking but who likes you very much. Who is good for you.”

Karl was obviously not interested in this kind of boring question, but because the speaker was Alyssa, he was patient and listened to her.

Alyssa tilted her head slightly and smiled slyly: “Guess, what is the last answer with a louder voice?”

Karl stretched out his hand to his lips, thought about it seriously, and asked, “Is there an option of looking handsome and being nice to you?”


Alyssa shook her head.

Karl: “boring.”

“Quick guess!”

Alyssa shook her hand, a little bit coquettish.

Karl couldn’t remember how long he hadn’t seen Alyssa like this, his heart was so soft.

He squeezed Alyssa’s hand and said unhurriedly: “If you have to choose one of the two, of course you must choose the handsome one.”

Alyssa was a little surprised: “Why?

Why are you so superficial?”

When Karl heard this, he laughed: “People who like you will naturally treat you well, regardless of their looks.

So personal preference is more important, I like to look good.”

Alyssa recalled that Karl was teasing her on purpose.

She snorted: “It’s the same as the truth… don’t know who can k!ss my previous face.”

She didn’t believe a word of Karl’s words.

Karl’s smile deepened: “I don’t believe it?”

“Even if you look like you, you look good at it.”

She felt that Karl was coaxing her, but her eyes didn’t seem to be deceiving.

Alyssa stopped smiling, looking at him seriously.

Chapter 1016

Karl was looked at her. He did not let go of her hand, but turned his head and looked away, not looking at Alyssa.

Seeing this, Alyssa deliberately tilted her head to look at his face.

Karl looked around, but didn’t look at her.

Alyssa pondered for a while, and asked tentatively, “Karl, you…are you shy?”

Karl glanced at her, his face was indifferent and very cold.

But Alyssa was even more sure of her inner guess.

Karl usually looks indifferent to nothing, and he is also good at hiding emotions.

Even if she said something that made him feel shy and embarrassed, he would not show it, but in front of Alyssa, he would be more relaxed than in front of others.

Alyssa didn’t continue to ask, but just took Karl’s hand and smiled.

Karl was a little annoyed by her smile, but still turned his head to look away.

After a while, Alyssa said again, “I was actually thinking about finding a handsome husband and looking at his handsome face, it’s hard to get angry.”

Karl was finally willing to look back at her.

Alyssa raised her head and smiled, her eyes filled with stars: “I think you are like this. Sometimes I am angry with you, but when I look at your face, I am inexplicably relieved.”

Karl was shocked rarely.

Alyssa smiled and continued: “But I didn’t dare to let you know before. I was afraid that if you were proud, you would become arrogant if you made me angry.”

There was something serious in her tone.

Karl raised his eyebrows: “I am that kind of person?”

Alyssa tilted her head and motioned with her eyes to think about whether she was that kind of person.

Karl reached out and touched her nose.

It feels a little frustrating.

In the past, he really relied on Alyssa to soften his heart. No matter what he did, Alyssa would want her ideas mixed in, so he would dare to do those things.

He knows Alyssa too well.

Even if she knew that he was doing those things with her soft heart, she would still forgive him.

Between the closest people, there is always a tacit understanding that others cannot understand.

You don’t need to say it, and you don’t have to let others know, as long as they know you.

Karl raised his eyes to look at her again. Seeing that she was in a rare mood and willing to speak, he cooperated with her and said, “Be more specific?”

Alyssa snorted and said, “I can’t count both hands, and only I can stand you.”

“Yes, only you can stand me, so…” Karl paused slightly when he said that, and looked down at her with a serious expression: “So, you have to accept the treatment well and bear with me more.”

Speaking of treatment, Alyssa’s complexion faded, and her eyes dimmed a bit.

Karl knew her sensing the anomaly, and she would definitely discover it in the villa sooner or later, and he didn’t intend to hide Clifford’s arrival from her.

“I came over today and brought someone with me.”

Karl said while paying attention to Alyssa’s expression.

Alyssa’s eyes were a little dazed, who would Karl bring?

If it were Peter and Tina, they didn’t need to do this at all, just brought them to meet.

She thought of Karl mentioned the treatment just now, and she had a guess in her heart.

“You…” “Yes, it’s Clifford.”

Karl interrupted Alyssa and made up for her to say later.

Alyssa was taken aback, and said, “Clifford is indeed with you.”

She had guessed before that Clifford might be with Karl, and she was right.

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