Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 218 – 220

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Chapter 218

“Brother Li, don’t you have anything else to say?” Silla asked tentatively, logically speaking, what happened last night should be considered big news.

Brother Li on the other end of the phone didn’t even think about it: “No, you remember to come to the company as soon as possible, there are still many things to discuss in the future.”

“I may not be able to go in these two days…” Silla was a little embarrassed. She looked at her knee, “My knee is injured. I can’t walk very much at the moment. I have to wait two days.”

“Ah? How could you get hurt? I didn’t pay it back when I saw you on stage yesterday–” Ge Li paused, “It seems that I saw you hurt your knee, but can you continue to walk? How come you can’t go?”

After listening to Li Ge’s words, Silla understood that what happened last night should have not been passed out, otherwise, how could Li Ge as an agent know nothing?

William gave her another bite.

Silla glanced at him quietly, but Jacob Liu took her here last night. He must know everything, and Jacob Liu will definitely report to William.

So… William forcibly intercepted the interview last night?

“Hello? Hello? Silla?” Brother Li didn’t hear Silla’s response. He thought the signal was bad, “Can you hear me?”

Silla panicked, “Yes, that… Brother Li, or I will go to the company tomorrow, I’m afraid it won’t work today…”

Try to walk tomorrow, it should work.

“All right, you take a good rest first, and come back tomorrow.” Li Ge was helpless, but there was no way.

“Okay, thank you Brother Li.”

After Silla hung up the phone, she looked at William, “Can I go to Aiyu Company tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” William agreed.

Silla let out a sigh of relief, thinking that William would not agree to her going out.

“I’ll take you there.” William said lightly.

Silla’s heart chuckles, and refuses: “No!”

The look in William’s eyes told her that this matter was so settled, it was useless to say anything.

“It really doesn’t work… The people in our company have already met you. If you come with me, what will others think? We must pretend not to know it!” Silla shook his hand and pleaded.

William was unmoved.

“Please…please…” Silla couldn’t help being coquettish, with a pitiful little appearance.

When William saw this, his heart melted immediately, frowning slightly, wondering how his concentration was so bad.

As soon as this girl acted like a baby, she felt relieved and promised her everything she wanted.

“That will also send you there,” William said.

“Okay!” Silla’s eyes were very beautiful with a smile, like the moon in the sky, with shining stars scattered around.

“But–” William said suddenly.

Silla’s smile stopped abruptly, knowing that he didn’t let himself out so easily…

“Let Jacob be with you.”

Silla said in a nuisance, “No, Jacob, he–”

“No one in Aiyu has seen him.” William had expected what Silla was going to say, “That’s it.”

William called Jacob Liu and asked him to prepare a wheelchair.

Silla was surprised and speechless: “Wheel… a wheelchair?”

“You are not in a wheelchair, do you want me to hold you?” William raised his eyebrows and looked at her with interest.

“No!” Silla’s mind doesn’t turn around at all now, she can’t react to anything, especially now in the same room with William, he k!ssed her just now and fed her something…

Silla… is no different from a fool…

“Then be obedient!” William quickly pressed Silla down.

His hand touched her recklessly, and Silla didn’t dare to move, so he could only let him proceed.

William had told himself before that he would not touch her until the memory was recovered, not to mention that she was still injured.

It’s just this kind of holding strength and inexplicable familiarity, is it possible that he used to do his best to control his desire-hope?

“Don’t…” Silla bit her lower lip and took his big hand that moved wildly.

William stopped and pressed a k!ss gently on her forehead.

Then he got up from her, “I still have things to deal with, how are you going to kill the time?”

“Let me read the book.” Silla just wanted to say that she still had a few books to finish, but after another thought, the books that Silla gave her were in her own house, not here.

“Forget it, let me play with my phone.”

William went downstairs to get the computer, then sat on the sofa next to the bed and started to deal with things.

Silla secretly glanced at William from time to time, his appearance at work was so handsome…

It suddenly occurred to her that when she was in the show group, everyone discussed William’s appearance. They all guessed that he was too ugly, so they didn’t dare to show his face in front of the public. Silla felt that speculation was a joke.

For now, she had never seen a man who was more refined and perfect than William, even Henry Chu was not as good as him.

“Silla, if you look at me like this, I won’t be able to work.” William raised his eyes slightly and said softly.

Silla didn’t hear it, she was still immersed in her own reverie.

William couldn’t help but smile, put down the computer in his hand, walked to the bed and leaned down and touched her head.

“What are you thinking?”

Silla realized that he stared at William for a long time, and suddenly felt very embarrassed.

The two stayed alone in this room for an afternoon until Aunt Liu made dinner and asked them to eat.

When William hugged Silla and went out, it happened that Tucker yawned and went out of the room.

“Oh, what a coincidence, the two of you are done with things?” Tucker’s hippy smile was not what an adult should have.

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Silla glared at him.

“I’m just asking if William’s work has been completed. What are you excited about?” Tucker raised his mouth, deliberately.

Silla was annoyed, and just about to say something, William said, “Don’t pay attention to him.”

Tucker walked behind and secretly gave Silla an expression that he knew everything. Silla’s teeth were itchy, but he didn’t know what to do.

“I remember that William’s birthday is coming soon, Ms. Silla, have you prepared gifts?” Tucker asked.

Of course Silla knew that William’s birthday was coming, but after all, she barely accepted William again today, naturally, she didn’t prepare a gift.

“I prepared a big gift.” Tucker said proudly.

“What gift?” Silla was very curious. The gifts Tucker prepared for his birthday in previous years were always unexpected.

“It’s meaningless if you say it, keep it secret.”

Silla pouted, not convinced, “Then I will keep it secret.”

She actually didn’t know what gift to give William, she hadn’t thought about it at all in the recent period.

William’s birthday is coming soon, and he needs to prepare gifts as soon as possible.

She must not lose to Tucker!

Chapter 219

Early the next morning.

Silla promised Li to go to the company, so he set an alarm clock to get up on time.

“Silla.” William knocked on the door.

Silla hadn’t changed her clothes yet, she just wanted to tell William not to come in yet, but William opened the door directly and entered.

“There is something in the company in the morning, I can’t send you off.” William originally wanted to send Silla to Aiyu himself, but there was nothing to do if something happened temporarily.

“Okay, go ahead.” Silla felt a little excited. If William doesn’t send her off, then, does she not have to go in a wheelchair? Jacob Liu doesn’t need to follow her anymore?

Just thinking of this, William said, “But Jacob Liu will look at you.”

Silla’s face stretched, isn’t it…

“I can already walk, you see.” Silla sat up from the bed and walked slowly against the wall.

William’s expression was very obvious, meaning that this matter was beautifully discussed, but Silla didn’t give up and had to show him.

“I can really go by myself. Besides, I don’t walk much after I get to the company. I just sit in the office. It’s really fine.” Silla looked at William expectantly, hoping that he would agree.

“No.” William’s low-pitched voice resisted.

Silla was discouraged, as if she had wilted.

“Change your clothes and go downstairs to eat.” William walked out and closed the door.

Silla pursed her lips and changed her clothes helplessly. When she left the house, she was still muttering something in her mouth. In the end, she didn’t expect William to wait outside the door. He heard everything she said…

William’s eyes flashed and hugged her downstairs.

Jacob was already waiting, and there was an automatic wheelchair next to him.

Silla looked at the wheelchair awkwardly, and almost choked when the slice of bread was stuffed in his mouth. But at this time, Tucker came down from the stairs and laughed a lot when he saw the wheelchair.

William glared at him, “Believe it or not I can let you sit in?”

“Don’t don’t don’t, I’m just kidding, this wheelchair is only suitable for Ms. Silla, not for me.” Tucker smiled.

After the meal, William left first, Tucker moved back to make up for sleep, and Jacob Liu sent Silla to the love entertainment company.

After arriving at Aiyu, Silla’s little head kept spinning, thinking about how to avoid being in a wheelchair, and how to prevent Jacob Liu from following her.

“Housekeeper Liu, William said that if I can walk by myself, I don’t need a wheelchair.” Silla got out of the car, and then took two steps. “Look, I can walk. You can put the wheelchair in.”

Jacob Liu reverently said: “Miss, Master told me that I must be allowed to sit in anyway, and I must be kept in step.”

Silla looked dejectedly at the wheelchair, and then at the door of Aiyu. If he really sat in, it would be okay if he didn’t touch Vivi. If he met them, he didn’t know what to say.

In desperation, Silla had no choice but to sit on it and then joined the company like this.

Li Ge’s office is on the high floor, so he has to take the elevator. There are six elevators in total, five of which are on the high floor, and only one is on the first floor.

Jacob pressed the elevator on the first floor and waited for it to come up.

When the elevator door opened, Silla saw Vivi standing inside holding a cup of coffee. Annie was also there and the two were chatting.

Silla’s heart tightened, she was really afraid of what would come, the least as if she could meet someone so coincidental.

“Sister Vivi, Sister Anne.” No matter how much Silla resists Vivi in ”‹”‹her heart, she still has the politeness she should have.

The vivi in ”‹”‹the elevator looked at Silla from head to toe, and laughed, “What kind of equipment are you?”

Silla smiled awkwardly, without speaking.

“When I watched the show, I seemed to see your knee hurt. Is this the reason?” Annie asked concerned.

Because Silla was wearing a long skirt, she couldn’t see her knees.

Silla nodded in embarrassment.

“Anyone who is an entertainer has not been injured, and I have never seen anyone come to the company as a wheelchair.” Vivi vomited, “I broke a fracture when I was in a variety show before. The company also gave me a crutches. Such an advanced wheelchair.”

After Silla entered the elevator, her back turned to vivi.

Jacob stood by and guarded.

Vivi thought that Silla’s wheelchair was equipped by the company, so he felt uneasy, “It’s really unfair for artists who have just been hot for a few days to get this treatment.”

Annie gave Vivi a color to tell her to stop talking, but Vivi didn’t listen: “I don’t know where the background came from, and whose bed she was on again.”

“Okay Vivi, don’t talk about it.” Annie can’t stand it anymore. Vivi’s temper is not safe at all, and she likes to complain about anything.

“Sister Annie, don’t you feel at all? Everyone is an artist who makes money for the company. Why can she get such a good treatment, we don’t?” Vivi asked unhappy.

Silla knew that these words were all told to her, but she didn’t care about explaining.

“There is an outsider here, just say a few words less.” There were four people in the elevator, and Annie was talking about Jacob.

They didn’t know that Jacob Liu came with Silla, and they thought it was someone from which company came to discuss cooperation.

Only then did Vivi shut his mouth, leaning in the corner with an unhappy face, until the elevator door opened and all four of them went to Li Ge’s office.

“Are you here together? Come in, there is something to be announced.” Li Ge beckoned and asked the assistant to pour water for them.

“I don’t need water, I have coffee.” Vivi took the lead to sit down, without a good face.

“Why is so angry so early in the morning, who has offended you?” Li Ge asked.

“I don’t dare to say.” Vivi put the coffee on the table. “I’m just a little guy. I don’t dare to say things that shouldn’t be said.”

“Look at your temper, what’s the matter?”

Annie sat down, “Brother Li, don’t listen to her nonsense, the most favorite thing to do all day long is to get angry, and no one provokes her.”

Vivi rolled his face and said nothing.

Brother Li wanted to coax her, but due to the presence of so many people, he hesitated for a while and let it go.

He looked at Silla, “Silla, how is it, is it better?”

Before Silla had time to speak, Vivi said sourly: “Even if such a comfortable treatment is good, I have to say it’s not good.”

“What’s the treatment?” Brother Li couldn’t figure out what Vivi said, but he thought it was all trivial.

Then he asked Jacob Liu, “Are you?”

“I am–” As soon as Jacob Liu spoke, she was stopped by Silla.

“Brother Li, this is my uncle who sent me here.” Silla was afraid that Jacob Liu said he was her housekeeper…

“Oh, so, let’s sit here for a while, uncle, let’s have a brief meeting.” Li Ge asked Jacob to sit on the sofa next to him.

“What’s the matter?” Vivi became impatient.

“That’s it. There will be an audition the day after tomorrow. The company wants the three of you to go.” Li Ge said, “It’s a TV series, and the actor is Du Sheng.”

Chapter 220

Immediately afterwards, Annie and Vivi said in unison: “A TV series starring Du Sheng?”

“Yes, so if you can successfully become a heroine, the exposure rate will be particularly great.”

Silla knew Du Sheng, as if he was the Emperor, but didn’t know much about him.

“Being Du Sheng’s heroine seems to be a bit overhanging, right?” Vivi was a little frustrated, “I’m a model and I haven’t filmed much. Although Annie’s words are from a drama school, she is not a first-line female star after all…”

Li Ge explained: “The reason why the company asked the three of you to audition is that Du Sheng made a request that the heroine must be in good shape and fair skin, and does not require fame or acting experience.

“Each company can only send 2 people, our company is a special case, because we auditioned in our company, so there are 3 places.”

Silla’s previous thought was that she hadn’t thought about anything until she debuted. Now she suddenly asked her to audition, feeling that she didn’t understand anything.

“Among the artists in the current gap, the three of you are the most suitable.” Li said.

“I’m now sending out a script for everyone, and the content of the audition is to choose the script’s lines. Even if you can’t be the female number one, it’s good to be selected as the female number two.” Li Ge sent the script to them, “It’s really impossible to be a girl. On the third, there must be a place for our company.”

“At that time, perform well, especially Silla. I read the script. The character of the female number one fits your image and personality. You must seize this opportunity.” Brother Li was full of expectations, “If you can strike while the iron is hot, Take advantage of the fact that your previous show has just become popular, so go to be the heroine of Du Sheng, the future is limitless!”

Although Silla felt that she was useless and impossible, but seeing that Li Ge believed in herself so much, she was too embarrassed not to give him face.

“I will work hard.” Silla replied.

“Then you mean that I and Annie are running with you?” Vivi asked with an anger.

“What you said, I don’t know who can be elected, calm down, you also have great hope.” Li Ge was taken aback and hurriedly let her calm down.

Annie also coaxed a few words, and then it stopped for a while.

“Okay, you guys quickly go back and prepare for yourself, and arrive at Aiyu on time at 9:30 the day after tomorrow, and we will have another small meeting before the audition.”

After Annie and Vivi left, Brother Li asked Silla to stay, and there were other things to say.

“Brother Li, what else is there?” Silla asked.

“Silla, this is the case. When the contract was signed before, the company was going to let you and Henry Chu two cp debut, but due to his personal reasons, the debut will be very late. Now you are on fire again, so the company decided not to bind. “

Silla nodded, “Okay.”

This news is actually a good thing for Silla now. After all, her relationship with William has eased. If she makes a CP debut with Henry Chu, William is afraid that she will be very angry.

“Have you seen him these past two days? How is his face?” Li Ge asked, this is related to whether Henry Chu can be on the show, “It was originally said that he would participate in a trainee show, but now It’s a little bit late and can only make debut through other methods.”

“I didn’t see him.” Silla subconsciously glanced at Jacob and found that Jacob was reading a magazine, she sighed with relief.

Jacob Liu is William’s most loyal left and right arm, and he will tell William what Silla has done and said.

“Isn’t the relationship between the two of you particularly good?” Brother Li was a little puzzled. I saw them at the amusement park before, and then came to sign the contract and came together. The relationship between the two of them seems to be very good. It seems very alienated.

“We are indeed friends. If you want to call him directly, just fine.”

“Okay, it’s okay, you go back and prepare.” Li Ge asked Silla to go back.

Silla and Mr. Liu went out of the office door. During the process of getting off the elevator, several female artists came up. Silla didn’t know them and hadn’t seen them.

When they saw Silla, they all froze for a while, and then smiled at her.

Silla also politely smiled back.

As the elevator descended, the female artists began to chat, “Who did you say about Gu Lan broke out?”

“I don’t know, it must be a powerful person.”

“Anyway, I think he must be a good man.”

Several female artists are feeling emotional, as if they all know that their videos are in Gu Lan’s hands. Everyone understands and understands.

Silla swallowed quietly, and she was probably the only one who knew the specifics.

After the elevator reached the first floor, several female artists asked Silla to go first. Silla was a little embarrassed. They seemed to be seniors, so how could they let her go first?

But seeing that everyone was unwilling to go first, Silla had to get out of the elevator first.

After arriving in the hall, this time was the point where I was going to have dinner just after get off work at noon. There were quite a lot of people in the hall. After seeing Silla, many of the staff would smile at her, and some would bow slightly.

Silla doesn’t quite understand why this happens, she is obviously a newcomer…

Vivi suddenly appeared in front of Yu Mu’en. Annie was gone. Vivi walked over and sneered: “How do you feel after the fire? Do you enjoy the feeling that everyone respects you three points?”

Silla didn’t want to care about her.

“But don’t be too proud. Although you are the company’s sweet pastry, you will have a passing day sooner or later, and then you won’t be so well treated.” Vivi turned around and left, because he was a model. , I walked like a wind.

Silla understood why those people would smile politely when they saw themselves.

“Housekeeper Liu, what do you think of Vivi?” Silla asked suddenly, wanting to hear Mr. Liu’s views on Vivi. She wanted to know if she was the only one bothering her, and why neither Annie nor Brother Li seemed to bother her.

Jacob Liu replied: “Of course I don’t like people that Miss does not like.”

Silla raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled: “How do you know I don’t like her?”

“Guess it.”

Silla stretched out, “I don’t want to be a wheelchair anymore, let me take a few steps from here to the gate.”

“Miss, the doctor said try not to move around.”

“Is it the doctor or William?” Silla questioned.

Jacob was dismantled by Silla, and could only honestly say, “The young master said it.”

“What he said doesn’t count.” Silla got up from the wheelchair, “I’m going to count.”

“Miss, you’d better sit down. You can walk around after you get home.” Jacob is determined not to let Silla walk. After all, William’s words are equivalent to orders and cannot be disobeyed.

Silla blinked her big eyes, snorted, and didn’t let it go!

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