Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 386 – 388

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Chapter 386

The aunt was still stunned for a moment. Then she raised her head to see Wen Yi, and finally she reacted, and she ran in pain: “Thank you so much. If you don’t have you, I really don’t know what to do.”

Presumably there should be something very important in the wallet, so it is so important.

“I didn’t expect you to be so brave. It’s really rare.” Silla patted Wen Yi’s arm in surprise.

In fact, Wen Yi’s actions just now fell into her eyes, but she was a little curious about how he could martial arts and couldn’t help asking: “How do you know martial arts? I really don’t know.”

Wen Yi froze for a moment, then lowered his head: “I learned it when I was young.”

Silla nodded suddenly, but then stars appeared in her eyes, as if she was very envious: “I want to learn too.”

In fact, he has always wanted to learn taekwondo so that he can defend himself, otherwise a girl would be very dangerous outside.

It’s just that there has been no chance.

“What do girls learn from these?” Wen Yi said.

Silla didn’t speak immediately, but looked at him with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he meant?

Wen Yi immediately turned his head to the side, and his eyes seemed to be much deeper than before: “I will protect you.”

Even if he said this, he was still a little awkward. Silla was even more surprised.

He had seen Wen Yi like this, otherwise he thought it was a change of person.

But a warm current flows in my heart inexplicably, and he smiles comfortedly.

“To be honest, why are you so good to me?” Silla noticed something was wrong and asked.

The two continued to walk forward, but Silla still looked at Wen Yi unwillingly.

Wen Yi really can’t help her, so she just said casually: “In fact, you look very much like my long-lost sister. Whenever I see you, I think of him.”

younger sister? Why never heard that he has a sister?

Although it is difficult to tell the truth or falsehood of his words, it is not easy to keep on asking, Silla had to give up.

In fact, to be honest, a person like Wen Yi who is not easy to approach can always tolerate and protect himself, and he is also quite like a brother.

Maybe it’s because I just drank some wine, and after drinking, I became courageous and said: “Why don’t we worship brothers and sisters. I also have a very kind feeling for seniors. If seniors don’t dislike me… I can Are you your sister?”

Wen Yi was stunned at first, then looked at Silla as if he didn’t believe it, but slowly nodded.

“Haha, then use this street lamp as proof. From now on I will be my sister and you will be my brother.” Silla grinned slightly, like a bright moon in the night.

In a foreign country, without anyone knowing, the siblings became the closest people to each other in a different way.

Half a month later, in the crew.

“Okay, card.” Mo Zhuo looked at the monitor and said to the intercom.

Silla hugged the actor who was acting with her, turned around and walked towards the director’s seat, only hearing a bang, the sky full of colored ribbons fell.

“Wow, congratulations, Silla has finished.”

The surrounding staff clapped and cheered. Mo Zhuo stood up from under the monitor, held a bunch of flowers and delivered it to Silla’s hand. Only opposite, Wen Yi followed Evana and pushed the cake cart out.

Silla was happy and a little shy again, the smile in her eyes seemed to overflow: “Thank you, Director Mo.”

After receiving Mo Zhuo’s flower, the two simply hugged.

He turned around and bowed slightly to the staff who had been by his side during the nearly one-month trip to Britain:

“Thank you all for your care during this time. You have worked so hard. We will continue to cheer when we return to China.”

Silla said that with a hand on her head, she was very heartened.

Evana was on the other side, showing his heart with his hands on the other side, shooting at Silla all the time, Wen Yi’s eyes had obvious warmth.

“Silla, come and cut the cake.” Evana waved to her.

Holding a knife and fork to cut open the cake with the words “Successfully Finished Britain”, and asked Evana to give it to everyone, Silla personally took two pieces, one to Mo Zhuo and the other to Wen Yi.

“Do you eat cake?” Silla snickered.

Wen Yi looked at the person holding the cake in both hands, smiling like a little fox, a little helpless, coughed slightly, took it with a awkward expression, put it in his hand, only felt like a hot potato. Whether to eat or not.

In fact, he still prefers sweets in private. Not many people know about this hobby, but this is sent by his own sister, alas.

Wen Yi looked down at the cake in his hand, and his throat slipped quietly.

Silla, who turned around after giving the cake, stood beside Evana, observing Wen Yi’s face from a distance.

A man with a tall figure, short sleeves and short sleeves, and a look of bewilderment, quite as if he had seen her green years.

With a chuckle, Silla couldn’t help but laugh, Wen Yi’s ears were pointed, and she glanced up at the woman who was laughing with her belly, turned around and returned to her dressing room with the cake.

Evana’s mouth is full of cakes, his eyes are bright, and he looks at Silla, who is bending over with a smile, and said: “Did you find anything interesting? Hurry up and share it with your sisters.”

Silla blinked his long and curled eyelashes, “This is a secret of the secret, how can I tell you.” With a smile, he patted next Evana’s head, “Your Excellency should eat this western thing, it’s sweet and delicious. Very good.”

Evana stroked his head sadly, watching Silla’s back back to the hotel, and stuffing a large bite of cake into his mouth.

“Honey, wait for your little Zhou.”

In the afternoon, a group of people received news that it was going to be a celebration banquet in the evening. Silla was also lazy, and said to Evana, who wanted to go shopping happily, “I don’t want to go shopping anymore. I’m going to eat in the evening, ah, good. Annoying.”

Evana immediately went down, his head snapped and twisted, holding the small skirt that he chose to wear when he went out, “Sister, you didn’t say that before.”

Squeezing someone who seemed to be crying, Silla’s mouth twitched: “Ah, don’t you know that women are fickle, hahaha.”

Evana wrinkled his nose, flicked his hand, and rushed to the bed: “Then I want to seize the opportunity.”

“Oh, my bed, you go back to your room, Evanazhou.” After saying that, Silla jumped onto the bed too, and the two of them were vying for a bed without letting them go.

The floral skirt floated in the air for a while, and slowly fell to the ground.

In the evening, the hotel.

“Huh? Why did Teacher Wen come so early.”

People were already sitting in the hotel’s private room, and everyone was a little surprised to see Wen Yi pinching it.

“Hey, do you think he is worried that he won’t see Silla when he returns to China, so he wants to get in touch with him more.”

Chapter 387

“Where, I guess both of them are already in love, and I still use you to worry about it here.”

“That’s it.”

“Hey, isn’t this official announcement yet? Besides, you have heard that Teacher Wen said that you like Silla, so just talk nonsense here.”

A group of people probed their heads and whispered gossip.

“You won’t be a fan of Teacher Wen, are you?”

“Then why do you care.”

“Hey, you said or let’s ask now.”

The few people looked at each other, and everyone at that table heard the words. They all had a drink and the atmosphere was noisy, and they came in interest.

“Ask, ask.”

You push me and I push you, no one dares to face Wen Yi.

“Oh, what are you doing?” Wen Yi’s assistant director who can join in the fun at the table looked at the noise and asked interestingly.

A little assistant leaned to his ear and explained something quietly.

The assistant director laughed loudly: “What’s the problem with this, you courageous.”

Everyone saw that they had finally been taken advantage of, and they could still hear the gossip of the century, they all turned to look at Wen Yi, all eyes flashing blindly.

The assistant director coughed, and directly shouted at Wen Yi who was talking to Mo Zhuo: “Wen Yi, do you think you are after my goddess Silla.”

“Oh~” everyone burst into laughter, not only waiting to eat Wen Yi’s melon, but also directly eating the melon from the assistant guide.

“It turns out that the goddess of the assistant director is not a sister-in-law, but our Silla, hahaha.”

“That’s right, the assistant director is not afraid that his sister-in-law will kneel on the washboard when he goes home.”

The assistant director blushed and said to a group of laughing people: “You guys, go go, don’t talk to me, our master hasn’t said yet, do you think it is.”

“Yes.” This time the people in the room all said in unison, and at the same time looked at Wen Yi, some were worried about the distance, and moved forward a bit to sit on someone else’s chair.

Wen Yi felt a little helpless, her eyes still cold and frosty, she only became soft when she thought of Silla. He glanced at Mo Zhuo, who had nothing to do with him, and shook his head: “I respect everyone.”

Regardless of how unwilling everyone was or how they clamored to hear the truth, Wen Yi drank the wine in the glass directly.

“Silla is a very good girl.”

A bunch of people don’t follow: “Teacher Wen, if you want to praise, you have to wait for our heroine to come.”

“That’s it.”

Just as he was booing, he heard that the door behind opened, Evana and Silla walked in.

“Sorry everyone, I’ve slept.” After saying that, the two of them planned to slip onto their seats.

Everyone laughed, how could she let her go so easily: “It’s just that Cao Cao is here, Silla, you don’t know, Teacher Wen praised you just now.”

Sillawen’s reputation passed: “Ah, what to praise me.”

She lowered her eyes and blinked at Wen Yi.

“Say you are good, you are a good girl.”

Silla reacted very quickly and laughed loudly: “Senior is a super good boy, no, man.”

“Hahahaha.” When everyone laughed, you took my shoulder and I patted your back.

Wen Yi glanced at Silla dozingly. It is estimated that this is the only one who can make a joke on him.

No way, my sister, what else can I do if I don’t spoil her.

When it comes to this, it is considered to have passed. Everyone should drink and eat, but they should look at Wen Yi and the two of them from time to time.

The two did not notice much, as actors were used to being the focus of all parties.

Mo Zhuo gave everyone a day off to play in the UK, and a group of people were crazy and joyous.

The major domestic websites are also not to be outdone, as if they have been stimulating, and there will be photos and news of Wen Yi and Silla for a while.

It is really frustrating to say that the two of them are playing together. They never thought about wearing a hat or dressing up. When they were abroad, they had no scruples. On this day off, the two took their own assistants. British attractions turn aside.

This also gives the paparazzi from all parties the convenience of unscrupulous tracking.

“My mother, Silla, you are on a hot search, my god, it’s not one!”

In the evening, Evana, who was playing cool, was lying on the bed and brushing his phone after taking a shower. After reading the hot searches on Weibo, he sat up in shock.

He slapped the bathroom door: “Ah, what should Silla do? It’s spread on the Internet that you are in love with Teacher Wen, and they all say it’s Stone Hammer.

Silla wrapped in a bath towel and opened the door, snatching Evana’s mobile phone: “No, how do these people take pictures? You two.”

“The ghost knows, why, why don’t we take a picture of Teacher Wen’s assistant and me? Isn’t the two of us not bad at each other.”

I looked at the woman who was lying on the bed speechlessly. Silla looked at herself on the hot search, and her mood was a little complicated. She always thought that she would be hot searched because of her work. Unexpectedly, it was because of the love scandal that made Wen Yi tired , Sighed, Yang fell on the bed.

“Evana, did Brother Li make a call.”

“Hit, I think he is happy now hiding under the covers, I hope this hot search can’t keep going up.”

“Oh.” Silla turned her head and buried her face in the quilt, “What should I do, did I ruin Senior’s fame?”

Evana sighed deeply: “My teacher Gao Lengwen.”

“I want to call Wen Yi to explain.”

“No, Teacher Wen has already sent you a message.”

“Where.” While speaking, Silla flew over to the bed and took the phone.

Seeing the text message, Wen Yi asked her not to worry, indicating that she would turn the hot search direction towards her acting skills, and it would be good to take advantage of this wave of traffic to make her popular.

Silla hugged her mobile phone, with a smile on her face falling on Evana’s lap: “My brother is really great.”

“Ah, my legs.” Evana howled, and then got up, “When will Teacher Wen become your brother, I want me too.”

“Hehe, the beauty of thinking, he is my elder brother.” As he said, holding the back of his head to Evana, he got up to blow his hair happily.

The corners of Evana’s mouth were sloppy. How did she feel that she had come to England and her fandom status seemed unsafe.

Looking at the comments below the hot search, I was melancholy and excited.

“Wow, I didn’t expect this young lady to act so seriously.”

“Finally someone in our house saw Eunbao, oooooo.”

“This is the fairy sister from there, so beautiful.”

“Upstairs, take my picture with me.”


“Is this young lady so fierce in filming? I haven’t seen any [TV drama trailer].”

“My god, she will be my idol from today, don’t you guys rob me.”

On Weibo, the hot search is only high, and the scenes of Silla’s filming pictures have also been exploded.

“My dear, the woman my teacher likes is not easy.”

“Hey, please close your stinky mouth with the black powder below and accumulate some virtue.”

Chapter 388

“So dedicated, so beautiful, and so friendly young lady is still my teacher’s favorite. When will I wait if I don’t fan.”

“Yes, yes, right upstairs.”




“Are you going back this afternoon?”

“Well, I took a leave of absence from Director Mo. It happened that there was no show for me that day. I still want to go to another place.”

Silla and Wen Yi stood in the hotel lobby talking.

Touching her head, Wen Yi said: “Okay, I will have someone pick you up at that time.”

“Brother, don’t have to be so troublesome.”

Seeing Wen Yi raised her eyelids and glanced at her faintly, Silla was a little bit confused and raised her hand to surrender: “Okay, well, what you say is what you say, hurry up and don’t miss the plane.” He said, tweeting Wen Yi out go.

Helplessly looked at the person behind him: “I’m leaving.”

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Silla turned back to the hotel as he watched people get in the car.

“Evana, don’t you go back first?”

“No, I’m going to spend more time in the UK, and I will go with you in the afternoon. Brother Li said that I must accompany you back to China, otherwise my life will be lost.”

Listening to the howling on the other side, her hand quickly touched the interface of the woman who called the King of Glory, raising her eyes silently.

“Then I’m going out, come back and call you.”

“Good good, ah, I’m dead again.”

The two waved in the air, Silla twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at Evana, who was lying on the bed with her legs stretched out, and quickly closed the door.

After getting in the taxi and reporting the place to the driver, Silla felt a little nervous.

I didn’t want to come, but I still couldn’t let it go, and now that his own scandals are flying all over the Internet, I don’t know if he will care or even misunderstand that he is really related to his brother.

Worrying about staying up all night, I made up my mind to see him once before returning home.

“Thank, you.”

After getting out of the car, Silla walked forward for a while, and saw the century-old villa with prominent Chinese-style architecture. She felt a little nervous. He looked at the door sign with the word “Lu Zhai” written on it. The index finger moved but the doorbell did not ring.

Annoyed and walked two steps, remembering that William had told her that there was a place on the outer wall where we could see the scenery inside. He squinted happily before sneaking over.

Pulling out the surrounding flowers and plants, peeking into the little trouble to look inside.

Sure enough, William didn’t lie to her, he could really see it.

I was happy, and prayed that I could take a peek at William, just one glance.

Seeing the corridor, Siara with a sweet smile on his face, walked over gracefully, followed by the cold and indifferent William.

His ecstatic eyebrows drooped, the corners of his mouth curled downward, and he exhaled deeply.

Silla, you must be promising, don’t cry, don’t hurt.

Thinking, his right hand hammered his left heart.

Seeing William with a small smile on his face, the tears that circled in his eyes finally couldn’t help falling.

He covered his mouth tightly, seeing the man as if his eyes were rolled over, and he squatted down.

William, you never smiled at me like this.

He choked so hard, and pinched the palm of his hand, Silla, he doesn’t like you anymore, he doesn’t like you anymore, you can see clearly, there is another woman beside him who can help him who is good for him.

Didn’t I say, you’re just a pet.

In his head, Silla punched another thought out, I am not a pet!

He wiped his tears fiercely, stood up, walked two steps outwards, just about to turn around, not paying attention to the pebble under his feet, and leaped to the ground.

“Be careful.”

Silla closed her eyes tightly and fell into a warm and powerful embrace.

Eyelashes trembled lightly, opened his eyes, and his heart seemed to fall into the cold black water, feeling stuffy and painful.

“Why are you here, thank you.”

“I also want to ask you, why is it so disappointed to see this young master.” Seeing Silla standing next to him, Tucker said with a sullen expression.

Silla felt heavy and didn’t want to bother him.

“What were you looking at just now, let me take a look too.” As he said, regardless of Silla’s obstruction, he quickly opened the curtain of flowers and plants. The probe stretched over and saw William and Siara walking into the corridor on the second floor. .

He coughed slightly, turned his head in embarrassment, looked at Silla, who was muffled, secretly hurting herself, took two steps forward and bent down, as if nothing happened: “I invite you How about going for coffee, you must have never been to a century-old British shop.”

Silla coldly glanced at the man in front of him: “I’m not going.”

“Oh, why don’t you take you shopping to buy clothes, you are blessed, this young master has not bought clothes with a woman.” Tucker said with a smile.

Ignoring the noisy man beside him, Silla pulled his backpack and walked forward.

Looking at the young girl who was determined from her back, Tucker felt a little flustered, worried that something might happen, and hurriedly followed.

“It really doesn’t work, then let me accompany you to the playground, beach, or sing?”

Seeing the little girl stopped, Tucker smiled at the corners of her lips, looking at Silla who was still cold.

“Don’t follow me.”

“That won’t work, since I saw it, I have to follow.”

Silla felt irritated in her heart: “Then you say, why does he not want me, is that woman better than me, or he really treats me as a pet.”

I scolded William a few words in my heart, thinking that my buddy was thinking that it was not good to find any excuses, and I had to say that the human and spirit girl is a pet.

He smiled and said, “No, William said nonsense. Maybe he was a little blinded recently. He might come back later, you…”

“Come back.” Silla sneered. “He takes me for something. He can leave if he wants to, and come back if he wants to. I am not a hotel here.”

Tucker sank his face and frowned. He was really suffocated to death, but some things were said to be wrong now. William had already accelerated the progress and sighed.

“Silla, you, don’t you know him yet, you have to learn to trust him.”

Silla’s tears fell directly, believing, why he didn’t believe him, the most trusted person in the world was her Uncle Willy.

Reached out and held Tucker’s shoulder tightly: “Brother Tucker, I believe in him the most, but he, here.”

Speaking, his fingers nodded heavily, “It hurts here, it hurts so badly, I’m afraid it hurts.”

Withdrawing my hands, lowering my head, and smiling faintly: “It won’t hurt if I dig it out, but I still want to live well, and there are a lot of things I haven’t done, so I give him my heart. It won’t hurt anymore, do you think it’s not.”

Looking up at Tucker with a deep face and her lips pressed tightly, the tears in her eyes made her look unreal, and he took a deep breath: “It’s okay, I just want to understand it in my heart.”

He smiled and wiped his tears: “I’m leaving now, you don’t need to send me off, I want to go back by myself, I just came by myself.”

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