His True Colors Novel Chapter 95 – 98

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Chapter 95

When Amelia Su woke up in the morning, she blushed again when she found her posture was wrong.

I looked at George Han surreptitiously and found that he was still sleeping, which was a relief.

If this matter let her know, how ashamed?

Just about to retract his leg secretly, I suddenly felt a hand grabbing his ankle.

With a smile on his face, George Han opened his eyes and said, “You want to run after pressing me all night?”

“Ah! You…when did you wake up?” Amelia Su said in a panic.

George Han woke up early, but was afraid to disturb Amelia Su’s rest. That’s why I didn’t move, and this kind of skin-to-skin blind date is rare and precious. Naturally, I should cherish every minute and every second.

“You keep pressing me, can I not wake up?” George Han said.

Amelia Su suddenly changed her face when she heard this, and said angrily: “Do you dislike me for being fat?”

George Han looked dumbfounded. This didn’t mention the weight. How could she understand that she was fat?

Before he had time to explain, Amelia Su had already got out of bed angrily, and George Han could only lament that the woman’s brain circuit was really unusual.

Morning jog. To work.

After George Han left Su’s company, he went to the magic city nightclub.

Although the Modu Nightclub is still under Lin Yong’s name, the boss here has actually become Mo Yang. After all, his commissary is not a decent headquarters. With so many brothers, they can’t all be crowded into the commissary. .

Lin Yong didn’t dare to have any opinions on this matter. The Magic Capital was originally given to him by George Han, and now he is letting Mo Yang use it temporarily. It is also a matter of course.

After seeing Mo Yang, he mentioned the recent investigation of Dao Twelve.

Dao Twelve is a native of Basin City, but he lives in the suburbs, has a daughter under his knees, and no wife. Dao Twelve makes money to raise his daughter. It can be said that his life’s greatest wish is to raise his daughter to an adult so that she can live a good life.

“The reason why he fights in Ye Fei’s boxing ring is that in addition to making money, I think there is also his daughter’s relationship. If he betrays Ye Fei, Ye Fei is likely to use his daughter as a threat.” Mo Yang said .

Daughter, for a father, he will inevitably protect him for life. Ye Fei is a cruel person. Twelve swords betrayed, and the situation Mo Yang said is likely to occur.

“There is a way to make him and Ye Fei an enemy. The enemy’s enemy is a friend.” George Han said.

“What way?” Mo Yang asked.

“Kill his daughter and set the blame on Ye Fei.”

Mo Yang was stunned when he heard these words. Dao Twelve’s daughter was just an innocent child. In order to achieve his goal, George Han did so with such uncompromising means? It’s okay to be deceived for a while, but if you let Dao Twelve know the truth, the consequences are even more disastrous.

“You don’t really think so, do you?” In Mo Yang’s mind, George Han shouldn’t be such a person. How could he make such a proposal?

George Han smiled and said, “Are you serious? I’m just talking about it for fun.”

In order to achieve his goals, George Han could indeed use many methods, but to harm an innocent child’s life, George Han could not do it.

Mo Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that George Han was serious.

“Since he values ”‹”‹his daughter so much, his daughter is our breakthrough. I can guarantee his daughter’s safety and even a good life.” After a pause, George Han continued: “Do you know his specific address?”

“Of course I know, let’s go.”

The two drove to a small village on the outskirts of Basin City.

After many inquiries, it was determined where the knife twelve lived.

The old red brick house seemed reluctant to shelter from the wind and rain. It is hard to imagine that someone like Dao Twelve would actually live in such a shabby place.

George Han didn’t dare to knock on the crumbling wooden door too hard for fear that it might break.

With a creak, Dao Twelve pushed open the door, seeing George Han and Mo Yang, his eyelids did not lift.

There is a courtyard after entering the door. Although it is all mud, there is not a single weed. It seems that he usually keeps the house clean.

In a short while, several villagers rushed into the yard and shouted.

“You owe us money, when will you pay it back?”

“You hide at home every day, thinking you can stop paying the money without saying a word?”

“You damn it, you can’t change the money, why don’t you sell your daughter? Do you keep it for your retirement.”

When those people were talking, they kept throwing stones at Twelve Knives, not daring to approach, but they were very arrogant.

Dao Twelve sat silently on a wooden bench, without speaking, letting stones hit him without even frowning.

A few minutes later, Dao Twelve said: “You are comfortable playing today. You can go now.”

George Han never expected that the twelve knives who were so powerful in the ring would be bullied by a group of villagers and would not fight back.

“We will not leave without getting the money today.”

“Yes, I will never leave without seeing the money.”

“When your daughter comes back, let her watch us hit you and let her know that her dad is a waste.”

Dao Twelve stood up suddenly when his daughter was not at home. He can let these people bully, because he owes money, and it is only natural to be beaten. If he can bear it, there is no need to fight back.

But in front of her daughter. Knife Twelve will never allow anyone to mess around.

“Have you figured it out? Are you really not leaving?” Dao Twelve said coldly.

Seeing the angry faces of Dao Twelve, the villagers felt guilty again.

Don’t say whether they can beat twelve swords or not, his size is enough to scare people.

“Is it justified if you owe money? We have already called the police and will sue you at that time. I heard that the court will enforce it and shut you down.”

“Yes, you just wait to be seized and shut down.”

“Don’t regret it, stay inside, but no one can take care of your daughter.”

The threats from the villagers made Dao Twelve frown, and his daughter was a relative. If he was locked in, would these people let her go?

“How much money he owes you, I will pay it back for him.” At this time. George Han came forward and said.

“five hundred.”

“three hundred.”

“One thousand two.”

The villagers couldn’t wait to report the numbers, they were all small amounts, which made George Han dumbfounded.

The master of the dignified underground black fist, the sword twelve who has never failed, can’t afford to owe such a small amount of money, it is like a joke.

“I have ten thousand yuan here. You can divide it by yourself, and use the rest as interest.” George Han took out ten thousand yuan and threw it to those people.

“Ten thousand yuan!”

“Look carefully, this money can’t be fake, right?”

“This kid is so rich. Where’s the big tyrant.”

“Okay, let’s go, stop acting here, the money is real, don’t you just look at me driving the car, so you choose to ask for money at this time?” George Han shook his head helplessly.

It shouldn’t be the first time that they are asking for debt. Why are they so tough this time? It was precisely because he saw that George Han drove a good car, and hoped that George Han could pay back twelve money for the knife. How could it be hidden from George Han.

Sure enough, after the villagers heard this, they quickly withdrew with the money.

Dao Twelve didn’t even look at George Han, and said, “Even if you pay me back, I won’t help you.”

“The king of the ring. Actually owes the villagers money, and it’s still a few hundred yuan. You won’t be so miserable in the boxing ring, right?” George Han said with a smile.

“Daughter must be rich.” Dao Twelve said lightly.

George Han laughed dumbly, this guy was so poor that the rain leaked at home. It seems that he is really good to her daughter to be rich. It is estimated that all the money earned in the boxing ring is spent on the little girl.

“You help me, and I can give you more money, so that you can raise your daughter better. Is this a good thing for you?” George Han said.

“You don’t understand, if there is nothing else, let’s go quickly, my daughter is going home soon, and I don’t want her to see strangers at home.” The twelve swordsman ordered away.

If George Han left so easily, he would not visit him today.

“Of course I understand, aren’t you afraid that Ye Fei will target your daughter? What if I can help you solve Ye Fei’s trouble?” George Han said.

Dao Twelve raised his eyebrows and glanced at George Han, and said, “You can fight very well, but Ye Fei is not so easy to deal with.”

“Ye Fei, tonight, must die!”

Chapter 96

When leaving the village, George Han saw a little girl at the entrance of the village, about ten years old, with a ponytail.

Seeing her, George Han knew where the knife twelve money was spent. The clothes on the little girl’s body were all good brand names.

“All the thoughts of Dao Twelve were spent on his daughter. No wonder he was given the money and he was unwilling to help me.” George Han said with a smile.

Mo Yang’s expression was a little serious. Because George Han said just now, Ye Fei will die tonight, but in his opinion, this is not an easy task.

There are many bodyguards around Ye Fei, who are all fighters in the boxing field, and Ye Fei is a rigorous person, even for leisure, he has a fixed place, and he will send a large number of people to guard him. If you want to kill him, it is not impossible, but there is noise Too big. The influence is too wide, and it is very likely to involve itself.

“George Han, how are you going to deal with Ye Fei?” Mo Yang asked in a deep voice.

“How can I deal with it? I can only kill, or he will investigate into me sooner or later.” After learning about the video from Mo Yang, George Han became murderous because this was the only solution. The way things were done, and now it was still possible to win Twelve Swordsman with this, for George Han, kill two birds with one stone.

“Do you think this is such a simple thing to talk about? Who is Ye Fei, don’t you know what?” Mo Yang looked speechless. It’s not about killing someone who doesn’t know the name, Ye Fei is a ruthless character in Basin City.

“Try not to lose.” George Han smiled.

Mo Yang is completely speechless, try not to lose? If there is an accident, not only will Ye Fei be unable to kill, but also his own life will not be saved. But how could he still be joking.

“Do you have any specific plans? Tell them quickly, so I can cooperate with you.” Mo Yang said.

“No, you just need to wait for the news. I will do this alone. If there are more people, it will be a burden.” George Han said.

“A person? George Han, are you crazy!” Mo Yang exclaimed. He admitted that George Han was very strong and forced the Twelve Swords back in the ring, but he wanted to kill Ye Fei alone. , Isn’t this just looking for death?

“Boss Tangtang Mo, can you stop bluffing.” George Han said with a wry smile.

“Can I f*cking scream? George Han, you don’t know who Ye Fei is? You still have a wife. If you die, who will take care of her.” Mo Yang said.

“So, for her, I can’t die. Don’t worry, I won’t do things that are uncertain.” George Han said.

For Ye Fei’s whereabouts. George Han was already in his hands. From that video, George Han had the idea of ”‹”‹cutting the grass and rooting out the roots, so he investigated Ye Fei thoroughly. He went in and out, his habits of work and rest, and even how many women around him. , There are several Tibetan Jiao Caves that are well known.

As Mo Yang said, if he dies, who will take care of Amelia Su?

So George Han would never let himself die.

Back in the city, Mo Yang repeatedly mentioned that he wanted to help George Han, but was refused by George Han. In desperation, it was hard to say anything.

“I am waiting for your call tonight. If you have any surprises, contact me as soon as possible.” Mo Yang said to George Han before leaving.

George Han just waved his hand.

According to Ye Fei’s normal habits, he should go to Jinqiao City for a massage tonight. Although it is not the best opportunity to start, it is not bad because people are in a very relaxed state during the massage.

After receiving Amelia Su from get off work and telling Amelia Su that he would go home later tonight, George Han sent Amelia Su to the gate of the Villa and turned back near Jinqiao City.

Park the car. George Han walked into Jinqiao City.

The lobby manager is a woman with heavy make-up and gorgeous makeup. Seeing George Han, she greeted him enthusiastically and said, “Sir, what floor are you up to.”

Jinqiao City is divided into three floors. On the first floor, you can take a bath and massage. On the second floor, you can take a bath. As for the third floor, it is a paradise for many men. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can’t enjoy here.

“The third floor.” George Han said.

“Please come with me.” Different floors and consumption are also different, so George Han said to go to the third floor, the lobby manager became more enthusiastic, and personally led George Han upstairs.

The environment on the third floor is elegant. All small suites are single rooms, and George Han ordered the most luxurious one with a standard consumption of 5888.

The lights in the room were ambiguous, and the lobby manager introduced George Han to various services, prices, and even menus.

The so-called menu, above is the information of each female technician, age measurements, and accompanied by photos, at a glance.

“I’m a little tired and want to take a break. I’ll talk about these things later.” George Han finished speaking, took out his wallet, twisted it for two thousand yuan, and stuffed it into the hall manager’s neckline.

The lobby manager saw that George Han was so generous. Smiling more happily, holding George Han’s hand, wishing to stick his whole body on him.

“Sir, if you have any needs, please call room service as soon as possible. I will not let you down.” The hall manager smiled.

George Han nodded, patted the manager’s ass heavily, and said, “Go out.”

Before the time was up, George Han waited quietly. There must be no mistakes in things tonight. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to retreat completely.

At home, Amelia Su was not used to having George Han by his side. But she knew that George Han had important things to do and she could understand.

After eating dinner, lying in bed and resting, the phone rang suddenly.

“What’s the matter? You don’t want to talk to me so late?” The call was from Shen Lingyao. Amelia Su had told her not to disturb her before playing, but tonight is an exception. Since George Han is not here, She also has time to chat with Shen Lingyao.

“Amelia, how are you and George Han? Where are you?” Shen Lingyao asked directly.

“What step? How could you suddenly mention this.” Amelia Su said blushing with shame.

“What are you shy? Tell me quickly, it’s very important.” Shen Lingyao said eagerly.

Amelia Su saw that Shen Lingyao was so cautious, she could only say: “I have kissed him once, but for a short time.”

“No wonder.” Shen Lingyao said suddenly.

“What is it? What do you mean.” Amelia Su asked puzzledly.

“You stupid girl, he is a normal man. He has been with you for a few years now. Doesn’t he need to vent if I am troubled? I saw him go to Jinqiao City just now. Do you know what Jinqiao City is?” Shen Lingyao said.

Jinqiao City, Basin City is known as a paradise for men. Although Shen Lingyao has never been there, he has heard many people mention what it is doing there.

How could George Han go to Jinqiao City?

“How is it possible, you are not mistaken,” Amelia Su said.

“I saw it with my own eyes, how could it be wrong? Sure enough, men are all big pig’s hoofs. I didn’t expect him to do this kind of thing.” Shen Lingyao said angrily.

Amelia Su suddenly became silent, and he knew what the man was doing in Jinqiao City without even thinking about it.

But Amelia Su did not expect that George Han would actually go to such a place.

“Welcome to the summer, you have to speed up the schedule. The two of you can’t be delayed any longer.” Shen Lingyao reminded.

Amelia Su did not speak, but hung up the phone with tears in her eyes.

She thought that George Han loved her very much, even if they hadn’t had a relationship, George Han didn’t care about it, but now it seems that all of this may be wrong.

In three years, he may have been there many times, right? It just wasn’t discovered.

It is normal for men to have needs, but why do you go to such a place?

Even though I was wrong, I never betrayed the marriage relationship.

what about you?

Marriage derailed.

Unfortunately, I thought that our relationship would go further.

Amelia Su walked out of bed with tears on her cheeks expressionless, and helped George Han re-lay the floor.

At this time, George Han, learned that Ye Fei had arrived at Jinqiao City, called the room service, and called the lobby manager.

The lobby manager never expected that George Han would call her by name. Although she said she didn’t do these services, George Han was handsome and rich. As long as she could afford it, she wouldn’t mind doing it once in a while.

When he came to George Han’s room, the manager looked a little shy, and said to George Han, “Sir, I didn’t expect you to be so discerning.”

Chapter 97

Seeing that the manager was about to undress, George Han knew she had misunderstood, and quickly said: “I’m looking for you, there are other things for you to help.”

“Other things?” The manager looked at George Han vigilantly, and said, “You don’t have any special habits, do you? I don’t accept those weird things.”

George Han smiled helplessly, what this manager was thinking about, but it’s no wonder she thinks so on this occasion.

“I want to know which room Ye Fei is in. How many people are following him now.” George Han asked. Although he knew that Ye Fei had arrived at Jinqiao City, George Han did not dare to come out and investigate the situation easily. So asking people is the best way.

“Brother Fei? What do you want to do?” The manager looked at George Han in astonishment. Ye Fei is a regular guest of Jinqiao City and the boss of Basin City Underground Boxing Ground. The boss of Jinqiao City specially opened membership for him. There is no need to spend money to consume here, which is enough to show Ye Fei’s status in Jinqiao City.

“You don’t have to worry about what I want to do, you just need to tell me what I want to know, and I will give you one hundred thousand.” George Han said.

Ye Fei’s enemy? Is this coming to find Ye Fei for revenge?

The manager’s face became a little pale. If you tell Ye Fei about this, she will definitely get Ye Fei’s benefits. Although the 100,000 yuan is tempting, the fate of offending Ye Fei is even more unimaginable.

“Sorry. I can’t help you.” said the manager.

“Really?” George Han took out a butterfly knife, blocked the door, and said faintly: “Presumably you have guessed what I want to do? Do you think I will let you go to tell Ye Fei? “

The manager sat down on the ground with fright. Said: “If you are wronged, there is a debtor, whoever you seek to avenge has nothing to do with me, you can’t kill me.”

“As long as you tell me where he is and how many people are around me, I will never hurt you. On the contrary, I can’t guarantee what I will do.” George Han threatened.

The manager was very scared, so he had to tell George Han the room where Ye Fei was.

“You’re wronged for a while, stay here.” George Han tore the sheets and tied the manager’s five flowers together, his mouth tightly closed.

After walking out of the room casually, George Han headed towards where Ye Fei was.

Sure enough, at the door of the room the manager said, two of Ye Fei’s men stood, but according to the manager’s statement. There should be four pairs of talents.

Unexpectedly, when Ye Fei was doing that, he would also have two people by his side, so he was extremely careful.

Doesn’t he feel a little awkward to broadcast live to his subordinates?

Before George Han went to the door, the two men were already vigilant. Fortunately, there was no monitoring on the third floor of Jinqiao City. After all, the people who came to play here, besides ordinary guests, there are many wealthy, powerful and powerful people. People of status, they don’t want their privacy to be exposed, so Jinqiao City protects guests’ privacy very well.

But this also gave George Han a chance. If there is monitoring, things will only become more troublesome.

At the moment when he passed the room, George Han sealed his throat extremely fast. The two men had no time to react, so they covered their throats and looked at George Han incredulously.

George Han stretched out his hands and supported the two of them to slowly fall, avoiding making too much movement.

Except for Ye Fei and his men in the room. George Han doesn’t know if there is any innocent person, but at this point, he can no longer retreat. If there are employees from Jinqiao City, he can only be cruel.

Pushing the door in, I only heard Ye Fei say: “What the hell, I’ve been here for so long, I’m already waiting impatiently.”

Hearing this, George Han was sure that only Ye Fei and his men were in the room. Although it would not hurt the innocent, George Han must hurry up, because the two people at the door would soon expose this matter.

“Ye Fei. Your death date is here.” George Han walked into the room coldly.

Ye Fei saw that the man who came in was a man. He sat up from the bed and said contemptuously: “Boy, I can handle the two subordinates outside me silently.

“They are already waiting for you on the road, now it’s your turn.” George Han walked towards Ye Fei.

The remaining two subordinates were in front of Ye Fei, and Ye Fei said indifferently: “Just rely on you, what kind of rubbish you are. I, Ye Fei, have been mixed up for so many years, if I were killed by a kid like you, Wouldn’t you go out to laugh at the dead?”

“They can protect you?” George Han smiled faintly, the two of them looked to ordinary people. It may be considered very strong, but in front of George Han, it is just a paper protein powder.

“Then you try, I hope you don’t die too miserably.” After that. Ye Fei lay down without hesitation.

The two subordinates were gearing up, looking at George Han grimly.

“Boy, how do you want to die.”

“What is the taste of a broken leg, have you ever felt it?”

George Han didn’t have time to waste with them and took the lead. For him who was good at playing with knives, it was too simple to kill two people who took him lightly.

Yan Jun, George Han’s master. It was because of a small blade that he became the most powerful person in the Han family, and the entire Hillwood City couldn’t find a few opponents.

When the two big guys crashed to the ground, Ye Fei, who closed his eyes and waited for the woman to wait, said lightly: “Drag this bastard out, don’t disturb Lao Tzu’s interest.”

“Ye Fei, on Huangquan Road, I will burn you two paper servants.”

Hearing George Han still talking, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw his subordinates fell and George Han was still unscathed, he finally understood that the man in front of him was not something he could despise.

“Who are you!” Ye Fei asked.

“Aren’t you checking me? How come you don’t even know who I am.” George Han said with a smile.

This sentence made Ye Fei tremble with fright. The person he checked recently was the guy who forced the Twelve Swords back on the ring.

Could it be that the person in front of me is him!

Yes, if not for him. How could these two subordinates be solved so easily?

“Don’t kill me, Ye Fei can give you whatever you want, money. Woman, I will give you as much as you want.” Ye Fei said.

“Sorry, I just want your life.” At this moment, there was a scream from the corridor. It should be the woman Ye Fei called.

Time did not allow George Han to continue to delay.

Seeing George Han walking towards him, Ye Fei knelt directly on the bed, but his fate was already doomed when he investigated George Han.

With the blood staining the white sheets, Ye Fei, who was covering his neck, watched with hatred at George Han jumping from the window to the third floor.

When the relevant security personnel of Jinqiao City arrived, the five Ye Fei had no breath of life.

This incident quickly reached the ears of the boss of Jinqiao City. Although he usually cared for Ye Fei, since Ye Fei was dead, he left the tea cold. In order to avoid accidents, he asked his subordinates to put Ye Fei and others in the middle of the night. His body was transported out of the city to be buried. As for who the murderer was, he didn’t care, nor would anyone know that Ye Fei died in Jinqiao City.

After all, Jinqiao City is a lawless place. In case the official is alerted, his Jinqiao City can only be closed.

In order to prevent Mo Yang from worrying all night, George Han called Mo Yang to report safety, and then limped to drive.

He was not Spider-Man after all, and he was forced to jump from the height of the third floor. It was impossible to be unharmed.

After Mo Yang learned that George Han had successfully killed Ye Fei, he was too shocked for a long time to return to his senses.

In his opinion, the success rate of this matter was less than one percent, but George Han did it.

Mo Yang, who hung up the phone, smiled bitterly and said to himself: “I’m really curious, is there anything you can’t do?”

“Boss Mo, Brother George, have you killed Ye Fei?” Lin Yong asked in fright.

Mo Yang nodded.

Lin Yong’s eyes suddenly became horrified, even if he can’t get the reuse of George Han now, but this matter warns him that he must not betray George Han at all, otherwise his fate will be equal. Ye Fei is the same.

Ye Fei can be killed so easily, what is he worth?

When George Han returned home, when he saw the floor in the room, he stayed where he was.

Chapter 98

Seeing that Amelia Su was already asleep, George Han didn’t ask much, and slept on the floor all night.

When George Han woke up at six o’clock the next day, he was about to get up. He heard Amelia Su say coldly: “Today I am going to run by myself, don’t follow me, and I will go to work by myself, you don’t have to send me off.”

What happened?

The monk of George was puzzled. Yesterday was fine, why did my attitude change so fast today?

Could it be that the aunt is here?

George Han had this experience several times before, and he also knew that there were always a few days a month when a woman had a very hot temper.

This is probably the reason.

George Han touched his legs. Today is indeed not suitable for running. Although he did not hurt his muscles and bones when he jumped from the third floor last night, he still had to take a good rest.

The entrance of the Villa. After waiting for three minutes, Amelia Su went for a run alone in dismay.

It seems that he was really tired last night, otherwise, how could he really not come to run because of a word from her?

Perhaps this relationship was not what she thought from beginning to end.

On the top of the mountain, Amelia Su cried loudly. When she went down the mountain, her expression became extraordinarily cold.

The company’s lunch break. Shen Lingyao came to the office to find Amelia Su.

“Amelia, what happened yesterday, did you ask George Han?” Shen Lingyao asked.

“Is there anything to ask, do I need to know what woman he sleeps with?” Amelia Su said coldly.

“What if. Did he just go for a massage?” Shen Lingyao was tossed and awake last night. In her opinion, George Han should not be such a person, and after calling Amelia Su, she realized that there was no such thing. The facts are likely to affect the relationship between the two.

“You also know what kind of place Jinqiao City is. If it’s just a massage, why do you have to go there?” Amelia Su said.

Shen Lingyao was suddenly speechless, and she couldn’t find a reason to help George Han explain.

“Even if he does go there, don’t blame him, he is just a normal man.” Shen Lingyao said.

“Yaoyao, if you like him so much, you can still accept him having s*x with other women, or I will give him to you.” Amelia Su said lightly.

“Hey, weak water three thousand, he only takes you this scoop. How could he be attracted to me. And I think, even if he really does that kind of thing, he is just simply venting, without emotion, You don’t have to blame him, as long as you give it to him, he won’t go out and mess with flowers in the future.” If George Han heard Shen Lingyao’s explanation for him, he might vomit blood with anger.

Things that obviously don’t make Shen Lingyao say the truth, and this kind of good words are heard in Amelia Su’s ears, can they be comforting?

Three thousand weak water?

Amelia Su didn’t care what Shen Lingyao said afterwards, because these four words frowned.

Three thousand weak water…

Probably not?

“What’s wrong with you, what are you in a daze?” Shen Lingyao asked when Amelia Su was silent.

“No…nothing.” Amelia Su shook her head and said: “I have asked him to sleep on the floor again. You don’t need to help him. I will never let unclean people touch me, even if I don’t follow. He is divorced and he will not get me in this life.”

Shen Lingyao whispered secretly, but he didn’t expect to talk too much. It caused such serious consequences.

“Amelia, it’s possible that I misread it, maybe it’s just memorizing the image. If you don’t ask yourself clearly, what if there is any misunderstanding?” Shen Lingyao said anxiously.

“Don’t say anything, if there is nothing else, you can go back to work as soon as possible. I am still very busy here and I don’t have time to accompany you.” Amelia Su said.

What else Shen Lingyao wanted to say was directly pushed out of the office by Amelia Su.

This is serious, I knew I shouldn’t have called Amelia Su.

Shen Lingyao regretted making her intestines green. But in this situation, regret is useless.

Since Amelia Su refused to ask, Shen Lingyao could only go to George Han and ask clearly. If it was a misunderstanding, it might be possible to restore the relationship between the two.

“Where are you, I want to see you.” Shen Lingyao dialed George Han’s number and said directly.

George Han was on his way to Dao Twelve House, so naturally he was not free. Said: “Someday, I have something to do today.”

“I advise you to come out and see me right away, and it will be too late if you don’t regret it later.” Shen Lingyao threatened.

George Han doesn’t know what the hell is this woman doing, but it’s not the first time she has been fooling around. So George Han hung up and was too lazy to answer.

Shen Lingyao was hung up and was so angry that it was a new cell phone. Almost couldn’t help falling to the ground.

“George Han, you actually hung up on my phone, then you can regret it yourself.”

Mo Yang drove his old Santana, without the boss’ demeanor at all.

After George Han hung up, Mo Yang couldn’t help but curiously asked, “How did you do it last night? Are you alone?”

“Ye Fei is dead, but the news will definitely not come out. Jinqiao City will definitely conceal this. How do you plan to start the underground boxing field?” George Han asked.

Seeing that George Han didn’t want to mention what happened last night. Mo Yang didn’t ask any more questions, no matter how it was done, the result was good anyway.

“In fact, there is someone who can help me do it, and it’s very simple to have him there,” Mo Yang said.

“Sword Twelve?” George Han asked in confusion.

Mo Yang nodded heavily, and said, “Although Dao Twelve is not well-known in the boxing field, his strength is recognized by everyone, and no one should dissatisfy him.”

“This is a good idea, but even if Ye Fei is dead. Twelve Blades may not be willing to do things for us.” George Han worried.

“This big guy is not the one who spoils his daughter. If his daughter doesn’t go to school, we can just help. Can he still refuse?” Mo Yang smiled.

George Han looked at Mo Yang mockingly: “Boss Mo, you are not a good thing either.”

Mo Yang said with shame: “I also want to help his daughter change to a better learning environment, how good education can be in this country.”

“Well, when you are shameless. I like it.”

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling like a nest of snakes and rats.

Town Center Primary School.

Dao Twelve had a calm face in the principal’s office. Her daughter had just gone to school today, and she went home crying before school time. Saying that he had been expelled from the school, Dao Twelve immediately hurriedly rushed to ask the principal for an explanation.

Facing Dao Twelve’s hideous expression, the principal felt scared in his heart, but thought that he had taken a lot of money. Even if you are afraid, you can only do that.

“Your daughter often fights with people in school, and she doesn’t even listen to the teacher’s words, so I expelled her. You should ask Gaoming separately.” said the principal.

“f*ck your mother’s ass.” Dao Twelve slapped the desk and the whole desk trembled.

The headmaster was so scared that he was clever and said quickly: “Don’t get excited, please calm down.”

“My daughter is obedient, well-behaved, and sensible. How could she fight with someone, whoever fights with, you can come and confront me.” Twelve swords blew up the entire principal’s office like a bell.

The principal wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: “This is an indisputable fact. Even if confronted, your daughter has now been fired. Even if I want to help, I can’t help. Other parents don’t want their children. In the same school as your daughter, am I going to destroy the learning atmosphere of the whole school for her alone?”

“Who doesn’t want to, you let him tell me.” Dao Twelve said.

“You are unreasonable, just like your daughter. Your daughter can’t study here anyway. If you have the ability…You can kill me.” The principal said with his eyes closed.

Knife Twelve hit the desk with another fist, and the entire desk was torn apart like a spreading spider web.

“You said, what should I do so that my daughter can continue to study at school.” Dao Twelve can bow his head and bend over for his daughter, so even if he apologizes, he can accept it.

“I can’t help it, or you should try another school.” The principal said with a sigh.

“Is there really no other way?” Dao Twelve slowed down a bit.

“No, I really can’t help you, I’m sorry.” The principal said with a sigh of regret.

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