Spoiled by the President Chapter 963 – 965

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Chapter 963

Lucian has been unreliable, but is notoriously generous to those around him.

Plus, she is a prominent woman, her parents are founding fathers and her nephew is the head of the Lu family, the largest financial group in China.

So over the years, she has been divorced, but her private life has been rich, with an untold number of fresh meat front and back.

Lu Lanzhi was happy and unrestrained, because the old lady had given the word that she was not allowed to interfere with the company, she knew in her heart that the old lady was not going to give her a share of the company, so she also rested the idea of having a child.

After all, if this child was born, it was said to be on a par with Biden Lu, but the brothers were clouds of difference, which she could not accept in any way.

So it’s better not to be born than to be born and be looked down upon.

Lu Lanzhi was quite open-minded, she knew that although Biden Lu was always browbeating himself now, he still missed his aunt in his heart.

If she really was incapacitated in her old age, Biden Lu would not let her off the hook.

So, she had nothing to worry about at all, and it was not a bad thing to be drunk this morning.

This mentality made her more and more generous, and the fresh meat who were attracted to her status and beauty flocked to her.

Lu Lanzhi took Huyuan with her, strolled around and really heard a lot of news that interested her.

Only then did she realize that the gambling event was held by a large foreign jade merchant whose quarry wasn’t in the country, but in country T. She had only found out that this time, it was held by a large foreign jade merchant.

She wanted to invest in a stone mine, and had previously sent people to a few famous mineral locations in T country to ask around, but hadn’t heard of any good jade being mined recently.

I don’t know where these guys, where did they pick this time?

As my mind was searching, I heard a scream from up ahead.

She walked over with Huyuan, only to see a group of people over there, and when she asked around, she realized that someone had bought the stone, cut it open on the spot, and found good jade.

Intrigued, she told Hyeon to wait outside and squeezed in for a look.

This is not an eye opener.

It really is good jade!

Only one person holding such a large stone, just cut a corner, and then a turquoise luster like water, a glance can tell, at least is also the emperor green level of good jade.

The people around us were excited and speculated about how big the jade was.

The crowd of mouths was scintillating, naturally saying anything, but Lu Lanzhi could see from her own experience that the jade would never be small, it should be at least as big as four fists.

How much does a piece of jade like this have to be worth?

Later, when it was learned that the man had bought the piece of jade for just over two million dollars, his eyes were not red.

She made a hasty exit from the crowd and was looking for someone to ask about the owner of the place, when suddenly, her body was bumped.

Lu Lanzhi, who was unaware, actually stumbled and subconsciously yelled, “Who is it?Can’t you see when you walk?”

“I’m sorry…”

A soft female voice sounded and she looked up, but froze.

I saw that standing in front of her was a middle-aged woman about her age, with a gentle temperament and stunning features.

The woman is wearing a long, light-colored dress, her hair pulled up high, revealing a slender, graceful swan neck, obviously also middle-aged, but all over the body a sense of indescribable girls only have a bright and delicate sense.

Her face sank.

Beautiful women will always subconsciously dislike another beautiful woman, especially if they are prettier than they are.

It’s called same-s*x repulsion.

She grimaced, “Can’t you see anyone here?You’re responsible for getting hurt if you take a chance and bump into me?”

The woman compensated with an embarrassed smile, “I’m really sorry, I was in a hurry to find someone and didn’t pay attention, so, you see where you are hurt?I can compensate you for your medical bills if needed, or take you to the hospital?”

Lu Lanzhi got even more fired up when she heard it.

“Who wants your medical bills?Are you looking down on me?Do you think I’m blackmailing you?How dare you speak to me like that if you know who I am!”

The sharp voice caused the people who were still watching the stone cutting over there to turn their heads.

The woman looked a little embarrassed, as if she was frightened by the situation and was at a loss for words as to what to do.

At that moment, a man in a casual suit came hurrying up.


The woman, who was still panicked and confused, walked over immediately as if she had found her main focus.

“Que casa.”

“What’s going on?”

The man known as Quexu held her hand, frowned tightly, and looked at Lu Lanzhi.

Mo Caiwei shook her head and looked guilty, “I’m sorry Quexu, I seem to have gotten you into trouble again, I…”

Lucian interrupted her.

“Hey!It’s your man, isn’t it?Why are you acting so high and mighty when you didn’t apologize for hitting someone?And drag your man to back you up?”

Her words made Mo Caiwei even more embarrassed.

Trying to explain, but forced by her momentum, she couldn’t even get a word out in the end.

Quexu had already analyzed what had happened from the conversation between the two.

He pulled Mo Caiwei behind him and looked at Lu Lanzhi with a sunken face.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but my wife accidentally bumped into you, and I apologize on her behalf, but that’s no excuse for you to insult people at random, is it?”

What Lu Lanzhi hated most in her life was someone contradicting herself.

Usually in the land family, that’s because they know they don’t have a say in the matter, so they ambush them.

But out there, who wouldn’t call her Miss Lu with respect?

Now this man was talking to her in such a tone of voice, and Lu Lanzhi’s fire flared up.

“I insult people?What’s wrong with me insulting her?What can I say about her if she doesn’t hit me?What?You guys hit someone and still look like you have a case, don’t you?”

Her outrageous attitude caused Quexu’s brows to furrow deeper and a touch of disgust to flash across his eyes.

More and more people were drawn around, and Mo Caiwei looked embarrassed, pulling his sleeve.

“Que sera, forget it.”

Knowing her fear of being surrounded by people, Quexu protected her into his arms and said in a deep voice, “This lady, my wife is kind and weak and doesn’t want to argue with you, since you say she hit you, fine, just say what you want straight away, there’s no need to make a fuss here.”

Only when Lu Lanzhi saw that the other party had softened did this proudly snort.

“I don’t want anything to do with it, so just let her tell me she’s sorry three times in front of everyone and forget it.”

When Mo Caiwei heard the words, she said three apologies in a low voice.

Quexu’s face was very ugly, not that he was angry at Mo Caiwei for apologizing to someone, but that the woman in front of him was too arrogant to be forgiven.

He looked at Lu Lanzhi coldly and sharply, “Good, now that the apology has been made, can we go?”

Chapter 964

Lucian snorted toe-to-toe, “That’s more like it.”

Just then, Hyuk Yuan came looking for her, so she let him take her arm and wiggle away.

Quexu helped Mo Caiwei and went to the back lounge.

As soon as he sat down, Quexu asked with concern, “How are you?Are you all right?Nothing uncomfortable anywhere, right?”

Mo Caiwei shook her head and tilted her face up towards him with a small smile, “Quexu, I’m really sorry that I got you in trouble again today.”

Quexu frowned and looked a little unhappy.

“How many times have I told you?We’re husband and wife, it’s the right thing to do to help each other, what do you mean you’re causing me trouble?”

He paused, and then sighed, “Besides, it’s obvious that the woman has her way, and you’re letting her.”

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and the company is now in the process of developing the new product for the future.”

Of course, Quexu knew what she was thinking, but he just couldn’t help but look at her in such a stoic manner.

He wisely didn’t continue this topic and patted Mo Caiwei’s hand, “Sit down for a while, I’ll go get you a glass of water.”

Mo Caiwei nodded and watched him go out.

Soon, Quexu returned with a glass of water in hand and another middle-aged man behind him.

Although the man was yellow, he had deep eyebrows and a high nose, but he was a bit of a western lookalike, a mixed race at first glance.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look around the house.Chest vouchsafe, you guys absolutely love it.”

Mo Caiwei stood up and smiled slightly, “If Brother Yu says good, then it must be good, it’s just that we’re coming back this time, but we’re bothering you.”

The man with the surname Yu waved his hand in a big way, not caring at all, “Eh, what words, what dawdling not dawdling, of course if it wasn’t for Dr. Que, I would have died in the desert, by the way, or I owe you husband and wife a life.”

Quexu’s eyebrows were gentle as he said, “Just a hand up.”

“It’s a hand up for you, but it’s a life saver for me.”

The three of them joked and sat down.

Five years ago, Mo Caiwei and Quexue went on a trip and unintentionally saved Boss Yu, who was bitten by a poisonous snake and was dying, in the desert, and brought him back to the castle for treatment.

Because Boss Yu’s mother is from China, this time Mo Caiwei and Quexiu want to come back to China to play, because there is no one they know in China, so they contacted him, so that there is an acquaintance who can guide one or two.

Mr. Yu sat for a while, suddenly “eh”, asked: “Right, just now outside, I heard someone making a noise, I asked around to know it was you, what happened?”.

Mo Caiwei’s face changed, and Quexu frowned.

Mo Caiwei smiled, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that I just got separated from Suu and was in a hurry to find him, and I accidentally bumped into a lady, so I hope it didn’t affect your business.”

Boss Yu waved his hand, “That doesn’t exist, but the lady you’re talking about, I know her.”

Mo Caiwei was stunned, “You know each other?”

“Yes.”Speaking of this, Boss Yu seemed to be in the mood and said mysteriously, “She, ah, is a member of the Lu family in Kyoto, the Lu family you know, right?”

Mo Caiwei nodded, “I’ve heard of it, like it’s one of the four big families?”

“Yes, I don’t need to tell you how powerful this Lu family is, but as far as I know, that lady is the eldest Miss of the Lu family, Lu Lanzhi, the daughter of the founding father, Master Lu, who has always been very unruly in Kyoto.”

Mo Caiwei’s face changed as she heard the words, faintly whitening.

She slapped her chest afterwards, “Well it’s a good thing I didn’t mess with her, or else it would have been bad.”

Quexu coldly interjected, “So what if I mess with it?Is it any wonder he really dared to come in a big way for revenge?”

Boss Yu shook his head, “That’s not so bad, although she is the eldest miss of the Lu family, but the current head of the Lu family is not Master Lu, nor is it her, but her nephew Biden Lu, that person Biden Lu, although I haven’t met him, but I’ve heard that he is a very reasonable and gentlemanly person, he wouldn’t fight with people for such things.”

Only then did Mo Caiwei nodded reassuringly.

The three of them were chatting, when suddenly a staff member walked in quickly.

“Boss, there’s a lady named Lu who says she wants to see you.”

Boss Yu was stunned, a little surprised, “A lady surnamed Lu?Who?”

The staff looked at Mo Caiwei.

He was Boss Yu’s personal assistant, so he naturally knew Mo Caiwei, so he even said, “The one who clashed with Miss Mo in the hall earlier.”

This time, both Mo Caiwei and Quexiu turned pale.

Quexu stood up in a flash, his face cold, “She still wants to come looking for trouble, doesn’t she?Caiwei, you sit here and don’t move, I’ll go out and teach her a lesson!”


Mo Caiwei held him back, afraid that he might get into trouble on impulse.

Boss Yu lifted his hand and said in a deep voice, “Don’t worry, I’ll go out and take a look first, maybe I’m not here to find you?Besides, this is my venue, and even if there’s something wrong, I’m still here, so there’s no need for you to do anything.”

He said, and walked quickly out of the room.

Mo Caiwei pulled Quexiu to sit down, her heart apprehensive, but at this moment, she heard a delicate female voice coming from outside the door.

“So you’re the owner of this place, I told you, I’ve been looking for you for a long time, but I have something important to discuss with you.”

Boss Yu smiled, “Miss Lu has made a great visit, please forgive me for being so distant, I don’t know what it is that you want to discuss with me?”

“It’s not convenient to talk here, let’s go inside.”

After saying that, he didn’t care that Boss Yu was in the way and carried his steps into the restroom.

Once inside, I saw the man and woman sitting on the couch.

Boss Yu followed behind and hurriedly came in, and when he saw the situation, he explained, “Miss Lu, to introduce you, these two are my friends, Miss Mo Caiwei Mo, and Dr. Que Cui Que.”

Mo Caiwei smiled awkwardly and politely at her, but Quexiu kept her face cold, looking like she was an enemy and wanted to do something at any moment.

Lucian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Chapter 965

“So they’re Boss Yu’s friends, I say, why are they so imposing.”

She smiled and turned to Boss Yu, “So, you know about what happened in the hall we were in earlier!”

Boss Yu didn’t know what the lady wanted, wiped the sweat from his forehead and compensated with a smile, “I know, but these two are my friends, plus it was indeed an unintentional act to bump into you before, so please be kind…”

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Lu Lanzhi raising her hand.

Immediately after that, she was seen twisting her waist and walking towards Mo Caiwei.

Quexiu vigilantly got up, shielding Mo Caiwei behind him and asked in a cold voice, “What do you want?”

Lucian looked at him and raised his eyebrows, “It’s none of your business, I’ll just have a word with her.”

Behind him, Mo Caiwei stood up and tugged on his corner.

“Suki, it’s okay, let her talk to me.”

Only then did Quexu get out of the way with a cold face.

Lucian sized up the woman in front of him.

It is clear that they are all over middle age, but the woman in front of them seems to be extremely well maintained, that kind of maintenance and their own face is not the same as the youth accumulated by countless advanced skin care products, that is a kind of young from the inside out, exuding a warm and serene temperament, just like the most soft and beautiful flowers blooming in the prairie, with a puff of fresh wind, people can’t help but like.

She snorted and asked, “Your last name is Mo?”

Mo Caiwei smiled slightly, “My name is Mo Caiwei, you are Miss Lu, right?”

Lu Lanzhi hugged her arms and smiled proudly, “Yes, my name is Lu Lanzhi, I’m the eldest miss of the Lu family, and we’ve been friends for a long time, although I disliked you before, but since you’re a friend of Boss Yu, I’m not going to bother with you, make friends.”

She said, holding out a hand.

Mo Caiwei paused for a moment.

She’s not stupid, what’s Lu Lange’s status?

The Lu family’s eldest daughter, that’s just like the Lu’s eldest princess, in ancient times could be on the level of the eldest princess, one person below, ten thousand above.

And what about her?An ordinary person in the middle of a sea of people, living in seclusion in the desert with Quexu all these years, almost never getting involved in the circle of dignitaries, why should he make friends with others?

But Lu Lanzhi had said so, and she couldn’t refuse.

So, too, I had to put my hand out and shake her gently with a friendly smile and say, “Good.”

Quexu frowned slightly next to her, somewhat unable to understand Lu Lanzhi’s behavior.

Not to mention her, even Boss Yu, who is accustomed to walking in the mall and is the best at guessing people’s hearts, is also a bit confused at this time.

He originally thought that Lu Lanzhi had come over to find trouble with Mo Caiwei.

But now it looks like you’re here to make friends?

What’s going on here?

Lu Lanzhi didn’t care what they were thinking, as the eldest miss of the Lu family, she was used to doing her own thing and never cared what the others thought.

Therefore, after shaking hands with Mo Caiwei, only then did this turn to look at Boss Yu.

“Well, Mr. Yu, now that your friend is my friend too, we can sit down and talk business.”

Boss Yu was stunned, “Talking business?”

“Yes!”Lu Lanzhi unceremoniously found herself a couch and sat down, and pointed to the opposite couch as if she was the mistress of the place, “Boss Yu, sit down.”

Boss Yu gulped and walked across the room to sit down.

Lu Lanzhi said with ease, “Truth be told, I came over today, not to gamble with stones, but to talk business with you.”

Boss Yu smiled awkwardly at his enemy, “I wonder what business Miss Lu wants to talk about?”

“Naturally, it’s a stone quarry business, I know that you have a lot of stones quarrying good jade this time, and I also know that your shipment is coming from T. I just want to ask, where are your mines?”

As soon as this was said, Boss Yu’s face changed.

You know, to do this business, everyone knows, mine this thing is their life, can dig out a good yield of mine is already not easy, monk more than porridge, we all stare at the robbery, where will easily let others know?

Therefore, when Lu Lanzhi came to the door with such a large open mouth and asked questions, it would inevitably give the impression that she was a bit of a bully, wanting to use her power to force the other party to give up the resources at hand.

Boss Yu was silent for a moment, and suddenly turned to his assistant and ordered something.

The assistant went out in a hurry and brought in a check shortly after.

With a dry, compensatory smile, Boss Yu placed the check on the table and pushed it in front of Lu Lanzhi.

“I’m sorry for the negligence, please forgive me, this cheque is a small token of my appreciation and I hope you’ll accept it as compensation.Take it in.”

Lu Lanzhi looked at the check in front of her and first froze, then reacted and her face changed dramatically.

She stood up with a swish of her eyebrows and said, “Surnamed Yu, what do you mean?Do you think I’m blackmailing you?”

Boss Yu’s face doesn’t look too good, thinking, you are saying so obvious, not blackmail is not a joke?

Lucian guessed what he was thinking and became furious.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and has been working on the new product for the past two years.What’s going on in your head?”

Boss Yu was stunned, a little incredulous.


“Yes!”Lu Lanzhi was so angry that she put her hands in her hips, “What?Don’t tell me you don’t need it, to tell you the truth, before I came here today, I’ve already checked, a few big mines in T country have been developed, there are good jade also long ago dug out, the goods that came out in the last few years are not good at all.

But your lot is so good, and you’ve got such a big piece of emperor green, I guess it must be a new mine that’s just been discovered, right?The new mine is just fine if it’s small, if it’s big, you will definitely not be able to eat it by yourself, but also easy to be jealous of people, just as well, I recently then want to find some investment in this area, I have the backing of the Lu family, you are if you are willing to, take me to take a look, I want to look at it to buy this mine, how about we mine together?”

I have to say that sometimes in this world, there really is such a thing as a foolish blessing.

Maybe it was a mistake, or maybe Lucian had really done her homework before, but this time she’d guessed correctly.

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