His True Colors Novel Chapter 903 – 906

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Chapter 903

“Kneeling, actually kneeling.”

“Xiao Leng also had a day of kneeling, which is really pleasing.”

“The dignified Xiao family will also compromise. It is really unexpected. It seems that the Xiao family is nothing more than that.”

There were many whispers in the crowd, and some of them had suffered from Xiao Leng. Before he dared to be angry but didn’t dare to speak, now Huang Xiaoyong let Xiao Leng kneel down, which can be regarded as a sigh of illness for them.

However, these people didn’t dare to speak too loudly, for fear that Xiao Leng would hear him and Xiao Leng would retaliate in the future.

“Can we go now?” Xiao Zhan asked Huang Xiaoyong.

“I would like to advise you to the Xiao family. It is within the imperial court. Even this Xiaoling city is not what your Xiao family can do. Don’t regard yourself as the overlord here. If you dare to be so arrogant in the future, I Huang Xiaoyong will never let the Xiao family go.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

If someone else dared to talk to Xiao Zhan like this, even ten lives would not be enough to die, but now, Xiao Zhan can only swallow his breath.

“Thank you for your reminder. My Xiao family will definitely keep this sentence in mind in the future.” After Xiao Zhan finished speaking, he left with Xiao Leng.

This incident was just a lively event for George Han. As a crowd of melon-eaters watching the show, apart from feeling a bit ridiculous for Huang Xiaoyong to overplay, he didn’t care about the Xiao family at all.

But George Han knew that the lesson this time had no meaning to Xiao Leng. People like him are like those rich second generations of the earth, who are arrogant and domineering. How can it be changed?

The so-called changeable nature is hard to change, this kind of person usually does not shed tears without seeing the coffin.

“Master, how is it? I didn’t shame you.” Huang Xiaoyong asked George Han with a smile.

“The last sentence is a bit redundant. Do you think the Xiao family will take your warning seriously?” George Han said.

Huang Xiaoyong shrugged helplessly, and said, “Xiao Leng will definitely not change, but I can step on this kind of person’s head and kick my feet, and I feel comfortable.”

“You are doing whatever you want under the banner of the imperial court, what is the difference from Xiao Leng.” George Han smiled.

Huang Xiaoyong froze for a moment, and then retorted: “Master, how can there be no difference? There is an essential difference between me and Xiao Leng. I am not as arrogant as he is.”

“Oh?” George Han raised his eyebrows and glanced at Huang Xiaoyong, and said, “Didn’t you want to kill me before?”

“Uh…” Huang Xiaoyong looked embarrassed. In that case, he and Xiao Leng are really laughing at each other.

“Master, I used to be stupid, I didn’t know you were so good.”

“You can kill it if you don’t have it?” George Han asked back.

Seeing that Huang Xiaoyong was so rare that he didn’t know what to say, George Han patted Huang Xiaoyong on the shoulder and said: “There is no last resort, no need to kill. Even if you are very powerful and invincible, you should respect every life.”

“What if you are forced to do nothing?” Huang Xiaoyong said.

George Han looked cold and said, “Death is their best place.”

People in the world do not provoke me, the world is peaceful.

If the world provokes me. Kill the world.

This is George Han’s way of dealing with things now. He doesn’t take the initiative to provoke trouble, but he never shrinks from it.

At this moment. The shop sent the girl on the flower boat.

The girl lowered her head with a shy look, she didn’t even dare to look at George Han.

Huang Xiaoyong smiled wryly and said: “Master, I will go shopping on the shore and leave space for you.”

George Han glared at Huang Xiaoyong. He didn’t do that shameless thing when he bought this woman. It’s just a moment of pity.

“Little girl, where is your home?” George Han asked the girl.

The girl shook her head, she didn’t know if she was too shy to speak or she was afraid.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, and I can send you home.” George Han said.

I heard the word home. The girl visibly trembled. This was obviously a manifestation of fear, which made George Han a little puzzled.

In his opinion, going home is a joyful thing, even if he is now looking forward to going home all the time, but why is she scared?

At this time, Huang Xiaoyong explained to George Han: “Master, a girl like her should have been sold by her family. Going home is a nightmare for her.”

“What should I do then?” George Han said with a headache. He thought he had helped her solve the trouble, and it would be considered complete to send her home. Unexpectedly, she was unwilling to go home, which became a problem for George Han.

“Girl, how old are you?” Huang Xiaoyong asked her.

“Sixteen.” The girl said softly.

“Master. This is the golden age. Since you have already bought her, take her by your side and wait for you. If you are well trained, she will make you reluctant to get out of bed in the future.” Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile. .


To George Han, she was just a minor. Such shameless thoughts would never be born in George Han’s mind.

After glaring at Huang Xiaoyong, he said to the girl: “Well, let me give you some money. You can go wherever you want, how about it.”

Upon hearing these words, the girl immediately knelt down in front of George Han.

“What are you doing?” George Han wanted to help her up in a panic.

“Please don’t abandon me, please don’t abandon me. If you don’t want me, I will return to this place. Please give me a chance. Wan’er will take good care of you and learn to serve you.”

George Han was big for a while. He didn’t expect that the momentary pity would cause such a big trouble to himself. Now he has no worries. If he brought a little girl by his side, wouldn’t he be looking for something for himself?

And after being seen by Jiang Yingying, can’t you be misunderstood?

“Master, her fate is now in your hands. If you really don’t want her, her fate may be very miserable, and if you leave her in Xiaoling City, I’m afraid Xiao Leng will not let her go. After all, we The conflict with Xiao Leng was caused by her.” Huang Xiaoyong reminded George Han.

These words awakened George Han a bit. With Xiao Leng’s character, if she learned that she was still in Yanzhihe afterwards, she would definitely not let him go. This kind of domineering second-generation official’s method of doing things was unreasonable.

“You get up first.” George Han said to her.

Wan’er stood up, listening to George Han’s hair fall.

“What’s your name?” George Han asked.

“Bai Ling Wan’er.”

Fu’s surname Bai Ling?

This surname doesn’t exist on the earth. George Han just thought it was a bit interesting, but Huang Xiaoyong’s expression changed very obviously.

I couldn’t wait to ask Wan’er: “Where did your name come from? Did you pick it up for fun, or was it related to your family background?”

Chapter 904

George Han frowned slightly, seeing how much Huang Xiaoyong cared about this surname, it seemed that Bai Ling had a special beginning.

Although Bai Lingwan’er was answering Huang Xiaoyong’s question, she was looking at George Han.

“Wan’er was born with her surname Bai Ling, but she has never told other people her real name.” Bai Ling Wan’er said.

Huang Xiaoyong clearly showed a trace of horror that could not be concealed. George Han did not ask him why he was surprised, but asked Bai Lingwan’er: “Since you haven’t told anyone else, why do you tell me?”

“Because Wan’er thinks the son is a good person.” Bai Ling Wan’er said.

George Han smiled helplessly.

He is a good person.

This doesn’t sound very good. If it were on Earth, it would have other meanings.

“Huang Xiaoyong, find an inn to rest.” George Han said to Huang Xiaoyong.

Huang Xiaoyong nodded. Let the boatman dock the boat directly, and the three of them landed together.

The Xiao family at this time, except for Xiao Leng and his son. There is also a mighty middle-aged man standing beside them. He is the current lord of Xiaoling City and Xiao Zhan’s younger brother, Xiao Dou.

“Dad, second uncle, can this be the case?” For Xiao Leng, who has never suffered any setbacks, kneeling to Huang Xiaoyong is a great shame in life. He cannot accept this reality as a foregone conclusion. In his heart, only revenge can reduce the hatred in his heart.

Xiao Dou glanced at Xiao Leng helplessly. Usually, no matter what mistakes Xiao Leng made, his elders would help Xiao Leng. After all, he was the city lord of Xiaoling City, and he was able to conceal most things.

But this time the incident was different, involving the seven-star beast master of the imperial court. And Huang Xiaoyong’s identity does not need to be investigated at all. After all, the people in the Imperial Court have indeed been to Longyun City recently, and from this point they have been able to confirm Huang Xiaoyong’s identity.

The Xiao Family can cover the sky with one hand in Xiaoling City, but it is about the imperial court, this is definitely not something that the Xiao Family can mess around.

“Xiao Dou, what do you think should be done about this matter?” Xiao Zhan asked Xiao Dou.

“In order to prevent Huang Xiaoyong from making things difficult for the Xiao family with any excuses, he still needs to come to the door to apologize.” Xiao Dou said.

“What!” Xiao Leng looked angry. He had already knelt down to Huang Xiaoyong before, and he was still in the public. This was not enough. He had to apologize to Huang Xiaoyong?

This is something Xiao Leng absolutely cannot accept. He has already given up his dignity once, how could this kind of thing happen a second time?

“Second Uncle, are you crazy and want me to apologize to him. Don’t you know that I already kneeled for him?” Xiao Leng gritted his teeth.

“Xiao Leng, I know you are very unconvinced, but you must know the identity of Huang Xiaoyong. He is not just a simple imperial court man, he has the identity of the Seven-Star Beast Master, and he has a certain status even if he goes to the imperial court. Such a person is definitely not something my Xiao family can provoke.” Xiao Dou said, he was not a master who bowed his head easily, and even when conflicts broke out with other cities, Xiao Dou was also very strong, but this time. But he had to bow his head, the imperial court was supreme, and no city could shake the status of the imperial court.

“Xiao Leng. Do you think the Xiao family can be right with him?” Xiao Zhan asked.

Xiao Leng’s eyes were full of killing intent, and said, “Kill him, does the imperial court really dare to destroy my Xiao family? If my Xiao family is gone, who else can command Xiaoling City, which is the emperor every year? Tribute to the court, will the imperial court ignore my Xiao family?”


Xiao Leng’s voice just fell. Xiao Zhan slapped his face with a loud slap.

The reason why Xiao Zhan asked such a question was to see how ignorant Xiao Leng really was. He wanted to retaliate even when he knew that Huang Xiaoyong was a member of the imperial court.

And Xiao Leng’s words made Xiao Zhan extremely disappointed. This son, who had been spoiled since childhood, was really ignorant. Actually thought that the imperial court did not dare to ignore the Xiao family.

“Xiao Leng, I didn’t expect you to be so arrogant.” Xiao Zhan said coldly.

Xiao Leng touched his painful face. He was the treasure of the Xiao family since he was a child, and he has never been beaten!

“Father, the foundation of my Xiao family for so many years, isn’t it worth the imperial court’s slightest fear?” Xiao Leng said unconvinced.

Xiao Dou patted Xiao Leng’s shoulder at this time, and said: “Any family, as long as it is within the imperial court, is not qualified to fight the imperial court. As long as the imperial court is willing, he can support a stronger than Xiao family at any time. To the imperial court, the family ruled Xiaoling City. The Xiao family was like an ant.”

“How powerful was the Bai Ling family back then, but the entire family was destroyed in the final end. This is enough to prove that the imperial court’s majesty cannot be provoked. My little Xiao family is nothing.” Xiao Zhan said with a laugh at himself.

Speaking of the Bai Ling family, a hint of horror flashed across Xiao Dou’s face, and Xiao Cooling looked inexplicable.

obviously. Xiao Dou knew what was at stake, but Xiao Leng knew nothing at all.

“The Bai Ling family. Is it amazing? Why haven’t I heard of it?” Xiao Leng asked.

“This happened when we were young. The Bai Ling family was known as the first family under the imperial court. There are countless cities under it. Many people even think that the Bai Ling family can overthrow the rule of the imperial court. Another dynasty was established, but later, the Bai Ling family ran into a river overnight, and the chickens and dogs did not stay. This is a warning from the imperial court to the world. It is telling everyone that no one can oppose the imperial court.” Xiao Zhan’s eyes Frightened in the middle, he couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be when the Xiao family angered the imperial court.

Even the Bai Ling family can’t resist the imperial court. Doesn’t the Xiao family just look ridiculous?

Xiao Leng had never experienced that year, so he could not understand the fear this incident caused to insiders, but he wanted to understand one thing, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Dou would never be right against the imperial court, and There is only a dead end to be right with the imperial court.

Xiao Leng is domineering, but it does not mean that he has no IQ. He knows the basic conditions under which he can continue to live the life of a young master.

“Father, second uncle, if you ask me to apologize to Huang Xiaoyong, I will do what you say.” Xiao Leng said.

“I know you are very unwilling, but in this matter, you have no choice but to swallow your breath, unless one day, you are also qualified to enter the imperial court, and you are qualified to challenge Huang Xiaoyong. At that time, you are the one who takes revenge. The timing.” Xiao Zhan said.

Xiao Leng nodded heavily and said, “Father, I will definitely avenge myself. Entering the imperial court will be my lifelong pursuit.”

Chapter 905

“You didn’t kid me, the Bai Ling family was so good before?”

In the inn, George Han said with a face of disbelief after hearing what Huang Xiaoyong had told him about the Bai Ling family.

“Master, why would I be joking with you, although this matter has been forgotten by many people. But I remember it very clearly, this is why my father often told me to be a low-key person.” Huang Xiaoyong said, this matter is The story Huang Houyi told him when he was very young. From that time on, Huang Houyi would often use this story as a blueprint to warn him not to be too rampant, otherwise he would be a dead end.

“Since you said that the Bai Ling family has been exterminated. Why is there still Bai Ling Wan’er? Maybe she is not a member of the Bai Ling family at all?” George Han guessed.

“I don’t know about this, but the Bai Ling family said that it was annihilation. It was only the imperial court told the world, and indeed the imperial court did a lot of killings, but for such a big family, there are fish that slip through the net. It’s not impossible.” Huang Xiaoyong said, in fact, the appearance of the orphan of the Bai Ling family did not surprise Huang Xiaoyong, and he didn’t even doubt Bai Ling Wan’er’s identity too much.

As he himself said, the Bai Ling family is very big, even if the imperial court wants to kill them all, it is a difficult thing to do. As long as someone escapes from anonymity, even the imperial court is not easy to find out.

“If she is really a member of the Bai Ling family and would like to tell me her true identity, she would have a high level of trust in me.” George Han said. Back then, the word Bai Ling had become a taboo in the imperial court. She exposed her identity to face a very big risk. Once George Han reported to the imperial court, she would have no way to survive.

“Master, I’m also very strange, how could she believe you so simply, thinking that you are a good person, I think this reason is too far-fetched.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

“It looks like I have to ask her.” George Han stood up and walked out of Huang Xiaoyong’s room.

Bai Lingwan’er lived next door, and after knocking on the door, Bai Lingwan’er opened the door soon.

George Han glanced at Bai Lingwan’er. After knowing Bai Lingwan’er’s identity and background, he no longer regarded this delicate girl as an ordinary person. Even George Han felt that she must have some purpose in telling her true identity. of.

“Do you know what it means to reclaim your surname Bai Ling?” After closing the door. George Han asked Bai Lingwan’er.

Bai Lingwan’er smiled faintly and said: “You should already know my identity, yes, I am from the Bai Ling family.”

“Since you are a member of the Bai Ling family, don’t you know how dangerous it is to expose your identity? You simply think that I am a good person, so I don’t quite believe it for telling me about this.” George Han Said.

“I want to worship you as a teacher.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

“Apprentice?” George Han looked at Bai Lingwan’er in shock. Although he didn’t have time to ponder Bai Lingwan’er’s purpose, her idea of ”‹”‹apprenticeship was far beyond George Han’s expectations.

“He is Huang Xiaoyong, I know what happened to him. Even breaking through the two realms and subduing the Seven-Star Winged Tiger with the strength of the Four Lights realm is definitely not something he can do on his own. Since he calls you Master, then all this is Your credit.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

George Han took a deep breath. This girl is really not easy. She was in Yanzhihe before, but she showed the attitude of the weak to the fullest, and that’s why. George Han would have pity for her, but in fact it was obviously not the case, and Bai Lingwan’er was not as delicate as George Han imagined.

“Your frankness, you want to exchange for your apprenticeship, why? Do you think you can get revenge if you become stronger? Once at the peak of the Bai Ling family, they were not opponents of the imperial court. How can you do it alone? Come?” George Han asked.

“With my own strength, it is absolutely impossible to succeed in revenge. I want to become stronger. I just want to join the imperial court. I want to appear inside the imperial court. Only in this way can I have the chance to defeat the imperial court.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

This is a woman with scheming and means. From her determined expression on George Han, it can be seen that once this woman has the ability, she is definitely a terrifying role.

“If you didn’t meet me, you would be Xiao Leng’s person tonight. What are your plans?” George Han asked.

“Wait for the moment, as long as I can get revenge, I can endure anything. Even physical abuse.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

George Han took a deep breath. Is this something a 16-year-old girl can say?

On the earth, a sixteen-year-old girl. It is estimated that he is still immersed in his first love, still at an age of ignorance and ignorance.

But when he marveled, he seemed to have forgotten himself. George Han was even younger than Bai Lingwan’er when he swallowed his breath and conspired the layout.

The two are very similar to a certain extent, they can endure things that ordinary people can’t bear for their own purposes.

“I don’t accept you as a disciple, what should you do?” George Han continued to ask.

“I can be your woman. I have seen many men who are afraid of their wives. When you are afraid of me, you will naturally teach me.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

George Han couldn’t help but laugh. Before, he felt that Bai Lingwan’s heart was deep in the city, and it was nothing like what she should have at her age.

But when she said this, she still couldn’t hide her innocence at this age.

“What are you laughing at?” Bai Lingwan’er looked at George Han in confusion, she didn’t think she had anything wrong.

George Han waved his hand helplessly and said, “You have a good idea, but it’s a pity that I already have a wife.”

“So?” Bai Lingwan’er asked suspiciously.

“I have a wife, don’t you understand?” George Han said.

“What do I want to understand?” Bai Lingwan’er’s confused expression looked particularly dull and cute. In addition to her good looks, she has a special allure.

George Han almost forgot, this is not the earth at all. In Xuanyuan world, three wives and four concubines are very normal, so he tells Bai Lingwan’er his position based on the monogamy of the earth. It doesn’t work.

“I mean, you won’t be my wife.” George Han said.

“I’m not pretty enough?” Bai Lingwan’er said somewhat disappointed.

“No, it’s just that I am not interested in any woman except my wife.” George Han said.

“Are you afraid of your wife? I guess I was right.” Bai Lingwan’er suddenly showed a smug smile on her face.

Chapter 906

George Han was speechless.

Looking at Bai Lingwan’er’s triumphant smile, George Han knew that it would be useless to explain it to her, because she was so pale that she could not understand George Han’s feelings.

In the matter of revenge, Bai Lingwan’er seemed very mature, but other things. After all, she was still a little girl with immature mind.

“Get some rest early.” George Han stood up as he spoke.

But Bai Lingwan’er suddenly stood in front of George Han and stretched out her hand to stop George Han, not letting him go.

“What are you doing?” George Han asked puzzledly.

“Accept me as a disciple, or marry me as his wife.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

“Are you forcing me to choose?” George Han said lightly.

Bai Lingwan’er did not speak, but her expression was very firm.

For her, it is a rare opportunity to meet a master like George Han. She didn’t want to miss it. Once she missed it, she couldn’t be sure if she could still meet this opportunity.

“Believe it or not, I will send you to Xiao Leng tomorrow. I think he should be very willing.” George Han said.

Bai Lingwan’s expression moved, and said: “Then I can also expose your identity and let everyone know that you are Huang Xiaoyong’s master.”

This little girl is a bit difficult, George Han did not expect that she would use this to threaten herself.

“I can still kill you, so that there is no worries.” George Han said.

“You pity me, that’s why you bought me, how could you kill me.” Bai Lingwan’s raised her eyebrows.

George Han does not kill Bai Lingwan’er. He is not a cruel person by nature, and he will not kill people easily if he is not a last resort. Bai Lingwan’er’s words can be regarded as pinching George Han’s weakness.

“Give me some time to think about it. Accepting you as a disciple is equivalent to fighting the imperial court. This is not a trivial matter.” George Han said.

“If you are someone else, you will definitely take me to the imperial court to claim credit, but you don’t. I know that you are not an ordinary person, you may even be the same kind of person as me, and if you are afraid of your wife, I cannot be your wife. , So you don’t need to think about it, because in the end, you will still accept me as a disciple.” Bai Lingwan’er said.

George Han frowned and looked at Bai Lingwan’er. This woman’s IQ seemed to be erratic, high and low, and people couldn’t see her at all.

Her words were so sharp that even George Han felt that there was no other choice but to accept her as a disciple.

“Go to bed early.” George Han pushed Bai Lingwan’er away and left the room.

Bai Lingwan’er was not lost, but showed a playful smile. The character is repeated, as if it has a dual character.

As soon as he walked out, George Han saw Huang Xiaoyong who couldn’t wait.

This guy hasn’t slept yet, obviously he wants to know the content of the conversation between him and Bai Lingwan’er.

“Master, what’s the matter, did you ask anything?” Huang Xiaoyong asked curiously.

“Go back to sleep.” George Han scolded, not threatening Bai Lingwan’er, can he still deal with Huang Xiaoyong?

Moreover, Huang Xiaoyong didn’t dare to be as presumptuous as Bai Lingwan’er, and immediately rolled back to his room without daring to say a word.

George Han was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, when Bai Lingwan’er appeared. To a certain extent, it is a trouble. George can ignore this matter, but he knows. She may be Bai Lingwan’er’s only hope. In the imperial court of Xuanyuan World, anyone who knows her identity and dares to accept her as a disciple probably does not exist.

This reminded George Han of himself back then. Although he didn’t need help at that time, he also urgently needed an assistant, if it weren’t for Qin Lin’s appearance. George Han’s plot could not go so smoothly.

I have to say that Bai Lingwan’er now has the shadow of George Han back then, which makes George Han a huge curiosity in his heart.

If Bai Lingwan’er is given a chance, is she really capable of revenge?

If she can turn the imperial court upside down, this is also a good thing for George Han, after all, his purpose in coming to Xuanyuan World. Isn’t it just to prevent the invasion of the earth here?

If they can cause civil strife, or even war, the invasion will naturally be resolved.

Early the next morning.

The three of the Xiao family appeared at the entrance of the inn. These were the top figures in Xiaoling City, so their appearance immediately made the innkeeper tremble, standing in front of the three, not even daring to breathe.

“My Lord City Lord, do you have anything to order?” the boss asked Xiao Dou in fear.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m just waiting for someone.” Xiao Dou said.

The boss secretly wiped a cold sweat, it was worth the wait of the Xiao family, what kind of role it must be, he didn’t know that such a big man had arrived in his store.

Not long. Huang Xiaoyong finally appeared, and when he saw the three of the Xiao family, he walked a few steps quietly. Walking in front of George Han, so that the Xiao family would not be allowed to guess George Han’s identity, and would only regard George Han as a subordinate who accompanied him on the trip.

“You won’t trouble me again early in the morning.” Huang Xiaoyong walked to the three of them. Said indifferently.

“Young Master Huang, I am the lord of Xiaoling City, Xiao Dou.” After Xiao Dou introduced himself. Continue to say: “My nephew accidentally offended you. I just learned about it, so I quickly took him to apologize to you.”

Yesterday Xiao Leng knelt down and apologized. I didn’t expect Xiao Dou to come forward in person. This made Huang Xiaoyong feel complacent. It seems that his current identity is indeed enough to make people jealous, even Xiao Dou is also because of this. Something happened.

“I have forgotten what happened yesterday. City Lord Xiao doesn’t need to be so polite. I, Huang Xiaoyong, will not take these little things to heart.” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Xiao Dou smiled faintly, and said: “Master Huang does not consider the villain, it is really magnificent. If Young Master Huang doesn’t dislike it, please tell the City Lord’s Mansion to give me the Xiao family a chance to apologize.”

“City Lord Xiao, are you asking me to drink? But this reason is too far-fetched. There is nothing else you want me to help, right?” Huang Xiaoyong said.

Leading the person to apologize for the second time, maybe the Xiao family is still worried that he will not let Xiao Leng go, but asking someone to come as a guest is a bit redundant, so in Huang Xiaoyong’s opinion, Xiao Dou must have other things. Begging of him.

“Young Master Huang is really smart, Xiao Mou really has something to ask for, I wonder if Young Master Huang has heard of my Fenglingtai in Xiaoling City?” Xiao Dou asked.

“Fenglingtai?” Huang Xiaoyong frowned slightly. He had heard of this. The Fenglingtai in Xiaoling City is actually an arena. There will be a ringmaster for three hundred and sixty-five days a year, ready to accept challenges from all walks of life. , Fenglingtai is equivalent to the domain of the strongest in Xiaoling City, but he suddenly mentioned this to himself, making Huang Xiaoyong unable to figure out the reason.

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