Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 167 – 169

Read Chapter 167 – 169 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 167

“If it hadn’t been for Henry to call me, I wouldn’t know that you are already a star.” Silla held a well-packed wooden lunch box in his hand.

He held it up, “Your supper.”

“I called Henry Chu to ask what you like to eat, but he said he wouldn’t let me worry about it, and he would take care of your dinner.” Li Ge said, “So I sent someone to deliver the food!”

“Okay, you can eat. I’m going home from get off work. Remember to pack my luggage tonight. I have to move here tomorrow night.” Li Ge reminded.

Silla responded.

Silla took Silla into the car. Silla just wanted to open the lunch box, but Silla stopped him, “Wait a minute.”

“What’s the matter?” Silla thought it was some kind of food that couldn’t be opened like this.

“I’ll take you to the store to eat, eat fresh.” Silla suggested.

“Okay.” Silla felt very comfortable with Silla, and was naturally willing to go to his restaurant for dinner.

After that, he put the lunch box aside.

Silla drove very steadily, not impatiently, and there was a faint scent of vegetation in the car, which was very comfortable. Silla would feel better after smelling it.

“Have you finished reading those books?” When Henry Chu called Silla before, he specifically asked not to mention Henry Chu’s injury, so Silla went to talk about other topics.

“Not yet, I have been busy recently.” Because the car is very quiet, Silla spoke very quietly, but he heard clearly.

“Well, you can find me if you finish reading, and I will bring you a few more copies next time I go to Japan.”

Silla sniffed the faint scent of the car with peace of mind. Since she broke off with William, she has never smelled any more comfortable smell.

“Silla, the smell in your car smells so good.” Silla said involuntarily.

Silla smiled, “This is my brother’s fragrance, I like it very much, so I took some.”

“Do you like it too? I’ll give you some. There are still scented candles of this flavor in the store.”

Silla wanted it very much, but was afraid that she would be too polite, “Really?”

“There is a saying in China that sharing is a virtue.” Silla thought for a long time before remembering how to say this sentence in Chinese.

Silla looked at him struggling to speak, couldn’t help but smile secretly, this reaction just caught Silla’s eyes, Silla blushed.

“Where did you hear this?” Silla looked at him curiously.

“Henry taught me that he came while I was eating. A piece of tuna that I was about to eat was suddenly caught by him. I asked him why he wanted to snatch my things. He told me seriously and shared It’s a virtue.”

Silla couldn’t help but smiled: “It really looks like something he did!”

“He taught me a lot of Chinese language, and I will talk to you later when I have a chance.” Silla had already drove the car to the door of the store.

Silla nodded and got out of the car.

I don’t know what day it is today. There are many customers in Silla’s shop. Even Silla was shocked when he saw it.

The two of them stood outside the store and couldn’t squeeze in. “There was no one when I went out just now, so why suddenly there were so many people.”

Silla had to take Silla in from the grocery room at the back door, because he usually cooks many dishes by Silla himself. The staff are all Chinese, and they almost don’t know how, so the new customers in the store will do it after ordering. After sitting and waiting for a long time, some started to lose their temper.

When the clerk saw Silla coming back, he almost cried, “Boss! You are finally back! We call you without answering, we don’t know what to do!”

Silla didn’t know what happened, “Speak slowly.”

“It seems that a few days ago there was a food show who visited our store, and then somehow it became an online celebrity store…”

Silla was surprised: “Explore the shop?”

“It probably means that a group of people on food shows go around looking for delicious restaurants and post them online.”

Silla looked at Silla. She had heard the word, “Silla, go ahead.”

A few more shop assistants came from behind, all sweating profusely, probably because they were urged by the customers, they all came to call Silla.

Fortunately, Silla’s shop has a private small room, which can be regarded as Silla’s study room. Ordinary guests would not bring it in. Silla took Silla into the small room.

The decoration of this small room is almost exactly the same as that of Silla’s home in Japan. There is also a neat row of bookshelves, and the fragrance of books is blowing.

“Silla, wait for me here, you can read the book first.” Silla pointed to the top row, “Except for the top row, you can read it casually.”

“Okay, you go quickly.” Silla replied, she liked it very much.

“By the way, the fragrance you like is in the drawer of the desk, you can take it out and put it on.”

After all, Silla saw that Silla seemed to be relaxed here, so he was willing to go out to work on the store.

There was only Silla in the small room. She walked to the bookshelf and politely ignored the books in the top row. She started reading from the second row, but the top row was attracted by a small sticker. She was.

“Henry Chu has a collection of books, so please don’t move.” Silla said lightly.

She didn’t expect that Henry Chu still had so many books here. She couldn’t help thinking that Henry Chu had never read any books properly, and she was suddenly very curious about what books his collection was.

Silla struggled for a long time. On the one hand, he was polite and didn’t touch it casually. On the other hand, it didn’t matter. Anyway, it was the choice of Henry Chu’s book. The two choices made back and forth. Later, Silla chose to take a look.

She stood on tiptoe and smoked a book, but didn’t finish it, only smoked a half, only to see a picture of a Japanese woman on the cover!


Silla’s body shuddered and immediately stuffed it back.

I knew that Henry Chu could not read books seriously! They turned out to be books that I couldn’t take out to read!

Silla glanced at the top row with disgust, and didn’t even want to endure the entire bookshelf.

She walked to Silla’s desk, opened the drawer, and saw two scented candles, which smelled exactly like Silla’s car.

She took out one of them and lit it with the lighter next to her. Gradually, the reassuring smell began to emanate. Silla sat down and lay on the table, watching the candle flame in front of her start to wonder.

I don’t know how long it took, and I was a little sleepy, and fell asleep accidentally.

She had a dream, the scene that was almost burnt to death before, she felt the hot anger, and she desperately wanted to escape.


Silla suddenly woke up, only then did she realize that the flame she was holding had burned her long hair!

Silla stood up from the chair in a panic, and then instinctively rushed to the pinch of flames burning in her hair with her hands, only to accidentally burn her hands.

Chapter 168

Fortunately, the fire in the hair was extinguished.

The palm of Silla’s palm was hot and flushed, and it had reached the level of blistering. At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, Silla walked in with a sashimi, and was shocked to see Silla who was embarrassed.

Then she realized that her hair was burnt and she was still smoking.

Silla hurriedly put down the plate and asked, “How are you?”

Silla’s painful eyes were a little red, and she stretched out her hands, “My hands…”

Silla took a look and hurriedly took ice cubes and put them on her.

“Why is it hot? Because of the candles?” Silla glanced at the scented candles still burning on the table.

“I accidentally fell asleep on the table just now. I didn’t notice.” Silla’s palm was iced with ice and almost lost consciousness.

Silla didn’t go too busy, just watching her apply ice cubes. Five minutes later, Silla asked her to remove the ice cubes. Fortunately, there were no bubbles.

“Silla, go ahead, it should be all right.” Silla felt it, her palms no longer hurt.

“I kept a copy of sea urchin for you, and a smaller king crab. I will send it to you later.” Silla’s eyes are serious to confirm whether Silla’s palm is really OK. , After confirming it, I can leave without worry.

Silla patted her forehead with the back of her hand, really stupid! It’s really shameful to burn my hair just now!

She pushed the candle farther away to make sure she wouldn’t be stupid enough to touch it again.

Maybe it was the reason why I felt hungry in my stomach, so Silla ate a piece of salmon first and then cut it.

The ingredients in Mutuo’s shop are the freshest, and the taste is really good.

After a while, Silla came in with sea urchins and king crabs, and Silla was already drooling.

She just took a mouthful of sea urchin when her phone rang suddenly.

It was an unfamiliar number. Silla’s first reaction was that William changed the number to call, and her heart immediately jumped to her throat.

The first call was not answered, but it kept ringing. Silla was beside him. Silla was embarrassed to hang up and had no choice but to connect.

She didn’t speak, listen to what was said over there first.

“Silla, I heard that Annie called you to come to see me today. You don’t want to come?” A voice that made people startled.

Silla heard it, it was Gu Lan.

Her face instantly turned pale, and her chopsticks trembled.

“Come to see me during the day tomorrow, if I don’t come, I will” Gu Lan deliberately dragged the tail tone, and then hung up the phone.

Silla’s nervous and scared expressions were all reflected in Silla’s eyes. Silla cared, “What happened?”

“No…nothing…” The knot in Silla’s heart slowly tightened again, she was holding on to tears, and she could no longer eat food.

“Silla, I have something else to do. I’ll leave first, thank you today.” Silla got up and got ready to leave.

“Wait a minute!” Silla stopped her.

“Take this candle with you, but remember to blow it out when you are not at home.”

Silla handed the scented candle to Silla, “I will send someone to take you back.”

Silla took the candle, “No need Mutuo, I’ll take a taxi and go back by myself. Thank you very much today.”

Silla left after speaking, Silla didn’t force her to stay, standing still looking at her back, for a long while.

After Silla got home, she lay exhausted on the sofa. Li Ge sent a text message to remind her to pack her luggage, but she didn’t want to move at all.

She now feels that the safest place is in her own house, and out of this house, there will be danger everywhere.

She closed her eyes, relaxed and began to cry, only when she was at home, she dared to do this.

Silla slept on the sofa all night, and it was almost noon when she woke up.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Gu Lan almost burst her phone.

Silla turned over and looked at the ceiling. She was hesitating whether to go to the hospital to see him.

Gu Lan said that he had her video on his phone, but she was skeptical.

After many weighings, Silla finally decided to go, not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, if the girl in white clothes in the last video on the Gulan phone is really her, everything will be over if she does not go.

After arriving at the hospital, Silla plucked up the courage to push open the door of the ward.


All kinds of flashes and microphones are about to drown her!

“Silla, what is the relationship between you and Gu Lan?” A reporter asked first.

“Excuse me, do you rely on Gu Lan to walk through the back door when you enter Aiyu Company?”

Silla was stunned on the spot, at a loss!

“Are you two really together? Or hype?”

Silla twisted her eyebrows and suddenly felt something was wrong! There weren’t so many reporters when I visited Gu Lan with Annie yesterday? Even if there is, is the question asked the same as the one asked her?

Gu Lan blasted her phone and threatened her to come today. What is her heart?

“I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Silla watched everything in front of her warily.

“Silla’s personality is very introverted. Ask me if you have any questions.” Gu Lan lying on the hospital bed suddenly said.

The reporters shifted their targets and walked to the bed.

“Gu Lan, you have been having scandals over the past few years, are you really together with newly promoted Xiaohuadan Silla this time?”

Gu Lan smiled, “I choose not to answer this kind of question.”

When the reporters on the scene heard this sentence, they all understood in seconds.

The more Silla listened, the more he felt that something was wrong. What did he mean by the words?

She couldn’t stay here anymore, turned around and left. She was sure that Gu Lan called her today to be a conspiracy.

Silla returned home and quickly packed her luggage. After all, the most important thing now is to move to the dormitory of the draft company.

Li Geyi came to pick her up and sent her there.

The place where I live is a big detached house, and there is a big yard with a karaoke room and a dance studio. I will live in it for the next week.

Silla is a person who doesn’t like changing the environment very much. She used a lot of days to get used to it when she moved, and she never had a good night’s sleep when she traveled to Japan. Now it is deliberately difficult for her to move in for a week.

Brother Li helped her move the luggage to her room, where two people live in the same room, and her roommate is Tiantian.

Silla didn’t expect to live with two people, she hesitated for a moment, and instantly wanted to retreat.

She doesn’t want to live with others.

Sweet came earlier than her. After seeing Silla, he rushed to hug her and smiled sweetly: “Oh, it’s really you! I’m still worried about having a bad relationship with my roommate! Fortunately, it is you!”

Silla never liked being touched by others, and subconsciously broke free, Tiantian didn’t think there was anything, but laughed sweeter than anyone else.

“Silla, I will leave the things for you.” Li Ge was about to leave, Silla immediately followed.

Chapter 169

She said embarrassedly, “Brother Li, I…I’m not used to living with others, do you have a room for one person?”

“This is not our company. If it is our company, you can sleep in a whole building by yourself. Now you are on someone else’s site and you have to obey other people’s rules.” Li Ge thinks Silla is a little hypocritical.” It will be over after a few days, I believe you can.”

“Brother Li…I” Silla wanted to say something, but had no chance.

“Silla, from the moment you stepped in the door, there were many cameras shooting, you must remember not to be special, otherwise it will be offensive to the audience.” Li Ge whispered to her.

Silla looked around, and sure enough, many cameras were hidden in every corner.

“Okay, I’m leaving now, you go on.”

Silla watched him leave weakly, and suddenly felt that she was locked in a cage with countless eyes staring at her around her.

She went back to the bedroom dejectedly, Tiantian was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, her voice was loud.

Silla didn’t say a word and started packing up and taking the things out of the suitcase. After a while, a staff member sent a card with what to do tonight.

“We start preparing dinner at five o’clock in the evening, and everyone prepares two dishes, and then dinner starts at 6:30 punctually.” Tian Tian said the request.

“Silla, can you cook?” Tiantian asked curiously.

“I won’t… how about you?” Silla hardly knew how to cook.

Tiantian pouted, “Me too, what should I do!”

“Search for recipes, while you still have time, hurry up and read the recipes.” Tiantian stopped playing games and began to concentrate on searching for recipes on her mobile phone.

Silla had to search together, found two relatively simple dishes, and began to get the recipes and steps seriously.

Five o’clock arrived soon, and the two of them went downstairs together and found that everyone else was already busy.

But the kitchen is so big, ten people are really squeezed here, Tiantian has a lively personality, she just squeezed in, but Silla stood aside, very embarrassed.

She didn’t squeeze, and she didn’t squeeze either. It was as if the girls who squeezed in the kitchen were all harmonious, except for her.

What I didn’t expect was that because of being too crowded, a girl lost her temper.

“Don’t squeeze! What’s the squeeze!” The girl smashed the vegetables she was washing on the cutting board.

The reason was that when she was washing the vegetables, another girl suddenly came to wash the vegetables, but she couldn’t wash them at all.

Silla took a few steps back, a little panic. He didn’t expect to start quarreling just a few hours after coming here, so can he get along well in the next week?

“What are you calling? The program group stipulated that it should be completed before half past six, what can we do!” The other girl was not to be outdone.

As a result, the two girls quarreled with each other and then started fighting without saying a few words!

Silla looked at the scene in shock, and subconsciously glanced at the surrounding cameras and photographers. This…this is all recorded, why are they doing this…

“Ah!” With a sudden scream, an innocent girl was knocked to the ground by the fighting man. It didn’t matter. The girls in the whole kitchen were like dominoes, and they all fell down.

There is only one person standing in the audience, that is Silla…


What should I do……

Silla hurried to help the girl closest to her, but was turned on fiercely, “Don’t touch me!”

Silla’s worried gaze suddenly stopped. She was kind to help, but she didn’t expect to be rejected by others. If she doesn’t need it, then leave.

Silla went back to the bedroom directly regardless of whether she was cooking or not. She doesn’t think participating in this show is a very important thing.

Instead, she didn’t like it very much.

Until 6:30, Tiantian knocked on the door and said that she was going to eat, and Silla went downstairs.

The dining table is full of rich dishes, and photographers are shooting around the table.

Silla sat next to Tiantian, and Tiantian pointed her her own cooking to her, and whispered, “Quickly taste the rice I cooked. I just tried it. It tastes pretty good!”

Silla smiled faintly, followed the look of sweet anticipation, took a piece and tasted it, the taste was a little hard to say.

“How can you eat if you didn’t cook?” Suddenly, a girl looked at Silla and said unceremoniously.

Silla was taken aback, she put down her chopsticks and looked at her indifferently, but said nothing.

“Hey, are you that Bai Qihua’s daughter?” Suddenly another girl pointed to Silla’s nose and said to everyone, “I said, why do you see her so familiar? Do you remember that it was reported in the news before, Bai Da liar? ‘S daughter, that’s her!”

“Oh no!”

“How can she be an entertainer in this capacity… His father is down, so does she come to rely on her face to make money?”

The whole table began to murmur, all accusing and sarcasm Silla. The cameramen around hadn’t held back and looked at Silla deliberately.

Silla never minded that she was Bai Qihua’s daughter. As long as she didn’t admit it, Bai Qihua would not be her father.

She didn’t care about such words anymore, there was no expression on her face, her eyes drooped, and she quietly looked at the dishes on the table.

“You…really Bai Qihua’s daughter?” Tiantian cautiously asked.

Sillayun looked at her calmly, although she was watching her say, but she also told the whole table, “I am an orphan.”

The girl sitting directly opposite Silla has been watching Silla, but Silla always feels that she is looking through herself and behind her.

“Do you know where your father is now?” the girl across from him suddenly asked.

“I said, I’m an orphan.” Silla curled her eyebrows, she vaguely felt something was wrong, following the girl’s eyes, she suddenly turned her head.

The director behind the largest camera was holding a teleprompter with the question written on it.

Silla realized that all of this was derived!

Although there was countless disgust and anger in her heart, she still turned around calmly, as if she hadn’t seen anything.

Everyone knew that Silla had discovered the teleprompter, especially the director, so the teleprompter was put away, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

After dinner, everyone agreed that Silla should do the dishes, because she was the only one who did not cook at night.

So, everyone except Tiantian went back to the bedroom.

Silla looked at Tiantian gratefully, but she did not expect that she would help her wash the dishes together.

Looking at the bowls piled up in front of him, Silla felt a little melancholy.

Her palm was scalded last night, and it hurts when she scratches something today, so things like washing dishes are a bit difficult.

Seeing it sweetly, she immediately let her rest aside, “You haven’t worked at home? If you can’t, I’ll do it.”

Just as Silla wanted to explain, she saw Tiantian put on headphones.

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