Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 383 – 385

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Chapter 383

But as soon as she said this, she cried more ferociously. Silla intuitively felt that she had said something wrong.

“I have worked very hard, but they just look down on me.” After Mengmeng said this, the whole person lay directly on the table.

Silla understood the pain in her heart, so she didn’t say anything, just stood up and walked to her to take a picture of her back.

Probably silent is the most powerful companion. Seeing this scene, Silla even thought of William.

I don’t know why, his figure is always lingering in his mind.

At this time Mengmeng spoke again: “I really want to do one thing, but in the end it is always a mess.”

This sentence inexplicably resonated with Silla. She clearly wanted to get closer to William, but the two of them drifted away.

“Why am I not like this? The two of us ended up in a mess.” After saying this, Silla also left two lines of tears.

Mengmeng heard the choking sound, and finally realized that it wasn’t from her mouth.

She raised her head and saw Silla also crying.

Mengmeng even panicked for a moment, thinking that she had done something to Silla.

In the end, the two women were relatively speechless, but they were left crying.

Silla poured herself a glass of wine, and after drinking it, she choked and coughed several times.

Mengmeng was frightened by her actions and quickly snatched her wine glass: “As a public figure, if you drink like this, what if you are caught by paparazzi?”

Silla shook her head, showing a wry smile: “Don’t we have a private space? What if we are photographed? Besides, this is abroad, who knows me.”

Silla didn’t vomit unhappy because of her heart.

After thinking about it, that’s probably the reason. Mengmeng had to put down the wine glass decadently: “You are right, you said that, I don’t even want to enter the entertainment circle. I have no talent, plus this. circle”

Probably because the entertainment industry is too messy, and being a star is of course very tiring in addition to the glorious side.

There were still cars coming and going outside, but Silla didn’t want to leave here.

“Okay, don’t drink too much. You will be filming in the afternoon.” After saying this, he wiped away the tears for himself and Silla. “Don’t worry about me anymore. I don’t want to film anyway. Now you can quit at any time.”

Silla’s teary eyes were dim, but she finally nodded.

Mengmeng did not participate in the performance in the afternoon, just watching Silla from a distance.

She naturally felt very distressed when she saw this, so she found Wen Yi directly after taking a shot.

Wen Yi concentrated on memorizing his lines, naturally he didn’t want to let others disturb him, even though it was Silla, he just raised his head and glanced lightly and said, “Just tell me if you have anything.”

She smiled embarrassedly, then turned her head to look at Mengmeng who was in a daze, her eyes suppressed: “I hope you can help.”

Even if she didn’t say what it was, Wen Yi probably knew what it meant. Shaking his head gently, he doesn’t have so much time now.

His role is about to come, and it just happens to be the most difficult. If he doesn’t work hard, he will probably have some difficulty.

“Senior, please, it’s up to my face…” Silla wanted to go forward and grab his hand, but finally gave up.

Seeing Silla’s eagerly trying to reach out, Wen Yi’s heart suddenly moved, but the surface was still calm: “It’s not impossible to ask me for help, but what can you thank me for?”

Silla was taken aback after hearing what he said, and then smiled.

There was an imperceptible smile in Wen Yi’s eyes, because it was just a flash, so Silla didn’t see it.

“I, I’ll invite you to dinner.” In fact, she regretted it just after she said this. He would definitely not agree to eating such a customary thing.

Unexpectedly, he nodded slightly, raised his lips, and revealed an evil smile: “Okay.”

Silla didn’t expect that he would agree so quickly. He thought he would have to work a little bit more, so he exclaimed at random, then fell silent, and bowed deeply in front of him.

Then he stood up and let out a breath, trot not far away and called Mengmeng over.

Mengmeng seemed to be still in the mist, because she was in a daze just now, so she didn’t understand what Silla was talking about.

“What’s the matter? Run slower.” Mengmeng spoke a little panting, because she was sitting far away from the set.

Wen Yi still sits elegantly in his place, drinking coffee and watching the lines.

This guy has a skill, he never forgets. Basically, the lines he has read can be memorized with a little memorization. How do you like yourself?

Mengmeng looked at the man in front of her, and looked at Silla with a puzzled look: “What did you bring me here?”

Silla motioned her with her eyes, but it was a pity that she didn’t understand it at all, and finally Silla even poked her with her arm. Unfortunately, she still had a dull face.

Silla was speechless for a moment, so she had to introduce: “You should also know this. I just said a lot of good things to senior before agreeing to teach you.”

As soon as the words were uttered, Mengmeng was stunned. In fact, he didn’t expect that Silla would actually talk to Wen Yi for her. To be honest, she was still thinking about quitting just now.

On the contrary, Silla didn’t mind, she patted Mengmeng on the shoulder: “Don’t worry, if you have anything you can’t, we two can guide you together.”

Mengmeng seemed to be stunned for a moment, seeing her actions as if she wanted to refuse, before she refused, Silla took her first.

Mengmeng nodded, Silla smiled and hugged her.

Yesterday, I clearly said that she is very talented in acting, otherwise, how could she enter the entertainment circle in one fell swoop?

“You can follow me, you must be obedient.” Mengmeng and Silla nodded at the same time.

Wen Yi couldn’t hold back a bit, and turned her head to curl her lips. In fact, there was nothing wrong with Silla, she was more active than anyone.

There are not many people in the dressing room now, because everyone is preparing for the next shot.

If you touch up your makeup, it’s probably all out, so if you teach in the dressing room at this time, no one will come.

“You have to integrate yourself into the character at all times, and use your own feelings to fit their feelings.” After speaking, Wen Yi threw a short line to Mengmeng, let her practice by herself and occasionally guide.

Although I didn’t try my best to teach, the effect was remarkable after a few days.

Although Mo Zhuo said he had an idea and wanted to replace her, he was not in a hurry to find someone.

After all, Silla’s acting skills are still online, so he can rest assured after giving Mengmeng to her.

Chapter 384

Sure enough, the effect was much better than before. Mo Zhuo couldn’t help but admire: “Silla, or you can bring the newcomer, it’s really good!”

It’s just that Silla smiled modestly and pushed Mengmeng over: “Actually, I’m not alone, it’s all because Wen Yi has been helping me.”

After saying this, Mengmeng also nodded, agreeing with her statement.

But after listening to the two of them, Mo Zhuo frowned, as if he didn’t believe it.

Wen Yi has always been cold to everyone, even the director of himself. Can you actually agree to help Silla teach Mengmeng?

But despite this, he still didn’t ask much, boasting: “Although it is better than before, you still have to work hard. There is still a lot of room for you to improve.”

After listening to Mo Zhuo’s words, Mengmeng looked excited, much more excited than when she was shortlisted in the entertainment industry.

Silla was also happy for her in her heart, but remembered the dinner with Wen Yi, and asked Mengmeng if she wanted to go with her.

Before I had time to speak, there was the sound of high heels stepping on the ground, accompanied by a playful laugh: “Just a few words to praise you, are you going to be happy to the sky?”

Turning around, I found out that it was the same person as yesterday. Because I had just received the director’s performance, I raised my eyebrows and said: “At least I have improved.”

A few people looked at each other, and then laughed, their laughter trembling.

One of them even wiped off the tears from the corners of his eyes exaggeratedly: “You are a newcomer, I don’t understand anything, but a compliment makes you happy.”

Silla was originally unwilling to talk to them, so she was naturally unwilling to come out to find fault at the moment. Go up and down to protect Mengmeng in her arms.

Several people laughed even more when they saw this: “Only Silla is willing to protect you. When you get to other crews, who do you think can protect you?”

But just because there are people on it, otherwise, what kind of thing is this cute?

“What?? Do you want to change the director too?” Silla said this coldly, and when she raised her head, her eyes turned into sharp swords, staring at everyone present.

Everyone was taken aback by the look in her eyes. They couldn’t help but backed up a few steps, and even took a breath of air. Is this the Silla they knew?

Taking advantage of this gap, Silla immediately left here with Mengmeng, leaving only a few people stunned.

“I really don’t see Huang He give up, I think her wings are hard.” Although Silla left, the person in charge just spit out dissatisfied.

Looking at Mengmeng’s aggrieved little expression, Silla felt distressed and took her arm to comfort her in a low voice, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid, there is me.”

Mengmeng put away her uncomfortable expression and nodded heavily. Fortunately, she met Silla.

The other people stopped talking, just about to turn their heads and leave, but suddenly felt that the air around them was getting colder.

Several people looked back at the same time, only to see a gloomy Wen Yi.

“You don’t want to eat box lunch at noon, do you?” As an idol in everyone’s heart, no one expected him to say this.

He has never been close to anyone. This time he suddenly stood up to speak for Silla. It seemed that things were not easy.

Although the headed woman was a little angry, she stomped and left.

After all, Wen Yi still can’t afford to provoke him, even if he just said a few words to remove himself from the crew.

Silla left with Mengmeng, and Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief when she went out: “Thank you for helping me just now.”

“Thanks what? Really.” After saying this, Sillajiao took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Wen Yi. After all, the scheduled meal was still…

There was always a call on the other side, and after several calls, Silla gave up decisively.

This guy didn’t know what he was doing again, it seemed that this matter could only be delayed a few days later.

But when the phone on my side just hung up, the phone rang again on Mengmeng’s side.

“Really? Well, um, see you later then.”

After saying this, Mengmeng hung up the phone with a sweet face. On the contrary, it made Silla a little puzzled, she didn’t even ask Mengmeng and said, “Zhang has come, saying that it was just to see me that she wanted me to eat together and asked if you were going.”

Silla was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn’t believe it.

The two of them have nothing to eat, but why should they call themselves?

Just about to refuse, Mengmeng continued: “It just happens to take this opportunity to be called Wen Yi, so I don’t have to do it again.”

She was most afraid of trouble, so she wanted to eat together, but Silla shook her head. Wen Yi is good everywhere, just incompatible with others.

If the two big men were allowed to eat together, the air would be deadly.

But before Silla could tell her reason, Mengmeng had already dialed Wen Yi’s phone.

Before he hung up after a few hum, Silla thought that Wen Yi would refuse, but unexpectedly Mengmeng held her hand with excitement: “He agreed to go with us.”

After listening to this, Silla’s face was instantly pulled down, and she obviously didn’t answer the call just now.

How could this man go with him suddenly? There won’t be any other…

She didn’t dare to think anymore, and went by car with Mengmeng, and they agreed on a place to eat.

Zhang Cheng arrived early and waved to greet two people in the dining room.

“Why did you come so early?” Mengmeng hugged him, her face full of excitement.

Zhang Cheng also hugged Mengmeng in his arms. It seemed that he had been away for a long time, so he felt very distressed.

After all, their contacts these days have been through text messages, and Mengmeng has no time to call him.

Several people ordered the food, thinking about how to tell Zhang Zhangcheng that another man was coming.

The black car outside was shining, and Silla’s eyes flashed.

The man who got out of the car was even more dazzling, and the handsome profile made a group of women idiots.

Is this a rented car? Silla shook his head and sighed.

The first moment he walked in and took off his sunglasses, Silla hurriedly pulled him to the seat and sat down: “Do you know that you are very famous in the UK? Wouldn’t you be afraid of being photographed by paparazzi when you come out like this?

After complaining, Silla quickly called the waiter.

Zhang Cheng was still talking to Mengmeng, but when he raised his eyes for a moment, he was startled by the man before him.

The man was a little familiar, and the name he was about to blurt out was forced back by his eyes.

Looking at him like this, Zhang Cheng probably didn’t want others to know his identity. So he had to swallow, and continued to turn his head to talk to Mengmeng.

Chapter 385

Seeing the weird reactions of the two people, Silla was a little confused, looking at this and that, and finally had to give up.

Wen Yi doesn’t have many things, but they are all nutritious. He needs to keep in shape at all times and go to the gym to exercise every day.

“I’m going to the bathroom.” Wen Yi suddenly stood up from his seat, his cold eyes falling on Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng’s scalp was numb when he saw Zhang Cheng, but he immediately understood and stood up suddenly: “Well, I will go to the toilet too.”

Silla glanced at the two of them, feeling Wen Yi a little strange, and Zhang Cheng’s behavior seemed a bit abnormal. The two left one after the other, walking in the direction of the sanitary napkins.

Seeing the backs of the two people leaving, Silla put his chin on and thought: “There must be something tricky about these two people, it’s really not right.”

But Mengmeng ate the salad in her hand and shook her head: “I don’t think it’s anything, he has always been like this. What’s more, they are boys, so let them take care of their own affairs and drink. .”

The red wine in the glass has bottomed out, and the two of them have not returned.

But they didn’t know that the two people in the bathroom were “like tea like fire”.

Wen Yi sorted out his tie seriously, his eyes getting sharper: “I hope you can keep this matter secret.”

“Are you really the young master of the Wen family?” After saying this, he couldn’t believe it.

Wen Yi nodded, and returned to his usual mature and stable appearance: “Yeah.”

After Zhang Cheng got his answer, he breathed a sigh of relief: “No wonder I looked at you familiarly, it turned out to be…”

But he hadn’t finished speaking. The man had already stood in front of him, looking at him as if staring at his prey: “This matter is kept secret, otherwise, you know the consequences.”

The ghastly words made Zhang Cheng goose bumps all over, and the cold wind blew on his back.

After he shuddered, the Alliance nodded. This man was really unfathomable.

Nodding towards Zhang Cheng, Wen Yi strode out of the bathroom. Only Zhang Cheng was left alone, looking at his leaving back, thoughtfully.

Silla and the two had almost eaten, and when Wen Yi came back, they complained: “Why are you back so late? What about Zhang Cheng?”

He didn’t say anything, just drank the red wine in the glass: “Yeah.”

Forget it, Silla sighed and gave up altogether, probably she wouldn’t know anything from Wen Yi.

When Zhang Cheng came back, the whole person looked uncomfortable, Wen Yi stared at him, and he shook his head, indicating that he would never say anything.

This meal was very tormenting, so when I returned, Silla still looked confused, and even asked Zhang Cheng what happened.

It is naturally impossible for Zhang Cheng to say it. After all, Wen Yi is staring at him behind him. Wouldn’t it be if he leaked half a word…

Before leaving, the two women walked in front, and Zhang Cheng and Wen Yi murmured a few words behind.

“You don’t like Silla, do you?” Zhang Cheng’s eyes were full of gossip.

Wen Yi ignored him. He just ignored his question and looked at the two women who were about to leave.

Knowing that he might not be able to say it, Zhang Cheng had to sigh and swear: “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything that I know today.”

Wen Yi nodded gently and said: “Would you like to take my car back?”

Silla, who wanted to ask the number of people to ask this sentence, Silla looked at a few of them, but was still not as embarrassed.

“Let’s go.”

After saying this, he opened the door to Silla. Since they have reached this point, Silla really has no choice but to get in the car.

Zhang Cheng looked at the departed back, and felt that this man was really cold.

Although he said that, he still compared him with the male lead. To be honest, this man is not bad, but his temper is a bit weird.

It’s just a pity that Henry Chu, if compared with the two of them, he would be a bit worse.

Mengmeng was so drunk that she slumped in Zhang Cheng’s arms like a pool of software, letting him say nothing.

“What do you say you drink so much wine for? In the end, you have to get you back.” After sighing, he still pressed Mengmeng in his arms.

After stopping a taxi and drove away, Mengmeng still said some drunken nonsense from time to time.

Of course Zhang Cheng felt very distressed.

On the other side, Silla was not so relaxed, staying with this ten thousand-year iceberg man, even the air was cold.

It’s already close to dusk. Fortunately, there are not many scenes this afternoon, and I called the director in advance.

“Is your head dizzy? Would you like to go for a walk? Take a walk?” After saying this, he motioned the driver to stop the car.

Silla looked confused, not knowing what he meant by this sentence, and then watched him push the door and get out of the car.

Although it is close to dusk now, the lights on the street have gradually turned on. The night scene here is also very beautiful, it seems that he wants to walk back.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, Silla relaxed her hair and got out of the car slowly.

When she walked over to her, Silla couldn’t help but teased: “To be honest, it’s not easy for you to have such a sentiment, and you would walk with me.”

It’s just that Wen Yi still has a sullen face without speaking, in fact, even he himself doesn’t know why he wants to do this.

As we walked across the arched bridge, Silla’s wind blew on her face and she felt a bit comfortable. She couldn’t help but sighed: “In fact, we rarely have such a relaxing time, we usually stay on the set when we are filming. , In the studio.”

After eating, she opened her arms to meet the wind, which was quite uncomfortable.

But just as Silla relaxed his body, an uncoordinated voice came from the side: “Come on, catch the thief.”

Silla was taken aback, and immediately became nervous again, looking at a man running not far away.

“Is it so broad day to grab things now?” This is when Silla hasn’t finished speaking, Wen Yi has already left her side.

Although the thief ran very fast, Wen Yi’s speed was no less than his.

Behind is scared, obviously an aunt who is close to thirty years old, she ran out of breath.

“Stop…” She seemed a little weak when she spoke, and she was already procrastinating.

But just a minute later, Silla and her aunt were trotting behind. Before she could react, Wen Yi had already passed the wallet into the aunt’s hand.

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