His True Colors Novel Chapter 87 – 90

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Chapter 87

Shen Lingyao hid the bag behind her with a guilty conscience, and what she was carrying on her back was indeed fake. He didn’t expect that Rong Liu would see it through at a glance.

“What is hidden? The fake is fake. I didn’t laugh at you. Do you dare to recite it?” Rong Liu said with a smile on his face, shaking his head.

“Wife, they are all classmates. What do you care about so much with them. You seem so stingy.” Yang Wen walked to Rong Liu and said with his arms around his shoulders. He looked at Amelia Su for a moment, purely based on her appearance and figure. Compared with that, Rong Liu is indeed inferior to Amelia Su, but it is a pity that such a great beauty is married to a waste of money, which is really a violent thing.

When Shen Lingyao saw Yang Wen, she was stunned. But it wasn’t his appearance, but his clothes. She would not forget his clothes when turned into ashes.

George Han was playing the piano in a mall, and the video that went viral on the Internet was wearing exactly the same clothes as Yang Wen. How could he have it? Is it a coincidence?

At this time, George Han came to Amelia Su, and Amelia Su introduced with a smile: “This is my husband. You should know his name, I don’t need to say it.”

George Han’s name in Basin City is like a thunder, and Amelia Su’s classmates naturally know it.

“The length is good, how could it be so useless.”

“Who knows. Maybe this kind of person just wants to be a little boy.”

“It’s a pity a good skin bag.”

Female classmates whispered while those male classmates looked at George Han with contempt.

In some respects, George Han was the rival of all the male classmates present, because most of them liked or secretly loved Amelia Su.

“Hello.” George Han said politely.

“Famous is not as good as meeting, you are indeed a bit like a little boy.” Yang Wen laughed.

George Han raised his eyebrows and said, “Your uncle never told you, should you be a low-key person?”

“Hahahaha.” Yang Wen raised his head and laughed, and said: “I didn’t expect you to know my uncle, which is quite knowledgeable, but my uncle is a high-profile person, so he also taught me not to be too low-key, or you will be useless. What’s the difference?”

When George Han wanted to say something, Amelia Su pulled his hand.

“Let’s go, I have booked the largest hall in Guozhuang, let’s go drink tea first, and reminisce about the past.” Rong Liu said, it’s still early. She still has many opportunities to ravage Amelia Su, so she is not in a hurry.

There are five halls in Fuyang Guozhuang. In addition, there are many small halls. Generally, people with no background are not eligible to book the hall. Yang Wen can get the most luxurious hall, which shows that Yang Qi still treats him. very good.

In the hall, in addition to the tea area, there are many entertainment facilities, billiards, singing, and mahjong.

To the south of the hall, there is also a stage, which is prepared for the gathering of some big companies. At this time, a piano is placed on the stage.

When those female students saw the piano, they couldn’t help but think of the little piano prince who was all the rage some time ago.

“Have you seen the video of the little piano prince? It was very popular on the Internet some time ago.”

“I also know that there are still many women who say they want to take other people out and marry him.”

“Someone used to say that this was hype by the agency, but there has been no movement from the little piano prince for so long. He should be a passerby.”

When the female classmate was chatting hotly, Amelia Su glared at George Han, George Han was an innocent disaster, with a wry smile on his face.

“George Han. Go up and perform a song for them.” Shen Lingyao urged that the excitement was not too big.

The little piano prince is by Amelia Su’s side, and he is Amelia Su’s husband, let them know that they can’t be envious of death?

“Farewell, I am here to be a green leaf.” George Han refused.

Shen Lingyao said dissatisfied: “You should help Amelia Su to fight for your breath? Can’t you bear to watch Rong Liu step on Amelia’s head?”

Amelia Su didn’t mind Rong Liu finding a sense of presence in her, and she wouldn’t force George Han to do things that George Han didn’t want.

At this moment, Yang Wen suddenly walked towards the stage, turning his back to everyone.

The sound of the piano was melodious, and the female students were stunned in this scene.

What a familiar background, what a familiar music.

Someone couldn’t wait to click on the short video on the Internet, which was very similar to Yang Wen.

“He… Yang Wen turned out to be the little piano prince.”

“My God, Rong Liu, is your husband actually the little piano prince?”

“He is now the hottest male god on the Internet.”

The female classmate became restless. Compared with the previous Ferrari DR diamond ring, the envy at this moment is more deeply rooted.

How many women are obsessed with the piano prince online.

How many women think about marrying him day and night!

I didn’t expect such an attractive man to be Yang Wen.

Shen Lingyao was dumbfounded!

The little piano prince is obviously George Han, how could he become Yang Wen?

Amelia Su stayed too, she didn’t think George Han lied to her, and this kind of lie was completely unnecessary.

but now……

At this time, Rong Liu stood up with a smile on his face, and said: “Yang Wen has been practicing piano since he was a child, and his level is pretty good. Last time in the mall, his hands were itchy. Unexpectedly, it caused such a big movement. You know too.”

Rong Liu looked triumphant, and Shen Lingyao’s eyes were full of smoke. Yang Wen made it clear that he was pretending to be the little piano prince. Rong Liu was so shameless that he wanted to make his classmates envy her on purpose?

“Rong Liu, you are so lucky, do you know how many people on the Internet want to marry the little piano prince.”

“If you let them know that the little piano prince is actually married. What a heartbreak.”

“Where can I find a man who is rich and handsome, who can also play the piano.”

At the end of the song, Gentleman Yang Wen bowed, arousing warm applause from the female classmates, looking at Yang Wen obsessively, wishing that he was Yang Wen’s wife.

“You don’t want to show off your skills everywhere, you still don’t listen to me.” Rong Liu walked to Yang Wen and said complainingly.

“Every time I see the piano, I can’t help but feel itchy. There is really no way.” Yang Wen said helplessly.

“Shameless. It’s so shameless.” An angry Shen Lingyao stood up, really couldn’t stand it anymore, and walked towards Rong Liu.

Amelia Su wanted to pull it but didn’t hold it, so she sighed helplessly.

“You nonsense, you are not the little piano prince at all.” Shen Lingyao pointed at Yang Wen and said angrily. Yang Wen’s impersonation is tarnishing the male god in her mind. Although this male god is the husband of her best girlfriend, Shen Lingyao Yang Wen is not allowed to do this.

Rong Liu looked at Shen Lingyao with a bored expression on this woman. I used to help Amelia Su be right with her. This time Yang Wen pretended to be the little piano prince. It was Rong Liu’s own idea to make those classmates envy her. Anyway, no one knows who the real little piano prince is. Unexpectedly, Shen Lingyao jumped out and said that Yang Wen was not.

“Shen Lingyao, don’t think that we are classmates, you can rub your nose and face, why is Yang Wen not the little piano prince? I advise you to take back what you said, otherwise I’m not polite to you.” Rong Liu said coldly.

“Rong Liu. You are becoming more and more shameless now. In order to make your classmates envy you, is it interesting to do everything?” Shen Lingyao said angrily.

“Hmph, don’t you envy me? You don’t like our Yang Wen too. I can’t accept that he is my husband, so I hate him because of love?” Rong Liu said with a smile, holding Yang Wen’s hand.

“Bah.” Shen Lingyao spit out heavily and said: “I will like Yang Wen, unless I am almost blind.”

Finished. Shen Lingyao said to the female classmates: “Look at the video carefully. Although the little piano prince does not show his face, except for the clothes, is his back and face the same as Yang Wen?”

According to Shen Lingyao, the female classmates took out their mobile phones one after another, and after careful comparison, there was indeed a big difference, with completely different face shapes.

Rong Liu felt questioned and panicked, and said, “That’s the reason for the mobile phone camera. Why do you say that Yang Wen is not the little piano prince? You haven’t seen it. I think you are jealous of me.”

“Who said I haven’t seen it, I already know who the little piano prince is.” Shen Lingyao said.

“Joke.” Rong Liu didn’t believe Shen Lingyao’s words at all, because when the video was broadcast on the Internet, she deliberately investigated it, but no one knew who the protagonist in the video was. For this reason, Rong Liu dared to let him. Yang Wen pretends to be a little piano prince.

Chapter 88

“Shen Lingyao, stop bragging, how can you know who the little piano prince is.”

“Yes, I heard that many women from wealthy families have spent a lot of money trying to buy a piano for the little prince.”

“In my opinion, the little piano prince is Yang Wen. Don’t be jealous of Rong Liu. Now Rong Liu is indeed the happiest in our class. You don’t want to admit it.”

I heard my classmates speak for myself. Rong Liu was relieved that this matter was revealed, it was very embarrassing, but fortunately no one wanted to believe Shen Lingyao.

“Shen Lingyao, why should you embarrass yourself? If you want to give Amelia Su a face, you have to see who you are, and you have been a dog for Amelia Su for so many years. Have you got any benefits? It’s not good, you can be a dog for me Right. All the famous brand cosmetics in my house can be given to you.” Rong Liu smiled.

“Rong Liu, Shen Lingyao is my sister, don’t talk nonsense.” Amelia Su stood up angrily, Rong Liu actually described Shen Lingyao as a dog, which she could not accept.

“Amelia Su, you sister is stupid and doesn’t chirp herself. You have to say that Yang Wen is not the little piano prince. Can you blame me?” Rong Liu said.

“Of course he is not the little piano prince.” Amelia Su glanced at Yang Wen, then turned and pointed at George Han. Said: “He is.”

“Puff…hahahaha.” Rong Liu smiled so loudly that he hurriedly said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t help but lose my attitude, but what you said is really funny, your slapstick is the little piano prince? Hahahaha. I will laugh for a while.”

Not only Rong Liu couldn’t help but laugh, but the other classmates did the same. Who is George Han? Basin City’s famous son-in-law Su Jiazhui is useless, doing laundry, cooking and housework at home. How could he play the piano?

“Amelia Su, you finally come to the class reunion, so don’t let yourself be too embarrassed.”

“Yeah, otherwise we won’t see you again next year, so why bother.”

“If he were the little piano prince, I would still be Mozart reincarnated.”

Amelia Su looked at George Han and seemed to say that it was time for you to perform.

George Han would naturally not refuse Amelia Su’s request and walked towards the stage without saying a word.

“Don’t hold on to it. If the piano is broken, you can’t afford it.” Rong Liu said, looking at George Han contemptuously.

When George Han stepped onto the stage and sat in front of the piano, the laughter in the hall gradually subsided.

Although he has not yet started to play the piano, his back and profile are almost exactly the same as the video, and the contrast between him and Yang Wen is more obvious.

Those female classmates put away their smiles. Stumped, what Amelia Su said is true? Is George Han the real little piano prince?

Stroking the piano with both hands, as the first note floated from your fingertips, the high-pitched melody echoed in the hall, shaking everyone’s heart.

Play more fluently than Yang Wen, the rhythm is more sophisticated, and the back action when playing is exactly the same as the video. This is not the little piano prince, who is it?

Rong Liu’s expression was like eating shit. He wanted to use this thing to show Yang Wen’s greatness, but he didn’t expect that the real little piano prince would be George Han, a well-known scumbag, who was now dismantled on the spot. Rong Liu felt that he had no place to put his face.

At the end of the song, everyone was immersed in the sound of the piano, and it took a long time to recover.

“Now you know who is the little piano prince.” Shen Lingyao let out a bad breath, deliberately raising her own volume.

Those female classmates did not dare to talk, after all, they had laughed at Shen Lingyao and George Han before.

“Rong Liu, does your face hurt?” Shen Lingyao smiled and turned around, looking at Rong Liu and asked.

Rong Liu clenched his fists in hatred. Knowing that, Yang Wen wouldn’t have to pretend to be the little piano prince. That Ferrari was enough to make them envy. Instead, she can’t get off stage now.

“You are just like, who knows if he is, maybe he pretends?” Rong Liu said.

“Also pretending?” Shen Lingyao laughed, and said: “So, you are admitting that Yang Wen pretended? What are you doing this for? The difficulty is to enjoy the envy of your classmates. It’s really low-level.”

“You…” Rong Liu gritted his teeth and pointed at Shen Lingyao.

“I am not me, I am too lazy to be familiar with you, you such a vain woman makes me sick.” Shen Lingyao finished, pulling Amelia Su back to her position.

Rong Liu was so angry that all her hairs stood up. She had never been so embarrassed in a class meeting, and Shen Lingyao dared to embarrass her so much.

“Wife, don’t be angry with her, I’ll go to my uncle to borrow some people. Let her kneel down and apologize to you today.” Yang Wen said.

Rong Liu let out a bad breath, a sneer appeared on his face and said, “I want her to lose her face, and Amelia Su and that wimp.”

Yang Wen smiled and said, “Don’t worry, who is your uncle, are you still not sure? These three people must not have a good life today.”

After Yang Wen left the lobby, he went directly to Yang Qi’s office.

Yang Qi is in his forties this year, with an iconic bald head, and people he knows will call him Yang Guangdan. Of course, this name is not something that ordinary people dare to call casually. Yang Qi has little influence in Basin City, but the victory is that he has a wide network and all parties have connections. Those who provoke him usually don’t end well.

The rise of Guozhuang two years ago and the subsequent collapse of the industrial chain have a close relationship with Yang Qi.

“Uncle.” After Yang Wen came to the office, the s*xy secretary squatting under the desk got up and left.

Good things are destroyed, and Yang Qi is not angry. He values ”‹”‹Yang Wen, not just his nephew, but also wants Yang Wen to take over his class in the future, because he is infertile, so he cultivated Yang Wen as his own son.

“You brat, you know to come to see me.” Yang Qi said with a smile.

“Uncle, what are you talking about? How could I not come to see you when I came to Guozhuang.” Yang Wen said.

“Does Rongliu like that car? If she likes it, give it to her.” Yang Qi said.

Yang Wen is overjoyed. Originally it was just borrowing a car, but Yang Qi would give it to him unexpectedly.

“Thank you, Uncle. Rong Liu likes it very much. If she knows, she will be very happy.”

“It’s good to be happy, when you two have children, uncle will give you Guozhuang.” Yang Qi said.

The value of this fruit farm is amazing. The monthly net profit is hundreds of thousands. If there is a fruit farm, they will not have to go to work. Be a shopkeeper every day, and don’t worry about money.

Yang Wen had no plans in this regard, but after Yang Qi said so, he planned to go home tonight and do a good job of having children.

“Uncle, you are so kind to me, better than my dad.” Yang Wen said with a smile.

“Uncle has no children, so of course he has to treat you as a son. Let’s talk about it. I know what you are looking for. I understand that your kid does not go to the Palace of the Three Treasures.” Yang Qi asked.

“Hey.” Yang Wen chuckled. Said: “Uncle still knows me, I want to borrow two people from uncle.”

“Woman?” Yang Qi asked with a frown.

“No, no, no, man, your subordinate.” Yang Wen said what happened in the hall while avoiding the serious. Focusing on how Shen Lingyao made Rong Liu embarrassed and unable to step down.

After Yang Qi heard this, his expression was furious, and he slapped a palm on the desk and said, “What is it? I dare to embarrass my nephew and wife.”

“Uncle, they know that you are my uncle and still don’t give you any face, so I came to you for help. It doesn’t matter if Rong Liu and I are embarrassed. The key is not to embarrass you.” Yang Wen said.

“You go back first, and I’ll call someone over later.” Yang Qi said calmly.

“it is good.”

After Yang Wen returned to the hall, Rong Liu hurriedly walked to his side and asked, “How about it, uncle want to help me?”

“It’s more than just helping you, even Ferrari gave it to you. How could uncle let us be bullied.” Yang Wen smiled.

Rong Liu smiled coldly, looked at Amelia Su’s three people, and said: “Let you offend me, when your uncle comes forward, you just wait to kneel and beg for mercy, be a dog, and don’t look at what the master is. A woman who doesn’t want to be at home, a stubborn scumbag, dare to mess with me.”

Chapter 89

During lunch, George Han used the excuse to go to the toilet, and then planned to meet Yang Qi.

Yang Wen will never give up because of the previous events. He doesn’t want to make too much noise, so he is going to let Yang Qi calm down the matter.

Three years ago, Yang Qi didn’t win the grand prize, but he did get lucky. Like Lin Yong, he was blessed by George Han, so he could have the status it is today.

Power and connections were the first things George Han did after arriving in Basin City.

Lin Yong is in charge of the forces in the gray area, while Yang Qi is opening up contacts in Basin City to prepare for George Han’s needs.

During the years when George Han was dormant in the Han family, he deeply understood a truth. If you want to be rich, you must have your own power and connections. After you have money, you can use the money to build stronger influences and connect with higher-level connections. Only by repeating the cycle can you become more and more. Strong.

Not long after George Han left the hall, a few rascal-looking people arrived in the hall.

Seeing these people, Rong Liu’s eyes became more sinister. Said to Yang Wen: “Even if Amelia Su is married, those male classmates are still in love, precisely because they know that Amelia Su has not been defiled by that wasteful waste. Can you let these people. Dirty Amelia Su?”

“This…” Yang Wen didn’t expect Rong Liu to have such thoughts, and said, “How did Amelia Su say he is also from the Su family, this is not so good.”

“Humph.” Rong Liu hummed coldly, and said, “What’s wrong, I want this bitch woman to completely lose her head in front of me, and will my uncle put the Su family in his eyes?”

In the previous Su family, Yang Wen knew that Yang Qi would definitely not take it seriously, but now it is different. The entire Basin City knows that Su family is responsible for the West City project, and many people know that the springboard of the West City project , It is very likely that Su Family will become the first-line family of Basin City, whether Yang Qi has any scruples, this is unclear.

Seeing Yang Wen hesitating, dissatisfaction immediately appeared on Rong Liu’s face. Said: “Okay, your wife is being bullied, so you have to swallow your anger, do you want to be like that useless?”

“Whoever is like that useless, OK, just do as you said.” Yang Wen cast a look at the hooligans, and made a very dirty gesture with both hands.

After receiving the signal, several hooligans eagerly walked towards Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao.

“Two beauties, they look good, why don’t you have a man to accompany you, do you want brothers to accompany you for a drink.”

“The skin is quite white, so I feel slippery and not slippery.”

“It’s a pity that such a beautiful beauty is still single.”

When several hooligans walked to Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao’s side, they began to fret and drove the others away.

There are quite a few Amelia Su’s admirers here. Seeing this scene, they became angry.

“Who are you guys? This is the hall we have contracted. Get out.”

One of the gangsters looked at the talking male classmate contemptuously. Said: “What are you, what are you doing in front of Lao Tzu.”

The male classmate said coldly: “You may not know why we are here. He is Yang Qi’s nephew. I advise you not to make trouble here.”

When Yang Qi heard this, he pretended not to hear anything, and gave Rong Liu a chopstick dish.

The hooligan stood up and walked towards the male student with a smile.

After walking to the front, he kicked the male classmate’s abdomen and said coldly: “I don’t know who he is, but he didn’t say anything. How dare you fart with me?”

The male student was sweating with pain. Holding his belly.

When other people saw that Yang Wen didn’t do anything, and that Rong Liu seemed to have nothing to do with him, they were shocked that this matter was not deliberately arranged by Rong Liu?

“Rong Liu, everyone is a classmate, you don’t have to be so awesome, right?” someone said to Rong Liu.

“What do you mean, this matter has nothing to do with me, it’s her own hooves to provoke people. Can you blame me?” Rong Liu stood up and said angrily.

Fuyang Fruit Village is Yang Qi’s place, and Yang Wen is Yang Qi’s nephew. How could these people dare to make trouble here easily?

Although Rong Liu argued. But all the students present knew that this matter must have something to do with her.

It’s just that many people don’t want to offend Rong Liu, so except for the male student who was beaten, no one said anything.

“Amelia. George Han, why is he not coming back.” Shen Lingyao whispered in fear, feeling the naked eyes of those hooligans.

“Beauty, whispering, if you have any words, let us listen to it together.” A certain gangster put his hand directly on Shen Lingyao’s shoulder and said.

Shen Lingyao turned sideways and said angrily: “Don’t touch me.”

“Yo, you have a strong temper. I like it. I wonder if you have such a big reaction when you are in bed?”

Amelia Su had a gloomy face. She knew that this matter was done by Rong Liu. She stood up and said to Rong Liu: “Rong Liu, the contradiction between us, do you have to do these things?”

“Amelia Su, how many men have you harassed outside yourself. Didn’t you know in your heart? How do I know what they have to do with you.” Rong Liu said with a cold face.

“Beauty, have you forgotten how passionate we were last night? You can’t get out of bed without admitting it.” The rogue said to Amelia Su with a smile.

“You fart, when will I know you, don’t talk nonsense.” Amelia Su said excitedly.

“Cao Nima, stinky lady, what is your attitude.” The gang slapped Amelia Su’s face.

Shen Lingyao hurriedly guarded Amelia Su and said: “You dare to hit someone, believe it or not, I will call the police to arrest you.”

“Call the police?”

Several rascals laughed.

“I don’t go in a few times a month. It feels bad all over.”

“That’s our hometown. It’s common to go in and out, but if you get your brother in, wait for us to come out. You won’t have a good life.”

“Want to try the feeling of someone smashing the door every day when you go home?”

Hearing these words, Shen Lingyao’s face was pale, she knew how serious the consequences of provoking these hooligans would be.

At this time, Amelia Su said to Rong Liu again: “Do you have to do things like this? My hatred with you. It’s just that the boys you like like me when you are in school, you need to find these people. Against me?”

“Amelia Su, I said, these people have nothing to do with me. You have done dirty things yourself and have to rely on me. Do you think I’m good for Rong Liu to bully?” Rong Liu angrily walked to Amelia Su and poured a glass of red wine. On Amelia Su, she continued to curse: “Who doesn’t know that you used to pretend to be pure and your private life was a mess. You have had relationships with many men. Don’t think I don’t know.”

Rong Liu made it clear that she was buckling Amelia Su’s head. She wanted to slander Amelia Su in this way, so that the male students could give up thinking about Amelia Su.

Even if Rong Liu is married now, she still cannot accept that so many people admire Amelia Su.

She wants to prove that she is better than Amelia Su and has a better life than Amelia Su.

“Rong Liu, you are talking about yourself, Amelia went to school and never fell in love, but you changed boyfriends every three days. This is something we all know.” Shen Lingyao retorted.

“You’re talking nonsense, I tore your mouth.” Rong Liu was suddenly excited. She is the image of a lady in front of Yang Wen. How can these ugly things be shaken out.

Grasping Shen Lingyao’s hair, the two women scuffled together.

Amelia Su saw that her sister was at a loss, so she naturally wanted to help.

In a two-to-one situation, Rong Liu would definitely not be able to fight, and Yang Wen was anxious when he saw the situation.

He didn’t care about revealing that these rascals were called by him, and he scolded: “What are you doing in a daze? Give me a fight.”

When several hooligans heard these words, they had no feeling of pity and cherishment at all. After pulling Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao away, they kicked to the ground one by one.

The shaggy Rong Liu was anxious and said to the hooligan: “Take her to me.”

Amelia Su’s hands were trapped, and she could only let Rong Liu slap her face one after another.

“You bitch, dare to hit me. Let you hit me. If you don’t kneel down and apologize to me today, you never want to leave here.”

Yang Wen calmly walked to Shen Lingyao, and punched Shen Lingyao in the lower abdomen: “Go to Nima, dare to beat my wife.”

Chapter 90

Yang Qi’s office.

George Han sat on the sofa, and Yang Qi stood tremblingly.

“Brother George, why are you here?” Yang Qi asked. Three years ago, he was just a trash. George Han found him and gave him the chance to achieve what he is today.

Even though Yang Qi already has contacts in hand, he still doesn’t dare to look down upon George Han, because he knows it. George Han can give him all this, and he can also take it back.

“Today, I accompanied my wife to the class reunion, and I came to see you by the way. We haven’t seen you for three years, and I’m afraid you will forget me.” George Han said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Yang odd burst of panic, and quickly said:. “Three thousand brother, how could I forget How about you forget what his last name, can not forget the kindness of three thousand to my brother,”

“Young Odd, I can give it to you, and I can get it back, do you know?” George Han said.

Yang Qi was shocked, how could he suddenly say such a thing?

“Brother George, is there something wrong with me?” Yang Qi asked nervously.

George Han shook his head and said: “Nothing is wrong. I just want to remind you that I don’t want to bury the thread that took three years, and finally I will destroy it by myself.”

“Brother George, please rest assured, Yang Qi. I’ll be a cow and a horse for you in this life. There will never be any complaints.” Yang Qi lowered his head and said.

“By the way, you have a nephew named Yang Wen, right?” George Han asked.

Speaking of Yang Wen, Yang Qi showed a smile on his face and said: “Yang Wen is indeed my nephew, but I raised him as my own son. Because I am not fertile, I will have to let him pick me up in the future. Ben.”

“You told him to be a high-profile man?”

“Brother George, did something happen?” Yang Qi asked as if walking on thin ice. If Yang Wen’s contradiction is really with George Han, it will be over.

His people have gone to trouble, and George Han is in his office again. Yang Qi didn’t dare to think about what happened in the hall now.

“Your nephew’s wife is a bit contradictory with my wife, it’s not a big deal, you remind me, I don’t want to make too much noise.” George Han said.

These words almost exploded Yang Qi like a thunder.

This f*cking…

Yang Wen only said that he had a conflict with his classmate, but he didn’t mention who this classmate was.

If Yang Qi knew that it was Amelia Su and gave him a hundred leopard gall, he wouldn’t dare let people trouble Amelia Su.

Yang Qi only felt that his legs were weak, and his forehead was sweating cold. He said quickly, “Brother George, let’s go to the lobby and have a look.”

Seeing Yang Qi panicked so much, George Han frowned and asked, “How come back? What happened?”

“Just… just now Yang Wen asked me to send a few people to the hall.” Yang Qi felt that the sky was spinning, his eyes turned black. If something happened, he couldn’t bear the consequences.

George Han stood up suddenly and walked out of the office without a word.

Although Yang Qi’s legs were weak, he still followed George Han closely.

In the hall. Amelia Su’s face was swollen, and the corners of her mouth overflowed with shocking blood.

Shen Lingyao was forced to kneel on the ground by Rong Liu.

Those classmates saw this scene, although they felt that Rong Liu had done a little too much, but they didn’t dare to help Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao say a few good things, for fear of being hurt in Yuchi.

“Why doesn’t that useless person come back? With him, you can also help Amelia Su to block it.

” Who knows if he ran away, notoriously useless, even if he was there, could he manage this matter? “

“Yang Wen’s uncle is the boss here, hey, this time Amelia Su can be regarded as completely planted.” The

students sighed incomparably. But thinking of George Han, they felt that there was no difference between George Han’s presence and absence.

Could it be that when George Han came back, he could stop this incident and deal with Yang Wen?


If he had this ability, how could he be a famous waste in Basin City.

“Amelia Su, I want you to kneel down.” Rong Liu had already said this to Amelia Su more than once.

Amelia Su held her head up stubbornly, and said unclearly, “Don’t think about it.”

Rong Liu knew that Yang Qi treated Yang Wen as a son, so she was not afraid of trouble. As long as Yang Qi helps her wipe her ass, she can be safe and sound.

Grabbing Amelia Su’s hair, pulling forcefully, she said in a cold voice, “Believe it or not, I will let them rectify the Fa on the spot. Are you not innocent? Let all the classmates see your turbulent side, how about?”

“Let go She!” There was a sudden anger in the hall.

When George Han saw Amelia Su’s state, his eyes instantly turned red, and he rushed forward.

The two rascals holding Amelia Su were punched on the head by George. Like mud fell to the ground, life and death uncertain.

George Han tremblingly hugged Amelia Su, looking at the wound on Amelia Su’s face, an unstoppable killing intent spread across the hall.

“How…how are you, do you hurt?” George Han asked softly.

After seeing George Han coming back, Amelia Su was relieved, with a smile on his face said: “It’s okay, I’m okay.”

George Han took a deep breath. The other two hooligans saw that their own people were beaten, and they wanted to teach George Han a lesson.

George Han put Amelia Su behind him, and said coldly:” Two rubbish, go to hell! “

After the burst, George Han smashed the bench with a punch. The wind of his fist did not stop, and the speed of his fist remained unchanged, blasting on the person.

The man yelled in pain. Replied and flew out.

The remaining person was just a moment’s stunned. After George Han snatched the stool in his hand, he smashed it on the head, splashing blood.




All the classmates who saw this scene, regardless of male or female, took a breath, their scalp numb.

“This… he is so cruel!”

“Is he really useless? How could he be so powerful.”

“I don’t have dazzling. It’s really too powerful.”

When the classmate sighed and was shocked, Yang Wen was not only unwilling. Fear, instead, he looked at George Han with a smile.

Even his uncle’s people dared to fight, really recklessly.

“George Han. I didn’t expect you to be a waste of money, but do you know whose site this is? You are making trouble here and you can’t leave alive today.” When Yang Wen said this, he had no idea to go to the hall door. Yang Qi. She was so scared that she was so scared that she slumped on the ground.

George Han sprinted in front of Yang Wen without saying anything. He was furious, leaping up, his knees against Yang Wen’s chin, Yang Wen sprayed out a bloody mist and spit out several broken teeth.

“You, you dare to hit me.” Yang Wen said to George Han, covering his mouth in horror.

“You useless, dare to hit my man.” Rong Liu rushed to George Han like a mad woman, raising his fist to beat George Han.

George Han raised his hand and pulled Rong Liu’s hair, and said coldly, “I never beat women, but today is an exception!”

After speaking, George Han kicked Rong Liu’s chest.

The strong impact made Rong Liu had to retreat, but George Han was still pulling her hair at this time, and between pulling and pulling, Rong Liu’s head was bald.

Those classmates were already dumbfounded. No one thought that George Han would become more and more ruthless. Even Yang Wen and Rong Liu didn’t let it go. You must know that they are Yang Qi’s close relatives. George Han beat two of them like this, can Yang Qi let him go?

“George Han, stop it, Yang Wen’s uncle is Yang Qi. The problem is serious and you can’t save Amelia Su.”

“Yeah, you’d better take Amelia Su and go quickly. When Yang Qi comes, you can’t leave. . “

” Amelia Su, you also froze the doing of it, do not run. “

Amelia Su hear these words, just ready to get up, Han three thousand turned around and said:.” sit down and rest, happened today, I have to solve, “

Amelia Su After a pause, he sat down again.

Shen Lingyao walked to Amelia Su’s side, and was very hurt. She looked at George Han’s eyes at this time, full of infatuation.

This is a man, a real man, who can do everything for a woman!

“…… you really know what’s good, so arrogant, wait a minute to see how you do.”

“I thought it hit a few people will be able to deal with Yang Qi yet? Never seen a wimp world.”

“Brought the matter to understand Close, you are harming Amelia Su.”

Several male classmates said to George Han angrily, wondering what is the use of the so-called recklessness? Yang Qi is here, did he run away?

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