His True Colors Novel Chapter 967 – 970

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Chapter 967

Hearing the lower two words, Huang Xiaoyong’s expression became very dissatisfied. Who is this to look down upon. Since he is here, since he wants to participate, he naturally has to participate in the highest level. Otherwise, what’s the point?

But Huang Xiaoyong thought about it, and he didn’t bring anything valuable as a lot.

“Master, what should I do now?” Huang Xiaoyong asked George Han in a low voice.

Contributing to the lot is not an unacceptable thing for George Han. The Hongguo in his hand is definitely of extraordinary value, but this is only in his own opinion. For others, how valuable is the Hongguo? , He had no idea in his mind, and he didn’t even know if the person in charge would look at him.

“Three, if you are in a dilemma, our auction house will not reluctantly, please don’t delay my time.” Orange said very politely, but what he expressed was already an order to dismiss the guests.

Huang Xiaoyong felt very uncomfortable with this gentle attitude of hiding the knife, but he couldn’t get angry again. After all, Liu Ding didn’t embarrass them, nor said anything bad.

“What are you worried about, let my master think about it,” Huang Xiaoyong said.

There was a trace of impatientness flashing between Liu Ding’s eyebrows, these three guys weren’t the owner of any good things at first glance, and he didn’t have time to waste on them.

“I’m really sorry, I’m still busy, please leave the three by yourself.” Liu Ding said.

It must be a shame to be driven away in this way. Huang Xiaoyong was a little anxious and said to George Han, “Master, shall we still participate?”

George Han sighed. He also knew that he might be ashamed. If he didn’t get Liu Ding’s approval when he took out the red fruit, he would be even more embarrassed.

“Why don’t you check your capital? Don’t participate in the most advanced auction.” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong saw that George Han’s attention had been set, and said to Liu Ding: “My master’s good things are not worth auctioning. We don’t participate in the most advanced auctions.”

“Since you are going to verify your capital, please come with me.” Liu Dingqiang said impatiently.

Later, Huang Xiaoyong was taken into a secret room in the office. After a few minutes, the two came out, and George Han clearly saw Huang Xiaoyong downcast.

“Three, you are wasting my time.” Orange’s attitude became obviously rude, even with strong anger.

“What’s the matter?” George Han asked Huang Xiaoyong.

“Master, he said that with my money, I can’t even participate in the lowest-level auctions, but I almost emptied my house.” Huang Xiaoyong did not expect that all his belongings, Liu Ding would not be seen at all. In his eyes, this made him dare not imagine that the people who came to the auction were rich people.

George Han darkened his face. This was the first time he was really embarrassed by the word money.

While on Earth, although George Han was in a difficult time, he would not fall into this situation. He did not expect to be in trouble because of money.

At this time, a group of heavily armed guards rushed into the office, one by one with fierce aura.

“Oliu Ding, what do you mean?” Huang Xiaoyong’s complexion changed, isn’t it just that he has no money, he needs to be so excited.

The coldness of the orange face was no longer as amiable as before, and he said coldly: “I don’t know where the hillbilly came from, dare to waste my time without money. You have to pay for it.”

“Want to fight?” Huang Xiaoyong is eager to try. He is not afraid of fighting, but is very warlike. Especially with George Han, Huang Xiaoyong has no worries.

“It’s just you? Only the Five Lights Realm. For Fengmo Auction House, it’s just an ant.” Liu Ding laughed all over his face. He could see Huang Xiaoyong’s realm. Obviously, his strength was not bad.

Being able to become one of the heads of Fengmo Auction House would not be able to sit in this position without the ability.

Seeing that the two sides are about to meet each other, George Han said at this moment: “I have something to auction, but I don’t know if Fengmo Auction House has the strength to follow.”

Now, I can only try the value of Hongguo, and George Han also wants to prove whether Hongguo is a good thing in Xuanyuan World.

Of course, he still has a concern, that is, if Fengmo Auction House can achieve such a big scale, there must be a backstage. It is by no means a good thing to have such a big conflict between Fengmo Auction House and Fengmo Auction House.

George Han didn’t want to just settle here, he had to leave here.

“Hahahaha.” Liu Ding burst into laughter when he heard George Han’s words.

“Laugh or laugh, my master’s things are very precious, you might not have seen it at the broken auction house.” Huang Xiaoyong looked at the yin and yang strange guy, and was not angry.

“Who can compare with Fengmo Auction House in the entire Feng Mo Auction House? I have never seen anything that Feng Mo Auction House can’t accept. Are you wasting my time on purpose?” Liu Ding laughed.

“Are you wasting your time deliberately? Just look at it, but the things are very precious. Let them withdraw first,” George Han said.

Liu Ding’s look at George Han is not joking, maybe he really has something good.

“Retreat to the door, if you hear any changes, come in immediately, as long as you are standing, kill without mercy.” Orange said to the group of guards.

After the guards retreated, Liu Ding returned to his seat, but he did not have much hope for George Han’s good things. After all, the financial resources of these three people could not even participate in the lowest-level auctions, so what? What might be too good?

“Take it out,” said Orange.

George Han glanced at Huang Xiaoyong, feeling really bottomless, but he had to send the arrow on the string, took out a red fruit, pinched it in his palm, and walked towards Liu Ding’s desk.

“What do you think?” George Han stretched out his palm.

At this time, he was also a little nervous. After all, he had never verified the value of Hongguo with others. It was a product of the earth, and he didn’t know if the people in Xuanyuan World recognized this thing.

Orange lifted his head slightly, his originally relaxed expression suddenly became serious.

Standing up quickly, Liu Ding subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab the red fruit from George Han.

But George Han stopped his hand faster, causing Liu Ding to pounce.

“How about it, can this thing satisfy you?” George Han breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. Judging from the changes in Liu Ding’s facial expression, this thing should be very valuable, no How could he suddenly change his face?

Liu Ding’s breathing became hurried. He wasn’t sure if he saw it right just now, and said to George Han, “Let me take another look.”

Chapter 968

When George Han opened his hands again, Liu Ding’s eyes seemed to see a beautiful beauty with a great appearance, full of desire to possess.

“Sheng Li, this turned out to be Sheng Li!” Orange exclaimed.

Holy chestnut?

George Han has always called it Hongguo, but he didn’t expect it to have a real name.

Since it has a name, it means that this kind of thing also exists in Xuanyuan World. It seems that this is not a special product of the earth.

And judging from Orange’s reaction, Sheng Li’s value must be very high.

“How could you have Shengli, where did it come from?” Liu Ding couldn’t wait to ask George Han.

“Do I need to explain to you where it came from?” George Han asked back.

Orange restrained his emotions, and after he calmed down a little bit, he knew that his question was indeed a little abrupt, and the auction house was not qualified to care where things came from.

It’s just that he was so surprised that he couldn’t help asking this question.

After all, the origin of the holy chestnut is in the dark forest, and it is guarded by a powerful alien. According to legend, it is very difficult for even a master to get a holy chestnut. Now that he appears in front of him, how can he not be shocked? .

In this life, Liu Ding has only seen Sheng Li twice. Since the last time, he had followed the real boss of Fengmo Auction House and met with a master. Now, Sheng Li has appeared again. Could it be that this person in front of him, Is it also a guru?

“I apologize for the unreasonableness I just made, and I hope adults don’t mind.” Liu Ding clasped his fists in both hands and bowed slightly.

George Han smiled and even changed his title. It seems that the value of this Sheng Li has exceeded his imagination.

“Am I eligible to participate in the most advanced auction now?” George Han asked.

“Of course, Sheng Li will definitely become the most valuable lot, but do adults really want to auction Sheng Li?” Orange asked uncertainly. After all, Sheng Li really cherishes it. Even if ordinary people have such good things, How can it be put up for auction if you use it yourself to enhance your strength?

You need to know money and status. After you have the latter, the former will naturally be delivered.

But Shengli can make people possess strength and status.

Although George Han had no more Sheng Li in his hands, he didn’t care about this one, and he also wanted to see what good things the most advanced auctions had. It was reasonable to pay a price.

“You help me arrange it, and I will come again after the auction begins,” George Han said.

Seeing that George Han was sure to auction, Liu Ding quickly took out a purple gold card from the desk and presented it in front of George Han. He gave it to George Han and said, “My lord, this is the ticket for the top auction. With this purple gold card, you can participate in any auction and please keep it away.”

George Han took it and took a look. This thing was made very exquisitely, and it seemed that it was not low-value. Just an admission ticket is worth the auction house’s production so well, this Fengmo auction house is indeed not simple.

“Now you know that my master has something good, you guy, you really look down on people, knowing that you are wrong?” Huang Xiaoyong said to Liu Ding with a smug look. He was looked down upon by him just now, now he has a chance. Naturally want to vent.

Orange didn’t dare to be dissatisfied, and said again and again: “This little brother taught me that Orange almost committed a terrible mistake. Fortunately, the adults didn’t care about me. Thank you, adults.”

“I have seen a lot of people like you, so I’ll take a good look at myself in the future, don’t look at people through the door, treat people…”

Before Huang Xiaoyong had finished speaking, he felt George Han glared at him and shut up quickly.

“Nothing else, let’s go first, and I will come again when the auction time is up,” George Han said.

“My lord, don’t you keep the lot?” Liu Ding said quickly. Since he decided to auction the sacred chestnut, it is natural to keep the sacred chestnut. The auction house can make arrangements to avoid George Han’s sudden regret.

“What do you mean, can such a valuable thing be handed to you casually?” Huang Xiaoyong immediately changed his face and scolded Liu Ding.

Liu Ding said to George Han with a look of embarrassment: “My lord, since you decide to auction, this is the rule of our auction house. Please understand.”

George Han thought for a while and threw Sheng Li directly to Liu Ding, saying, “Since it is a rule, I naturally have to abide by it.”

After the orange trembled, for fear of falling to the ground and breaking, she gratefully said to George Han, “Thank you for your understanding, thank you for your understanding.”

“By the way, because we entered the city too late, all the inns of Fengshang Mall are already full. I wonder if I can ask you for help on this matter?” George Han asked Liu Ding.

As the largest auction house in Fengshang Mall, this little problem shouldn’t be a problem for Liu Ding. George Han can’t really sleep on the street. If he can help, it is naturally the best.

“Of course there is no problem.” Liu Ding replied: “The auction house has its own inn, in order to welcome your distinguished guests, I will arrange it immediately.”

“that’s great.”

On the way to the inn, George Han said to Huang Xiaoyong, “Why don’t you go and inform Fei Linger to let her come?”

Before Huang Xiaoyong spoke, Bai Lingwan’er said: “Since she has already lived, why bother to let her come again? Do you have any other thoughts?”

With regard to Bai Lingwan’er’s jealous remarks, George Han had no choice but to give up.

When he arrived at the inn, Liu Ding prepared the best guest rooms for the three, and explained that the inn must pay attention to treating the three.

Then Orange couldn’t wait to return to the auction house.

Sheng Li will inevitably become the highlight of this auction. Once the news is sent out, I don’t know how many people will be shocked, and Orange has been able to imagine those people bidding for Sheng Li.

But before that, the orange had to confirm the authenticity of Sheng Li.

In the office, the orange held the holy chestnut in both hands, feeling the vigorous power surging in the holy chestnut, this feeling will never be false.

“This matter seems to have to be notified to the boss.”

Soon, Orange left the auction house again and walked to an old house.

Compared with other buildings full of modern style in Fengshang Mall, this old house is particularly eye-catching and out of place.

But here lives the most powerful person in Fengshang Mall. He is the owner of Fengmo Auction House, Ran Yi.

In addition to the accident of Fengmo Auction House, Ran Yi’s industry in Fengshang has countless auction houses of various sizes. It can be said that he has almost monopolized half of the entire Fengshang industry by one person.

“Boss, here comes the orange.”

Chapter 969

In the old house.

An old man with white hair sat in front of the chessboard without an opponent. He held black with his left hand and white with his right hand. Even if he was playing chess with himself, his face was very solemn.

When the chess entered the end, when the fight was fierce and disturbed, Ran Yi’s eyebrows showed obvious dissatisfaction.

“What is he doing, doesn’t the auction house have anything to do for him?” Ran Yi said.

“He said there is something very important to see.” The person who spoke was Ran Yi’s personal guard, with the powerful strength of the Seven Lights Realm. Over the years, Ran Yi had established many opponents, and he blocked Ran Yi. Most of the revenge.

Ran Yi hummed coldly and said, “How important is it, can it be more important than my chess?”

“I’m going to let him go,” the guard said.

As soon as the guard took two steps, Ran Yi put down the chess pieces and said, “Since they are all here, let’s meet. If you dare to disturb me easily, he will have to pay the price.”


After a while, the guard led Liu Ding to appear in front of Ran Yi.

It was obvious that Liu Ding was a little nervous. Facing Ran Yi, the boss behind the scenes, if he had to force him, he wouldn’t want to come to see him, because Liu Ding knew that Ran Yi hated interruptions for no reason.

But for this matter today, Liu Ding must come to see him, and Ran Yi has to decide how to auction the sacred chestnut.

“The matter is not important enough, you should know the consequences?” Ran Yi said lightly.

Orange trembled all over, and quickly said: “Boss, someone is auctioning with a holy chestnut. I think you must make your decision on this matter, so I take the liberty to interrupt.”

Hearing the words Shengli, Ran Yi stood up instantly.

Even his personal guards have changed a lot.

For so many years in the auction house, Ran Yi has seen a lot of rare and exotic treasures, but no one has ever put out Shengli for auction.

You must know that there is no market for this thing, even if you have money, you can’t buy it.

And the person who owns the sacred chestnut must be the strong, how could it be auctioned because of lack of money?

“You didn’t joking with me, how could someone auction Saint Chestnut?” Ran Yi asked.

“Boss, it’s true.” While speaking, Orange took out a delicate box.

Ran Yi motioned to the guard with his eyes.

The guard stepped forward and gave the box to Ran Yi.

Ran Yi took a deep breath before opening the box.

When he saw the red fruit inside, he couldn’t help taking another breath.

“Really Saint Li!” Ran Yi exclaimed.

The eyes of the guard on the side showed greed.

As a powerhouse of the Seven Lights Realm, he has been seeking a way to break the realm, but the bottleneck of the last three realms is very capable of breaking through, but if there is a Holy Li, it will be different.

If he could eat this sacred chestnut, it would be just around the corner.

“Where is the auctioneer of Saint Chestnut?” Ran Yi asked Liu Ding.

“I have arranged for them to live in the inn of the auction house. It is a young man,” said Liu Ding.

young people?

Ran Yi glanced at the guard beside him.

The guard whispered: “Is this a great master?”

“Will Jishi easily take out Shengli for auction?” Ran Yi asked rhetorically.

The guard shook his head without hesitation. What a status is the Jishi, this kind of person will never be short of money, and the value of Shengli cannot be measured by money.

“Could it be that he got it by accident and doesn’t know the value of Sheng Li?” the guard guessed.

Ran Yi shook his head. No matter how ignorant he is, it is impossible not to know the value of Sheng Li.

“What state is he?” Ran Yi asked Liu Ding.

Liu Ding shook his head and said, “I can’t see it, but his apprentice is a powerhouse in the Five Lights realm.”

Ran Yi smiled at the guard, even the apprentice is a powerhouse in the Five Lights Realm, how could he not know the value of Sheng Li.

“Perhaps, he is really a master.” Ran Yi said.

“In the imperial court, Ji Shane is a person named Fei Lingsheng, and it is said that this is a woman.” The guard said.

Ran Yi naturally knew what he said, and many years ago, Ran Yi had the honor to meet Fei Lingsheng. That was the most unforgettable moment in his life. Even on the day of his death, Ran Yi could clearly remember and Fei Lingsheng. The scene where the spirits meet.

At this time, Ran Yi frowned suddenly and asked: “Could it be that it is a master from the other two countries?”

The guard has a solemn expression, this kind of guessing is not impossible, and this holy chestnut is also very likely to be obtained by the master of the dark forest.

“Do you need to report to the imperial court?” the guard asked.

Ran Yi thought for a while, and finally shook his head. Ji Shane, such a supreme powerhouse, is not something he can provoke. No matter where he comes from or what purpose he has, Ran Yi is not qualified. Those who intervene, otherwise, they are likely to lose their lives.

“Let’s talk after I meet him, this kind of character is not something we can offend casually.” Ran Yi said.

“Have you explained to the inn that you should treat this distinguished guest carefully?” Ran Yi asked Liu Ding.

“Boss, I have already explained it.”

Ran Yi nodded and continued: “Since he is going to auction Sheng Li, we naturally have to arrange this matter for him, let the news go out, and say that there will be Sheng Li as a lot in this auction.”

“Yes.” Orange nodded in response.

Ran Yi said with a sigh: “Fengmo Auction House has sold countless treasures for so many years, but this time, it must be the most sensational. I don’t know how many people have to break their blood for this holy chestnut.”

The guard seemed hesitant to speak. Obviously, he wanted this holy chestnut, but he didn’t know how to speak.

Ran Yi saw his thoughts and said, “You better dispel this idea. This thing is not something ordinary people can enjoy. As soon as the news comes out, the major families in the imperial court will inevitably flock to you. I am in Feng Although the mall has some power, it is still a world apart from these real big families.”

A trace of despair flashed in the guard’s eyes. Compared to those real big families, Ran Yi was really nothing.

And once those big families participate in this auction, it will be a fight between the gods, and most people can only watch the excitement.

After Liu Ding returned to the auction house, he immediately arranged manpower to spread the news about the auction of Saint Chestnut.

As soon as the news came out, it was the stormy sea that blew up in Fengshang Mall. Countless people were shocked by the news.

Holy chestnut!

The products of the Dark Forest are real treasures that can be encountered and cannot be found. No one has ever thought that such top-quality objects would appear in auctions.

Soon, the news continued to spread centered on Fengshang Mall, and in less than a day, it spread almost throughout the imperial court.

Chapter 970

Fengyan Inn.

There is only Fei Linger left here.

When the inn broke news about Sheng Li, Fei Linger thought of George Han for the first time.

The mystery took out Sheng Li as a lot. Apart from George Han, Feiling could not think of anyone else who could do this.

What Fei Linger never expected was that George Han would actually possess a treasure like Sheng Li, which made her wonder who George Han was.

To know the degree of danger in the Dark Forest, even the Great Master needs to be cautious, and it is even more difficult to get Holy Chestnut in the Dark Forest.

“How did this guy get Sheng Li?” When the full moon was in the sky, Fei Linger was not half asleep yet, and his mind was full of questions about Sheng Li, because she knew better than anyone how difficult it was to get Sheng Li.

At this time, Fei Linger’s eyes suddenly changed, a breath was approaching her room, and it was obvious that the person who came was not good.

Can this be a black shop?

Soon, Fei Linger couldn’t help laughing, because she had already sensed who the arrival was.

“This young man hasn’t stopped.” Fei Linger said to himself with a smile.

Soon, the breath had reached the door, and Fei Linger pretended to be asleep, and her flat and even breathing seemed to tell the other party that she was asleep.

The door was easily pushed open. Although the other person’s footsteps were so soft that ordinary people could not detect it at all, Fei Linger could still perceive his every move, even without opening his eyes, Fei Linger thought of it. There can also be scenes of him creeping on his feet.

“In the middle of the night, you won’t be here to stop by.” Just as the person walked to the bed, Fei Linger suddenly opened his eyes and said.

The person here was Fengye’s subordinate, and this old man came to teach George Han some lessons by Fengye’s order.

Of course, he knew that Fei Linger was the only one left in the inn, and it was precisely because of this that he dared to be so bold and broke in directly through the front door.

In the opinion of the old man, as long as the little girl was caught and handed over to Fengye, Fengye would definitely be satisfied with his actions, and they could also use the little girl to threaten George Han.

As the saying goes, the old man was very grateful that the little girl was single and gave him a good opportunity to start, but when Fei Linger opened his eyes, an unknown premonition appeared in his heart.

“Little girl, you are offended.” Seeing that Fei Linger was awake, the old man avoided making too much noise and was about to start directly.

But when he first stretched out his hands, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t move his whole body, and he was frozen in place, as if he was imprisoned by some force.

“This…what’s going on!” The old man said with horror on his face.

Fei Linger sat up, looked at the old man with curiosity and asked: “You should know that other people are not here, why are you still looking for me? Is it because I am a bully?”

Seeing Fei Linger innocently asking questions, the old man became more and more frightened.

There can be no third person in this room, because he did not feel the breath of the third person at all, which means that the reason why he can’t move is all because of the little girl in front of him!

He is a powerhouse in the Seven Lights Realm, how could he be imprisoned so easily, and the other party is just a little girl.

“Don’t speak? If you don’t speak, you can only die here tonight. The cultivation of the Seven Lights Realm is not an easy task. Isn’t it a pity that it is so wasteful?” Fei Linger continued. .

When the old man heard these words, his scalp was numb, and his heart felt cold.

This little girl can actually perceive his realm, which shows that her cultivation level must be above the seven lights realm.

But how is this possible?

Seeing her young age, only fifteen or sixteen years old, how could she have such a strong cultivation base.

“You…who are you?” the old man asked tremblingly.

Fei Linger stood up, walked to the window, looked at the full moon in the sky, and said: “What happened in the day is that your young master had a dispute with them, but you have put this trouble on my head. , I must be bullied. This is not what a strong person should have.”

“He, he is the Seven-Star Beast Master. Since you can see that I am the strength of the Seven-Lights Realm, then you should know that the strength of the Seven-Star Alien Beast is higher than that of the Seven-Lights Realm. I am not his opponent at all. “The old man said.

Fei Linger turned around and asked with a playful look: “Then can you be my opponent?”

The old man thought so before, and even he never thought that there would be accidents when kidnapping this little girl.

In his opinion, Fei Linger can deal with it very well, and other people are not there, this is almost a godsend.

But now, he doesn’t think so, because he knows very well that this seemingly soft person is probably the most difficult to deal with among the four.

“No, no, I didn’t expect you to be the strongest among them.” The old man said with a gray face. If he was given another chance to choose, he would rather fight the wing tiger head-on, and never come to Fei Ling. Your troubles.

Fei Linger smiled lightly and said, “Do you want to know who I am?”

“If knowing your identity will not let me die, I want to know.” The old man said.

“You are smart, but you are not the one who has the final say. Fei Lingsheng kills all his life, but he never needs to explain to anyone. Even the imperial court has no right to intervene.” Fei Linger said lightly.

Fei Lingsheng kills all his life!

The old man’s facial expressions gradually became hideous and frightened.

For him, that kind of fear is beyond words.

Fei Lingsheng!

Master in the imperial court!

The little girl in front of her turned out to be Fei Lingsheng.

The old man only felt that the news was like a nightmare. He actually wanted to attack a powerful master. What does it mean?

When he had this thought, he was already damned.

Because even the emperor did not dare to be disrespectful to Fei Lingsheng.

“Unexpectedly, I would be fortunate enough to meet Master Fei in this life. Even if I die, I will be content.” The old man said with a sad expression. He knew he could not escape death, so he didn’t even have the idea of ”‹”‹struggling.

“I want you to die, just a thought, but now, I will save you for the time being, but you have to remember that my current name is Fei Linger.” Fei Linger said.

The old man suddenly felt that he was able to move. He knelt on his knees towards Fei Linger for the first time, and kowtowed his head to thank him: “Thank you, Master Fei, for not killing, and thank Master Fei for not killing.”

“It makes sense not to kill you, do you want to hear it?” Fei Linger said with a smile.

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