Only You Can Be My Wife Chapter 1056 – 1058

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Chapter 1056

Solan Bai murmured, the voice was so small that only he could hear it.

He was afraid that he would shout loudly, and frightened the people in front of him. Maybe… he was also afraid of pulling himself back to God.

He wanted to step forward quickly and see what was going on, but he was afraid that he was empty and happy.

He stood there, looking at the familiar figure in front of him, and his heart was overwhelmed with excitement and tension, as well as a little bit of fear.

Well, it’s scary.

He was afraid that he had read the wrong thing again… Until the figure disappeared at the corner, Solan Bai shook his head and walked forward.

This is not a long time, only he can understand his mood.

He thought, no matter what, you have to go up and have a look, what if…what if it is really her?

When he chased the corner, he had disappeared.

He looked around again, but still didn’t see it.

After chasing all the way downstairs to find another circle, the loss in his heart is even greater.


Nothing at all!

Standing in the empty dam, the night wind was a bit strong, and he felt that not only his body was cold, but his heart was cold.

He only slept for an hour last night because he was busy with business affairs. He was so tired that he was dazzled?

After a long while, he opened his lips and smiled slightly, mocking his stupidity.

It will be three years now, how could the fact that he had already accepted it change?

He turned around and prepared to go to the hospital again. After a flash of light, he stopped his figure again, even breathing.

At the side of the pavilion where the hospital provided everyone with rest, the figure he had just seen appeared again.

She was facing herself, and the sky had already darkened. In addition, the lights were not very bright, and there were trees and pavilions around her, and because the distance was not too close, he could not see clearly.

Even so, he was sure that it was the sky star.

He pinched his palm vigorously, and just about to rush forward, he saw her smile in his direction, and then shook his head slightly.

He stared, before he understood what it meant, when a strong wind blew, sand was lost.

He squinted his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, the figure beside the pavilion was gone… “Sister, I think I’m really unlucky enough to get home.” When he returned, He Xianghai and He Yi sat side by side. In the back seat of the taxi, he stared at his knees, feeling unspeakably frustrated.

He Yi patted him on the shoulder, “It’s okay, we can still find a way.” Having said that, she herself felt that she was telling a joke.

The He family has no power, she doesn’t have any strength, and she doesn’t know any rich and powerful people. Where can she find a solution?

He Xianghaiqiang smiled, “Sister, I can’t think of it.” He sighed, “What does that guy mean, you also know. I…” He paused, “It should be impossible to study.” As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

That kind of despair, the kind of despair that the golden phoenix flying out of the mountain nest was going to be beaten back into the mountain nest to be a dust-faced small tit, almost suffocated him.

“Sister,” He Xianghai said with his eyes closed, “I’m really stupid. I don’t care if such a big person can’t manage it well, even money is not well managed.”

“Xiaohai, it’s okay. I lost it when I lost it. Didn’t the sister also come out? After I find a job, I can also give you living expenses.” “You don’t need to give it, sister.” He Xianghai opened his eyes, “I read it all. No books, what is the living expenses? And, if you want to bring a family tree, he will go to school soon, how can I ask you for money? What’s sad is…” He took a deep breath, “Dad Mom is old now, and there is not much money in my family, and I often don’t get anything from fishing day by day. Those are their hard money, but I lost it.” He Yiben wanted to say the two hundred If you lose a piece, you lose it, so don’t think about it.

But now, she didn’t know what to say, it seemed that she was wrong.

“You said that we hadn’t been anywhere when we went, so we bought flowers and some fruit. Why did I lose the money? It also caused you to accompany me all night to find and find I haven’t found it in so many places.” “Don’t think about it, when you come out to make money, you can honor your godfather and godmother more.” He Xianghai smiled, “Forget it, it’s me anyway. Stupid. Let’s not talk about it, think of something happy, or wait for Wanjiashu to not sleep, and it’s not good to look at the expressions of us one by one.” When I came to the hospital today, He Yi didn’t take home. The tree was brought, and a classmate of He Xianghai asked him to go to his aunt’s house.

That aunt is over 60 years old, and her children have all gone abroad, and she is alone in China.

The house is on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road, in a somewhat remote old community.

When I went back, the family tree was still not asleep, and was watching cartoons with the old aunt in the living room.

“Are you back? Have things been done?” The old aunt opened the door, asking with concern.

He Xianghai didn’t say a word, He Yi replied, “Maybe I have to think of a way.” Jiashu ran over when he heard the sound, “Mom, uncle!” He Yi took Jiashu’s little hand, “Aunt Liu, the tree is here. The family didn’t bother you, right?” “No.” Aunt Liu looked at the family tree and said with a smile, “This kid is good, he doesn’t cry and doesn’t make trouble. He also helped me carry the bowl and chopsticks when I ate. I like it when I saw it.” After she finished speaking, she looked at He Yi again, “By the way, have you eaten dinner yet? I have left the food for you, and I will warm it up for you?” “No need for Aunt Liu We have eaten outside, so we won’t bother you. We came to pick up the family tree, and today we really caused you trouble.”

“Ah? You are going to leave?” He Yi nodded, “Yes.” “Where do you live?” He Yi answered truthfully, “I will look for it later. There are many hotels.” “You are really!” Reproachfully said, “Outside hotels, hotels, or something, how can there be a comfortable home to live in? It costs more. Besides, it is always inconvenient for you to bring a child. You guys, if you don’t dislike it If you do, just live in my house. It just so happens that you haven’t finished the matter yet? When you go out, I can show you the children.” To be honest, after He Yi heard Aunt Liu say this, she It’s really exciting.

When I went out in the morning, the money my godfather He Jianjun gave her before, plus the money they borrowed from other relatives later, totaled no more than 7,000 yuan.

Xiaohai’s affairs don’t know when it will be done.

If you live outside every day, it costs money to eat, and even accommodation is not a small expense.

Besides, even if you can ignore those first, she will definitely be going out these two days. It is not convenient for Jiashu to stay with her. She is not at ease to let Jiashu stay in the hotel alone.

“This…” “Okay, okay,” Aunt Liu pulled the family tree over, “That’s it, it’s not easy to go out. Besides, I’m an old lady at home, and someone accompanies me to talk. Happy. Don’t hesitate, okay?”

Chapter 1057

Aunt Liu’s house is a two-bedroom house.

She lives in one room, and He Yi and Jiashu live in another room.

He Xianghai wanted to go back to school, but he was afraid that he would not be allowed to live there. Moreover, it was so late and there was no bus. It was another expense to take a taxi, so he slept on the sofa in the living room.

He Yi was lying in bed thinking about things, but Jiashu still didn’t sleep.

“Jiashu, it’s late, go to bed.” After she finished speaking, she said a little apologetically, “Mom is very tired today, so I won’t tell you a story, okay?” “Yeah.” Jiashu nodded. , Very obediently closed his eyes.

After two minutes, he opened his eyes again, “Mom…” “Huh?” “Uncle…” Jiashu said cautiously, “Will you still run in school?”

He Yi turned to look at Jiashu, and seeing the expression on his face, her heart was soft and astringent.

She raised her hand and touched Jiashu’s head, “It should be okay.” “What do you mean should be okay?” He Yi thought for a while, “It’s just that my mother is not very clear now. This…maybe more difficult. “She really wanted to help with something, but she didn’t know how to help.

I went to see Li Yucheng today. She also saw Li Yucheng’s attitude.

Although she also felt very sorry and still helpless, what Li Yucheng said was right.

Xiao Hai did something wrong, and people are going to vent their anger, but they can actually understand it.

Just… this method is too heavy.

The school wanted to listen to Li Yucheng, and Li Yucheng refused to let go. She really didn’t know what to do.

“Mom, if your uncle can’t run anymore, he will cry.” He Yi was startled, “What?” Family tree grabbed his hair, because he was still too young, so some things could not be explained with a very appropriate metaphor.

He thought for a long time before he felt that he could express what he thought of, “Just like I like my mother very much, if my mother doesn’t want me, I will cry.” Knowing that what Jiashu said is innumerable and if, But after He Yi heard this, she still felt sore in her heart. She let the family tree lean on herself, “Mom will never want the family tree, never will.” “Mom, can you let your uncle run still? Run fast, otherwise he will cry.” He Yi exhaled, “Mom…try to fight.” Solan Bai came out of the bar, walking a little unstable.

The security guard outside the bar asked him if he needed to drive, and he just waved to say no.

He got into the car, didn’t even fasten the seat belt, just started the car, stepped on the accelerator and left.

He hasn’t drank much for more than a year, except occasionally when it was difficult for him.

Because drinking is a mistake.

He doesn’t have much time left, so he can’t afford to waste it.

Sometimes it’s just the right amount to drink, and it’s not the previous drunk.

But today, he did drink too much.

Well, he drank a lot of alcohol, obviously walking awkwardly, but his consciousness was contradictory and clear.

Because he didn’t wear a seat belt, the warning sound in the car kept ringing, and he didn’t care.

When he was approaching where he was going, the phone rang.

He took it out and saw that Bai Chongshan had called.

The hand holding the mobile phone can’t stop using a lot of force, the blue veins on the back of the hand are all visible, and his eyes are a little horribly red.

When the phone rang for the second time, he lowered the window without hesitation, raised his hand and threw the phone out.

Now he just wants a quiet.

No matter what Bai Chongshan he was, what Bai Junxi he was, or whatever, he didn’t even bother to care about it.

After entering through the gate, he stopped the car and walked forward slowly.

It hasn’t been here for a while. It should be dark here, but because of his heart for her, even in the dark night, it’s all bright.

He walked all the way to the corner and looked at the small stone tablet. Suddenly, his heart started to hurt like someone was pulling, but his face was smiling again.

The candles in front of the stele, he asked the people here to put on new candles every night when it was dark, and all the colored lights on the tree should be lit.

Many of the lipsticks he put on by himself have faded over time.

The number of lipsticks has increased a lot. Well, every year, he has to buy a whole set of new ones, as well as the hairpins and headbands that girls like or the little cute dolls.

Compared with the urban area, the wind here is much stronger.

Some candles have been extinguished.

He knelt down, took out the lighter, and lightly lit them one by one.

After doing this, he walked to the stone tablet and looked at the smiling young girl on the stone tablet. After a while, he said softly-“Heaven Star, I’m here… to see you.” Answered him Yes, it’s just the sound of the night breeze, so where is there any other response?

But he didn’t care. He sat on the ground directly facing the stone tablet, “I haven’t been here for a while. It’s been a month? Have you been angry with me?” Then he got out of his pocket again. He took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the stone tablet, “I am very busy during this time, and I can’t work and rest normally for many times. I know that if you are still with me, you will definitely scold me, and then come and persuade me. The body is the most important thing. Then, I stay up late and you will give me a supper that you personally made for me…”

“Well, what you make has always been delicious.” “They all said, what I do here, you know what I do there. What I am busy with right now is the most important time. Right away. It’s been three years, and I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long, long time. If things are done well, then I…I can really breathe a sigh of relief.” “Right, mom…” He paused “They replied to me that she seems to want to drive some more recently, and occasionally goes out for a walk, watching TV or doing some embroidery when she is at home. It’s a good time to pass the time. , What do you mean?” “Speaking carefully, we have not seen each other for two years, nine months and eleven days.” He stopped wiping the stele in his hand. “Every day, I miss you. Especially very When I’m tired, I just think, if you were by my side, it would be great. In that case, I won’t feel tired no matter how tired I am.” “But, want to come back, I do this, not for our sake. Later? Do everything I want to do sooner, and I can see you sooner.” He smiled, reached out his hand to touch the photo on the stone tablet, and gently rubbed the face on the photo with his fingers, “You are Didn’t you miss me too? So…today…I saw you again?” Thinking of the scene in the hospital, he smiled softly, “Today is different from before. I used to see it by myself. Wrong, I mistakenly thought it was you, so I made a lot of jokes. It’s not the same as when I dreamed of you. I always felt that it was so real and… I saw you smile at me.” “Three years soon.” It’s here, so, are you here to remind me?” “Or, are you…are you going to pick me up?” “Tianxing, wait a minute, eh? Wait for the company to go public, wait for me to have it Real power, wait until I pick up mom…I can go with you. So, wait patiently, okay?”

Chapter 1058

“Why are you here again?” Li Yucheng leaned on the hospital bed and looked at the person at the door, still holding a mobile phone in his hand.

He seemed to be playing a game in Xingtou, but he was very upset because He Yi’s arrival interrupted his progress.

He Yi pursed his lips, and then smiled, “Mr. Li, I am…” Li Yucheng said before she could finish her words: “It’s because of He Xianghai again?” “…”

Seeing that she didn’t say a word, Li Yucheng let out a depressed sigh, “Didn’t I say it all yesterday? And, I won’t change my mind! OK?” As the second son of the Li family, he used other people’s words. Said that he was born with a golden spoon in his hand since he was a child, not to mention that he was in his own home, even if he was outside, which one would not give him face or treat him well?

By the way, when he got here, the bast*rd He Xianghai, he was beaten twice and suffered a brick. It doesn’t matter if he hurts, he doesn’t want face?

If this matter is not done according to his will, how will people in the circle think of him in the future?

Besides, he has always been responsible for bullying others. When did it take his turn to be bullied by others?

He Yi nodded his head and didn’t say much, he just raised his pockets in his hands and stepped forward, “Um…you haven’t had lunch yet? I…I thought the things in the hospital might not be so nutritious, In addition, you are injured again, so I made something for you.” Li Yucheng was very annoyed. He wanted to get out of the way so furious, but when he turned his head and looked at He Yi’s When facing, he stopped again.

He Yi glanced at Li Yucheng, and saw that his expression couldn’t be said to be so good, but she was somewhat relieved after he didn’t let her go out. She didn’t dare to talk more about He Xianghai first, and just said: “I don’t know you like it. What to eat, so I just made two small dishes. Rice, rice, and vegetable porridge. What do you like to eat? You need to prepare now, so I made a chicken soup for you. Would you like to eat it now? “Even if Jiashu didn’t say those things to her last night, she couldn’t stop coming to find Li Yucheng again.

Xiao Hai’s matter is a major one, and the only way she can think of now is Li Yucheng’s side.

As long as Li Yucheng nodded, everything would be resolved.

The family tree is still small, so it is naturally inconvenient to follow her.

Xiao Hai… was so impulsive at him yesterday, she didn’t dare to let him come again.

Otherwise, if a disagreement then annoys Li Yucheng again, wouldn’t it be troublesome?

However, if you ask for someone, you should have a begging look.

So, early this morning, she got up, went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and also mercilessly bought a chicken.

Not to mention eating other people’s short mouth, at least it can show her sincerity.

“…” Li Yucheng didn’t speak, looked at the meal that He Yi had opened, and then turned his gaze to her face.

He Yi was a little embarrassed, and turned his head hurriedly after a light cough.

After a short while, Li Yucheng looked at the food on the cupboard, “You are… you are planning to say no, so you want to bribe me?” “No.” As soon as he finished speaking, He Yi thought about it. He added, “If you have to think that way, you can.” Li Yucheng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, “Hey! You guy! There is something like that.” He Yi didn’t answer. , Just asked: “You…do you want to eat now?” “…All right.” Li Yucheng raised an eyebrow, “try it.” Anyway, he is also hungry now.

The little injury on his body actually didn’t need to be hospitalized at all.

But now he really doesn’t want to go back to school, nor does he want to play with those people in the circle.

I’m afraid those guys will laugh at his mistake this time.

So, I simply hid in the hospital.

After two days wait for He Xianghai’s matter to be resolved before he goes out, it will be easy to save face.

It’s just… He was hospitalized, and he didn’t say anything over there.

His father won’t say anything, just his mother’s temperament, when the time comes, he is shocked, he really can’t stand it.

This also makes his three meals a day difficult to solve here.

Although it’s a VIP room, it’s still the food in the hospital, and it doesn’t taste very good.

At first he asked the nurse to help him buy it outside, but when the things arrived, he was too hungry.

Today, he is in a good relationship, and someone will give him food.

Although simple, it looks good.

No matter what she was thinking about now, it was not what he asked her to do anyway, why should he make his stomach feel uncomfortable?

When He Yi heard it, he quickly put the small table on the bed, arranged the food, and graciously handed the chopsticks to Li Yucheng, “Then you eat.” Li Yucheng was disturbed by He Yi’s quick action. He was stunned for a moment, until he was stuffed with a pair of chopsticks in his hand, he only slightly recovered.

In order to conceal his second stupid appearance, he didn’t say anything and just started eating.

When a mouthful of green vegetables entered, he, who hadn’t had much hope, couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, and the expression on his face relaxed a lot.

He Yi saw him and secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Two dishes and a bowl of vegetable porridge were quickly eaten by Li Yucheng.

He Yi poured out the chicken soup in a timely manner, “The temperature should be just right.” Li Yucheng glanced at He Yi, nodded slightly, picked up the soup bowl and started drinking.

The soup is very good and tastes good, in his opinion, even better than the five-star hotels outside.

After drinking half a bowl, he was about to ask her how she did it, so he listened to her–”Mr. Li, that… is my brother’s business. Can you think about it?” After hearing this, Li Yucheng felt very upset.

Although he had long known that her purpose was impure, but now listening to her say this, his heart still couldn’t tell.

“The situation in our house, I was yesterday…” “Bang–” He Yi was startled, looking at Li Yucheng who was full of anger in front of him, his eyes moved down, and the soup bowl on the small table was placed on top of the bowl. The chicken soup is still shaking back and forth.

His movements were a bit big, causing some chicken soup to spill out, and part of it was still spilled on the quilt.

He Yi pursed his lips, took a tissue and prepared to clean it up.

“Okay!” Li Yucheng said badly, “You don’t need to clean up!” “Mr. Li…” Li Yucheng snorted coldly, “You said that if you came here today, I might be grateful to you if you just came here to deliver food. Since you are trying to bribe…” After speaking, he pointed his finger at the things on the small table, “Is it at least something I can get?” After he finished speaking, he looked at He Yi’s In front of him, suddenly a little irritable.

He ate things, and even ate very satisfied.

Now let’s talk about it again?

Not slap yourself in the face?

Besides, her expression…like how she bullied her.

Phew-it’s terrible!

“Mr. Li, if you feel that the food does not suit your appetite, you can tell me your preference, then I will cook it according to your taste, do you think it okay?” She spent a lot of money on buying vegetables today. It really hurts.

But now, she has no other way.

When Li Yucheng heard it, the feeling of irritability deepened in his heart.

He held his forehead for a long while, “You go first, I think about it.” “Li…” He Yi just said a word, and he stopped.

Since Li Yucheng said so, maybe… there is a turning point.

However, it is just possible.

“Then I will come back tomorrow.” He Yi turned around in a depressed mood.

“Wait a minute!”

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