His True Colors Novel Chapter 975 – 978

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Chapter 975

“What’s the matter with you?” George Han asked unexplainably, isn’t it just going to other countries? His reaction was too exaggerated.

“Master, I have to go to other countries, but I have to go through the Dark Forest.” Huang Xiaoyong reminded that the Dark Forest is a symbol of hell for the people in the Xuanyuan world. When talking about it, who dares to change color except those strong in the extreme master state. Have this idea?

“I know, so what?” George Han said flatly.

Huang Xiaoyong swallowed, and asked cautiously: “Master, you don’t really have an extreme master state, do you?”

Huang Xiaoyong has made many guesses about George Han’s strength, but in the absence of evidence, it is only a guess after all. In Huang Xiaoyong’s view, George Han should not have an extreme master level. After all, he is top-notch. How could George Han reach such a realm at such a young age?

But now it seems that he is not afraid of going to the dark forest at all. If this is not for the strength of the extreme master, how dare to think about it?

George Han smiled and didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what realm he was, and he had never fought against a strong master in the extreme master realm, so he didn’t know what kind of strength the extreme master realm was.

But even if he doesn’t have the Extreme Master Realm now, he is not worried, because as long as he wants to, he can definitely reach it.

After all, in George Han, there are many holy chestnuts, and these holy chestnuts can definitely help him reach the realm of the ultimate master.

“By the way, what is Fei Linger doing these days?” George Han changed the subject and asked Huang Xiaoyong.

Huang Xiaoyong is not stupid, knowing that George Han doesn’t want to face this question directly, so he stopped asking.

“She just stopped, staying at the inn all the time, doing nothing.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“Then what’s going on? What’s the situation?” George Han continued to ask. George Han knows this kind of rich and powerful son very well. They will never disappear after eating. His trouble, sooner or later. Will also find the door.

“It’s weird to say that this Fengye has been quieter recently. He bought a small courtyard and didn’t even open the door. It doesn’t look like he wants to retaliate against us.” Huang Xiaoyong said in confusion.

He bought some people in Fengshang Mall and paid attention to Fengye’s movements in real time. Unfortunately, this guy did not move at all.

“It looks like he is still waiting.” George Han said with a smile.

“Wait, what are you waiting for?” Huang Xiaoyong asked puzzledly.

“Since all the big families in the imperial court will come to participate in this auction, the families behind Fengye will definitely also appear.” George Han said.

After hearing this, Huang Xiaoyong suddenly realized that Fengye was not inaction, but was waiting for help.

“I asked you to investigate the boss behind Fengmo Auction House, what happened to this matter.” George Han continued to ask.

“Master, the behind-the-scenes owner is Ran Yi. He almost monopolizes half of the auction market in Fengshang Mall. I don’t know how rich this old thing is. I also found out where he lives. But I heard that he hasn’t been out for many years. When Huang Xiaoyong talked about the word money, his eyes lighted up. In fact, with his current strength, money is not important at all, but he has not yet adapted to this matter.

“It doesn’t matter whether he goes out or not, just help me stare at how many people come to see him. He is the key person who will reveal my identity.” George Han said.

Liu Ding is only one of the people in charge. He has to obey Ran Yi in whatever he does. Therefore, George Han is not worried that Liu Ding will expose himself because he dare not do so.

However, this Ran Yike can’t explain clearly. He has the highest power of speech and affairs. If he encounters persecution from a big family, he might betray himself.

“Master, don’t worry, I have arranged for the inn, Fengye Xiaoyuan, Ran Yi’s old house.” Huang Xiaoyong smiled.

This is why George Han wants to bring Huang Xiaoyong with him. Having a helper can reduce a lot of trouble without having to do everything by himself.

For George Han, who is used to being a shopkeeper on the earth, it would be a bit difficult to adapt if he had to do everything himself.

Three days later, almost everyone who should come has arrived at Fengshang Mall. This is definitely the busiest time in history, and there is a high probability that this will not happen in the future, because it is impossible for anyone other than George Han to Sheng Li took it out for auction.

After several days of rushing, Jiang Yingying finally arrived in the dust.

She also encountered a lot of trouble along the way. After all, she is a daughter, and it is inevitable that some people will have evil thoughts, but those who have evil thoughts will eventually taste the evil results. After all, Jiang Yingying’s strength is not a joke.

At first, she was like George Han, with a sacred chestnut fruit belly, but she supported herself by eating.

“I didn’t expect this Fengshang Mall to have so many modern elements.” After entering the city, Jiang Yingying’s first feeling was exactly the same as George Han’s. These buildings seemed to show her the shadow of the earth.

Just as Jiang Yingying was about to try her luck and find an inn to live in, a woman suddenly stood in front of her.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Yingying asked with dissatisfaction between her eyebrows.

“I’m just curious.” Fei Linger said with a smile. With her realm, it is not a problem to see through anyone’s strength.

George Han was an exception to Fei Linger, but she never dreamed that this kind of exception could appear a second time.

Jiang Yingying, who stood in front of her, became the second person she couldn’t see through.

“Curiosity killed the cat. I advise you not to be curious about me.” Jiang Yingying said coldly.

If someone dared to speak to Fei Linger in this tone in normal times, she would have already died in her hands.

But facing Jiang Yingying, Fei Linger was not angry at all.

“You look familiar, I seem to have seen it before,” Fei Linger said.

Jiang Yingying can still understand if he changes to a man to strike up a conversation in this way, after all, although the way is a bit old-fashioned, it makes sense.

But the other party is a woman, which seems a bit strange.

“What on earth do you want to do?” Jiang Yingying asked.

“By the way, I remember, I saw you on a painting, this painting belongs to George Han.” Fei Linger said.

George Han!

Hearing these three words, the excitement on Jiang Yingying’s face could not be concealed at all, because her purpose in coming to Fengshang Mall was to find George Han, but she had only just entered the city and met someone who knew George Han.

“Do you know Brother George?” Jiang Yingying asked impatiently.

Fei Linger’s expression remained unchanged, and she smiled and said, “Of course I know, and I am very familiar with it. I still know all his secrets.”

Chapter 976

Jiang Yingying walked up to Fei Linger in a pleasant surprise. She never expected that she had such good luck. She learned about George Han as soon as she entered the city, and she didn’t waste any effort at all.

And looking at Fei Linger’s appearance, she was indeed very familiar with George Han, otherwise, she would not be able to recognize herself for no reason.

For this reason, Jiang Yingying completely stopped her defense against Fei Linger.

“Where is Brother George, you quickly take me to see him.” Jiang Yingying said eagerly. Since coming to Xuanyuan World, she has not heard from George Han for too long, so she can’t wait to see him at this time. To George Han.

“Hey.” Fei Linger sighed and said, “It’s difficult for you to see him now.”

“Why? What happened to Brother George?” The smile on Jiang Yingying’s face instantly became dignified. George Han can’t be surprised, otherwise, she would be meaningless living in Xuanyuan World.

Fei Linger deliberately lowered her voice and said to Jiang Yingying: “You should know about the recent Shengli auction.”

Jiang Yingying nodded, she also came for this incident.

Today, in the entire imperial court, I am afraid that no one does not know this.

“What’s the matter?” Jiang Yingying asked puzzled, she didn’t understand the relationship between Shengli Auction and George Han.

“Don’t you know that Sheng Li was auctioned by him? He didn’t expect to cause such a big sensation, so he is now hiding.” Fei Linger said.

Shengli was auctioned by George Han?

Jiang Yingying is a very clever girl. Although she has never seen Sheng Li, but hearing Fei Linger say this, she immediately thinks that Sheng Li may be Hong Guo, because she knows that Hong Guo can help people improve their realm, and Sheng Li’s effect is the same. , The two must be the same item.

But why did George Han hide?

“I still don’t understand. Even if Sheng Li was auctioned off by him, why did he hide?” Jiang Yingying asked puzzled.

Fei Linger rolled his eyes and said, “You don’t know how precious Sheng Li is. He made this mistake because of ignorance. Now those big families not only want to buy Sheng Li, but also To find out who the auctioneer is, they must want to know the source of Sheng Li, and George Han is naturally the target of these big families.”

Jiang Yingying nodded, speaking of this, she finally understood why George Han wanted to hide.

But the source of Shengli, but the earth, even if these guys know it?

Thinking of this question, Jiang Yingying understood even more why George Han wanted to hide. He couldn’t expose his identity, otherwise, it would definitely cause an uproar.

“Don’t you know where he is? Didn’t you say that you know all his secrets?” Jiang Yingying asked.

For Fei Linger to make Jiang Yingying completely believe in herself, she must make Jiang Yingying feel that she knows George Han very well, and cannot make Jiang Yingying think that George Han is defensive against her. If this question is not answered properly, I am afraid she The purpose of this will be defeated.

“There are so many eyeliners in Fengshang Mall now, and for a beautiful girl like me, if she follows him, she will definitely attract other people’s attention, so I suggested that he should be alone to avoid the limelight for the time being, so as not to cause him trouble.” Fei Linger said.

This reason seems far-fetched, but it also has a certain truth. Take Jiang Yingying as an example, she encountered a lot of troubles on her way to Fengshang Mall, and these troubles were all caused by her beauty.

I have to say that sometimes beauty is indeed a potential trouble.

“By the way, you haven’t found a place to live, right now, Fengshang Mall, but the inn is full, how about you just squeeze with me?” Fei Linger suggested.

Jiang Yingying agreed without thinking, because if you want to see George Han, you have to follow Fei Linger.

When the two went to the inn together, Fei Linger could feel that Jiang Yingying’s vigilance towards her had relaxed a lot, which made the corners of her mouth rise slightly. As long as she got Jiang Yingying’s trust, she would be able to have more of George Han through Jiang Yingying. To understanding.

Back in the room, Fei Linger said: “Sleep with me, you won’t dislike it.”

Jiang Yingying shook her head again and again and said, “Why, I am already very happy to have a place to live, thank you.”

Whether on the earth or in the Xuanyuan world, Jiang Yingying’s identity is very ordinary. Even if she now has a strength that she never had before, Jiang Yingying’s heart has never swelled, so she won’t have any pretensions, and Fei Ling’er will have It was George Han’s friend, how could she care so much.

“Your brother was in Longyun City, so he always tried every means to find you, but he didn’t expect to let me run into him.” Fei Linger said with a sigh on his face.

“Is my brother always in Longyun City?” Jiang Yingying asked curiously.

“How did you separate, don’t you know these things?” Feiling asked in doubt.

The two of them had already separated in the time tunnel, but this kind of thing, naturally, can not tell Fei Linger, and Jiang Yingying is a person who is not good at lying, so when facing this problem, she seemed very embarrassed.

Upon seeing this, Fei Linger said very understandingly: “It doesn’t matter, if you feel embarrassed, don’t tell me.”

Jiang Yingying didn’t speak, just nodded.

In order to enliven the atmosphere and make the two more intimate, Fei Linger continued: “Do you want to know about your brother’s affairs in Longyun City? He also became the son-in-law of someone else.”

“My son-in-law!” Jiang Yingying looked at Fei Linger in shock.

These four words are so familiar.

In Earth Cloud City, isn’t George Han the son-in-law of the Su family? Moreover, it was reduced to a joke of the entire Cloud City, which was ridiculed for more than three years.

But now that he came to Xuanyuan World, he turned out to be the son-in-law again. Could it be possible that his relationship with these four words would not be broken in this life?

Jiang Yingying was a little dumbfounded, and she didn’t know how to describe her feelings.

“Yeah, this matter can be very lively in Longyun City. The woman is one of the three major families in Longyun City. They are two married. I don’t know how many people have their jaw dropped.” Fei Linger said.

Jiang Yingying smiled even more bitterly on her face. This sounded too familiar, as if the story of the earth was repeated again.

The Su family is in Basin City. Although it is not a first-line family, it is considered good. Moreover, their wedding in Basin City also surprised the people in Basin City. I did not expect this kind of bloody plot to be in Xuanyuan again. The world was staged once.

“Maybe he is more predestined with these four words in his life,” Jiang Yingying said.

Chapter 977

“Fate? What do you mean?” This time it was Fei Linger’s turn to be puzzled. Is it possible that George Han had been a door-to-door son-in-law more than once?

But how could such a ridiculous thing happen to him twice? Is it possible for a strong man like him to take pleasure in this and have such a vulgar preference?

“Nothing, I just talk about it casually.” Jiang Yingying said.

Fei Linger’s expression remained unchanged, but she knew that George Han must have many secrets, and she hadn’t received Jiang Yingying’s complete trust, so she was reluctant to tell herself these things.

But Fei Linger is not in a hurry, she still has time.

“I don’t understand why such a powerful person is willing to suffer such humiliation, and he was also driven out of the mansion by the Chen family and embarrassed in front of everyone. He is a strong man, and he can make Chen family blood after turning his hands. Flowing into a river.” Fei Linger said pretendingly in doubt.

After hearing these words, Jiang Yingying was not surprised at all.

Although the former George Han was not as strong as he is now, his identity and background are still not comparable to that of the Su family, but he is not the same. He suffered all the humiliation in the Su family and was seen in Basin City. A joke?

For George Han, things that ordinary people can’t understand happen to him, it’s not unusual.

Jiang Yingying knew that George Han’s forbearance was to prevent herself from attracting too many people’s attention. After all, he did not belong to the Xuanyuan world, and this secret had to be kept.

“My brother has always been low-key and doesn’t fight with the world, so it’s nothing strange.” Jiang Yingying said.

“Why is he so low-key?” Feiling asked curiously.

“Character, he doesn’t like being too public.” Jiang Yingying casually perfunctory.

Fei Linger stopped asking this question to avoid causing Jiang Yingying’s suspicion. By tonight, she would naturally have a way to make Jiang Yingying speak.

The two chatted about something insignificant again, and at this time, someone had already visited Ran Yi’s old house.

As Bai Lingwan’er thought, those big families have indeed begun to investigate the auctioneers of Sheng Li. They not only want to own Sheng Li, but also want to know where Sheng Li comes from. If you want to know this question, you must Find out the person who auctioned the sacred chestnut.

The first wave of people who arrived at Ranyi’s old house were three people wearing Chinese clothes, an old man and two young people. At first glance, they were high-status existences.

The old man carried an air of majesty and a strong aura.

“Meeting old friends, is it possible for you to hide?” The old man stood at the gate and said, his voice seemed very small, but it was very penetrating.

Sitting in the courtyard, Ran Yi seemed to feel thunder blowing in his ears.

What followed was a wry smile. He had known this old thing for many years. He always relied on his strength to show off his skills in front of him. After so many years, his temper remained the same.

Ran Yi stood up. Since it was an old friend, he naturally had to come out to meet him personally.

“Ge Zhonglin, I haven’t seen you for so many years, you still have a bad temper, won’t you knock on the door?” Ran Yi said with a dissatisfied expression.

Ge Zhonglin raised a disdainful smile on his face and said, “You are not worthy of my hand for breaking the door.”

Ran Yi’s teeth were itchy. The two had known each other for many years. When they were young, they often fought each other. Now that they are old, Ran Yi is already a buddhist mind, but seeing Ge Zhonglin, the hostility in his heart rushes to his forehead again.

“Since my break is not worth your hand, what are you doing in my broken place?” Ran Yi said.

Ge Zhonglin walked directly into the yard without saying a word. When passing by Ran Yi, he said: “If it wasn’t for something to do with you, do you think I would come? I have asked you to repair this broken place a while ago, but you didn’t listen. Lack of money? Do I need relief?”

Ran Yi was so angry that he fisted towards Ge Zhonglin’s back.

I haven’t seen my old friends for many years. It was supposed to be an exchange of feelings about pushing a cup and changing a cup, but for the two people it turned into a fist.

With Ge Zhonglin’s strength, Ran Yi would definitely win.

But Ge Zhonglin deliberately suppressed his strength in the same realm of Ran Yi, and the two played back and forth.

After more than twenty rounds, Ran Yi was already out of breath, but Ge Zhonglin’s expression remained unchanged.

“Don’t fight, don’t fight, shit, you’re bullying labor and capital.” Ran Yi waved his hand and said, in this way, even if Ge Zhonglin is not overthrown, he will fall because of exhaustion of energy.

Ge Zhonglin smiled and said, “You trash, you will never be my opponent for the rest of your life. You still want to fight with me, so you can’t help yourself.”

Seeing this scene, Ran Yi’s guard laughed, as did the two young people Ge Zhonglin had brought.

The two seem to be intolerable, but in fact they have a very good relationship. They curse and fist, but in fact, this is a strong expression of emotion. Otherwise, with Ge Zhonglin’s strength, Ran Yi is already dead. Dozens back and forth.

“Bah, if it wasn’t for the labor and management that was injured back then, were you arrogant in front of me? I was hurting myself to save the dog. You won’t forget it,” Ran Yi said.

Ge Zhonglin was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, pointing to Ran Yi’s nose and said angrily: “Who do you think is a dog? Believe it or not, I really abolished you.”

Ran Yi sat on the stone bench, panting heavily, and turned a blind eye to Ge Zhonglin’s desperation. Instead, he recalled the past and said, “Back then…”

“Yes, you don’t want to be back then, every time you meet is what happened back then, don’t you know that the hero didn’t mention the bravery back then?” Ge Zhonglin said helplessly.

“Labor and capital are brave once, so I’m not allowed to mention it?” Ran Yi scolded angrily.

Ge Zhonglin is like a discouraged ball. Back then, if Ran Yi had not been seriously injured to save him, it would not have made Ran Yi unable to practice. Ge Zhonglin would never forget this kindness under any circumstances.

“Even if you want to mention it, you have to serve the wine first.” Ge Zhonglin said.

Ran Yi glanced at the guard, and the guard quickly went to the wine cellar.

Finally, the scene of old friends meeting turned into a normal scene of pushing a cup and changing a cup. Ran Yi began to talk about that year when Ge Zhonglin scolded him from time to time, but did not interrupt Ran Yi.

After drinking for three rounds, Ge Zhonglin finally couldn’t help but said to Ran Yi: “It’s almost time to finish what you have to say, now it’s my turn.”

“You don’t need to speak, I know what you want to do.” Ran Yi said, this time Ge Zhonglin came to Fengshang Mall, he must have come for Shengli, he came to his own home, besides retelling the past, he naturally wanted to know what it was. Someone is auctioning Shengli, so there is no need for Ge Zhonglin to speak, Ran Yi also knows what he wants to say.

“Since you know, don’t tell me quickly, is it possible that you still have to hide it from me?” Ge Zhonglin said.

Chapter 978

Ran Yi smiled, then waved his hand again, and said, “Even if I tell you, what’s the use? Even if you find him, what can you do?”

Hearing these words, Ge Zhonglin’s expression became serious, and put down the wine glass, and asked: “You don’t mean to tell me that the auctioneer of Shengli is a master, right?”

In Ge Zhonglin’s view, this auctioneer was very likely to have obtained the holy chestnut inadvertently, because it is impossible for Jishi to put this precious thing out for auction.

If you get it by accident, you can find the location of Sheng Li if you find this person. This is a very attractive thing for anyone!

“Yes.” Ran Yi nodded and said.

“How is it possible, old stuff, don’t lie to me.” Ge Zhonglin said disbelievingly.

Not only did he not believe it, but the two young men who followed him also looked suspicious.

Because of this kind of thing, there is no possibility.

Although Jishi is powerful, there is still a legendary god, which is the pursuit of every Jishi.

And Shengli is their greatest hope in pursuing the realm of gods. Who would use their hope for auction?

And how is it possible for a big man like Jishi to be short of money?

“Although I don’t know the reason, he, indeed, may be a great master. That’s why I don’t want you to find him. I know your bad temper very well, in case there is a relationship between you and him. Conflict, I will lose the fun in my future life.” Ran Yi said.

Ran Yi’s so-called fun, he told Ge Zhonglin a long time ago that he wants to live longer with Ge Zhonglin.

So when he said that he had lost his fun, Ge Zhonglin understood that he was afraid that he would lose his life by offending that guru.

However, Ge Zhonglin is still reluctant to believe that the auctioneer is a master, because this is a matter of no reason at all.

“You really didn’t joking with me? But how could Jishi be short of money?” Ge Zhonglin asked puzzled.

“Didn’t I tell you, I don’t know the reason, but his realm is definitely not comparable to your Ge family.” After saying this, Ran Yi paused for a moment and continued: “You are also a very smart person. , Don’t you know where the holy chestnut is produced? Could you think that there are holy chestnuts outside of the Dark Forest?”

Ge Zhonglin’s expression was solemn. Except for the Dark Forest, he has indeed never heard of Sheng Li in other places, and it is rumored that Sheng Li’s growth conditions require a powerful exotic animal breath as nutrition. This is why Sheng Li can help people improve their realm. the reason.

“Hey.” Ge Zhonglin sighed. He had to believe what an old friend said for many years, but he was a little disappointed in his heart. He thought he could get more valuable things through his relationship with Ran Yi, but now it seems like a daydream.

How can ordinary people get Holy Chestnut?

“You don’t have to sigh. With your Ge family’s financial resources, it is not impossible to get this holy chestnut. Is it possible that you are not satisfied to get one?” Ran Yi said.

“I can get it, and I am naturally satisfied, but this time, I am afraid it is not as simple as you think. The entire imperial family is here. My Ge family is afraid that it is powerless.” Ge Zhonglin said with a look of weakness.

Compared with the ordinary big family, the Ge family has an absolute advantage, but this time the situation is different, too many people are involved, and some families are willing to give everything for the sake of Sheng Li, which makes the Ge family’s situation very difficult. Embarrassed.

Ran Yi nodded. Naturally, how powerful Sheng Li’s attraction is, it goes without saying that the price those big families are willing to pay for this matter is unimaginable.

Although the auction has not started yet, Ran Yi can already think of how powerful this auction will be.

“Your Ge family is weak, did you forget me?” Ran Yi said disdainfully.

Ge Zhonglin understood what he meant by these words. Ran Yi has kept a low profile in Fengshang Mall for so many years, but he actually controls half of the auction house’s business. His financial resources are also quite amazing. If Ran Yi’s help, Ge Zhonglin wants to be auctioned. The probability of winning Sheng Li at the meeting is higher.

But as an old friend for many years, Ge Zhonglin was reluctant to do so.

Back then, because of Ran Yi’s life-saving grace, Ran Yi was unable to practice. This already made Ge Zhonglin feel that Ran Yi owed Ran Yi, and Ge Zhonglin was unable to repay this debt.

Now, he still has Ran Yi’s money, which is even more unacceptable for Ge Zhonglin.

At this time, the guard walked to Ran Yi and said to Ran Yi, “Master, someone has come up again.”

“Who?” Ran Yi asked.

“Ximen family, Ximenchang,” the guard said.

Upon hearing the three words Ximenchang, both Ran Yi and Ge Zhonglin’s expressions changed.

“I didn’t expect Ximen Chang to come in person.” Ge Zhonglin gritted his teeth and said.

The Ximen family is another big family after the Bailing family. Even in the heyday of the Bailing family, the Ximen family was only slightly inferior. After the Bailing family was annihilated, the Ximen family became well-deserved The first family of the imperial court, and because of the close relationship between Ximenchang and the emperor, the Ximen family was not restricted by the imperial court.

“It seems that your Ge family wants to win Shengli, it’s really not easy.” Ran Yi said with a sigh on his face.

Ximenchang personally came forward, which is enough to show that the Ximen family is bound to win Shengli, and his appearance will surely make many families dismiss it.

After all, no one wants to offend Ximenchang, everyone will worry about being worn by Ximenchang afterwards.

“Even if Ximenchang comes, my Ge family will do my best.” Ge Zhonglin said unconvinced.

Ran Yi nodded. Ximenchang is worth fearing, but under the temptation of Shengli’s treasures, it is still worth the Ge family to try.

“You go to the backyard first, I will meet Ximenchang for a while.” Ran Yi said.

The three Ge Zhonglin led the guards down to the backyard.

After a while, an old man with white hair appeared in front of Ran Yi, his long hair was not tied up, and the wind fluttered, quite a sense of immortality.

Ran Yi stood up, bowed, and said respectfully: “I didn’t expect to see Mr. Ximen in my lifetime. It’s a great fortune in my life.”

Ximenchang sneered at this kind of flattering, and because of his status, he would not put Ran Yi in his eyes at all, so he said unceremoniously: “You should know the purpose of my coming. In this case, you don’t need me too much. Did you ask?”

“The auction house has the rules of the auction house. I hope Mr. Simon can understand.” Ran Yi said.

Ximenchang snorted coldly and said, “In front of me, there are rules? Ximenchang is the rules!”

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