Only You Can Be My Wife Chapter 114 – 116

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Chapter 114

Let’s Eat Together In the huge office, only Lawrence Lu is left facing the computer, thinking about something.

His expression looked a bit serious and a bit tangled.

Looking at the top-ranked restaurant names on the computer, he really got annoyed the more he read them.

Thinking of what Li Song had just said, he stroked his hair irritably.

Do you like her?


In detail, given the fact that she gave him clothes, he was quite happy.

Especially when she heard yesterday that it was the first thing she wanted to buy after paying her salary, he can still clearly remember his mood at that time, very happy, very excited, and a little touched.

But if you want to say something else, if you think about it, it seems to be gone.

Like it?

Thinking of this, he immediately rejected it.

That short and thin woman like a small carrot head, where is the type he likes?

He frowned and thought for a while, although he felt that he was usually good to her, she was quite obedient, but he wouldn’t be annoying.

Of course, she also did something to him that moved her, such as the old Wu’s land and the clothes this time… But it can’t be said that you like it, right?

I just don’t like it

For some reason, he felt relieved after he didn’t like her.

Thinking of this, he let out a big sigh, the whole person became energetic, and the entanglement that had just been crawling on his face disappeared, replaced by a relaxed smile.


This is what it should be!

Isn’t it a good idea to be a nice and polite friend under one roof?

Whether you like this kind of ghost or not, forget it, hey!

The previous self, because of that person’s relationship, he had longed for love, but what he could get was just waiting and sadness again and again, until in the end, he completely gave up.

Thanks to that person, he doesn’t want to touch feelings anymore in his life.

Feelings will make you happy when sweet, as if you are in a honeypot; but once it gets bitter, it will make you feel better than death.

So, like, love, these things are better.

As for the future… he and Siena Liang may also have a child, and their parents are getting older day by day, and the idea of holding grandchildren is getting stronger.

In fact, he didn’t like children at all, so noisy, so noisy, and annoying.

Even if you have a child, wouldn’t it be nice for him and Siena Liang to respect each other like a guest under the same roof?

He thought that his whole life would be so boring, so nothing new.

But what he didn’t know was that in the near future, he not only touched love, but even loved the child who belonged to him and her, deeply into his bones.

After a while, he shook his head, forced himself not to think about these silly things, cursed a few words in a low voice, and after smoking a cigarette again, he finally returned to the unruly appearance of Master Lu.

I took the phone, pulled out Siena Liang’s WeChat, and sent a voice over–”Siena Liang, what are you doing? What time do you get off work?” Li Song was right, no matter what the psychology is, even just ordinary friends After receiving a gift from someone, it should be a meal.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no reply. He frowned and raised his lips in dissatisfaction, “Damn, how busy are you? People who don’t know think you are meeting with the country’s leaders, huh!” He said, but he called her again, but the result was the same, no answer.

And Siena Liang, who was so busy with Yishang over there, didn’t know someone was calling him at this time.

Recently, Yishang has not only been busy with clothing conferences, but also received several big orders from celebrities. She will ask those celebrities for their opinions later, reply to the designer later, and clean up… In short, she is like a spinning top. I was so busy that I couldn’t even drink the water.

I don’t know that after a long time, when she was washing the cups in the pantry, Sha Sha came over, “Siena, I just heard the phone ringing in your cabinet, would you like to pick it up?” “Really?” Siena Lightly smiled, “I’ll go after washing, thank you Shasha.” “It’s okay. But your phone has been ringing for a long time, I don’t know if there is an emergency, you go quickly.” “Okay.” Wait for Siena Liang After washing the cups, he folded and walked to the lounge.

As soon as I walked into the lounge, I heard her mobile phone ringing.

She opened the cabinet and took out the phone. She saw that it was Lawrence Lu. She curled her mouth and slid the call button. “Hello?” Lawrence Lu, who had made five consecutive calls and was unanswered, had already swam. Walking on the edge of anger.

For the first three times, he still felt that it didn’t matter, but by the time he made the fourth call, his patience had slowly faded.

For the fifth time, he grinned his teeth, thinking that if she didn’t pick up again, the meal would be avoided.

But after thinking about it, he still called her again ten minutes after the fifth time there was no answer.

Seeing that the phone was about to be automatically hung up, her soft voice came from the receiver.

Lawrence Lu didn’t think that he would get through the phone this time. He was stunned. He said with dissatisfaction: “Siena Liang, do you want to die? Do you know how long I have called you?” Siena Liang did not agree. Not happy without his yelling, instead he lowered his eyebrows and apologized to him, “Sorry, I was busy just now, and the phone is in the cabinet, I don’t know…” Lawrence Lu was extremely upset before she finished her words. He said: “Busy? What’s so busy about your messy work? Is it interesting that you can’t make a lot of money after a tired dog?” Siena Liang on the other end of the phone didn’t seem to want to talk to him about this topic, “You Call me, is there anything wrong?” Lawrence Lu heard this and didn’t know how to answer the call.

I just thought it was nothing, but now it is awkward and embarrassing to ask him to tell her to go out for dinner, he can’t open this mouth.

“That…you…” “What?”

He patted his forehead depressedly, and blurted out, “Where did you put my white socks?” “Are you at home now? Which pair of white socks? I put all your socks on your watch. Under that drawer, you can open it up and look for it yourself.” “Oh.” “Then I hang up? I’m still a bit busy here. By the way, do you have anything you want to eat today? If you have one, post it later. I’m on WeChat and I’ll buy it after work.” He replied dullly: “Oh.” “Bye.” “Eh! Wait!” He had to hang up when he saw her. He didn’t care about that much. Shout out.

“What?” “Let’s have a meal together.” In this sentence, he said a little vaguely, and spoke a little faster.

“Huh?” Lawrence Lu closed his eyes and decided to go out. “I mean, I don’t need to buy food at night. How about going out to eat?”

Chapter 115

Warnia sat in the corner wearing sunglasses, raising her hand from time to time to look at her watch.

There are melodious and beautiful piano music in the coffee shop, but she has no mood to appreciate it, but her heart is even more irritable.

Perhaps because of the longer waiting time, her lips with brick red lipstick stretched a little tight.

The coffee has already reached the bottom, and even after drinking three cups of coffee, she is not in the mood to refill it.

It was half past three, and she had been sitting here for two hours, but the people she was waiting for had not yet come.

Patience was exhausted, she picked up the phone and dialed out.

Not long after the phone was connected, she hurriedly asked, “Isn’t it two o’clock? Why haven’t you come?” The person on the other side of the phone answered casually, “I suddenly remembered that there is something else, and I can’t come today. .” Anything else?

Can’t come?

Warnia heard it and wanted to swear.

Even if you can’t come, can’t you call her and let her know?

She is waiting here like a fool. Is Warnia a monkey?

But she also knew that it was not the time to lose her temper, so she took a few deep breaths, and when the anger in her heart subsided a little, she forced herself to laugh abruptly, “So that’s it? You know, too. , Some things will be clearer to say in person…”

“Is there anything that is clear or unclear? I know Liang Daxing is anxious, but you can rest assured that I will not delay what should be done.” “Well, with your words, I can rest assured.” That person seemed too lazy. Talking nonsense with her, impatiently, “Okay, let’s do it.” Warnia changed her mind and said anxiously: “Ke, although that didn’t work out, you have to know that we are still on the same front. Companion.” “I see, why are you going.” Hanging up the phone, Warnia angrily dropped the phone into the sofa chair, “Wang Keer, you b!tch!” grabbed the handbag. Ready to leave, before standing up, the phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Shayne Liang calling. She answered with a little annoyance, “Dad, what annoys you…what? I’ll come right now!” Pushing open the door of the chairman’s office, Warnia hurriedly He rushed in, “Dad, what is going on?” Shayne Liang was pacing back and forth anxiously, holding a half-smoking cigarette in his hand, the anxiety and tension on his face were obvious.

Although she had just taught Warnia two days ago, it was her own daughter.

Now, when Warnia came, he seemed to see hope, and his face was a little better, “Warnia, you are here.” “Dad, you said, what’s the matter?” Warnia walked over and sat down. On the guest sofa, he said anxiously, “What do you mean by the trouble you just mentioned on the phone? Is it about money?” “No.” Shayne Liang shook his head, “This time the trouble is big.” Warnia listened. , I couldn’t help but “cock” a jump.

Since Siena Liang’s father, her second uncle, died, the Liang family has been managed by Shayne Liang.

In the past ten years, he has seen big winds and waves, and he has cultivated his mood.

But today, he said that there was trouble, and that trouble must not be that simple.

“Did Lawrence Lu come to trouble us again? Or the bank didn’t give us the loan?” “Hey!” The cigarette had already been smoked, and Shayne Liang lighted himself another one. “It’s not these things.” “That’s it. What?” Warnia panicked, “Is our company really going to go bankrupt?” At this moment, looking at Shayne Liang’s bored expression, she really realized the reaction of her mother in the first two days- ”•

Their family, who looked forward to the stars and the moon, finally got the Liang family, and she became the daughter of the Liang family.

This is only three months, so why is it bankrupt?

What if it really goes bankrupt?

She can’t accept the script now, and the previous commercials have been taken off the shelves. She can’t make any money. If Liang goes bankrupt again… Shayne Liang has a headache, “If it’s really bankrupt, it’s okay, anyway, these things really don’t belong. We. We have been living for such a good life for so long, and we are considered contented. Even if it is bankrupt, these relationships that I manage to rely on flying with the other side, can we not make a comeback?” “Not this, What is that?” Warnia can’t even think about what to do if the Liang family is really bankrupt. She asked anxiously, “That’s Lawrence Lu? Did he threaten your father?” “No!” Shayne Liang rubbed. He rubbed his painful eyebrows, “It’s the company we cooperated with in the UK, saying that we used banned chemicals on our clothes… Now we are going to sue us.” “What?” Warnia shook her head, “No. Our clothes are designed by ourselves, and even the fabrics are produced by ourselves. How could it happen? Did they make a mistake?” The Liang family started from only the tailor shop of Liang Shiqing and his wife, and then gradually expanded the scale and even When they set up their own company, the quality of their clothes is nothing to say.

Especially afterwards, Liang Shiqing felt that their business volume was very large. If the fabrics were produced by themselves, it would reduce a lot of expenses.

Liang’s textile business has been in business for more than ten years. How could this happen?

By now, Shayne Liang no longer concealed anything. He sighed weakly, “We did use it. As early as a few years ago, I saw that the production cost of our fabric was high, and I wanted to make some changes. Plus. Later, there were a lot of fabrics that we couldn’t achieve the expected results, so I discussed with Manager Luo, who is in charge of textiles, and added something.” Shayne Liang finished speaking, frowned again, “It shouldn’t be reasonable. In the UK, because of the long-term cooperation and the large order, we also made preparations in advance. You know, our clothes all need to be inspected, and I have benefited from those who are responsible for inspecting us. There is no problem with the report form. In order to prevent another inspection in the UK, I have tasted the sweetness of the people in the partner company who are responsible for receiving the goods. These years have been smooth, why suddenly say that we are not qualified?”

Warnia didn’t want to go into these issues at all, she just asked worriedly: “Dad, if they really want to sue you, what will happen?” “He…” Shayne Liang smiled bitterly, “What else? Those chemicals have long been there. It’s disabled, but I still use it. The UK will ask for damages, not to mention…” “What will happen to you?” “…The worst result is…I’m afraid I will stay in it for the rest of my life.” “No!” Warnia was also worried, and persuaded in a panic, “Dad, don’t worry, let’s find a way! Didn’t you also say that you have something to do with you over the years? I will discuss with Fei colleagues again… …Yes! I’m looking for Robert!” After she finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone from her bag in a panic and dialed Robert Zhao’s phone number–“Robert, it’s me…” ———– –

Chapter 116

The impulse is indeed the devil standing downstairs of the hotel Lawrence Lu said, Siena Liang was a little excited and a little nervous.

She had just received that call from him, and she was a little confused at the time.

After hanging up the phone for a while, she reacted-he asked her to eat!

He even asked her to eat out!

This seems to be the first time they have been acquainted with each other for so long, eating out alone, and it was his initiative.

The little joys and surprises that couldn’t be erased deep in her heart made her feel excited and happy until now.

After get off work, she wanted to go home to change her clothes, but there was no time, so she gave up.

Afraid that Lawrence Lu was upset after waiting for a long time, she even wasted a handful for the first time-taking a taxi.

Now that she was downstairs, she had already entered the lobby, and after walking a few steps, she retreated.

After looking around and making sure that he didn’t see anyone he knew, he ran to the side secretly.

Facing the glass, she drew her hair against the shadow inside, and tugged at her compassionate body. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, she took a deep breath and turned and walked towards the lobby.

I took the elevator to the third floor, just five o’clock, and not many people came to eat.

Almost as soon as she entered the restaurant, she saw Lawrence Lu sitting by the window.

He sat slantingly on the chair, with one hand on the back of the chair, and a cigarette in the other on the table.

At this time, the sunlight was not very strong, a faint light sprinkled on his body, and the smoke was gently circling around his fingertips.

He looked out the window without knowing what he was thinking, and frowned slightly.

But even so, it’s still pretty bad.

“Miss, do you have a seat reservation?” The waiter of the restaurant came up and asked politely.

Siena Liang nodded, “Yes, I’ll just go by myself.” “Okay.” In fact, Lawrence Lu was still entangled in his heart at this time.

I don’t know what kind of wind I was on, but he actually listened to what Li Song said and asked that little carrot head out for dinner.

After calling her, he came here directly with the impulse that had not dissipated in his heart.

But as time passed, the more irritable he became.

How embarrassing to see her later!

Because of what happened last night, although he agreed to reconcile with her, he felt uncomfortable again when he finished the meal she brought in the basket.

Thinking of how proud his little master is, how handsome and how mighty and handsome he is like a god, her own face was lost in front of her, not to mention, she actually pretended to be a magnanimous one who didn’t know him. He seemed to make a settlement with him… Hahaha!

Doesn’t this mean that he has a small belly, narrow-minded mind, and lack of tolerance?

It’s… shameful!

However, he really couldn’t get angry again.

Before going to bed last night, he took off his shirt, hung it in the closet carefully, and even took the bowl he had just eaten to the bathroom to clean it.

Because I feel awkward, I feel unsure of sleeping.

Before dawn, he woke up.

Lying on the bed alone, staring at the ceiling for an hour, the little entanglement in his heart has not disappeared.

When Siena Liang’s little carrot head gets up, will it be embarrassing to see her?

Because of this little entanglement, he finally got up and changed his clothes in a hurry, then went downstairs gently, opened the door, and drove to the company to work!

When passing by the front desk of the company, the two little girls at the front desk were talking without paying attention to him. He also heard what they were saying because of this – “This dress on you looks so beautiful, did you just buy it? “The other little girl said shyly, “Well, my boyfriend bought it for me on a business trip.”

“Wow, so happy! Would you please give me a boyfriend like this?” “Oh, don’t laugh at me.” He was still expressionless, and he scorned it indifferently when he heard this. At the corner of his lips, I thought: Humph!

What’s so great about the new clothes?

I have new clothes too!

The little girl at the front desk spotted him and stood up timidly and greeted him, “Hello, President.” “Morning, President.” He stopped, nodded faintly, and looked at the one wearing the new clothes. The little girl has two eyes-ugly style!

The texture does not look good!

It’s still his new clothes that are relatively good.

Having reached this conclusion, his handsome face suddenly felt like a spring breeze, and he took the president’s elevator upstairs lightly.

He was happy because of his new clothes. Later, he thought that other people’s new clothes were sent by his boyfriend. He didn’t know what the little carrot head meant when he gave him clothes.

I struggled and irritated for a long time, but I couldn’t figure out why.

So, there was something later… Time passed so little, and the entanglement in his heart became more and more vigorous. Will it be uncomfortable to meet Siena Liang later?


The impulse really is the devil!

Looking at the sky outside, he raised his hand and looked at his watch again.

Well, at five and two, she should be still on the road at this time, right?

If he leaves now… Hmm!

Go now!

The idea was determined, he threw half of his cigarettes into the ashtray on the table, and stood up to leave.

“Lawrence Lu, I’m sorry, our studio is a bit busy these days.” A soft voice came from beside him.

Lawrence Lu was shocked, because of this voice, his tall body staggered.

After he stood firmly, he slowly looked at the person who appeared beside him, with a guilty conscience and panic on his face.

With a light cough, to alleviate his embarrassment at this time, he tried to make a calm expression of “I am normal, I can’t be more normal”, “Come?” Now he wants to go and go. Not anymore.

“Well, when did you arrive?” Lawrence Lu did not answer, feeling a little depressed and had to sit back again.

After he sat down, seeing that she was still standing there, he glanced at her dissatisfiedly, “What are you doing standing stupid? Sit!” “Oh.” Siena Liang sneered and sat down opposite him.

I vaguely realized that he was not in a good mood, and thought it was because he disliked her for coming late, “Um…have you been waiting for a long time? I don’t know what happened today. Before the peak off work, the road started to be blocked. Hearing what she said, he glanced at her again to make sure she didn’t laugh at him because of yesterday’s events. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately felt aura.

“Traffic jam? Are you taking the bus again?” “No, taxi.” “Oh.” He nodded, and the next second, he stared at her displeasedly, “Don’t you know if you have a car at home?” That…” Siena Liang touched his nose and said embarrassedly, “I…I won’t.” “What?!” He pressed his fist to his forehead depressed, “Siena Liang, you are still under ten. Is an eight-year-old underage? Can’t drive a car? What do you think you can do besides reading? Huh?” Siena Liang shrank his neck, his face flushed suddenly.

Seeing her like that, he suddenly became speechless. He couldn’t say anything he wanted to laugh at. In the end, he just waved his hand irritably, “Forget it, what do you want to eat?”

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