Only You Can Be My Wife Chapter 912 – 914

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Chapter 912

“Pianpian, where have you been?” Siena Liang watched Wu Pianpian come back and couldn’t help but said with concern, “I’m ready to call you.” Wu Pianpian is still in the wind and messed up, “I Didn’t you just want to leave a space for you to talk? So, I just went out and turned around. (ˇ?ˇ)” “Oh.” Siena Liang nodded, “That way. Come in and sit down first. Sit, wait a minute and you will be busy.” Wu Pianpian walked in carrying her small bag, and sat on the sofa casually, with some listless eyes down, staring only at her small bag.

That small bag is really not that big.

She had installed a mobile phone and a small amount of money before, of course, one-third of it was in change.

Before, that little bag looked exquisite and cute.

But now… It’s not exquisite and cute anymore, it’s a big bulging pile, which looks weird and awkward.

Inside, in addition to her previous things, there were also the huge red envelopes stuffed by the black-hearted creditor.

Ha ha ha ha… She may have been influenced by a lot of family since she was a child, so the name of her little money fan is not for nothing.

I came to be Siena’s bridesmaid today. To be honest, she got more red envelopes than she gave out.

At the beginning, she was secretly happy.

But now, for her, she just feels that the bag in her hand is a bit hot.

(?_?) So much money, although it is Lawrence Lu’s, but if it is given to her through the creditor, then… Besides, didn’t the guy say that he just arrived when she came out?

But the sentence he said later… Doesn’t it mean that he heard it all?

Thinking about what she said, she felt ashamed.

She still owes the guy money, now she can’t give that guy a laugh?

Phoo-you really can’t live by committing sins!

Chapter 913

Because it has entered winter, it is not suitable for outdoor weddings.

In addition, Parisa Song was also thinking about Siena Liang’s physical condition at the time, so she chose the room.

In the huge hotel, the guests are already seated, and there is soothing light music slowly flowing out in the lobby.

Zan Lu took Siena Liang and stood at the door waiting three minutes before the wedding.

When the master of ceremonies said, “Now, let us invite our beautiful bride in today!” Siena Liang, who was standing in the doorway, suddenly felt a little nervous when he heard this sound.

She pressed her lips, held her hands together unconsciously, and couldn’t help swallowing two handfuls of saliva.

But even so, the tension in her heart has not been relieved.

While she was nervous, she didn’t forget to smile to herself secretly: She said that she had been married for so long before, and today is just a formality, and she feels nothing to be nervous.

As a result, imagination is no better than reality.

She really overestimated herself.

Zan Lu seemed to see Siena Liang’s nervousness, took a step forward, smiled and whispered to Siena Liang: “Siena Liang, don’t be nervous, you are just as good as usual.” Siena Liang said, “Dad, I I don’t know why, I just feel nervous. When I think about so many people looking at me, I just…” “It’s okay, if you really feel nervous, I’ll tell you a very simple way, which is to wait for the moment to enter the venue. , Don’t look at anything, don’t think about anything, just treat those people as trees or buildings.” Hearing this, Siena Liang was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed again, “Dad, this way… …Really okay?” Zan Lu smiled: “I think it’s okay.” After speaking, he slightly raised his arm, “Come on, we should go in, Axun is still waiting for you.” “Yeah.” The person slowly opened from the inside, Siena Liang took Zan Lu’s arm and followed him towards the inside.

The music was changed the moment the door opened.

Siena Liang didn’t even have the mind to distinguish what song it was. While walking with Zan Lu, he looked at the furnishings in the hall.

Because the whole wedding scene was done by the mother-in-law, even Lawrence Lu hadn’t seen it beforehand.

She is no exception.

She really likes this look today.

The whole audience is in a pink-blue tone, and the colorful hydrogen balloons are all printed with “DL” patterns.

Extending from the red carpet all the way forward, on both sides are styles made of pink roses, and even the red carpet is covered with rose petals.

On the stage in the middle, under the big “DL”, are the wedding photos she and Lawrence Lu took the other day, and below are the names of her and Lawrence Lu.

The twelve-story cake, and the sixty-six-story crystal cup holder… The most important thing is that Lawrence Lu is standing in the middle of the front countertop.

At this moment, he stood facing her and saw her come in. The smile on his face was even more dazzling than the crystal lamp in this hall.

I don’t know why, Siena Liang, who was still nervous before, after seeing Lawrence Lu at this time, the nervousness in his heart disappeared miraculously.

She also looked at Lawrence Lu and smiled at him.

The red carpet is very long, and the distance from end to end is between him and her.

She walked slowly, every step is firm and powerful, but also light.

It was as if it was her previous life. In the 21 years before her, she walked very slowly and not so smoothly, but every step, as it is now, was approaching happiness.

When she got closer, she met him and walked to him.

When Zan Lu handed Siena Liang’s hand to Lawrence Lu’s hand, he nodded deeply towards Lawrence Lu.

Lawrence Lu smiled and said, “Thank you, Dad.” Zan Lu didn’t answer, but turned to Siena Liang and said, “Siena Liang, I am handing your hand to Axun’s hand, but actually, I leave him to you. My son sometimes has bad times. I hope you will bear and contain him. But if he bullies you, you can tell me that I will never condone him.” When Lawrence Lu heard this, he didn’t bluff and retort as usual, but promised Zan Lu: “Dad, don’t worry, I will be good to her.” “Yeah.” Siena Liang was also moved.

If in someone else’s house, whose parents would say such things to their daughter-in-law?

“Dad, don’t worry, we will be fine.” “Good.”

After Zan Lu goes down, what follows is today’s show for the new couple.

First of all, I talked to each other. This time, Lawrence Lu was not at all ambiguous. After receiving the microphone handed by the emcee, he began to say: “Today, first of all thank you all for your busy schedule to attend my wedding with my wife Siena Liang. It is you who witnessed the sacred moment of marriage between my wife and me on a day like today.” “Secondly, I am also very grateful to my parents. They raised me, taught me the principles of life, and gave me meticulous care. , So that I have grown up to this day, no detours, and happy moments like today. They even arranged such a grand wedding scene for me. “In addition, what I want to thank is to stand by my side. My wife.” As he said, he turned his head to look at Siena Liang and smiled at her, then continued, “Before I met her, I never believed in such things as fate. For me, feelings may be very far away.” “But fate is such a wonderful thing, so that two strangers like me and my wife, who had never met before, can meet, know and love each other, and then join hands with each other. Step into the palace of marriage.” “I love my wife. She is gentle and kind, and she can cook well. Maybe she is not the most perfect and outstanding person in the world, but she is me. The one I want most. With her, I will feel peaceful and peaceful, and my life seems to be more and more meaningful. It is her who painted the most dense and gorgeous one in the blank space of my feelings. The pen also makes our home more complete and beautiful.” “I also thank her very much for being willing to be a husband and wife with me, and willing to give her hands to me, so that I can take care of and love her for life.” Everyone was touched by Lawrence Lu’s sincere words from the heart.

Especially Siena Liang, who has already moistened his eyes, and his heart is full of swelling.

So that, when she was holding the microphone to speak, she calmed down for a while before she began to speak-

Chapter 914

“I…” She took a deep breath and quickly glanced at the people under the stage, and she couldn’t help but pursed her lips.

Her hands trembled slightly, and Lawrence Lu didn’t say much, but waited quietly, reaching out to wrap her hands in his palms to give her strength.

Siena Liang looked back at Lawrence Lu, smiled lightly at him, and then turned back, “Hello everyone. I… Actually, I don’t know what I should say now, because in my mind now It’s a blank space.” At this point, no one in the audience looked down on her or laughed, and even clapped to her in unison.

“Thank you.” Siena Liang thanked him softly, thought about it, and then began to say: “In fact, Lawrence Lu, who is my husband just now, was wrong.” As soon as he said this, everyone underneath looked at each other a little.

What does it mean?

Lawrence Lu was calm, without saying anything, not even his facial expression changed.

Siena Liang smiled, “I… actually not as good as what he said. In my opinion, I also have many shortcomings. Sometimes, I often feel that I can be with him. In fact, I have accumulated Many, many years of luck.” “Compared to me, my husband is handsome and capable. The most important thing is that he is very good to me and gave me a warm home that I have always wanted to have. “He said that he didn’t believe in things like fate before. In fact, I didn’t believe it before. However, since meeting him, I not only believe it, but also often feel that God has favored me. Me and him During the time together, he protects me, cares about me, and… loves me.” “I’m really not good, but… I am willing to spend all my years in the future tied to him and love him, Respect him and stay with him until he grows old.” “Also, thank my parents-in-law. Perhaps a word of thanks seems a bit thin, but at a moment like today, I must say the word’thank you’. They They care about me and love me. Together with my husband, they gave me a real home.” After Siena Liang finished speaking, there was another warm applause.

All the new couple wants to say are finished, and then the parents give a speech, and then exchange the ring.

The ring is the “DL” pattern designed by Lawrence Lu himself.

First, Siena Liang put it on Lawrence Lu’s ring finger. After Lawrence Lu put it on Siena Liang, he did not immediately let go. Instead, he took Siena Liang’s hand and held it tightly. Qiang said softly: “My wife, now, I finally got you locked up. From now on, I will always treat you, love you, and protect you with our children.” Sienaqing’s eyes were red. , Nodded heavily.

Wu Pianpian stood aside, not knowing if the music was too sensational, or if she heard the words that Lawrence Lu said was too touching, her eyes were red, and tears came out as soon as her eyes blinked.

She was a little panicked when she realized she was crying.

But there was no tissue for a while, so she had to reach out and wipe it.

Because of the makeup, she didn’t want to mess with the makeup, so she didn’t dare to wipe it casually, just wiped it slightly.

The tears came to her hand, she thought for a while, and finally had to rub it on the little bag she was carrying.

Wiped her hands dry, and when she reached out to wipe her tears again, a neat handkerchief suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Wu Pianpian was taken aback, but still felt relieved.

She was about to say thank you, but she caught a glimpse of the owner of the handkerchief… Looking up, she stared at Brian Zheng twice, but there was no movement in her hand.

The handkerchief that the creditor gave her?

Is she picking up or not?

Thinking of his Rolls Royce… Hey!

This handkerchief was bought for a lot of money, right?

If the handkerchief gets soiled at that time, and he asks her to pay for it, isn’t this adding to her financial burden again?

But… if she doesn’t pick it up, she just wipes with her hands little by little, how long will it take to wipe?

Brian Zheng looked at the little girl next to her with red eyes and teardrops on her face. Her appearance was a bit silly, but she was also pitiful and cute.

It was those big clean and clear eyes, and the mist filled with tears at this time, they were really beautiful.

She was like this… There was a flash of evil in his mind.

If… If he bullied her severely, would she also look at herself with such ignorance and stupidity, and with a little pitiful look in her grievances?

In that case… Cough – can’t think about it anymore!

Brian Zheng’s eyes drooped, and the hand holding the handkerchief was raised slightly, “Use this.” “…” Wu Pianpian pursed her lips, and then instinctively shook her head, “No… no more…” Brian Zheng had such a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, but he still did not show it very well. He only said to Wu Pianpian, “When do you want to use your hand?” Wu Pianpian did not understand what he said… it seemed a little concerned. , With a smell of disgust in it.

What’s the matter, how old is he?

Isn’t it a creditor?

She didn’t say that she wouldn’t pay him, did she?

Why does he speak to himself in this tone?

â•­(╯^â•°)â•® “It doesn’t matter to you!” Wu Pianpian said dullly, then turned his head away.

Brian Zheng was a little helpless, but he didn’t say not to care about her anymore, and said: “Be careful of makeup.” Wu Pianpian also got tempered, “If you don’t want it, don’t.” When it was over, she couldn’t help adding, “I The money owed to you hasn’t been given yet, are you still going to let me buy you a handkerchief?” Brian Zheng didn’t know if he should be angry or should laugh, “I didn’t tell you to buy it for me.” “Then I don’t want it either.” Brian Zheng There is no way, but I don’t want her to stand on the stage and wipe tears.

Although it was tears of happiness for a good friend, he couldn’t see her like this.

Although it’s one thing to provoke people, it’s not something that should happen in front of so many people.

Brian Zheng thought for a while, and didn’t say any more, he just tucked the handkerchief in Wu Pianpian’s hand at once, “Use this! Don’t say no!” “…” Wu Pianpian made a gesture and wanted to return the handkerchief. When I went back, Brian Zheng said, “If you return that thing to me, do you believe it or not I will have you pay me back now?” “(⊙o⊙) Ah!” Wu Pianpian was startled and her eyes widened. “You…” After Brian Zheng finished speaking, he felt that he shouldn’t say that. “If you wipe it, then…” When the words came to his lips, Brian Zheng stopped suddenly and immediately changed his words and said, “I don’t want you to pay now. Me.” When Wu Pianpian heard it, she must have chosen a handkerchief. She is not stupid.

Moreover, she doesn’t know this person either. Who knows if he can do what he says?

“Okay.” Wu Pianpian nodded and asked in a low voice, “You don’t want me to buy it, then…you should be expensive too, right? How can I pay you back then?”

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