My Most Precious Wife Chapter 83 – 85

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Chapter 83

Now, go home, “Yang Yi, we need our own official account and Weibo. You don’t need any money. You can figure it out as soon as possible.”

Emily Gale took the blank paper and distributed his pitiful few hundred thousand on the conference table. funds.

“Also, you want to find a way to purchase a batch of computers and drawing boards. For the time being, I will only have 20 sets and give you 50,000 yuan.”

“Twenty sets of high-quality computers and drawing boards?” The manuscript format of the comics is very large. Correspondingly, computer memory requirements are also very high.

In addition, if you want to draw high-quality drawings, the requirements for drawing boards cannot be low.

With an average of two thousand five thousand, a high-profile computer plus a drawing board, why doesn’t she grab it?

“Your computer technology is so high, pulling and pulling together, even if the old computer is in your hands, you can turn the decay into magic.”

Emily Gale patted Yang Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile: “I believe You, you can definitely get me a bunch of treasures in the second-hand market.”

Yang Yi almost was about to cry. High-quality drawing boards cannot be used second-hand. New ones cost more than 1,000.

In other words, you can only do your homework on the computer.

But, more than a thousand computers with high configuration?

He wanted to squat in the corner and draw circles for a while.

Emily Gale decided not to talk about this topic with him, she looked at Jackson Tianyou.

“This office has been renovated originally, but many places may not be suitable for us, and we have to renovate it.”

Jackson Tianyou nodded, waiting for her to continue.

Emily Gale said, “Well, the decoration fee… Is 50,000 enough?” Jackson Tianyou was wondering how much money he still has.

Finally, he nodded: “Enough.”

“Ran, 50,000 decorations, more than 300 squares, are you kidding?” Su Xiaomi immediately gave Jackson Tianyou an injustice.

“This was originally an office.

It was renovated and we can use many things directly.”

Funding is really limited. Otherwise, how to do the following things?

“Also, that, there are probably more than 20 sets of desks and chairs that need to be matched with our office.”

“And, air conditioners, drinking fountains and other living appliances.”

Emily Gale counted his fingers, quietly mimi. Looking at Tianyou: “Um, twenty-five thousand…”


Tianyou nodded without thinking.

Emily Gale breathed a sigh of relief, and if God said yes, it would do.

She looked at Su Xiaomi: “Xiaomi, you go to the previous forum to find some painters, and open a guaranteed reserve price for them to draw.”

“I will give you 200,000, and guarantee that within two months, you can have 20 comics online.

“Of course, among these twenty teams, there must be some people who work with us, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be uncontrollable.”

Su Xiaomi almost fainted. Two hundred thousand, twenty books, an average of one. Only spend ten thousand!


The child itself is already hard enough, and now, even the price of moving bricks is not as good.

Although she was the party who contributed the funds, Emily Gale was so stingy that she became angry for the painter.

“I didn’t say to finish the painting. You just need to make sure that when they go online, they can update at least five words and have five words in stock.”

“The current market does not have a special professional price. You can watch it yourself. Do, I only need them to serialize for a month, I can think of a way to get some more capital, or some sponsorship.”

“What if the funds are not available at the time?” , It will naturally continue.

If the funds are not available, they will not even be able to pay the manuscript fee. Once they are complained by many people, their studio will have a bad reputation before it starts. Can it continue to operate?

“At this point, I’ll find a way.”

Anyway, it’s a matter of money.

She will be conscious of saving money from now on.

Of course, it is not enough to eat frugally. You have to find a way to make more money.

“Well, I’ll try it, but at such a low price, I don’t know if there is a painter willing to pick it up.”

“Su Xiaomi, if you have nothing else to do right now, I will give you five hundred words if you draw the main pen. Two more words from Zhou, can you answer it?” Emily Gale stared at her, this aura made Su Xiaomi stunned for a moment.

After froze, she began to think about this issue seriously.

Two words in a week, five hundred in one word, one thousand in a week, at least four thousand in a month.

If you are more diligent and have ten words a month, you can earn five thousand in a month.

She is now only a few dozen yuan a day for meals, five thousand a month, which seems pretty good!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that although Five Hundred One Words is not high, it can sustain life!

“I think there will be many people willing to paint!” I started to feel confident when I thought about it!

It is true that domestic painters have a hard time, but everyone is a person who loves to paint.

If you can live on, and the cost of the manuscript is lower, as long as there is hope, many people will still be willing.

After all, it is a career that I like.

“Tell them that after the work is online, the corresponding bonus will be given according to the ranking.”

This is the hope!

“We will also promote operations for them and cooperate with many parties. In the future, the exposure will increase. Excellent works can also be adapted for animation, film and television…”

Emily Gale’s words made Su Xiaomi more excited and felt that life is already going Embarked on a peak!

So hi!

Emily Gale was calculating his remaining funds.

In Mr. Jackson, one idea took one million, and now, there are still more than six hundred thousand left.

I spent 75,000 on renting an office, 50,000 for decoration, 25,000 for office furniture, 50,000 for computer drawing board equipment, and 200,000 for drawing hands.

Above, a full four hundred thousand has been spent!

With 200,000 left, she is about to face the next month’s rent, water and electricity, employee wages, and the drafting fee for the painter to continue painting…

She is already saving money, but the money is too useless.

Even if you add the 100,000 yuan that God has saved for the past few years, there will only be 300,000 yuan left.

Comics is an industry that has been particularly slow to yield results.

The first few months are costly.

Three hundred thousand, it is really not easy to raise a team of at least twenty people…

After a group of people cleaned up the office, except for the naturally strong Gods, the others were so tired that they could hardly step out.

At seven o’clock in the evening, four people were sitting at a food stall in the alley behind the building.

“Unless we can sign a contract with the platform, first sign a few guarantees, otherwise, I am afraid that we will not have so much funds.”

Su Xiaomi and Yang Yi are both moonlight people, and the money they made from working in summer vacations has been spent by themselves. .

However, signing a guarantee with the platform is not easy to sign, and the platform has an editor to review.

“As long as you guarantee that there are five instincts in the twenty books, the funds can be slowed down first.”

Emily Gale drank his tea, and even his fingers were shaking slightly, really tired!

“Others that can’t be signed, pick a few with potential and continue to serialize. Others have to change the content immediately and redraw.”

Excluding the situation that the platform editors may not be able to sign, I am afraid that there will not be much to do .


Emily Gale’s phone rang at this time, and she answered it casually: “Hey.”

On the other end of the phone, a low magnetic voice rang: “Where? Now, go home.”

Chapter 84

This is clearly coming to life. Emily Gale really wants to say something domineering: I just won’t come back!

However, it turned into these sentences in the end: “There are activities in school today, it’s going to be late. I won’t be back tonight and I will have classes tomorrow.” After hanging up the phone, Su Xiaomi winked at her. .

“What do you mean by school activities? You are obviously dating a man! You are done, let Young Master Jackson know that you can’t take your skin off.”

Here are Yang Yi and Tianyou, both men, and also such handsome men , Uh, boy.

She actually lied that there was an activity in the school. This is a concealment and deceit by the red naked!

“You have such a big mouth, do you want to make a call to Young Master Jackson and say I was lying to him?” Emily Gale gave her a blank look, then took out her cell phone and handed it to her: “Come on, you have the ability, you go to inform. Maybe Young Master Jackson will give you a sum of money to inform you.”

Su Xiaomi looked at her mobile phone and shrank her neck.

“Don’t, your man is so terrifying, I don’t want to contact him!” Although a man like Joseph is so handsome, he can’t pay for his life, but for Su Xiaomi, he really only dares to look far away and not to blaspheme from close range. Yan!

His body is so cold that it freezes his bones, as well as the innate domineering all over his body, whoever gets close may be wiped out in an instant.

Only Emily Gale is the only one who dares to be his fiancee.

She Su Xiaomi didn’t dare, she felt Alexander after two steps closer.

“Since I dare not, don’t talk so much nonsense!” Emily Gale put away his mobile phone and spent a whole day cleaning in the new office. He was too tired to sit still.

“God bless baby, quickly contribute your shoulders.”

Jackson Tianyou drew the chair to her side, letting her lean on him.

Everyone is a buddy who has been with each other for so long, and never felt that there was anything in this behavior, but the man in the car in the distance looked cold.

There are activities in school, so it must be late?

good very good!

Engaged in just a few days, even learned lies!

This woman!

“Young Masters and Young Masters, it may be that their school activities have just ended, and they are now out for dinner…”

Aspen Li did not dare to continue to defend the young lady.

After all, the young lady was leaning on the boy’s shoulder. This is an indisputable fact.

However, Young Master’s breath now is really scary.

Mrs. Shao… Let’s ask for more happiness.

The man in the back seat didn’t move at all. Aspen Li quietly looked at him from the rearview mirror several times, and he just stared at the distant figures coldly.

Those two eyes fell, their eyes were cold, Aspen Li didn’t know what he was thinking.

However, unhappiness is inevitable.

After all, Madam Young lied, which was a provocation to him.

As for Emily Gale at the food stall, I don’t know what’s going on.

After eating, I felt a chill in my neck inexplicably.

Looking back, there was nothing wrong behind him.

Looking around, there was no abnormality.

“What’s wrong?” Tianyou who was beside her was the first to notice her strangeness.

Emily Gale sat upright, looked around, and shook his head: “It’s nothing.”

It just felt like she had a pair of cold eyes staring at her.

The dishes were all delivered soon, and Yang Yi and Su Xiaomin, who were unaware, immediately began to devour them.

Emily Gale still couldn’t help but glanced back, still not finding anything unusual.

However, the feeling of being stared at by a cheetah is really uncomfortable.

“I didn’t find anything.”

God you pushed a bowl of porridge in front of her, “Don’t think about it, let’s say it when you are full.”


She lowered her head and started eating it by spoonful.

God has always been very sensitive to danger, he said it was nothing, it should be just fine.

I don’t know what’s going on. Ever since I lied to Young Master Jackson, my heart has been restless.

It seems, very guilty.

Sure enough, lies cannot be said nonsense, and now the psychological pressure is great.

If Young Master Jackson knew that he had deceived him, what would be the consequences?

That man is really scary sometimes…

“Jenni, your favorite salt and pepper ribs, don’t you?” “Yes!” Finally, the feeling of being stared at by a cheetah disappeared.

At the moment she lowered her head, she seemed to hear the sound of a car’s engine starting in the distance. Is it an illusion?

After eating and drinking, Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi are going back to the dormitory.

Although Yang Yi and Jackson Tianyou live outside the school, they are not assured that the two girls will go back by themselves and can only accompany them all the way.

From the office building to the school, although not far, it is within walking distance.

However, in the middle one has to cross a deserted road.

There are open parks on both sides of the road. During the day, I still feel that the flowers and plants on both sides are pretty and the air is fresh and pleasant.

But walking on this road at night, but inexplicably feel a bit horrible.

Since Jackson Tianyou entered this road, his eyebrows gradually began to lock.

A trace of anxiety passed in my heart.

After taking dozens of steps, he suddenly stopped and said softly: “Wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong?” The first three stopped, and Emily Gale looked back at him: “What’s wrong?” Jackson Tianyou didn’t explain. Suddenly, he took Emily Gale’s hand and walked back: “Yang Yi, change your way.”

“Okay!” Yang Yi immediately took Su Xiaomi and followed them quickly.

In the distance, the faces of a dozen thugs who were ambushing on both sides of the road suddenly sank.

How do you know that they are in ambush at such a long distance?

The tallest boy is really alert and a bit scary!

among them

One person immediately took out the phone: “They can’t come, you just block it!” They came prepared tonight, and the ambush here is just one of the teams.

Therefore, before Jackson Tianyou and the four of them returned to the intersection, another team quickly blocked them, completely blocking their retreat!

“Help! Murder!” Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi didn’t even think about it, they immediately shouted.

This is less than ten meters away from the intersection.

As long as it can alarm people on the road outside, someone may help call the police.

“Bad girl, shut up!” The two men with knives in their hands immediately rushed towards Jackson Tianyou and Emily Gale.

The dozen people behind him also held bright short knives and rushed towards them.

Jackson Tianyou moved Emily Gale behind him and struck the man in front of him with a punch.

“God! Beware!” Emily Gale whispered, watching the knife slash at Jackson Tianyou’s fist.

The other party has a knife, but God Bless has nothing in his hand.

Yang Yi guarded the two girls behind him, and wanted to go up and join the battlefield, but he couldn’t fight!

I could only watch Jackson Tianyou fight against other people’s knives with bare hands, and it was too late to remind him.

Just when the knife was about to touch Jackson Tianyou’s fist, Jackson Tianyou suddenly turned his wrist, his five fingers turned into claws, and his fist turned into a grappling hand.

With a click, the man with the knife screamed, and his wrist seemed to be broken.

The knife in his hand also fell into God’s hands instantly.

He finally has a weapon in his hand!

Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi’s hearts brightened, and they finally found a little confidence.

However, their current situation is really not optimistic.

A dozen people were blocked in the front, and a dozen people were rushing over behind him.

These people are holding weapons one by one, completely unlike the little bastards brought by Ye Fangfang before.

These people are real thugs who belong to society!

The start is definitely the most ruthless one!

Judging from this situation, this is not an ordinary quarrel fight, this is clearly horrible!

Who on earth must have taken their lives?

Chapter 85:

It was so terrible that there were a dozen people in front, and a dozen strong chasing soldiers behind.

At this time, staying is just waiting to die!

Jackson Tianyou slashed on the arm of the man in front of him, and the man screamed and immediately fell to the ground.

He kicked the man into the air, decisively, and said solemnly: “Yang Yi, take them behind me and rush out!” There were people in front and back, but he had only one person and one hand, waiting for the group of people in the distance to catch up. When he looks forward and backward, he will inevitably take care of this and lose the other.

Yang Yi was already dumbfounded by the blood on the ground. Unexpectedly, they really started the fight and the fight was so intense.

In the past, although there were some young boys and girls who came to make trouble, at most, they solved the problem with their fists.

But now, I really have a knife, can I not panic?

“Yang Yi!” Jackson Tianyou pushed back the two again, and was about to move forward, only to find that Yang Yi was motionless behind him and was frightened.

Yang Yi suddenly came to his senses, and suddenly he threw something into his arms.

He hurriedly caught it, turned out to be a bloody knife.

Yang Yi rolled his eyes in shock and almost fainted.

“Quickly go!” Emily Gale, the nearest to him, snatched the knife in his hand and protected himself behind them.

“Quick! Keep up with God’s footsteps, I’ll break it!” Yang Yi never fights.

All previous fight scenes were only supported by God.

Now give him a knife, don’t scare him foolishly!

Emily Gale pushed Yang Yi hard, Yang Yi didn’t even have room to think, so he and Su Xiaomi quickly hid behind Jackson Tianyou.

Although Jackson Tianyou could block the people in front of him, it was too difficult to take them out.

The dozen people quickly found the target, specifically targeting the three people behind Jackson Tianyou.

Soon someone walked around from the side and slashed at Emily Gale who was holding the knife.

“Jenni!” Su Xiaomi was so scared to hurriedly go over.

Yang Yi gave her a hand, and rushed forward quickly, bumping his head on the person.


The man didn’t expect that this timid boy would make an assault. He accidentally knocked him to the ground.

Yang Yi was also hit by his own momentum and almost fell.

“How are you?” Emily Gale wanted to go over, but someone rushed over on the other side.

She didn’t have any extra energy to manage Yang Yi.

“Jenni, beware!” Seeing the two men holding knives about to slash at Emily Gale, Su Xiaomi’s legs were so frightened.

Although Emily Gale’s hands were shaking, she still raised her knife and wanted to fight them.

Yang Yi turned around, roared, and rushed over!

He is a man anyhow, even if he knows that he can’t beat him, he must not be carried by a girl in Jenni!

“Yang Yi!” This fool, unexpectedly

Only one move.

Seeing that his accomplice was hit by him just now, those people had long been on guard.

Now Yang Yi ran into him, and they directly raised the knife and slashed on his head!

Is he stupid!

Emily Gale’s heart tightened with fright, and he rushed forward with a knife: “Yang Yi, get out!” Where would Yang Yi listen?

Anyway, it means death, but you must never let a girl stand in front of you!

With a bang, Emily Gale slashed the other party’s knife in a wrong direction.

The man didn’t cut Yang Yi with the knife, and was immediately knocked to the ground by Yang Yi who charged over.

However, Emily Gale himself was shocked by the strength of the opponent’s knife, and almost couldn’t hold the knife.

As for the other man, the knife had already come to her.

God will kill me!

Emily Gale’s wrist was still sore, and it was too late to raise the knife to resist.

With a hiss, it was clearly the sound of a knife scratching the flesh, and the bloody smell suddenly became rich.

However, there is no pain at all!

“Yang Yi…”

Emily Gale opened her eyes wide and looked at Yang Yi who was lying on the side.

“No… it’s not me…”

Yang Yi was frightened, but there was no injury on his body.

“God you…”

Su Xiaomi looked at Jackson Tianyou who was still fighting with those men, his eyes flushed, and tears almost slipped.

There was a stab wound on God’s arm, and he was bleeding now.

After blocking a knife for Emily Gale, he didn’t even hum, let alone pause for more than half a second.

Still holding the knife, he immediately stood in front of them.

Emily Gale bit her lip, already knowing what was going on.

She clenched the knife again and stood up, standing behind them.

“Xiaomi, hurry up and call for help!” The people behind have already arrived and are about to join the fight.

Although there are four of them, in fact, only God is fighting.

They can’t hold it!

In the end, even God You will be troubled by them!

You must alarm the people outside, as long as the police come, they will be saved!

Su Xiaomi seemed to have reacted, and immediately called out: “Help! Killed! Help! Help!” The men were also pressed into a hurry, so they won’t be able to deal with these little kids and wait for someone outside. Come, they will be troublesome too!

“Cut to death the girl with the knife!” one of them shouted loudly.

Several people immediately held up their knives and rushed towards Emily Gale.

Jackson Tianyou frowned, and finally cut back the two people in front of him, but saw that Emily Gale was instantly surrounded by several men.

Someone held a knife and slashed at her.

The knife is fast and cruel, no mercy, these people really want Enron’s life!

Jackson Tianyou slashed over, blocking the first one with a bang.

Flicked the hand and threw the knife

, A knife hit the second person’s shoulder.

But the third person, he has no way to stop him.

“Jenni!” Su Xiaomi’s legs softened with fright, and sat on the ground with a thud.

Yang Yi wanted to rush to save people, but it was too late.

I could only watch the knife in the man’s hand and slash it towards Emily Gale’s head.

Emily Gale raised his hand to block it, but another person held a knife and struck her arm!

She can’t stop it!

At the moment of her death, Jackson Tianyou rushed over, hugged her in his arms, and blocked all the shadows with his body.

Emily Gale wanted to struggle, but was hugged tightly by him, without any turbulence.

Two dazzling knives slashed directly at Jackson Tianyou’s back!

Su Xiaomi stared with fright, this time, she really passed out.

Yang Yi ran into him like crazy, but was unable to return to heaven…



Two screams resounded throughout the night sky.

It wasn’t the sound of a knife cutting skin and flesh, nor was it Jackson Tianyou’s screaming–the character of God You wouldn’t be so desolate even if you died!

In the dark night, I clearly heard the sound of broken bones.

It seems that someone’s sternum was broken by a kick!

Emily Gale hurriedly struggled out of Jackson Tianyou’s arms, but Tianyou still held her tightly for fear that the opponent’s knife would hurt her.

However, when the tall man rushed over, he could see clearly.

The man just kicked casually and kicked two men with knives!

The two fell to the ground, one vomiting blood and fainted on the spot, and the other foaming, screaming again and again.

And the tree they hit, the trunk that at least couldn’t be embraced by both palms, unexpectedly clicked and broke in two!

The strength of this man’s feet is incredibly terrifying!

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