His True Colors Novel Chapter 991 – 994

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Chapter 991

George Han has always had superior intelligence. Hearing what Ran Yi said, he noticed the strangeness.

It seemed that Ximen Jin and Ximen Chang, grandfather and grandson, might have a big problem.

But where is this problem, George Han guessed out of thin air, and it was obviously impossible.

So George Han just looked at Ran Yi and didn’t speak.

Ran Yi’s heart gradually grew hairy, and George Han looked uncomfortable. He could only lower his head and said, “Mr. Han, I don’t know what’s going on between these two people, but Ximen Jin asked me in private. , And want to inquire about your news, in my opinion, since Ximenchang has been here once, he must be selfish when he comes again.”

“That’s all?” George Han asked.

“That’s all, if there is a concealment, the sky will thunder and strike.” Ran Yi said.

George Han saw that Ran Yi did not look like he was lying, so he did not continue to question.

But not long after he left, before Ran Yi could take a breath, Fei Linger came to the door.

But for this woman, Ran Yi didn’t have much vigilance. Although she was a person next to George Han, she was still much weaker than the shocking power brought by George Han’s deity.

“I don’t know if the girl is looking for me, what’s the matter, Mr. Han just left, aren’t you here to find George Han?” Ran Yi asked.

Fei Linger smiled and shook his head, walked to Ran Yi and said, “I’m not looking for him, I’m looking for you.”

Ran Yi deliberately showed an unexpected look. Of course, he knew that Fei Linger didn’t come to George Han. Otherwise, how could the timing of appearance be such a coincidence.

“I don’t know why the girl is looking for me?” Ran Yi asked.

“What did George Han tell you?” Fei Linger asked directly.

Ran Yi smiled faintly. It seemed that the people around George Han were not completely credible.

“Girl, what we said between Mr. Han and I is naturally our secret, so how can I tell you?” Ran Yi said.

“Between keeping secrets and life, what do you choose?” Feiling asked with a smile.

Ran Yi’s expression gradually became disdainful. He was afraid of George Han, but it didn’t mean he was afraid of Feilinger.

“I don’t know if the girl has such ability.” When Ran Yi finished saying this, his men should stand in front of him.

However, Ran Yi discovered that his subordinates stood motionless in the same place, like wooden stakes.

The deep trust of his subordinates has protected him for so many years, and the master-servant relationship will never have the slightest crack. What is going on today.

“What are you doing?” Ran Yi said to the opponent who gritted his teeth.

Fei Linger smiled tremblingly, and explained to Ran Yi: “He can’t move anymore, do you want him to save you?”

Can’t move?

What does it mean!

When Ran Yi looked closely at his hands, he realized that something was indeed different.

His forehead was sweating constantly, his face was pale and bloodless, and his whole body trembled slightly, as if he was under some kind of huge pressure.

At this time, Ran Yi was shocked to discover that the weak woman in front of him was not so easy to deal with.

Subconsciously putting away his disdainful expression, Ran Yi knew that this seemingly delicate little girl was also a strong person, but he was not qualified to offend.

“Girl, how offended you are, I hope you atone for it and let me go.” Ran Yi said.

“Okay, tell me what he said to you.” Fei Linger asked again.

Ran Yi took a deep breath and told her that it was not equivalent to being sentenced to George Han, but in the face of crisis, if he didn’t say anything, he would probably die in this yard today.

People are afraid of death.

Ran Yi is naturally more afraid of people with wealth.

“Girl, Mr. Han asked me how much impact the killing of Ximenchang would have, but nothing else.” Ximenchang said honestly.

Fei Linger was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, clapped her hands and said, “Interesting, really interesting, it seems that the imperial court is going to be lively, I can finally have a good show.”

Ran Yi was at a loss for Fei Linger’s inexplicable attitude. She seemed very excited, excited to see the bloody storm set off in the imperial court, what kind of person it was.

“I’m here to find you, don’t let George Han know, otherwise, I won’t let you go.” Fei Linger reminded Ran Yi.

Ran Yi hurriedly lowered his head and said, “Ran Yi sent Mr. Han away today, so he rested and hasn’t seen anyone.”

Fei Linger nodded in satisfaction, and said, “Not bad, but the ruts can be taught.”

As soon as the voice fell, Ran Yi suddenly realized that Fei Linger, who was clearly standing in front of him, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What followed was a bang, and his men fell to the ground feebly.

Seeing this situation, Ran Yi was panicked. Although he said that it is not difficult to find a personal guard with his financial resources, but this person has been with him for many years and is deeply trusted, and wants to find another one that he can trust. People, but it is not easy.

“How are you.” Ran Yi quickly walked to the side and knelt down and asked.

“I…I’m fine, it’s just physical weakness,” the subordinate explained.

“What happened to you just now?” Ran Yi continued to ask.

He shook his head. He didn’t know what was going on. He only felt that after Fei Linger appeared, he carried two mountains on his shoulders. The pressure was so great that he almost collapsed.

“Her strength must be the last three realms, and it’s by no means as simple as the eight lights realm.” the subordinate said.

Ran Yi couldn’t help taking a breath. These are some abnormal characters. Although there are often strong people in the last three realms in Fengshang Mall, those people are generally the first stage of the latter three realms, only the eight lights realm. , But now Fengshang Mall, Jishi, and even Nine Lights Realm have appeared?

Something is wrong!

Ran Yi’s complexion was instantly pale. Judging from her appearance, she seemed to be younger than George Han. How could she become a powerhouse of the Nine Lights Realm at such an age?

There is only one guess, like George Han, she has the ability to rejuvenate and rejuvenate, and she is a powerhouse in the extreme master state.

Ran Yi with soft legs sat directly on the ground.

A strong master at the extreme master level, meeting once in a lifetime is a life-long thing to remember, but I did not expect to meet two more, which made Ran Yi dumbfounded.

Is this too lucky?

Ran Yi shook his head helplessly. What kind of luck is this? It’s simply blood mold, because these two extreme masters obviously have some kind of disagreement, and he is still in the middle of the two. If he is not careful, even his bones will turn into powder.

“I really don’t know what sin has happened.” Ran Yi almost cried.

The subordinates also knew Ran Yi’s guess, so they had to shook their head helplessly.

Chapter 992

When she learned that George Han was going to kill Ximenchang, Fei Linger was happy from the heart, because for her, the boring days have passed too long, and the ordinary trivial things , She couldn’t get into her eyes at all. Only this kind of big event can arouse her interest. After all, life is too peaceful and it is also a torment for people.

“If you kill Simon Chang, Emperor respect what kind of reaction it?”

“Light downtown Imperial Court did not mean much if you can cause three spared from war, it would be even more wonderful.”

Himself Fei Linger was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, but his excited expression quickly calmed down.

“No, I can’t investigate you anymore. In case it arouses your suspicion, how can I follow you in the future? I have to watch a lot of good shows. This matter, just put it aside, just stay with you Sooner or later, I will know your secret.”

Fei Linger sometimes behaves like a strong master who has lived for a long time, but like a naive little girl, which has something to do with her growth. It’s a big relationship, because when Fei Linger became a real powerhouse, he was not very old.

She once appeared in front of the emperor in an old image. That was also her deliberate illusion. No one knew that when Fei Linger reached the ultimate master level, she was less than twenty!

Once this news leaked out, I am afraid that the Three Kingdoms of Xuanyuan would be extremely shocked by it.

Not long after George Han returned to the inn, the Feng family father and son found him.

Fengye had long anticipated that George Han might take a stand in advance, so he arranged to follow people in advance, and in order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, dozens of people were followed by Solitaire, even George Han did not find out, so I have to say this guy. His scheming is good, but unfortunately, the more meticulous he is, the more he puts himself on the road of no return.

“George Han, you didn’t expect that I could find you so easily. I had guessed that you would leave early, so I arranged for someone to follow you.” Fengye said to George Han with a smug expression of his subtlety. He was obviously very satisfied with the arrangement.

“Why are you driving yourself to a dead end?” George Han poured himself a cup of tea in a hurry, Feng Family father and son, plus those men, George Han didn’t pay attention to any of them.

If Feng Ye insists on looking for death, George Han can only satisfy him and send him on the road.

“George Han, today is your death date.” Feng Qing scolded coldly.

As soon as this sentence came out, the masters of the Feng family directly surrounded George Han, making it difficult for George Han to fly.

When other guests and inn workers saw this, they left the inn for the first time. They didn’t want to be affected by the fish pond.

Although this Feng Family is not a top-notch big family, but it is also quite capable, and no one wants to provoke it easily.

George Han shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, in different worlds, the second generation of the family has the same quality, that is, you can’t cry without seeing the coffin, and you never know what the two words regret are before you play with yourself. meaning.

George Han took a sip of tea, and the tea slowly entered his throat, but it was a pity that he could not taste the sweetness of the tea. This cup of good tea was wasted in vain.

“Since you want to die, I will satisfy you.” George Han said lightly. Now he wants to deal with the Ximen family, but he doesn’t want to waste time with such a small role as the wind family.

So in order to avoid the troubles of this jumping clown, the easiest way is to kill them directly.

George Han didn’t kill him, but it didn’t mean that such a blind thing would not kill.

“Then you have to see if you have this kind of ability.” After saying this, Feng Qing directly ordered his opponent: “Come on, choose me to break my limbs.”

Fengye seemed to be gearing up. I have already met the scene of George Han being broken and let him torment him.

But the strange thing is, why the father has given the order, but the subordinates still stand still?

Feng Qing also quickly discovered this, and urged those subordinates: “What are you still doing in a daze? Give me up quickly.”

George Han smiled slightly and said, “It’s not that they don’t want to go, but they can’t move at all.”

Since there are no others present, George Han doesn’t need to hide his strength in order to make a quick battle.

“How is it possible!” Feng Qing was shocked for a while, and stepped back subconsciously.

These subordinates he brought, but very powerful masters, and even a powerful player in the latter three realms, how could he even be unable to move!

How could this young man have such a powerful strength!

“Father, what’s going on!” Feng Ye obviously didn’t understand what was going on, and asked Feng Qing with a look of ignorance.

Feng Qing looked at George Han short of breath, there was no time to explain to Feng Ye what was going on.

“My lord!” Suddenly, Feng Qing knelt on his knees, and Feng Ye was stunned by this scene.

“Father, what are you doing?” Fengye asked even more puzzled. Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn’t think of why the organ would do it. They brought so many masters here, and George Han was almost mortal. , But now, Feng Qing knelt down somehow.

“Quickly kneel down for me and make it to the adults.” Feng Qing asked Fengye through gritted teeth.

What an adult, why should I pay?

Feng Ye was completely confused, but he could see the fear in Feng Qing’s eyes, which he had never seen in his father.

Although the Feng Family is not the top family in the imperial court, it is also the upper class. His father has never compromised for so many years, let alone kneeled in such fear.

“My lord, Feng Qing has eyes but doesn’t know Mount Tai, and I hope he can atone for his sins. I am willing to be a dog of the adults and obey the instructions of the adults.” Feng Qing saw George Han walking towards him step by step, already scared to death. Regardless of the ambiguity, he begged George Han for mercy.

“I have let you off again and again, but you are bothering me life and death. Now you want to kill me. If you don’t die, why can I be quiet?” George Han said lightly.

Feng Qing was almost scared to pee by these words. If he had known that George Han was so powerful, how could he have troubled George Han again and again with such a lack of eyesight?

Unable to do anything, Feng Qing could only kowtow, because his remaining chance to save his life was George Han’s pity.

“My lord, I know I was wrong, please let me go. From now on, my Feng Family will never appear in front of the adults.” Feng Qing said.

At this time, George Han had walked in front of the father and son, looked at Feng Qing condescendingly and said, “Do you know, who is the quietest person?”

Feng Qing’s scalp is numb, and the quietest person is not a dead person. !

Chapter 993

Bang bang bang!

“My lord, my lord, Fengmou doesn’t know what is good or bad, and angers the lord. He is willing to atone for his sins in any way, and only asks that the lord can let me go.” The panicked Fengqing kept squatting on the ground. At this moment, his dignity was The words have no meaning, he just wants to survive.

George Han turned a blind eye to Feng Qing begging for mercy, but turned to look at Feng Ye.

Feng Ye took a step back in fright, because he felt the deterrence brought by George Han’s eyes. This person seemed to be able to kill him just by raising his hand.

“What do you want to do?” Fengye asked scaredly.

“You still don’t know why he kowtows to me?” George Han asked lightly.

Feng Ye nodded his head subconsciously. He really didn’t quite understand what was going on, because in his mind, George Han was a trash that could be ravaged, how could he have thought of these subordinates of the Feng family? Can’t move because George Han is too strong?

“This is because your Feng Family’s subordinates are all ants.” George Han said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the Feng Family’s gang standing in place, all of them exploded and died. The scene was bloody and frightening.

Feng Ye’s eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in disbelief.

what happened!

What’s the matter with them, why do they suddenly explode!

“You, what did you do?” Fengye seemed to understand at this moment. Although he is idiot, he also knows the gap brought by strength.

He killed countless people, and he had seen the weak who had no resistance in front of the strong.

Now that these Feng Clan’s subordinates have died tragically in this situation, other than because George Han is stronger than them, can there be other explanations?

However, among these people, there are strong people in the last three realms, how could it be so vulnerable to even the strong in the latter three realms.

At this time, Feng Ye looked at Feng Qing again, and he finally understood why his father had to kneel and apologize, and why he had to kneel down.

Because they offended the real strong man, and the strong man can take their lives at will.

Thinking of this, Feng Ye was directly frightened to incontinence. The second generation of the arrogant family seemed extremely embarrassed at this moment.

“Yes, I’m sorry.” Fengye had no idea how to express his apologies, and he stammered these three words.

“It’s late.” After George Han finished these two words, Feng Qing, who was kneeling on the ground, spouted a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground silently.

Feng Ye was extremely scared at this moment. He realized how stupid it was to offend George Han, but he also knew that by now, there was no way to make up for it.

“If today’s things didn’t happen, I’ll give you another chance, how would you choose?” George Han suddenly asked Fengye.

Feng Ye looked up hopefully, mistakenly thinking that George Han was going to let him go, and quickly said: “I will go back to Feng’s house, and I will never dare to trouble you.”

After hearing these words, George Han shook his head and said, “No, you won’t, you will still show up, because the second generation of your family, I have seen too many, without a coffin, how can I regret it? “

This is the experience that George Han has accumulated on the earth, and there is almost no exception, because people like Fengye have taken domineering as a habit. How can they shrink in their hearts when they are not dying?

“No, I won’t, how could I know that it is death, but still want to die?” Feng Yeqing retorted.

“Because you don’t know when you are about to die.” George Han finished saying this, and with a light wave of his left hand, Feng Ye fell to the ground.

This is strength, and you can kill a person by just raising your hand.

Xuanyuan World, strength is respected!

However, looking at this battlefield where the aftermath is about to be dealt with, George Han still has some headaches and bloody pictures. If others watch it, I am afraid it will scare many children. George Han is a caring person, so naturally I don’t want to see it. This happens.

At this moment, Huang Xiaoyong and Jiang Yingying returned.

Seeing that there are many things hanging on Huang Xiaoyong’s body, it is obvious that they were bought for Jiang Yingying. It is estimated that this guy’s method of picking up girls can only cost money.

“Brother George, what’s going on.” Jiang Yingying saw the picture in the inn and immediately walked to George Han with a solemn expression.

“Master, this…this isn’t you doing it, right.” Huang Xiaoyong asked in astonishment. There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and most people had incomplete bodies. This end.

“You just came back, think of a way to clean up here, and don’t let others see it.” George Han told Huang Xiaoyong.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoyong suddenly looked bitter. He didn’t feel the joy of killing, but he threw all the troubles to him.

“Are you not willing?” George Han asked.

“No, of course not. Cleaning up the battlefield for the master. This is what the apprentice should do. Why would you not want to.” Huang Xiaoyong said repeatedly.

“In this case, leave it to you, I will go back to the room first, this bloody smell is still not suitable for me.” George Han said with wrinkled nose.

Once in the center of the earth, George Han experienced a hellish life. At that time, the air was full of strong blood and stench. He thought he could adapt to this environment, but now it seems that it is still not suitable.

“Let me help you.” Jiang Yingying said to Huang Xiaoyong after George Han left.

Jiang Yingying has always positioned herself as George Han’s subordinate, so in her opinion, these things are what she should do.

However, Huang Xiaoyong was not happy when he heard these words. How could Jiang Yingying do this kind of dirty work.

“Auntie, I can do this kind of dirty work by myself. If you really have nothing to do, just chat with me, okay?” Huang Xiaoyong said shamelessly.

“In this case, I’m back to the room.” Jiang Yingying said mercilessly.

Huang Xiaoyong was not dissatisfied either. To Jiang Yingying, he was really moved now. No matter what Jiang Yingying said, it was like a decree to him.

“You guy, you finally succeeded in finding death.” When Huang Xiaoyong saw Feng Ye’s body, he couldn’t help but said, this guy repeatedly asked for trouble, and it can be considered as a complete one, but left such a mess. I really won’t find a place to die.

Huang Xiaoyong couldn’t help kicking Fengye, and then began to work hard.

After Jiang Yingying went upstairs, she went to George Han’s room.

George Han looked at Jiang Yingying with a thief smile, which made Jiang Yingying uncomfortable.

“Brother George, what are you doing looking at me so strangely?” Jiang Yingying lowered her head and asked.

“Huang Xiaoyong, it’s actually pretty good.” George Han said with a smile.

Chapter 994

“Brother George, how could I be with him?” When Jiang Yingying said this, she rolled her eyes subconsciously.

Seeing this reaction, George Han couldn’t help sighing for Huang Xiaoyong. If Jiang Yingying was shy, maybe Huang Xiaoyong still had a chance. A Jiang Yingying who had a slight affection for him would not have such a reaction.

“Hey, there will be another sad and infatuated man in this world.” George Han said with a sigh.

Jiang Yingying disagreed with these words. How could a person like Huang Xiaoyong be an infatuated man? In her opinion, Huang Xiaoyong is no different from the unscrupulous second generation on earth.

“Brother George, how could a rich man like Huang Xiaoyong be infatuated for women? You worry too much,” Jiang Yingying said.

George Han looked serious and retorted: “I really have to say a few good things for Huang Xiaoyong about this matter. Although he has nothing to do with him, he is still very dedicated in terms of feelings. You are not conscious now. At this point, it can only show that you have too little knowledge of him, and you will understand what kind of person he is in the future.”

In Longyun City, Huang Xiaoyong has been hot on his face and cold butt for many years. He likes Chen Yanran, and has not given up after being rejected countless times. This is enough to show that his specialization in this aspect is true. After all, with his status as the son of the city lord, think It is not difficult to find a good girl. It is not easy for him to persist in liking Chen Yanran for so many years.

“Brother George, let’s not talk about him. If you kill the Feng family, will there be any trouble?” Jiang Yingying did not want to continue discussing Huang Xiaoyong, and took the initiative to change the subject.

“The Feng Family won’t have much trouble, but the next Ximen Family will not be easy.” George Han said.

“It is believed that the death of Feng’s family will be spread out soon. Ximenchang is likely to use this as an excuse to inquire his teacher. In this way, your situation will be very difficult.” Jiang Yingying worried.

George Han smiled and shook his head, he was not worried at all in this regard.

If no one sees it with his own eyes, he will be able to assert that it has nothing to do with him, even if the world knows that Feng’s family was killed by him, no one is eligible for conviction without the evidence that he has seen with his own eyes.

Moreover, for the emperor, maybe he will continue to favor him because of this matter, which makes George Han need not worry.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the emperor stopped helping him, George Han had the last way to go, and that was to leave the imperial court.

“Don’t worry, even if Ximenchang uses this reason to trouble me, it is not a big deal. No one has seen it with his own eyes, and no one is qualified to be convicted.” George Han said.

“But… those corpses will be seen after all.” Jiang Yingying said in a puzzled way. No one saw him killing people, but seeing the corpse, doesn’t this explain the problem?

“You forgot, Huang Xiaoyong is the Seven-Star Beast Master, who can just feed the wing tiger, who can see the corpse?” George Han smiled.

After hearing this explanation, Jiang Yingying suddenly realized that it is no wonder that George Han would let Huang Xiaoyong deal with the corpse, which was the case.

After a short period of time, the inn finally returned to normal, but the faces of those who re-checked in were stiff.

There are so many people in the Feng family who disappeared out of thin air. They knew what the fate would be like, but they didn’t even see the dead body, which inevitably made people feel uncomfortable. After all, they live here, in case this should cause unnecessary trouble. , Can not bear their status.

On that day, many people left the inn one after another, and news about the Feng Family’s disappearance out of thin air gradually spread in Fengshang City.

Ran Yi’s old house.

When Ran Yi heard the news, his face was heavy. He knew that Feng’s family disappeared and must have died by the hands of George Han. Through this incident, he even foresees the bloody storm of Fengshang during this period of time in the future.

“Have you heard that more than a dozen people from the Feng Family have disappeared out of thin air in your inn.” After Ge Zhonglin learned of this, he hurriedly found Ran Yi.

“You know, can I still not know, but we’d better not care too much about this matter.” Ran Yi exhorted.

Ge Zhonglin naturally knew that he was not qualified to be nosy, but this did not mean that he could control the desire to discuss privately, and said to Ran Yi: “This matter, how can it be regarded as a handle? Will Ximenchang use this? Make things difficult for George Han?”

“Is it important to make things difficult? Ximenchang and George Han, only one person can leave Fengshang Mall alive. Who do you think it will be?” Ran Yi said.

This question is a bit difficult for Ge Zhonglin. On the one hand, George Han’s strength is good, and on the other hand, Ximenchang’s status. If George Han has the courage to kill Ximenchang, it is not impossible, but is he just Are you not afraid of the chain effect after killing Ximenchang?

“George Han, really have the guts?” Ge Zhonglin asked curiously.

“The auction hasn’t ended yet, he has already come to me, do you know what the first sentence is saying?” Ran Yimai asked Guan Zi.

This remark caused Ge Zhonglin’s extreme curiosity, and he couldn’t wait to say: “You said, what did he say.”

“He asked me how much influence Ximenchang would have if he died.” Ran Yi said.

Ge Zhonglin’s complexion changed. Since George Han asked such a question, he was ready to kill Ximenchang. This surprised him. After all, Ximenchang’s position was placed there, and he dared to kill Ximenchang. Heart, this is not an idea that most people dare to have.

“Ximenchang has now got Shengli. According to the information sent back by my men, Ximenchang never showed up after returning to his residence. It seems that he will be reluctant to close his eyes in the next few days. This should be a storm in Fengshang Mall. The tranquility before.” Ge Zhonglin said.

“It doesn’t matter that there will be a few days of silence. This storm will break out sooner or later, but there is one thing I haven’t figured out yet.” Ran Yi frowned and said.

“Don’t understand what?” Ge Zhonglin asked in confusion.

“Will he risk offending the emperor in order to save us? It is difficult to predict the consequences of killing Ximenchang. What qualifications do we have for him to do this?” Ran Yi said, the problem is already in him Haunted for a long time, letting him want to break his head, he couldn’t think of the slightest possibility, after all, he and George Han had nothing to do with him.

Even if he and the Ge family have worked hard for George Han from now on, but in Ran Yi’s opinion, such a weight is not worthy of George Han’s risk.

Ge Zhonglin took a deep breath and said, “You say that it is indeed a bit weird, we are not worth it, it means there must be other reasons behind it.”

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