His True Colors Novel Chapter 999 – 1002

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Chapter 999

“In this case, tell me where you got Shengli.” Ximenchang said.

Facing Ximenchang’s high posture, George Han appeared calm and calm, with no mood swings at all, because his opponent, before his death was imminent, always looked high above him. George Han used to get used to it. This kind of thing.

Of course, he is also used to this kind of person kneeling in front of him begging for mercy.

“Everyone knows that the origin of the holy chestnut is in the Dark Forest, don’t you know?” George Han asked back.

Ximenchang snorted coldly.

He naturally knew that the dark chestnut produced the holy chestnut, but in his opinion, the holy chestnut that George Han had obtained was not in the dark forest, because that was a place where only the strongest masters were qualified to go.

“With your strength, can you still enter the Dark Forest?” Ximenchang said disdainfully.

“Old things, you say that, but you look down on people too much, can’t I go in?” George Han said.

Ximen Chang was slightly angry. Since he became the patriarch of the Ximen family, no one has dared to speak to him in such a disrespectful tone.

“Do you know that this sentence is enough to make you die thousands of times. Now your chance of redemption is to tell me where to get the holy chestnut.” Ximenchang scolded.

“I’ve already said it, but you don’t believe me, what can I do? Or, you should kill me.” George Han waved his hand helplessly.

Ximenchang’s eyes narrowed and said, “Do you think I dare not kill you?”

“Hurry up, let him take the shot directly.” George Han pointed to the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm and said.

George Han had no interest in the other subordinates, and only fighting against the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm could make him feel some fun and desire.

“Hahahahaha, you are really good at picking people.” Ximenchang laughed loudly when he heard George Han’s words. In his opinion, George Han’s choice was really idiot to the extreme, and he wanted his best man to take action. Isn’t this looking for death?

“Young man, you will pay the price for what you said. Do you know what realm he is?” Ximenchang said with a mockery.

“Nine Lights Realm, am I wrong?” George Han said.


Ximenchang was faintly surprised, how could he see that he was in the Nine Lights Realm, this ability to recognize the Nine Lights Realm at a glance can only be done by the powerhouse of the Extreme Master Realm.

Ximen Chang thought carefully, how could he be in the Extreme Master Realm, he must have deliberately inquired about the information of the Ximen family, so he knew about this matter.

At this time, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

“Do you guys fight or not? I’m still waiting to see the excitement. Why are you doing so much nonsense?”

The sound came from the wall.

Fei Linger sat on the wall, dangling his legs, supporting his chin with both hands, and looked boring, as if he was waiting impatiently.

When the Nine Lights Realm saw Fei Linger’s appearance, he couldn’t help being shocked.

Fei Lingsheng!

How could it be Feilinger.

How could she appear here.

And at this time, Fei Linger’s voice suddenly appeared in the mind of the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse: “If you dare to expose my identity, today is your death date.”

A cold sweat broke out on the back of the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse. Facing the words of a Extreme Master Realm powerhouse, he didn’t dare to neglect the slightest, because Fei Lingsheng said that if he wanted him to die, he would never live.

“How about you come and fight for me?” George Han said to Fei Linger.

Fei Linger hurriedly waved his hand and said, “I can’t beat it, I’m just a lively audience.”

“Little girl, I advise you to get out, if my subordinate hurts the innocent, I can’t stop it.” Ximenchang said to Feilinger.

As soon as this sentence came out, the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm even sweated his forehead.

In the imperial court, who would dare to speak to Fei Lingsheng like that, wouldn’t it be seeking death?

Fei Linger narrowed her mouth and expressed dissatisfaction with Ximenchang’s words, but she did not take any substantive actions. After all, she was watching the excitement. Ximenchang is likely to die in George Han’s hands. There is no need for her to act.

At this time, Ximen Jin arrived, and he glanced at George Han, his eyes clearly expecting.

He did not expect that the war between George Han and Ximenchang would erupt so quickly, but for Ximen Jin, this was a good thing. The sooner Ximenchang died, the sooner he could take the position of patriarch. .

“What are you doing?” Ximen Chang was very dissatisfied with the appearance of Ximen Jin.

“Grandpa, if I can, I’ll collect the body for you.” Ximen Jin bent over, his attitude was very respectful, but what he said was disrespectful.

The reason why he dared to show such an attitude in front of Ximen Chang is not because of how much Ximen Jin believes in George Han, but after today, if Ximen Chang is immortal, then he will have no value, instead of becoming incompetent. For the younger generation, Ximen Jin is more willing to show his strong side, because after today, there will probably never be a chance.

“Do you want me to die?” Ximenchang looked at Ximen Jin unexpectedly and asked.

“Grandpa came to Fengshang Mall, his intention was to win the sacred chestnut for me, but now, don’t you also want to have it for yourself? In this case, I naturally hope you die, otherwise, how can I sit on the patriarch Bit.” Ximen Jin said.

Ximenchang laughed and said, “As expected, it is the seed of my Ximen family. I really have courage. Unfortunately, you may not be able to do so.”

“I also ask Mr. Han to do it with all my strength. I sit on the seat of the patriarch, and the Ximen family must obey your orders.” Ximen Jin clasped his fists in both hands and bowed respectfully toward George Han.

Fei Linger on the wall nodded. She still admired the courageous young man like Ximen Jin.

The same was true for George Han, Ximen Jin didn’t leave a way for himself, this kind of courage that left him to death was commendable.

Compared with Huang Xiaoyong, who was timid and fearful, he was totally different. This was the person who could really make big things happen.

Unfortunately, even if such a person becomes a puppet, it is impossible for George Han to truly trust, because the more ambitious the person, the more difficult it is to control.

“Senior, please.” George Han said to the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse.

If it had been before, he was very confident to deal with George Han, but now, he was inexplicably cold.

What kind of person is it worthy of Fei Lingsheng to watch the game in person?

If he could suppress George Han with his realm, then this match would definitely not cause Fei Lingsheng to care.

Since Fei Lingsheng had appeared, it was enough to show that George Han was quite capable.

Thinking of this, the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse suddenly faced ashes.

What does it mean that he can’t see through the realm?

Chapter 1000

“I’ll give you one last chance to tell the source of Sheng Li, and I can spare your life.” Ximenchang sneered and threatened George Han. His main purpose was to get more Sheng Li, and George Han In his eyes, his life was worthless, so he didn’t want George Han to bring such precious news into the coffin.

“With your position as the head of Ximen’s Patriarch, even if I tell you, you will kill me later.” George Han said with a smile. Ximenchang has always been arrogant. With his attitude, how could he easily let go of himself.

Of course, George Han was not afraid of the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm in front of him, but Fei Linger appeared inexplicably at this time, giving him a feeling of being spied on.

The more he was exposed, the more Fei Linger would understand him, but in contrast, his understanding of Fei Linger was still a blank sheet of paper.

“You also know that it is very good, maybe I will show you compassion, maybe I will give you a happy life, so that you don’t have too much pain when you die.” Ximenchang said.

George Han smiled faintly and said, “Since everything is dead, why should I tell you, and Sheng Li’s origin is a more dangerous place than the Dark Forest. Do you dare to go?”

“Hey hey hey, how long do you have to talk nonsense, hurry up and fight.” Fei Linger on the side was a little impatient. It’s not that she was impatient, but that she couldn’t wait to see what George Han’s strength was Realm, so every moment of time is suffering for her.

“Little girl, what’s our business with you? If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you first.” Ximenchang looked at Fei Linger coldly, his tone arrogant.

When the Nine Lights Realm master heard these words, the cold sweat was even worse.

Fei Lingsheng! ~

Even the emperor did not dare to talk to her with this attitude.

Ximenchang dared to threaten her like this, wouldn’t it be death?

Fei Linger rolled her eyes helplessly. This old thing was really defiant. If it weren’t for a good show, she wouldn’t bother to waste time here.

Seeing Fei Linger no longer speaking, Xi Menchang turned his head to look at George Han again, and said, “I’ll give you one last chance, you can figure it out.”

“Hey.” George Han sighed suddenly. This battle is inevitable. Even if Fei Linger sees through his own strength, George Han can only take action. Facing the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm, he can never Just sit and wait.

Ximen Chang thought that George Han would compromise, and he was showing some pride in his heart, but he heard George Han say: “Today next year will be your anniversary.”

“I don’t know anything about life and death.” Ximenchang’s expression changed, and he almost became savage, and said to the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse: “Destroy him for me. I will torture him slowly until he tells the origin of Shengli. I.”

The Nine Lights Realm powerhouse was unwilling to make a move in his heart, because Fei Linger’s appearance made him dare not to underestimate George Han, but now that he does not want to make a move, he can do it.

“Little brother, how offended.” The Nine Lights Realm powerhouse said to George Han.

The battle of the strong will inevitably be earth-shattering. If you fight in this city, it will probably hurt countless innocents. This is not what George Han wants to see.

“Please also seniors to follow me out of the city and have a good fight.” When George Han’s voice fell, it was a lifelong leap, and the whole person disappeared like a meteor.

Immediately, the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse did the same, and the two of them arrived in a deserted area outside the city in just a moment.

“It’s really troublesome.” Fei Linger complained casually, and disappeared on the wall before everyone was aware.

Seeing this, Ximenchang and others hurriedly walked out of the city.

Although Ximen Jin had already expressed his intentions to Ximen Chang very frankly, when he was next to Ximen Chang, he was not timid at all, even the same as before, without the slightest change.

“Unexpectedly, you would actually pin your hopes on an outsider. This will be the worst choice in your life.” Ximen Chang said to Ximen Jin.

“Grandpa, you forced me to have nowhere to go. This is my only choice.” Ximen Jin said lightly.

“Huh, everything in the Simon family is mine. I give it to you. You can only want it. I don’t give it to you. It is a sin if you look at it. The position of the patriarch is not something you can covet at will.” Said that although he had always cultivated Ximen Jhin as the future patriarch, this did not mean that the position of the patriarch would definitely fall on Ximen Jhin’s head.

Now that Ximen Chang himself has the opportunity to become a powerhouse in the Extreme Master Realm and can extend his life, he is of course more willing to continue to sit in this position.

People are selfish, and it is understandable that Ximenchang made such a choice under the huge temptation of lifespan.

“If you don’t give it, I must fight for it. Otherwise, what’s the point of being alive? I’m not a puppet you play around at will.” Ximen Jin said lightly.

“After he dies, I hope you still have the confidence to say such things.” Ximenchang said.

Ximen Jin is very calm on the surface, but waves have already set off in his heart. He trusts George Han 100%, because now, he has no other choice, but trust and worry do not conflict. He has to worry about George Han. He was not the opponent of the Nine Lights Realm powerhouse at all. Once George Han failed, he would also fall into the abyss.

“Grandpa, do you really think he will lose?” Ximen Jin said.

This sentence seemed to make Ximenchang heard a big joke, couldn’t help but laugh, and said: “Ximen Jin, Ximen Jin, don’t you know the realm of Zhong Qishan? He is a strong man in the Nine Lights realm. Unless Fei Lingsheng comes forward, who can be his opponent.”

“He is not only the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm, but also the person closest to the Supreme Master.” Ximen Jin said with a heavy face.

“Maybe we haven’t gotten outside the city. He has been abolished, and you will no longer be a member of the Simon family.” Ximenchang said. Ximen Cinderwolf’s ambition is revealed, and Ximenchang will naturally not keep such people. By your side.

For Ximen Jin, he only cares about the position of the patriarch, and he doesn’t care about blood kinship at all, so why is Ximenchang?

In the eyes of Ximen Chang, only rights and status are the most important, and Ximen Jin is just a dispensable inheritance to him.

When he became a strong master in the extreme master realm, he didn’t need the inheritance of Ximen Jin at all, and he could even use his ability to rejuvenate and cultivate new generations.

“Today next year, if it is not your anniversary, it is mine.” Ximen Jin said firmly, as if he had already made a decision. Once George Han lost, he would not pity his life.

Chapter 1001

Ximen Jin is a very paranoid person. For him, it does not make sense to continue to live without the position of patriarch, and the embarrassing life of being kicked out of the Ximen family is by no means acceptable.

At this point, he is almost a lunatic, but the reason for the formation of his character is that it has a great relationship with Ximenchang, because from the moment he was born, Ximenchang has taught him this way.

“Don’t worry, if you die, the family cemetery will definitely have your place. After all, you have the blood of the Ximen family.” Ximen Chang said sympathetically.

At this time, the two outside the city had already started fighting.

The roar and thunder, the movement is not small.

The eyes of the people in the city were cast toward the outside of the city. When they discovered that the huge noise was caused by the fighting between the two, they all showed shocked expressions.

They have not seen the battle of the strong, so this kind of battle is particularly shocking for them. Some good people can’t help but prepare to go out of the city to watch the excitement.

Ran Yi’s old house.

At this time, Ran Yi and Ge Zhonglin sat facing each other. They knew that the fight outside the city was definitely related to George Han, but they evaded it a little bit, because once George Han lost, Ximenchang was absolutely It is impossible to let them go.

“Ahem, it’s already fighting.” Ge Zhonglin said to Ran Yi.

“I know.”

“Shall we…not go out and have a look?” Ge Zhonglin said with a guilty conscience.

“What if I lose?” Ran Yi asked.

“It’s nothing more than death, what else can we do.” Ge Zhonglin said helplessly. Facing Ximenchang’s anger, he and Ran Yi couldn’t bear it at all, so there was no need to find a solution at all. Waiting for death is the most straightforward and simple The way.

“Do you want to die?” Ran Yi continued to ask.

“Aren’t you nonsense? You are not dead yet, how could I want to die.” Ge Zhonglin looked at Ran Yi scornfully.

Ran Yi took a deep breath and said, “Life and death are fateful. It’s worth seeing a big battle before death.”

Hearing these words, Ge Zhonglin stood up and said, “What are you waiting for? I’m afraid it’s over.”

At this time, a lot of onlookers had gathered outside the city, and some people continued to lament the fight between George Han and Zhong Qishan, but most of them just stood far away, afraid to approach, for fear of being hurt by the fish pond.

“Who is this person, so powerful.”

“This young man is face to face, I didn’t expect him to possess such a powerful state.”

“That person is Zhong Qishan, the Keqing of the Ximen family, who has the strength of the Nine Lights Realm. I didn’t expect that the young man would be able to fight back and forth with the powerhouses of the Nine Lights Realm.”

“Unexpectedly, another such expert appeared in the Imperial Court.”

While everyone was sighing, Xi Menchang’s face was not very pretty.

In his opinion, Zhong Qishan has the ability to absolutely crush George Han, but now, Zhong Qishan does not seem to have any advantages, which makes him a little bit unbelievable.

It’s just an unknown waste, how could it be possible to fight Zhong Qishan?

“Grandpa, it seems that you underestimated him too much.” Ximen Jin laughed. The uglier Xi Menchang’s face is, the stronger the smile on his face.

“Humph, I’m afraid it’s just Zhong Qishan testing him, and he hasn’t shown real strength at all.” Ximenchang said.

Not long after, Ran Yi and Ge Zhonglin finally felt outside the city.

When they saw the two people fighting on the top of the mountain not far away, they also showed a look of horror.

“Isn’t that Zhong Qishan!” Ge Zhonglin said in astonishment, rubbing his eyes for fear that he might be wrong.

Ran Yi has been entrenched in Fengshang Mall in recent years, almost staying home, but Zhong Qishan’s name, he has also heard of, this is the strongest master in the Ximen family, possessing the terrifying strength of the Nine Lights Realm.

But George Han was so entangled with the powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm.

“I didn’t expect Ximenchang to send Zhong Qishan directly.” Ge Zhonglin said with a sigh.

“From the current situation, how confident are we about George Han’s realm guess?” Ran Yi asked Ge Zhonglin.

The two had already discussed this issue. Ge Zhonglin had some doubts about it before, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but believe it.

Being able to fight Zhong Qishan without falling into the wind, at least shows that George Han has the strength of the Nine Lights Realm, and that he is so young, the possibility of the Extreme Master Realm is naturally very large.

Ge Zhonglin took a deep breath and said, “Ran Yi, I didn’t expect that your old thing is really out of shit. This kind of thing can be encountered by you. If we can really work for him in the future, it is not a dream to fly what.”

Feihuang Tengda was nothing to Ran Yi, he never cared about such things, because with his current financial resources, he would not only spend a few lifetimes, what use is there no matter how much money he has?

In Ran Yi’s heart, there has always been an attachment that has not given up. That is re-cultivation. Once a master told him that if he wants to restore his body to a state where he can practice, only the strong at the extreme master can help him. Done.

Such an idiotic dream has always been an unimaginable thing for Ran Yi, because the powerhouse of the Extreme Master Realm, how can he put his ants in his eyes?

So he never dared to have such extravagant hopes.

But now, he seems to see hope.

If George Han is willing to help him, his body will be able to recover.

Even if he is old now, even if he can practice again, he is unlikely to have much breakthrough, but for Ran Yi, this is a dream.

Only by fulfilling this dream, can he stare at him after death.

“Old Ge, you said…If I asked him to help me, he would, will he agree?” Ran Yi stammered, because he was too excited, causing his body to tremble slightly.

“Help you?” Ge Zhonglin looked at Ran Yi suspiciously, and even after he understood what he meant, his face solemnly said: “I will beg him, I am willing to pay any price for this matter, after all, it is because of me, That’s why you can’t practice.”

The thought that he might be able to practice again, Ran Yi’s excitement could no longer calm down.

At this time, George Han and Zhong Qishan have been fighting more and more fiercely. Almost the entire mountain top is about to be flattened. The scene is extremely shocking, and the sound of rumbling is endless. This battle is destined to become a piece that countless people in Fengshang can never forget. thing.

Perhaps when they are old, they will talk about this to their grandson, and no matter how time goes by, this shock will never decrease.

“Zhong Qishan, what are you doing, why don’t you abolish him?” Ximenchang gritted his teeth.

Chapter 1002

For Ximenchang, this situation is unacceptable to him. Even if he knows that he underestimates George Han, he will never admit it, because it means that Zhong Qishan is likely to lose, and this absolutely It was the result he didn’t want to see.

On the other hand, Ximen Jin’s expression became more and more relaxed, he even saw the position of the patriarch beckoning to himself.

“Grandpa, haven’t you seen it yet? It’s not that Zhong Qishan doesn’t want to, but he can’t.” Ximen Jin said triumphantly.

These words made Ximen Chang gritted his teeth even more, but he knew that he was unwilling to admit it, and Ximen Jin’s words so bluntly were undoubtedly extinguishing the last hope in his heart.

“One Zhong Qishan is not enough. There are other strong people in the Ximen family. I don’t believe that he is really so powerful.” Ximenchang said.

Ximen Jinsi didn’t worry. There were indeed other strong men in the Ximen family, but even Zhong Qishan couldn’t deal with George Han, so how could other people do it.

“You will pay for underestimating him.” Ximen Jin said coldly.

“What are you doing in a daze, don’t hurry up to help!” Ximenchang said to the others.

The Ximen family has 28 guest officials, and Zhong Qishan is the first, but the strength of the others is not weak. Among them, there are as many as eight people in the last three stages. This is why the Ximen family can be so rampant. At this time, Ximenchang has already taken care of it. If you don’t deceive too much, you will be laughed at. As long as you can kill George Han, he is willing to do everything possible.

“Grandpa, this is a battle between the two of them. How can you let other people participate in the war?” Ximen Jin’s expression changed. Although George Han has been fighting with Zhong Qishan back and forth, if he joins other people, the battle will be very difficult. It may change rapidly, which is definitely not a good thing for George Han.

Seeing Ximen Jin’s slightly flustered appearance, Ximen Chang smiled and said, “Why, are you scared? Ximen Jin, I tell you, it is absolutely impossible to get the position of patriarch.”

The masters of the Simon family came out!

Fei Linger, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw this scene, and instead of showing any worry, she was full of interest.

“Ximen old dog is scared, but this is good, it will let me see how good you are. With Zhong Qishan’s current strength, you should not have pushed your limit.” Watching the excitement is not too big. It was someone like Fei Linger. The more chaotic the scene, the more she liked it.

“Ximengchang is really shameless, he even beats less with more, which is very unfavorable for him.”

“I didn’t expect the Simon family to be so shameless.”

The hopeful faces of Ran Yi and Ge Zhonglin suddenly dimmed. The Ximen family’s twenty-eight Keqing, which is famous in the entire imperial court, now the twenty-eight Keqing is coming out. This is for Han For 3000, it is undoubtedly a desperate news.

“What to do, can you think of a way?” Ran Yi asked Ge Zhonglin.

Ge Zhonglin also wanted to help George Han, but in this situation, he was powerless. With the strength of the guards around him, he couldn’t even count as cannon fodder, so how could he help?

“There is no way, unless a miracle can happen.” Ge Zhonglin said, shaking his head.

Ran Yi was anxious, and the hope he finally saw seemed to be shattered at this time.

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside George Han.

Judging from the posture, she is a woman with a beautiful figure standing on the top of the mountain, like a fairy descending to the earth.

“Who is this woman?”

“What’s the matter? How did she appear? Could it be that the gods descended?”

“The battle of masters, she is going to make trouble by herself.”

When everyone was talking about it, Huang Xiaoyong looked around.

Just now, Jiang Yingying was still standing next to him, why did she suddenly appear next to George Han?

“Auntie!” Huang Xiaoyong swallowed, without concealing the shock on his face, he said to himself: “I didn’t expect that Auntie is also a strong man!”

“Why are you here?” George Han asked with a smile when he found Jiang Yingying appeared next to him.

“Since the Ximen family is not moral, I will naturally help you solve these small roles.” Jiang Yingying said.

“Hey.” George Han sighed suddenly, and said: “It seems that we two brothers and sisters, this time we have shocked the royal court.”

“Is this bad? No one will dare to mess with us in the future.” Jiang Yingying said cheerfully.

Since Jiang Yingying joined the battle and helped George Han share a lot of pressure, the two did not seem to be too strenuous when fighting against the 28th guest of the Ximen family, and George Han still had the key to victory, so He was not worried at all.

Of course, as a last resort, George Han would never use it. Otherwise, it would be more than just shocking the imperial court.

“Unexpectedly, there will be surprises.” Fei Linger’s expression in the distance no longer looked relaxed, but a little dignified, because she did not expect Jiang Yingying to have such a strong strength. Facing the 28th guest of Ximen’s family, she was alone. Many people are still at ease.

“Who are you guys?” Fei Linger’s eyebrows were filled with doubts. Based on her knowledge of the imperial court, the two appeared almost in a sudden emergence. It was difficult for her to understand, how could it be suddenly Two such powerhouses appeared.

Ximenchang’s mood at this time was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Twenty-eight Keqing is his last trump card. In his opinion, George Han should be defeated soon, but he never expected that George Han would have a helper, and the strength of this woman is also very high. Strong, the power of Twenty-Eight Keqing could not be exerted at all.

If this continues, who wins and loses is an unknown unknown, which is not the result Ximenchang wants to see.

“Grandpa, it’s really unexpected. I didn’t expect that he also has a helper. Although there is only one, it seems to be enough now.” Ximen Jin put down his worry, and his face regained a relaxed expression.

How can Ximenchang still be in the mood to play with Ximen Jin, his eyes fixed on the battle on the top of the mountain, because this means that his fate today, once the 28th Keqing loses, he will be a dead end.

“Master and aunt are all on, how can I watch the show as an apprentice?” At this moment, Huang Xiaoyong suddenly took the wing tiger to join the occupation.

Although Huang Xiaoyong only had the strength of the Five Lights realm, the wing tiger was a seven-star alien beast. Although it was not enough to confront the strong, it was not a problem to do some sneak attacks and harassment.

It also helped George Han and Jiang Yingying relieve the pressure, which enabled them to resolve their opponents faster.

At the top of the mountain, Ke Qing from the Ximen family kept falling, and Ximen Chang’s face became more and more ugly.

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