My Most Precious Wife Chapter 239 – 241

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Chapter 239:

He was actually angry. Emily Gale really hurt Su Xiaomi this time!

Why did you learn makeup recently, now you are a master of beauty makeup!

In fact, know a bird!

A makeup made her look messy, even the dress was soiled!

She had to rush to get another evening gown, and then put on a light make-up, so that it was delayed until now.

However, this dress is really a bit incompetent, and the neckline… is too low, right?

Although it is not too exposed, for Emily Gale, it is already exhausted.

She has never worn such exposed clothes, and the career line is so clear that people can’t ignore it!

When he first came out, Tianyou was immediately angry when he saw it.

If it weren’t for the rush to find the second evening dress, she would never wear it.

Su Xiaomi and He Lingzhi have totally different views.

Although it is a little bit…cough, exposing, but this is simply a dress tailored for her!

The fabric of the skirt was completely attached to Emily Gale’s body, leaving every line on her body clearly exposed.

People with a slightly smaller body can never wear it, especially those with a small belly.

But other people not only don’t have a small belly, but they didn’t expect that their figure is so good.

Even Su Xiaomi, who has been close to her for many years, was surprised by the clarity of the career line.

Why didn’t you notice before, when did this guy develop for the second time?

And this waist line, this hip line, it should be thin, it should be warped!

The most amazing thing is that because the fabric is too close to the body, even her breathing, the line of the willow waist changes slightly.

This… This is a goblin to a man!

Su Xiaomi also pulled her long hair up, holding it high behind her head, clear but s3xy.

An obsidian necklace on his neck is obviously not expensive at all, it is a pendant that ordinary students like.

But because of this ordinaryness, it gave her a girl’s innocence while being s3xy and enchanting.

When she walks towards you slowly, you don’t know if the girl in front of you is a simple girl or a wild goblin.

Especially when she winks at you innocently, you will find that only her is left in the whole world.

Her face, her figure, her taste, and even the breath of her every breath.

The man’s heart is clamoring, his eyes are all locked on her body, the fanatical blood is rolling, forgetting about it!

Hunter Jackson also stared at the figure, his muscles tightened.

Until he clearly heard a bang, he didn’t know whose cup fell on the ground, his fingertips tightened, and his hand was quick to tighten the goblet that had almost slipped from his hand.

Looking at the slender figure again, Hunter Jackson’s deep eyes suddenly burned

There was a raging flame!

That is, the flame of anger!

What do you want to dress like this?

Suspected of being not seen enough?

Emily Gale had a guilty conscience originally, especially when facing men’s gaze, because the neckline was too low, it made him feel uncomfortable.

But when he raised his head, he inadvertently met that extremely cold but hot gaze, suddenly all the embarrassment disappeared.

She straightened her waist, and after a few words with Su Xiaomi, she took an elegant step and walked towards the south of the Yangtze River.

When passing in front of Hunter Jackson, he didn’t even look at him.

In my heart, it seemed that Jiangnan was the only one left.

Jiang Nan’s gaze was retracted from her body, but the small waist that could breathe was firmly imprinted in her heart.

This girl is really… a fairy!

“Second Master Jiang, sorry, the dress was dirty just now and I changed it temporarily, so I was late.”

Emily Gale is gentle and polite, and generous, this delicate face is just light makeup, even the smell of cosmetics almost makes people feel Can’t smell.

Clean and beautiful, like a white magnolia.

“It doesn’t matter, such a beauty is worth waiting for anyone.”

Jiang Nan glanced at the waiter’s tray, but shook his head: “Bring this lady a drink.”

“Yes, the second master.”

The waiter went to the restaurant immediately. District, it didn’t take long before the drinks were delivered.

“Young Master Jackson is here.”

Jiang Nan reminded, “Revere him a glass.”


Emily Gale seemed to realize that Hunter Jackson was not far away, and immediately raised the drink in his hand to fight against Joseph. Bei smiled.

“Young Master Jackson, thank you for your face, I will toast you a cup.”

The appearance of obedient to Jiangnan dialect makes the man crazy!

So well-behaved, if you bring it back and raise it, it would be great!

Hunter Jackson’s fingers holding the goblet tightened slightly, his eyes locked on Emily Gale’s face with unpredictable flames!

Kylena Gale bit her lip, almost unable to hold back her anger.

He actually looked at this b*tch woman!

What irritated her the most was that this b*tch was wearing such revealing clothes. Is this trying to hook all the men?

It’s shameless!

Even the body is about to be seen!

Young Master Jackson did not respond, just looking at herself, Emily Gale seemed a little at a loss, and quickly turned around to look at Jiang Nan.

Isn’t this seeking the protection of Jiang’s Second Young Master?

No matter which man it was, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her at such a bewildered appearance.

It was rumored that Young Master Jackson was not close to female s3x and was extremely impatient with women. He did not expect that the rumors turned out to be true.

In the face of such a crazy beauty, she can still be indifferent, and even ignore other people’s toasts!

This seems to be a bit uncomfortable.

However, isn’t this Emily Gale before Mr. Jackson

Your fiancée?

It seems that it is really her!

“Is there something wrong with Young Master Jackson’s aesthetics? Why don’t you leave such a beautiful fiancee and ask for the one next to him?” Someone couldn’t help but muttered, “How can this woman compare to Miss Gale San?” A woman is the first lady in Beiling, Kylena Gale!” “It turned out to be her, but she didn’t recognize her, but how could this lady be so much worse than Miss Gale San?” “Yes, two people In a comparison, the first lady feels no temperament at all. How did you get the title of the first lady?” “Hot search for money, huh…”

Although the voice of the dialogue was very small, Kylena Gale heard it. of!

She really couldn’t help but freak out, but on this kind of occasion, she couldn’t keep her last bit of grace.

Emily Gale is almost like a lingering soul, why does this b*tch exist everywhere?

Kylena Gale was furious, and immediately took another glass of wine from the waiter, and raised it to Hunter Jackson.

“Joseph, have a drink with me.”

Emily Gale toasted Young Master Jackson, but Young Master Jackson ignored her, but Young Master Jackson would definitely pay attention to her!

But I don’t want to, this time Hunter Jackson is not giving face to anyone.

The wine glass was placed on the waiter’s tray with a snap, and he gave Jiang Nan a cold glance: “I have something else to do, I’m not with you!” He actually left!

Kylena Gale widened her eyes, but she didn’t expect that Young Master Jackson would drop herself and leave like this.

What is he angry about?

Is it because Emily Gale dressed like this?

But how does that b*tch dress, what does it have to do with him?

They have broken off their marriage contract!

He even cared!

“Sister, I will wear clothes in the future and be a little safer. This kind of clothes is too rude.”

Kylena Gale suffocated her grievance, but her voice was not small at all.

“Don’t put all clothes on yourself just to attract men’s eyes, you are so…open, really embarrassing me!”

Chapter 240

Master, where did you go?

Is it open?

Emily Gale glanced down at her clothes, then at the girls around, finally, her eyes fell on Kylena Gale.

“Miss Gale, why do you lose your face? It’s because you are not as good-looking as I am, so you lose your face?” Kylena Gale, who was about to leave, stopped abruptly, turned her head and stared at her, and then blurted out: “Ugly strange , Who do you say is not as beautiful as you?” This ugly woman, did she forget what she looked like before?

You said she is not as pretty as she is?

Is she crazy or stupid?

Emily Gale turned around and flirted with Jiang Nan, and ignored her.

Kylena Gale almost went crazy!

Emily Gale’s attitude is like she hit the cotton with a punch herself, soft and without any reaction at all!

This punch was more than empty, and it still meant that it could not be recovered.

I was so loud just now, everyone around was watching her now.

But Emily Gale and Jiang Nan had a hot chat, as if she was the only one who was arguing.

Since Kylena Gale was eighteen, she has never been so gaffe at a banquet.

Now these onlookers made her feel like a clown.

What I hate most is that the culprit responsible for all this is still chatting and laughing with others!

Kylena Gale finally couldn’t hold it, turned around and chased it out quickly.

Outside the lobby door, Aspen Li leaned against the car, chatting with a man.

Seeing Kylena Gale coming out, Aspen Li greeted him and said with a smile: “Miss Kylena, why did you come out so soon?” “Where is Joseph?” Kylena Gale asked.

Aspen Li glanced inward, not knowing what flashed in his eyes, he suddenly smiled: “The young master has already left, and he didn’t explain where he was going.”

“He is gone? He didn’t wait for me?” Kylena Gale’s voice suddenly became sharp. When I got up, my palm was also pinched tightly.

“How can he leave me here alone and let everyone see me jokes! He…he is too much!” Aspen Li’s face sank, and he said displeased: “The young master has every opportunity to leave beforehand. Quite normal?” This woman seems to be getting more and more out of character recently, she really takes herself seriously!

If the old lady does not care about her so much, who wants to look at her face?

“Aspen Li, I hope you can pay attention to your attitude, you just said…”

Aspen Li turned back to the car, and made a phone call casually: “People come over and send Miss Kylena back to Wangjiang Pavilion.”

Ye! You dare to be so rude to me!” This is another trick!

Again, she doesn’t take her seriously!

Kylena Gale couldn’t bear it, walked quickly over, and said angrily: “Aspen Li, I’m talking to you!” “Please tell me.”

Aspen Li lit a cigarette to herself, and her patience with this woman was almost extreme.

“You…you are like this

Attitude, don’t you want to mix in Jackson Family?

“She is now the hostess of Wangjiang Pavilion. This lowly vulgar dared to shake her face and get tired of her life? “Sorry, if I’m doing something for Jackson’s family, I’m afraid you won’t be the master.

“Aspen Li!”

Do you dare to treat me with this attitude!

I will definitely let Joseph fire you!

“Aspen Li didn’t bother to pay attention to her, spreading out her hands, casually. Kylena Gale really wanted to cry! Why are all these people so defiant? She is the woman of Young Master Jackson and the mistress of Wangjiang Pavilion.

It will be the young lady of the Jackson family! But the man in front of him dared to ignore her existence, and even spoke so rudely to her! “You…you are too much!

“Kylena Gale couldn’t control her emotions at all. Raising her hand, she was about to give Aspen Li a slap. Aspen Li clasped her wrist, Aspen Li squinted his eyes, and a chill rose in the bottom of his eyes. I?

“He really didn’t know that this woman could be lawless to this point! “You’d better remember it to me, even if you are a distinguished guest of the young master, you are not the master of my Aspen Li!”

“You want to hit me, you are not qualified!”

He let go abruptly, and Gale Kylena, wearing high heels, was thrown back a few steps, and fell to the ground with a thud.


“Miss Kylena!”

“As soon as Qin Yi got out of the car when he received the news, he saw Aspen Li throw Gale Kylena to the ground. He rushed over and helped him up: “Miss Kylena, how are you?

“When Kylena Gale saw him, she cried with a wow.

“Qin Yi, Qin Yi…ooh, Aspen Li bullies people, he beats me, ooh…”

“Aspen Li, you are too much!”

Qin Yi helped her stand up and glared at Aspen Li, her palms tightly pinched.

“She wanted to do it first.

“Aspen Li didn’t want to have a conflict with Qin Yi.

After all, he was a friend who had known each other for so many years.

“I didn’t think about what to do with her. I just pushed her away.”

“She is a weak girl, but you have received special training. You are not pushing her away, you are pushing her down!

Qin Yi’s angry words also aroused Aspen Li’s anger in an instant.

“Could it be that I should stand here and let her slap me?”


Qin Yi didn’t expect that Kylena Gale would want to hit Aspen Li, let alone slap in the face. How did Aspen Li say he was the first assistant next to Joseph, and he also had a face in the business district of Beiling. People.

It’s natural not to be slapped by a woman.

“Miss Kylena, you…”

“Qin Yi, I’m dizzy, I’m so dizzy.

“Kylena Gale seemed a bit untenable, and she would fall down as soon as her body became weak. With a master like Qin Yi by her side, it was naturally impossible for her to fall to the ground. Qin Yi hurriedly supported her and said anxiously: “I Send you first


” “Ok.

Qin looked at Aspen Li again and again, his eyes were a bit complicated. He didn’t want to be stiff with Aspen Li, but he couldn’t see that Gale Kylena was wronged. Qin Yi was also very embarrassed. Finally, after helping Gale Kylena to get in the car, he left. Aspen Li Also very irritable, Wangjiang Pavilion, which was originally well-groomed, is now smoggy by a woman.

The young master has never cared about those sesame mung beans at home, and Wangjiang Pavilion is really Kylena Gale’s world now. Those who listened to her, and those who did not listen to her, were all driven away. In just two days, Wangjiang Pavilion was fired from nearly ten people! Now everyone is panicking, and on the surface they are loyal and obedient to her. Underneath, they are all complaining to him. But what can he do if he ignores these things? He doesn’t want to disturb him with such trivial things.

After all, the young master has to deal with so many important things every day, which is enough trouble. But… Aspen Li glanced at the entrance of the lobby. Kylena Gale has come out, why is the young master still not coming out? In the end, where did you go? … Emily Gale can’t stand the eyes of those men.

Although the skirt won’t let her It was empty, but it was too close to the body, as if every line on her body was exposed. Not long after Kylena Gale left, she also found an excuse to leave the meeting place and go to the bathroom.

As soon as she entered, she gave Su who was still eating and drinking. Xiaomi hung up the phone: “I’ll find an excuse to leave first. You and the monitor will stay for a while to entertain the guests.

“Good, good, um um…”

Su Xiaomi’s mouth obviously still has a lot of food, and even her words are slurred. This girl knows to eat! Emily Gale put her phone away and just went out of the bathroom, but suddenly The others grabbed it and quickly pulled it to the side fire escape.

Chapter 241

Have you asked other men for my opinion?


Emily Gale, who thought he had encountered a bad person, opened his eyes wide, and suddenly struggled.

But the man’s arm was as hard as steel, and he clasped her waist tightly.

The other is the big palm covering her lips, not giving her any chance to call for help at all.

Emily Gale only felt that she had completely lost the ability to resist, and that the other party was too strong and confined her to no flaws.


His body was suddenly pressed against the wall.

In the fire tunnel without any lights, she couldn’t see her fingers, and she was standing in front of her, but she couldn’t even see the outline of his facial features.

The man’s big palm finally moved away from her lips, and Emily Gale took a hard breath and was about to call for help.

But the next second, her lips were blocked again, with his thin lips.

“Huh?” She opened her eyes wide in shock, and put her hands on his chest to resist.

The fear of being bullied by bad guys made her stiff.

But his breath completely penetrated into her senses at the moment he k*ssed her.

The trembled and horrified heart suddenly calmed down, and finally, no fear.

But the next moment, it turned from fear to grievance, to unwillingness!

He tried hard to push him away, but his body was like Mount Tai, pressing her against the wall to death.


In front of him, that is something that does not exist.

The man hugged her with one hand, and slid down her neck with the other big palm…


Emily Gale raised his fist and hit him, trying to stop him from going crazy.

This is the fire exit, someone will come in at any time!

But he was in this place, doing such an excessive thing to her, in case it was seen…

The neckline of the evening dress was torn apart by him, if someone came in at this time, he would definitely see her exposed place.

Emily Gale was so angry that she almost shed tears, this man is really too much!

I am here with him, and I can’t get the slightest respect at all.

What does he think of her?

Is it a tool for him to have fun?

Finally, when the man wanted to deepen the k*ss, Emily Gale opened his mouth and bit down.

The smell of blood rippled in the mouths of the two for an instant.

Emily Gale didn’t expect that he would bite so hard and he would bleed all at once.

She was so frightened that she hurriedly let go, but the man didn’t seem to feel the pain at all, and continued to deepen… This k*ss was a bit too much, and even more too much was his hand.

It wasn’t until even the man himself couldn’t hold it, for fear of losing control and doing her right here, he suddenly released her and took two steps back.

Emily Gale hurriedly closed her skirt, and after being free, she turned to leave.

“Just take another half step, and you will be done immediately!” The man’s voice was extremely dumb, even panting.

Emily Gale was so frightened that he quickly retracted the foot that had just stepped out, and stared at the figure in the dark with an angry face!

“Hunter Jackson, you are too much!” “I touch my own woman, where is too much?” This person, of course, is Young Master Jackson!

May I ask who else would dare to hijack a woman in this way?

It is also that he admires the young master and is bold!

“Crazy man!” Although Emily Gale was very angry, he never forgot. He never liked to make jokes.

If he wanted to escape at this time, he would really be angry and deal with her on the spot!

But, why?

What makes her most angry is, why is she still afraid of this man?

“I’m not your woman, we have already dismissed the marriage contract!” “Is it?” The man’s breath has not been adjusted yet, he can clearly hear his whispering voice.

However, he stepped forward, and his tall body came over again.

“You…if you mess up again, I’ll call for help! Let everyone see, what kind of bastard is the noble and glamorous Master Jackson in the legend!” “If you call for help, I will immediately tear your clothes. You can Try it.”

He was not angry, even, smiling.

Emily Gale was really going to vomit blood with anger, bastard!

This bastard!

“What on earth do you want to do?” She clenched her fist, for fear that she could not help it and would punch him in the face.

“I want to see how you hook a man.”

His eyes fell on her.

In the darkness, Emily Gale couldn’t see his face clearly, but he could see her clearly!

Such an evening dress clearly outlines every line of her body.

When the man looked at her, it was like seeing her naked.

He was furious and furious, because he had no resistance to her body.

When he saw her at the meeting place for the first time, he already wanted to tear the woman’s clothes to pieces!

He pressed her hard under him.

Even someone like him who has been accustomed to abstinence for many years almost lost control on the spot after seeing her, not to mention the nasty bastards.

She dressed like this, don’t you know how attractive she is?

Or did she know it was intentional?

“I left my place last night. Tonight, I was in a hurry to go to another man’s arms? Have I asked my opinion?” “Do I need to ask your opinion? Ex-fiance?” His words are really humiliating, but Not only was Emily Gale not angry, but on the contrary, she smiled gracefully with her thin lips.

Former fiance, heh, this title is really ironic!

Since it was the former relationship, now, what right do you have to disturb her life?

This man is used to being aloof and covering the sky with one hand. Now, is he still used to being unreasonable?

Hunter Jackson squinted his eyes and stared at her clean and clear face.

Be with him

When I started, I made my face ugly.

Once you leave him, immediately make yourself as beautiful as a god.

People say that a woman is a person who pleases herself. This girl doesn’t want to please him at all because she doesn’t think it is necessary?

“Do you like Jiangnan?” Hunter Jackson’s words seemed to be gentle. In fact, the coldness on his body was almost suffocating.

Emily Gale originally wanted to nod her head, telling him that he likes the Second Young Master Jiang, and especially likes it very much. He wants to kill him!

However, after feeling the cold breath emanating from all the cells under his body, when the words came to his lips, it turned into–”I don’t like it.”

“Very good.”

If she said that she liked the little white face of Jiangnan, he immediately went personally. Destroy Jiang Er Shao’s face to see what she likes.

“Young Master Jackson, I should go back, please let go.”

Emily Gale knew his cruelty, and wouldn’t want to quarrel with him. Fighting with him would not end well.

She just wanted to leave, telling her intuitively that it was too dangerous to be with him.

“I’m going out next month.”

Hunter Jackson suddenly started talking and whispered: “Maybe, it will take a long time.”

Emily Gale’s heart was slammed. Where is he going?

In the memory of the last life, Young Master Jackson had an accident and almost died.

In a place far, far away, and before he left, he had said this to others.

He will go out next month, maybe, it will take a long time.

However, the person who spoke was grandma, not her, she just overheard when she was by her side.

Suddenly she was a little panicked, and grabbed his sleeve: “Is it going to Ali Khan? Can I not go?”

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