My Most Precious Wife Chapter 266 – 268

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Chapter 266

DNA “What nonsense? Two young masters and I are innocent, and there is nothing.”

Emily Gale didn’t like this topic, and immediately stopped: “How are the new works prepared?” Come out, now, just wait for your script.”

Su Xiaomi picked up the phone and forwarded the person design to Emily Gale: “Let’s see if the image of the male and female protagonist is satisfied?” Emily Gale opened the picture. I fell in love at a glance.

“Satisfied, very satisfied!” Can’t be too satisfied!

“Yang Yi, what is going on in the technical department?” Emily Gale looked at the boy sitting in the corner.

“The skeleton outline of the APP is basically completed.

It took only two days to test it.”

“Where is the marketing department?” He Lingzhi immediately reported: “The human resources side. Today, more than 30 new painters have been brought back, including the ones who have been invited back. Now, we have 22 writers, 20 hook line assistants, and 30 coloring assistants.”

“The script side also invited more than 20 people, all of whom had previous results in online articles or entities.

“Calculating this way, even if you can start doing things this month, and you will be online next month, there will only be more than 20 comics.”

Emily Gale opened his laptop and logged in to the background.

The data was still stagnant.

The APP function has not been tested yet, and it cannot be advertised immediately. Now it is completely empty.

She thought for a while, and then said: “Lingzhi, give you two days to write me an event planning book.”

“What kind of event do you want? Comic contest or?” “Online comic contest, I It needs an offline event, a large-scale one.”

The September Media under the Jiang family can’t just do comics.

They can do it as a big one.

They don’t have much time.

Within one year, to put all the investment in place, and to control the loss within 30%, this challenge is not trivial.

“We can’t just do comics. Comics were money-burning at the beginning, and the loss absolutely exceeded 30%.”

Emily Gale’s words, everyone actually knows.

“Furthermore, we are September Media.

It is no longer a September studio.

A media company is too stingy to make comics.”

“Of course, don’t you even want to do animation?” Su Xiaomi was a little excited.

Emily Gale appeared to be particularly calm: “I don’t want to do it, I have to do it, there are also web dramas, animation theaters.”

“I do so much at once, I’m afraid we…”

“You think, a billion, just do it. Can the comics be spent?” Although the cost of comics is high, it was high for their previous September studio.

However, for September Media, that cost is really nothing.

Qin Zhizhou didn’t know about investment, but he hadn’t seen such a big deal before.


“Shu Lei’s studio used to produce an animation theater jointly with others.

The cost was hundreds of millions, but it was a loss.”

“In this kind of investment, there will be losses and gains. We don’t need to be discouraged. We can. Emily Gale called up the form and distributed a copy to everyone.

“At the head of this year, “My Mysterious Husband” live-action web drama, “Rebirth of Speed ”‹”‹Goddess”, go to the animation theater.”

“”My Mysterious Husband” casts publicly and creates topical drainage. You must plan these activities. .”

He Lingzhi wrote down one by one in the notebook.

Although faced with such a large workload, the pressure is indeed not small.

However, the more pressure, the more challenging.

This time, it really can only succeed, never fail.

Otherwise, the three-year deed of sale will be signed.

“Tomorrow I will have the planning department and the marketing department have a meeting, and try to start the draft within this month.”

“Half a month.”

Emily Gale flipped through the calendar, suddenly, his heart moved.

It turned out that it was already November.

This month, is Young Master Jackson going to Ali Khan?

After she woke up from a coma, no one mentioned this matter again, and she almost forgot.

Now that I remembered it all of a sudden, I suddenly felt uneasy.

Next, everyone started to get busy, but Emily Gale was always upset when he thought of Hunter Jackson’s going to Ali Khan.

At 11 o’clock in the evening, the friends in the office were leaving one after another. Su Xiaomi also took Emily Gale’s hand: “Go back to the dormitory.”

“Dormitory?” Emily Gale was a little confused. Where did the dormitory come from?

She is going to sleep in the office tonight.

“Vince prepared a staff dormitory for us, which is only available for senior employees. I moved in last night. Don’t worry, I will send in your salute.”

Emily Gale was still a little confused, and packed his things and Everyone left together and got on the sightseeing car inside the company.

The dormitory building is also in the industrial park, near the back door.

In the future, if you do not return to the office building, you can go directly through the back door.

This is called a high-end single apartment!

Emily Gale looked at the layout of the apartment, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“How is it? I cleaned it for you personally. Isn’t it beautiful?” Su Xiaomi pointed to the fruit on the table, “I bought it too. See how nice I am to you?” Emily Gale was really touched by all the things in life. Xiaomi can always arrange for her properly.

How can I meet such a good friend in this life.

“You won’t live with me?” She noticed, only her own luggage in the room.

“No, Lingzhi and I are on the next floor. This floor is for high-level and high-level employees.”

Su Xiaomi smiled and stood at the door and pointed to the end of the corridor: “You also have special elevators.

How can we be a level?

Emily Gale sighed and raised her forehead: “Dare to love, my level is already so high?”

“Of course, you are the general manager of our September media.”

Seeing that the time is getting late, Su Xiaomi waved to her: “I’m going back, of course, you should rest earlier.

Emily Gale nodded, and after watching her leave, closed the door. He walked into the room with the suitcase, and was shocked by the neat and luxurious decoration in front of him.

Although it is far inferior to such places as Mujiawangjiang Pavilion, it is for one As far as the apartment is concerned, it is definitely super luxurious.

After finishing her salute, she was about to take her pajamas to the bathroom, but the sound of the phone call rang crisply.

She went to the bed and picked up the phone.

It was Yang Yi I don’t know why, her long fingers trembled slightly, and she quickly connected the phone. “Of course, I haven’t found the relationship between Sang Qing and the old lady for the time being, but I found out that when your mother was in Lingzhou, I once lived in a household named Ye for a period of time.

“The last name is Ye?”

“Emily Gale has never heard of her mother before. Everyone said that her mother used to be a woman who worked in a bar, and Siniya Ye often said that she was improper and a bad woman. But she didn’t believe it, she definitely didn’t believe her mother was like that. People who behave in disorder! “Yes, a man surnamed Ye, I checked his background and found out that he was a classmate of Mrs. Jackson’s formerly.

“The old lady’s classmates…

These relationships are a bit messy, Emily Gale will be confused for a while, but one thing is certain is that her mother and the old lady really have some kind of relationship.

“Yang Yi, if two people are both Is there any way to identify their DNA?

Chapter 267

After taking a bath with me all day and lying on the bed, Emily Gale was still a little irritable.

How could she suspect that her mother and the old lady are related by blood?

However, the old lady’s unfinished words always made her feel that the relationship between mother and old lady is very close.

Didn’t the old lady say it then?

Your mother belongs to me…

It’s a pity that something happened to the old lady before I finished speaking.

If the mother is really the old lady’s daughter, then she is the old lady’s granddaughter.

Then all of this seems to have become a matter of course.

Why does the old lady love her, why must she be engaged to the most outstanding young lady in the eyes of the old lady, why must she take care of her forever… Is she really the old lady’s granddaughter?

The telephone ringing suddenly rang again, it was Yang Yi’s call, and Emily Gale immediately answered it.

“How is it?” She looked a little excited, even her breathing was messed up.

Yang Yi on the other end of the phone said: “Your mother’s DNA, I have no way of starting, but after invading the network of the hospital where the old lady was hospitalized before, she found that the old lady still had some tissue samples in the hospital.”

“What do you mean? “Your mother has been absent for so many years.

It is very difficult to start from her, but we can start from you.”

Emily Gale was taken aback for a moment and reacted immediately.

“You want me… to use my grandmother’s samples for testing?” “Yes!” Emily Gale suddenly recovered, and in an instant, there was a feeling of bliss.

Yes, my mother has been away for more than ten years, and many things have not been left, and it is difficult to verify.

But, isn’t she still alive?

Not long after the old lady left, there is still a lot of information about her in the hospital database.

If the mother is really the old lady’s daughter, then she is the old lady’s granddaughter, and vice versa, isn’t it the same?

“Yang Yi, what tissue samples does the old lady have in the hospital? Can I get them?” “The old lady had frozen blood samples in the hospital before. You can’t get them. You must have immediate family members.”

Immediate family members, could it be, Want to find Young Master Jackson?

However, Young Master Jackson didn’t even have time to give her five minutes to speak, and asked him to accompany her to the hospital. I’m afraid he would not want to.

“Yang Yi, let me think about it first…”

Emily Gale hung up the phone and sat beside the bed, feeling impatient and restless.

Only immediate family members can apply for a sample of the old lady’s organization.

And this has to be done quickly, otherwise, if the person is gone, the hospital will clean up after a while, and maybe these tissue samples that are no longer needed will be cleaned up.

How to do?

How can she get it?

She was restless, and she didn’t know how long it took, when suddenly, the phone rang.

In this quiet night, the sudden ringing made her almost jump out of bed.

Is it Yang Yi?

She picked up the phone immediately, and looked at it, but hesitated.

Daniel Jackson?

Emily Gale checked the time, at one o’clock in the morning, so late, what did he call for?

Some thoughts in her heart were surging slightly, and she finally picked up the phone: “Second Young Master Jackson, what’s the matter?” “Of course, I’m outside of the Jiang family.”

Daniel Jackson’s voice sounded very hoarse, “I hesitate After a long time, I still couldn’t hold back…”

“Is there anything wrong with me?” At this time, he was still outside the Jiang family.

“No…what, I just want to tell you that I will re-behave, and I am no longer the me who used to be.”

His tone sounds a bit astringent, and it seems really different from the domineering Jackson Er Shao before. same.

Emily Gale actually didn’t understand. Did Mr. Jackson take over the position of President Jackson and let him do this, or is it really related to her “angel”?

“I’m very happy, you are willing to be a new person, although, in fact, you didn’t have any bad things before.”

The rich man’s noble son is like this, so there is no good or bad.

At least Daniel Jackson is still a positive person, he is serious about his work, and he has a certain status and reputation in the business world.

It’s just that he likes to make friends with different beauties and hang around with flowers, but to Emily Gale, this is nothing.

After all, it is not her man.

“No, I was not good enough before, never knowing to treat people sincerely.”

He has been outside the Jiang family for a long, long time, several hours.

Since Jiang Nan sent Emily Gale into Jiang’s family, he kept asking the driver to park the car outside and never left.

Emily Gale didn’t have the heart to listen to the story of a prodigal son turning back, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

However, she does need Daniel Jackson now.

“Second Young Master Jackson, I would like to ask you to do me a favor.”

“You say, I agree!” Daniel Jackson

Chapter 268

It seemed really different from the domineering Jackson Er Young Master before.

Emily Gale actually didn’t understand. Did Mr. Jackson take over the position of President Jackson and let him do this, or is it really related to her “angel”?

“I’m very happy, you are willing to be a new person, although, in fact, you didn’t have any bad things before.”

The rich man’s noble son is like this, so there is no good or bad.

At least Daniel Jackson is still a positive person, he is serious about his work, and he has a certain status and reputation in the business world.

It’s just that he likes to make friends with different beauties and hang around with flowers, but to Emily Gale, this is nothing.

After all, it is not her man.

“No, I was not good enough before, never knowing to treat people sincerely.”

He has been outside the Jiang family for a long, long time, several hours.

Since Jiang Nan sent Emily Gale into Jiang’s family, he kept asking the driver to park the car outside and never left.

Emily Gale didn’t have the heart to listen to the story of a prodigal son turning back, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

However, she does need Daniel Jackson now.

“Second Young Master Jackson, I would like to ask you to do me a favor.”

“You say, I agree!” Daniel Jackson

It seemed really different from the domineering Jackson Er Young Master before.

Emily Gale actually didn’t understand. Did Mr. Jackson take over the position of President Jackson and let him do this, or is it really related to her “angel”?

“I’m very happy, you are willing to be a new person, although, in fact, you didn’t have any bad things before.”

The rich man’s noble son is like this, so there is no good or bad.

At least Daniel Jackson is still a positive person, he is serious about his work, and he has a certain status and reputation in the business world.

It’s just that he likes to make friends with different beauties and hang around with flowers, but to Emily Gale, this is nothing.

After all, it is not her man.

“No, I was not good enough before, never knowing to treat people sincerely.”

He has been outside the Jiang family for a long, long time, several hours.

Since Jiang Nan sent Emily Gale into Jiang’s family, he kept asking the driver to park the car outside and never left.

Emily Gale didn’t have the heart to listen to the story of a prodigal son turning back, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

However, she does need Daniel Jackson now.

“Second Young Master Jackson, I would like to ask you to do me a favor.”

“You say, I agree!” Daniel Jackson

Commit immediately.

“I hope you will go to the hospital with me. I want to get something, but I hope you can keep it secret for me.

As for what you want to exchange, I can consider everything except body and emotion.”

… But this is what he wants most.

Daniel Jackson’s eyes were a little dim, but at last he smiled: “It’s okay.

It’s my honor that you want me to help. I don’t ask for anything in return.”

“No, if you don’t mention some conditions, I dare not ask you for help.”

In the world, cheap things are often the most expensive, and favors are the most difficult to return.

Daniel Jackson knew that she just didn’t want to owe herself anything.

He was willing to pay for her, but she didn’t want it at all.

“Well, since I have to negotiate terms, then… accompany me out for a day.”

“Jackson Er Shao…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything wrong with you, you just accompany me, eat and drink Play, what you don’t want to do, I will never force it.”

Emily Gale hesitated, and Daniel Jackson immediately said, “I allow you to bring friends, but you must stay with me all the time.

It’s just… as simple as that.

“Okay, I promise you.”

As long as you can bring a friend, you are not afraid that he will do anything unusual to her.

The impression that Daniel Jackson left on her was always too dangerous, and now it is impossible to believe it easily.

Half an hour later, Yang Yi, who was woken up, drove Emily Gale from the apartment building in a car provided by the company.

Sure enough, Daniel Jackson was still outside the gate of Jiang’s Industrial Park, in the corner of that street.

Because he didn’t want too many people to know about this, Emily Gale asked Daniel Jackson to get in Yang Yi’s car.

At three o’clock in the morning, three people appeared in the hospital where the old lady had stayed.

Because it was the Second Young Master Jackson, even at this point, there were still people working hard for them.

At 3:20, they got the old lady’s blood sample.

Leaving the hospital, without even having time to say goodbye, Emily Gale got into Yang Yi’s car and left Daniel Jackson quickly.

At four o’clock exactly, Emily Gale stretched out his finger in the laboratory of another big hospital.

Watching the nurse take the blood from her fingertips, she felt dizzy with excitement at that moment.

Whether it is grandma’s granddaughter or not, things will be revealed soon.

The old lady said she wanted to confess everything to the old man and Young Master Jackson. Was it this?

Kylena Gale lied to her grandma, what did she mean?

Could it be that Kylena Gale forged her identity and pretended to be the granddaughter of the old lady?

If all these conjectures are correct, then things will basically come to light.

But how did Kylena Gale know that she is related to the old lady?

A simple Kylena Gale can’t do all this.

Behind it, what kind of hands are pushing the whole thing?


Could it be that even he was deceived?

Although the money has been spent, they do not have a special identity, and the hospital’s appraisal still takes 48 hours to get the result.

Because the next day was the weekend, Daniel Jackson called early and asked if she had time to accompany him to sea.

Emily Gale returned to the apartment, only to lie down for three hours before receiving a call from Daniel Jackson.

Considering that Yang Yi also accompany her to toss until dawn last night, so today, she only brought Su Xiaomi and He Lingzhi.

“Why didn’t you look like you were awake? You went out to be a thief last night?” When the three people went out of the apartment building, Emily Gale looked down, almost falling asleep on the road, it was really suspicious.

“It wasn’t last night. Second Young Master Jiang went to see you again, right?” He Lingzhi was very optimistic about Emily Gale and Second Young Master Jiang.

The second young master is personable, and he looks super invincible, and it is absolutely qualified to match their family.

It should be said that Zhuo Zhuo is more than enough.

Emily Gale really wanted to roll her eyes, “You like Second Young Master Jiang so much, why don’t you go after him?” “I really like it. I like it so much that I want to drool every time I see him.”

He Lingzhi Without concealing her admiration for the Second Young Master Jiang, she smiled and said, “Unfortunately, it is not me who is after me.”

“Yes, of course, even I can see that the Second Young Master is interesting to you, so don’t deny it.

“Yes. If it wasn’t for like it, I would always be with you? You don’t know, the time you were sick…”

“The second young master Jiang was really with you during the time I was sick. Me?” In fact, Emily Gale was more or less expectant in her heart, but she did not dare to think deeply about what she was expecting.

At that time, in a daze, I always felt that the one guarding me was another man.

Another man she didn’t dare to think about, but had to think about it.

But at that time, she was so sick that she was unconscious, and she didn’t know if she admitted the wrong person.

In short, when I woke up, the only person sitting next to me was Jiangnan.

“Of course it is the Second Young Master Jiang, otherwise, who else do you think?” Even though the Second Young Master Jiang’s people were guarding the corridor at that time, it was rare for them to go in and see her once.

But every time I see her, the person who stays in the ward is Jiang Ershao.

Then, besides Second Young Master Jiang, who else is guarding her every day?

“You girl, you really don’t know the blessing when you are in the blessing. If people don’t like you, why are they so good to you?” Of course, Su Xiaomi knows it, but I’m afraid that I’m still in love with Joseph.

However, now that Young Master Jackson and Kylena Gale are together, everyone in the world knows things.

Kylena Gale posted on Weibo every day the love between herself and Mr. Jackson. Every time she saw it, she felt dazzling.


Yes, every time I can’t help but click to drive, she Su Xiaomi is also really mean.

She really felt unwilling for Ranran, so she couldn’t wait to see the news that Kylena Gale was abandoned by Young Master Jackson every day.

However, good people do not live long, bad people live for thousands of years.

That damn bad woman, not only lived in the Wangjiang Pavilion of Young Master Jackson, but also entered the Jackson family, and stayed with Young Master Jackson every day!

A few Weibo posts a day are all interactions between her and Mr. Jackson!

In short, she was about to vomit blood!

The more I thought about it, the more angry Su Xiaomi couldn’t help but muttered: “Young Master Namu didn’t even look at Kylena Gale at first, but how could it suddenly become like that?” “You also saw Kylena Gale and Jackson Da. Is there anything less?” He Lingzhi leaned over.

Although she knows the relationship between Emily Gale and Joseph, didn’t they break the marriage contract?

In He Lingzhi’s heart, this kind of commercial marriage between Young Master Jackson and Emily Gale was blown out.

It didn’t seem to have any unhappy meaning, so she didn’t care.

Speaking of Kylena Gale and Joseph, who in the entire Beiling doesn’t know?

After all, Young Master Jackson is the most valuable bachelor in Beiling, and everyone wants to marry the most golden bachelor.

His entertainment news value is even higher than that of top traffic stars!

“This Gale Kylena was not in the eyes of Joseph at all. People I know have seen them get along at a banquet, and Joseph will not throw Gale Kylena away.”

“You still have this kind of trail. News?” Su Xiaomi’s energy came when he talked about gossip.

He Lingzhi has always been particularly proud of his gossip.

“I still have a lot of news, don’t you know? Before Ranran got engaged to Young Master Jackson, Kylena Gale had wanted to get close to Young Master Jackson many times, but it was a pity that they completely ignored it.”

“Later, Kylena Gale didn’t I knew what was going on, so I walked with Jackson Er Shao, but I guess it was all for getting close to Jackson Da Sha.”

Look now, the prediction has come true?

That woman was deliberately trying to get close to Young Master Jackson, but how could she suddenly change her goal and stay with Young Master Jackson?

Everything, hiding is just a blindfold.

“I just don’t want to understand that Young Master Jackson was so indifferent to Kylena Gale before, why suddenly, as if all of a sudden, he treated her so well?” “The ghost knows it, maybe the ghost is obsessed…”

Emily Gale left. Behind them, they were completely forgotten by two gossips.

However, what He Lingzhi said she couldn’t think through.

According to Joseph’s personality, he doesn’t like a person and it is difficult to change.

In her previous life, Kylena Gale had pursued him for several years, and he did not allow Kylena Gale to live in her place, but in this life… Indeed, it is very unreasonable.

Then if, Young Master Jackson is the same as the old lady

, I feel that Kylena Gale is the granddaughter of the old lady, and Young Master Jackson is willing to let Kylena Gale live in her own place for the sake of the old lady?

Is it possible?

Kylena Gale not only deceived the old lady, but also deceived Young Master Jackson?

Therefore, the old lady only said that morning that she had to make it clear with her master and Mr. Jackson…

“Of course, what’s the matter with you?” Su Xiaomi and He Lingzhi unexpectedly had already gotten away with her. Long distance.

The two hurriedly turned their heads, walked to Emily Gale, and held her hand: “Is it really uncomfortable? Don’t go out if you feel uncomfortable. Tell Jackson Er Shao that we won’t go.”

“It’s okay, just thinking about something.”

“Emily Gale smiled and quickened his pace.

Anyway, if you want to pay back this favor, if you end it sooner, it can be regarded as ending this matter sooner.

Anyway, everyone has been busy for so long, and it’s okay to go out and play during the weekend.

Daniel Jackson had been waiting outside Jiang’s back door early.

Although he didn’t sleep much all night, he was already full of energy from the perspective of today.

However, Emily Gale collapsed on a chair as soon as he got in the car, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Daniel Jackson had a lot to say to her, but unfortunately, this girl was really tired and fell asleep, and he was not willing to wake her up.

However, the two girls in the back row were chattering.

They kept asking about going to sea, which made his head bigger.

However, it is a friend of Ranran, he loves the house and the black, so he can only try to convince himself and be patient.

After half an hour, the car stopped on the dock.

Emily Gale rubbed her eyes and just got out of the car when a sea breeze blew her, making her sober.

Looking up, I saw that proud figure standing on the sunny beach…

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