My Most Precious Wife Chapter 395 – 397

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Chapter 395

Wrong, everything is wrong “What do you want to do when you come to Gale’s house?” Kylena Gale pushed Emily Gale under a big tree.

Emily Gale did not resist, but with a thump, he ran into the trunk behind him.

“How about it? Wasn’t it fierce just now? Now, after seeing the situation clearly, I know that even Young Master Jackson is on the same mind with me, so he’s not guilty?” Kylena Gale has been proud after discovering that Hunter Jackson is helping herself.

The arrogance of the whole person is too arrogant!

Emily Gale just looked at her without speaking.

Kylena Gale squinted her eyes, “Don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking. You will be jealous when you see my scenery, don’t you?” “Warning, if you want to keep your rice and millet alive, the most Okay, let me disappear quickly!” “Young Master Jackson asked me to come, how did I disappear?” Emily Gale blinked, but she didn’t even mean to be afraid.

“Emily Gale, you really are not afraid of death! Until now, you dare to disobey me?” “Otherwise?” Emily Gale leaned on the tree trunk, smiling but not smiling: “I’m afraid of you?” “You!” Kylena Gale thought She didn’t speak just now, and she let herself lead it because she was afraid.

But why is her performance so calm now?

Is she really not afraid of Hunter Jackson’s anger?

“You mess with me, Joseph won’t let you go. Just now, I haven’t heard him clearly yet?” “Heh, I really didn’t hear him clearly, or would you ask Mr. Jackson to explain it to me?” “Don’t think about it! He only has me in his eyes. Don’t try to contaminate him!” “Since you are so confident, why do you have to say such unassuming words?” Others say that there is nothing to show off, it seems, it really makes sense. .

She kept saying that Young Master Jackson belongs to her, so she just lay down on Hunter Jackson’s bed and waited for him to go back and spoil her.

In front of her, what to show off?

Emily Gale looked at her as if he was watching a clown!

Kylena Gale’s anger ignited like never before.

In this family, everyone has to watch her face to live!

Even her two so-called aunts, even if they have an opinion on her, who dares to speak loudly in front of her?

“b*tch! I don’t want to teach you well, you think you really have wings!” Kylena Gale raised her hand and slapped Emily Gale’s face.

Emily Gale just hid at will, Kylena Gale’s slap, hit the tree trunk with a snap.

“Ah!” Pain!

The rough bark made her palms break, making her grin in pain.

She stared at Emily Gale, gritted her teeth with anger!

“I will kill Su Xiaomi, wait and see, I will definitely kill her!” “Then should I expose your crime before you kill Xiaomi, so that grandpa can see your tricks clearly? “You…what did you say?”

Kylena Gale panicked, her eyes flickering.

Emily Gale squinted her eyes, suddenly took a step forward, and instantly approached her.

“I said, I want to expose your crime and let everyone see your true face!” Kylena Gale was so scared that she backed away subconsciously, but Emily Gale stepped closer.

If we say that the previous thoughts are all guesses.

So now, her guess should become true!

“Kylena Gale, you are not Miss Sun of the Gale family at all, you are a liar!” “What nonsense are you talking about?” Kylena Gale almost screamed, “My grandpa and I have done a DNA test. You dare to say such a vicious thing!” They really did DNA testing… However, Kylena Gale’s reaction was clearly a guilty conscience.

Emily Gale sneered: “Well, now, go find grandpa again and do an appraisal together.”

“Emily Gale, what do you want to do? What does the matter between me and grandpa have to do with you?” This b*tch, Did she find out?

A murderous intent flashed across Kylena Gale’s eyes, she shouldn’t let her survive!

It should have been known that as long as Emily Gale was alive, this matter would be noticed by her sooner or later.

Kylena Gale calmed down, squeezed her palms, and stared at Emily Gale coldly.

“Don’t think that grandpa likes you, you can do whatever you want in our house, grandpa likes you, just because he thinks you are my sister, he loves the house and crows!” When she was calm, the whole person looked like a slaughter.

She had already murdered her.

Emily Gale stared at her and stood on guard.

This is the Gale family. Kylena Gale has lived in this family for more than a month.

She is more familiar with everything here than herself.

If she wants to be in this home, let her die by an “accident”, maybe, not necessarily impossible.

“Heh, do you know you are afraid now?” Kylena Gale took a step forward, smiling coldly.

“At the beginning, my grandfather took me to the appraisal. What kind of big family is Gale’s home? What kind of big man is my grandfather?” “If he is not very sure, he can bring me back. Give me ten points of shares?” Emily Gale squeezed her palm and stared at her for a moment.

Ten points of shares are indeed a lot.

If this is the case, I am afraid that there is still no one in Gale’s family who can compare with her status.

During the confrontation, Emily Gale’s cell phone rang suddenly.

She took out the phone and was about to answer the call.

Kylena Gale suddenly rushed over, pressing her hand on the back of her hand.

“What do you want to do?” Emily Gale glared at her, in case she really hit her.

“What are you afraid of? Afraid that I would kill you?” Kylena Gale smiled, “Oh, why should I kill someone for no reason?” “Let go!” Emily Gale shook her hand away, then picked up the phone and walked over.


Picking up, “How?” “No.”

On the other end of the phone, Yang Yi whispered slightly.

“Of course, no, you are not the granddaughter of the old man, the appraisal report is out.”

“What…what did you say?” The phone in Emily Gale’s hand almost slipped to the ground.

Is it true that everything is wrong, is it really wrong?

“It’s true, of course, the two hairs you left at the front desk, I took them to the hospital as soon as I got them.

It cost a lot of money as you said, the fastest.”

He has just got the appraisal report now. .

This result also completely exceeded his expectations.

“Of course, I know you are uncomfortable, but…”

Yang Yi was silent for a moment before saying: “However, we might really guess the wrong direction.”

Emily Gale was expressionless and hung up the phone.

Looking at Kylena again, when she stared at herself, there was doubt and exploration in her eyes.

Emily Gale suddenly wanted to laugh, but he didn’t know what he wanted to laugh.

Laugh at your own stupidity?

When she knew that she was coming to Lingzhou to take care of her family, she immediately sent a message to Yang Yi, asking him to take the other half of the plane and follow him quietly.

The purpose is to help her secretly, see if there is a chance, and make an identification with the old man.

She was thinking about this matter more than a month ago.

But because people have been trapped in Wangjiang Pavilion by Hunter Jackson, there is no way to practice.

Now, I finally practiced it, but I didn’t expect the result to be so ridiculous.

Why does she feel that she is the granddaughter of the Gale family?

She did the DNA test in person, she didn’t believe it.

She believes in her instincts.

As a result, he was hit hard.

She turned around and wanted to leave.

Kylena Gale was behind her and pulled her severely: “Emily Gale, you…”

Unexpectedly, this S|ut’s body became weak, and he fell down with a bang in front of her.

Chapter 396:

Then, like her old friend, “b*tch, don’t pretend to be dead!” Seeing Emily Gale fainted to the ground, Kylena Gale’s face was completely black.

She just gave her a hand, as to make her faint?

“b*tch, get up!” Kylena Gale stretched out her foot and kicked Emily Gale’s leg.

Emily Gale still did not respond.

Kylena Gale didn’t believe it, lifted up her sharp high heels, and slammed on Emily Gale’s leg with the heel.

This time, Emily Gale finally had some reaction, and hummed dully.

“b*tch, you are really pretending! Get up for me, or I will kill you!” Kylena Gale stepped on her foot again, and Emily Gale finally opened her eyes slightly.

The leg is very painful, fiery pain.

However, my heart hurts even more!

The pain made her stomach churning.

She suddenly turned sideways and retched.

Kylena Gale hated the woman’s pretense.

Seeing her retching, she sneered: “Young Master Jackson and Grandpa are not there, who are you pretending to be pitiful?” Emily Gale really fainted for a while, and now he is completely awake.


“If you dare to mess around, I’ll yell.”

Emily Gale glared at her, and finally took a breath, she struggled and got up.

The leg hurts, it seems to be hurt.

Kylena Gale really wanted to continue kicking her a few times, but if this b*tch screamed at this time, it would not be a good thing for her.

I don’t know what kind of phone Emily Gale answered just now.

It seems that he is really desperate?

Kylena Gale is very curious, does it have anything to do with her?

Emily Gale didn’t want to care about her anymore, she was in no mood at all now.

Oh, everything I thought was just my own extravagant hope.

What is she still insisting on?

No, the old man is not her grandfather, but Kylena Gale is the grandson of the Gale family.

She, an irrelevant person, actually wanted to snatch everything from others… Emily Gale turned around and left, and Kylena Gale wanted to chase after her.

But Emily Gale’s desperate appearance made her feel very disappointed.

Young Master Jackson is still in the hall.

It is rare for Young Master Jackson to be so gentle to her today.

She now wishes to return to him immediately.

She took out the phone and dialed a number while no one was paying attention.

“Emily Gale came to Lingzhou, and now I’m still living in the Gale’s house. You guys think of a way, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hide this thing.”

“It’s really impossible, or… kill her?” … Emily Gale walked on Sitting in the shade of a tree by the lake.

She looked at the lake, and her whole person still felt a little muddled.

His head was a little blank, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. He just looked at the calm lake in a daze.

She didn’t know how long she had been sitting alone before she exhaled and stood up again.

Since it is wrong, then,

There is no need to prove something.

Kylena Gale is the granddaughter of the old man of the Gale family.

Although she has always had no good impressions of the bad woman, at least, she did not lie to the old man.

As long as the old man is not deceived, that is enough, and she doesn’t need to struggle too much.

Just turning around to return to the direction of the main house, suddenly there was a discomfort in his stomach.

Emily Gale covered his lips and endured it for a while, but finally couldn’t hold it back, holding on to the tree trunk and retching.


So uncomfortable!

The most frightening thing is, why is this feeling of retching and uncomfortable so… familiar?

“What’s the matter with you?” A woman came from behind, came to Emily Gale’s side, and patted her on the back.

Emily Gale finally took a sigh of relief and looked back at the woman: “Thanks…Thank you.”

The woman stared at her face for a while in amazement.


How could this be?

She seems…like to meet someone who has known each other for many years!

Gale Qinghe shook his head slightly, and then looked at Emily Gale, only to suddenly remember that the other party was just an 18-year-old girl.

At this age, she is naturally not an old person she knows.

What’s more, the deceased person is long gone.

“You…know me?” Emily Gale lightly pressed En’s chest, finally not so uncomfortable.

Gale Qinghe shook his head.

As the general manager of the Gale family, he had long learned to hide his mind.

The shock just now is gone.

She faintly said: “What’s the matter with you? If you vomit like this, isn’t it pregnant?” Pregnant!

These two words made Emily Gale pale for a while.

“Nothing!” She shook her head in a hurry, this reaction was indescribably strange.

Gale Qinghe squinted her eyes and looked at her face, making sure that their Gale family did not have such a maid for a while.

This face was meant to have appeared in Gale’s family, and she would never forget it.

“Who are you? Why are you in our house? Come as a guest?” “I came with Young Master Jackson.”

Emily Gale has not yet recovered from the shock and fear brought by the word “pregnancy”.

“Young Master Jackson? You say, Young Master Jackson from Beiling?” Gale Qinghe had heard that Young Master Jackson was coming, but he didn’t expect that he would be here today.

“Where is the person? I’m going to visit him.”

She looked at Emily Gale again, still a little bit puzzled: “Are you…Joseph’s girlfriend?” “I am not!” This denial is more than just now. But also quickly, as if for fear of any misunderstanding by the other party.

Probably realizing that his reaction was a bit too much, Emily Gale smiled at her faintly, alleviating the embarrassment.

“I just stopped by with him. I came to see my sister.”

“Your sister?” “Kylena Gale.”

… When Gale Qinghe and Emily Gale walked into the hall together, Hunter Jackson was still chatting with his father and Zyden Gale.

Kylena Gale was sitting beside Young Master Jackson.

Although there is still a little distance between the two people, Kylena Gale’s behavior makes it easy to see that her relationship with Hunter Jackson is very unusual.

“Young Master Jackson really came.”

Gale Qinghe glanced at Kylena Gale, then looked back at Emily Gale beside her.

After that, he opened the habitual smile in the mall and walked to Hunter Jackson.

“I’ve heard Zyden say that Young Master Jackson will come over a long time ago. I didn’t expect to be here today. I didn’t have time to prepare for Young Master Jackson. Please don’t be offended.”

“Mrs. Gale is serious.”

Joseph North Station I got up and shook hands with Gale Qinghe who walked up to him.

Although the man Gale Qinghe marries does not have the last name Gale, because her husband is a patriarch, the older one is usually called Miss Gale, and the younger one is called Mrs. Gale.

Gale Qinghe smiled lightly, with a gentle expression: “Young Master Jackson, please sit down.”

The two took their seats, and Gale Qinghe sat beside Zyden Gale.

Seeing that Emily Gale was back, the old man hurriedly greeted him: “Ranran, come and sit at Grandpa’s side.”

Kylena Gale gave Emily Gale a fierce look, but with so many people present, she couldn’t say anything now.

Can only hide the hatred completely in my heart.

Emily Gale was still so well-behaved, and sat down beside the old man without humming.

Gale Qinghe looked at Kylena Gale and Hunter Jackson thoughtfully.

“Kylena, you and Young Master Jackson… are familiar?”

Chapter 397

I don’t dislike that Kylena Gale has not had time to answer Gale Qinghe’s question.

Another person came outside the hall.

When Gale Qinglian saw Hunter Jackson, her eyes suddenly lit up.

I knew that Young Master Jackson’s family of Beiling was a very good man, but I didn’t expect to be so good.

If she wasn’t that old, if she was twenty years younger, she would definitely chase him sternly.

I have never seen such a handsome man!

A photo can make a woman’s cheeks red and her heart beating faster. Now, the live version of the real person makes it hard to look away.

“Young Master Jackson, it’s better to be famous than to meet up, admire it for a long time!” Gale Qinglian walked over and offered her hand.

The Gale family in Lingzhou and the Jackson family in Beiling have always had business dealings.

Gale Qinglian has a more or less cooperative relationship with Hunter Jackson on the project at hand.

Hunter Jackson shook hands with her slightly, and everyone continued to sit down.

“Dad, the good things about our Kylena and Joseph are near?” Gale Qinglian received the news.

After hearing that Young Master Jackson was here, she immediately went to see Kylena Gale.

Now, the two people are sitting together, seemingly close.

In addition, she had asked someone to inquire about Kylena Gale before.

I have known for a long time that Kylena Gale and Joseph are a pair.

On Kylena Gale’s Weibo, all the photos taken at Mr. Jackson’s Wangjiang Pavilion.

She looked at the old man, but her eyes fell on the girl next to him.

“She!” Gale Qinglian stood up abruptly, “She…”

“What?” The old man looked at her Gale Qinglian and frowned: “What is the fuss about?” His two daughters are both good hands of the Gale family. , Calmness is notorious.

Although the second daughter is generally a bit more impetuous than the eldest daughter, it is not so frizzy.

“Qinglian, this is Kylena’s younger sister, Emily Gale.”

Gale Qinghe glanced at her lightly.

Gale Qinglian was calmed down by this warning.


It’s really similar!

Her feeling for Emily Gale is stronger than Gale Qinghe!

Back then, when her brother Gale Jingxu was in love, she also helped her father several times.

She remembered, always remember the appearance of that girl!

But, how could this be?

Emily Gale felt a little depressed today, and smiled at Gale Qinglian.

After saying hello, he picked up the cup and drank tea by himself.

It seems that they are not interested in their topics at all.

Gale Qinglian calmed down and took another look at Emily Gale before turning her eyes back to Hunter Jackson and Kylena Gale.

In order to cover up her gaffe, she smiled and said, “Kylena, don’t you introduce me to your aunts?” Kylena Gale’s face was a little hot, and of course she knew what Gale Qinglian meant.

Young Master Jackson, everyone naturally knows what Gale Qinglian means,

She wanted to introduce the relationship between them.

Kylena Gale took a peek at Hunter Jackson, who didn’t mean to speak at all.

She quietly sat next to him for a few minutes, and the two of them were at least ten centimeters closer.

He didn’t mean to resist!

Kylena Gale’s heart was hot, and she was suddenly surprised.

“I…Joseph is my good friend, very good…the kind.”

The old man saw the two of them today, and he even saw a hint of humming.

I didn’t dare to think about this at all, but today’s Young Master Jackson gives everyone hope.

The old man smiled: “Before, Kylena had been taking care of Mr. Jackson. I haven’t thanked you well yet.”

Hunter Jackson smiled indifferently, with a shallow smile that made all the women present suddenly get a little drunk.

He said: “It’s a matter of division.”

The meaning of these words couldn’t be more obvious!

Kylena Gale is Hunter Jackson’s responsibility!

Kylena Gale was agitated, but she couldn’t express anything, but she didn’t speak, and she was afraid of missing something.

She could only wink at Old Man Gale, hoping that Old Man could help.

Of course the old man knew what she meant, but he still couldn’t see through Hunter Jackson.

It was made clear before that he has no s3xual affection for his granddaughter.

But now, how come the attitude is completely different?


The old man thought for a while, and then tentatively said: “Young Master Jackson, are you with our Kylena? Why don’t I know that the old man?” Everyone was quiet.

Emily Gale’s fingers tightened, and the corner of his eyes fluttered towards Hunter Jackson subconsciously.

The meaning of Grandpa Gale’s words has been completely clear.

Now, yes, yes, no.

Yimu’s character, he never learned the meaning of these two words euphemistically.

Kylena Gale was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

She wanted grandpa to help, but she never thought that grandpa would be so direct.

If Young Master Jackson refused on the spot in front of so many people, where would she put her face in the future?

Grandpa really…does not care about her face!

In fact, the old man just didn’t want to drag his feet.

The last thing he wanted was that his granddaughter had unrealistic hopes.

Except for Hunter Jackson, all those present are his family members.

Even if you lose face in front of your own people, there is no problem.

The key is to make things clear.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Hunter Jackson’s body.

But Hunter Jackson didn’t seem to know what everyone was expecting.

After picking up the cup and taking a sip of fragrant tea, he put the cup down and looked down at Kylena Gale.

“I have been here for more than a month, have you troubled everyone?” Kylena Gale felt her heart burst!

So spoilt mouth

k*ss, you clearly regard her as your own person!

She has never tried, the feeling of making Joseph her own woman!

Suddenly, my heart was sour, my eyes became hot, and tears almost rolled down.

She shook her head and almost couldn’t help falling into his arms.

If it weren’t for so many eyes, she would fall into his arms, she would definitely!


Kylena Gale lowered her head, biting her lip, breathing in a mess.

There was still two seconds of silence in the hall.

Two seconds later, the old man felt happy and finally reacted.

“Why is Kylena so well-behaved, how can it cause trouble to others?” The old man is so happy, so happy!

Before she knew it, she held Emily Gale’s hand, but looked at Hunter Jackson: “When Kylena stayed with Joseph, I don’t know how much trouble it caused Joseph.”

Hunter Jackson smiled. That smile is elegant and expensive!

“The trouble is a bit, but I don’t dislike it.”

… Emily Gale checked into the guest room on the second floor.

She didn’t know where Hunter Jackson lived, nor did she want to know.

Tonight, it belongs to Hunter Jackson and Kylena Gale.

And she, whether she is by Hunter Jackson’s side or at this Gale’s family, seems particularly redundant.

Standing on the balcony, looking at the night scene outside, she didn’t know whether she wanted to laugh or cry.

Laugh, that’s laughing at your own stupidity.

To cry is to cry yourself sadly.

She has sincerely announced her relationship, but she is still a plaything next to Hunter Jackson.

He was with Kylena Gale, but in private, he still took her as a woman.

No one knows that she still owes Hunter Jackson more than a month.

For more than a month, she had to be the target of his vent when he needed it in Hunter Jackson.

Oh, what kind of man is this Young Master Jackson?


Being with Kylena Gale, but still making out with other women, what if it is not a scumbag?

It’s windy tonight, the wind blows on my body, it’s very cold, and it makes my bones freeze.

Emily Gale didn’t know how long the cold wind had been blowing on the balcony. When he suddenly recovered, he dragged a cold body and slowly returned to the room.

Just about to rest on the bed, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.

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