My Most Precious Wife Chapter 122 – 124

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Chapter 122

After school, Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi followed He Lingzhi into their club dedicated studio.

The school’s review system is not particularly strict, but the treatment is different if the level is different.

As the class leader, He Lingzhi was required by the hospital to have at least three clubs in each class, so she was able to apply.

But because the size of the club is really hard to describe, the studio that I applied for is also a little hard to describe.

“Oh my god, this… surely it’s not a utility room?” Su Xiaomi was almost stunned when she came in.

The studio is in the most remote corner of the top floor, and the next wall is the stairs.

The area of ”‹”‹the entire studio is actually not small, but there are piles of discarded equipment, some drawing boards, old computers and so on.

There are only two computers in the studio, both of which are old desktop computers.

As for the drawing board, if it were not for their own, the assigned version of the drawing board is too old to be usable.

In fact, I really can’t blame Su Xiaomi for being so surprised, because I just came here all the way, but other people’s studio is very beautiful.

And they… or that, it’s hard to say.

There are also two boys in the studio, both of whom are classmates.

After one of them greeted He Lingzhi, he nodded to Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi.

As for the other one, he was sitting by the window as if he was painting something, ignoring them at all.

“They are all members of our society, Liu Shang and Qin Zhizhou.”

He Lingzhi is also a bit embarrassed. Looking at the entire society building, probably, their society office is the most…cough, simple.

“In other words, there are only five people in the club plus me and Ranran?” “No, it’s four people.”

He Lingzhi smiled uncomfortably, “Well, because I’m the squad leader, that…cough, I I have to start a club, but…I don’t know how to paint.”

Su Xiaomi instantly became discouraged. In other words, their club actually only had four people.

“Well, I… I’m not very good at…”

Liu Shang raised his hand, with a smirk, “I paint… my level is limited.”

After a pause, he said: “But I like painting very much, really Yes, my ideal is very lofty, and I will definitely be an excellent painter in the future!” Emily Gale did not speak, and felt a little heavy.

Su Xiaomi smiled at him, which was encouragement.

However, it is really not a question of encouragement or discouragement, but…

“In other words, our community has not had any successful comics yet?” The Comic Con will be held next month. Without my own comics, there is no way to participate.

He Lingzhi pushed his glasses again, helplessly: “I actually… didn’t expect to participate, but if you don’t participate, you have to wait until the second half of the year.”

I know, my class leader also wants to get some results from the club in our class, so I signed up.

Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi looked at each other. Registration is understandable, but if there is no work, it will be a blank report. However, He Lingzhi is right. If you do not participate, you will have to wait for the second half of the year. . Half a year, too long.

“Can I invite students from other grades to join our club?”

“Yang Yi is also a painter. If he can bring him over, Su Xiaomi will have at least a little confidence in their community. However, now that he is starting to make a comic, he will write ten words at most a month. Ten words, for long stories In other words, it can only be regarded as a beginning. No results, no reputation, you will be at a disadvantage when you participate in the competition, and maybe you can’t even pass the preliminary round. But the speed of drawing is only like this, January 10th, one word About forty frames, the workload is completely full-time painter.

They are still students, even if they work overtime, they can only do this. No matter how much, they can’t paint at all.

“No, we are just class clubs, not yet Recruit students from other classes.

“He Lingzhi shook his head.

The school still has great restrictions on their small clubs.

After all, clubs often participate in social activities, which still has a great impact on the school’s image.

“Our clubs cannot leave.

The campus, to take over jobs in the name of the Ning University Association, must first be upgraded.

“Emily Gale understands that the school is to ensure that its image is not affected.

It is okay to go outside in the name of the Ningda Association, but it must be upgraded to a formal organization, and the ability must first be recognized by the school.”

Then, can you help quietly?

Su Xiaomi nodded her finger.

“Of course it can be quietly, but who wants to draw without leaving a name?”

He Lingzhi shrugged, helplessly: “You can’t bully people like this, right?”

Su Xiaomin bit her finger and looked at Emily Gale. I don’t know when, when encountering unsolvable problems, he will put all hope on Emily Gale. Emily Gale said nothing, and walked to Liu Shang. In front of his computer. Liu Shang is coloring.

Although he knows that he is not experienced in coloring, he is the only one who can color in the club, so Emily Gale is still a little bit confident to see it. But Emily Gale has him all His confidence was instantly smashed: “The effect of light and shadow is too weak, the color layering is not good, it looks too dim, and there is no vitality.

“Emily Gale stared at the drawing on the computer with a serious expression. People who knew her knew that Emily Gale at this time seemed impersonal, but what she said was absolutely true. Liu Shang was said to have a guilty conscience. : “Are you… a master of coloring?

“It’s not high

Hands, just learned a little bit.

“Liu Shang was not convinced at once: “The effect of my coloring is already…”

“If you are already the best you can do, then in this industry, you may really have no potential.

“Emily Gale’s words completely blocked what Liu Shang wanted to say later. Liu Shang moved his lips, but couldn’t say a word. Finally, he lowered his head and muttered softly: “Then you…you too. You have to come up with your own work first, and if you criticize it, everyone will say…”

Emily Gale ignored it.

It was completely impossible to paint at this level.

After watching for a while, she asked: “This picture, you Where did you get it from?

Painted by yourself?

“It looks familiar, as if I have seen the original painting on the Internet. Liu Shang is a little impatient: “The pictures I found on the Internet, the colors I painted, just show the effect to the monitor.

“He knows that he is inexperienced, but he really likes painting. Who said that you must be talented to join the club? He has not been in contact with painting for a long time. Even if his ability is limited now, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be able to paint in the future.

It will be great! But Emily Gale’s critical gaze is really uncomfortable.

“Squad leader, I have something to do, I’ll leave first.

“After finishing everything up, Liu Shang will turn off the computer. However, Emily Gale held the mouse and looked at him: “This painting, except for the original painting you found online, did you make the others?

” “Yes!

If you don’t believe me, go online to see the original painting, the entire network has no color matching!

I did not use other people’s coloring to impersonate my own work!

Liu Shang was angry, picked up his schoolbag, turned and left.

The door slammed shut by him, and the crumbling door frame was really worrying. This studio is really… hard to describe.

Chapter 123

He Lingzhi is really embarrassed for fear that your body will not be able to bear it. Emily Gale just came here and angered one of her members.

You know, she originally only had two members in total.

She looked at Emily Gale, feeling aggrieved: “We didn’t have enough manpower, you…”

In the end, only a sigh was left.

I’ve already left without leaving, so what can I say?

Looking back, she made a call and coaxed people back.

Emily Gale ignored her and walked straight to Qin Zhizhou who was sitting by the window.

Qin Zhizhou still maintained his original posture, holding the prints and drawing, with no expression on his face.

It seems that what they have just said and done here has nothing to do with him. Those eyes are just staring at the computer screen, and there is no wave in their eyes.

Emily Gale walked behind him and watched him continue to paint.

After a while, she flashed something in her eyes and looked at He Lingzhi: “This is the task you arranged for them?” He Lingzhi was afraid that Emily Gale would say something bad, and even her last member was annoyed to leave.

She hurriedly nodded and explained: “It’s the content of the assessment.

Although they have joined the club for a while, today is the first assessment.”

In fact, she wanted to say that Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi would also be assessed if they want to join. .

But I don’t know why, since Emily Gale walked into this studio, she seemed to be the owner of this studio.

It’s not that she forcibly wants to win over the guests, but that kind of awe-inspiring momentum.

It is a kind of centripetal force, a heart-to-heart breath that makes people unconditionally convinced.

In fact, He Lingzhi has never seen Emily Gale’s paintings.

She really knows nothing about Emily Gale’s ability.

It just feels like I can believe it.

Emily Gale looked at Qin Zhizhou: “Can I see what you painted?” The above shows that this is already the fifth page, and she wants to see the first four pages.

But Qin Zhizhou didn’t pay attention to her at all, and he continued to paint quickly, and the brush ran across the drawing board quickly.

Su Xiaomi frowned and wanted to speak, Emily Gale glanced at her lightly.

Su Xiaomi could only bit her lip, swallowing words back into her stomach.

This Qin Zhizhou was really impolite, and he didn’t even react at all when talking to her.

Emily Gale still stood behind Qin Zhizhou, watching him paint without interrupting him.

I don’t know how long it took, Qin Zhizhou suddenly put the pen down, stood up, and stepped aside.

Both Emily Gale and Su Xiaomi couldn’t react.

The next second, Emily Gale’s eyes flashed with joy and sat down in Qin Zhizhou’s position.

It turns out that people didn’t ignore her, nor didn’t they want her to look at his paintings, but he didn’t like to be disturbed when he painted.

Now that five pages have been drawn, she can finally show it.

Emily Gale picked up the mouse and started

A page began to turn.

Every time I read a page, I am a little bit more surprised.

The ability of this master pen is simply overwhelming.

The splitter is natural and smooth. While the human body structure meets the standards, it can achieve the highest degree of beauty.

“How long have you painted these five pages?” She looked up at Qin Zhizhou.

Qin Zhizhou said lightly: “About three hours.”

Five pages, three hours!

Emily Gale understood that it was because he took a two-hour break at noon, and then it was one hour from school just now.

In other words, he painted it today.

Qin Zhizhou ignored her and looked at He Lingzhi: “Squad leader, the result of the assessment, please tell me tomorrow.”

“Are you anxious?” He Lingzhi didn’t have time to speak, Emily Gale said in a casual way.


“Why?” “Lack of money.”

Qin Zhizhou slung his schoolbag over his shoulder and left.

What a realistic reason for lack of money.

He Lingzhi looked at the empty doorway, worried: “We don’t have any funds for the club. If we are short of money…”

“We are short of money.”

Emily Gale still stared at the painting Qin Zhizhou drew just now, with her eyes open.

It’s shiny, I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

But Su Xiaomi looked surprised, “Of course, what do you think…”

“Very well, we can have works to participate in the competition.”

Emily Gale curled his eyebrows and looked at He Lingzhi: “I and Su Xiaomi can join , But I want to be the leader of the team.”


“I will solve the funding, and the project has to listen to me.”

“Then we are too late.”

He Lingzhi may not have any idea about the comic team, but Su Xiaomi is different, she is too familiar.

“Of course, we have no successful works ourselves. Your studio has just started, and the team has not been established.”

“Without works, I am afraid that even the preliminary rounds will not pass. This animation exhibition is obviously a stage for mature clubs. …”

“Which mature society didn’t start from scratch? Whose society had its own work when it was first established?” Emily Gale squinted at her, she didn’t care about such an anxious question.

“But, they didn’t participate in such an important game from the very beginning…”

“This makes us different.”

Emily Gale patted the table and looked at He Lingzhi: “Thank you for asking me about them tomorrow night. , I invite them to dinner, and just talk about our competition.”

The reason why I didn’t decide to invite everyone to dinner tonight is because Emily Gale promised Young Master Jackson that he must return to the villa tonight.

Probably because she hadn’t been so long since the accident, for Mr. Jackson, she was still in a stage where she was not so secure.

So, at night, she cannot stay at school, she must go back.

When Emily Gale entered the door, the sky had already darkened.

At the entrance of the hall stood a slender figure, looking from a distance, it was like a perfect statue, breathtakingly beautiful.

Young Master Jackson, no matter when he appeared, he was always the most eye-catching presence in the crowd.

Emily Gale suppressed the restless heartbeat, adjusted his breathing, and walked over: “Young Master Jackson.”

Hunter Jackson stared at her little face that was shining a little by the setting sun. This face, although still still It is freckled, but it seems to be more pleasing to the eye.

“It seems that it’s four o’clock in the afternoon when your get out of class is over?” His eyebrows never moved, and his words were so plain that people couldn’t hear the slightest emotion.

Emily Gale was stunned to hear a hint of unpleasantness. Was this blaming her for not coming back immediately after school?

“Participated in the school club, went to the club after school to visit and met, so I wasted time.”

In fact, she should say that she should not interfere with the other party’s life, and when she will come back is her freedom.

However, in front of Young Master Jackson, every time he thought of a good line, his exit changed.

It seems to have servility.

Thinking that Hunter Jackson would say that she would not be allowed to join the club in the future, she had even figured out the dialogue to refute.

However, Young Master Jackson just gave a soft “um” and turned and walked to the hall: “Eat.”

Emily Gale hesitated before entering the door.

After washing his hands and sitting at the dining table, Emily Gale suddenly lost his appetite when looking at the table full of dishes.

Had to pick up the bowl and drink the soup first.

But the entrance was full of Chinese medicine, which made her frown.

Hunter Jackson squinted at her and said nonchalantly: “Last night I did too much exercise for you, and I was afraid that your body would not be able to take it. Let you make up for it.”

Chapter 124

The sight of the innocent boy “cough!” Emily Gale was almost choked to death by a mouthful of soup.

Afraid that her body will not be able to take it, give her a supplement?

What I dare to say is last night, I tossed with him… all night?

Emily Gale’s small face turned red in an instant, and he was almost ashamed of shame.

The housekeeper and the servants are guarding, and Young Master Jackson speaks so loudly, can you still hear?

The maids blushed with shame, bowed their heads not to look around.

Only Steward Qin smiled and introduced to Emily Gale: “Madam, these are all medicinal meals prescribed by Mr. Ye Han.”

“This is for blood, this one is for qi, and this ginseng black chicken soup is good for women.

The body is very good, especially moisturizing.”

“And this, antler whitebait roll is not only good for the young lady’s body, but also very good for the young master.”

“Men eat more velvet antler, and the energy will be more vigorous at night… Cough, eldest master, are there any problems?” Hunter Jackson’s line of sight was so cold that it was so cold that it made people scalp troublesome, and Steward Qin could not react immediately.

However, as soon as I finished speaking, I immediately understood and changed my words quickly.

“The eldest master is full of energy, of course, he does not need these extra supplements, but Mrs. Shao is weak, so the eldest master should eat a little with Mrs. Young.”

This means that the eldest master eats these to eat with Mrs. Young. Okay. Let her not feel too lonely.

It’s not that the eldest master…cough, no.

Their eldest master is wise and martial, how could it be impossible?

No one believes it, right?

Emily Gale really wanted to dig a hole for herself, stuff her head in, and never come out to see people again.

What happened to her in the room with Young Master Jackson last night… Does this mean everyone in the entire villa knows?

What is going on with these people?

Was it still eavesdropping outside last night?

It was originally a two-person affair, but now it makes it as if the ancient emperor is pleased with his concubine… Seeing that the girl’s face was so red that it could almost drip blood, Hunter Jackson waved his hand, and Qin steward immediately took the people back.

In the entire side hall, soon only Hunter Jackson and Emily Gale were left.

He blankly gave the command: “Eat.”

“I don’t want to eat.”

The Chinese medicine is too strong to eat.

Most importantly, eating this meal is like accepting the fate of being favored.

Will it continue to be turned over after eating, after raising the body?


What are you thinking about?

“Don’t eat?” Hunter Jackson raised his eyebrows, “Should I feed you?” Emily Gale raised his head to look at him, but accidentally slammed his eyes into the two bottomless ice springs.

Last night, when the man pressed herself on her body, the big beads of sweat slid down her cheeks onto her heart, instantly jumping into


Emily Gale’s heart trembled and hurriedly retracted his eyes.

“It smells a bit nauseous,” she whispered.

Hunter Jackson frowned tighter, nauseous?

Isn’t it delicious?

“Tomorrow, another cook.”

But today, I will finish eating first.

“Then eat tomorrow…”

“You are too weak, and you will faint easily if you don’t get tonic in time.”

Young Master Jackson’s eyes were open, and there was nothing uncomfortable on his face, but what he said, But it makes people blush and heartbeat speeds up, almost can’t bear it.

“Last night, you fainted twice.”

Emily Gale felt that she was about to faint at this time. Can you stop the hot topic immediately?

Wouldn’t it be difficult to embarrass her after eating?

Without thinking about it, she immediately picked up the bowl and drank the ginseng black chicken soup with her eyes closed.

Other people’s ginseng black chicken soup is fragrant, and their ginseng black chicken soup, I don’t know what ginseng is, the flavor is so strong that it is almost unbearable.

Although I know it must be a good thing, it tastes really great.

After that, she picked up the chopsticks, said nothing, and tried to eat.

What kind of antler whitebait rolls, lightly brewed bird’s nest wine… I drop a good boy, bird’s nest can be eaten with wine, it is the first time I have heard.

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.

If it hadn’t been for the 100% trust in Ye Han’s medical skills, she would really not dare to import this thing.

She touched each of the dishes on the table until she really couldn’t eat it before putting the bowls, looking at Hunter Jackson eagerly.

“Full?” The man frowned, dissatisfied with her appetite.

Emily Gale nodded pitifully.

Although to him, she really seems to eat a little bit, but her stomach is just so big, and she will vomit after eating.

“Qin Ming.”

Hunter Jackson called.

Steward Qin immediately came out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup with a smile on his face.

“Madam, this is a medicated diet soup for invigorating Qi.

It should be taken after a meal.

After drinking, make sure to stay with the young master tonight and not faint again.”

With a thud, Emily Gale’s chopsticks fell down. On the tabletop, the person almost rolled off the chair.

Let her faint, faceless facing all this.

Hunter Jackson, this bastard, why should you tell the world what happened on their bed? It’s too much!

… In the evening, Aunt Hong made the bed for Emily Gale.

Seeing Mrs. Young’s gloomy look, Aunt Hong couldn’t help but smile and said, “Is Mrs. Young blaming Young Master, let me prepare that table of food for you today?” She didn’t say anything, but when she said, Emily Gale’s. His face is burning again.

Aunt Hong smiled and said: “Young lady, you really can’t blame the eldest master, the eldest master has never taken care of the girl. You are the first, and it is normal for the eldest master to be nervous.”

Emily Gale still blushed, but Look

He said to her: “The first one?” “I don’t know if the young master has ever had a woman outside, but you are the first young master to take home and the first to stay overnight in the young master’s room.

“Aunt Hong is a person who has watched Hunter Jackson grow up since she was a child, and when she talked about Hunter Jackson, her eyes were full of kindness and affection.

“Our eldest master has never been close to women. I think you may be the first woman of the eldest.”

“Aunt Hong, what are you talking about?” Although Emily Gale is shy, this is really shocking. .

Young Master Jackson’s first woman?

how is this possible?

How could a man such as Jackson Dayo have no woman?

“I heard the eldest master inquiring about Mr. Ye Han. He said you passed out twice last night…”

“Aunt Hong…”

Emily Gale was really afraid of this topic, which was really embarrassing.

But Aunt Hong still said: “Young Master asked, it’s because you are nervous, Madam. He is actually…learning how to take care of you.”

Emily Gale bit her lip, wondering if she would dare to believe this.

“The young master also asked Mr. Ye Han if there is any way to make a woman more comfortable in that matter.”

These words made Emily Gale almost weak.

Aunt Hong smiled and said, “I just heard it accidentally, not on purpose, but Madam Young, don’t you think our eldest and young master is really cute?” She leaned over and smiled violently.”

The sight of an innocent boy, Madam, you have found a treasure!” Emily Gale is full of black lines, and Jackson Dasha is an innocent boy?

is it possible?

However, he actually asked Ye Han about this kind of thing. Is it true that he has no experience at all?

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