Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 437 – 439

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Chapter 437

Ruan Qianlin was silent, looking distressedly at the person on the opposite side with her head down and moaning her tears, letting her pull her sleeves, grieving, complaining, venting, accusing, and venting.

Like a big mountain, no matter the vicissitudes of life, he stands on the spot, giving everything for his sister.

After a while, the sobbing in the car was considered to be gradually reduced.

“Qianyi, are you hungry?” Ruan Qianlin roared softly.

The person who heard her brother speak had a little shy cheeks, she was so big, and she was crying with her brother, her lips were chuckles for a long time, but she nodded silently after all.

Ruan Qianlin smiled at the corner of his eyes, gently rubbed Siara’s hair, turned around and started the car again.

When they arrived at the apartment, the two men talked about being forbidden by Ruan’s father to interfere with the company.

After crying, Siara felt better in her heart and figured out a lot. No matter what decision Ruan’s father made, she would never give in. She didn’t believe it. Just because she and Lu Ziran were two, it was true. Nothing can be done.

She doesn’t believe her ability is really so bad.

Ruan Qianlin saw that his sister had regained her original self-confidence, and he was relieved. He put a braised man with chopsticks in the bowl of the opposite person, and this matter was turned over.

Two days later, Lu Ziran received an announcement issued by the board of directors of the Lu’s Group headquarters, which stated: “After the board of directors discussed, the qualification of Lu Ziran as the successor of the Lu family was cancelled.”

The man sitting on the sofa looked gloomy, and Lu Erye, who had also received the news, was annoyed again. The father and son were noisy at home.

In the afternoon, Lu Ziran was told by his cousin who hadn’t contacted him during this period of time. The cousins ”‹”‹didn’t know how to get together and taunted him in a bar.

He gritted his teeth angrily, ran out while people were not paying attention, drove to the bar, found the box, and raised his fist without saying anything.

In terms of one-on-one, the Lu family, except for William, Lu Ziran has not been able to beat him, but he can’t stand the crowds. He single-handedly faced a group of men who had been trained since childhood. The injuries were severe and fortunate to be taken. People who rush to hold on to it in time can be considered as life-free.

But also in the hospital, lying down for several days.

At home, William had agreed with Silla the night before that he would take her to see a friend this afternoon, and the two of them packed up early and went out.

“Uncle Willy, what kind of friend is it?” Last night, when he was too late to ask, he was overwhelmed by the man, and he lost everything he wanted to say.

Rubbing Silla’s hand beside him, William said, “Old friend.”

The woman sitting next to her rolled her eyes, what an old friend is, it’s impossible, there are young friends, really.

I also want to say that I was patted by William: “I will introduce it to you when you arrive. Don’t worry, it’s not a female.”

“What?” Silla muttered, feeling a little hot on her face, and thrusting herself into the man’s arms: “I, I asked you men and women.”

“Well, it’s what I want to say.” The man bowed his head pettingly, raised his hand and squeezed the earlobe of the woman in his arms, picked up a trace of long hair, and k!ssed him on his lips.

The woman didn’t notice anything, only her eyelids were a little heavy and she narrowed slightly.

The man noticed something, silently took the small blanket on his side, and covered the person in his arms casually, tilted his head slightly, watching the video conference that was just opened on the ipad in front.

The car arrived at the agreed place early, but fortunately, the person who had met hadn’t arrived yet, William didn’t wake up the sleeping person.

After about half an hour, the woman in her arms woke up slightly.

Looking at the roof of the car with a bit of confusion, after a long time, she reacted. After a while, Silla sat up: “It’s over, why did I fall asleep? Is it late, it’s over.”

Seeing the woman panicking, William smiled and held the restless wrist: “It’s not too late, just right.”

Silla breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly opened the backpack again, and carefully packed it, the two of them got out of the car and went to the private room.

As soon as the two walked to the door, they heard the service staff leading people over.

“Mr Ying, this is your box.”

Ying Lu nodded, and when he looked up, he saw the two William waiting for him at the door, and greeted them with a smile: “Haha, it’s a coincidence, not sooner or too late.”

William stretched out his hand: “Yes, not sooner or later, come in and say.”

The three entered the house, the dining table was a small round table, and the three stood on three legs.

Silla glanced at Yinglu with some curiosity, and then politely glanced over. Unexpectedly, William introduced himself as soon as he sat down.

“This is my love.”

With these two words, Silla’s face blushed and raised her eyes to blame the man beside her, but she didn’t refute it.

“Hahaha, it’s better to see it once, Miss Yu, who has been admired for a long time.” Ying Lu smiled, bringing some acquaintances to tease.

Silla hurriedly turned her head and nodded, and said with a smile: “You are welcome.”

Without waiting for William’s introduction, Yinglu said directly: “Then be polite, William and I have been old friends for many years. I always listen to him mentioning you. I want to see the person in his arms for a long time. Hahaha, I am us. Of these people, the most blessed.”

After being said that, all three of them pursed their lips and laughed, and the atmosphere didn’t drop at all.

The dishes were served one after another. William and Yinglu were chatting about business affairs. Was Silla participating? The meal came to an end.

The three moved to the small living room next to them and smiled as they watched the tea already brewed on the table.

“Is this before?”

“Well, there is new tea.”

As William said, Yinglu narrowed the corners of his eyes and sipped his cup of tea, only to feel the fragrance of his mouth.

“Then I have to take some with me when I go back.”

William smiled and said, “It’s ready.”

Silla smashed this mouth, her white and tender face stretched out, and she felt that it was delicious. As a lover of happy water in a fat house, it was not easy to like it.

After a meeting, William was called out by the temporary assistant, and Ying Lu and Silla were left in the house.

Silla’s index finger rubbed the rim of the cup, a little hesitated, and when he was on the way, he smiled and said, “Silla has anything to say, just say it.”

The person caught in the bag was a little embarrassed, but he still opened his mouth: “Mr. Ying, I just want to ask, what you said before that he always mentioned that I am…what does it mean.”

Thinking of the rumors about William and the matter between him and this little girl, Ying Lu smiled heartily, without hiding it: “It means, that kid William cares about you very much.”

Silla’s face flushed slightly, and her eyes were bright and she looked at Yinglu.

Yinglu saw the situation and said in his heart: “No wonder William can’t let go.”

“Do you know what this guy has been doing?”

Silla shook his head.

Chapter 438

“He, in order to be able to be with you smoothly, contact me early and say to cooperate and deal with those around you who hinder you. I just hope that when you are with him, no one can object. He is for you. But after a lot of effort, he even went against the Lu family.”

“Then he…” Silla couldn’t tell, her heart trembled fiercely.

“Huh, that kid, it’s as sweet as sweet.”

Silla bit her inner mouth, remembering what Tucker had said before, and remembering the time when the two broke up, and she felt very distressed.

Without waiting to say anything, William came back, chatting with Yinglu for a few hours, and the three were separated.

After returning home, Silla’s mood was difficult to calm down.

“I’ll take a shower first.” He rushed upstairs and ran into the bedroom without looking back.

William raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little weird, thinking that when he came back from outside for a dinner, he caught a glimpse of Silla’s expression, the corners of his lips curled lightly, he raised his feet upstairs, and went to the guest room to wash.

In the bathroom, Silla was soaking in the bathtub, hugging her legs, pouting a little uncomfortably, and muttering to herself: “Silla, you are a big idiot, a big idiot, how can you not trust your Uncle Willy? What he said is what he said, what outsiders said is what, without any judgment of his own, wanting to stand beside him is just dreaming.”

Tears pattered down his cheeks into the water, fusing without a trace.

After gathering water and putting her face in her palm, the woman made up her mind.

In the future, she must have her own judgment and feel attentively what that person has done to her, no matter what happens to her, she will not easily say let go.

Uncle Willy, Silla is also working hard, don’t go too fast.

After a while, after only hearing the sound of “wow”, the woman stood up from the water, and the water drops all the way down the shoulder blades, flowing through the place of reverie, and into the place where she was going.

The door rang slightly, and a flushed head stuck out his head. Seeing that there was no one in the bedroom, he quickly ran to the bed and got into the bed.

“Oh, I’m so ashamed, ah ah ah ah.” The voice muffled under the quilt, and it couldn’t cover the shame of the woman on the bed.

Recalling that when she faced William, she was only full of dependence and affection. At that time, she still didn’t understand what shyness was. Obviously he was in junior high school, and he liked to lie in his arms as if he was a child, and he wanted to hug him to sleep at night.

Thinking about it now, Silla’s face turned redder, she was really bold at that time, thanks to her Uncle Willy who could bear not doing that kind of thing.

Evana in the small town sneezed, looked at the moonlight in the sky, and took a bite of potato chips.

“Hey, I don’t know if Sister Silla put on the New Year gift I gave. Alas, President Lu is really lucky to find Sister Silla such a beautiful girlfriend. Alas, I also want a boyfriend with long legs.” Weeping, God’s hand kept putting in the potato chip bag.

That night, the bedroom door was opened, and the woman shrank in the quilt shrank sharply, feeling her side sunken, and took a deep breath.

William felt amused, and leaned over to get close to the unknown objects in a circle around him: “Silkworm, send the quilt.”

Silla rolled herself into a ball, just like a silkworm chrysalis.

As he said, Silla’s strength was sent off slightly, and then tightened again, gently pulling down the quilt, revealing two big round eyes, with a unique charm, blinked like a man, and then burst again. He got in, hugged the man’s waist, leaned over and stepped on.

William’s black eyes became thick and misty with his skin pressed tightly, the smooth and cold that had just been washed.

The little woman who touched his waist felt very happy, the previous shame and hesitation was instantly dissipated, she held the man’s head, and k!ssed her with her small lips.

All at once, like a bird pecking, learning a man’s daily movements, his hand followed the man’s face to the earlobe, gently rubbed it, and went down.

William held the woman’s slender waist, and the nerves in his brain went down with the woman’s small hands, tightening and suddenly, William only heard a “pop”, he couldn’t help it.

Leaning over to take the initiative, the quilt is pressed under him, and the scenery in front of his eyes is amazing. The man only feels that the last bit of self-control has been defeated.

“Little girl.” The dull voice was like a low cello, coaxing the angry little guy.

Silla’s face flushed, looking at William, who was extremely s3xy and had never seen him before. She was defeated by beauty and instantly softened. Jiaojiao said: “You, you, don’t be proud.”

How clever the man is, he chuckled, k!ssed the forehead of the person in his arms, and raised his hand to turn off the warm light beside him.

The moonlight ran in without warning and sprinkled bit by bit on the woman, only driving people crazy.

Abroad, hospital.

Lu Ziran looked at a group of people who came to visit, but they all nestled together to play games and were irritable.

One of them seemed to remember something. Seeing that the clearance was successful, he didn’t continue, and said, “Lu Ziran, I heard that your eldest brother and his little worm Silla are together again.”

Lu Ziran raised his eyebrows and sat up straight.

The people around heard it, and cursed the person on the phone while saying: “No, didn’t I hear that they were all divided? It was quite violent at the time.”

“Cut, that woman is so good-looking, if it were you, you would just break up like this.” Another human said.

The man shrugged: “Yes.”

“Where did you know?” Lu Ziran said lightly.

The man at the beginning said: “It’s not all spread, as far as the country is, someone saw the two of them traveling together. It’s not that Lu Clan is also gossiping, William has returned to China, but he has delayed the return journey.”

“My mother, it’s twelve o’clock, stop playing, go to dinner.”

One of them inadvertently looked up at the clock, screamed, got up and looked around, the people in a circle touched their stomachs and greeted Lu Ziran and left.

Lu Ziran didn’t care either. After all, Hupengouyou didn’t need them to care. At best, it was his message.

He squinted his eyes and said to himself slightly, “Silla.” He touched his chin and sneered.

The door opened again, and the bodyguard came in with the lunch box.

Yes, Lu Ziran was completely banned. Lu Erye got angry and went directly to the bodyguard to watch, in order to prevent any emergencies too late.

In the afternoon, Siara stepped on high heels and opened the door of the ward: “What are you telling me to do, why don’t you recuperate well, what are you talking about?” He sat aside.

Lu Ziran looked out of the window and moved back indoors, turned his head to look at the woman who came in, and said, “You don’t think it is strange.”

Siara frowned, wondering if this person had been beaten stupid, and his speech was endless.

Chapter 439

Regardless of whether the person will return or not, Lu Ziran continued: “Why did the two cooperations fail, especially this time in Yinglu, it seems that there are people who are leading the way forward every step of the way.”

“What do you mean?” Siara said in a deep voice, “You said it before, this time make it clear.”

William took the cup beside him and took a sip of warm water.

“Have you not figured it out yet, have you received the news that I was disqualified?”

Siara nodded.

“Oh, then do you think, who is the biggest gainer behind this?”

For a while, only the erratic wind outside can be heard in the house. The sun is faint in winter, and it is soon covered by dark clouds, and the place it reaches, darkens.

“William?” Siara’s mouth trembled.

“Oh, not stupid.”

Lu Ziran mocked, both to her and to himself.

“how do you want to do it?”

The blood of Ruan’s family is also flowing with teeth, no matter who the opponent is.

“I heard that he is with Silla again.” Lu Ziran said lightly.

Siara frowned: “When did it happen?”

“Why, it’s uncomfortable?”

White turned a glance at the opposite man: “You want to start with Silla.”

Lu Ziran nodded: “What he cherishes and fancy, I will destroy something by myself, Silla, huh, you are not holding the truth that this woman can’t believe.”

The two looked at each other, and then only heard a sound from the room: “Okay.”

Two days later, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Silla’s house, William continued the call.

“It’s all handled.”

“Yes, Mr. Lu, the evidence has been destroyed, it’s just that,” the secretary who called, paused, and then said: “It’s just that I don’t know whether Mr. Lu still has a backup.”

“Find a way to destroy it.”

William finished speaking lightly, hung up the phone, looked at the bare branches downstairs, his waist was hugged tightly.

“Why did you get up so early?” A soft voice sounded from behind.

He turned around and hugged the person, and took him to the kitchenette.

“Make breakfast for the little lazy pig.”

“You are a lazy pig, hum.”

At the dining table, Silla took a bite of the egg and heard the man say: “I want to go back to deal with something in two days. I will send someone to notify the AE?”

He shook his head and said: “No, if I want to go back to acting, I can handle it by myself, you have to trust me, then I will help you organize the package when the time comes, and you will have to make a video call every day. No refutation is allowed.”

William smiled: “Okay, listen to you, call me whenever you have to, and I’ll be back in two days at most.”

Silla nodded, and the two of them had just eaten, because the time is approaching, the two are even more tired and crooked than before.

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, after sending William away, he didn’t expect to return within two days. It happened that Evana also came back from the town, and the two rushed together.

Silla went to pick up William, and by the way also picked up Evana.

“Sister Silla, I want to kill you.” Evana, who was carrying a big bag, gave Silla a big bear hug.

Back to hold the person, Silla smiled and said, “I want to kill you too, how about it, not tired.”

“Hee hee, it’s okay, if you didn’t buy the plane ticket for me, I guess it will take two days to get here.”

The two of them pushed the trolley and walked forward while laughing, completely ignoring the long figure behind them, let alone an unpleasant aura exuding all over him.

“It’s fine if you feel happy. How’s your life at home?” Silla hadn’t noticed the man behind him, and was just chatting with Evana.

Evana glanced at the woman next to him, then glanced at the man behind them from the corner of his eyes, poked her arm gently, and leaned to his ear: “I will not tell you in advance, let me talk about you first. Did it succeed? I wore my bridal gift.”

Silla’s face turned red. If it weren’t for the winter’s full gear, maybe everyone could see the blush spreading all over his cheeks.

Pulling Evana’s face, ignoring this little girl’s giggles, she hurriedly pushed her luggage and walked out.

It showed that the things were sent to Evana’s house, and William was sent away, and the two went directly to the hot pot restaurant.

William sighed, only to admit his fate to return to Lu Zhai first, and sent two or three bodyguards to follow Silla and Evana, just in case.

While I was eating, I heard Silla say: “Evana, I want to retreat temporarily.”

“Get out of the circle.” Evana swallowed the lamb in his mouth, his eyes widened, “Why do you want to get out of the circle? Even if it’s Xuezang, Sister Silla, you don’t need to get out of the circle. We can continue to find the announcement. Many, there is always someone willing to cooperate with us.”

Silla smiled and signaled Evana Shaoan not to be impatient: “An, it’s just for the time being, for the time being, I just think, I’m still in school now, although I’m hidden by the snow, but I can use this time to improve Myself, after all, I am not a professional. Since I have chosen it and like this business, I am willing to pay for it.”

After a pause, he continued: “However, I also have a temper, Evana, look at my sister, do you need to beg those people in a low voice.”

Evana raised his head, looked around, categorically said: “No need.”

“Right, so, stand up straight and stop looking for resources for me. My sister will be the biggest resource in the future.”

On the table, the two women have bright eyes, and the steam from the hot pot steams up, drifting away with their hope and confidence.

“Sister Silla, I know!” Evana cried loudly and raised his glass.

Silla nodded, and the two of them collided with their wine glasses, and it was heartily.

“How are you at home?”

“Oh, you don’t know, my brother is going to be annoying.” Evana muttered, “I know to make fun of me all day long, you say, Silla sister, why don’t I have a brother like Wen Shen, why do you know People are so handsome and gentle, oops.”

The hot pot restaurant was boiling. From a distance, I couldn’t listen to Yu Mu’en’s reply. I could only see the woman’s face with a flying smile, confident, lively and beautiful.

“what did you say!”

As far away in the UK, Lu Ziran packed his things and returned to Lu’s house as directed by the doctor. In the car, he yelled angrily at the phone.

“Why was someone intercepted, what the hell is going on, isn’t it foolproof?”

The person on the phone stumbled: “Lu, Mr. Lu, the person on Mr. Lu’s side intercepted it. Not to mention that the file bag was robbed. Even the backup in the computer was hacked and destroyed.”

Lu Ziran waved his hand abruptly and hit the sofa beside him, and the skin that had already been scabbed seemed to shatter again.

“When did you find it.”

“As soon as we were about to do it, a group of people rushed in. There was no time to react and everything was destroyed.” The man was a little trembling and swallowed his saliva.

The driver and the bodyguard in the front seat were quiet with each other, and their breathing was relieved a lot.

“Check, who leaked the news, and how did it go out.”

The person on the other end of the phone answered, Lu Ziran held the phone and knocked his head on the seat.

“Oh, William, you are so good!”

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