Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 152 – 154

Read Chapter 152 – 154 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 152

Fortunately, the temperature of the soy milk is slightly cool. If Silla chose to heat the soy milk when buying soy milk, I am afraid that her face is already burning and sore.

“Silla” Henry Chu’s voice came from behind.

Silla just took out the tissue, and when he turned his head, he saw Henry Chu running over with a nervous expression on his face, then took the tissue from Silla’s hand and wiped her without hesitation.

“Who did it? I have to get him out and beat him up!” Henry Chu gritted his teeth.

“I’ll do it myself.” Silla felt that it was inappropriate to do this under the public. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she raised her hand to remove Henry Chu’s.

But I didn’t expect that, suddenly I heard a few clicks, Henry Chu and Silla turned their heads at the same time, and found a pair of reporters standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. All of you crowded me were shooting Silla and Henry Chu.

Silla instinctively frowned and avoided, Henry Chu took Silla away from the back door of the restaurant.

“Unexpectedly, they all entered the school.” Henry Chu hurriedly pulled Silla into his car, and stepped on the accelerator and galloped away before the group of reporters could catch up.

“Silla, Brother Li called me just now to let us go to the company, saying it was about signing a contract.”

Silla wiped her hair and collar with a paper towel, but no matter how she wiped it, some of the remaining soy milk was still sticky.

“He said he could shorten the contract period to one year, and I agreed.” Henry Chu said while driving.

Silla didn’t feel much about this, “Okay.”

She was on the stage yesterday, overcoming the fear in her heart. If she really signs the contract, then she is really independent.

When Henry Chu heard Silla’s promise, the corners of his mouth raised, and he was in a particularly good mood, especially when he arrived at the Aiyu Company, he almost jumped away.

This time, not only was Brother Li, but also the other two leaders. They had already seen the potential of Silla last night, and they would never let go.

“Hurry up and sit down.” Li Ge asked Henry Chu and Silla to sit down, and an assistant poured water.

Brother Li showed the contract to them separately, “The contract period has been changed, and you can take a look again, and you can sign it if there is no problem.”

Henry Chu didn’t want to read the densely packed contracts. He went straight to Silla to take a closer look, and simply didn’t open it at all.

After Silla finished reading it, she nodded lightly, “No problem.”

“It’s just” Silla paused, and wondered, “I didn’t mean that I would be a trainee and participate in the show after a period of time. Can I make my debut depend on myself? The contract changed to a direct debut?”

Henry Chu was taken aback, and immediately opened the contract, “Where is it?”

Silla pointed to Henry Chu, “Here.”

“That’s right, because you did a big favor to our company yesterday, and your performance was very good last night, so the two leaders unanimously decided to send you off for your debut. As for Henry Chu,” Li Ge glanced at the leader, “Henry Chu said, because There is already a lot of popularity in racing, and the beauty has crushed many small meats, so after discussing it, we decided to let you two debut together, which is often called CP on the Internet.”

When Silla heard the word CP, William’s face suddenly flashed in her mind. She did not expect that she would think of him at this time, her brows were slightly tightened.

Henry Chu hasn’t said anything. He is very happy about CP’s debut, and he is worried that Silla will disagree.

“Silla?” Henry Chu called her softly, and realized that there was something wrong with her.

“Who is this? Newcomer?” A slightly strong female voice came from behind.

Silla looked back and saw a tall woman with a great body, with a disdainful expression, walking with fragrance.

I seem to have seen it on TV, and I am a little familiar.

“Come on, come on, let me introduce to you.” Li Ge saw that both eyes began to show peach blossoms. Because there were two leaders beside him, he soon suppressed his feelings. .

This woman looks in her twenties, with good skin and delicate skin in every aspect. She unceremoniously sat next to Brother Li, then folded her legs with her hands around her chest, looking at it. .

Li Ge smiled and introduced to Silla and Henry Chu: “Are you all familiar with it? New supermodels have been on variety shows recently.”

Henry Chu looked at it and shook his head, “I haven’t seen it.”

Silla was only familiar with her, but when she heard Henry Chu say that she didn’t know her, she suddenly sneered, “In order to get my eyeballs, I deliberately said that I didn’t know me, it’s a bit far-fetched.”

Henry Chu’s face was black, and his left cheek twitched, “Where are you confident?”

Brother Li didn’t expect that the smell of gunpowder would be planted just after we met, and the two main leaders were still around, but this can’t be done!

“Well, you sit down for a while, I’m signing a contract with them.” Li Ge secretly gestured with a glance, telling her not to talk too much.

But she didn’t. She glanced at Li, “The people the company recently recruited are really getting less and less polite, and the relationship between the predecessors and ancestors should be clarified.”

“You two, you should call me senior, and be polite to me.”

Henry Chu has always called himself the boss, and he is used to being arrogant. Suddenly someone who is more arrogant than him comes, and for a while, he has a temper and directly said, “Which green onion are you?”

Turning his eyes, he looked at Brother Li, “I have to look at people’s faces before signing a contract. Then if I sign the contract, shouldn’t I be inferior to others?”

Henry Chu wanted to be a star because it was originally a child’s disposition, and he found it interesting. If something makes him unhappy, he is naturally unwilling.

Li Ge suddenly felt that the scene was a little uncontrollable, and his tone started to be bad: “Aren’t you still doing something? Don’t go!”

“That’s how I learned when I first joined the company. Why, newcomers can disobey the rules and disrespect the seniors?” I didn’t expect Li Ge to be angry with her.

“Don’t make trouble, this is the person the company’s upper-level leaders have unanimously decided to keep. Don’t mess with him!” Li Ge whispered in his ear to remind him.

Finally, under Li Ge’s persuasion, he was finally willing to leave, and he did not forget to show Henry Chu and Silla’s faces when he left.

Silla didn’t have any idea about this kind of person, she didn’t care, but Henry Chu did.

“This contract can’t be signed.” Henry Chu threw the pen on the table disdainfully, and lay back, leaning on the chair.

Brother Li was in a cold sweat, “She was bullied by seniors when she first joined the company, so her heart is not balanced like this. There is no bad intentions, I will educate her well.”

Henry Chu knew that Silla must still care about the CP debut, he actually understood very well in his heart, Silla usually didn’t want to be alone with him, for fear of others’ misunderstanding, now if he wants to debut, how could he agree to the CP debut? ?

Chapter 153

Henry Chu knew that even though she had never seen William come to find her in the past month, she had never mentioned William, but she had him in her heart.

Waiting to be rejected by Silla, it is better to attack first and “not sign”

“Sign.” Silla said suddenly, her eyes firm, she looked at Henry Chu, “Henry, I want to sign.”

Silla had more confidence in her heart. She might have been hesitating originally, but because William appeared in her mind, this contract must be signed.

She had been evading for the previous month, but since she was on the stage last night, facing various cameras so calmly for the first time, she felt that she shouldn’t escape anymore.

If you really don’t care about a person, you may just appear in front of him calmly.

Silla looked at the contract on the table in front of her, picked up the pen and signed it without hesitation. She wanted to truly walk out of the shadow of the past.

Henry Chu looked at her in surprise, swallowed unconsciously, and then signed.

Brother Li was very excited when he saw this, so he almost went up to hug the two of them. “In the evening I invite you two to have dinner. I will call a few popular artists from the company to get to know each other. From now on, they will all be in the same company. See you.”

Henry Chu rolled his eyes secretly and murmured, “Who is rare.”

Coincidentally, at this time there is another entertainer with a tall figure. Although he is wearing sunglasses, he can still be seen that he is very handsome.

“Gu Lan, don’t wear sunglasses in the company.” Li Ge greeted him and told him to sit down.

Gu Lan’s attitude is two extremes from Vivi just now. He has a very good attitude. He takes the initiative to greet Henry Chu, feeling that his personality is very open.

When he saw Silla, he was also a gentleman saying hello, which made Silla’s affection for him increased.

“This is Silla who suddenly went on fire last night? Speaking of this, I am very envious.” Gu Lan took off her sunglasses, her eyes smiling, very beautiful.

“Henry ChuSilla, you are not familiar with just now, this one should be familiar?” Li Ge asked with a proud face, and Gu Lan was also brought out by him.

Silla had seen him in commercials and in many TV shows. He smiled and nodded politely.

“To say that among the popular niches now, if Gu Lan ranks second, no one would dare to rank first.” Li Ge looked at Gu Lan, “welcome the new tonight, I invite you to dinner.”

“Of course I can’t miss this kind of thing.” Gu Lan’s voice is very nice, but compared to Henry Chu’s, his voice has more impurities. Silla can’t say what it is.

“It’s five o’clock, let’s set off now.” Li Ge gestured after checking his watch.

“Gu Lan, the old place, the three of you go first, I’ll call a few people, and then you will come.” Li Ge ordered, in a loud voice, “Just order what you want. Don’t save me money!”

Gu Lan took Henry Chu and Silla into the car, and then went to a restaurant, which was almost their base.

It’s very remote here. Every time you come from Brother Li, you must come in through the back door and follow the proprietress to the private room.

Henry Chu looked at this place a little disgustingly. The store he had eaten in the worst environment was probably the store in front of the school. However, when he saw this kind of store today, he suddenly realized that the store in front of the school is simply heaven.

Silla did not expect to come to such a place to eat.

After arriving in the private room, the proprietress gave a menu, and the three of them took turns to order. Henry Chu was really hungry, so regardless of that many, she ordered a lot of dishes.

On the contrary, Silla didn’t order anything, “You ordered a lot, so I won’t order it now.”

Gu Lan didn’t force Silla, and didn’t want to order if he didn’t want to order. He took the menu and returned it to the proprietress.

“I haven’t seen this girl before, when did she come?” The lady boss looked up and down Silla as she took notes.

“Did you not watch the talent show last night?” Gu Lan deliberately choked on her, “I’m older, and we don’t have a topic in common with young people like us!”

The lady boss glared at him, “Little bastard, I won’t give you chopsticks later!”

Gu Lan pays much attention to his own image, and immediately persuaded him when he heard this, “Okay, I am wrong!”

After a while, the dishes are almost ready, but Brother Li hasn’t come yet.

Henry Chu was already starving to stare at Venus, but the protagonist hadn’t come yet, so naturally this dish couldn’t start.

“Henry Chu Silla, eat quickly, don’t wait for him, he won’t come when the day lily is cold.” Gu Landi picked up the chopsticks, took the initiative to eat first, and then signaled Henry Chu and Silla to eat too.

Silla cast a questioning look.

“As you have seen, the environment of this restaurant is very, very invincible, so… um… no one would want to come with him even if he finds one night.” Gu Landi shrugged self-deprecatingly, ” I am willing to come with a good personality.”

Henry Chu didn’t seem to like Gu Lan very much. Since entering this restaurant, he basically said nothing.

Silla was the kind of person who didn’t take the initiative to chat, so the scene was very embarrassing.

“It feels like you are a few years younger than me, have you graduated?” Gu Lan kept looking for topics.

“Just freshman year.” Silla replied, her impression of Gu Lan is still pretty good.

Gu Lan nodded thoughtfully and murmured: “It’s great.”

At this time, Gu Lan’s cell phone rang, and it was Brother Li who called, saying that he was temporarily out of business today, and asked Gu Lan to send both Henry Chu and Silla back to the company later.

After hanging up the phone, the three of them got out of the restaurant and got into the car, but Henry Chu faintly felt that something was wrong after driving for a while.

“Brother, the route is wrong?” Henry Chu suddenly said.

Gu Lan glanced at Henry Chu through the rearview mirror, and replied: “It’s only seven o’clock. I think it’s boring to go back too early. Why don’t we go to the bar together. It’s the bar I run, so we can just play.”

This is already in Gu Lan’s car, so I won’t say anything at all. A place like a bar was originally Henry Chu’s permanent residence. There are also many bars under the name of the Chu family, so just go.

Silla sat aside without saying a word, she didn’t want to go to the bar, but she didn’t know how to speak.

About ten minutes later, Gu Lan’s car stopped in front of a bar, because there was still a period of time before the night life began, so there were few people.

After Gu Lan arranged the seats for Henry Chu and Silla, he said that he had something to do, so he would not accompany them for now.

Only Henry Chu and Silla were left behind.

Seeing that Gu Lan left, Henry Chu finally felt a little good mood, and grumbled: “I hate him so much. I don’t see him as a good person.”

Silla smiled, “How do you know that he is not a good person?”

“Intuition! A man’s instinct!” Henry Chu patted his chest seriously, “I bet you, he is just pretending now.”

“Believe it or not, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!” Henry Chu got closer and whispered, “You stay away from him, don’t be fooled by his appearance, the most reliable man in the world is me, Henry Chu !”

Chapter 154

Silla has always had nothing to do with Henry Chu. Henry Chu’s character was originally carefree, straightforward, loves face and pretends to be cool, Silla raised her eyebrows slightly, and faintly agreed: “Well, stay away from him.”

“It’s pretty much the same!” Henry Chu seemed to be alive again, and he let out a long sigh of relief, “It’s a bit farther away from him. I would ignore him if it weren’t for the face I just met today! “

Silla was holding the juice just delivered by the waiter, and just wanted to take a sip, but Henry Chu stopped him, “Don’t drink it!”

Silla was frightened by his sudden behavior, and his hand shook, and the cup slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

The waiter rushed over and saw that the cup was broken, and his complexion instantly turned bad. “This is a glass. It is hard to clean up if it is broken. It is all small glass slag. What should I do if I pierce the customer in the future? ?”

Yu Mu’en was suddenly embarrassed, and just about to apologize, she was intercepted by Henry Chu.

Henry Chu is most uncomfortable with such a high-pitched waiter. His expression changed and he said coldly: “I will take this place for one year and send someone to clean it every day. I don’t believe it can’t be cleaned.”

Looking at Henry Chu’s posture, the waiter secretly felt that he was not an ordinary person, and was a little bit embarrassed, so he pouted and stopped talking, and bowed his head to clean the glass.

Silla felt sorry for her. They were all girls. Her heart was a little soft, so she bent down and took the initiative to help pick up the glass shards.


“His” a sharp piece of glass cut Silla’s finger, and she s*cked in pain.

Henry Chu immediately shook her hand when he heard the sound, frowning, worried, “Just let the waiter clean up, don’t move!”

“It’s okay…” Silla pretended to break free from Henry Chu’s hands.

“What happened?” Gu Lan walked over and swept around. The waiter immediately stood aside with his head down, pitiful.

Henry Chu looked impatient, “This is how the bar you run treats guests?”

Gu Lan stared at the waiter, “What did you do?”

The waiter was a little crying, a little scared, “Yes…sorry boss, I don’t know they are your friends…”

“Forget it, I was not careful, and it has nothing to do with her.” Silla couldn’t stand it anymore. It was obvious that she accidentally broke the cup. Why did she get involved with others for no reason?

“Don’t hurry down!” Gu Lan looked fierce towards the employees, the waiter bowed Silla several times and then left.

“Silla, there is a medicine cabinet in the office, I will take you to deal with it.” Gu Lan changed his attitude when talking with Silla, very soft and gentleman.

Silla did feel some pain, and readily agreed.

Henry Chu just wanted to hold Silla, but he didn’t expect a few men to suddenly appear, each with wine in their hands, pulling Henry Chu and shouting: “You are Henry Chu, right? I saw you in a racing game. Ah brother, you are a national player at a young age!”

“Yes! Several of us are also racing enthusiasts and want to discuss with you!”

Several people said that I called, and he just pulled Henry Chu back to his seat.

At this time, Gu Lan, who was walking in front of Silla, suddenly flashed a wicked breath from the corner of his eyes.

He took Silla to the office.

“Sit down first, I’ll look for the medicine cabinet.” Gu Lan very gentlemanly took out the chair and sat for her.

Silla sat down obediently, looked around, and saw the bar office for the first time. There was nothing unique, it was just an ordinary office.

It’s just strange that there is a tightly drawn curtain on one side of the office. She was quite curious at first, but after thinking about it, it was probably a place for people to rest when they were tired.

Gu Lan flipped through it for a while and finally found the medicine cabinet. He was very skilled at bandaging Silla.

“Do you get hurt often?” Silla asked curiously, seeing him move so skillfully.

Gu Lan’s movements stiffened, and the smile on his face paused for a few seconds, then returned to normal, and looked at Silla, “I am not injured much.”

“Then what are you…” Silla didn’t know what was going on. Suddenly she felt dizzy. She shook her head vigorously. Just about to continue speaking, she suddenly felt that she had no strength to speak. The whole figure seemed to be fascinated. The mixture of medicines was normal, and the body fell and was hugged by Gu Lan.

“The injured are others.” Gu Lan’s words had a different meaning, and the corners of her mouth suddenly rose, “From the moment you step into the entertainment, you must pass my test.”

Silla couldn’t understand what he was talking about, but she clearly realized that she was in danger now!

Her body didn’t have any strength at all, and then her consciousness became more and more blurred, and she gradually fell into a coma.

I don’t know if the effect of the drug was too small, and Gu Lan’s movement of throwing her on the tatami was too violent, which caused Silla to wake up soon.

But Silla didn’t know how long she had been in a coma, and she didn’t know what happened during her coma.

Seeing that she was about to recover soon, Gu Lan cursed in a low voice, and then just thinking about the miss this time, an idea flashed in his mind.

He narrowed his eyes and pretended to be confident, “Silla, you have a video in my hands now. If you dare to tell what happened today, I will distribute the video.”

Silla’s eyes flushed and her brain buzzed. How could she stand this kind of thing! Just because Gu Lan didn’t clarify what she said, she deliberately faked an illusion that her body had been eaten thoroughly.

Although Silla’s limbs hadn’t fully recovered, she already had some strength, and she subconsciously shrank back, then put her hands on her chest.

With the recovery of consciousness, she realized that her clothes were still well worn, and she did not feel strange at all. She suspected that Gu Lan was lying!

“Help!” Silla shouted desperately!

“Shut up!” Gu Lan immediately covered her mouth, her eyes were fierce, it seemed that she was totally different from the daytime!

“Do you think that if your clothes are neatly dressed, it means nothing happened? I tell you, my hobby is picking up clothes, but also wearing clothes. If you don’t believe me, you let go of your voice and let me see if there is a video of you on my phone!”

Gu Lan has been doing this kind of thing for so long, this is the first time I have encountered this situation!

In the past, the female artists who had just signed contracts were brought here, and then let them drink the juice containing Ecstasy, and then the waiter pretended to accidentally drop her glass because the glass was specially made and very sharp. , As long as you touch it without gloves, there is a 90% chance of scratching.

So, it was logical to be taken to the office, Gu Lan checked it out first, and recorded the process with his mobile phone and sent it to the WeChat group he secretly operated, and then ranked the female artists.

The big bosses in the group will auction again, and the higher bidder can play.

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