Love Through Time and Space Chapter 48 – 50

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Chapter 48

Does it hurt, what does it have to do with him?

“Then? Call the police? Continue the investigation? What can you find?” Joseph calmly looked at her lightly.

Emily Gale bit her lip and was so angry that she couldn’t wait to tear his expressionless face to pieces!

“You mean, you want to keep them to the end?” “No, I agree with your approach and let them deserve their crimes.”

He knocked on the car window.

Aspen Li opened the car door and looked at Emily Gale respectfully: “Madam, the three people have been handed over to the police.”

“What about the man behind? Why doesn’t he need to be punished?” So, this is not enough!

“Mrs. Young, the car accident was really an accident, and no one arranged it.”

“Those who wanted to hurt Miss Xiaomi were also temporary intentions, which were different from what they had agreed upon before.”

“The people behind didn’t mean to hurt Miss Xiaomi. So, those three people will pay for their actions.”

Aspen Li looked like a peacemaker, but it was obvious that Emily Gale didn’t want to listen.

“I will find people out!” Just after this, Yang Yi called.

Emily Gale turned her face away and put on the phone: “Yang Yi, how’s it going?” “RJenni, the other party is too powerful and has destroyed the banking system.

All the information has been deleted, and the information on that virtual account cannot be found temporarily.”

They just got in the car, and while Tianyou was driving back, Yang Yi used his old-fashioned notebook to track it down.

But I didn’t expect that after only over an hour, the other party could even destroy the banking system!

Emily Gale’s five fingers holding the phone tightened slightly, and her heart was cold without saying a word.

In order to prevent her from continuing to investigate, Hunter Jackson sealed her off this road.

Yang Yi’s voice is still coming: “Of course, it is not completely impossible to find out, but I have to repair their system first.

It will take a while.”

“No, this matter, let’s stop here.”

Emily Gale He closed his eyes and said dumbly, “Persuade God to go back and take care of Xiaomi.”


“Listen to me!” Emily Gale increased his tone.

What if the investigation continues?

She believes that Yang Yi can absolutely do nothing in this regard.

A system that others cannot repair, he can definitely do it as long as he is given time, even if the system itself has countless blocking procedures.

But what if it is fixed?

As long as Hunter Jackson does not allow them to investigate, they will definitely find no clues!

What she fears most is that if Yang Yi angers Hunter Jackson, she will not end well.

Hanging up the phone, she said coldly: “Let me get off the car.”

“Did you forget our agreement?” Hunter Jackson’s voice was also a little heavy, without a hint of warmth.

“You said that after you get engaged, you will live your own lives!

“But I never said, you can stay overnight!”


“Go back to the villa.”

He leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes, and clasped the big palm of her wrist, clearly not relaxing at all.

“You are just my fiance, you have no right to restrict my actions!”

“She just doesn’t want to go back, she doesn’t want to face this man! “It’s not your turn to make a choice.

“When Young Master Jackson became overbearing, no one could make him shake! Aspen Li sat in the driver’s seat and peeked from the rear view mirror.

After that, he stepped on the accelerator and the car left from the dock. , Drove onto the road by the sea.

The door was automatically locked when driving.

After the car was driven, Hunter Jackson let go of Emily Gale. Emily Gale glared at him, and subconsciously rubbed his wrist. He looked at him. When she fell down, she realized that her wrist was actually red from scratch. Is the girl’s skin so delicate? He didn’t feel that he had used much strength, but it seemed a little red and swollen? “Pain?

“Hunter Jackson asked. Emily Gale turned aside and ignored him. What does the pain have to do with him? What’s more, he still scratched the pain himself. Now, is the cat crying and the mouse fake compassion? Xiaomi doesn’t know yet. How, she really wants to see her, but she can’t change what Hunter Jackson decides. He said he wants her to go back to the villa, and he will definitely not let her leave tonight. This man, except indifferent , Also overbearing, unreasonable, even insidious! All the touches last night, at this moment, are all resentment. What is she to him? The person he wants to protect hurt Xiaomi, and Xiaomi, she swears to Protected with life! Emily Gale didn’t say a word, and Hunter Jackson didn’t speak anymore. However, he didn’t know whether his eyes were inadvertently or intentionally, or he looked at her wrist a few more times.

It just grabbed a hand, and it was swollen. That’s it? Would you like to let the family doctor come and see? …

The car stopped at the door of the villa’s main house. Aspen Li opened the car door for the two of them, and then gave the key to the servant.

The three went to the hall, no I thought that as soon as I entered the door, I saw the figure sitting on the sofa in the lobby.

She was dressed elegantly and noblely.

She was in her forties, but because she was well maintained, she looked like she was in her early thirties. Emily Gale recognized it, but there was nothing in her previous life.

She is the current wife of Mr. Jackson Jiada and the biological mother of Jackson Ershao Daniel Jackson, Shu Ran. Seeing the two come back, Shu Ran stood up and looked at them: “Abei, are you back?

When Hunter Jackson saw Shu Ran, his cold face softened slightly: “Aunt Shu.

Emily Gale faintly called: “Aunt Shu.

Shu Ran nodded, she was a little surprised to see the sand on Emily Gale’s body. Random, again

She smiled: “Why are you going to the beach so late? You young people have good energy.”

Emily Gale just lowered his head and said nothing.

She was in a bad mood, but there was no need to behave in front of her elders.

She said: “I am dirty, Aunt Shu, I will go up and change my clothes first.”


Shu Ran nodded.

Emily Gale turned upstairs, not even looking at Joseph Bei Banyan.

“Why does the little girl seem to have a temper?” Shu Ran and Hunter Jackson sat down on the sofa, smiling softly.

“The little girl just came in, Abei, you have to be more pampered.

A girl who leaves her home and marries to our Jackson’s house will inevitably be a little uncomfortable.”

Hunter Jackson just nodded and said nothing.

Shu Ranqian sighed and adjusted her face before saying: “Abei, Aunt Shu came to apologize to you here today.”

“What’s the matter?” He took the tea from the servant and just held it in his hand. Did not drink.

Shu Ran said helplessly: “I just learned that Daniel had acted on Jenni in Gale’s house before. I really…I really don’t know how to teach this kid.”

She had an apologetic face, but she was really helpless. .

“It’s all that Aunt Shu taught badly. Since he was little disciplined, he was arrogant and arrogant.

A Bei, Aunt Shu apologized for him like you. I hope you can forgive him.”

Hunter Jackson did not speak, and Shu Ran was a little disturbed .

“Abei, he is your own brother after all. He made a lot of mistakes.

It was my mother who taught me badly…”

“He has been punished.

There is no need to mention this matter again.”

Hunter Jackson Put the cup down: “Aunt Shu, it’s not early, I’ll send you back to rest.”


Shu Ran knew that he didn’t want to say any more, so she could only shut up.

She stood up, thought about it, and said: “By the way, the master decided to hold a family banquet at home tomorrow. Do you remember to take Jenni home early and let her get in touch with her family.”

But Hunter Jackson rushed upstairs. , Just nodded and didn’t care much.

The girl’s hand is still hurt, ask the doctor to come over, will she get angry and not let the doctor see it?

Chapter 49

When this arrogant Jackson Da Shao Joseph went upstairs north, Emily Gale’s door was closed.

He hesitated, he didn’t know whether to knock on the door.

The omnipotent Young Master Jackson, who didn’t even dare to open a door, seemed a bit…incredible.

Aspen Li came from behind him and whispered: “Young Master, or, I’ll go see Madam Young?” “What do you want to see?” Hunter Jackson’s face sank.

Can he see his woman too?

“I, I didn’t mean that.”

Aspen Li was startled by the chill in his eyes, Emma, ”‹”‹why did the words suddenly change?

They just saw the brave young master, and didn’t even dare to open a door, and wanted to help him.

No one is malicious, huh!

Hunter Jackson finally walked to the door of the room, raised his hand and knocked.

Does his own woman’s room need artificial hands to open the door?

The person in the room didn’t respond and ignored him!

Joseph Beijian frowned. If anyone dared to put on airs like this in the past, this person would never have the opportunity to appear in front of him again.

Even Aspen Li was a little worried, would the young master kick the door open with anger?

Although the eldest master usually looks indifferent and calm, in fact, the eldest master’s temper is sometimes very fierce.

But what he didn’t expect was that Hunter Jackson didn’t kick the door. Instead, patiently, he knocked on the door again.

Still no one responded.

Aspen Li was a little uneasy.

The temper of the young lady seemed to be no better than the young master!

This was the third time, Hunter Jackson knocked on Emily Gale’s door. This time, the knock was a bit hard.

The people inside finally came over, and the sound of footsteps approached the back of the room.

Aspen Li breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go back to his room as soon as possible. When it did not prevent the young couple from talking about love, his shoulders suddenly tightened, and he was suddenly pulled over.

So when Emily Gale opened the door, what he saw was Aspen Li who was dumbfounded.

“What are you doing?” She didn’t look very friendly, and she was in a bad mood tonight.

“I, that, I… I’ll greet the young lady, huh, huh…”

Aspen Li was so embarrassed that he got goosebumps, eldest master, you…who just said that his woman didn’t need to be seen by others. ?

Now, the young lady came to open the door, but pretending to be okay, she stood aside and watched indifferently.

In front of him.

Even Aspen Li was a little worried, would the young master kick the door open with anger?

Although the eldest master usually looks indifferent and calm, in fact, the eldest master’s temper is sometimes very fierce.

But what he didn’t expect was that Hunter Jackson didn’t kick the door. Instead, patiently, he knocked on the door again.

Still no one responded.

Aspen Li was a little uneasy.

The temper of the young lady seemed to be no better than the young master!

This was the third time, Hunter Jackson knocked on Emily Gale’s door. This time, the knock was a bit hard.

The people inside finally came over, and the sound of footsteps approached the back of the room.

Aspen Li breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go back to his room as soon as possible. When it did not prevent the young couple from talking about love, his shoulders suddenly tightened, and he was suddenly pulled over.

So when Emily Gale opened the door, what he saw was Aspen Li who was dumbfounded.

“What are you doing?” She didn’t look very friendly, and she was in a bad mood tonight.

“I, that, I… I’ll greet the young lady, huh, huh…”

Aspen Li was so embarrassed that he got goosebumps, eldest master, you…who just said that his woman didn’t need to be seen by others. ?

Now, the young lady came to open the door, but pretending to be okay, she stood aside and watched indifferently.

In front of him.

Even Aspen Li was a little worried, would the young master kick the door open with anger?

Although the eldest master usually looks indifferent and calm, in fact, the eldest master’s temper is sometimes very fierce.

But what he didn’t expect was that Hunter Jackson didn’t kick the door. Instead, patiently, he knocked on the door again.

Still no one responded.

Aspen Li was a little uneasy.

The temper of the young lady seemed to be no better than the young master!

This was the third time, Hunter Jackson knocked on Emily Gale’s door. This time, the knock was a bit hard.

The people inside finally came over, and the sound of footsteps approached the back of the room.

Aspen Li breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go back to his room as soon as possible. When it did not prevent the young couple from talking about love, his shoulders suddenly tightened, and he was suddenly pulled over.

So when Emily Gale opened the door, what he saw was Aspen Li who was dumbfounded.

“What are you doing?” She didn’t look very friendly, and she was in a bad mood tonight.

“I, that, I… I’ll greet the young lady, huh, huh…”

Aspen Li was so embarrassed that he got goosebumps, eldest master, you…who just said that his woman didn’t need to be seen by others. ?

Now, the young lady came to open the door, but pretending to be okay, she stood aside and watched indifferently.

But it depends on the young lady, how are you obviously?

Of course, Aspen Li didn’t dare to break through a certain man, so he could only bite the bullet and put a smile on his face: “Young lady…”

“You don’t have to please!” Emily Gale turned around and forced the door to be slammed.

A big palm stretched out from behind Aspen Li, gently pushing the door of the room that was about to be closed back.

“Although he is a subordinate, but he was kind enough to please you, why humiliate him like this?” The tall figure leaned against the door, seemingly cold and arrogant. In fact, if you look closely, you will see his eyes.

A flash of tension.

The young master is… afraid of being driven out by the young lady?

Aspen Li could see this tension clearly.

But what he didn’t understand was, why should a man who is so proud to touch this nail?

Madam Shao looks like it’s not easy to deal with now!

If such a situation were encountered in the past, how could the eldest master stick with a hot face?

It’s not bad to kick someone in the air.

To the young master, the young lady seemed…a little different.

Emily Gale looked at the figure by the door and snorted coldly: “What does it have to do with you?” She didn’t want to humiliate anyone. Aspen Li just listened to his instructions and did nothing wrong.

Even if there was a mistake, it was the man’s fault.

She would not take the initiative to pick Aspen Li’s sting.

I just don’t want to see him and his people. Do you even want to deprive you of this right?

“I just remind you that the subordinates are also human.”

A certain man said coldly.

Aspen Li was about to cry bitterly.

It turned out that in the heart of the young master, his status was so high.

The young master cares so much about his feelings, it is so touching!


“If you are upset, you can beat him up, a tough guy like him would rather be beaten than scolded.”

After the beating and venting, will she feel better?


A glass heart broke to the ground!

Aspen Li held his chest, this time he really wanted to cry.

Master, you just want to find an excuse to walk into the young lady’s room, why let him be beaten and scolded again?

People are also afraid of pain!

Emily Gale’s eyes finally fell on Hunter Jackson’s face, but she was still expressionless.

“Master Jackson, I don’t want to hit or scold people.

Also, I don’t know what you mean by running over and saying these inexplicable things to me?” Yimu’s character, half a moment when he can’t speak. I don’t want to say more words.

What are you going to do if you say such silly things tonight?

“It just happened to be passing by.”

Of course he did not want to admit that he did the three knocks on the door just now.

Aspen Li, who knew the truth, was a little bit internally injured.

It turns out that people with high IQ are very likely to be really low.

Their eldest master swept across the battlefields of the business world

Not winning, but to find an excuse to see Mrs. Young is really suffocated.

What’s more, what the young lady said just now is correct, what the eldest master said tonight is really a bit redundant and boring.

“Then now, can you leave me alone?” Emily Gale didn’t bother to look at the two people blocking the door.

Hunter Jackson’s eyes were always locked on her wrist.

From the moment she opened the door, he saw her wrapped her wrist in a towel.

I wanted to ask about the situation over and over again, but when I said it, I felt messy.

Actually speaking so much, I just want to ask.

“Does the hand… still hurt?” “Young Master Jackson is caring about me?” She sneered.

Hunter Jackson’s proud pride was stabbed again. Why is this woman so ignorant?

“Tomorrow, the old man will hold a family dinner, but I just don’t want you to make a fool of yourself in front of Jackson’s family and shame me.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t lose anyone’s face, I won’t lose you!” She stretched out her hand and wanted to do it again. Close the door.

But his big palm pressed on the door, just to prevent her from blocking herself.

“Get out of the way, I want to rest!” Emily Gale looked unhappy.

“This is my place. No one can control where I want to go.”

Not only did he not give way, but instead, he walked in.

This excuse is very good, anyway, it is his villa, which is his everywhere, even this room is the same.

“Well, can’t I go out?” She didn’t want to stay here tonight, she still wanted to see Xiaomi.

If it wasn’t for this guy to bring her back, she would have been in the hospital now.

Hunter Jackson glanced at Aspen Li, who was still at the door. Aspen Li shut the door immediately without saying a word.

“Aspen Li, what are you doing?” Emily Gale almost wanted to kick the door.

Aspen Li, who was guarding outside, said: “It’s late, young lady, and young master, let’s rest early.”

These two are good, don’t toss him anymore!

It is really not easy to be a special helper. Even the young couple quarrels, they have to be reconciled.


The young master is so wise and martial, can he just force it directly?

It’s so awkward, it’s not like his style at all!

Chapter 50

Don’t challenge my patience. In fact, Hunter Jackson is also thinking about this issue.

I want to see if this girl’s wrist is hurt badly, so why not pull her over forcibly?

However, if it is forced, will it make her hurt more?

“Aspen Li is outside, you can’t go out.”

He sat on the chair and stared at her.

“What on earth do you want to do?” Emily Gale knew that he couldn’t go. Is he here to show off his power?

When did Young Master Jackson become so idle?

The group closed down?

Hunter Jackson stood up suddenly and walked towards Emily Gale.

She panicked and stepped back subconsciously: “What on earth do you want to do? Young Master Jackson, I have no way to pursue it, and I don’t intend to pursue it. Don’t deceive people too much!” She was so angry that she wanted to cry!

If it were someone else, she would have resisted to the end, but he was Hunter Jackson, a man she knew how to resist!

Since she is destined to lose, she is destined to not give this breath to Xiaomi, then, can she let her fend for herself here?

Hunter Jackson walked up to her. This girl was actually very afraid of him.

She didn’t expect that for her friends, her courage could occasionally be too big.

Emily Gale glared at him: “You…”

He suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged her up, and walked to the bed.

“Let go!” Emily Gale pushed him hard, but accidentally hurt her wrist again.

The little face was tangled with pain, and the pain in his eyes was caught by him.

Hunter Jackson put her on the bed, reached out and took off the towel from her wrist, trying to pull her out.

Emily Gale would rather endure the pain, but also pull her hand back.

He frowned, and said displeased: “Emily Gale, my patience is limited, you must use this way to get along with me?” “If you don’t hand over the people behind, I won’t get along with you! When he held her hand, she couldn’t get rid of it, but she also looked away and didn’t want to look at him.

“I advise you to give up.”

“Hunter Jackson!” He didn’t speak, just looked at her wrist.

He didn’t mean to hurt her when he was on the beach, but he always caught her hard.

Opening the drawer and taking out the medicine chest that was in it, Hunter Jackson stopped talking, poured the medicinal wine on her wrist and rubbed it gently.

Emily Gale really couldn’t understand this man. Sometimes it was frosty, and sometimes it seemed to be nice to her!

But in the end, all the entanglement turned into calmness, no matter whether it was good or not, it was just an agreement.

“I’m fine, please come back to Master Jackson.”

She knows what kind of person he is better than anyone else.

He did not want to say, even if she put a knife on his neck, he would not say.

Hunter Jackson looked at her red and swollen wrist, but continued to gently rub her, without speaking.


The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird, Emily Gale wanted to withdraw his hand, but he didn’t allow it.

It’s just a little red and swollen, why is this necessary?

Once again, he would withdraw his hand. This time, Hunter Jackson finally let go of her and stood up.

“Since you are my fiancée, I will not join hands with others to harm you or your friends.”

Is this what she is worried about?

Now, he gave a promise, can it?

Emily Gale’s heart was a little shaken, and she looked up at him.

Although Young Master Jackson was still arrogant, these words were credible.

His promises were never given casually, but once they were given, they would definitely be fulfilled.


“Your friend, I only admit Su Xiaomi.”

Emily Gale bit her lip, feeling mixed!

What he meant was that if Tianyou and Yang Yi did something that upset him, wouldn’t he guarantee that they would not be moved?

Why does he see Tianyou and Yang Yi not pleasing to his eyes?

“If you hurt Tianyou and Yang Yi, I won’t just sit back and watch.”

“What can you do?” Hunter Jackson was suddenly upset by her defense of other men.

Especially the gods, who are all men, can he not see the boy’s guardianship towards her?

He admires the women in Joseph, when does he need other men to protect them?

Emily Gale finally calmed down and was stabbed by the young Master Jackson again.

She said coldly: “Yes, I can’t do anything, but even if I can’t, I won’t let you hurt them!” “Want to offend me again?” She can indulge in everything else, but she keeps doing it again and again. How can other men provoke him?

“Emily Gale, don’t challenge my patience!” “I don’t need any patience from Young Master Jackson. You and I are just an agreement!” The sentence “agreement relationship” made Hunter Jackson annoyed immediately.

He stared at her stubborn little face, his eyes gradually cooling.

“Well, since you still remember the agreement between us, you should recognize your identity.”

“If you dare to hook up and do things that affect my reputation, I will not only move them, I will also I’ll tear them up!” It doesn’t make sense to this woman!

Since her hands are fine, he doesn’t need to stay here.

Hunter Jackson turned around and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, a pillow smashed from behind and hit his back.

Although it didn’t hurt, it was his dignity that hurt.

“Emily Gale, don’t know what’s good or bad!” He was indulgent enough to her!

“Hunter Jackson, you can insult me, but you can’t insult my friend!” Emily Gale squeezed his palms tightly. He simply believed in the rumors outside, and believed that she and God Bless them messed up the relationship between men and women.

He wants to touch someone, so why make any excuses?

Just tear it off!

Anyway, he is such a brutal and domineering person!

With a stern face, he walked out the door.

With a bang, the door was heavily closed behind him, even with a click, the lock was locked from inside.

Hunter Jackson’s not-so-good-looking face was even more ugly at this time, it was almost clouded.

Aspen Li has been guarding not far away, and has not yet dared to leave.

Hearing the quarrel inside, and seeing the young master come out with a calm face, he was very careful.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen the eldest master quarrel with others. Well, the eldest master never quarrels.

The young master is upset and will kill the person directly!

“Well, or… or should I let those two little kids go abroad so that they can never come back?” Anyway, those two boys made the young master upset. In that case, get out and keep your eyes out.

It’s good.

“Master, I will…”

“Go!” …Aspen Li watched as the young master walked into the room not far away, and also watched the door slammed shut, blinking with aggrieved expression.

Is it a fleeting year tonight? How come you hit a wall everywhere?

He was really just to make the young master happy. Why did the young master seem even more unhappy after listening to his advice?

Standing on the promenade, he looked at the door in front of him, and then at the other door not far away, with a hesitation in his heart.

Would you like to explain to the young lady, the young master is not afraid to move the person behind him, but he just can’t move?

Moreover, before the incident, the young master really did not know.

Madam Young… will you believe it?

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