Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 275 – 277

Read Chapter 275 – 277 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 275

“Oh?” William was originally angry, but when he heard these words, he suddenly became interested, so he looked at her in his spare time, “What’s busy? Let’s listen?”

“in fact……”


Silla was heartbroken, her feet stomped, and bluntly said: “Actually, I opened a painting materials stationery shop in partnership with a friend outside. Now it has been decorated, it is almost open for business. I want you to cut the ribbon for us.”

With William’s ability, how could Silla hide this little thing from him, as early as the afternoon after she went out, he had already grasped her movement.

He whispered: “It’s just opening a shop, why didn’t you tell me before?”

Silla curled her lips: “I want to prove myself. I want you to know that I can make money to support myself, and I don’t want to rely on you for the rest of my life.”

“For more than a lifetime, whether it’s in this life or in the next, I’m willing to let you rely on it all the time.” William squeezed her small face and said, “You don’t need to hide from me in the future. You know what you want to do.” I will support you.”

His words were indeed tempting, but Silla was silent.

She wanted to rely on it again, but after experiencing so many things, probably subconsciously, she had already set up a line of defense in her heart.

Seeing that he didn’t say a word, William felt a little irritable for no reason. Before she could react, he pushed her down on the sofa in the study, and his thin lips pressed upward.

“Uncle Willy…” Silla was jumped by his sudden movement, subconsciously wanted to resist, but was directly blocked with red lips.

She blinked her big clear eyes and looked at her puzzled. But at this moment, William’s low and hoarse voice came from his ear: “Silla, you should close your eyes now.”

Silla froze for two seconds, and finally closed her eyes obediently, letting William k!ss her between her brows and her cheek.

Xu Shi the sofa couldn’t open, and William was not satisfied just k!ssing, so he picked up Silla and returned to the bedroom.

William hugged her, wishing to rub her into her body, he whispered in Silla’s ear: “Silla, good, called Uncle Willy.”

The man’s voice was strangely bewitching, and Silla almost subconsciously followed the guidance: “Uncle Willy…”

Hearing this soft and waxy Uncle Willy, William leaned over and k!ssed Silla’s little mouth again.

The spring in the room was so embarrassing that he didn’t even dare to look at the bright moon outside the window and hid quietly in the clouds.

At dawn, Silla woke up from the soft big bed, her whole body aching.

She blushed as she recalled last night. But before she could be shy, the phone on the bedside rang.

She raised her sore arm, and strenuously took the phone to pick it up: “Hey.”

“Silla, I’ve seen the time. Tomorrow is a good day. What do you think of us choosing to open tomorrow?” Song Yufei’s voice came over the phone.

At this moment, Silla had a sore waist and back pain, and there was no other way to think about it, so she had to respond: “You can arrange it.”

“Then tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, you remember to come early.”

“okay, I get it.”

At dinner in the evening, Silla casually told William the opening time.

William didn’t say yes or no, and she didn’t feel embarrassed to ask more.

The next day, Silla got up early.

When she had breakfast, she discovered that William was not there, so she asked Aunt Liu, “Where is Uncle Willy?”

“Master said that there was something wrong with the company, and he went to deal with it.”

“Oh.” Silla lowered her eyes in disappointment, ate two bites of breakfast hastily and went out.

By the time she arrived in the store, it was already 8:40, and the ribbon-cutting ceremony was about to take another 20 minutes. Song Yufei quickly asked her to enter the house to prepare, and even put a small red flower on her chest.

She smiled and said, “What is this?”

Song Yufei pointed to the same little red flower on his chest triumphantly: “What? Isn’t it very festive to look like this?”

“Is there?” Silla didn’t think so.

But since Song Yufei felt happy, he would wear it.

Nearly nine o’clock, just as Silla was about to cut the ribbon herself, a handsome figure appeared in front of her out of thin air.

She opened her mouth in surprise and whispered: “Uncle Willy, I thought you weren’t coming.”

“When did I say that I would not come?” William responded in a low voice.

Silla’s eyebrows were stained with a smile, and since William was willing to come over and cut the ribbon, it would naturally be better.

The appearance of William made the atmosphere on the scene instantly hotter. Many passers-by who watched the ribbon-cutting ceremony were all talking about who the owner of this shop was, and who could invite someone like William to cut the ribbon for him?

As the store manager, Silla was directly ignored by them, and no one would have thought that she was the one who invited William.

And it’s the only person who can move him.

“This store has a bit of background. From now on, my children’s stationery will be bought here.” Such a voice came from the crowd.

There are two, and if someone starts, someone will follow.

Seeing the crowds at the door, everyone couldn’t wait to rush in to shop. Silla no longer talked about it, and decided to start cutting the ribbon.

William stood coldly among the red silk, while Silla and Song Yufei stood at both ends.

After Song Yufei gave a few opening speeches, the three of them cut the red silk together with an order.

“To celebrate the opening of our new store, all painting materials and stationery will be discounted by 20%, and a stationery box will be given to you when you reach 500.” Silla announced with a smile while standing in front of the people.

When I heard that not only discounts but also gifts can be given, those people rushed in like crazy.

After all, with William’s lively sign, no one dared to question the quality of the stationery in the store. Some people even directly bought tens of thousands of painting materials.

It was already two hours after the first group of guests greeted them.

Silla was afraid that William would be unhappy, so she proposed to let him go home or go to the company first.

William didn’t follow it, and said coldly, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Thanks to you today, the business in the store is so good, but if the business is good, it will be busy. I’m afraid Yu Fei can’t be busy alone.” Silla didn’t want William to wait too long, so she had to remind him politely. It may be a long time.

“Recruiting people.” William said coldly again.

Silla was stunned and looked back at the endless stream of guests. It seemed that he had to recruit three or two employees to wake up, otherwise they would definitely be too busy.

However, this matter is estimated to have to be prepared tomorrow, I am afraid that it will not work today.

But William insisted on waiting, and Silla had no choice but to let him wait.

The two of them were busy until three o’clock in the afternoon when they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that William had been waiting for a long time, Song Yufei whispered to Silla, “Mr. Lu has been waiting for a long time, or would you go with him first?”

Chapter 276

Silla shook her head, “Business is so good today. If I leave, how can you come here alone?”

“It’s already afternoon, presumably there are no guests. I can handle it alone.” Song Yufei motioned her to look at William who was sitting in the distance, “How embarrassed Mr. Lu to wait for you all day, let him wait. .”

Silla was in a dilemma, looked at the store and then at William who was sitting quietly reading a book.

If you go, leave the store and let Song Yufei watch it alone, she won’t be embarrassed.

But if he doesn’t leave, it wouldn’t be appropriate for William to wait here all the time.

In the end, under Song Yufei’s every possible persuasion, she could only agree, and carefully asked him: “The store will be handed over to you for the time being, and I will recruit a few employees as soon as possible to help you.”

“Good.” Song Yufei agreed with a smile.

“I may be busy at work lately, and maybe I don’t have time to look after the store. You still need to worry about the things in the store.” Sillasi said that after a few seconds, smiled, “As for the money you make, let’s give you five to five how do you feel?”

Song Yufei was stunned: “Five to five points?”

Judging from his expression, Silla thought that Song Yufei was unwilling and was about to discuss with him, but he waved his hand quickly: “All the funds for the renovation of this rental shop are from you alone. I am just helping out. How can we divide so much.”

Silla smiled helplessly, it turned out he meant this.

“I haven’t been in the store for a long time. You have to deal with everything. Five to five points are reasonable.”

“No, no, it’s too much, it’s not appropriate” Song Yufei said with a two-handed gesture, his expression was quite serious: “I will do well with two.”

Silla naturally disagreed, and shook his head resolutely: “No.”

But Song Yufei said that if she disagrees, he will not do this business.

Being threatened by him like this, Silla had no choice but to nod her head helplessly: “Okay, but if you regret it afterwards, we can discuss it again.”

“Good.” Song Yufei agreed with a smile.

After arranging the things in the store, Silla came to William and stretched out a small hand to him: “Uncle Willy, I’m hungry.”

When William heard the words, he raised his head and met Silla’s eyes that seemed to be filled with stars and the sea. After a long time, he raised his mouth slightly: “Let’s go, go home.”

Two days later, Silla decided to shoot the TV series that had not been filmed before.

She asked William for advice.

After hearing this, William did not object, and agreed very readily.

His reaction surprised Silla, but also a little incomprehensible. No matter what she wanted to do before, William would always think about it carefully, how could she agree so simply this time.

It wasn’t until after she returned to the crew that she understood why.

She arrived at the hotel for less than half an hour. Evana was helping her pack her luggage. William unabashedly appeared before her and moved into Silla’s suite.

At this time, Silla could finally understand why William agreed so readily at the time. It turned out that it was not that he had changed, but that he had no intention of letting Silla be on the crew alone.

When she saw William, she had expected the result, so she was not particularly surprised.

However, Evana was so frightened that he didn’t dare to say anything, standing aside stupidly, not knowing how to react.

“Lu, President Lu?” Evana stammered hello.

“Yeah.” William replied blankly, and handed the suitcase to Jacob to pack.

Seeing this, Evana was about to pick up William’s box, and said hurriedly, “I’ll do this kind of little thing.”

However, Silla stopped her and said slowly: “No, Jacob Liu will clean up.”

William’s living habits, Jacob, knows best. Based on his obsessive-compulsive disorder plus cleanliness, he is not used to letting others touch him.

Although she didn’t understand why Silla did this, Evana still obediently stood aside and didn’t move.

After Jacob Liu had arranged everything well, she couldn’t help but exclaimed: “This is too good, right?”

She deserves to be the housekeeper of a wealthy family, everything is fine and organized, she is convinced, no wonder Silla said she didn’t need to come.

“What do you want to eat tonight?” After the arrangements were made, William asked Silla softly.

Evana volunteered: “I’m okay to cook, otherwise we will cook by ourselves in the hotel at night?”

However, her proposal only exchanged for William’s cold eyes. William’s cold eyes made his scalp numb. Evana didn’t dare to say anything anymore, only standing aside with his head down.

Silla gave her a funny look, and then replied to William: “Why are you so fierce? Evana’s cooking skills are really good. It just so happens that there is a kitchen here. I will eat in the room tonight?”

Evana thought that William would refuse, but he didn’t expect that he would nod his head gently, even with a smile on his face: “It’s fine if you say so.”

She had to admit that she was about to transform into a lemon essence. Who wouldn’t be jealous of such a prosperous favorite?

Although he was envious, Evana also knew that his Cinderella was not qualified to be envious, so he could only sigh.

Evana’s cooking skills are indeed pretty good, and he can cook a lot of dishes, but compared to Aunt Liu’s craftsmanship, it is still slightly worse.

Silla was originally worried that he would be unaccustomed to eating, but later realized that he was thinking too much.

On the day when she returned to the crew, Silla didn’t immediately engage in work, but first became familiar with the script again, and took a rest for a night before shooting the next day.

early morning.

Silla woke up from her sleep, just thinking about getting up, but found that her waist was tightly hugged by William. She tried her best and couldn’t break it.

In desperation, she had to get close to William’s thin lips and k!ssed them gently.

The next second, the hands that held her suddenly loosened, agreeing to her getting up.

“Naive.” Silla secretly thought that William used to give her a sense of being tall and omnipotent, but since losing her memory, getting along with herself has always revealed a childish side involuntarily.

He had already gotten up, but he turned his head and curled up into William’s arms, feeling the temperature in his arms, and feeling at ease.

“Why? Can’t bear me?” William opened his eyes, his eyes were full of clarity, where he seemed to have just woke up.

“Can’t it?” Silla pouted, “You have to go to the company later? When will you be back?”

William laughed, but rubbed Silla’s little head.

Seeing that he was silent, Silla didn’t ask any more, got up obediently, dressed and washed.

Jacob had already arranged a nutritious breakfast. After eating enough and drinking enough, he went to the studio with Evana.

As for William, behind Sillaqi, he also slowly got up. It’s just that he didn’t go out to work like Silla thought, but directly moved all the company’s work to the hotel.

Chapter 277

So that at noon, when the crew put a boxed lunch, Silla had a loving lunch brought by William himself.

Silla sipped the freshly stewed bird’s nest, and after eating a small bowl of bird’s nest, she began to attack the plate of shredded rabbits that made people salivate.

This was made by Aunt Liu herself, and her dishes have always been Silla’s favorite, so she had a good appetite and ate a whole bowl of white rice.

Because after eating and resting for a while, they had to start filming, so Silla and William didn’t find a hidden place to eat at the set.

The new female No. 2 Anna looked at Yu Mu’en’s meal, then looked at the box lunch in front of her and fell into deep contemplation. Why are all actresses as well, so the gap is so big?

The comparison between the actresses is the most serious. All the actresses present say that they are not jealous. It is fake. Who doesn’t want to find a Prince Charming like William?

Looking at Wen Yi again, he was completely different from the others. Everyone was eating, but he was sitting on the side drinking coffee gracefully, as if he was not hungry at all.

His resting position is on Silla’s left, as long as Silla turns his head, he can see it.

She had a strong curiosity about this Wen Yi, but she didn’t dare to talk because of William’s presence, but deep down in her heart, she always felt that Wen Yi exuded a kind of intimacy that she could not resist.

“What are you thinking?” Seeing Silla’s eyes staring in a daze while eating, William frowned unhappy, and stretched out his fingers and flicked her head.

Silla screamed, and said strangely: “Uncle Willy, what are you doing.”

“I will concentrate on eating when I eat, why do I still want to think about things?” William lowered his eyes, looked at Silla’s clear eyes, the corners of his mouth lightly raised.

“I’m thinking about the script.” Silla said casually.

William knew her better than himself. He knew what was thinking in her mind just by looking at her, and when Silla lied, she would habitually touch her nose.

Seeing this, William didn’t open it up, staring at her silently after eating lunch, and watching her let her take a nap for thirty minutes.

In the afternoon, work started again.

This time I filmed the scene that I filmed last time. Anna is a well-measured girl. With the boss present, she dare not do anything to Silla.

Therefore, the filming of this scene was very fast, and it was passed directly.

The director himself said to find a stand-in, but Silla insisted on going on his own, and the director did not dare to do anything to her. No matter how the scene was filmed, he must not let Silla feel wronged.

However, the director is not so polite when everything goes to other people’s scenes.

Today’s drama is not too heavy, and I closed at 8 o’clock in the evening. Silla remained the same, and went back to the hotel after the filming. At the moment, she just wanted to nest in the sofa and do nothing.

William watched Silla curl up on the sofa watching TV like a kitten, not angry, but smiled instead.

“Get some fruit.” He told Jacob.

Jacob took the order and immediately sent someone to buy milk tea and fruit for Silla.

However, before leaving the house, there was a knock on the door.

Silla blinked curiously and looked at Jacob Liu, “Who is that?”

Jacob Liu opened the door and saw Wen Yi standing in front of the door holding the script, no expression on Jun’s face.

“Mr. Wen, who are you looking for?” Jacob always had a polite and alien smile on his face, neither too cold nor too humble.

“Silla.” Wen Yi said a few words coldly, his expression as if he would die by saying two more words.

Hearing his name, Silla was about to get up immediately, but William was pushed on the sofa by William, with a warning in his eyes: “Don’t go.”

Silla was puzzled: “People must be looking for me for something. Isn’t it a bad idea for me not to see him?”

Before William could answer, Jacob Liu smiled and returned: “I’m sorry, our young lady is already asleep. If Mr. Wen has something to do with her, I can help you tell.”

“No need.” Wen Yi glanced at Jacob Liu faintly, her expression unchanged, and then handed the file bag to Jacob Liu, and said blankly, “Bring this to her.”

“Okay, I will definitely deliver the things to the young lady, please don’t worry.” Jacob smiled politely, which meant that he was giving an order to dismiss the guests.

Wen Yi didn’t seem to want to wait too much, and didn’t talk nonsense, turned around and left after giving the things.

Hearing the sound of footsteps at the door, Silla quickly sat up straight from the sofa, staring scorchingly at the file bag in Liu Guanjia’s hand: “What is this?”

Jacob Liu shook his head slightly and handed the file bag to Silla.

William’s eyes flashed deep thoughts, but he didn’t stop him. He watched Silla open the file bag, and after realizing that it was just a script, he secretly relieved.

Silla was also at a loss, and she didn’t have a script. Why did this Wen Yi give her the script inexplicably?

Thinking like this in my heart, he couldn’t help but open the script and read it.

However, in the next second, Silla opened her small mouth in shock, and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “My God! Isn’t this comment too detailed?”

It turned out that the script Wen Yi gave her was not an ordinary script, but a script that he had carefully studied and annotated.

In almost every line above, he has marked with red letters what emotions and expressions should be used to interpret, whether he reads the lines with strength, or his actions at the time, there are detailed circle notes.

Not only his lines, but even Silla’s lines he marked clearly, even more detailed.

Silla was dumbfounded, but she didn’t expect this Wen Yi to look unsmiling with a cold face, but she was focused and careful.

This script is too useful for Silla. She is a newcomer in the entertainment industry. She is really jerky on acting, and it is more difficult to play with Wen Yi.

In front of such a film and television king, her acting skills as a young rookie paled in comparison.

“This is a baby.” Silla looked at and read the script reluctantly, always feeling that with this script, her acting skills could rise to the next level.

Seeing her so happy because of a broken script, William’s face looked very ugly.

He snatched the script in Silla’s hand, and said threateningly: “No gifts from strangers, especially strange men, are allowed.”

“Uncle Willy, look at the last sentence of the script, do you still think it is a gift?” Silla was not angry, and let William grab it.

After listening to her, William opened the script and turned to the last page, with a sentence written in huge red letters underneath.

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