Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 224 – 226

Read Chapter 224 – 226 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 224

After Silla entered the house, she went upstairs and locked herself in the room without saying a word.

She finally reluctantly forgave William, now that she is all right, such a thing has happened again.

Aunt Liu was cooking. She didn’t know what was going on. She just heard a loud closing of the door and thought she was hearing voices.

When William came back, seeing that there was no Silla on the sofa, Aunt Liu’s food was already on the table, and he asked, “Where is Silla?”

“I’m not sure, it seems I haven’t come back yet.” Aunt Liu is indeed not very clear.

William frowned. The driver responsible for picking up Silla had returned, indicating that Silla must be at home. He looked at the location on the second floor and Silla’s door was closed tightly.

William didn’t say much, and went straight to the second floor.

He knocked on the door, but there was no response inside, and he reached out to open the door, only to find that the door was locked.

Silla lay on the bed and watched the ceiling motionlessly. Her mind was full of the necklace on Siara’s neck. From that necklace, she thought of the scene of William after she took off the necklace before.

Every scene made her sad and unable to breathe.

“Silla.” William called softly.

Silla’s nose sore, “Don’t call me!”

“What happened?” William looked a little unhappy.

“Go ask your fiancee!” Silla stretched the quilt to wrap herself up, and didn’t plan to talk to William anymore.

William immediately realized it, it seemed that Siara came to the door.

Knowing that he couldn’t get a specific answer from Silla, he had to go downstairs and called the driver in.

“Meet Siara?” William sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression.

“Yes, Master, right at the gate, Miss Siara has been waiting there.” The driver replied respectfully.

“What happened?”

“I was sitting in the car and vaguely saw Miss Siara pinching a necklace around her neck. Miss Silla seemed very unhappy.” The driver did not hear the content of the conversation between the two of them, but told William about what he saw. fixed.

“Necklace?” William was startled.

“Yes, young master, that necklace…” The driver hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether he should say it or not, and he didn’t know if he said it would lead to fire.

“Say.” William’s voice was low and cold.

The driver has been with William for a long time. Knowing William’s temperament, I can only speak for that.

“Master, the necklace you wear on Miss Siara’s neck seems to have been given to Miss Silla before…” The driver lowered his head, not daring to look at William’s eyes.

At first, William didn’t think about what the necklace was. Later, he realized that when he was in the UK a few days ago, the maid brought him the necklace. Siara said that he had given it to her.

At that time, he didn’t think much about it. It was just a necklace, but he didn’t expect it to be another trap.

“However, Master, when Miss Silla finally entered the house, behind me I saw what Miss Siara threw out of the car window, but I was not sure.”

William’s dark eyes sank, “Look for it.”

“Yes, young master.” The driver immediately went out and called a few people to look for.

Twenty minutes later, the driver walked in with a necklace in his hand, “Master, I found it, this one.”

William took it over, there was still some dirt on it, and the driver immediately took a tissue and wiped it clean.

William hadn’t seen what this necklace looked like before. Now when he saw it, the first reaction was that the English on it was the abbreviation of Silla’s name.

ME is equal to Silla, and also equal to me.

“Go out.” William slightly raised his hand to signal them to go out.

“Yes, master.” The driver bowed respectfully and went out.

“Master, is Miss at home?” Aunt Liu offered the last dish and asked.

“Yeah.” William hummed faintly.

“Then I’ll go ask Miss to eat.” Aunt Liu wiped her hands and prepared to go upstairs.

“No.” William stood up from the sofa. In the current situation, he could only call her down if he went personally. It would be useless to let Aunt Liu go.

William walked to Silla’s door again and said directly: “Silla, I have the necklace.”

“I don’t want it!” Silla didn’t want to listen to this. The necklace had already been sent out, how could she get it back again!

“You have given it to her, don’t give it to me again, I don’t want it!”

William sighed slightly, “I am not good.”

When Silla heard William’s initiative to admit her mistake, she suddenly felt relieved. She got out of bed and opened the door with a grieved expression: “When did you give it to her?”

“I didn’t send it.”

“Then why is it on her neck?” Silla questioned.

William is not a talkative person, he hugged Silla, “I will destroy the ones she touched.”

“Make one for you again.” He hugged Silla.

“Where’s the wheelchair?” William found that the wheelchair was missing.

Silla pursed her lips and turned her head, “I gave it away.”

“Then I have to hold it.” William’s mouth raised slightly, and he hugged Silla downstairs to eat.

When he arrived at the dining table, William called Jacob Liu in, then handed him the necklace, “destroy it.”

“Okay, Master.” Jacob Liu took it.

“Wait a minute!” Silla panicked and shouted instinctively.

It was given to her by William anyway. It was unique to her. Even if she was re-ordering one that was exactly the same, it would be different and lose its meaning.

Although it was worn by Siara, but…

“Disinfection is enough…” Silla pursed her mouth and shrugged her nose.

William said dozingly, “Okay.”

Jacob Liu followed, “Okay, miss, I will do it now.”

Silla was relieved to breathe a sigh of relief. If it were destroyed, she would be sad for a while.

“Where is Brother Tucker?” Silla felt that Tucker was not there, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

“I don’t know.” William has no time to supervise Tucker. “Do you miss him?”

“No, his mouth, I can’t wait to sew him up.” Silla said softly.

“I’ve only left for a day, are you so cruel?” Tucker’s voice suddenly appeared, Silla’s chopsticks trembled, and the meat that had just been clamped fell off.

“You… why are you here again?” Silla asked with a guilty conscience. You really can’t say bad things about others behind your back. If you say it, you will definitely get retribution…

“If I don’t come, how can I know where I am in your heart?” Tucker sat down, “Aunt Liu! Get me a pair of chopsticks!”

William glanced at him lightly, “How’s it going?”

“Still need to say, it must be easier than if you took over Lu’s.” Tucker didn’t seem to care much about what they said between them.

Silla was not interested, so he immersed himself in eating.

Chapter 225

After the meal, Silla saw that William and Tucker seemed to have something to discuss, so she went back to the room to read the script.

As a result, I accidentally saw the latter half of the night, and only slept for a few hours that night.

William woke up very early, but seeing that she was still asleep, he didn’t want to call her.

Aunt Liu grinds a cup of coffee for William, and then brings over today’s newspaper.

“Master, the young lady needs to arrive at Aiyu at 9:30, and it’s already 8:30.” Jacob Liu looked at the time and reminded briefly.

William did not respond.

Jacob Liu realized that William probably didn’t want Silla to audition for Aiyu.

But at this moment, Silla hurriedly walked down the handrail of the stairs, “Oh, I’m going to be late!”

William raised his head slightly, “Don’t worry.”

Because of Aunt Liu’s meticulous care and nourishment in the past two days, Silla’s knee injury has healed a lot. There is no big problem with going down the stairs, but the action will be slower.

William didn’t call her pain when he saw her down the stairs, so he let her go.

“Did you sleep well last night?” William was a little unhappy seeing her dark circles under her eyes were so heavy.

“When I read the script and saw it in the middle of the night, I rarely watch this kind of romantic stuff. I saw it today and it was pretty good.” Silla sipped her milk with a smile, as if she was in a good mood.

“So you want to audition?” William asked, putting down the newspaper in his hand.

“I was not very interested at first, but after reading the script, I really want to try it.” Silla was in a good mood and naturally ate more. The two slices of bread in her hand had already been eaten, and she shouted, “Aunt Liu, help me. Bake two slices of bread!”

When William saw her happy appearance, he became relieved himself, “Okay, I’ll take you there.”

“Huh?” Silla fainted immediately, “Don’t…”


“I think it’s better not to let others know…”

William showed up when he bought Aiyu before, so he didn’t care whether to show his face in the future. He was very resistant to showing up in front of the public, but he couldn’t help but just wanted to send her off.

Silla secretly glanced at William, and realized that he seemed a little unhappy, so she said, “Or else, you will send me over, and then you will put me down when you are about to entertain, okay?”

William nodded slightly and reluctantly agreed.

“When I was in school before, if you sent me to the corner of the corner, I was afraid of being photographed by others. Since this was the case before, then we should continue this habit.” Silla suggested.

William looked at her serious but somewhat immature face, with the corners of her mouth raised, really cute.

“As long as you want, I promise you.” William’s eyes were full of petting.

Silla nodded frantically, “Okay! One word is for sure!”

William couldn’t help but touched her little head, silly girl.

When I arrived at Aiyu Company, it was 9:25, and Silla stood at the gate, waiting for the person who gave the cufflinks to come.

William originally wanted to follow, but Silla refused, so she is not worried about being seen by him waiting for someone.

Aiyu has successively entered many female artists from other companies, some of them seem to be very famous, and Silla has seen them on TV before.

People began to accumulate at the gate of Aiyu, all of them fans of various stars, which can be described as crazy.

Many people still took pictures with their phones. Silla was embarrassed standing at the gate and could only walk inside.

“Are you Silla?” Suddenly, a female artist wearing sunglasses walked in from the gate and looked at her.

Silla nodded without knowing.

She took off her sunglasses, looked at Silla carefully, and then said, “It’s easy for you to get hot!”

Silla didn’t know how to answer.

“I will treat you as my number one opponent in the audition later, but I believe you will lose miserably.” She put on her sunglasses again and was about to leave.

Silla was taken aback, “Excuse me–”

The female artist stopped.

“Excuse me, are you?” Silla really didn’t know her name, only that she seemed to be a big name.

The female artist’s face turned black in an instant, she glared at Silla fiercely, and walked away without answering at all.

Silla is a little confused, she really doesn’t know who she is…

Silla shook her head. Regardless of her, the most important thing now is to wait for the person to send the cufflinks.

She took out her mobile phone and checked the time. It was nine thirty-five, and Li Ge called, but there were all cheers from fans, and some could not hear her clearly.

“Silla, there is a small meeting at 9:30, why haven’t you come?”

“I’m sorry Brother Li, something has been delayed.” Silla apologized. She can’t get the cufflinks now, so it’s impossible to go to the meeting.

“What can be more important than today’s audition?” Li Ge was speechless, “In this way, you won’t have time to participate in the small meeting, but you must not be late for the ten o’clock audition.”

“Okay, I get it.” Silla hung up anxiously and looked at the crowd.

There are too many fans, and they are all around, and I don’t know if the person who sends the cuffs can squeeze in.

Seeing time passed by, Silla paced back and forth in the hall, holding a mobile phone in his hand.

Logically speaking, if the person who came to deliver the goods couldn’t squeeze in or couldn’t find her, they would call her. Why hasn’t there been any news until now?

She didn’t have the phone number of that store, and regretted that she didn’t leave the number.

It’s already 9:30. At this point, it is estimated that all the female artists who came to the audition have arrived, and there are no female artists coming in from outside.

The fans outside also sat on the floor, stopped shouting, and began to rest.

Silla stood on tiptoe. After all the fans outside sat down, she could finally see the situation outside the fan circle, but she did not see the person giving the goods.

What happened? The appointment was delivered at 9:30, why is it not delivered after being 20 minutes late…

Silla had promised that Li Ge would definitely go to the audition at ten o’clock, and she was dying of anxiety.

After another five minutes, Silla couldn’t wait any longer, but he couldn’t take a taxi to the store now.

But what if she is going to audition now, and the person who delivered the stuff can’t find her.

After repeated weighings, Silla decided to go to the audition first, and then go to the store to ask questions after the audition.

Her legs didn’t go fast, but luckily she arrived at the audition floor at ten o’clock.

After seeing her, Brother Li walked over and asked, “Did you bring the script?”

“Forgot…” Silla watched it too late last night, and when she woke up too anxious, she forgot to be on the bedside table.

“Then have you selected the content of the audition later?”

Silla nodded, “I have chosen it and memorized it.”

“All right, you are in third place, don’t be too nervous, just relax.” Li Ge exhorted.

Chapter 226

“Okay, I see.” Silla took a deep breath, her mind was full of cufflinks, and she had no other thoughts to be nervous.

After that, he went to the side and stood and waited.

On the top floor is William’s office. This company has been acquired by him, and he is now the biggest boss of Aiyu.

“Master, the young lady has been standing in the lobby since 9:25. She seems to be waiting for something. She got on the elevator to the interview floor at 9:55.” Liu Guanjiahui reported.

William nodded slightly to indicate that he knew.

“Master, although Aiyu is one of the best companies in the entertainment industry, it is only a small entertainment company after all. So many things under the Lu family still need to be taken care of, Master––”

“I know.” William didn’t let Jacob Liu finish.

“Has the school dealt with it?”

Jacob Liu replied: “Everything is set up. Even if the lady does not go to school, it is equivalent to finishing school well in school.”

“Yeah.” William hesitated, “Go downstairs.”

“Master is going to the audition scene?”

William said, he was a little worried about Silla’s knees, he had to look at her.

After arriving on the audition floor, William found that Silla was poking her head out of the window, as if she was looking at something, she didn’t even know when he came.

When the surrounding female artists saw William, they all forgot about facial expression management. On the contrary, Vivi and Annie were relatively calm, but their eyes were still light.

Jacob Liu followed William’s side. When Vivi and Annie saw Jacob Liu, they glanced at each other.

Vivi asked incredulously, “Isn’t that Silla’s uncle? Why is it from Qishao Lu?”

Annie shook her head and said she didn’t know.

The female artist next to him heard it, and immediately turned around and asked, “He is Lu Qishao?”

“Yes, the boss of our company.” Annie said.

“No, Qishao Lu is the boss of Aiyu? How do I remember it was not before!”

“Just a while ago.” Annie wanted to say something, but was pulled by Vivi.

“Speak less.” Vivi coughed slightly.

Everyone held their breath and watched William walk over step by step. William’s gaze was locked on Silla’s back, and a smile appeared in his heart, but he did not show it.

On the surface, it is indifferent and distant, giving people an inaccessible sense of distance and remoteness.

William entered the audition room, the silly girl still didn’t know he had come in, and didn’t know what his expression would be later.

There were a total of five people in the audition room. Among them was a high-level leader who loved entertainment. William didn’t care who these people were.

People who love entertainment saw William coming in, and immediately nodded and bowed: “Mr. William, it’s an honor for you to come here in person!”

Except Du Sheng, everyone present also came over and wanted to post two sentences, but William didn’t give them a chance. The staff moved a chair for William, and he sat down with no expression on his face.

Du Sheng sat in the middle, he looked at William, “Good luck, I am Du Sheng.”

When William heard the words Du Sheng, he turned his head and glanced slightly. He didn’t intend to confuse the audition. If Silla failed the audition, then he would take care of it.

If Silla passes the audition and she is willing to act, then he has other plans.

And this Du Sheng in front of him is the leading actor of the TV series, that is, the man who may play with Silla.

“Well, the audition begins, let’s call someone.” The director of the show told the staff.

The staff went out and called for someone. The female artist who came in was too nervous, especially when she saw William’s face, she didn’t dare to speak.

After a delay of a few minutes, he left, and the second female artist came in immediately.

As soon as I came in, I greeted Du Sheng. Du Sheng introduced to William: “Li Yuwei, a popular female artist, has been shortlisted for best actress before, and worked with me before.”

Li Yuwei looked at William, “Mr. William, admiration for a long time.”

Li Yuwei stretched out her hand to shake hands with William, but William didn’t even look at her.

Du Sheng winked Li Yuwei’s eyes, “Go ahead.”

Li Yuwei pulled her arm back in embarrassment and began to audition.

The audition is outside.

Silla lay on the window and looked at it for a long time, but couldn’t see any shadow of the kind of people who came to deliver something. Vivi also deliberately walked over and said something, but Silla didn’t even hear it.

“Hey, did you hear me talking to you?” Vivi patted Silla’s arm.

“What?” Silla looked back.

“Your uncle works by Lu Qishao?” Vivi asked.

“I don’t understand.” Silla has no time to quarrel with her.

“Vivi, don’t gossip, hurry up and practice with me, it’s almost you.” Annie said while pulling Vivi.

At this moment, Silla suddenly saw a little brother wearing a yellow hat downstairs, looking around at the gate, walking in and out, Silla’s first reaction was that this should be the person who gave things .

Soon after, the phone rang.

“Hey, is it Silla? Your things have arrived. Where are you?”

Silla said immediately: “Don’t move! I’ll go down to find you!”

After all, ran directly to the elevator.

Vivi was stunned: “Silla! It’s you soon, where are you going!”

Annie was also surprised, what could be more important than an audition?

Silla didn’t listen at all. After she went downstairs and ran to the gate, the little brother held a very delicate small gift box and handed it to Silla.

“Isn’t it half past nine?” To be honest, Silla was really angry, but she was embarrassed to lose her temper.

“I’m sorry, Miss Yu, the packaging over there is too slow, so I was slow.” The little brother apologized, “I’m really sorry.”

“It’s okay, as long as it can be delivered.” Silla put it in the bag, “Thanks.”

“No hard work, I hope you don’t get angry.”

Silla smiled, and suddenly what Li Ge had told her flashed in her mind, she was the third in the audition, which means that she ran away immediately when it was her time!


“Do you want to open it for inspection?” The little brother just wanted to say whether to inspect the goods to see if there was a mistake, but Silla turned around and ran away.

She is too late!

Audition room.

After Li Yuwei performed part of the prepared audition content, Du Sheng was very satisfied, “Yuwei, your acting skills have improved again.”

“Mr. William is here, of course I have to show my strength.” Li Yuwei put on her coat, and then bowed slightly to the director and William.

“Thank you Mr. William and all the directors. I hope to have the opportunity to appear in this play.”

After speaking, I went out. When I went out, I didn’t forget to use my spare time to look at William again. This was the first time she saw a man with such a powerful aura.

No matter how handsome the male celebrities in the entertainment circle are, there is no one who can match one-third of William’s aura.

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