Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 158 – 160

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Chapter 158

“I remember you, did you notify the parents of the patient named Henry Chu?” The nurse turned around and pointed to the charter, and said, “You young people have been fighting to death and went to the hospital. Don’t tell the parents, wait. what?”

As soon as Mia Zeng stepped into the elevator, she ran out when she heard these words.

The regulations constantly winked at the nurses, with an extremely begging look.

But the head nurse did not understand, nor did he want to understand, “Hurry up and notify the parents, otherwise I will find a way to notify!”

Mia Zeng rushed over, “I’m here to inform!”

“Don’t mix up!” The charter was a little angry, “This matter has nothing to do with you. Don’t be troublesome. Henry Chu already hates you. Don’t make him annoy him when he sees you. You don’t want to be this way, right? ?”

The more Mia Zeng heard such extreme words, the more she couldn’t help it. She took out her mobile phone unconvinced, stared at the regulations and said: “I will call Aunt Chu now, and I will tell you the regulations. When Aunt Chu comes, I’ll tell her that you got into the hospital in a fight, and you didn’t tell her without telling her.”

“You are responsible for the consequences of the matter!” Mia Zeng dialed Liana’s phone without saying a word.

“That’s right, you are still young, you must inform the parents of something, the children’s family, the truth.” The head nurse glanced at the charter, “Learn more about girls, and be careful!”

The charter almost cried, and he wished to punch the head nurse to shut her up!

Maybe it was too late, Liana didn’t answer the phone, Mia Zeng made a few more calls, and finally the call was connected.

“Aunt Chu! Henry Chu is in hospital!” Mia Zeng shouted anxiously. She was actually very anxious in her heart, not knowing what Henry Chu was doing now.

“What!” Chu’s mother on the other end of the phone immediately got up from the bed, took Chu’s father and went out to drive, all wearing pajamas.

“I don’t know what happened. Auntie, come on, I will send you the address.”

After the phone was hung up, Mia Zeng sent the address to Liana.

The regulations seemed to fall off, shrugging shoulders, feeling helpless.

“Which ward is Henry Chu in?” Mia Zeng asked.

The charter closed his eyes weakly, and slowly stretched out his arm to point to the ward at the far end.

“You lied to me. I just saw that I was not there.” Mia Zeng didn’t understand why it was for this purpose, and the regulations were still lying to her.

“Believe it or not.” With a bitter face against the charter, he leaned helplessly against the wall, and squatted down along the wall tired.

“You take me.” Mia Zeng walked to him, “We are also classmates anyway. As long as you take me, I won’t tell Aunt Chu that you are hiding from her.”

The regulations raised his head and his eyes were covered with red blood. He knew that there was no way to hide things, but if the regulations really led Mia Zeng over, it would be a betrayal of Henry Chu.

At this time, the head nurse spoke again, “It’s in the penultimate room over there.”

Mia Zeng recalled, her face changed drastically, and she exclaimed, “The swollen one is Henry Chu!”

“God! How could this happen!” Mia Zeng pulled up the charter and asked, “What the hell did you do? Why did Henry Chu become like that? Why did he get hospitalized but you didn’t?”

The charter’s face was pale, he opened Mia Zeng’s hand, “I don’t know.”

Mia Zeng’s breathing became rapid, she ran over immediately, opened the door of the ward, and walked in to find that the person lying on the bed was really Henry Chu!

“Henry Chu! You…you…” Mia Zeng’s eyes flushed and she almost cried. She walked to Henry Chu’s bed and couldn’t bear to see what Henry Chu looked like now.

“I have called Aunt Chu, and they will be there soon. Don’t worry, take care of it.”

Henry Chu didn’t expect to see Mia Zeng at this time, especially when he heard that his parents were coming, he was very angry. Although there was no expression on his face, his voice was cold.


Mia Zeng didn’t pay attention to what he said. The ill-fated statute also entered the door of the ward, but he didn’t dare to go inside.

Henry Chu looked at the regulations and couldn’t wait to eat him!

After a while, both Chu’s mother and Chu’s father rushed over. When they saw Henry Chu’s appearance, the two elders couldn’t hold back, Chu’s mother cried, and Chu’s eyes were red.

Henry Chu saw that his parents were crying, and his eyes were flushed with redness. He was angry and funny, “What are you crying? I’m not dead!”

Henry Chu didn’t know how badly he was swollen now. He thought he was still handsome now, but seeing the appearance of each of them, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

“I’m f*cking disfigured or something?” Henry Chu looked at the regulations, “Give me a mirror.”

The regulations glanced at Chu’s mother. Chu’s mother nodded slightly to indicate her consent. The regulations took a mirror and handed it to Henry Chu’s hand.

When Henry Chu saw herself in the mirror, she suddenly couldn’t hold herself up, “Damn! Who the hell is this!”

When I got excited, my face hurts even more, and the stitches on my body also hurt.

Henry Chu was full of thoughts that he had clearly guarded his head at the time, why was he still swollen like this ghost?

No… the head was guarding, not the face…

Mia Zeng handed Liana some paper towels, Liana cleaned her tears, and asked, “What is going on here?”

“I don’t know… It just so happened that I was in the hospital, and when I saw Xiao Cheng, he brought me to Henry Chu.” Mia Zeng glanced at the regulations, and she didn’t tell them about the regulations.

The tense palms of the regulations were sweaty, but now I finally feel a little living space.

“Xiaocheng, are you fighting again?” Liana never liked Henry Chu’s friends, but fortunately, the charter is not the kind of bad boy. He still has a very good mind and always plays with Henry Chu, so yes He didn’t have any comments, but the most unacceptable thing was to fight with two people together.

“Mom, I fought by myself. If it weren’t for Xiaocheng, I’m afraid I would be killed.” Henry Chu said.

“Why are you fighting? You are so old, why are you so ignorant?” Liana’s eyes were red again, “You can’t make yourself like this in a fight… You look like your dad. How uncomfortable…”

Chu’s mother cried more and more, but she couldn’t stop at the end. Mia Zeng comforted her and recovered after a long time.

“It’s not what I want to fight. Someone provokes me, but I didn’t expect them to be crowded, so I’m the only one. That’s why.” Henry Chu said with an extremely disdainful attitude. He is now trying his best. Cover up the truth of the matter.

But Chu’s mother and Chu’s father are Henry Chu’s parents after all. The movements of Henry Chu’s hand betrayed him. Every time he lied, his hand would involuntarily grasp and then his thumb would rub his index finger.

Dad Chu discovered this for the first time, and immediately realized that the matter was not as simple as Henry Chu said. Knowing that he must be hiding it.

Chapter 159

The bylaws shrank from the side, daring not to say a word, with his back against the wall, trying to find a suitable posture to conceal his tension.

“Xiaocheng, come on.” Dad Chu took a deep look at Henry Chu, then turned around and asked about the regulations.

Henry Chu immediately winked at the regulations against the swollen face.

The bylaws were agitated and stuttered, “Uncle…Um…I really don’t know what happened. It was he who called me and I went to find him. I found out that he was beaten like this… …”

“Xiaocheng, thanks to you, otherwise I might not know what this child is still being beaten into. Since childhood, Henry has not made people worry and caused troubles everywhere.” Liana sighed sadly, “Before that dead girl broke her leg. Since then, I have been particularly afraid that Ash will be hurt, and now I am… alas…”

When Dad Chu heard Ma Chu talking about the dead girl, she was clearly talking about Silla. Dad Chu was shocked. This time Henry Chu’s accident will not be related to William’s woman again?

If it was a normal fight, Dad Chu would definitely not take care of it, but now, in case that girl is really involved, things are no ordinary things.

“Which bar did you fight in?” Chu Dad’s face was calm and his tone was heavy.

Henry Chu grunted impatiently: “Dad, why are you asking so much? Is it possible that you have to help me out!”

“I’m asking you which bar.” Father Chu was angry, and the child became more and more lawless!

Chu’s mother was surprised by the sudden anger of Chu’s father. Chu’s father has always been calm and seldom loses his temper because of Henry Chu’s affairs.

Today, Henry Chu was injured like this, why is he suddenly uncharacteristically?

Dad Chu is Henry Chu’s father after all, and once Henry Chu is so fierce, Henry Chu feels a little fragile.

Henry Chu’s eyes drifted a little. In fact, he was still afraid of his father sometimes, so he didn’t know what to do for a while.

“It doesn’t matter which bar you are in. The most important thing now is to take a good rest and raise it.” Liana took Chu Dad’s hand, “Don’t scare the child.”

Henry Chu said nothing, pretending to be dead.

“I’ll ask you again, which bar did you fight in?” Dad Chu didn’t listen to Mother Chu’s advice at all. Today, I have to figure it out anyway.

Henry Chu still didn’t speak. How could he say the name of the bar? If Dad Chu really went to check, wouldn’t it be that Silla would be found out?

Seeing Henry Chu pretending to be dead, Dad Chu became more determined that this matter must be tricky.

“Is it because of that girl?” Dad Chu suddenly got to the point, and he waited seriously for Henry Chu’s response.

Henry Chu’s nerves were tense, and he didn’t expect to be able to guess that it was related to Silla!

When Chu’s mother heard Dad Chu mention that girl, she looked at Henry Chu in shock, her face pale, “Henry Chu, are you still entangled with her?”

“Don’t guess, there is nothing, I said that someone provoke me, I did it.” Henry Chu defended, but things are always getting darker and darker.

The deadliest thing was that Mia Zeng was there.

“Uncle and aunt, are you talking about Silla?” Mia Zeng asked.

“Yes! That’s the dead girl! She is Henry Chu’s nemesis!” Chu’s mother was a little excited when she talked about Silla, and her heart hurts when she thought of the bad things that could no longer be bad.

“Auntie, don’t you know, the two of them are tired of being together every day. Some time ago, Henry Chu and Silla went on a trip to Japan together. Don’t you know about this?” Mia Zeng took advantage of the fire, and quickly added one. Put firewood.

“Is there anything else?” Chu’s mother looked at Mia Zeng incredulously, her face full of surprise, even Chu’s father frowned.

“What nonsense are you talking about, you don’t know what nonsense!” Henry Chu was so excited that he almost sat up from the bed, but he doesn’t have the strength now. “Parents, it’s really not what she said, it’s the regulations and me and Silla. When I went to Japan together, Silla was just going to have fun together, how ambiguous as Mia Zeng said!

Dad Chu’s breathing became rapid. He remembered that most of the company’s equity was robbed by William abruptly. At that time, he felt that his whole life was gloomy. He was already a little bit away from that Silla, but he didn’t expect… Not only don’t keep a distance, but also travel together…

Father Chu clutched his chest tightly, one did not hold it, and almost fell down. Fortunately, the regulations helped him quickly and he helped Father Chu to the sofa.

“Dad… are you okay…” Henry Chu worried. Dad Chu’s health is not very good now, and he is very afraid of what will happen to Dad Chu.

“You…you…want to piss me off…” Dad Chu started coughing again, and Ma Chu kept giving him comfort.

Because the regulations and Mia Zeng were both present, Dad Chu couldn’t express too much no matter how angry and disappointed he was. He tried hard to keep himself from losing his stance, but he couldn’t resist the physiologically uncomfortable reaction.

Mia Zeng didn’t know if she didn’t wink. Dad Chu was so angry. Not only did she not shut up, she continued to complain: “Silla will really only cause trouble for Henry Chu and bring disaster, uncle and aunt. You really have to take care of him, Silla must have caused Henry Chu to look like this!”

“Mia Zeng, did you say enough! You go quickly!” Henry Chu really annoyed her, “have you not seen my dad doing this anymore? Tell me!”

The charter saw that Henry Chu was so excited, and knew that the current situation was not suitable for staying, so he stepped forward and dragged Mia Zeng, “Quickly stop talking.”

“Mia, you and Xiaocheng should go first, just have me and your uncle watching.” Liana didn’t want Dad Chu’s gaffe to be exposed to outsiders.

“That’s fine, uncle and aunt, we’ll leave first, and see Henry tomorrow.” The charter said politely. He can’t wait to run quickly now, Henry Chu’s mind turns faster than him, he is afraid that he will make a mistake if he is not careful. What to say.

Mia Zeng reluctantly left with the charter.

The two people obviously walked together, but one was on the far left of the aisle and the other was on the far right of the aisle. The two disliked each other, and no one wanted to look at each other.

“You take me.” Mia Zeng said when he arrived at the hospital parking lot.

The regulations were stunned, “Why?”

“I helped you conceal it, shouldn’t you thank me? It’s really cheap for you to send me home.” Mia Zeng got into the car without saying anything, taking the co-pilot’s seat for granted.

The bylaws don’t want to care about so much with her, so just give it away without saying much, “Where is your home?”

“I won’t go back to my house.”

“Are you crazy? You asked me to take you home, and you said you won’t go back to your house, where are you going?”

“Send me to Silla’s house.” Mia Zeng raised her chin.

When I heard the regulations, my heart shook, and the accelerator under my feet involuntarily stepped on my head. Although it was late, because it was an urban road, all the cameras on the road took photos.

Chapter 160

“What are you driving so fast! Do you think you are Henry Chu!” Mia Zeng looked at him in fear. She believed in Henry Chu’s driving skills, but absolutely did not believe in the regulations.

The regulations didn’t realize that he was driving fast, and he didn’t look at the stopwatch. He thought it was only sixty or seventy yards.


Both people saw a police car chasing them from the rear mirror at the same time!

“Damn! What’s the situation!” At the same time he couldn’t understand the situation, and because he didn’t have any seriousness under his feet, he suddenly thought of the previous scenes of killing himself. He was afraid of the police, and involuntarily stepped on the accelerator to the lowest level!

“Articles! Are you crazy! Two hundred and four hundred! Is your brain broken!”

“Ah!” Mia Zeng is going crazy!

The charter only saw the stopwatch at this time, and the speed has already changed to 240…

“What…what’s the situation!” Only then did the charter realize that he was being spotted by the traffic police, so he quickly lowered the speed and stopped, and then the police car surrounded his car to death…

“Get off!” The traffic police got off the police car and pointed to the regulations and Mia Zeng, looking very fierce.

Mia Zeng looked at the regulations helplessly, and almost cried with anger. It was all the fault of the regulations fool!

After the two people got out of the car, they leaned on the body separately after listening to the arrangement. The traffic police first did a simple identity check and found that they were both students and had no bad criminal records.

But the attitude is still fierce, “Why drive so fast?”

“Uncle traffic police, I really didn’t know how fast I drove…” the regulations explained.

“Why ran when you saw us?”

“I didn’t run, I just didn’t know the weight of my feet was no longer heavy. I saw that I was speeding and stopped immediately.”

The traffic police didn’t believe him. The traffic police took a look at Mia Zeng and asked, “Are you trying to pick up girls? Can you drive a sports car on a downtown street?”

“I didn’t! Uncle traffic police, I won’t pick her up!” The regulations were full of suspicion, so he should not have anything to do with Mia Zeng.

“I still dislike you! You are ashamed to say me!” Mia Zengzhan went back, not to be outdone.

The traffic police squinted at them, “Okay, don’t make a noise.”

The two people shut their mouths.

“Exceeding the speed limit by 50%, deduct 12 points and detain the car.” Comrade traffic police drew a bill, then took a tough attitude, handed it to the regulations, and “signed it.”

“Huh?” The charter looked at his car in distress, hesitating for a long time and could only sign it.

Soon, the charter car was towed away, and the traffic police also left. Only charter and Mia Zeng were left on the road.

The two couldn’t understand each other, especially Mia Zeng, who wanted to kill the regulations with his eyes.

“What do you look at! Blame you!” Mia Zeng groaned, frowning.

“Sister, it’s my car that was towed away, not yours. What are you calling at me?” The charter didn’t want to argue with her, so she took out her mobile phone and called a friend, asking her to pick it up.

Then he said, “I called a friend to pick it up, and you also ask your friend to pick it up.”

Where can Mia Zeng go out to pick up her friends in the middle of the night, but she can’t say for the sake of face, so she can only rub the chartered car, “You haven’t taken me to find Silla.”

“Why did you get involved with Silla again, why are you looking for her?”

“I’m afraid she doesn’t know about Henry Chu’s injury? I’m going to tell her this personally so that she will stay away from Henry Chu in the future.” Mia Zeng has never known where to find a breakthrough to make Silla away from Henry Chu. One point, but it’s not easy to have an opportunity now, so I must take it.

The charter did not speak, he had already made a decision in his heart, and when his friend came, he got in the car and left, letting Mia Zeng take a taxi by herself.

After a while, the friend of the charter came in with his car, his eyeballs turned, he got into the car at a fast speed, and then asked his friend to lock the door.

Mia Zeng couldn’t open the door, and immediately became angry, “Regulations!”

The regulations lowered the window, “I called a taxi for you, and I will be there in a while, I will go home first!”

Mia Zeng stomped angrily, but there was no way!

She really wants to drag the charter from the car and kick her dozens of feet!

The more the regulations prevent her from looking for Silla, the more she will look for it. Mia Zeng took out her mobile phone, looked through the high school classmates, and found Silla’s WeChat account.

She had never added Yu Mu’en as a friend, and now she sent a friend notification, but there was no response after waiting for a while.

Mia Zeng thought for a while, and simply asked her old classmates about Silla’s mobile phone number, but after asking about it, they all said that Silla had changed her number, and no one knew her new number.

She went around and finally got Silla’s latest mobile phone number from the monitor of Silla University.

Then proudly pressed the dial key.

It took a long time for Silla to answer the phone, and he didn’t say anything.

“Silla, I’m here to inform you that you caused Henry Chu to enter the hospital twice, and then stay away from Henry Chu.” Mia Zeng unceremoniously got to the point.

There was still no voice on the other end of the phone, and Silla finally spoke when Mia Zeng thought it was because the phone was not connected at all.

“Henry…what’s the matter?” The voice was soft and worried.

Mia Zeng hated Silla’s pitiful appearance the most, and said impatiently: “Henry Chu has many stitches on his body, and his face is already swollen. If you really have a conscience, stay away from him in the future. Caused him to break his leg, and now he was caused to be like this again. Do you feel sorry to touch your own conscience?”

Silla on the other end of the phone seemed a little choked, “He…what the hell…

“What the hell is going on, shouldn’t it be me asking you? What is the reason for him to fight for you?”

Silla was stunned, without words.

Mia Zeng didn’t want to care about so much, anyway, as long as she could keep Silla away from Henry Chu, she just hung up.

And the other end of the city

Silla shrank at the foot of the bed trembling, bent her knees, wrapped her hands on her knees, staring at the phone in a daze.

She has been scared since she returned home. She feels that she can find a trace of security only when she is in the most corner. Her mind is full of Gu Lan’s fearful face.

Silla’s tears welled up. She was pretty sure that Mia Zeng made the call just now, and she couldn’t forget Mia Zeng’s voice and tone.

If what Mia Zeng said is true, then…

Before Henry Chu didn’t go back to find something, but went to fight!

How could she not think of this!

How… how could this…

Silla’s nerves suddenly tightened, and her already tight chest suddenly seemed to be pressed by a boulder, and her breathing became extravagant.

She hurriedly called the charter. If she guessed correctly, she would go to Henry Chu after the charter sent her home.

“Xiaocheng, you… how are you doing?” Silla choked anxiously.

“Ah? We are fine.” The regulations pretended not to know what Silla was talking about.

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