Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 170 – 172

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Chapter 170

the next day.

Because of the resistance in her heart, Silla didn’t fall asleep much, and was awakened by the staff early in the morning.

Ten girls stood in a row in the living room, listening to the director’s arrangements.

“Your plan today is to practice vocal music in the morning, dance in the afternoon, and go out of the dormitory for free activities in the evening.”

After the director said the arrangements, everyone responded and went to training.

Silla was a little dizzy because of not sleeping well, and also because of his stress in recent days.

But fortunately, practicing vocal music in the morning doesn’t require much effort, so I should stay up until the afternoon.

The dance instructor is a very serious person. Silla had been exposed to dance when she was a child, but how could she not? The other nine girls seemed to be from academic classes and danced very well, and she couldn’t keep up.

The coach kept staring at her, which made her feel more nervous.

“Others, rest, Silla continues to practice until the meeting.” The coach looked down on her a little, his tone was prejudiced.

Just like this, Silla practiced it over and over again, the sweat on her body was almost through her clothes, she forced her dizzy head and kept jumping.



Silla’s eyes went dark and fell to the ground without warning!

She faintly felt a group of people coming around, blocking the fresh air she desperately wanted to breathe.

Slowly, she gradually lost consciousness.

I was in the hospital when I woke up.

Silla’s right hand was still dripping, and there was no one next to her, only herself in the entire ward.

There was a newspaper beside the pillow. Silla didn’t know who put it here. It was an entertainment newspaper with a familiar cover, as if they were a group photo of a girl.

She picked it up and looked at it curiously. The headline read “Silla plays a big card and doesn’t follow the rules of the show, arrange for her roommate to wash the dishes!” The eye-catching and dazzling headline hurt her eyes. , There are several photos.

One of them was nine girls all lying on the floor of the kitchen. Only Silla stood calmly and watched.

There is also a photo of Silla sitting on the sofa, Tiantian washing the mountain-like bowls alone.

Silla looked at the newspaper inexplicably, wondering why they wrote about themselves like this. The photographers all knew what happened last night…

Why does this topic still appear…

She turned to the opposite side, and wrote “Silla turned out to be the daughter of a big liar, who else remembers?”.

She ridiculed herself and threw the newspaper aside, and had no way of dealing with such reports.

Silla has never cared about other people’s opinions, and she still does.

She let out a long sigh of relief, hoping that the next few days will pass smoothly.


Lu’s Group.

William’s office.

“Mr. William, the newspaper you want.” Xiao Li walked in with an entertainment newspaper and placed it on William’s desk.

William did not look up, nor did he give any response.

Xiao Li pursed his lips and retreated automatically.

William took the newspaper just now.

After reading all the news about Silla with a blank face, he called Tucker.

“Come to me.”

Tucker is very noisy there, and I don’t know what he is doing, “It must be today? I will help you find the whereabouts of Jacob Liu.”

“Just now.” William’s words could not be discussed.

Tucker had no choice but to rush over as soon as possible.

The first sentence he said when he entered William’s office was, “Guess what, I found out where the last appearance of Jacob Liu was.”

William ignored him and threw the newspaper at him instead.

Tucker took the newspaper and read it, and smiled with relish, “Yes, yes, these girls are all pretty.”

As soon as he finished speaking, William looked over with a sharp eye.

Tucker said solemnly, “What are you doing? Want to stand up for her?”

“The entertainment industry is like this, there is no right or wrong, there is no black and white, the truth of the matter is often unknown, so I don’t think you should worry about it.”

“Besides, now she has negative news like this, and her popularity is faster.”

Tucker felt that this little thing was nothing. He understood Silla’s character. Don’t look at her non-talkative and pitiful strangeness on the surface, but in fact she couldn’t suffer much.

He still remembers the fact that Silla lied to buy a bag before.

“Tomorrow, help me handle things well, you know better about the entertainment industry.” William directly took what he said to the ears.

Tucker stretched, “Why do you care about her so much when you lose your memory? You care about me anyway.”

“You don’t need it.” William said lightly.

Tucker shrugged, expressing his acknowledgment, “There is no way, who made you my fate.”

“Also, why don’t you care about housekeeper Liu’s affairs at all? I have found a little clue, do you want to listen?”

After William confirmed that Silla’s matter would be handled by Tucker, he nodded and said, “Say.”

“I found him at the gate of the police station on the night of your wedding, but unfortunately, the police said that the following video was broken because of the heavy rain that night, and there was no picture for the next few hours.”

William thought for a while, “Should he not be in the UK on the wedding day?”

“I guess you should have sent him to protect Silla. I found out that Silla got into the police station because of a fight that night, and you released her on bail.”

“I don’t know anymore, I have to rely on you to remember.”

William felt a mess of numbness in his mind as soon as he recalled, and it was painful, and he couldn’t recall the past at all.

“When are you going to… When are you going to find Silla?” Tucker looked at him gossiping, interested in this question, “Also, when are you going to go into her bedroom to have a look?”

“It has nothing to do with you.” William was indifferent like an ice sculpture.

“Okay, you said it has nothing to do with me, then I won’t help you deal with Silla’s affairs.” Tucker pretended to leave, regardless of these things.

“I saw her yesterday.” William couldn’t help but clenched his fist.

Tucker stopped, immediately turned around with a smile, and walked to William’s desk, “How do you feel?”

William did not answer.

“Okay, don’t tease you, I’ll stop all the newspapers today, and then threaten the program crew. Can you see this okay?” Tucker waved the newspaper in his hand, “People who want to read the newspaper Not much.”

“Well, go.” William thought this method was very good.

“Thanks to you, Xiao Jingzi will retreat for you first. If you have something to do, you call me here regardless of time and place!” Tucker said in a sorrowful manner and left.

William put down the pen in his hand, stretched out his hand and pressed his temple wearily.

He clearly remembered how fast his heartbeat was when he saw Silla yesterday. If he hadn’t felt that he was alive since he woke up after a car accident, then after seeing Silla, he suddenly felt that he was really real. Still alive.

Chapter 171


Silla lay on the hospital bed and thought a lot. She wanted to quit the show, but she had already signed a contract with Aiyu. I am afraid that she can quit if she wants to.

She sighed feebly and closed her eyes.

I don’t know who ran into something in the hallway. I only heard a nurse shouting, “Uncle Liu, where is your son? Go back to the hospital bed and lie down.”

When Silla heard this, she suddenly thought of Jacob Liu, and the figure of Jacob Liu appeared in her mind.

She didn’t hate Jacob Liu as much as she did to William, but she still didn’t want to think about it. After all, everything in the Lu family had nothing to do with her.

Silla relaxed her body again, not allowing herself to think wildly.

However, as soon as she closed her eyes again, she thought of the small house she saw in that suburb yesterday. The figure of the person locked in it was actually very similar to that of Jacob Liu!

Could it be…

But shouldn’t Jacob Liu be with William all the time, how could he be locked up?

Silla carefully recalled that when he saw William yesterday, it seemed that there was no Jacob Liu by his side, and he was replaced by another young person.

Her palms couldn’t help but squeeze. Could it be that William locked up Jacob Liu?

Silla thought about it, but she always felt something was wrong. She was worried about the safety of Jacob. The first reaction was to go to the police station to call the police.

After she ran to the police station alone, she found a police comrade who was not very busy.

“Uncle Police, if someone locks up another person, is it illegal?” Silla asked.


“It’s just that I accidentally ran to a small house in the suburbs that day, and then there were several people guarding around them, and there was a person inside, much like someone I know.” Silla said word by word.

“Why do you want to go to the suburbs? Why can you see that small house?” The police have seen too many suspicious people. Generally, they think too much, and no crime has happened.

“I…I just walked there inexplicably, and then suddenly it rained, and I hid on the edge of that little house.” Silla didn’t know how to say why she ran there, she couldn’t say because she saw it. People who don’t want to see.

“Perhaps others are hiding from the rain?” The policeman laughed. “Little girl, you have misread it. If there are people in that small house, how could you find them, or that there are no people passing by? Did you find it?”

“But…” Silla really felt that someone was locked in there. “When I got back from a taxi there, the driver also said that someone was locked in…”

The police did not expect that there were other witnesses, “You said you know the detainee?”

“I just feel like it, but not sure.”

“What is your name?”

Silla suddenly forgot, she really didn’t know the name of Jacob Liu, “I don’t know what his name is…”

The policeman glanced at her inexplicably, “Didn’t you say you know him?”

“We all call him Jacob Liu, who is the steward of the Lu Group.” Silla hopes that the police can find out what he said.

The police stunned, “The person you mentioned has been missing for a month. Are you sure you saw him? Think about it again.”

Silla originally hoped that the person who was locked up was not Jacob Liu, but when the police said that, her heart was tense, and she was ninety-nine percent sure that Jacob Liu was locked in the small house.

Silla went blank for a moment, she instinctively ran out without even answering the police.

Looking back on the way back yesterday, she kept walking forward based on memory. I don’t know why, she felt very tired after walking for so long today, but she didn’t feel it after walking so long yesterday.

Silla’s feet were so painful, her shoes were worn during dance training, and the soles were very thin, and they were a bit torn after a long walk.

The heel is also bleeding.

Fortunately, she finally found the place where she came yesterday. There were still four or five people guarding the small house.

Silla avoided their sight and wanted to go around from behind, but they didn’t expect to see it.

Those few people all met Silla yesterday, because Silla’s looks are so outstanding that it is easy to remember her, so they all know that she was very curious about this little house yesterday.

“Stop!” Suddenly someone scolded!

Silla panicked and turned around!

But after all, she was a girl, and she was still caught by those big guys. One of them covered Silla’s mouth, ran back effortlessly on her shoulders, and then entered the small house.

Silla struggled frantically, exhausted his strength, but it was all in vain.

That person put Silla down, and Silla had a chance to breathe.

“What are you going to do sneakily?” the man interrogated.

“Passing by.” Silla increased her vigilance. She is now on the first floor of the house. It is a little dark inside, but it seems like the driver said yesterday that someone lived here before and was bought later.

She looked at the stairway leading to the second floor from the corner of the eye, where a door was blocked.

“Where do you live nearby?”

Silla didn’t know what names were nearby, so she made up one casually, “I live in Leshan.”

“Nonsense! There is no Leshan here, what are you doing here!” The man stepped forward, trying to beat others.

Silla took a few steps back in fear, his eyes gradually seeping fear.

The man immediately understood after seeing Silla’s eyes. He frowned and looked at the stairs on the second floor subconsciously, “Are you here for someone?”

“I…I don’t…” How could Silla admit it!

“Do you know him?” the man continued to ask.

“No… I don’t know…”

“Do you know who I am talking about? Just say that you don’t know! You dare to say that you didn’t come to find someone!” The man took out the twine and immediately dragged Silla over without any pity.

“Since you are here to find him, go up and accompany him!” The man easily picked up Silla, then took out the key from his pocket and opened the door to the second floor.

Without saying anything, he threw Silla in.

Silla fell heavily to the floor, taking a breath of pain.

“Miss Silla?” A slightly old voice came from behind.

Silla turned around abruptly and saw the already gray-haired housekeeper Liu standing in front of the window in a daze.

“It’s really you!” Silla got up from the ground and looked at him incredulously.

Although Jacob Liu is already fifty years old, she looked very energetic before, and she is not fifty years old at all, but now she is a half-old person.

Silla suddenly felt a little pain, a kind of distress for the younger generation to the elders.

Chapter 172

“Miss Silla, you… why are you locked in?” Jacob’s voice trembled.

“I came here by accident yesterday. I think the person standing in this room is you, so I came to confirm today. I didn’t expect it to be discovered.” Silla’s feet were sore, she found a chair to sit on. under.

“Miss Silla…you…ah…” Jacob Liu hesitated to say something. He didn’t expect that the first person to find him was Silla. He stood in front of the window and waited for William to rescue him every day. , But I can’t wait anyway.

“Housekeeper Liu, why are you locked here? Who locked you here?” Silla was very curious about this.

“It’s Lu Ziran.” Jacob began to think about what happened a month ago.

Silla sat aside and listened quietly.

“One month ago, that was the night Miss Silla entered the police station because of a fight, I wanted to go in and find you, but when I got to the door, I was stopped. Lu Ziran seemed to have done everything a long time ago. He guessed that you would go to the police station. He guessed I would go to you.”

Jacob sighed slightly, “Then he locked me in the car and took my mobile phone.”

“Later, I seemed to see the young master coming. I tried desperately to escape, but I was knocked out by them.”

“After waking up, I was locked up here, guarded by five people every day, and food was delivered every day.”

Silla suddenly thought of the heavy rain that night, she was embarrassed and howled at William, she hated him very much at the time.

“Housekeeper Liu, didn’t he come to you?” Silla smiled bitterly, she almost forgot, how could someone like William have feelings.

Everyone thinks that Jacob Liu is someone William can’t live without, his personal steward, his right-hand man, and his right-hand man. But now it turns out that if one day William no longer needs it, then he will have everything. It’s not.

Just like Silla herself, it was ridiculous that she used to think she was the closest person to William.

“I guess Young Master must have gotten his foot in the way, or… he didn’t know that I was kidnapped.” Jacob Liu looked out the window lightly.

Silla sneered, “Housekeeper Liu, don’t lie to yourself, it’s been a month. If he wants to come, he will come long ago.”

“No, miss, you have misunderstood the young master.” Jacob Liu said swearingly, “The young master grew up with me, I understand.”

Silla didn’t say much, “Then wait, I bet he won’t come.”

“He will.”

Silla didn’t speak anymore, her heel was so painful, only after she took off her shoes, she realized that she was bleeding.

She threw the shoes aside and let her feet rest.

It was getting late, and Silla slowly felt a little chill.

She looked at Jacob Liu, who was still standing in front of the glass, looking outside, motionless.

“Housekeeper Liu, why do you always stand there?” Silla asked curiously.

“This way the young master can see me.” Jacob Liu turned around, and his voice suddenly became quieter. “Miss, it’s time for dinner soon. It was a young girl who came to deliver the meal. go.”

Silla was taken aback, her eyes rolled, and she immediately understood, “You mean, you want me to pretend to be that girl later?”

“Yes, young lady, I have been observing for a month. Every time they have dinner, they will eat on the first floor. Sometimes they drink some wine. I can hear them talking. Every time the girl who delivered the meal, they I won’t care.” Jacob Liu came to the spirit, and hope flashed in his eyes, “Miss, we will detain that girl later, you put on her clothes and escape quickly.”

“Housekeeper Liu, what about you? If they find out that I am no longer there, what will you do?” Silla was worried about him.

“Miss, don’t worry, they won’t go to the second floor at night. I only ask the young lady to help me find the young master after she goes out.” Jacob looked at Silla expectantly. He was locked here for too long. Feeling flustered every day.

Silla’s face stiffened, she didn’t want to go to William.

“I called the police before I came, and I told the police about all this after I went out. As for William’s place…”

“Miss, it’s better to turn this matter into a trivial matter. If the police really find me, they will find out that Lu Ziran is the mastermind, and Lu Ziran is William’s own cousin. This kind of thing is not good for the Lu family. .” Jacob Liu explained painfully.

Silla thought it over, and finally nodded.

Suddenly, there was a sound of inserting a key in the door.

Silla held his breath, but Mr. Liu walked to the door immediately, waiting for the opportunity.

After the girl who delivered the meal opened the door, she was shocked when she saw Silla, and the movement in her hand paused. At this moment, the housekeeper Liu quickly pulled the girl in and covered her mouth.

“Girl, he won’t hurt you, don’t be afraid.” Silla said nervously.

Jacob’s eyes signaled Silla to take off her coat quickly, and Silla’s hands trembled. She had never done anything like this before, and she was still very scared.

Soon, Silla put on the girl’s coat, and then walked out of the room with the bag containing the meal.

She walked down the stairs. In the living room, five men were forming a table for dinner. Just as Mr. Liu guessed, their tables were full of wine.

“Hey, you guys, this job is really easy! Someone delivers food and drinks every day!”

“Yeah, I don’t know who the boss is behind the scenes. It is estimated that the money will not be used up. Otherwise, how could we give such a high salary to people like us.”

Several people began to discuss.

Silla’s heart was so scared that she almost reached her throat, she cautiously went downstairs, found the door, and was about to go out.

“Wait a minute!” Suddenly someone stopped her!

Silla’s body trembled, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

“Beauty, why didn’t you send me the cucumber I asked you to give it yesterday?” The man’s tone was not very good.

Silla didn’t dare to speak, as long as she spoke, there was a 90% chance of being heard.

As time passed, Silla just stuck in place, cold sweat oozing out.

“You speak, what’s the matter with you!” The man pushed aside the stool and was about to walk over.

Silla tightened the collar, she was ready to run out at the fastest speed!

“Hey, hey, come back! Isn’t this taking cucumbers! You drank too much and didn’t see it!” At the most critical moment, someone seemed to be a rescuer and stopped him.

The man turned around, looked at the cucumber on the table, scratched his head, and muttered, “Is it true that I drank too much?”

Everyone at the table laughed at him, and the atmosphere instantly returned to the original.

Silla seized this good opportunity and immediately went out.

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