My Most Precious Wife Chapter 470 – 472

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Chapter 470

Will it affect his tall image?

Emily Gale hurriedly dialed the emergency number and asked people to come for rescue.

Looking at Hunter Jackson again, such a tough man fell down in her sight.

The heart that had been calm for two years was suddenly tightened, and her tears were about to come out of fright.

Hunter Jackson really didn’t want to see her panicking, but only in this way could he see how she cared about him.

He leaned on the wall and slowly slipped to the ground.

I don’t know if it is really uncomfortable, or because I want her to care, my head really started to faint.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m fine.”

Seeing Tiantian crying, he wanted to make himself sober, but the more he thought about it, the less sober he was at this moment.

Raise his hand and wipe it, damn it, there is so much blood flowing.

“I’m really fine.”

It’s just dizziness, really, it’s just dizziness.

But someone as strong as him would really scare people to death once he fell.

Tiantian was still crying, Emily Gale took off his coat and pressed it on his forehead.

But the blood, like a flood of gaps, couldn’t stop at all.

Hunter Jackson’s vision gradually began to blur.

The moment he passed out, he stretched out his hand and held her hand tightly: “I’m really… okay, maybe in the past two years, I’m a bit… tired, take care of… Sweet, I’m… okay.”

Dad, Dad!” Dad closed his eyes, Tiantian was completely frightened.

“Mommy, Dad, Dad! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…Why did Hunter Jackson fainted?)

The doctor gave several statements.

“The patient lacked sleep for a long time, coupled with sadness and illness, and his nerves have been tight. This time, it is probably subconsciously trying to relax.”

“Excessive blood loss is also a reason for him to faint. Of course, the specific reason. We are still investigating.”

“Don’t worry…”

“How can we rest assured?” Aspen Li interrupted him quickly.

It’s rare to see Emily Gale’s look so nervous, so let her “rest assured” at this time?

So, what if she doesn’t worry about the young master?

Aspen Li looked at Emily Gale with an anxious expression: “Miss Ranran, our eldest master has only slept for two or three hours a day for the past two years, and has never rested properly.”

“He doesn’t want to sleep, but because of too much sleep. Missing you, I can’t fall asleep at all. Even if I take sleeping pills, I can’t fall asleep.”

“Don’t look at him as if he looks so tough. In fact, his body is already very weak.”

I wonder if the young master will scold him after he knows it?

But now, I can’t manage it anymore.

He continued: “Miss Ranran, you don’t know how our eldest and young master spent the past two years.”

Aspen Li finally found a chance to talk to her.

this will

, All the words pressed in the bottom of my heart cannot be hidden completely.

“Without you, he lived as a zombie, no life, I doubt that if he can’t find you, the eldest master will commit suicide.”

Suicide…The character of Yimu is not enough.

However, he only slept for two or three hours a day for two years. This made Emily Gale feel uncomfortable.

She really didn’t think that he would have such a hard life.

“Miss Ranran, I know you don’t like to listen, but I really can’t help it. Our eldest master is too bitter. Miss Ranran, that incident hurt not only you but also himself.”

“For many years Before, the Gale family and the Jackson family had some misunderstandings.

The various things that the young master found all showed a result. On the other hand, the old man of the Gale family participated in the killing of the young master’s grandma.”

“My grandpa would not do that. Cruel thing!” She later collected some information on this matter herself.

The old lady of the Jackson family really died miserably.

However, this matter will definitely not be related to her grandfather, she believes her grandfather!

“But the matter is indeed related to the old man of the Gale family.

The old lady of the Jackson family back then, she actually… actually wanted to elope with the old man of the Gale family.”


Emily Gale was stunned for a while. No one had ever told her about this.

“I don’t have much to say about the causality.”

After walking on the promenade with Emily Gale, Aspen Li told her everything that he knew, one to five to ten, thoroughly.

It turned out that there was such a big misunderstanding among them.

No wonder Hunter Jackson seeks revenge from his grandfather.

It is her instead. Maybe she will do the same thing.

“Now that things have happened, it is impossible to treat them as non-existent.”

Emily Gale turned away, looking at the distant sky, the expression in his eyes was indescribably dark.

“No matter what, he and I can’t go back.”

“Why can’t we go back? Don’t you think the punishment of the young master in these two years is not enough?” Aspen Li didn’t understand, what was she worrying about?

Isn’t she still hating the young master?

“Miss Ranran, if you want Young Master’s life, you are willing to forgive him, then please tell him directly, Young Master will definitely ask for your forgiveness, not even life.”

“Does it make sense?” Jenni looked at him and shook his head: “Could it be that this is your men’s way of solving problems?” You have to get to the point where you see blood?

Aspen Li let out a sigh of relief, very helpless.

“I really don’t understand feelings, Miss Ranran, if I say something wrong, don’t be angry, I just… just feel sorry for our young master.”

Emily Gale said nothing.

He feels distressed. In fact, after hearing so much from him, doesn’t she feel distressed?

But they

I really can’t go back.

She couldn’t face it.

At night, Hunter Jackson was still asleep, and there was no sign of waking up.

Emily Gale washed his hands and feet, and said a lot of words beside him, but he still had no reaction at all.

When the doctor came to inspect the room at night, Emily Gale looked anxious: “Doctor, didn’t he say that his problem is not serious? Why did he still not wake up until this point?” The doctor did not know where the problem was.

It stands to reason that the patient’s body is stronger than any one he has ever seen.

A small brick was smashed down.

Although the blood was bleeding a little bit, it would not be too late to sleep.

“The brain is the most fragile and mysterious part of the whole person. We can’t estimate now whether there will be any sequelae if the patient is smashed to the head.”

Therefore, why a person has not woken up yet, he is also uncertain.

“But you can rest assured that the patient’s condition is very stable and there is absolutely no life-threatening.”

“When will he wake up?” “This…”

The doctor has a headache.

According to him, he should have woken up long ago. Patient, what is going on?

Aspen Li, who had just entered through the door, happened to hear the conversation between the two.

Something flashed across his eyes, but he quickly converged.

“Doctor, is it possible that the patient himself does not want to wake up?” “It is absolutely possible!” The doctor finally found a reasonable explanation.

He looked at Emily Gale, pondered, and then said: “Has the patient been stimulated before, so that he has no desire to live?” “No desire to live?” At these words, Emily Gale paled with fright. Will this happen?” He is the young master of the Jackson family. He wants the wind to get the wind but the rain to get the rain. Why doesn’t he have the desire to survive?

“Our eldest master is indeed… really unhappy.”

Aspen Li glanced at her secretly before looking at the doctor, with a sad expression on his face.

“I said you may not believe it. Before the young master, he…he had taken too much sleeping pills and almost…he died.”

The patient on the bed, when no one could see, squeezed his palm subconsciously.

This bastard, this kind of thing, will it affect his tall image?

What if his woman thinks he is too weak and doesn’t want him?

Aspen Li inexplicably felt a hint of coolness lingering in his neck, but some words had already started, and he had to continue speaking.

He looked at the doctor and sighed: “If the young master really doesn’t want to wake up this time, will he never sleep for a long time?”

Chapter 471

As long as the family can not sleep for a long time together!

These four words completely chilled Emily Gale’s whole person.

Aspen Li couldn’t bear to see her six gods and no masters.

However, if you give up now, you will lose all your previous efforts.

At exactly this time, Aspen Li answered the phone.

Looking back, he looked at Emily Gale: “Miss Ranran, someone wants to see you.”

… Emily Gale and Aspen Li’s men went out together.

When only Hunter Jackson and Aspen Li were left in the ward, Aspen Li’s hair suddenly felt numb.

“Young master, that, I said that just now, just to… to make Miss Ranran feel bad for you, but not to deliberately damage your image.”

The forehead was sweaty, and the young master didn’t wake up, making people feel like Mans back!

Hunter Jackson opened his eyes, and his cold glance made Aspen Li scared to breathe.

He panicked, then stammered: “I have studied many articles, and they all say that when a man is weak, it is most likely to arouse a woman’s sympathy.”

Hunter Jackson hummed and sat up from the hospital bed. Lifted the quilt out of the bed and walked straight to the bathroom.

It didn’t take long to come out, the people were still cold.

Aspen Li asked in a low voice, “Young Master, when are you going to pretend to be faint?” “Huh?” “No, no, I mean, how long do you plan to sleep?” How could the wise and martial young master of their family Do something to pretend to be dizzy?

Just now, I just fell asleep accidentally.

“What is her reaction?” Hunter Jackson sat back on the bed, still covering himself with the quilt.

That proud breath, where there is a slight sickness.

“Of course, Miss Ranran was frightened, and her face was pale.”

Hunter Jackson felt a pain in his heart, a little bit unbearable.

Aspen Li said again: “It’s really not good for us to lie to her like this, but I can see that Miss Ranran still cares about you, Young Master.”

“I need you to say?” “Yes, no, Young Master is natural in his heart. Understand.”

Aspen Li wiped his sweat.

However, someone interrupted other people’s words by himself, but others did not say it, but he was a bit unwilling to hear only this.

“What else is she doing? How much does she care?” “She was flustered and listened to me outside how hard you have been in the past two years…”

“Where is the hard work?” “…”

Goods, do you need to install it in front of him?

Who doesn’t know how bitter Joseph has been in the past two years.

However, Aspen Li didn’t dare to talk nonsense.

“It’s okay, anyway, that… I think, as long as you work harder, you pretend to be more vulnerable…”

“I need to pretend?” “Yes, yes, you don’t need it, I just said, you don’t Sleep more…”

Before Aspen Li had finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Aspen Li was a little nervous, and quickly walked over and took a look.

I was sure that the person outside was not Emily Gale, so I looked back at Hunter Jackson: “Young Master, it’s not…”

But, Young Master on the bed, what are you doing now?

The proud man who just said he didn’t need to pretend, was on the hospital bed at this time, his eyes closed… lying dead.

Aspen Li looked speechless.

Master, don’t you need to pretend?

What are you doing now?

… Emily Gale never dreamed that it was Zyden Gale who was waiting for her at the end of the corridor.

Seeing Zyden Gale’s first glance, she panicked and subconsciously wanted to escape!

Zyden Gale seemed to have guessed that she would be like this a long time ago. He didn’t need to think too much. He took a long leg and stood in front of her easily.

“Of course, do you think if you run away now, I can’t find you?” However, she did hide deep enough.

If it weren’t for Kylena Gale’s arrest, the police here and Lingzhou police have contacted and informed them that he still can’t find her at all.

One hiding is two years, do you want to continue hiding at this moment?

Emily Gale looked at him, his fingertips trembling with excitement.

After two years of absence, Zyden Gale has lost a lot of weight, and his temperament looks even more gloomy.

There is a feeling of vicissitudes.

She bit her lip and spent at least ten seconds to calm her heart.

Finally, the tone came slowly, and Emily Gale looked at Zyden Gale with a hint of hoarseness in her voice.

“Brother Zyden.”

Zyden Gale felt sour and gave her a violent hand, pulling her into his arms.

Emily Gale was frightened and struggling, trying to push him away.

“Don’t be afraid! I am not afraid of the pressure of public opinion, I am not afraid of anything! We are relatives, family members, of course, don’t let the shadows stay in our hearts, as long as we have a clear conscience, we are not afraid of anything!” Emily Gale almost cried.

She is afraid, she is really afraid.

She and her eldest cousin had nothing, but they were framed by drugs, and video photos were flying all over the sky.

Now, being held by her elder cousin, she is very afraid that a reporter will suddenly jump out, and suddenly someone will put their photos on the Internet.

Then, everyone said that their relationship was improper and that they corrupted Gale’s reputation.

She was really scared.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Zyden Gale patted her on the back lightly, and released her when her mood stabilized a bit.

Looking at her face that was almost unrecognizable after her disguise, Zyden Gale felt sour and hated her incompetence.

“It’s all my fault…”

“No, it’s my fault.”

Emily Gale’s heart was calmed for two years. In these two days, he was completely disturbed.

“Actually, we are all right.”

Zyden Gale held her arm with a serious face.

“It’s those who hurt us, it’s their fault, and my only fault is

There was not enough ability to protect you well.

“But now, let’s not blame ourselves, okay?”

Of course, come home with me, we are all waiting for you.

Emily Gale shook his head and gave him a light push: “Brother Zyden, my life here is very good and peaceful.”

“What he should know. Going back means what he has to face. He should be very clear.

“But that is your home. Can you never go home?”

“Of course Zyden Gale knows that going back is a difficult thing for her. When Miss Sun of the Gale family returns again, public opinion will inevitably cause a violent storm.

The things she has to face will only be better than what she currently imagines. More.

“Of course, Grandpa’s health is not good.

“The words that Emily Gale wanted to refuse were completely blocked back in her stomach. Grandpa’s body… In the past two years, although she was outside, she has been following the news in Lingzhou.

There is nothing special about Gale’s family.

The big news, that is, grandpa is at least okay.

At least, the people are still there. Gale’s grandfather, such an important person, if something happens, the major media in Lingzhou will rush to report. But she can only guarantee Grandpa is still there, but I can’t guarantee that Grandpa’s body is also healthy. What she has been afraid to face is now being mentioned by Zyden Gale, which immediately makes her feel helpless.

She wants to see Grandpa, and wants to miss it, but she If you go back, Gale’s family will also be implicated.

“You know Grandpa, you know what is most important to Grandpa.

“I don’t know…”

“You know!”

“Zyden Gale clenched her shoulders once again, anxious: “Of course, do you know?”

Emily Gale bit her lip and didn’t speak.

She knew that she actually knew it all along! To grandpa, nothing is more important than being a family. However, if she goes back, it will really affect the reputation of Gale’s family. Grandpa and the entire Gale family always live under the pressure of public opinion.

“There is nothing that can’t be solved. Even my sister-in-law made such a big mistake at the beginning and almost wanted to commit suicide because of guilt, but in the end, she, I still chose to face it, right?

Zyden Gale stared at her pale face, his voice was gentle but firm.

“You said that as long as a family is together, any difficulty is not difficult.

“We can carry it, of course, as long as we are together as a family!”

Chapter 472

I just want a wife and children!

When Emily Gale returned to Hunter Jackson’s ward, Hunter Jackson was still lying on the bed without any reaction.

“Has the doctor been here?” Emily Gale asked.

Aspen Li nodded: “The doctor said that the current situation of the young master is difficult to explain in medicine.”

“But, Miss Ranran, the doctor also said that if you give the young master enough faith to make him willing to wake up, He must be able to wake up.”

“Enough faith?” Emily Gale sat on the side of the hospital bed, looking at Hunter Jackson’s pale face due to excessive blood loss.

“At least, you have to make him feel that after waking up, there will be a bright future.”

A bright future… He is Young Master Jackson, what he wants. Isn’t this kind of future good enough?

Emily Gale looked down and looked at Hunter Jackson’s tangled eyebrows even in a coma.

Maybe she understood what Aspen Li meant, but she didn’t dare to give some promises.

“Miss Ranran, it’s not that I’m trying to force you, I just hope you can think clearly, is the past important or is it more worth looking forward to in the future?” Aspen Li left, leaving space for the two of them.

After there was no third person in the room, Emily Gale let himself go, holding Hunter Jackson’s palm, his eyes were moist.

The past or the future, which is more important, in fact, does not need any hesitation.

“But I…”

She lowered her eyes, looking at the big palm she was holding.

“I am a person who is overwhelmed by public opinion, and you, the eldest master of the Jackson family, the hope of the whole Jackson family.”

She bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable in her heart, even her voice was a little choked.

“Joseph, I already understand your intentions, but I really can’t be with you.

The identity of the Jackson’s grandma is too noble. Her past will be dug out clearly and thoroughly.”

Jackson’s grandmother once prescribed medicine to her cousin and tried to do something ethically incompatible. You know how much damage such a person will bring to Jackson’s reputation, right?” Joseph Bei’s fingers moved, and Emily Gale was taken aback, lowered his head and stared at his hand.

“Joseph, you can hear me, can’t you?” Hunter Jackson moved his finger again, and he could actually hear her!

Emily Gale was agitated and immediately held his palm tightly: “Joseph, you wake up, okay?” But this time, he didn’t react at all.

Emily Gale still hugged his big palm with both hands, and the doctor said that he wanted to talk to him so that he would have the will to live.

Originally, Emily Gale felt that the matter was not serious enough.

But he never wakes up.

She was uneasy from the beginning to now, really anxious and panicked.

As long as he wakes up, everything is fine!

“War North,

I really didn’t mean to avoid you, but I was flustered, and I didn’t know if I should forgive you.

“His finger moved slightly again, Emily Gale’s heart was sour, and sure enough, he cares about these things.

The young master of Tangtang Jackson’s family cares so much about her as a woman or a woman with a bad reputation, why bother? Don’t know what to do?

“I originally talked to him in order to ignite his fighting spirit to survive. However, she really didn’t know what to do, she really… didn’t want to lie to her. Emily Gale leaned on his arm and closed her eyes.

There are tears in his eyes, but I have not let them roll down. Crying is the behavior of the weak, but why, knowing that crying is useless, tears still appear. Hunter Jackson opened his eyes and looked at her soft side. Long hair. I don’t know how long it took before he opened his mouth and said softly: “You don’t know what to do?

Then, leave yourself to me, let me tell you what to do, okay?

Emily Gale was taken aback, suddenly raised his head, and the moment he met his deep gaze, tears finally rolled down.


She hurriedly turned her head and looked out the door, “Doctor, he is awake, he…”

“I woke up long ago.”

“Hunter Jackson sat up from the bed. Emily Gale hurriedly went over to help him, but didn’t want to. His strength was stronger than her.

She was a little bit incredulous: “You…”

“Yes, I woke up long ago, sorry.

He didn’t want to lie to her, but she was afraid that after she “woke up”, she thought he was all right and would leave immediately.

After Emily Gale calmed down for two seconds, her face suddenly sank: “You lie to me!”

She stood up and wanted to leave, but Hunter Jackson hugged her from behind.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to lie to you on purpose, I just… worried that you would ignore me.”

“Let go.”

Emily Gale wanted to struggle, but Hunter Jackson frowned, “Of course, I have a headache.”

“You still want to lie to me!”

“Emily Gale turned around and glared at him, angrily: “Hunter Jackson, what are you…”

His frowning action caused her words to swallow back into his stomach. This man is too easy for a woman to feel distressed. I don’t want to see it. , But I can’t help but want to see it. When I saw it, my heart was pulled together, and I couldn’t help myself! Hunter Jackson had a real headache, but he didn’t want to use this way of pretending to be fragile to get something. Her pity. He clasped Emily Gale’s hand tightly: “Give yourself to me, I will handle everything.

“You can’t handle it.”

“He doesn’t know how much the pressure of public opinion is. Even if he can buy all the platforms and suppress public opinion, after she becomes his wife and the grandmother of the Jackson family, those things will be destroyed. Mentioned again and again. Her two children, also

It was during the time that it happened, at least, in the eyes of others, this time.

Then those rumors will accompany the child’s life, so that the child will also be hurt in the future.

“If I am no longer the eldest young master of the Jackson family, what if I am just an ordinary person?” Hunter Jackson hugged her tightly, reluctant to let go for a moment.

“Of course, I really can’t give you a sense of security? Is it because of what I did in the past that hurt you too deeply?” “If this is the case, then, in order to give up everything, this determination, isn’t it? Can you feel at ease?” “How do you…give up everything?” “I will give Ross the position of President Jackson, and I will leave Beiling to find a place with you and live incognito for a lifetime.”

Hunter Jackson is definitely not kidding Yes, with Emily Gale’s understanding of him, she knew that what he said at this moment was serious.

It was because of knowing that I was even more panicked.

“I don’t want it!” She tried to push him away.

But Hunter Jackson still tightened his arms and said nothing to let go.

“Since you don’t want to face it, then, I will accompany you to escape, no matter where you are at the end of the world.”

“Hunter Jackson, you are crazy!” The young master of the Jackson family, the president of the Jackson family, this identity, then Noble!

He is crazy to say that he can give up all this.

“No, Hunter Jackson was really crazy two years ago.

It was because he was crazy that he would do something to hurt you, but now, I am sober.”

Because I am sober, I know what I really want.

“Of course, in this life, I have not pursued much. I used to be ignorant and always self-centered. I want everything in the world to surrender to me.”

“But now, I am completely awake, I just want A home, a home that really belongs to me.”

He never said this because he didn’t know how to express it.

Now, in front of her, he was actually very nervous.

The first time I said it, I was afraid that my own words would make her unhappy.

Emily Gale lowered his head and watched as he embraced his hand.

The ten distinct fingers were still trembling slightly.

How difficult is it to ask for forgiveness from someone in such a low voice?

“Of course, don’t leave me. I really don’t want anything. I just want my wife and my children.”

“We won’t go back, we are incognito. Let’s live our own lives, okay?”

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