Love Through Time and Space Chapter 171 – 173

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Chapter 171

The young lady was so presumptuous that Kylena Gale was thrown out of Wangjiang Pavilion.

He wanted to walk back, but was stopped by two bodyguards at the door.

Kylena Gale was aggrieved, but now, the old man is inside, and she is not good to be noisy here.

She didn’t want to lose her temperament as the first lady in Beiling.

However, it was really embarrassing to be carried out by Aspen Li just now!

The dead old woman was inside, but she didn’t stop it.

It was too much!

This dead old woman will clean her up sooner or later!

When Kylena Gale left, the yard suddenly became quiet.

In fact, Emily Gale didn’t understand that before, Kylena Gale had always paid great attention to her own self-cultivation.

At least, in front of everyone, she was definitely the most cultivated wealthy daughter.

But recently, how does it feel like being stupid?

No, it’s not being stupid, but, it seems that my status has improved a lot all of a sudden, and then I am overwhelmed.

What is it that makes her feel that her status is so high?

Is it related to the old lady?

Hunter Jackson got out of the car while Emily Gale took care of him, for fear that his head would faint again.

Hunter Jackson naturally placed one arm on Emily Gale’s shoulder, and it seemed that she really needed her to help to walk.

As for the rumors that Young Master Jackson is not close to female sex, now it seems that it is not valid for Madam Young.

Those who told them that their relationship was at odds with each other were just to please the elders or something. Now, they are just slapping their faces.

If the appearance of the young master and the young lady is considered to be emotionally disagreeable, then please tell them, what exactly is a good relationship?

Do you have to do something indescribable in the car… well?

What’s more, it seems that the peace and warmth of the young master and the young wife is simply a victory over the so-called passionate love affair.

“Grandpa and grandma, why are they here?” Hunter Jackson looked at the two, his voice always cold and indifferent.

Emily Gale looked at the two of them and called out softly: “Master, grandma.”

The old lady’s eyes fell on Hunter Jackson’s forehead. Now he has stitched stitches and covered it with gauze. I can’t see how the wound is. .

But the old lady was still heartbroken watching.

“Is it hurt very badly? I saw it said on the TV that a whole brick was flying over, and none of you mentioned it to me.”

She was a little frustrated. If it weren’t for seeing the TV, everyone was going to hide it from her. ?

“It’s okay. I just sewed two stitches.

It will be well soon.”

Emily Gale couldn’t bear to worry the old lady so much.

She said softly, “It’s really okay. Just take a rest for two more days.”

“Don’t tell. You are afraid that you are worried. In fact, he is really fine.”

She looked up at Hunter Jackson and blinked at him: “Is it? Very energetic!” “Yeah!” Hunter Jackson

Nodded very cooperatively, “Grandma, I’m fine.”

This looks really cute.

“Of course, you have to let him take medicine. This guy has been reluctant to take bitter medicine since he was a child.”

The old lady has a delicate mind and the child is injured.

The first thing that comes to mind is the injection and medicine.

After thinking about it, she still couldn’t rest assured: “Why are you back today? Have you ever had an anti-inflammatory injection?” “Did you have it.”

Emily Gale said immediately.

The old man snorted and seemed a little unhappy.

It’s okay to comfort the old lady, but the girl’s lie just opened his mouth. Of course he didn’t like the younger generation being so good at lying.

Emily Gale didn’t know how he was dissatisfied with him.

Anyway, the old man didn’t like him, she knew it.

Of course, she didn’t take it to heart.

To make the old lady feel at ease, she held Hunter Jackson’s hand and showed the needle to the old lady.

“Look, grandma, I’ve really gotten an injection, it’s okay, don’t lie to you.”

There was a needle on the back of Joseph’s hand!

Not only the old lady was dumbfounded, but even the old man and Qin’s steward were shocked.

Since Young Master Jackson was sensible, when did he get the injection?

Even if he is sick, he does not take medicine or injections!

“Old lady, sir, you don’t know anything.

The young lady coaxed the young master to get an injection and take medicine.

There is definitely a set.”

After leaving Kylena Gale outside, Aspen Li, who just came back, immediately became proud of everyone’s faces. .

Madam Shao’s greatness seemed to be his own, with a proud face.

“Last time the eldest master had a high fever, even Ye Han was not allowed to come close.

It was the young lady who lifted the needle from her hand and gave him a shot directly on his ass. This is the only way to burn…”

“Go!” , Almost couldn’t hold back a kick and kicked him out.

Aspen Li was shocked to realize what he had said, he coughed and shut up quickly.

How did you accidentally tell the eldest master this kind of private matter?

Butt injection… Emma, ”‹”‹unimaginable!

The old lady and the old man looked at each other, but the old lady couldn’t help but smile: “Of course, did you really get a shot on his ass?” Oops!

This kid is amazing!

May I ask who would dare to give Young Master Jackson a spanking shot and don’t want to live anymore?

I didn’t expect that when I randomly ordered the mandarin duck book, I actually came out a pair of biren.

Emily Gale just smiled, but Hunter Jackson’s expression was not good.

However, he cares about the two women, even if he feels aggrieved, he can’t have an attack.

Emily Gale pulled his sleeve gently, and said with a smile: “What do you do with your face stretched out to scare your grandma?” Hunter Jackson looked blank, where was his face stretched?

Emily Gale saw through what he was thinking at a glance, and almost rolled his eyes.

“You look so ugly, isn’t it just to be scary? Can you have a smile?

“Hey, hey! The young lady is stunned? You asked the young master to laugh! Everyone is a little uneasy, this is definitely presumptuous for the young master! I don’t know if the young master will be angry… Hunter Jackson’s expression It was a bit heavy, and I didn’t see the meaning of being angry. But he always had this expression, he was angry, and it was almost the same. Now, who knows what he is thinking? Emily Gale still sullen his face when he sees him. I couldn’t help pulling at the corner of his clothes again: “Don’t scare grandma.

“Everyone was surprised, the young lady is really a bit…a bit too presumptuous… Aspen Li wanted to say a few good things to calm the young master’s anger.

“Of course, I…”

The old lady wanted to say something, after all. , Understands Abei’s temper. He is not a person who likes to laugh, let alone being forced to laugh. Even if he can clearly see that he cares a little bit, she doesn’t know how much he cares.

Ah! But who knows, just when everyone was so worried that they wanted to work hard to help the young lady, Hunter Jackson’s lips suddenly twitched.

A twitch! God! Is this…is this a smile? Did you laugh? The skin laughed and laughed without sincerity, but people…they seemed to have really laughed! Everyone was completely shocked. However, something more shocking happened next. Emily Gale stared. He glanced at Hunter Jackson with a displeased look: “It’s uglier to laugh than cry!

Do it again.

“Wow! So vigorous! So domineering! So… not afraid of death! Hunter Jackson stared at the woman in his arms, his eyes darkened. Everyone panicked, this is, the storm is about to start, and the young master is about to break out!

Chapter 172

I am already his person, but the storm that everyone expected has not come.

Instead, his thin lips were slightly raised, and the smile that eclipsed everything in the world.

The wind seemed to be softer, and the sunset and sunset seemed to be dyed with colorful eyes, gorgeous and colorful.

His smile is like a touch of stimulant, making the whole world full of color for him.

The sky was bluer, the flowers were more beautiful, and the so-called storms instantly turned into bright clear skies.

The young master laughed, this time, he really laughed.

No longer is it uglier to laugh than cry, it is clearly the most beautiful smile in the world.

When Emily Gale looked up at him, he was fascinated by the accident.

Even if you don’t want to admit it, you have to admit that Young Master Jackson who is willing to laugh is really enough to turn sentient beings upside down.

“Alright?” Hunter Jackson tightened his arms, the smile on his lips gradually disappeared.

Emily Gale still couldn’t recover.

The old lady couldn’t help but laugh out: “Ranran, pay attention to your image, and wipe your saliva quickly.”

Emily Gale was startled, and hurriedly raised the back of his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth.

Did it?


Where are you drooling?


Above his head, the man’s deep laughter sounded.

The old lady had already laughed loudly, and the servants laughed a lot.

Although the bodyguards were a bit tolerant, they were still laughing dullly.

Even the old man laughed loudly.

Kylena Gale, who was guarding outside, had no idea what those people were laughing at.

She could only stand outside the yard, looking inside desperately.

The yard was too big to hear laughter and could not see at all.

Emily Gale blushed with shame, as if finding a hole to get in.

Hunter Jackson patted her shoulder lightly, not wanting to embarrass his little guy, so he waved his hand secretly.

Everyone can only sullen and laugh, not to make Madam Shao even more shy.

The old lady said: “I’ve come back from the hospital, haven’t you eaten dinner yet? Steward Qin, are you ready? The old man and I are also having dinner in Wangjiang Pavilion tonight.”

“It’s ready, madam, sir, you can serve food now.

“Steward Qin said immediately.

The old man nodded, and personally pushed the old lady in.

That day, Kylena Gale stood alone in the wind, sad and miserable.

Then they went in for dinner. Kylena Gale waited for a while, but did not wait for the old lady to ask her to come in.

Finally, I couldn’t wait, and returned to the old lady’s back room angrily.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, the old lady came back with Tweety and two bodyguards.

Along the way, there were even talking and laughing, looking in a good mood.

Kylena Gale sat in the hall with a sullen face, sulking.

“Kylena?” The old lady came in and saw her, a little surprised.

She also looked back on her home.

“What? See me here

Are you surprised?

Kylena Gale glared at the old lady, pouting, “Don’t you want to see me?”

” “what happened?

I just thought you were home.

“The old lady smiled gently.

“Go home?”

Do you want to drive me away?

“Kylena Gale was taken aback, and then she was angry, “Do you want to drive me away now?”


“The old lady didn’t understand, why she reacted so fiercely.

“I don’t know you have been living in Wangjiang Pavilion before. When you weren’t here with grandma, grandma thought you had been living at home.

“No one told her that Kylena Gale has been living in Wangjiang Pavilion.

After all, she is a girl who has not been out of the pavilion.

It is inconvenient to live in other people’s places.

She has also been moved in a mess these days.

She feels that this girl is pretty good and runs away from Gale’s house every day. I came here to see her. But after spending more than two hours in Wangjiang Pavilion just now, I realized that Kylena Gale had been living there.

The old lady asked Tweety and the others to quit, and she looked at Kylena Gale and relaxed.

The voice tried to explain some truth to her.

“Kylena, Wangjiang Pavilion is Abei’s peaceful place after all. You live in it…not very suitable.

“The most important thing is that she has been in school these days. Her younger sister is not there.

She is a sister who went to live with her younger sister’s fiancé.

It is really unreasonable.

“Kylena, if you want to see grandma in the future, please directly Just live here with grandma, no one will say anything to you.

“Does anyone say anything when I live with Joseph now?”

Kylena Gale frowned and her face was displeased.

Asking her to live with this old woman is simply a torment. Who wants to see this old woman every day? She came to Jackson’s family for the sake of the youngest, but not for the sake of her. Look at her old and ugly face! The old lady moved her lips and wanted to speak, but she didn’t know how to persuade her so as not to hurt her self-esteem. But this kind of thing can’t be left to her forever.

After hesitating for a while, the old lady said: “Kylena, anyway, Wangjiang Pavilion is the place of Ranran and Abei.

“Especially, although RJenni is often away, she has to go back to school. You are a girl living with Abei, and you will always get gossip.

“Who dares to gossip me?”

Young Master Jackson won’t let those people go!

“Kylena Gale clenched her fist, she didn’t believe it. In Jackson’s house, some people dared to chew on the tongue! “Even if they don’t say it, they will feel bad. Besides, if you live in Wangjiang Pavilion, Abei is not necessarily Just happy.

“Is Young Master Jackson pleased, except for himself, who can say for him?”

“Kylena Gale glared at the old lady, angrily: “Grandma, what’s the matter with you?”

Do you want to separate me and Joseph?


The old lady was startled, she didn’t know how to answer the conversation. What is dismantling?

She and Bei?

Isn’t she and Abe already nothing?

Here, where is the saying that dismantling is not dismantling?

“Kylena, do you… have something misunderstood?” “Grandma, I know what you want to say, you want to make me and Joseph completely break up for Emily Gale, don’t you?” Kylena Gale bit her lip , Suddenly cried with a wow.

“Since I was young, everyone has helped Emily Gale bully me, hitting me at every turn, scolding me, and humiliating me, saying that I am a wild species.”

“Why are you a wild species?” The old lady felt sad, this… …I blame her.

If she hadn’t lost Qing Qing, Qing Qing wouldn’t have reached that old age to recognize her.

If Qingqing was taken care of when she was a child, she wouldn’t be able to follow McGraw Gale when she grew up.

Finally, even her daughter was affected.

It was all her fault, she was sorry for Kylena.

When Kylena Gale looked at her expression, she knew that her words had pierced her deepest guilt!

Since she is guilty, let her be more guilty!

“I’m from Joseph already.”

“What did you say?” The old lady was startled and almost jumped out of her wheelchair.

“You…you… and Abei…”

“We were originally a couple, you! It’s all you! Why do you have to let Joseph and Emily Gale be together?” Kylena Gale pointed at her, tears of anger.

They all rolled down.

“Why are you breaking us up? Everyone is helping Emily Gale bully me, even you!” “I…I am not…”

The old lady covered her heart, not knowing whether it was agitated or uncomfortable, soon, even breathing It became difficult.

She didn’t want to bully Kylena, how could it be?

But she didn’t know, really didn’t know, Kylena and Abe… God, what did she do?

Chapter 173

I was also sick. Kylena Gale didn’t notice what was wrong with the old lady. Now she was completely blinded by anger.

“It’s all you! It’s all you! Why are you helping others to harm me!” She squeezed her palms tightly, grabbed the old lady’s shoulders, and shook it hard!

“Why don’t you love me? I am the one who should be engaged to Joseph, or even get married!” “I am with him, but you have to make him and Emily Gale be engaged, you know how painful Joseph is “You asked him to marry an ugly monster. Now, in order to please you, he still has to act with that ugly monster every day!” “You said, did you say that everything was your fault?” She was really anxious. I have suffered so many grievances today, and now I am venting all my head.

Shaking the old lady’s shoulder vigorously, she flushed with anger, wishing to strangle the dead old lady in front of her!

“Do you think Joseph really likes that ugly monster? It’s all for acting to show you!” “When you were away, Joseph didn’t know how good it was to me. Do you know how crazy he was to me when he was in bed? “Kylena, don’t say Kylena…”

The old lady was shocked when she heard it, “Impossible, Abei can’t be like that, he is peaceful…so good…”

“You can’t see how ugly Emily Gale is.”

Are you blind?” Kylena Gale’s words made the old lady unable to refute at all.

RJenni… RJenni she is not ugly, but… not that pretty.

However, it is incomparable with Kylena Gale, Kylena is a stunning beauty, and… that freckled face is really not pretty.

However, RJenni has a good temperament, and the feeling of being together with Abei seems to be very happy.

To say that this was acting, she didn’t believe it.

“Kylena, Kylena, you are calm…cough, cough…”

Kylena Gale pulled her too tightly, and the old lady couldn’t breathe.


In front of Kylena Gale, her face was twisted together because of anger, her usual delicate beauty, but now only presumptuous hatred remains.

To the point of hate, it makes people feel…very ugly.

Those words she said, thinking about them now, even one sentence is unbelievable.

Of course, how could such a good girl harm her?

However, she is her own granddaughter and she can’t doubt her.

“Vicz…cough, cough cough…”

Kylena Gale finally saw the old lady’s face clearly, this face was flushed, as if she couldn’t breathe!

She withdrew her hand suddenly in fright, and hurriedly gave the old lady a favor.

“Grandma, grandma, I didn’t mean it, I’m just… just too excited.”

The old lady ignored her words and opened her mouth to breathe.

Kylena Gale is afraid of death. This old woman can’t die now. If she is gone, she will have no backing.


Zi kept patting her on the back, finally, the old lady took a sigh of relief.

The anger eased, but his face was as pale as a piece of paper.

Kylena Gale was flustered, she was afraid that Tweety and others would come in, and she would ask why when she saw her appearance.

She hurriedly said: “Never mind grandma, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t always think about the previous things.”

“Even if I…I and Joseph are already like that, but now Joseph and Emily Gale are together, I…what else can I do?” The old lady couldn’t insert a word, and Kylena Gale was already calm.

If you don’t get a good relationship with the old lady now, in the future, she will definitely be unable to move in this family.

“Grandma, I live in Wangjiang Pavilion to make it easy to see you.

After all, if I live with you every day, people from Jackson’s family will definitely have opinions on me.”

The old lady was still speechless and could only look at her. .

Kylena Gale pushed her back into the room and helped her to the bed.

“Grandma, take a rest early, and I will guard you outside, okay?” Without waiting for the old lady to speak, Kylena Gale covered her with a quilt and went out.

The old lady was left lying on the bed alone, frowning.

She has not yet wiped her body, has not gone to the bathroom, nor has her feet washed.

Tweety didn’t know where she went, how could she fall asleep like this?

Want to let Tweet in, but Kylena said to take care of her, if she finds Tweet again, everyone will think that Kylena has not taken good care of her.

Although the old lady is getting older, she still knows the worldly affections.

How much, to give Kylena some face.

It’s just that it’s really uncomfortable now.

Kylena Gale did guard her door. Seeing Tweet coming over, she waved her hand: “I’ll take care of grandma tonight. You can go and rest.”

She must repair the relationship with the old lady, or else , The future road is even more difficult.

“I know, you let him rest, I…”

Emily Gale looked back and the man was still taking a bath in the bathroom.

Although he could not be seen, he could faintly hear the sound of the shower.

Young Master Jackson was a little bit awkward today, just like a child and a grown-up, wanting her to be almost inseparable.

Tonight, I probably can’t go back.

She took her mobile phone and whispered to Su Xiaomi on the other end of the phone: “I may not be back tomorrow, but it’s not possible. You just ask him to stop and heal up first before talking.”

“He doesn’t listen, we all said it. He has been several times, but you know what his temper is.”

Su Xiaomi is also anxious. He has painted two words today, and Qin Zhizhou must finish the third chapter now.

But he didn’t know if the air conditioner was turned on too much last night and he was too tired to fall asleep on the drawing board.

I found out this morning that his face is not so good, especially red


Sure enough, at noon, I had a fever.

After taking some anti-fever medicine, I only slept for more than half an hour before waking up and started painting.

“No matter what, the body requires him to rest more.”

Emily Gale glanced at the bathroom door again, the sound of the water shower was lowered, and Young Master Jackson probably was about to come out.

“Xiaomi, I won’t tell you anymore, I still have something…”

“How about Young Master Jackson? I saw the news on TV today and he was injured.”

Su Xiaomi was curious, “What about you? Are you okay? I seem to see you on TV.” Whether it is Hunter Jackson or Emily Gale, there are very few shots, but she still spotted Emily Gale with sharp eyes.

The report was basically a matter of mediation later.

It only said that a young master of the Jackson family was slightly injured, but did not specify who it was.

However, anyone who knows them can recognize them as long as they see a profiled face of Young Master Jackson.

“We are all worried, but we don’t know if we can call you.”

“I’m fine, the people from Mr. Jackson are there, and they have taken care of the matter.”

The bathroom door was opened, and Emily Gale immediately said: “Okay. No, I won’t tell you. Take care of Qin Zhizhou. I’ll be back tomorrow morning.” Hanging up the phone, he looked up at Hunter Jackson’s deep gaze.

“You only have three or four classes tomorrow morning.”

He said lightly.

Emily Gale was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t expect that Young Master Jackson would memorize her course schedule so well.

She nodded: “Yes, but I want to go back early.

A boy in my studio is sick and still has a high fever…”

Who knew he immediately interrupted her, and said unhappily, “I’m sick too!”

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