His True Colors Novel Chapter 83 – 86

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Chapter 83

Among Amelia Su’s classmates, Amelia Su used to have a high status, and even many male students pursued Amelia Su with the idea of ”‹”‹getting the moon near the water.

In the past, Amelia Su was caught in the moon by the stars, but since George Han joined her, her classmates have only been ridiculing her, especially those male classmates who started to be evil when they didn’t get it. Yan mocked, so that Amelia Su would now avoid her classmates.

Shen Lingyao participates every year. Every year I hear them say that Amelia Su is not the case, and every time she quarrels with her classmates to help Amelia Su speak, but she is too weak to noisy.

Now Amelia Su has lived in the mountainside Villa, and George Han doesn’t look like a waste, so Shen Lingyao wants George Han to help Amelia Su out.

“You don’t know how unpleasant those classmates are talking, especially the bitch woman Rong Rong, who had a grudge against Amelia when she went to school, and she caught you in Zuo Su’s house. You can’t wait to say that Amelia Su is worthless.” Shen Lingyao When it comes to these things, the expression becomes very angry. Even clenched his fists.

“Who is Mother Rong, such a weird name.” George Han asked with a smile.

“She’s Rong Liu, she’s a sl*t, and she’s very hateful, so I call her Rong Liu,” Shen Lingyao said.

“Well, if she wants to go, I will be with her.” George Han said.

“What does it mean that she is willing? She is not willing? It’s not because of you, George Han. I warn you, Amelia has suffered so many wrongs for you, so you have to help her out.” Shen Lingyao raised her powder fist with a face Said threateningly.

“Well, well, I took it down. If there is nothing else, I have to pick her up from get off work.” George Han nodded repeatedly.

“Go, and when I get rich, I’ll pay you back.”

Looking at the back of George Han leaving, Shen Lingyao’s eyes suddenly dimmed, and she said to herself: “Amelia, you may never know in this life how much I envy you.”

Amelia Su walked out of the company after get off work, and saw George Han at the door, trotting to George Han’s side.

“Why are you here, didn’t you rest at home?” Amelia Su said unexpectedly.

George Han waved his hand and said, “Look at me, you need to rest.”

Amelia Su realized that George Han had already removed the plaster, her face suddenly became gloomy, and she said coldly, “When did you go to remove it? The doctor said that it would take forty days to recover. Don’t you want hands?”

“I’m cured, and the doctor also checked me. If you don’t believe me, I can take you to the hospital to ask.” George Han smiled.

Amelia Su grabbed George Han’s hand. Doubt: “Really, you didn’t lie to me, did you?”

“How could I lie to you, go home, I’m really fine.”

After getting in the car, seeing George Han driving his hands freely, Amelia Su was really relieved.

“You recovered so quickly, I’m afraid even the doctor can’t believe it.” Amelia Su said.

“If it weren’t for my quick movements, his eyeballs almost fell on the ground, but fortunately, I stuffed him back.”

Amelia Su was amused by these words, and said: “You are so amazing, your ass is almost up to the sky.”

“Ahem, how can a man do this action.” George Han said.

Amelia Su didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence for a while. When she thought about it, the temperature in the car was a little bit cold, with a strong killing intent in her eyes.

“George Han, you are getting bolder.” Amelia Su said coldly.

George Han’s eyelids jumped and he quickly changed the subject and said, “I met Shen Lingyao today.”

“Yaoyao? She hasn’t contacted me for several days, and she doesn’t know what she is doing.”

George Han told Amelia Su what happened today, and complained about George Han accidentally injuring the security guards. He said: “How can you hit people casually? What if you are injured, without my permission in the future. No permission. Fight with people.”

“Good.” George Han replied, regardless of the consequences of this promise.

“By the way, she also talked about the class reunion and wanted you to participate together.” George Han said.

“No.” Amelia Su refused without even thinking about it. Rong Liu would definitely not let her go to the classmate meeting, so why bother to be humiliated for no reason?

“But I have promised her that I want to take you there, what do you say.” George Han frowned.

“You go with her, maybe you can hold your hands.”

There was a smell of vinegar in the car, someone’s vinegar jar was overturned for some reason, but George Han smiled heartlessly.

Amelia Su looked at George Han still laughing, and said coldly: “You are so happy, do you want me to fulfill you two? Anyway, Yaoyao also likes you very much.”

“No, no, I have a husband.” George Han said in a panic, and the surging jealousy has formed a stormy sea. If this continues, one wave can kill him.

Although Amelia Su was jealous, she didn’t take it seriously. She never doubted George Han’s sincerity.

For three years, he watched to and from get off work in obscurity, and followed her for a morning jog in obscurity. Protecting her, this sincerity is a lesson from heaven and earth, if Amelia Su still has doubts about it, it would be too unconscionable.

“You may not know. My classmates now treat me as a joke.” Amelia Su said with a long sigh.

“That’s why you should go. You are now the person in charge of the Chengxi Project, and you are still living in a mountainside Villa. Who is qualified to laugh at you.” George Han said.

“But…” Amelia Su hesitated to speak but stopped. What she didn’t say was that all the jokes came from George Han. If George Han went with her, those classmates would definitely hit George Han with gunfire. She didn’t want George Han to be laughed at. .

“It’s nothing, as long as you don’t treat me like a waste, no one in this world is qualified to look at me like that.” George Han said lightly.

“I didn’t, of course I didn’t.” Amelia Su said in a panic, eager to explain.

“Since there isn’t one, take me to see it. I have never participated in a class reunion. It’s okay to see the world.” George Han smiled.

After a long silence, Amelia Su nodded and said, “Okay.”

Back at home, Amelia Su received a call from Shen Lingyao again. She was convinced that after Amelia Su would attend the classmate meeting, she was overjoyed. She wanted to see George Han perform at the classmate meeting and was able to slap those face fiercely. Classmates.

The next day, Su’s company.

Harry Su sat in an office chair. He put his feet on the desk and looked comfortable.

A whole week has passed, and Amelia Su’s loan has not yet been negotiated. Although he is a little worried about the company’s situation, he is more happy. He feels that even if he is dead, he will have to pull Amelia Su to die. He didn’t want to see Amelia Su accomplish this.

At this time, Su Yihan suddenly rushed into the office in a panic.

“Harry. Have you heard of it?”

“You hell, what are you doing in such a hurry?” Harry Su said lightly.

“I heard from the Finance Department that the loan has already been credited to the company’s account.” Su Yihan said.

Harry Su frowned upon hearing this, and asked, “Isn’t it fake news? How much loan?”

“Now the entire finance department knows about this. A full billion has been paid.” Su Yihan said.

“What!” Harry Su got excited and fell directly from the office chair. He stood up embarrassed and gritted his teeth and said: “How is it possible, how could she have loaned one billion.”

“I don’t want to believe it either. But the Finance Department’s words should not be false.” Su Yihan had previously determined that Amelia Su could not do this, but now that the billions are in the account, she does not want to admit it.

Harry Su’s gloomy face really made Amelia Su do it. In the future, the company’s finances will also be handed over to Amelia Su’s hands. This is a nightmare for all Su family relatives.

“Go, go to the Finance Department.” Just after Harry Su finished speaking, the landline on the desk rang.

After Harry Su hung up, Su Yihan asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Grandma said, let’s go to the conference room for a meeting.” Harry Su said unwillingly, since grandma has come forward, then this matter will definitely not be false.

Chapter 84

In the meeting room, the old lady held Amelia Su’s hand with a smile. This was a closeness like never before. Before, the old lady didn’t regard Amelia Su as family, but now Amelia Su seems to have become her favorite granddaughter.

Although it is said that Su Yihan may marry into a wealthy family in the future, for now, Amelia Su is the one who helps the Su family tide over the difficulties.

But except for the old lady. The faces of the other relatives are not pretty.

The Su family has indeed survived the crisis well, but the company’s finances are in the hands of Amelia Su, and it will not be so easy for them to fish for oil and water in the future.

The old lady can open one eye to them, but can Amelia Su?

Think about my previous attitude towards Amelia Su. If I let her know that she was greedy for the company’s money, how could she let them go?

Harry Su and Su Yihan came to the meeting room with their faces as if they were eating shit. Especially when Harry Su saw the affection between the old lady and Amelia Su, he was even more angry. In the past, only he could enjoy this kind of treatment, but now, Amelia Su has a tendency to replace him.

“Amelia helped our company tide over the difficulties, with a loan of one billion, and the company’s finances in the future. Amelia will be solely responsible for the company’s finances. This is what I promised before. In addition, I have one more thing to announce today. “The old lady said.

Hearing this, Harry Su was shocked. The old lady is going to give Amelia Su the position of chairman of the company!

This is something that all relatives don’t want to see. Su Guolin immediately stood up and said, “Mom, you have to think carefully. This is a big thing for the company, and it’s not a trivial matter.”

“Yes, grandma, you must think clearly, our Su family’s company can’t fall into the hands of outsiders.” Harry Su reminded him with something in his words.

The old lady smiled faintly and said: “Considering that Amelia shoulders such a heavy burden, I want to have someone help her share some of it. Harry, you will be the deputy director of the company in the future, and you will assist Amelia Su in the Chengxi project.”

This sentence came out. Everyone present was dumbfounded, and no one thought that the old lady would actually promote Harry Su at this time! He hasn’t done much in the company recently.

The position of Deputy Dong was given to Harry Su. Doesn’t this mean that Amelia Su’s power must also be in Harry Su’s hands?

Amelia Su gritted her teeth, the old lady spoke beautifully, and even showed her affectionate appearance, but in fact, she still didn’t believe in herself, fearing that all the rights of the company would be in her hands, and Harry Su would lose her position as a director. Long chance.

No matter how much I do, is it not as good as Harry Su in your mind?

After being stunned, the relatives of the Su family smiled relievedly. Of course, they knew why the old lady wanted to do this. This was a clever setting of a name and weakened Amelia Su’s rights in the company. From beginning to end, the old lady regarded Harry Su as her successor.

Harry Su smiled and said quickly: “Thank you grandma, I must live up to expectations.”

“Amelia, you will cooperate with Harry a lot in the future. If you have any questions, discuss it.” said the old lady.

“En.” Amelia Su replied.

After the meeting, the old lady took the lead to leave.

Harry Su proudly said to Amelia Su: “It seems that no matter how much you do, grandma doesn’t value you. My position in her old man’s mind is not comparable to you.”

“From today on, I will review every account of the company. I don’t care how you make money in the company before, but in the future, even if you lose a penny, you’d better explain it clearly to me.” Amelia Su finished coldly. Without paying attention to Harry Su, he walked out of the meeting room.

All relatives of the Su family are aggrieved. They don’t live on their monthly salary. If they can’t embezzle in the company, what else will they live on in the future.

“This Amelia Su really doesn’t know good or bad, even the old lady doesn’t care about these things, she actually went online.”

“Does she think we will put her in our eyes? From now on, we should take one point. I want to see what she dares to do to me.”

Su Guolin stood up and said to the Su family’s relatives: “Don’t worry, Harry is now the company’s deputy director. How can Amelia Su dare to make things difficult for us.”

Harry Su smiled. Said: “This time the loan is one billion. If we can’t take some money to go home, I’m sorry for the ancestors of the Su family, don’t worry. I will protect you. If this bitch dares to embarrass you, I want her to look good.”

“Harry, we can rely on you.”

“With your position in the mind of the old lady, what is Amelia Su worth?”

“Yes, she is a woman, how can she compare with Harry.”

Amelia Su returned to the office, her face sinking like water. Never thought that the old lady would pinch her throat in this way.

Harry Su became the deputy director, and the old lady deliberately talked about the problem with Harry Su. This was to make it clear that the bridge was demolished across the river.

“When will you be able to recognize that Harry Su is not suitable for chairmanship at all? Do you really want the company to be completely finished?”

It was almost time for get off work, Amelia Su received a call from Shen Lingyao, saying that it was to thank George Han for his help yesterday and invite them to dinner.

Amelia Su hadn’t seen Shen Lingyao for several days. So I agreed.

After get off work, Amelia Su standing by the car door said: “Shen Lingyao invites us to eat at home, I will drive, you don’t know the way.”

George Han got out of the car, walked to the co-pilot, and found that Amelia Su’s expression today was not clear.

The bank has already released the money, so she should be in a good mood today.

“What’s wrong?” George Han asked.

“Grandma gave Harry Su the position of deputy director in the name of helping me share the pressure. She also asked me to discuss with Harry Su about anything in the future.” Amelia Su said angrily.

“I had expected the old lady to find a way to stop your momentum in the company, but I didn’t expect her to use such a brazen way.” George Han said lightly.

“Why, but she had already said it before, let me take full responsibility for the Chengxi project and the financial power of the company.” Amelia Su said in confusion.

“Isn’t it easy? She doesn’t want you to be too popular in the company. It affects Harry Su, after all, Harry Su is the candidate for the chairman.” George Han said.

“Isn’t she afraid that I will let it go? Chengxi’s cooperation, bank loans, but I did it. If I don’t care about the company, how long can the Su family last?” Amelia Su said unconvinced.

“Will you?” George Han asked.

Amelia Su is in her throat, will she? Surely not, she finally got to this point, how could she give up so easily?

“This is the reason why the old lady dared to do this, because she had eaten you and knew you would not do it.” George Han sighed, Amelia Su was still too soft-hearted, but how she decided, George Han did not Will interfere, and the Su family is indeed a good step for Amelia Su, she can learn slowly.

Su’s Villa.

After the old lady returned home, her assistant said with a worried look: “Chairman, if you do this, aren’t you afraid of causing Amelia Su’s dissatisfaction?”

The old lady snorted coldly, and said: “What status was she in the Su family before, what status is she now, and what is she dissatisfied with. What she did for the Su family, it is a matter of course, it is impossible that I really want to Is the position of chairman given to her?”

“But… the survival of the Su family is now on her.” the assistant said.

“Don’t worry, she doesn’t have the courage. Without the Su family, she is nothing. She has to eat and eat if she is wronged. And I treat her well now, she should feel Lucky,” the old lady said.

The assistant nodded and said no more. After all, the old lady’s decision cannot be shaken by ordinary people.

Moreover, Amelia Su has a high probability of not doing stupid things. After all, she has to rely on the company to survive. If the company collapses, she may not have a good life. The old lady is considered to have struck Amelia Su’s lifeline.

The old lady stood up, took a deep breath, and said: “I’m really afraid of that wastefulness now. Amelia Su has changed a lot during this period. It is very likely that he is behind the influence. The Su family must not fall into the wasteful hands. .”

Chapter 85

Shen Lingyao’s house.

George Han and Amelia Su were sitting in the living room. Pots and pans were constantly heard from the kitchen. From time to time, there was heavy smoke mixed with Shen Lingyao’s screams, but she ordered George Han and Amelia Su to stay in the living room, Amelia Su Even if you are worried, you can only be anxious.

“Really don’t go and see? I’m afraid she will burn the house.” There was another puff of smoke, and even the living room was panicking. George Han wanted to wear a gas mask.

Amelia Su looked anxious and stood up and shouted: “Shen Lingyao. Did you start the Third World War?”

Walking to the door of the kitchen, the kitchen was in a mess. Shen Lingyao was embarrassed and greasy, with disheveled hair, like a mad woman.

Seeing the two people, he said in a panic: “Didn’t I let you wait in the living room? Hurry up and don’t come to see me.”

Amelia Su sighed helplessly, and said: “Things that can’t be done. Why force yourself? Are you reconciled to burn your home?”

“Who said I can’t do it? I have already cooked a dish and will be able to start the meal soon.” Shen Lingyao proudly pointed at a plate of dark things with one hand on her hips, completely unable to see what it was.

George Han walked into the kitchen like a battlefield and said, “I’ll come, you go take a bath.”

“No. I invited you to dinner just to thank you. How can I let you cook?” Shen Lingyao said while pushing George Han.

“Even if you want to thank me, you won’t send me to the hospital, right? After eating your food, I’m afraid I won’t survive tonight.” George Han said.

Amelia Su couldn’t stand it anymore. Persuaded: “You’d better let three thousand, in case you really eat poisoning, we may be patients.”

“Amelia, you don’t even believe me.” Shen Lingyao said glumly.

“Yes, I just don’t believe you, come out quickly.” Amelia Su said without hesitation.

Shen Lingyao was so angry that he put down the spatula and hurried out of the kitchen.

“I’ll take a shower first, and I’ll show you how good my cooking is next time.”

After George Han took over the kitchen, everything calmed down.

Shen Lingyao swallowed her throat when she smelled a drooling fragrance right out of the bathroom door after taking a shower.

“Amelia, is George Han really as good as you said?” Shen Lingyao couldn’t help but ask. She heard Amelia Su mentioned that George Han cooks at home every day, and his cooking skills are superb, but he has never eaten. So doubt it. But now, the fragrance keeps escaping from the kitchen, and she cannot tolerate her disbelief.

“You’ll find out later.” Amelia Su said with a smile on her face. George Han’s cooking skills are better than the chefs in many restaurants. She didn’t get tired of eating for three full years.

Shen Lingyao grumbled and said, “Look at you so beautifully, it’s really enviable.”

It didn’t take long before George Han made three dishes and one soup, with all the flavors and flavors. Shen Lingyao’s index finger moved a lot, and he couldn’t help holding a piece before he even put his chopsticks on it.

“Woo…” Shen Lingyao, with his face full of happiness, was enjoying the deliciousness from the tip of his tongue, clapping his hands straight: “It’s so delicious, George Han, how can you be so good.”

In the past three years, in order to be able to cook for Amelia Su in a variety of ways, George Han has signed up for a private kitchen class and studied in all eight major cuisines, for him. Three dishes and one soup are just handy.

“Welcoming summer, I’m going to live in your house, I want to eat George Han’s dishes every day.” Shen Lingyao said excitedly.

“George doesn’t cook now, and the family has hired an aunt who specializes in cooking, so you are very good today.” Amelia Su smiled.

George Han said at this time: “If you want to eat the dishes I make, I can make them for you every day.”

“Hey.” Shen Lingyao’s expression suddenly sank, and said: “Can you think about the feelings of single dogs? I want to eat, not dog food.”

“Okay, let’s eat and eat, let’s stop talking, let’s go.” Amelia Su said with a happy smile.

Shen Lingyao sat beside Amelia Su dissatisfied. Said: “I know that you are happy, but you have to take care of your girlfriend’s feelings, otherwise, I will start with George Han.”

“Okay, as long as he wants to, I’m fine.” Amelia Su said indifferently.

Shen Lingyao stood up, gestured to the chopsticks in her hand, and said to George Han: “I’ve been my lady. How about letting you sing songs every night?”

“Don’t mess around, eat quickly, and it will get cold later.” George Han said.

Shen Lingyao sat down weakly. This corner must be unmovable, and she was just joking.

“By the way, I said in the classmate group that you are going to attend the class reunion, and now they all know about it.” Shen Lingyao said after sitting down.

Amelia Su had long since quit this so-called classmate group. The students inside had no other business except to show what luxury they bought and which country they were traveling to.

“They were surprised,” Amelia Su said.

Shen Lingyao nodded and said: “No, I thought I was joking. Mother Rong, the eighth wife, said that she missed you a lot after seeing you for a long time. I think she just wanted to trouble you.”

“The boys that Rong Liu liked before, all like me, and I don’t blame her for targeting me.” Amelia Su was targeted by Rong Liu, and it was considered a disaster. Rong Liu took the initiative to chase several boys, but they all liked Amelia Su.

“I can blame others for being ugly, but she is lucky. Married a rich man, and now in the group every day to show what brand-name bags she bought.” Shen Lingyao sighed, although she didn’t like it. Rong Liu, but I have to admit that Rong Liu’s life is better than her.

“She is married?” Amelia Su asked unexpectedly.

“Also invited me, but I didn’t go, so I didn’t bother to tell you.” Shen Lingyao said.

Speaking of this, Shen Lingyao suddenly put down the dishes and said to George Han with a solemn expression: “George Han. You can’t let Amelia be bullied in this classmate meeting, or I won’t let you go.”

“You want to say, if there is a chance. By the way, teach Rong Rong, right?” George Han smiled.

Of course, Shen Lingyao wanted to see this scene, gritted her teeth and said, “Do you know that Amelia was slapped severely by Rong Liu at the classmate meeting. If you can’t help her take revenge, you’re a husband.”

George Han’s eyes narrowed.

Amelia Su hurriedly said: “It’s been a long time since this matter, so long as Rong Liu doesn’t make things difficult for me this time.”

“How can she not make things difficult for you, she treats you as an enemy, have you forgotten how she used to point her nose to scold you?” Shen Lingyao said.

“Okay, don’t say it.” Amelia Su glanced at George Han, and quickly stopped Shen Lingyao from talking.

After eating, Amelia Su was taken back to the room by Shen Lingyao for a girlfriend night talk show. George Han was left alone in the living room watching TV. When he was bored, Mo Yang called him.

“Didn’t I ask you to keep a low profile recently?” Mo Yang said with complaint.

“What’s wrong?” George Han asked without understanding.

“You guy, did you fight a few security guards yesterday?” Mo Yang asked.

With yesterday’s incident, George Han helped Shen Lingyao by accident and injured several security guards. How could such a small matter reach Mo Yang’s ears?

“How would you know?” George Han asked curiously.

“The video you shot was filmed, and now it’s spread on the road, do you really think Ye Fei won’t doubt you, so you have to give him some clues.” Mo Yang said.

George Han’s brows condensed. He hadn’t expected such a small thing to cause such consequences. If Ye Fei doubted him, it would be no small trouble.

“I see.” George Han said solemnly.

“Do you have any plans, do you need my help?” Mo Yang asked concerned.

“No, I have a way to solve it. You should go to the Dao Twelve business. This person is very important to me.” George Han said.

After hanging up the phone, George Han sighed. It seems that he can’t do anything in the public at will in the future, otherwise his three years of dormancy would be ruined, and the price would be too great!

At 11 o’clock in the evening, George Han and Amelia Su left with Shen Lingyao’s reluctant expression.

In the deep loneliness of a person, Shen Lingyao hugged a teddy bear to sleep, and she muttered three words Han three thousand in her dream. She may not know how deep this fascination is.

Chapter 86

On the day of the classmate, George Han drove the car and Amelia Su in the co-driver. The two went to pick up Shen Lingyao before heading towards the destination Fuyang Guozhuang.

About two years ago, many farmhouses with the name of picking fresh fruits emerged around Basin City. These farmhouses have a pollution-free sign, attracting many people in the city to play on holidays and experience the fun of fruit picking.

However, in the case of Chinese people’s jealousy, such farmhouses have sprung up like mushrooms. Soon it flooded, causing many farmhouses to close at a loss overnight, and the event was short-lived.

However, Fuyang Guozhuang is the only one among the many farmhouses that is not affected. There is no shortage of customers, and reservations are required even if it is not a holiday. It is said that the owner of Fuyang Guozhuang has a deep relationship in Basin City, and more Even said. Those farmhouses that went bankrupt were also facilitated by Fuyang Guozhuang.

“Yaoyao, it’s hard to book the location of Fuyang Fruit Village. Who has such a big face?” Amelia Su asked Shen Lingyao.

Shen Lingyao curled her mouth and said: “Mother Rong’s man, I heard her say in the group that the owner of Fuyang Fruit Village, Yang Qi, is his husband’s uncle.”

Amelia Su was surprised when she heard this. Rong Liu’s husband was actually the nephew of the owner of Fuyang Fruit Farm. It seems that her current life is indeed going well.

“Yang Qi is a very powerful person. He has a deep relationship in Basin City. Now many big bosses have to give him face.” George Han said.

Hearing George Han’s words, Shen Lingyao’s face suddenly showed dissatisfaction. Said: “George Han, you are so prestigious, and Yang Qi is nothing good. If he hadn’t won the jackpot three years ago, how could he be rich and open Guozhuang.”

“Grand prize? Who did you listen to.” George Han said with a smile.

“Many people know it. I heard that Yang Qi used to be a small contractor, and his family didn’t have a lot of money. He won the lottery three years ago and only became successful. Later, he opened Fuyang Fruit Farm and he had a good relationship with many owners. If I didn’t win the prize, I might decide where to move the bricks now.” Shen Lingyao said.

George Han smiled and didn’t say anything. The first time he heard about winning the lottery, is this the reason Yang Qi found for himself?

“Yaoyao, I have never heard of these things, how would you know?” Amelia Su asked curiously.

“Mother Rong is showing off all day long. Should I still not investigate and investigate the true or false? The hateful thing is that it is true.” Shen Lingyao said unwillingly, thinking that Rong Liu was just bragging in the group. So Shen Lingyao checked the Internet and asked friends, and finally learned that it turned out to be a fact, how could such a woman have such a good life.

Amelia Su couldn’t laugh or cry, and Shen Lingyao was so bored to do this kind of thing.

“I see you, I really lack a boyfriend, otherwise I do useless things all day long.” Amelia Su said.

“Why it’s useless, knowing that you know the enemy is not dead, don’t you understand this truth? If I don’t check it out, she will make it difficult for you and we don’t even have a chance to refute.” Shen Lingyao finished, sighed, and checked it. It is a pity that Rong Liu didn’t lie, nor did Shen Lingyao catch her.

“Now do you have a chance to refute?” Amelia Su asked with a smile.

Shen Lingyao snorted, looked out the window and stopped talking.

In the parking lot of Fuyang Guozhuang, a woman dressed very coquettishly, stepped on a pair of crystal high heels, stretched her legs straight, she was in a very good figure, and she looked pretty good.

Beside her, besides standing by a man, there was also a bright Ferrari parked.

“Wife, are you satisfied with the car I borrowed from my uncle? Your classmates will come later. You must be envious of you.” Yang Wen, Rong Liu’s husband, a young man with a small head looked like very energetic.

Rong Liu affectionately took Yang Wen’s hand, licked his lips and said, “I am very satisfied. After I go home tonight, I will take care of you.”

Yang Wen raised his eyebrows and said, “Then I’m not welcome tonight.”

As the classmates showed up one after another, they were indeed envious of Ferrari, because these people are ordinary families, let alone owning Ferraris, even if they are rarely seen in real life.

Everyone was busy taking pictures with Ferrari, and Rong Liu was so happy that he closed his mouth from ear to ear, and enjoyed the envy of her classmates.

“If you like it. You can get in the car to take pictures and try the feeling of sitting in the Ferrari.” Rong Liu was happy and opened the door.

“Really? Rong Liu, you are too generous.”

“Your life now makes us jealous with envy, my husband is not only handsome, but also so rich.”

“When can I find a husband who buys me a Ferrari.”

Rong Liu held Yang Wen and deliberately said with a look of disgust: “He is not as good as you think. When I wanted to chase me, I thought about it for a long time. If he wasn’t willing to give me this diamond ring, I would still watch it. Not on him.”

Rong Liu deliberately raised his hand, and a large diamond ring stayed on the ring finger, which looked particularly bright in the sun.

“This ring is not cheap, right?” a female classmate asked with envy.

“It’s only more than 100,000. I plan to let him give me a bigger one on my wedding anniversary next year.” Rong Liu smiled.

“My wife, I have prepared a surprise for you. I originally planned to tell you on the wedding anniversary. Since your classmates are here today, I will just say it. I have customized a new diamond ring for you in DR. “Yang Wen said triumphantly.

“DR! It is a real-name customization, can I only customize one DR diamond ring in my life?”

“I heard that to customize the DR diamond ring, you still need to sign the only true love agreement in your life, which cannot be changed throughout your life.”

“Moreover, many big stars get married with custom diamond rings from DR.”

After the group of female students heard what Yang Wen said, they were even more envious.

Rong Liu looked moved, put his arms around Yang Wen’s neck, took a sip, and said, “My husband. Thank you, you are so kind to me.”

“You are my wife, I am not good to you, who else can be good to you.” Yang Wen smiled.

Some of the male classmates present did not look good, because Yang Wen’s excellence made them almost out of breath.

Someone really couldn’t stand the affection of Rong Liu and Yang Wenxiu, and changed the subject: “I heard that Amelia will come today, is it true?”

“Shen Lingyao said she would come, and there should be no fakes.”

“Our class flower. But it hasn’t been in the classmates meeting for a long time.”

Rong Liu’s face sank when she heard someone mentioning Amelia Su. She was once a class flower, but was overshadowed by Amelia Su. She remembered this hatred until now.

At this time, the Audi A6 drove to the parking lot. When Amelia Su and Shen Lingyao got out of the car, the eyes of the male students were straight.

“Unexpectedly, after so many years of absence, Amelia is still so beautiful.”

“That’s not it. After all, it is our class flower, how can it not be beautiful.”

“Amelia, you can be regarded as showing up, we haven’t seen each other for years, miss you.”

Watching the male classmates surround Amelia Su. Rong Liu’s face was even more ugly.

This was the case when I was in school, and it was the same every time I held classmates. These male classmates with dog-eyes in their crotch, can’t you see that I am better than her?

I am married to a rich man. But she was a waste of money.

“Amelia, you are finally willing to show up. Look at these classmates in our class, all of them are like wolves and tigers, wishing to fall under your pomegranate skirt.” Rong Liu squeezed away the male classmate and walked to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su smiled and didn’t speak, Rong Liu stirred with his left hand on the nose, and said disgustingly: “What is this smell, so unpleasant, Amelia, you don’t use any bad perfume. Or go to my house today, My Chanel Dior perfumes, if you want them, take them all. Yang Wen will give me a bottle every month, and I won’t be able to use it up in my next life.”

As soon as they met, Rong Liu couldn’t wait to find a sense of superiority in Amelia Su. As Amelia Su’s best friend, Shen Lingyao couldn’t stand it for the first time.

“Rong Liu, those A goods in your house are not good for Amelia, you should keep it for yourself.” Shen Lingyao said.

“Cargo A?” Rong Liu smiled coldly, and said, “This bag on you is the Cargo A, I’m not yours. Look at the new car Yang Wen gave me. I am driving a Ferrari now. I need to use it. Do you give yourself gold for goods A?”

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