Only You Can Be My Wife Chapter 903 – 905

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Chapter 903

Lawrence Lu and his party walked ahead, followed by a long line of mighty motorcades.

When he arrived at Lu Zhai, Lawrence Lu greeted Parisa Song and Zan Lu and ran upstairs in a hurry.

“Siena Liang! Your husband and them are here!” Wu Pianpian was very excited, and as soon as her voice fell, she quickly closed the door.

“Yeah.” Siena Liang also became a little nervous, with a touch of excitement in her heart.

“Huh! Wait a minute to see if your husband is generous,” Wu Pianpian said to Siena Liang, reaching the door panel, “If the red envelopes he gave are too few or too small, look at me today Will you open the door for him?” Siena Liang sat on the edge of the bed and couldn’t help laughing. “What if he doesn’t give it?” “Then he will go to the wedding alone today.” “You bear with me.” See him go alone?” Wu Pianpian pouted her lips and spoke with a little disgust: “Siena, look at you, now you start talking to your husband and helping him. You can’t go out to work for the past year. Yes, I’ll wait for the red envelopes I want. It’s a big deal to wait for half of you. When you have pocket money, you can buy whatever you want, how great!” “He will give it.” Siena Liang told the truth.

Wu Pianpian listened, and couldn’t help but exhale heavily, “You…” “Bangbang-” A moderately powerful knock on the door sounded, followed by Lawrence Lu’s voice-“My wife, I’m here to pick you up.” Hearing this, Siena Liang’s heart jumped, looking at the direction of the door, the smile on his face suddenly increased.

Wu Pianpian stretched out his hand and waved, and whispered: “Calm down!” “…” “Wife!” “Your wife said, if you want to enter the door, you can give a red envelope.” Wu Pianpian said loudly.

When Lawrence Lu outside the door heard the voice, he didn’t think much about it, but said, “You open the door first, and I will give it to you in person.”

“No! Give it now. Who knows if you will give it after you open the door?” “I speak up!” Wu Pianpian didn’t listen, “You can stuff the red envelope under the door.” After that, she said. I didn’t forget to add, “You need more red envelopes and a large number, otherwise, I won’t open the door.” Outside the door, Solan Bai looked at Lawrence Lu amusedly, “Axun, are you bringing enough red envelopes today? Bride? My son’s bridesmaid doesn’t seem to be so persuasive. If you don’t bring enough red envelopes, you may not be able to get in today.” Lu Xiaoran also smiled lightly while looking at Lawrence Lu, and for a while, he also thought about joking. “Axun, if you don’t bring enough, I have some cash here, should I lend you first?” He made up another dollar as soon as he finished speaking, “However, the interest is a bit high. You have to think about it first. “Brian Zheng stood aside and said nothing, staring lightly at the door panel, pursing his thin lips slightly.

Lawrence Lu snorted, “Don’t worry, I haven’t eaten pork. Haven’t I seen a pig running?” Then, he took out a big red envelope from his pocket, “Look, it’s just a lot more!” Humph!

Xiaoye, at any rate, is also the master of many years in the business world, and he still has this knowledge.

Wu Pianpian did not see the red envelope for a long time, so she opened her mouth again: “Eh! Bridegroom officer, are you withdrawing money now? Hurry up!” “Come on! Take it!” Lawrence Lu shouted, and then began to stuff. money.

Sometimes, the red envelope is too big, which is not good.

The red envelope is too bulging, but the seam is too small to be inserted at all.

“Or, you’d better open the door, it won’t stop at all.” “Um…” Wu Pianpian choked.

I can’t give the red envelope, what should I do?

Can’t you really let Lawrence Lu and the others come in?

She looked back, and finally shouted to the door panel: “Then you throw in through the window!” From the window?

Lawrence Lu thought for a while and couldn’t help clenching his fists.

His bedroom here is on the second floor, and there are no trees outside the balcony. Is it possible that he should be dropped off?

That annoying Wu Pianpian is really bad water!

I knew she was so annoying, what car did he drive today?

Just get a helicopter to save trouble!

Otherwise, let him climb the wall with a hemp rope on his body, does he want to lose face?

(ー`”²ãƒ¼) “This is not the first floor.” “I know.”

“So, how do you tell me to throw it?” Wu Pianpian held back a smile, “That’s what you should think of.” “…” Siena Liang helplessly, persuaded: “Pian Pian, or… just like that Right?” Wu Pianpian shook her head, “Just leave it alone.” Speaking of which, this was the first time she was so bold in front of Lawrence Lu.

In the past, when did she feel restrained when she met him?

This time, thanks to Siena’s blessing, she had such a good opportunity.

Hehehe, I feel so happy when I think of it!

Lawrence Lu was about to freak out, Solan Bai suffocated a smile, “Axun, do you want me to find a rope for you?” Brian Zheng also smiled softly, no longer being silent.

“Xiaobai, you bad friend!” Lawrence Lu said dissatisfied, “You don’t know how to think of a good way for me, you know how to come up with these untuned tricks, are you interesting?” Solan Bai raised his eyebrows. Or else, did you open this door?” “Forget it.” Lawrence Lu said grimly, “My little master, come by yourself!” After speaking, Lawrence Lu randomly opened a few of the red envelopes in his hand, and the rest was left. His transfer was stuffed into Brian Zheng’s hand, and then the red banknotes were stuffed in the door.

Wu Pianpian was depressed, she had seen this for the first time.

But…Looking at the thick door panels and the tiny cracks… Forget it!

That’s all there is.

After all, it would be unrealistic for Lawrence Lu to climb in through the window.

“The rest, I’ll give you the rest when you open the door. This is too time-consuming.” Wu Pianpian smiled and counted the money, her heart is beautiful, she has a lot of these.

I knew that being a bridesmaid could make so much money. What kind of part-time job would she go for? Wouldn’t it be enough to be a bridesmaid?

“But you can, but only one copy?” “…” Lawrence Lu said silently, “I won’t say anything, you will give the rest until you come out.” “No,” Wu Pianpian said, “I mean Siena Liang will not say anything, anyway, you have already obtained the certificate. But don’t you still have children? He wants it too.” Siena Liang was taken aback and shook his head with a smile.

Is there such a statement?

Lawrence Lu was also crazy when he heard that, his son also wanted a red envelope?

Are you kidding me?

However, in order for him to enter the door as soon as possible, he still… had to endure it.


He thought for a while, took out a black card from the wallet, leaned over and stuffed the black card through the door, “Is that all right?” Wu Pianpian kept staring at the door. Seeing the black card she had heard in the legend, her eyes widened.

She had learned a little bit about this kind of thing before. Lawrence Lu stuffed it in. It seemed that it was the DB First Royal Credit Card, which had no limit requirements.

“That’s it?” Wu Pianpian swallowed her saliva and picked up the card.

Lawrence Lu did not answer directly, but asked loudly: “Wife, do you think this is okay? My son agreed? I really don’t want to climb the window! And, this one is better than a red envelope!” Wu Pianpian smiled and took it. Holding the card to Siena Liang’s side, she whispered: “Siena Liang, you earned it, Hei Kaye! Hei Ka!” Ma Dan really made her jealous!

Holding this card, although it is not hers, at this moment, she feels that she can buy the sense of expansion of the entire world!

“Then… do you want to open the door now?” Siena Liang looked at Wu Pianpian and asked, “Should we wait a little longer?” Wu Pianpian frowned, “Forget it, if this goes on, your husband should probably do it. He’s going crazy. Besides, he’s really right. This card is better than a red envelope. Human, just know that it’s enough?” “Yeah.” Wu Pianpian smiled playfully at Siena Liang, just as she was about to open the door , She suddenly changed her mind again, “This is not enough!” “What?” “Wait!”

Chapter 904

Siena Liang hadn’t understood what it meant by coming to Wu Pianpian, he saw that Wu Pianpian had already walked to the door and shouted to the door panel: “Groom officer, we have received your sincerity, and we are still quite satisfied. But, take it. I need you to answer the next few questions.” “…” Lawrence Lu stood outside the door. Although he didn’t know what medicine Wu Pianpian sold in this gourd, he still said, “Okay, you ask!” “Cough. !” Wu Pianpian coughed lightly, “Do you love Siena Liang?” “…” Lawrence Lu frowned depressed. What is the problem?

If he doesn’t love that little carrot head, what can he do?

“Why don’t you answer? Does this question still need to be considered?” Wu Pianpian asked.

Siena Liang was also stunned, but still stared at the door tightly, expecting Lawrence Lu’s answer.

Although he has mentioned this problem more than once, it seems that today is different from before.

Not only are there more people around, but also because today is a special day.

At the door of the room, Solan Bai touched Lawrence Lu’s shoulder, and whispered: “What are you doing in a daze? Are you still getting embarrassed by this question?” Lawrence Lu whispered unhappy: “You don’t even look at this. What are the questions that are asked, do I still need to say such an answer?” It is ridiculous!

â•­(╯^â•°)â•® “Then you have to answer,” Solan Bai said again, “Otherwise, do you still want to pick up the bride?” Lawrence Lu exhaled, “You are so reasonable. “After speaking, he shouted in the direction of the bedroom, “Love!” Siena Liang listened and couldn’t help but smile, her face was shy, but also happy.

Wu Pianpian made an “OK” gesture to Siena Liang, and continued to ask: “Then after you get married, will you treat her well?” Lawrence Lu was depressed, isn’t this nonsense to ask?

If he is good to the little carrot head, who is he good to?

This time, it was Brian Zheng who spoke, “I’m asking you, talk!” Upon hearing this, Lawrence Lu glanced at Brian Zheng in an angry way, and thought: Look!

Before this horoscope was written, I helped others to speak, virtue!

However, in order to enter the house earlier, Lawrence Lu had to answer: “Yes!” “If you have any conflicts or quarrels in the future, will you let Siena Liang be allowed?” “Yes!” Every time, he answered well. It was so brief, Wu Pianpian was a little unhappy, “Your answer is too simple, we can’t see your sincerity!” Lawrence Lu closed his eyes, numb!

Is his answer not good enough?

This time there is no pause at all, okay?

Not satisfied yet?

However, on a day like today, if he is not tossed, who else can be tossed?

So… bear it.

Lu Xiaoran looked at Lawrence Lu with a calm face, forced a smile, and turned his head to the side.

Solan Bai raised his chin, “What are you doing? When someone asks you to be sincere, you can show your sincerity.” “…” “Say more, you won’t die!”

Lawrence Lu grinds his teeth, and this completes his answer just now: “My wife is in my heart, and I will try not to have this opportunity with her. Of course, even if there is one, I will be the first to give it up. She, wait for everyone to calm down, and then we will communicate well.” “Communication?” Wu Pianpian snorted, “You are a simple husband, you upset her, isn’t it because of your problem?” Lawrence Lu Shen He took a breath, “Elder sister, can you justify something? What if it’s my wife’s fault?” “That doesn’t exist at all!” Wu Pianpian continued, “Because, first, you must always uphold that your wife will always be Right. Second, even if you are really doing something wrong as a wife, then you should be wrong or thinking wrong. Third, even if you are not mistaken or thinking wrong, as long as the wife doesn’t recognize it. , Then it’s right to be a wife. Fourth, if there is a dispute, and the wife says that she is not wrong, but you insist on saying that she did something wrong, then it’s your fault. Fifth, the wife does it for marriage If you make a compromise and admit your mistake, when your husband can’t care about and blame, if you don’t think about it, you can refer to the first one.” Lawrence Lu outside the door opened his eyes wide.

This kind of statement…hehehe, is it an unequal treaty?

Although he will definitely do the same at that time, it really feels a bit awkward to be told by other people?

And there are several ugly things standing beside him.

(ˇ?ˇ) Solan Bai and Lu Xiaoran looked at each other, their eyes were smiling.

Brian Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked down at the carpet under his feet, his lips slightly hooked.

What to do, she is so cute because she is arrogant.

Lawrence Lu inhaled again, “Agree!” “Just agree.” Wu Pianpian smiled and nodded, “Also, now in this world, things outside are very good, you can guarantee that you will treat Siena for the rest of your life and will not betray her. Is it?” This time, Lawrence Lu did not hesitate or pause, and said directly: “No! In my life, Lawrence Lu only loves Siena Liang, and I will never betray her!” Wu Pianpian turned around, yes. Siena Liang smiled and asked whether Siena Liang was still satisfied with his eyes.

Siena Liang pressed her lips tightly, her eyes were red and did not speak.

Lawrence Lu did not see a voice coming from the room for a long time, regardless of face-saving, “My wife, I love you! I will be good to you all my life, and only good to you! You open the door quickly. Or, you still If you have any requirements, I will promise you!”

With this shout, the three men standing next to him all laughed, and Brian Zheng snorted in contempt: “Virtue!” Lawrence Lu gave him a blank look, “You don’t understand!” You old bachelor!

Siena Liang heard it, his eyes were swollen, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something.

Does Lawrence Lu still not understand him?

In normal times, except for his family or his friends, he really doesn’t like to talk too much.

Today, he not only said so much, but also guaranteed so much, but it was really rare in front of so many people.

He loves her, she knows, just as she loves him as much, even more.

Now, it’s enough trouble and enough talk, she doesn’t want to watch him waiting outside all the time.

“Pianpian…” Siena Liang raised his head slightly and sniffed gently, not wanting to let herself cry. “Open the door, it’s okay.” Wu Pianpian also felt that it was almost done, and now she sees Siena again. Qian’s appearance also knew that he couldn’t make noise anymore.

Otherwise, Siena is so beautiful today, if she really cries, the makeup will not look good.

“Okay!” “Wait a minute!”

Chapter 905

Wu Pianpian wondered, “What’s wrong? Is there anything else left?” Siena Liang smiled and shook his head, “No.” “What is that?” “I…” Siena Liang smiled, “I’ll do it myself .” Outside that door, stood the one she cherished.

That person is the one who wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

He is her husband and the father of her children, her hope and happiness.

So, she wanted to go by herself.

Maybe this may not be compliant, but she doesn’t care.

That door of happiness, it is best for her to open it.

Wu Pianpian also somewhat understood Siena Liang’s intentions, and did not say much. After nodding, she walked over to support Siena Liang, but after Siena Liang stood up, she did not follow. .

Because, there are some things that she should not participate in.

Siena Liang stood by the door, after taking a deep breath, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, and then raised her hand to touch the doorknob… “Are you here?” The voice was soft and gentle Sweetness.

Her eyebrows are curved, like two bright and beautiful crescents.

Those big eyes seemed to be filled with stars.

Lawrence Lu was still standing at the door anxiously waiting for Wu Pianpian to open the door for him. As soon as he heard the sound of the door lock turning, he was about to rush into the room, only to see the person opening the door.

For a while, he couldn’t help being a little stunned.

He didn’t expect that little carrot head would personally open the door for him, and he didn’t expect her to look so good today.

He had seen her put on makeup before.

When wearing dresses and skirts, when I went to take wedding photos the other day, I also saw her look when she put on makeup and in a wedding dress, but he always had the illusion that every time she was at that time, She is not as good as she is today.

“Wife…” Brian Zheng, Solan Bai, and Lu Xiaoran were still standing beside Lawrence Lu, but at this moment, Siena Liang seemed to see only Lawrence Lu alone.

Today, he is wearing a black formal suit with a white shirt inside and a dark blue bow tie.

Under my feet are a pair of shiny black leather shoes, and my hair is also very stylish.

She has always known that he is handsome and beautiful, but today he, in her opinion, really confirms that sentence-Young Master Pian Pian, gentle and moist.

“Yeah.” Siena Liang smiled and nodded, then stretched out his right hand towards Lawrence Lu.

When Lawrence Lu saw it, he hurriedly reached out and squeezed Siena Liang’s hand tightly on his palm.

“Almost thought you wouldn’t open the door for me.” Lawrence Lu, regardless of whether someone was standing there, leaned over and printed a soft k!ss on Siena Liang’s forehead, “You are so beautiful today.” Siena Liang’s small face Faint red, “You are also very handsome today.” Solan Bai turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Brian Zheng, but Brian Zheng, who was standing by the doorway wall, smiled and replied with his eyes: People are getting married today, so they won’t make people feel tired. ?

“Let’s go, let’s go first.” Lawrence Lu said.

“Okay.” Wu Pianpian had already ducked behind the door when Siena Liang went to open the door. After all, the door was closed just now, so she didn’t need to be afraid.

But once the door is opened, who knows if Lawrence Lu will attack her or say something cruel?

Even if he gave her a sharp look, she was afraid she would not be able to bear it.

People like Lawrence Lu are people who haven’t received this kind of treatment.

She did that a while ago, and after thinking about it, she still felt that she was indeed a lot more courageous today, and she also completely let her go.

Now, the flying is flying, and it is really difficult to fly down.

Now that Lawrence Lu had no time to take care of her, and proposed to take Siena Liang away, she was temporarily relieved.

Why is it temporarily relieved?

Isn’t she afraid that Lawrence Lu has no time to care about her now?

So, why should she make herself feel better and not let Lawrence Lu do anything when the time comes, she has to behave better.

So, as soon as she heard it, she ran out from behind the door panel, bent over and hugged the tail of Siena Liang’s wedding dress.

Wei Wei buried her head, trying to minimize her presence.

Siena Liang saw it and said, “Pianpian, no, it’s okay.” The tail of this wedding dress is not very long, so it doesn’t need to be like this at all.

Wu Pianpian still buried his head, “It’s okay, it’s easier for you to walk.” Lawrence Lu stared at the back of Wu Pianpian’s head and raised his eyebrows, “No need, can you go by yourself?” “Huh?” Wu Pianpian was startled. , I quickly raised my head and took a look at Lawrence Lu. She was surprised to see what she had done, smirked, and then quickly buried her head.

“She doesn’t have to walk.” Lawrence Lu explained lightly.

“Huh?” This time, Siena Liang was surprised. “Why?” Lawrence Lu smiled and said to Siena Liang: “Fool, which bride have you ever seen walked out by herself?” “So?” Lawrence Lu didn’t. Speaking, he just leaned over and gently hugged Siena Liang horizontally, and hugged the princess properly.

Siena Liang pursed her lips and smiled without pretending to be affectionate. She stretched out her hand to circle Lawrence Lu’s neck.

Lawrence Lu immediately turned and went out.

When Wu Pianpian saw this, she was stunned for a moment, but immediately followed up in the next second.

Although she only saw two of the best man at the door, she didn’t know any of them.

Moreover, when she thought of what she had just said, her heart was not at ease, so when she went out, she buried her head all the way, and did not dare to raise her head.

Therefore, she also succeeded in not seeing someone standing by the doorway… Siena Liang was carried into the wedding car by Lawrence Lu. At that moment, her feelings were complicated.

The weather today is good and the sun is good.

She looked out the window, at the sky, and said silently in her heart: Mom and Dad, today, your daughters are getting married.

Although you can’t come, you should all have seen it, right?

Next, I hope you can let me and this person next to me stay together for a long time and grow old.

“What are you thinking about?” Lawrence Lu asked softly, holding her gently with one hand.

“I just want to, if my parents are still…that’s fine.” Lawrence Lu thought for a while, “Didn’t I tell you the other day? You are not suitable for going too far now, let alone It’s suitable for mountain climbing. So, we’ll wait for a while, and when you give birth, we will go together. Huh?” Siena Liang nodded, “I know. I just feel a little regretful.” “My parents must know. They will definitely look at us in a place we don’t know.” Siena Liang felt much better when he heard Lawrence Lu say that. The most important thing was that he called them: parents.

“So, be happy, today is our wedding.” “Yeah.”

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