Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 326 – 328

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Chapter 326

However, she didn’t know where William’s pain point was pricked by her words. He suddenly increased his tone: “Silla, have you forgotten what you promised me before? Now that you have said it, you have to do it, you think What?”

Silla was dumbfounded for a while, and it took a long time to come back to her senses, and said unbelievably, “Uncle Willy, you murder me?”

William Jian’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and he had no plans to regress.

Silla’s eyes turned red uncontrollably, and her heart was full of grievances. She bit her lower lip, turned her head violently and ran towards the room with a “clang”, closing the door tightly.

Looking at her angry back, William subconsciously raised his hand and let it go, his expression unclear.

William was actually fierce to her, and her indifferent tone was like the cold wind in a winter night, which scared her.

Silla hugged the doll on the bed dullly, with a pair of hammers, but from time to time he glanced at the closed door, and his mouth slumped.

I don’t know if I heard her voice, the next moment, there was a knock on the door in my ear, and William’s voice was slightly low: “Silla, open the door.”

The words are hard and there are no signs of softening.

The mood that Silla had originally expected disappeared instantly and was even more blocked.

William never used this tone when coaxing her before, let alone, she was not wrong at all in this matter today!

Silla got more and more angry, so she was buried in the pink quilt and stopped talking.

This room is specially prepared for her, and the makeup inside is in line with her taste.

Silla smelled the sunlight between her nose and strengthened her determination to ignore William. It seemed that because she didn’t get a response, she didn’t knock on the door anymore.

William retracted his bent finger inch by inch, a trace of annoyance flashed across Jun’s face, and he knew the little girl’s intention to resist.

He paused, but couldn’t hold back his face and continued to apologize, and finally turned and left and returned to the room.

Silla, who was stuffed in the quilt, quietly poked his head out, blinked, and fell asleep in a daze for a long time.

The next day, she was awakened by Aunt Liu’s gentle knock on the door.

Silla subconsciously touched to the side, but was emptied. His head, which had not yet started to work, became sober, his memory slowly recovered.

She seemed to slept alone last night.

Feeling lost, she rubbed a handful of messy hair, and Silla dragged her slippers and opened the door.

Aunt Liu outside the door had already combed her hair neatly and neatly.

Seeing Silla, she smiled and said, “Miss, I got up in the sun because of the sun.”

“Is there?” Silla glanced at the window subconsciously. As expected, a few ray of golden sunlight came out from the gap where the curtain was not tightened.

She quickly retracted her gaze, and weakly changed the subject: “Aunt Liu, is Uncle Willy get up?”

Aunt Liu didn’t know what she was thinking, and took the words: “Young master went out early in the morning, so the lady should finish washing up and have breakfast early and made your favorite crispy kimchi.”

Silla silently swallowed the three words “Don’t eat”, and then walked to the bathroom after nodding. Aunt Liu shook her head and began to put bowls on the dining table.

Before long, Silla changed clothes and sat at the dining table. Aunt Liu served her a bowl of fragrant lean meat porridge.

Silla took a sip, squinted her eyes happily, and even lost a lot of anger with William, but before she had a second sip, Annie called.

Silla paused, and still answered the phone. As soon as he connected, Annie’s voice could not wait to be heard: “Silla, are you there?”

Silla blinked, with some questions in her mind, she whispered: “Sister Annie, what’s the matter?”

“It’s me.” Annie seemed pleased with her attitude, “Silla, are you free now? Can we meet? I need your help in a little urgent matter.”

Fearing that she would refuse, Annie stopped for a while and begged: “Silla, I promise I will only disturb you for a while, not for long. Would you help Sister Annie?”

There seemed to be a little crying at the end of the words. Silla squeezed the phone tightly and hesitated for a long time before saying, “Where is it?”

“Near your home.” Annie reported an address overjoyed, fearing that she would regret it, and quickly hung up the phone.

Silla slowly stuffed a piece of crispy radish, and Aunt Liu frowned: “Miss, has anyone asked you out?”

Silla replied softly, and Aunt Liu couldn’t help but persuade, “Miss, it’s better not to go out now. Have you forgotten what the young master explained?”

“It’s okay.” Silla explained with bulging cheeks, pulling a tissue to wipe her mouth, “The place she said is not far away, Aunt Liu, I will be back when I go.”

She said that she was holding a mobile phone and was going to go out. Aunt Liu opened her mouth and did not stop her.

Annie’s place was a famous cafe in the villa area. When Silla arrived, Annie was already sitting in her seat.

She wore a decent dress, her beautiful face was a little more haggard, but she was still gentle.

Seeing Silla’s figure, Annie waved her hand: “Silla, I am here.”

Silla lowered her head slightly, and didn’t want to walk over and ask: “Sister Annie, what happened in such a hurry?”

Annie was stunned for a moment, a layer of tears suddenly filled her melancholy eyes, and she didn’t do much to cover her, she knelt down to her before Silla was sitting.

The sudden behavior made Silla take a step back subconsciously, and everyone in the coffee shop also turned their attention here.

Silla looked serious: “Sister Annie, what are you doing?”

Annie’s eyes dodged and her voice cried: “Silla, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know I was wrong, will you let me go?”

Let her go? What spared her?

Silla was stunned, and the feeling of something wrong in her heart grew bigger and bigger, but she couldn’t grasp the clue.

She instinctively wanted to help Annie, but Annie hid silently.

“Sister Annie, you…” Yu Mu’en hadn’t finished speaking, suddenly there was a clicking sound in her ear when taking pictures, and she didn’t know when people were all around.

The discussion kept coming.

“Look, they look so familiar, like Silla and Annie?”

“It’s them, why did Annie kneel on the ground? I just heard something like letting her go.”

“Tsk tusk tusk, isn’t it a scene of oppressing newcomers? I didn’t expect Silla to be such a person. The water in the entertainment circle is so deep.”

Anny started to hide her face in a panic, as if to confirm their guess, the discussion became louder and louder.

Silla’s face turned pale for an instant, she pressed her lips, before thinking, she fled in embarrassment.

She ran so fast that she didn’t dare to look back at all.

Chapter 327

It wasn’t until she returned to the villa in a daze that Silla slowly recovered her thinking.

Obviously, she was calculated by Annie, and the calculation was very thorough.

But why did Annie suddenly do this?

Silla felt a little uncomfortable. Aunt Liu, who was sorting out the housework, found her figure and hurriedly walked over: “Miss, what’s the matter, why is it uncomfortable for her face to be so ugly?”

Silla shook her head with a sense of sorrow. Aunt Liu was even more worried: “Is that what Annie did that made you unhappy?”

“It’s okay Aunt Liu, don’t worry.” Silla reached out and took the cap off, remembering the mocking words, silently rubbing the edges of the hat.


Why is she killing her?

It’s just that this matter was more serious than Silla had imagined. The headlines of the next day were almost full coverage without blind spots.

Hot searches and news headlines are full of eye-catching headlines.

Shocked, the younger generation in the entertainment industry has publicly suppressed the senior and forced him to kneel.

Silla people set collapse, what do they oppress seniors for?

Wanwan did not expect that a well-known actress would do such a thing.

Silla was nestled on the sofa, and the more she looked at it, the more uncomfortable it became, especially the sharp comments under the headlines, which almost poked her heart.

Evana, who came in a hurry, couldn’t calm his breath, took the tablet in her hand and asked, “Sister Silla, what happened?”

During the days when Silla was recuperating in the villa, Evana was put on vacation, and he was at home to deal with some public relations issues at home. He didn’t expect to wake up overnight and see the news overwhelmingly.

Seeing Silla’s grievances, Evana Meng patted his head and comforted: “Sister Silla, it’s okay, you can tell me first, there will always be a solution.”

Evana had previously felt that Annie was not a simple person, she had avoided it either intentionally or unintentionally, but was still unprepared.

Hearing what she said, Silla lowered her head, as if she knew she had done something wrong, and said the thing as it was.

At that time, Silla’s mind was completely blank, only knowing to follow instinct to leave, but unexpectedly let Anne take advantage of the loophole.

She blinked pitifully with her big watery eyes and a helpless look appeared on her small face.

Evana couldn’t bear it, and quickly opened the account he was operating, typing on the keyboard quickly. As an assistant, he would naturally have some contact information for the Navy.

The current situation on the Internet is that the situation is leaning to one side, and most people are emotionally scolding Silla. The top priority should be to control public opinion.

After thinking about it, Evana asked again: “Sister Silla, is Mr. Lu there?”

“Uncle Willy is not here.” Silla was even more depressed.

After Uncle Willy left yesterday, for some reason, he never came back.

Although Silla unilaterally decided to start the Cold War, at this time, the first person to think of was William.

But William, who was always by her side whenever something happened, disappeared at a critical moment this time!

Silla helplessly buried her head in the soft pillow, feeling unhappy.

She is also the first time to be an artist, and she doesn’t understand many things. Compared to Evana, she is more like an inexperienced child.

Evana, who was communicating about the matter, suddenly paused, pulling at Silla, frowning and saying: “Sister Silla, Sister Silla, come and see, Annie has a press conference.”

Silla’s eyelids drooped slightly, and her little head leaned over. Annie on the computer screen painted delicate makeup and looked weaker. At this time, she was facing countless microphones and said: “Hello everyone, I am Annie. I am glad you can come. Participating in my press conference. Today I held a conference specifically to explain what happened yesterday. It was just a misunderstanding. Silla absolutely did not bully me, it was me…”

She was “me” for a long time, and did not say why, the reporters in the audience couldn’t help but asked questions.

“Then Miss Anne, why did such a picture suddenly come out?”

“And Annie is kneeling in front of Silla, is it P’s picture?”

“Did Miss Anne receive any threats to hold a press conference as a last resort?”

Annie took a few steps back, becoming weaker and more pitiful, as if she was forced to answer by an imposing reporter. Before everyone could ask, the two security guards rushed to the stage and hurriedly took Annie off the stage.

The live broadcast picture became chaotic, and Evana retired angrily: “This Annie is really a cat crying and a mouse fake mercy. This is helping us, it’s just adding fuel to the fire.”

It seems to be a clarification, but in fact it is to make things worse, and it is to fix Silla to death.

Silla was silent, and there was no reason to refute it.

Sure enough, after the press conference was over, the already lively comment area was even more boiling. The number of comments rose by dozens a minute, and Silla’s social software was almost completely destroyed, and there was no comment on it.

Evana wanted to shut down the interface quickly, pretending to have nothing to do, and put the computer aside: “Sister Silla, don’t keep thinking about these annoying things. Your health is not very good. Let’s take care of yourself before making plans .”

Silla twitched the corners of her lips, her face pale and weak, although she was afraid and uncomfortable in her heart, she did not show it, and went back to the room quietly.

Evana took some clothes, found a guest room in the villa, and stayed there, always paying attention to the situation.

On the third day, the headlines on the Internet changed again, and the news that Silla bullied and threatened seniors accounted for half of them.

Those marketing accounts are like cats that smell fishy, ”‹”‹and the title is more eye-catching and eye-catching.

To say that there were still some loyal fans defending Silla the day before, even the fans were quiet today, and Silla’s private account was almost stuck.

Frozen mobile phone was thrown on the table, Silla woke up with dark circles under her eyes while the sky was still dark.

She sleeps restlessly at night, and can even be counted as a sleepless night. She is not sleepy on the sofa at the moment.

Aunt Liu, who got up early to prepare breakfast, was shocked to see more people on the sofa.

When I found out that the person was Silla, I took a blanket and covered her with distress, and muttered, “Miss, why are you sitting here? The cold is heavy in the morning, and your body is not well, so pay attention.”

“Hey…” Silla sighed with a slumped mouth, looking melancholy.

Aunt Liu had an ominous premonition in her heart. Although Silla sighed last time, her expression was different.

Is there something that cannot be solved again?

Aunt Liu thought for a while, with a serious face: “Miss, I have to say anything about it, and I will help you if I can help you.”

Silla’s eyes rolled blankly, and the corners of her mouth raised a shallow arc: “Aunt Liu, I want to eat Xiaolongbao, the kind that has just been baked.”

Chapter 328

Aunt Liu doesn’t know how to surf the Internet, so naturally she doesn’t know the vigorous things on the Internet. Of course, Silla is not going to let her know.

She didn’t want other people to worry about it.

Fingers unconsciously hooked up the warm blanket, with a lot of thoughts.

Aunt Liu’s expression was slightly condensed, but she didn’t point through her small movements.

Silla pretended to be able to see if it was the young lady who was brought up since childhood, but Silla didn’t want to say, and she wouldn’t insist on asking for a result.

Thinking about it, Aunt Liu said, “Ms. Do you want to eat something else?”

“Youtiao and soy milk.” Silla blinked and gave the answer, but it was another matter in mind.

She is in a difficult situation now, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is notorious.

She must quickly think of other ways to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise letting the situation develop will only make her worse.

Silla changed from sitting to lying, her small face wrinkled.

Aunt Liu left with a serious face. When she came to the kitchen, she turned her back and took out a brand new elderly phone and dialed William’s number: “Master, the young lady seems to have encountered some problems in the past two days. I can’t eat or sleep well. I don’t have any energy at all.” With a rich breakfast on the table, Silla sat on the sofa with a sorrowful expression, stirring the soy milk for a while, and the white and fat Xiaolongbao did not move.

Seeing this, Aunt Liu became more worried, and asked aloud: “Miss, is it not to my appetite? Do you want to do some more?”

Silla shook her head, and weakly picked up the steamed dumplings and took a bite, but the good taste of the soup and fillings couldn’t lift her appetite.

However, in just a few tens of minutes, the sales on the Internet became more and more intense, and some emotionally excited fans even threatened to block people.

Just now, Silla couldn’t hold back a glance, and she turned off the phone in shock.

Since childhood, Silla has never encountered such a scene, and the pressure of public opinion can almost kill people invisible.

But she really didn’t understand why these netizens could be so vicious in the face of a matter of no concern.

Silla was at a loss and aggrieved, and fearful in her heart. She pressed her red lips blankly, the steamed dumpling in her hand lost heat.

Compared with those people, the root of William’s reprimanding him is nothing.

She missed him a bit.

I don’t know if the company is really busy or is angry with her. William has left for two days and has not sent her a message until now.

Silla poked the buns, her heart empty.

Aunt Liu placed her hand on her forehead and murmured, “Miss, are you sick?”

“I’m fine.” Silla said that she was about to stuff the cold buns into her mouth. Just as Aunt Liu wanted to stop, she saw a well-knotted hand stretched out from behind and easily took the buns over.

Silla took a slow shot and raised her head blankly. The next moment the grievance in her heart was like she suddenly found a catharsis. Her clear eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and the tip of her nose was sour, and she cried out, “Seven. uncle.”

William coldly put the buns on the plate, his expression softened between his brows: “What’s wrong.”

Seeing him in the dust, before he even had time to change his suit, Silla suddenly didn’t know where to start.

She paused and suffocated a sentence: “I, I got into trouble.”

Aunt Liu stepped back as early as the moment William appeared, making room for the two of them.

It’s better for the young lady to settle the matter with the young master. The young lady can’t let go of where she stays.

Having noticed this, William simply took Silla in his arms and softened his voice: “How did you get into trouble?”

“It was calculated by Annie.” Silla fumbled and took out William’s mobile phone and clicked on the latest news headlines. Almost all the Internet was discussing this matter.

William has been busy dealing with Father Lu these days. I haven’t noticed the ups and downs of the outside world at all, so naturally I don’t know.

After he finished reading the abusive remarks, he exuded an abyssal demon-like cold spirit, and his gloomy handsome face seemed to eat people.

Silla tugged his sleeves cautiously, and dropped his small head nervously: “I’m sorry Uncle Willy, I didn’t listen to you. If, if I didn’t go out, it would be fine.”

She should have listened to Aunt Liu’s words, and it wouldn’t have caused the current situation.

Silla felt a little regretful, but William had already pulled her back, and said in a deep voice, “Silly girl, it’s useless to blame yourself for this matter. Since she wants to harm you, she naturally won’t have this way. Go eat obediently. I’ll take care of this.”

The more Silla listened, the more uncomfortable she felt. Before, she had angered Qi Shu because of a heavy sentence, and had not considered the pressure he was under.

The little white hand wiped his eyes, William was already standing by the window with his mobile phone, standing tall.

After he finished the phone call, Silla still stood in place obediently, blinking and blinking with clear eyes.

Seeing William coming, she pursed her lips in embarrassment, and said softly, “Uncle Willy, I’m sleepy…”

William could see her intention in just a few words. In the past, the two of them slept together. He hasn’t come back because of the company’s affairs. She was under such a lot of pressure alone, and her spirit was probably already at a critical point.

William took off the suit jacket and took Silla back to the room. Under his soft coax, Silla shrank into the man’s arms in an insecure posture, and said anxiously: “Uncle Willy, no matter what happens, you Will you be by my side?”

“Yes.” William’s warm palms rested on her eyelids, and the sleepiness slowly hit, and Silla fell into a sweet dream.

At this moment, the phone in William’s pocket suddenly vibrated, and Jacob Liu sent a brief sentence: Master, it’s done.

Under William’s resolute and resolute methods, after a few hours, there was less than half of the despicable curses on the Internet. Even if the navy was maliciously commenting, it would not last for five minutes.

The direction of the wind was gradually guided on the right path, but this situation only lasted two days. On the third day, Silla’s purchase of a navy army resurgent headlines became a hot topic again.

For fear of not being able to grab the topic, the major news filed at the door of AE, along with fans who were excited about making trouble.

The door of AE was almost blocked and people couldn’t get out. Although there were security guards to maintain order, it still didn’t help.

Evana, who returned to the company to discuss countermeasures, saw this scene, frowned in worry, and tightened the information in his arms.

Before she left the back door, she saw a weak figure in front of the crowd.

Annie didn’t know where she got out from, and she stood in front of the media and persuaded softly: “Calm down, everyone, please don’t block the door of the company. This is just a misunderstanding. It’s not good.”

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