His True Colors Novel Chapter 91 – 94

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Chapter 91

“I want Uncle to kill you, I want Uncle to kill you.” Rong Liu touched the bald place above his head and shouted at George Han hoarsely.

Seeing Rong Liu’s tragic situation, Yang Wen, who was still bleeding while covering his mouth, hurried to her and said, “Don’t worry, I will never let him leave here alive today.”

“George Han, you are dead, I want you to pay a tragic price.” Yang Wen turned his head to look at George Han, Yang Qi was his biological son, and Rong Liu was his daughter-in-law. Now that George Han has torn off his hair and is still bald, how could Yang Qi let him go.

“Yang Qi.” George Han shouted coldly.

Yang Qi, who was still sitting on the ground at the door, was so frightened when he heard the scolding, he quickly got up and ran into the hall.

“It’s over, Yang Qi is here.”

“George Han can’t run away now, he’s really an idiot.”

“Who made him so arrogant, he would not run if he had a chance to run. Now that Yang Wen wants him to die, Yang Qi will definitely not let him go.”

Yang Wen saw Yang Qi, just as he saw the savior, and said with tears and nose: “Uncle, please help me, you see how I was beaten by him, and Rong Liu, too. Was beaten by him.”

Yang Qi didn’t pay attention to Yang Wen, what nephew, even his own son did this. Yang Qi didn’t have the guts to help, he was completely looking for death!

When he ran in front of George Han, Yang Qi knelt down with a puff and kept kowtow to George Han.

“This! What’s the matter, how could Yang Qi kneel to George Han.”

“f*ck. Yang Qi fell down. How could he kneel.”

“No, he didn’t fall, he’s still kowtow, how could he fall?”

The group of classmates watched this scene dumbfounded, their eyes almost falling off.

Someone rubbed his eyes to make sure that what he saw was not an illusion, and then looked at George Han, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Yang Qi actually wanted to kneel to him. What’s going on? Could it be that this trash is worse than Yang Qi?

How could it be? He is a well-known wimp in Basin City.

“Uncle, you will help me kill him quickly and take revenge for me.” Yang Wen shouted recklessly.

Yang Qi stopped the motion of kowtow with cold eyes. He didn’t need George Han to speak, stood up and walked to Yang Wen: “You rebellious son, you f*cking kill Laozi.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Qi slapped Yang Wen desperately on the bench.

Yang Wen rolled around in pain and howled.

After Rong Liu was astonished. He got up and pulled Yang Qi and said, “Uncle, you called the wrong person, this is your nephew.”

Yang Qi stopped and slammed a fist on Rong Liu’s face: “And you bawl, besides causing me trouble, what use do you have, do you really treat yourself as a damn thing?”

“You are a bitch who knows nothing, if it weren’t for Lao Tzu, you could live so comfortably.”

“Where is your f*cking superiority, you dare to make Miss Su kneel for you.”

While cursing, Yang Qi pulled Rong Liu’s hair, leading her in front of Amelia Su, then kicked Rong Liu’s lap, and continued to curse: “Kneel to Lao Tzu.”

Rong Liu was stunned. In her opinion, Yang Qi would definitely help her out of this bad breath. Even if they didn’t kill George Han and Amelia Su, they would still make them kneel and apologize to her.

But now, it was her who knelt down to apologize!

“Uncle, you…”


A slap in the face of Rong Liu, Yang Qi said: “Don’t f*cking call my uncle, starting today, I have nothing to do with you.”

Yang Qi cannot lose everything he has now because of Yang Wen. It doesn’t matter if no one will inherit his career in the future, so he will never help Yang Wenrongliu say a little good thing.

George Han wanted to kill, he would never frown.

“This…what’s going on, is Yang Qi crazy?”

“Yang Wen is his nephew. He didn’t teach George Han, but he wanted to sever ties with Yang Wen. What happened?”

“Maybe… Maybe George Han is a very good person?”

“Fart, he’s useless, how could he be terrible. I think Yang Qi is looking at Amelia Su’s face, after all, the Su family is now in charge of the Chengxi project, and Yang Qi has to give this face.”

The classmates who watched the excitement each guessed the causality, and quickly determined that Yang Qi did not help Yang Wen because he did not dare to offend Amelia Su.

But at this time, Yang Qi knelt down again. And he kneeled in front of George Han, buried his head and said, “Brother George, it’s all my fault. I taught such a arrogant and ignorant thing. If you want to kill or scrape today, I will never have it. Half a complaint.”

Three thousand…Brother!

Yang Qi turned out to be George Han, Brother George!

The classmate who was sure this was related to Amelia Su was slapped in the face.


But they couldn’t figure out why George Han was so good that he could make Yang Qi kneel and apologize.

It’s not just those students who don’t understand. Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao were also full of doubts at this moment.

Why do even people like Yang Qi call him Brother George?

“Just now, someone wanted to rectify my wife on the spot?” George Han said lightly.

Yang Qi said without emotion: “Understood.”

Soon, Yang Qi called a few of his subordinates, and his opponent ordered: “This woman belongs to you. It’s here.”

Although several of his subordinates didn’t know what was going on, Yang Qi said, how dare you not follow.

Rong Liu looked at the people walking towards her in horror. Although she used to be ridiculous, she followed Yang Wen. She has already stopped, because Yang Wen is rich and can bring her a good life. If she is ruined by these people today, Yang Wen will definitely not want her.

“Yang Wen, save me, save me.” Rong Liu asked for help.

Seeing Rong Liu’s clothes torn, Yang Wen ran to Yang Qi and knelt down and said: “Uncle, she is your nephew and daughter-in-law. How can you treat her like this.”

Yang Qi kicked Yang Wen away and said coldly: “Don’t say it’s your wife, even if my woman offends Three Thousand Brothers, it will end up like this. To blame, she is arrogant. This is her own responsibility.”

The spring scene unfolded in full view in the hall.

George Han still had cold eyes, and when the ripples were everywhere, he sneered and said to Yang Wen: “It seems that she still enjoys it.”

Yang Wen gritted his teeth and listened to the voice that originally belonged to him. And it was more intense than when I was with him, and my heart was bleeding.

Looking at George Han with hatred, he said, “George Han, I will not let you go. I will avenge today’s hatred.”

As soon as the voice fell, George Han hadn’t spoken yet, Yang Qi’s fist had already arrived, and this unconscious thing even dared to retaliate wildly. I really don’t know how to write dead words.

“I regard you as an ant. What qualifications do you have for revenge? Even if you are given a chance, you will still kill yourself.” George Han said coldly.

Yang Wen, who was beaten with tinnitus in his ears, covered his head, he really couldn’t understand. What kind of wind did my uncle smoke today? Why did he kneel to this uselessness? Why did he beat him because of this uselessness? Even…even Rong Liu suffered such an end.

“Brother George, I can kill him. This matter absolutely has nothing to do with you.” Yang Qi said to George Han, abandoning the car to protect the handsome, this is his only way now.


Killed Yang Wen?

Those classmates looked at Yang Qi in horror. He was going to kill his nephew. This is really crazy!

“George, I want to go to the hospital.” At this time, Amelia Su walked to George Han and said.

George Han’s cold eyes instantly softened, and said, “Okay.”

Helping Amelia Su walk to the entrance of the hall, George Han stopped and said without looking back: “If Amelia has any scars on her face, you can prepare a coffin for yourself.”

Yang Qi trembled in his heart and beat Yang Wen again. If it weren’t for Yang Wen, how could he have encountered such an unlucky thing, and now he can only pray to God and worship Buddha, hoping that Amelia Su’s face can be restored to the original.

“You dog, I will be killed by you!”

After beating Yang Wen with no strength, Yang Qi turned to look at those classmates, and said coldly: “If you dare to disclose what happened today, don’t blame me Yang Qi’s subordinates for being merciless.”

The classmates nodded in shock, and did not dare to neglect Yang Qi’s words.

But everyone has a question in their minds, why the rumored wastefulness is so powerful!

Chapter 92

On the way to the hospital, Amelia Su had a lot of doubts in her mind, but she didn’t ask too much. Time will tell if George Han is a waste. And what kind of person he is, time will tell her.

Amelia Su knew that she only needed to know that George Han loved her, and that was enough.

“George Han, do you know Yang Qi?” Shen Lingyao in the back seat asked unwillingly to be lonely.

“Have a fate.” George Han said, after meeting with Yang Qi three years ago. George Han hasn’t reappeared in the past three years, so the statement that one side is fate is not a lie.

Shen Lingyao narrowed her mouth. She didn’t believe George Han’s remarks, but Amelia Su, who was sitting in the co-driver, didn’t ask much. She knew she shouldn’t be nosy.

However, Shen Lingyao was convinced that George Han was definitely not a waste in the eyes of the people in Basin City. He was so powerful that most people might not be able to imagine it, but it was a pity. Such a man is destined to miss her, because this is the husband of her best best friend.

After arriving at the hospital, after some examination, Amelia Su’s face was just a little skin wound, and he could recover as long as he cultivated.

Shen Lingyao’s injuries are not serious, and there is no injury.

However, Amelia Su’s current situation is definitely not suitable for going home. If Lily Jiang knows about it, she must not jump and curse.

George Han rented an apartment for them to live temporarily. While recuperating here, two girlfriends can stay with each other without being bored.

A week later.

Su’s company.

Harry Su sat in his office with a sneer, Su Yihan sat on the sofa. Said to him: “Harry, Amelia Su hasn’t come to work for a week. She is really swollen now, and she doesn’t even care about the company.”

“This horrible woman, I didn’t expect to learn how to sneak and rape. Today my grandma will come to the company. Then I will see what I say in front of my grandma.” Harry Su said.

Su Yihan smiled and said, “If you let your grandma until she is not doing business properly, your image will be saved again.”

Harry Su smiled disdainfully, is image important? Amelia Su couldn’t beat him with his male body alone, and Harry Su didn’t worry that his position would be robbed by Amelia Su.

“In my grandma’s heart, my position is unshakable. What is this wicked woman.”

Before long, the Su family’s old lady arrived at the company, and Harry Su deliberately opened a meeting within the family temporarily.

Seeing that Amelia Su hadn’t appeared for a long time, the old lady said dissatisfiedly: “Where is Amelia Su, why haven’t you come yet, have you notified her?”

“Grandma, you don’t know anything. Amelia Su hasn’t come to the company for a week. I’m dealing with the company’s affairs recently.” Harry Su said.

“Didn’t come to the company for a week?” The old lady frowned, her face full of displeasure, and continued: “She really has stiff wings now, even the company is not coming?”

“Grandma, Amelia Su is an impetuous person, now that he has rights and money, how can he go to work as hard as I do.” Harry Su sighed and said with regret.

Su Yihan seized the opportunity at the right time and said, “Grandma, I think she doesn’t even know her surname now, so she doesn’t put the Su family in her eyes at all.”

The old lady gritted her teeth. If it were not for Amelia Su’s control of the right to cooperate in the Chengxi project, she would have liked to kick Amelia Su out of the company, but based on this, she could not do so, because Zhong Liang’s attitude had already made it clear. In order to cooperate, the old lady Can only bear it.

“If you don’t teach her a lesson, she really thinks she can’t do without the Su family, Harry, call her and let her go back to the company immediately.” The old lady said sharply.

Seeing the old lady getting angry, Harry Su couldn’t stop laughing. Although Amelia Su’s rights cannot be deprived this time, it is also good that the old lady can scold Amelia Su bloody.

After dialing Amelia Su’s phone, Harry Su said: “Amelia Su, you won’t come to the company for a week, grandma is very angry now, so you hurry back.”

“I am at the construction site of the Chengxi Project, and I am not free now. You can help me tell my grandma that I will see her after I finish my work.” Amelia Su said.

“Amelia Su, do you think I’m a fool? Do you say that it is a construction site? I secretly played for a week, and want to find this excuse to perfuse grandma?” Harry Su sneered. He didn’t believe that Amelia Su had been on the construction site for a week. , The weather is so hot, no one can stay in an air-conditioned room.

“Believe it or not.” Amelia Su hung up directly. At this time, she was indeed on the construction site.

“George, you are really smart. If it weren’t for you to let me come to the construction site, Harry Su would have caught the handle this time.” Amelia Su smiled and said to George Han. She came to the construction site yesterday, and it was George Han. Proposed.

When this matter was raised yesterday, Amelia Su didn’t understand what George Han meant, and George Han did not explain it until now. Amelia Su only realized that George Han had expected Harry Su to use this matter as a handle.

“Harry Su is a person. I can’t wait to target you every second. If he doesn’t go to the company for a week, can he let you go?” George Han said with a smile. Seeing Amelia Su’s face restored as before, I was very pleased.

Amelia Su found George Han staring at her face, and suddenly thought of what he said when he left Fuyang Fruit Village a week ago.

“Three thousand, if I really have scars on my face. Would you really let Yang Qi prepare the coffin?” Amelia Su asked in confusion.

George Han shook his head and said, “It’s not Yang Qi, but the entire Yang family.”

Amelia Su looked at George Han with a torch-like gaze. It didn’t seem to be a joke at all. Although she felt a little scary, she was more moved, because all this was because of her.

Harry Su was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said to the old lady: “Grandma, Amelia Su said she was on the construction site. There is no time to see you now.”

“How could she be on the construction site just to find an excuse for herself, grandma, you can’t believe her.” Su Yihan said.

The old lady was gloomy. If Amelia Su really dared to lie to her, she must not be merciful this time. Even if she can’t deprive her of her status as the project leader, she will be able to get back financial power.

“Is it on the construction site? Just check it out.” The old lady said.

Harry Su couldn’t wait to tear down Amelia Su and said, “Grandma. I’ll go downstairs and drive.”

In addition to Harry Su, Su Yihan also joined in the fun, and there are many other Su family relatives, they all want to see what will happen after Amelia Su is dismantled.

The Su family motorcade headed towards the west of the city with great momentum.

“Grandma, Amelia Su’s financial power, it’s time to take it back, otherwise she really thinks she controls the company and won’t even go to work.” Harry Su said to the old lady on the way.

Now Amelia Su controls finances. The check is very strict. Although Harry Su has made a lot of money this week, it is easy to find out if he deprives Amelia Su of his rights. He doesn’t need to worry.

“Grandma, I think Harry is more suitable for managing the company’s finances than Amelia Su. After all, he will be the chairman of the board in the future, so he should adapt in advance.” Su Yihan said, she knew. Only when Harry Su controls the finances can they make money in the company more easily.

Although the old lady is getting older, she is not stupid. If he transfers financial power to Harry Su at this time, he will only fill his pockets. The current Chengxi project of the Su family is very important, and Harry Su cannot be destroyed.

“Harry, what are your thoughts, old lady, I know very well, your structure should also be improved. From now on, the entire company will be yours. Now you are eager for this small profit, how can it become a major event.” The old lady said solemnly .

Harry Su was taken aback, and said quickly: “Grandma’s lesson is right, don’t worry, I have learned well now, and I will never take any money that the company shouldn’t take.”

“You have to know that the current development of the Su family is for you to have a higher level in the future, and you are the most important beneficiary.” said the old lady.

Harry Su only cared about the immediate interests and never thought about the future. He was reminded by the old lady that the entire company belongs to him, so why bother to fish for this little oil and water now?

“And you.” The old lady turned her head and said to Su Yihan: “You are a man who wants to marry a wealthy family. This little money counts.”

Su Yihan smiled triumphantly.

I’m a man who wants to marry a rich family. What is Amelia Su worth?

Chapter 93

Everyone from the Su family came to the construction site, and the old lady was very pleased. This large area under development is likely to replace the main urban area of ”‹”‹Cloud City in the future, and the Su family will also become the first-line family of Cloud City because of this springboard. It’s something the old lady dreams of.

“I thought I would never see the Su family squeeze into the first-line family of Basin City in my life. I didn’t expect God to have mercy and gave me this opportunity.” This is the first time the old lady has come to inspect the west of the city, and she can’t help but feel a little excited.

“Grandma. Don’t worry, under my leadership, the Su Family will definitely be able to compare with the Heavenly Family. Maybe it’s impossible to surpass the Heavenly Family.” Harry Su said with a smile.

The old lady nodded and said admiringly: “Yes, you have such ambitions, and I will be able to stare at it with my eyes closed in the future.”

“Grandma, I will call Amelia Su to see if she is here.” After Harry Su finished speaking, he couldn’t wait to take out the phone.

“Grandma. She is very likely to come here deliberately in order to lie, you have to keep your eyes open.” Su Yihan reminded the old lady.

The old lady looked cold and said, “She dares.”

Su Yihan couldn’t help laughing, and said, “Grandma has a bright eye, she will definitely not be fooled.”

After Harry Su hung up, it didn’t take long for Amelia Su to be in front of everyone, along with Zhong Liang.

Moreover, Amelia Su’s skin is obviously darkened. How can it be darkened without sun exposure?

“Grandma. Why did you come in person? In such hot weather, go back and rest.” Amelia Su walked to the old lady and said.

Harry Su and Su Yihan looked at each other. Is she really on the construction site these days?

“Amelia Su, you move very fast. Come earlier than us. It seems that the arrangements have already been made.” Harry Su said coldly.

“Old lady, our boss has a really good vision. I didn’t understand why he had to work with Amelia Su before, but I know this week. It’s really hard to find a responsible person who can be so dedicated. “Zhong Liang said with a smile.

With a smile on her face, the old lady said: “Boss Zhong, your boss’s vision is indeed good, otherwise, it is impossible to have a conscientious subordinate like you.”

Zhong Liang waved his hand again and again and said, “I just come here occasionally to take a look. How can it be compared with Amelia. She stays on the front line of the construction site every day this week. Look, the whole person is tanned a lot. .”

Zhong Liang’s remarks were equivalent to helping Amelia Su prove that Harry Su and Su Yihan’s faces became very ugly.

“By the way, I heard that you two also came to the construction site some time ago. You left in less than ten minutes, Harry Su, you are not the project leader. This is the luck of the Su family company.” Zhong Liang continued with a smile.

Harry Su was belittled. Although he hated him, he did not dare to be dissatisfied with Zhong Liang, so he could only look at Amelia Su viciously.

The old lady was here to trouble Amelia Su, and she didn’t expect Zhong Liang to be there, and she would help Amelia Su in this way.

“Boss Zhong, if you have a task to confess to Harry, you can speak at any time.” The old lady said. She still wants Harry Su to join the project. After all, he will be the chairman of the Su family in the future and can deal with weak water real estate. A good relationship is also of great help to the future development of the Su family.

“No need.” Zhong Liang shook his head without hesitation, and said: “He is such a delicate son, how dare I give him the task? If it is not done, wouldn’t it be a burden to me.”

“Brother Zhong, don’t worry, I will do my best for the things you explain.” Harry Su said quickly.

Zhong Liang didn’t give any face, and said coldly: “Everyone in the Su family, the boss only trusts Amelia Su. This is what my boss meant. The rest of you, don’t follow suit, and don’t regret the opportunity you got. “

This sentence was a wake-up call for everyone in the Su family, especially the old lady’s idea of ”‹”‹letting Harry Su enter the project, which was once again shattered.

“Amelia, since the owner of Weak Water Real Estate values ”‹”‹you so much, you can’t let him down,” the old lady said.

Amelia Su nodded and smiled: “Grandma, don’t worry, I will do my best, but the company still has a lot of things to deal with. I may not be able to get to the construction site next, or grandma can choose someone for me and help me. The construction site is staring.”

Just staring, there is nothing else to do, let alone any right.

The old lady glanced at Su Yihan. Harry Su must not be allowed to do this. When he went to the construction site, the company was Amelia Su alone, and the supervisor had no rights. This was equivalent to hollowing out Harry Su’s rights again.

Su Yihan noticed that the old lady was looking at herself, and she panicked. She didn’t want to face the sun every day. If her fair skin was poisoned by ultraviolet rays, wouldn’t it become black charcoal?

“Grandma, I won’t do it. Don’t expect me to do this.” Su Yihan refused before the old lady could speak.

The old lady sighed. Su Yihan will marry a wealthy family in the future, and the Su family will have to rely on her to help. It is not good to annoy Su Yihan, but other relatives. In the Su family, the weight is not heavy, and they can’t express the sincerity of the Su family. If one person goes to the construction site at will, the consequences will be very serious if the weak water property is dissatisfied.

“Su Guolin. You will come to the company from now on.” said the old lady.

Su Guolin never expected that this drudgery would fall on him. He used the air-conditioning in the company and didn’t need to do any work every day. He was enjoying life. If he came to this construction site, he would have to face the sky every day. The dust.

“Mom, how can you let me come, these things…”

Before Su Guolin finished speaking, the old lady interrupted: “Amelia can do it. You can’t be a big man? If you think it can’t work, you will go home and rest today, and you won’t have to go to the company anymore.”

Is this going to be kicked out of the company and stepped down?

Where did Su Guolin dare to refuse, she could only agree: “Mom, I will do it.”

In Su Guolin’s view, this matter was deliberately mentioned by Amelia Su, so he transferred all his hatred to Amelia Su.

But Amelia Su didn’t care, it was their fault.

“Grandma. I have one more thing to tell you.” Amelia Su said.

“Let’s talk about something back to the company. It’s too hot here, I can’t stand it.” The old lady finished speaking and turned back to the car.

Harry Su glared at Amelia Su. She suddenly mentioned that something was going on. Was it related to the accounts?

“Amelia Su, I warn you, there are some things, it’s best to close one eye, otherwise everyone won’t end well.” Harry Su threatened.

“What. Have you done anything wrong?” Amelia Su said with a smile.

“There are some rules in the Su family. You can’t destroy them.” Who in the Su family doesn’t corrupt, so Harry Su can be so confident, because everyone will be on his side.

“Really. I want to see if grandma can continue to accept this rule.” Amelia Su said coldly, turning to George Han’s car.

On the way back to the company, George Han said to Amelia Su: “Don’t expect grandma to give them multiple punishments. How can she keep Harry Su. If you want to kick Harry Su out of the company, you can’t worry.”

Amelia Su naturally understands this truth, and she also knows how much her grandma values Harry Su, and said: “I didn’t expect this incident to defeat Harry Su. I just broke their financial avenues so that they could not embezzle in the company in the future.”

Back at the company, Amelia Su went to the Finance Department first and took a thick pile of materials before going to the meeting room.

The old lady sat in the main seat and said lightly: “If you have something, you can talk quickly, I have other things to be busy.”

“Although I was on the construction site this week, it doesn’t mean that the company’s affairs are indifferent. In just one week, more than 4 million unexplained funds have been lost in the accounts. I hope everyone here can give me an explanation. “Amelia Su said coldly.

More than four million yuan is not a small amount of money for the Su family. At this time, the relatives of the Su family are a little surprised. Some people think in their hearts that I only took more than a hundred million. How can there be such a big gap in the amount.

Some people also thought, I only took a few hundred thousand. What counts for the one billion book value?

Chapter 94

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone kept their heads silent.

Harry Su didn’t expect that Amelia Su actually dared to tell this matter. Isn’t she afraid of offending everyone?

“Amelia Su, since you are managing the company’s accounts, where did the money go, don’t ask yourself, come and ask us, isn’t this funny?” Harry Su said.

“Whose pocket the money went into, I know very well, do you want me to tell me everything?” Amelia Su asked.

Harry Su’s face sank like water. The amount of corruption varies from person to person. When this kind of thing is brought to the table, it is not only a dull face, but also arouses dissatisfaction from each family.

“Amelia, did you deliberately want to engage in internal fighting?” Harry Su said.

“This is the case, Amelia Su, they are all working for the company, not as an example.” The old lady stood up and said.

This question is over?

Amelia Su looked at the old lady in a bit of astonishment, although she thought that the old lady would not punish her. But at least you have to restrain yourself a few words, just like this, isn’t it more conniving for them to mess around in the company?

There is indeed money on the books now, but how long have they been able to withstand corruption?

“Grandma, you mean, just forget it, let them continue to embezzle in the future?” Amelia Su asked.

Seeing Amelia Su’s attitude, Harry Su immediately became angry, and said: “Amelia Su, what is your attitude when talking to grandma. The wings are hard, don’t even grandma look at it?”

“You are really good now. Weak Water Real Estate values ”‹”‹you, so you don’t put the Su family in your eyes, right?” Su Yihan said with a weird voice.

“Okay, let’s just say a word. I’ll go first.” The old lady stood up and said.

Amelia Su gritted her teeth and finally got back the one billion loan. If the funds cannot be returned, who can save the Su family? The old lady was doing this to protect Harry Su, did she even care about the safety of the Su family?

“Grandma, more than four million a week, how long do you think one billion can last? I talked with Brother Zhong today. Although the pre-sale of the Chengxi project has begun, the project has not been officially completed. Weak water properties will not give us money. Yes, when the company’s economic crisis, what do you use to fill the hole?” Amelia Su said.

The old lady stopped when she heard these words. Chengxi had recently remitted a large sum of funds. In her opinion, it should only take one to two years for the funds to be returned. Therefore, for a small amount of 4 million, she I didn’t see it in my eyes, but if it is really like Amelia Su said, we can’t let them do mischief in the company.

“Starting from today. If anyone gets a share of ill-gotten gains in the company, get out.” The old lady changed her face very quickly. She was indifferent just now, and now she is nervous.

“The survival of the company is in the interests of everyone. If you are just looking after your wallet, don’t blame me for being polite.”

“Grandma, if they commit another crime, will you really fire them?” Amelia Su said.

The old lady knew that it was Amelia Su who was forcing her to make rules, but the big event was now, and she knew how shameful these relatives were. As long as they were given a chance, they would definitely be corrupt. The Su family must not be destroyed by these people.

“Yes, no matter who it is, all fired.” The old lady finished speaking and left the meeting room.

The relatives of the Su family are ashamed. Without the chance of corruption, their lavish living expenses will become tight, which is unacceptable to them.

“Amelia Su, do you have to do it this way?”

“What do you think you are, did we take you a penny?”

“To be right with us is to be right with the entire Su family. Can your ability alone beat us?”

Amelia Su looked at the Su family relatives who blamed her, and they took corruption for granted. It’s really ugly.

“I don’t need to fight with you. As long as there is anything wrong with the accounts, I will try my best to investigate it thoroughly. Even if it is a penny, I have to trace the root cause. You had better behave. What grandma said, if you don’t take it seriously. , I can’t blame me for being fired.” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su clenched his fist. He vowed before that everyone would not be afraid of Amelia Su, but now that grandma speaks, he can only abide by this rule.

It didn’t affect him much, because in the future the entire company will be his, but he lost face in front of his relatives, which Harry Su couldn’t accept.

“Amelia Su. Let’s take a look, this company has you but me.” Harry Su said coldly.

“When I marry into the Han family, I want you to be able to hold your head in this life.” After Su Yihan finished speaking, he left the meeting room with Harry Su.

“What a woman who doesn’t know good or bad.”

“Let’s wait and see, we haven’t had a good life, and you won’t have either.”

“Hold the chicken feather as the arrow, what is it.”

After all the relatives left the meeting room, Amelia Su returned to her office. She knew that doing so would cause public outrage. But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, no one in the Su family would put her in the eyes and become an enemy, and there will be no excuses for being soft-hearted in the future.

After get off work, Amelia Su got in George Han’s car. Just one sentence: “Now they all wish I died.”

George Han didn’t speak, but if anyone dared to touch Amelia Su, he would make the other party begging for death.

One week later, Rong Liu and Yang Wen were still kneeling in the hall. This was George Han’s attitude.

arrive home. He Ting was busy making the soup alive, knowing that Amelia Su will be back today, so she can make up for Amelia Su.

George Han came to the kitchen and asked He Ting, “No one will make things difficult for you this week.”

“Three thousand, Aunt He is very good, there is food, housing and money to take.” For He Ting, being aggrieved is nothing. How can you not be angry when you work? As long as Lily Jiang didn’t make things too much. She can accept it.

In fact, George Han knew that Lily Jiang would definitely make things difficult for He Ting without asking. This is Lily Jiang’s character. After having conflicts with He Ting, how could he be so friendly to He Ting?

But since she didn’t say anything, it is estimated that nothing too serious happened, so George Han didn’t bother to continue asking questions.

When sleeping at night, George Han received a call from Mo Yang, and wanted to see him tomorrow, related to the twelve swords, after George Han responded. Amelia Su quietly waited for Amelia Su to return from the bath.

This week, Amelia Su was living in a daily rental apartment. Shen Lingyao took Amelia Su to sleep in. George Han spent a whole week alone on the sofa. Although he and Amelia Su shared the bed and could not do much, for him, It is already a thing worth remembering.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Amelia Su walked in wearing a thin silk nightdress, very sxy, and gave George Han the illusion that she was deliberately showing off sxy.

But this should be an illusion, how could Amelia Su be deliberately s*xy in front of her. Probably because this nightdress is more comfortable to wear.

George Han pretended not to squint, but from the corner of his eye he kept looking at Amelia Su.

“You asked Zhong Liang to act with me today. Did you ask your classmates for help again?” Amelia Su asked after lying in bed.

“Well, Zhong Liang’s presence made them more convinced, so I called my classmate again.” George Han said.

“You ask when your classmate will go back to China. He has helped so much. If I don’t even invite someone to eat a meal, I would be too reluctant to go.” Amelia Su said.

“This… let’s talk about it. He has been busy with a big business recently, and he doesn’t know when he will be back. But don’t worry, as long as he returns to China, I will definitely ask him out.”

After the topic was over, there was an awkward silence in the room.

Amelia Su secretly looked at George Han. Does this guy really keep the red line rules so strict? They are husband and wife, what does a red line count?

Or is he simply not good at that?

George Han thought about when Amelia Su could remove the red line. When the red line disappeared, it was probably time for Amelia Su to accept him.

But George Han never thought that Amelia Su is a woman after all. How could she do something with such obvious intentions?

The two went to sleep with their own thoughts.

Early the next morning, Amelia Su crossed the red line and lay on the bed in a large font, with her thigh directly pressed against George Han’s chest.

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