Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 209 – 211

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Chapter 209

Silla just wanted to leave here, but found that Yingying was looking at her in front of the Roman pillar opposite.

Silla ignored her.

Yingying chased Silla and stopped Silla, the makeup on her face was already crying, “Silla! I have worked hard for so long to see that it will come to an end! But at the critical moment, it was all ruined by you!”

“What I want to say is finished just now, I didn’t report you.” Silla felt that Yingying was a crazy woman now.

“Xiao Kui said that I saw you writing a report letter!” Yingying just determined that Silla did it!

“I’m fighting with you!” Yingying pushed Silla hard!

Silla’s legs were already weak, but when she was pushed by Yingying, she couldn’t stand still, and fell to her knees with a plop!

Silla’s knees directly supported the entire upper body, and the moment she hit the tiles made her painful facial features wrinkle!

When she was in the mountainous area the night before, her knee had already fallen very badly. This time the wound collided again. This painful feeling made Silla really uncomfortable, and tears welled down in her eyes.

“Do you think I can forgive you by kneeling? I told you it’s impossible! I want to tell you all the scandals!” Yingying turned and ran, and ran to stop the reporter who had gone out.

Silla endured the pain and got up from the ground with difficulty. She felt that her knee was bleeding again.

She stood firmly against the wall, her legs trembling, she lifted the skirt of her skirt slightly, and it was shocking to see the blood flowing down her calf.

How…what to do…

Silla bit her lower lip and her eyes blurred with tears. It was not the first time that she felt helpless. In principle, she should get used to it.

But I don’t know why, she just wants to cry very much.

She wished someone could help her out now…

After Yingying stopped the reporter, she pointed to Silla in the lobby and kept talking.

Silla’s mind was blank, buzzing, she no longer had any energy and mood to listen to what Yingying had said.

Soon, the group of reporters swarmed up again and blocked Silla.

“Silla, is it because your relationship with the director is so unusual that you have the opportunity to perform twice?”

“Silla, how many times have you had a relationship with the director?”

“Silla, when did you start having a relationship with the director?”

Questions after another, “Silla” one after another, seemed to be ruthlessly scratching a dagger on Silla’s face.

She had no idea whether the people in front of her were humans or demons.

“Why is the bag on your head bigger?” The female reporter who comforted Silla just now observed this.

“You… why are you bleeding?”

When she said this, the camera moved towards Silla’s ankles, Silla’s body kept shaking, her breathing rate was getting faster and faster, but the oxygen she was inhaling seemed to have failed.

The suppressed dark breath made her unable to think about problems normally.

The current Silla seemed to have been smashed by others, pointed out by everyone, and used as a tool for creating topics.

She really… can’t hold it…

Silla’s eyes seemed uncontrollable, they were closed tightly together, and her body fell to the ground numb and weak.

She heard the sound of the heart falling to pieces.

Before she was completely unconscious, there was only one thought in her mind–

If Uncle Willy is here, it will be fine…

Silla was in the hospital when she woke up, and there was no one else in the ward except her.

She sat up slightly, her head heavy, and after sitting for a few seconds, she simply lay down again.

At this time, a nurse opened the door and prepared to change Silla’s dressing. She couldn’t help but asked, “Nurse, am I sick?”

The nurse smiled, “Who is in the hospital if there is no disease?”

The nurse changed the sling that Silla was hanging on, “The last bottle is up, and you can go home after finishing the shot.”

“Nurse, I remember I broke my knee…” Silla had just woke up from a coma, with a somewhat silly expression on her face.

“Did you still soak in water after your knee was injured?”

Silla’s mind is now muddled.

“It’s all inflamed and almost ulcerated, don’t you know it yourself?” The nurse lifted the quilt and asked Silla to look at her knee.

Silla wrinkled her nose when she saw the wound on her knee and realized the pain.

She remembered that she took a bath last night after being caught in the rain. When she took the bath, her knees were circled and exposed, but then fell asleep, so her knees were soaked in the water…

“The wound has been treated, so you should not move these days. The knee is a movable joint. As long as you move, it will definitely hurt.” The nurse exhorted.

“Don’t touch water and bumps again, otherwise you will have an operation.”

Silla didn’t dare to look at her knee for a second time, it was covered with potion, but there was still a little blood oozing out, and she shivered involuntarily.

“Thank you nurse.”

When the nurse went out, he returned, “Almost forgot, don’t cover the wound, but expose it.”

“The weather has been pretty cold recently. After your family takes you back, turn on the heating at home and don’t freeze.”

Silla looked at her gratefully, “Thank you for telling me so much.”

“Yes.” The nurse pushed the door and left after speaking.

Silla sighed slightly after she had left. Wherever her family came to pick her up, she had nothing.

Therefore, you can only rely on yourself.

Silla slowed down for more than ten minutes, trying to get her brain back to normal operation. Seeing that the dripping water was almost finished, it meant that she had to find a way to walk home later.

The nurse came in and pulled out the needle for her, and when the blood on the back of Silla’s hand stopped bleeding, she asked expectantly, “Can you sign me?”

Silla was startled, “Signature?”

“Yes.” The nurse took a pen from her pocket and gave it to Silla, then took out a small notebook.

It was the first time that Silla encountered someone asking her for an autograph. She was quite embarrassed and her ears were a little red.

After hesitating, he finally signed the nurse.

“There are two bodyguards at the door who are handsome. I will take a photo with them later.” The nurse said to herself happily, and then jumped out.

Silla was sitting on the bed. She heard everything the nurse said. The question was where did the bodyguard come from?

Her focus now is how to go home, not to supervise the bodyguard at the door, and she didn’t think much about the nurse.

Silla gently grinds her legs to the side of the bed. This process is already quite painful. It is difficult for her to imagine how she can walk back on these half-damaged legs.

The door of the ward was suddenly opened.

“Miss, I will take you home.” Jacob walked in respectfully.

Silla didn’t expect Jacob Liu to come, and she subconsciously looked behind Jacob Liu.

“Miss, Master is on the way to Britain, so I will pick you up for him.” Jacob quickly understood Silla’s eyes.

Silla didn’t know her expression after hearing the news.

It’s lost, it’s a bit sad.

Chapter 210

William deliberately instructed Jacob Liu to always pay attention to the live broadcast of Silla’s show. Only then did Jacob Liu know that Silla was surrounded by reporters and rushed over.

“Miss, the young master will be back when he finishes his work in England. I will take you home first.”

William didn’t know about this, but Jacob Liu planned to wait for William to tell him when he arrived in the UK.

“He… went to the UK?” Silla asked.

“Yes, Miss Silla.”

Silla pursed her lips. She can’t go anywhere in her current state. She is hesitant to go to William’s house.

After thinking for a while, she finally made a decision and agreed to go home with Liu Guanjia.

She thought, anyway, if William is not at home, it would be good to eat the meal made by Aunt Liu for two days.

After arriving at William’s house, it was already night. Aunt Liu learned the news of Silla’s injury and specially stopped the soup to replenish her body.


United Kingdom.

William received a call from Jacob as soon as he arrived in the UK.

Jacob Liu told William about the general situation and how Silla was injured.

After the phone was hung up, William’s dark eyes gradually became gloomy. He couldn’t help but blame himself. Why didn’t he notice her knee injury last night?

After William arrived at Lu’s castle, all the people for the meeting had already arrived. William is now in charge of the Lu family. Without him, there would be no meeting.

“Little seven is here, then the meeting will begin.” An elderly person waiting was almost asleep.

William sat down without expression.

“This time I’m mainly talking about the marriage of the Lu and Ruan family. Mia, what are your plans?” The elders of the Lu family are more concerned about the marriage of the two.

“Lu’s family doesn’t need to be married.” William was indifferent, no one could refute this sentence.

Because of the status of the Lu family, there is no need for marriage at all. Although marriage with the Ruan family is better, it doesn’t mean what happens if you don’t.

“Xiao Qi, it’s not my elder who said you. You and Qian Yi grew up together as a childhood sweetheart. They are a couple recognized by everyone. You have always admitted that Qian Yi is your girlfriend, but you… …”

“Yes, when you and Ruan’s daughter were married, they were all aristocrats with existing identities, but you must have a saying when you escaped from marriage.”

One person said a lot, but William didn’t say a word.

William’s light swept over Lu Ziran at the far end of the table, and he clearly felt that Lu Ziran was deliberately avoiding him.

His gaze began to look at Lu Ziran seriously, and said indifferently: “Brother Six, what are you afraid of?”

As soon as William said this, everyone looked at Lu Ziran, and Lu Ziran pretended to be calm: “I just got sick recently.”

“Oh? What disease?” William raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lu Ziran didn’t dare to look at William’s eyes. Lu Ziran already knew that Jacob Liu was rescued by William, so William must have known that the car accident was instructed by him!

Lu Ziran is now afraid of William’s identity, because William can kick him out of the Lu family with just a word!

“My stomach is not good, I have drunk too much.” Lu Ziran pretended to cover his stomach, “Seventh brother, why do you care about me so suddenly? I’m fine. The meeting is important.”

Lu Ziran vaguely felt that William seemed to be a little different from before, but he couldn’t tell where it was different. Perhaps it was because William is now in power, so let’s use the power of the power.

William’s sharp eyes were just a glimpse, and most of the people here understood that Lu Ziran must have offended William.

“Back to the topic, let me say it one last time, Lu does not need marriage.” William withdrew his eyes.

The elders of the Lu clan were not good to say anything more, after all, although marriage is a matter of the whole family, it is also a personal matter at the same time. William is now in power, so who can help him?

After the meeting, William’s private jet was ready, and he wanted to rush home to see Silla as soon as possible.

But when he first got on the machine with his front feet, he suddenly felt that it was not good to go back now. Silla still had a very resistant attitude towards him. What if he irritated the stubborn little cat when he went back now?

Thinking of this, William retracted his foot, turned and said to Xiao Li, “Prepare the car.”

Xiao Li was taken aback, didn’t he just say he was going back to China? Why do you have to prepare a car now?

“Master William, where are you going?”

William frowned slightly. If Jacob Liu was there, don’t say he only said two words, but Jacob Liu could understand what he wanted to do with just one look.

Xiao Li was a little confused when he saw this, but then he thought carefully, “Mr. William, are you going back to your home in England?”


Xiao Li hurriedly prepared the car, and then sent William back to his private castle in England.

After arriving home, William called Jacob again.

“Uncle Liu, how is Silla?”

“Master, the lady locked herself in the bedroom…” The housekeeper Liu on the other end of the phone looked at the closed door, a little embarrassed.

After Silla came back, she asked Aunt Liu to deliver all the food to the room, and then locked the door behind her so that no one could enter.

“Locked up?” William was startled, why would she be very resistant when he was not at home?

“Yes, Master, Master Tucker has been pestering Miss to speak, Miss did not want to talk to him, so she locked herself up.” Jacob Liu explained.

When William heard these words, the haze in his eyes gradually dissipated, “Keep Tucker away.”

“Master, this…this…” Jacob Liu was stunned.

“just kidding.”

Jacob Liu is confused again, when will William make a joke…

I stayed with Tucker for more than 20 years before the amnesia, and I didn’t learn how to joke.

“Let her rest well, don’t disturb her.” William exhorted at last.

“Don’t worry, Master, it’s just those rumors and media reports about Miss Silla. Will you deal with them after you come?”

William thought for a few seconds, “First monopolize the news. I will deal with the specific people personally.”

“Yes, master, you also pay attention to rest.”

After all, the phone hangs up.

Because of the jet lag, it is still daytime in William’s place. He looked at the documents on the desk that could not be processed at all, his expression was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

He was wondering whether his previous self was also like now, every day besides work is work.

William walked to the piano in the study, sliding his slender fingers gently across each key, and he had a peculiar sense of familiarity.

It’s like he played with a girl.

The corners of William’s mouth rose slightly. If he really played with a girl, it would definitely be Silla.

“Mr. William, I found a necklace when I was cleaning the lady’s room. I don’t know if it’s her.” A maid walked in with a necklace wrapped in a handkerchief.

William took it.

Very simple style, with letters-ME printed on it.

William’s brain was suddenly dizzy. He clenched the necklace tightly in pain. Not only his brain but also his heart seemed about to explode!


Frames of pictures flashed in his mind.

Chapter 211

William turned around, and the maid held a small box in her hand.

“Yeah.” He motioned for the maid to come in.

“Some time ago, you were sent to the hospital when you were in the hospital. The doctor said that you were holding this thing in your hand during the operation and it took a lot of effort to take the necklace out of your hand.”

“It must be important to you.”

The maid put the things on the piano, and then left carefully.

William didn’t know what it was, and didn’t take it seriously, so he let the little box lie there quietly.

At night, William was in the office.

He vaguely felt that there were footsteps in the corridor, very quiet, but he did hear them.

William put down the documents in his hand and looked at the door of the study coldly. If it was a maid, he would come and knock on the door directly, he would not walk so lightly and he would still stop at the door for a long time.

Finally, the door of the study was gently opened.

It turned out to be Siara.

“William, I heard that you are back, I will come to see you.” Siara said softly, and then walked in with a smile, “How is it? Is your body better?”

“Who let you in?” William didn’t expect that his house would allow outsiders to come and go at will.

“Before…I used to enter casually, have you forgotten…” Siara had a sting in her heart, but she had to pretend not to care.

Father Ruan said, William must hold it in his hand anyway.

“From today, it won’t be anymore.” William’s attitude was cold.

“Why? I’m your fiancee!” Siara had already asked before coming in, but Silla didn’t follow, so now is the best opportunity.

“Not anymore.”

Siara felt that since William woke up, she always felt a different person, but she didn’t know exactly where it changed.

She had asked the doctor, but the doctor kept it secret, not revealing any information.

“William, shall we have dinner together?” Siara walked to William’s body and reached out to help him massage his shoulders.

Siara is testing.

William’s muscles stiffened, his expression unhappy, “Don’t touch me.”

“You used to like me to massage your shoulders the most, have you forgotten?” Siara raised his eyebrows, and the breakthrough came.

William hated it the most when he said before in this state, he said impatiently: “Not now, don’t come again.”

An idea suddenly popped out of Siara’s mind that William had amnesia!

William didn’t like being touched by others. Even Siara could only touch him when he was in bed. He was very resistant at other times.

This time Siara said that William liked her to massage his shoulders before, and logically speaking, William should ask him when he likes to massage his shoulders instead of “not anymore”!

Siara held her breath. In order to further confirm, she was trying to find something that could clearly prove her idea.

“William, how is Silla’s kid?” Siara walked away from William’s body.

“It has nothing to do with you.” William didn’t want to talk nonsense with her anymore.

Siara was a little worried about how her brain was not enough at this critical moment. She frowned slightly when she suddenly saw a small box on the piano.

While William was not paying attention, she opened it and looked at it, it was a string of necklaces.

There are two letters on it-ME.

Where did Siara vaguely meet, she thought about it for a moment, and then she remembered that she had seen Silla wear it.

“William, this necklace…” Siara picked it up, deliberately dragging the tail.

William raised his eyes slightly, seeing that necklace and he didn’t have any special feelings, he didn’t seem to know what Siara was doing now.

Siara’s heart was crossed and she blocked it. She smiled and said, “William, isn’t this the necklace you gave me?”

William frowned, not having any impression of this kind of thing at all, let her take it if it was her, and there was no response.

Siara was overjoyed. It seems that the amnesia is true!

“I said why I couldn’t find it. It was with you.” Siara took the necklace and walked to William, “Can you put it on for me?”

William did not respond and continued to look through the documents.

Siara pursed his lips, then went to the mirror and put it on himself.

“William, look at the letters on this, ME. When you helped me make a custom order, you said that this is what you meant. It is for me to wear you on my body and never separate.” Siara looked at William through the mirror. With her expression and attitude, she confirmed that William had lost her memory, that is, no matter how it was edited, she was fine.

William was taken aback, did he really say this to Siara?

Anyway, he himself did not believe it.

“William, Dad said you promised him to go home with me for dinner before the accident, but you never fulfilled your promise. I don’t think this is so good.” Siara kept dangling in front of William like a ghost. It is an eyesore.

“How about that, you either fulfill your promise and come home with me for a casual meal, or you have dinner with me, how about it? Fair!” Siara had a guilty conscience when he first entered the house and felt that William would be re-entered. It was very difficult in his hands. William didn’t get in with oil and salt, and he didn’t touch dripping water.

But now, she has at least 60% certainty.

The so-called promises were just made up by Siara.

“William, choose quickly!” Siara lay on the desk, and William faced each other, and the strong fragrance of perfume came to his face.

William was a little bored, “Go out.”

How could Siara listen to him, “Daddy said, this time I will break my leg without taking you home. If you really don’t want to go home, then you will have dinner with me, and I will sacrifice my leg for it. .”

William frowned, “It has nothing to do with me.”

Although Siara didn’t know 100% of William, she definitely knew a little bit better than others. With the addition of her previous understanding of Silla’s character, she concluded that as long as she imitated Silla, she would be able to subdue William.

“I beg you…Although we are not married, but in terms of the love we grew up together, and the love we have always supported you from my father, you promised me!” Siara said softly. Hard bubble.

William did not respond.

Siara secretly sent a text message to Father Ruan. The content probably meant that Father Ruan called William to eat at home.

Soon, Ruan’s father’s call came.

There was a note on William’s mobile phone, and he knew it was Siara who asked Ruan’s father to call, but because of his love, he had to answer it.

He took a deep look at Siara and then answered the phone.

“Uncle Ruan.”

“William, I asked Qian Yi to ask you to come and eat, why haven’t you come yet? Isn’t it true that this old man refuses to come to me?” Father Ruan deliberately showed majesty.

“Sorry, uncle, there are more things.”

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