His True Colors Novel Chapter 815 – 818

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Chapter 815

“You, did you come to me?” Su Yihan became a little stuttered, because she has been seeking opportunities to marry a wealthy family, and she has always been coquettish in front of the rich second generation, but is really willing to look at her directly There are not many people, so the appearance of Chen Yi not only made Su Yihan surprised, but also a little bit unbelievable.

If Chen Yi’s family background is placed before. Su Yihan wouldn’t even take a second look. He didn’t even have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan. How could he be called a rich man.

But now it’s different. The Su family has completely declined, and she is no longer Miss Su family, just an ordinary person, who can be seen by people like Chen Yi, Su Yihan is also content.

“Is there anyone here who is more beautiful than you?” Chen Yi said with a smile.

This remark caused dissatisfaction among other women. The most important thing in comparison between women is their appearance and figure. How can they accept that Su Yihan is more beautiful than themselves.

“Chen Yi, you won’t get myopia. Here, who is not more handsome than Su Yihan.”

“Yeah, you should go to the ophthalmology department for a good look. I don’t know what she compares to us.”

“The chest and calves are short, and they don’t look good, Chen Yi, is that your taste?”

The women couldn’t help but mocked.

Chen Yi grabbed Su Yihan into his arms, and said to the women with an overbearing president: “I advise you, it is best to speak carefully. Starting today, Su Yihan will be my woman. She’s not. Be careful that I will keep you from getting in touch with the rich second-generation circle. Although Chen Yi’s influence is not great, I know a few friends anyway.”

These words changed the expressions of those women. They are all girls born in ordinary families. They exchange their looks and bodies for the life they want. If they really don’t have access to the rich second generation, their good lives can be. That’s it.

“Chen Yi. Just kidding, what are you doing so seriously.”

“Yeah, we are just kidding, just talk about it, don’t take it seriously.”

The attitudes of several people suddenly changed, and they looked at Chen Yi with a flattering look.

Chen Yi forcibly suppressed the feeling of nausea in his heart. As expected, people were divided into groups. The reason why these women were able to get together was because they were shameless enough.

“Are you free tonight? I want to invite you to dinner.” Chen Yi asked Su Yihan.

Su Yihan nodded again and again, how could she refuse the rich and rich second generation who delivered it to the door.

“I’ll pick you up in the evening. After dinner, there will be a nightclub game.” Chen Yi said.

“Good.” Su Yihan responded.

“I will send you these flowers to your home, so I won’t delay your shopping.”

After Chen Yi left, Su Yihan still felt like she was dreaming. She didn’t expect good luck to come to her so suddenly.

“I’m going home first.” After Amelia Su said goodbye to her sisters, she hurried home, she had to dress up. Appeared in front of Chen Yi tonight in the most beautiful appearance.

As for Chen Yi, he contacted some of his good brothers, and they made an appointment at a Qingba.

“Chen Yi, what’s the matter with us in such a hurry?”

“Have you found any good resources again? What about the looks of the people.”

“How much is enough for us?”

Through these people’s questions, we can also hear how corrupt their private lives are.

However, Chen Yi smiled faintly, he was not looking for these brothers because of this kind of thing.

“I am looking for you today because I want you to support me. I am going to propose tonight.” Chen Yi said.




Several people looked at Chen Yi with shocked expressions, and the playboy asked for marriage. They seriously suspected that they had auditory hallucinations, or else Chen Yi’s brain was convulsed.

“I see you are dizzy, you are still proposing marriage.”

“Chen Yi. Is your mind caught in the door, so young, you are going to get married.”

“Chen Yi, I can remind you. No matter how good a woman is, she will get tired of playing a few times. If you get married, it will be too late to regret later.”

Listening to the words of several people, Chen Yi smiled happily and said: “I just asked for marriage. Who told you to get married.”

Proposing is just the beginning, and then we will get married. This is a normal person’s understanding of these two words, but according to Chen Yi’s appearance, it seems that he has no plans to get married, which makes a few people feel a little confused.

“Chen Yi, what the hell are you doing, make it clear.”

“Yeah, you made us all confused.”

“By the way, who are you proposing to?”

“Su Yihan.” Chen Yi said.

“Su Yihan? Never heard of this woman.”

“f*ck. It’s not the woman from the Su family before, you actually want that torn shoe.”

“Su Yihan! She pretended to be drunk and gave me a chance. If I didn’t think she was dirty and f*cking fucked her earlier, you actually wanted to propose to her.”

A few people looked at Chen Yi dumbfounded, and didn’t understand what his operation meant. After all, the three words Su Yihan were already representatives of broken shoes. If Chen Yi picked up this broken shoe, wouldn’t it be laughed at by outsiders.

“Don’t get excited. Didn’t I say it before. It’s just a proposal, but I don’t mean to get married.” Chen Yi smiled helplessly.

“Damn, you quickly explain what’s going on, otherwise, we will break up with you, but you can’t ruin our small group’s reputation because of you.”

“Yeah. You are willing to ask for a woman like Su Yihan. What a big heart is that, hurry up and tell your purpose.”

“Come on, don’t get excited. I’m not going to tell you, in fact, Tian Linger asked me to do this thing.” Chen Yi said.

“Tian Linger? She asked you to propose to Su Yihan. What does this mean. Logically speaking, she is now George Han’s sister, and she should hate Su Yihan very much.”

“The hatred of the Han family and the Su family is known to everyone in Basin City. What does Tian Linger want to do?”

When George Han entered Zuosu’s family, he was scolded by Basin City for waste. Half of this was due to Harry Su’s work. These things had long been spread in Basin City.

“Actually, I don’t know what Tian Linger plans to do now, but she promised me that as long as I do this thing beautifully, she will let our family join the project of the urban village.” Chen Yi said.

I don’t know how many people are staring at this big piece of fat in the city village, but because this project is a weak water property, no one dares to spoil it in secret, so even if the fat is right in front of them, those people don’t. Dare to mess around.

And being able to get such an opportunity is great news for any merchant family.

“Originally, Tian Linger’s idea was just to let me soak Su Yihan, but I guess she must have something to ask me. I must make Su Yihan believe me more, so I have a plan to propose.”

Chapter 816

What Tian Linger wants to do is no longer important to the other people. Chen Yi can join the project of the urban village because of this matter, which makes them envious. If this kind of good thing falls on them, don’t It is said that Su Yihan was soaked, even if it was a night with a homeless woman. They can bite their teeth and endure it.

This is related to the future of his company. Now Chen Yi is only the second generation of Shang with a net worth of less than 100 million yuan, but once he joins the urban village project, his net worth will surely soar, and his status in Basin City will also increase accordingly.

“Chen Yi, you are too f*cking lucky, this kind of good thing will actually fall on you.”

“You will have to call you Master Chen in the future. We are not the same people anymore.”

“Hey, I have a good relationship with Tian Linger. Why didn’t she tell me about this matter.”

Several people sighed.

Chen Yi knew they would react like this a long time ago. After all, the urban village project is too tempting. No one can resist.

“Don’t worry, if I can join the urban village project, if it is beneficial, can I forget you?” Chen Yi said.

“Okay, what do you plan to do tonight, we will try our best to cooperate, but say in advance, we will all contribute to this matter, in the future you can remember us if you are good.”

Several people are planning how to propose and how to move Su Yihan. Everyone is making suggestions, hoping to strive for performance in this matter, so that they can benefit from Chen Yi in the future.

For these playboys, being a woman is a basic course, and everyone is a matter of hand, so the plan was quickly worked out.

Chen Yi then called Tian Linger. Since Tian Linger still has follow-up requirements, tonight is the best time to meet her requirements. When Su Yihan is in the moving stage, she must be the most obedient time.

“Linger, I plan to propose to Su Yihan tonight. What do you want me to do, this is the best opportunity.” Chen Yi said.

“Chen Yi, you are willing to go out, are you not afraid that this incident will have a bad impact on you?” Tian Linger was very surprised when she learned about this incident. After all, the proposal is not a trifling matter. It is not easy for Chen Yi to get away from this incident cleanly.

“The things you confessed to me, I naturally want to do it beautifully, how can I disappoint you.” Chen Yi said with a smile.

“It seems that the urban village project is a temptation for you, but since I promised you, I will never break my promise. I want you to talk from Su Yihan’s mouth about slandering Amelia Su, is she doing it? Yes.” Tian Linger said.

Chen Yi frowned. After this rumor dissipated in Basin City, almost everyone was talking about it. It can be said that it had a great influence on Amelia Su and George Han. No wonder Tian Linger was willing to throw out the fat of the village in the city.

“Don’t worry, I can give you the answer tonight.” Chen Yi promised.

hang up the phone. Chen Yi pondered this matter carefully and slandered Amelia Su. Su Yihan must know how serious this matter would cause. So she must be very alert in this matter and want to be easy. To find out if she did this thing, I’m afraid it can’t be done with a marriage proposal alone.

When he returned home, Chen Yi did some small tricks. He had to let Su Yihan know that he and Su Yihan were on the same line, and he had to show that he regarded George Han as an enemy.

A simple villain with George Han’s name written on it. Chen Yi has already figured out the story. After the heroine returns to his home tonight, he can act out his plan.

“You went home so early today. It’s not quite right. You don’t have any money anymore?” Chen Yi’s father said with a displeased expression when he saw Chen Yi. This daughter only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. , Not at all motivated. Let him hate iron but not steel.

Chen Yi’s mother gave Chen Yi a wink, as if she was afraid that Chen Yi would ask for money and anger his father.

“Dad, I won’t ask you for money again in the future. I can make money on my own.” Chen Yi said with a smile. After the project of the urban village, he will still be short of money. How could it be possible.

Chen Yi’s father sneered. Said: “If you have the ability to make money, I have to burn high incense, you are useless, I will be fortunate to be invincible.”

“Dad, your son is lucky this time, but I won’t have a chance until tonight’s affairs, and I will remind you. I will bring a woman home tonight, and you will help act in the act.” Chen Yi said.

“Woman?” Chen Yi’s mother became excited when she heard of a woman. She knew that her son never took his feelings seriously, but she hoped to have a daughter-in-law, preferably a grandson hugged.

“Which girl is so unsightly that you have been harmed by you.” Chen Yi’s father asked.

“Su Yihan, you should know the declining Su family.” Chen Yi said.

When Chen Yi’s mother heard this, her face changed drastically. Although she and Su Yihan’s circle are different, she has heard many people mention Su Yihan as a woman. Since Su’s family went bankrupt, she wanted to slap every rich man in her arms. , Now is notorious, she would never accept Chen Yi to take such a woman home.

“Chen Yi. What kind of person Su Yihan is? You don’t know, how could this kind of woman get into the door of my Chen family.” Chen Yi’s mother said sharply.

His father was even more excited. Because a friend of his once bought Su Yihan for one hundred thousand yuan for one night. If this happened, the Chen family’s face would not be saved.

“Chen Yi. If you dare to do this, get out of the Chen family immediately. I no longer recognize you as a son.” Chen Yi’s father stared at Chen Yi viciously.

“Don’t get excited, just listen to me and finish. This matter was asked by Tian Linger. Nothing will happen between Su Yihan and I. It’s just a play. Tian Linger doubts that Amelia Su’s rumors were spread by Su Yihan, so she hoped that I could talk in Su Yihan’s mouth.” Chen Yi explained.

The rumor that Amelia Su gave George Han a green hat, Chen Yi’s parents had also heard about it. Basin City was raging. Tian Linger, as George Han’s sister, should investigate this matter.

But Su Yihan is a notorious woman after all, even if Tian Linger asks Chen Yi to do so, how could he easily agree to it.

“Don’t you know how to refuse? Why do you agree to such a thankless thing?” Chen Yi’s father said dissatisfied.

“Dad, the opportunity to join the Urban Village Project is placed in front of you. If you are you, would you refuse?” Chen Yi said with a smile.

The parents got up from the sofa with a rub.

The project of the village in the city!

Chapter 817

Chen Yi’s father walked in front of him, and it was obvious that he could see his hands trembling slightly because of his excitement.

“You, what did you say?” Chen Yi’s father asked incredulously. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard, because the urban village project not only determined the Chen family’s worth but also status.

Once joined the project of the urban village. There will be close ties with Tianjia and Qianshui Real Estate, and the current Basin City can be related to these two, and that can make one’s identity rise. This is something that countless people dream of!

Chen Yi’s mother also had an expression of disbelief. I couldn’t wait to ask: “Chen Yi, you didn’t joke with us, how can you be eligible to join the project in the urban village?”

Chen Yi’s mother has always loved Chen Yi. And she firmly believes that Chen Yi will become promising one day and will win glory for the Chen family, but even with such a mentality, she still can’t believe what Chen Yi said just now, enough to see that this matter is in their minds. How high is its status.

This kind of reaction from his parents made Chen Yi take it for granted. Any family who hears such news will probably do the same.

“This matter was promised by Tian Linger himself, of course it is true.” Chen Yi said.

Chen Yi’s father took a few deep breaths in succession, otherwise he was afraid that he would be too excited and cause a cerebral hemorrhage.

“Son, you are really promising. Mom finally waited until this day.” Chen Yi’s mother said excitedly.

“Mom, I didn’t disappoint you.” Chen Yi said with a smile.

Chen Yi’s mother nodded repeatedly and said, “No. No, how can you disappoint me? Mom always believes that you will be promising.”

“But tonight, I hope that you can cooperate with me in acting. If I can’t complete the task that Linger has given me, I won’t get the opportunity to join the urban village project.” Chen Yi said.

“Don’t worry, what are you going to do, we will try our best to cooperate with you.” Chen Yi’s father changed his previous attitude. Compared with his aversion to Su Yihan, he was still able to accept the huge benefits.

The project is not important. What is important is the network of contacts that this project can bring to the Chen family. This is what Chen Yi’s father thinks is the most important.

“Okay, I’m ready at home, I have to go out first. Time is almost out,” Chen Yi said.

“Go now, be cautious, don’t go wrong.” Chen Yi’s mother reminded.

After Chen Yi left, the two old men sat on the sofa with sighs on their faces.

In Chen Yi’s father’s view, this son only knows about eating, drinking and having fun, and he will not have a great future in his life. He did not expect that such a good opportunity would fall on him now. This is the chance of Chen Jiaguang’s lintel.

“Old guy, now you know how good our son is, I said, he will definitely be promising.” Chen Yi’s mother said proudly.

“Yes, yes. Your son is promising. Now it’s worth bragging about, but Su Yihan is here tonight. We have to behave more naturally, lest we spoil the good things of our son.”

“Do you still need to talk about it? This is the future of my son. I want to show the acting of the queen.”

That night, in a nightclub, a romantic proposal was secretly brewing.

Su Yihan dressed up his sexiest side. She didn’t know that Chen Yi would propose to herself, but for her, this opportunity was rare, and she had to seize it firmly.

Su Yihan is still a little self-aware. She knows that it is a very low probability that she wants to marry a rich family now, so Chen Yi appeared. This opportunity must not be missed.

Most of the women in the night market are dressed up and dressed, so even if Su Yihan has been very revealing, she still does not give people a stunning feeling. After all, her appearance has already set her own upper limit.

“You are so beautiful tonight.” When Chen Yi greeted Su Yihan at the entrance of the nightclub, he found Su Yihan’s special dress. Although he was a little nauseous in his heart, he appeared to be infatuated on the surface.

Su Yihan lowered her head pretentiously and said: “Compared to other women, how can I be considered beautiful.”

“You must be the most beautiful woman tonight, let’s go in.” Chen Yi said.

Manic DJ music, swarms of demons swaying on the dance floor. This is the nightclub environment, in addition to the noisy atmosphere is the pervasive alcohol, for people who do not have the heart to hunt for beauty. This kind of environment is very repulsive. For example, George Han doesn’t like this kind of place. In his opinion, there are only two kinds of people here, one hunter. One is the prey that is waiting to be hunted, and he has no needs in this regard, and naturally he will not be integrated into this circle.

While pushing the cup and changing the cup, time passed quickly. After checking the time, Chen Yi winked at a few friends and signaled them to start preparing.

At this time, Su Yihan suddenly got up: “Chen Yi, I’ll go to the toilet.”

“Do you want me to accompany you?” Gentleman Chen Yi asked.

Su Yihan smiled slightly and said: “No, how can you snub you brothers because of me.”

Su Yihan tried her best to be gentle and considerate. She wanted to let Chen Yi know that she was not a woman who fought for favor and would not disturb the fun between Chen Yi and her brothers.

When walking to the toilet, Su Yihan hurriedly took out the cosmetics and prepared to go to the toilet to make up. This is probably an excuse for many women to go to the bathroom. Their real purpose is not to be convenient, but to see if their makeup Still maintaining the original refinement.

As Su Yihan walked with his head down, he ran into a waiter head on.

“What are you doing, don’t you walk with eyesight?” Su Yihan scolded the waiter coldly.

Based on the principle that the customer is God, the waiter quickly apologized to Su Yihan: “I’m sorry, sorry.”

Su Yihan looked at the red wine print on her clothes. Although there were not many, she thought it was enough to destroy her image tonight.

She appeared in front of Chen Yi in the most beautiful posture, how could she be ruined by a waiter.

“This is a good thing you did. Do you know how much this dress costs?” After Su Yihan said this, a heavy slap on the waiter’s face.

The waiter was a little aggrieved because it was Su Yihan who walked down and hit her, but now it has all become her responsibility.

“Or, give me the clothes, and I’ll take care of it for you.” The waiter said.

Hearing these words, Su Yihan became even more angry and scolded: “I’ll give you the clothes, what am I wearing, do you deliberately do it with me right?”

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yihan slapped the waiter in the face with a merciless slap, and then cursed: “Get out of here, don’t delay my time.”

Chapter 818

“Chen Yi, I just saw your fiancee arguing with the waiter, won’t you come out and help her fix it?” A young man just came back from the bathroom and teased Chen Yi.

Chen Yi smiled faintly and said: “Don’t make trouble, this kind of torn shoes. If it weren’t for her to be useful to me, I would feel sick when I breathe the air in the same place.”

“Hey.” The man sighed and said, “You guy is really lucky. Not only can you play this kind of bitch, but you can also get such great benefits. I don’t know when this opportunity will come. It can fall on my head.”

Chen Yi patted the man on the shoulder. Said: “Brother, I am developed, can I still forget you?”

“That is, if you kid dare to forget, I won’t recognize you as a brother again.”

Before long, Su Yihan returned to his seat after the makeup was finished.

Chen Yi stood up and raised his hand to the DJ stage.

The sound of the music stopped abruptly, and the gang of demons dancing around seemed to have been splashed with cold water and began to curse.

DJ calmly said through the loudspeaker: “Don’t worry, everyone, there is a surprise waiting for you tonight, a romantic proposal is about to begin, and tonight’s consumption will be fully paid for by Mr. Chen.”

As soon as this sentence came out, those scolding people suddenly became excited. It is a good thing that someone pays the bill, but there are people who propose marriage in a nightclub. This is a rare and rare thing.

Su Yihan’s heart beats faster, Master Chen!

This Young Master Chen, shouldn’t he be Chen Yi!

Chen Yi. Want to propose to her?

Su Yihan was so nervous that her palms were sweating. Although this incident came too suddenly and she was not mentally prepared at all, such a surprise is exactly what she needs, and she will never have to cast her eyebrows at other men in the future. I’m worried that no one will pay for my famous brand.

Someone came to Su Yihan with flowers one after another, and Chen Yi also took out the diamond ring that had been prepared the morning.

Of course, the diamond ring is fake, it’s just a show, not to mention that the other party is Su Yihan, and it is not worth Chen Yi to buy a real diamond ring.

“Su Yihan, marry me.” Chen Yi knelt down on one knee in front of Su Yihan with a sincere expression, but his knee did not touch the ground. After all, it was acting, even though Chen Yi needed the scene to appear real. But he still couldn’t kneel down on such broken shoes.

Su Yihan looked flattered, and happiness came so suddenly that she didn’t know how to respond.

If this is a farce, if Chen Yi just wants to be a husband and wife for a night with her, it would never be possible to make such a big noise and propose marriage in front of so many people. Therefore, in Su Yihan’s view, Chen Yi is full of sincerity.

“f*ck, isn’t this Chen Yi, he actually proposed to Su Yihan!”

“This guy is not crazy, right? Doesn’t he know how many people Su Yihan has been played by?”

“Unexpectedly. Chen Yi still has the habit of picking up worn-out shoes. It’s so damn hard to understand.”

When they discovered the protagonist who proposed marriage, many people started talking in surprise.

All came out to play. They are naturally aware of Su Yihan’s current reputation. Although Chen Yi is not a big door, he still has some money in his family, and he has a certain reputation in Basin City. What kind of woman he doesn’t want, he would actually like Su Yihan.

Such criticism was as early as Chen Yi expected. And this is why he chooses to propose in a nightclub. He wants these people to testify, so as to enhance the reality of this matter, and let Su Yihan know that he is not joking.

Su Yihan’s current feelings did not realize that this was just an act, because Chen Yi did this kind of thing in the public. It is equivalent to telling the outside world the relationship between them.

Even if the proposal came very abruptly, and there was no emotional basis between the two at all, Su Yihan was also dazzled by the momentary happiness, and had no intention to think about why Chen Yi proposed to her.

At this time, Chen Yi’s brothers began to booze, clamoring about the three words marry him.

Chen Yi also said, “You don’t plan to let me kneel here all night.”

Su Yihan shook his head subconsciously, then stretched out his hand.

Chen Yi brought the fake diamond ring to Su Yihan. Looking at the diamond close to the size of a dove egg, Su Yihan felt that life had never been so happy before, and she was almost moved to tears.

Tianjia Villa.

Tian Linger was half lying on the bed, watching everything that happened in the nightclub through mobile phone video, and couldn’t help but sigh the price Chen Yi paid for this incident.

“This guy. I really don’t have any room for myself, haven’t you thought about how to end it?” Tian Linger said to herself.

From Tian Linger’s standpoint, she naturally cannot feel the allure of Chen Yi brought by the urban village project. This matter is enough to make Chen Yi pay any price.

As for how it ended, Chen Yi really didn’t think about it. But he is a playboy, and it is inevitable to act every time. As long as he talks afterwards, it is a joke. Others will not find it strange.

After turning off the live video, Tian Linger called Mo Yang.

“Boss Mo, you will know who did the slander on my sister in a while. You can’t go to bed too early, I have to ask you for help.” Tian Linger said.

Mo Yang doesn’t care much about the magic capital now, but his biological clock has become accustomed to going to bed late, and said to Tian Linger: “Call me at any time and make sure to get connected as soon as possible.”

At the nightclub, after the proposal was over, Chen Yi left with Su Yihan.

“Go to my house tonight.” Chen Yi said to Su Yihan, not asking, but in a very natural tone, leaving no room for Su Yihan to refuse.

This kind of thing is familiar to Su Yihan. Since the Su family went bankrupt and she was unable to splurge, Su Yihan has promised such a request many times.

“En.” Su Yihan nodded.

The next thing went smoothly. Su Yihan, who was dazzled by happiness, had no guard against Chen Yi, and when he arrived home, when he saw the doll about George Han in Chen Yi’s room, Su Yihan felt Chen Yi even more. Yihe himself is the same kind of people, and they all hate George Han as a trash.

“By the way, do you know what kind of illness Amelia Su has? I heard that she gave George Han a green hat. I didn’t expect that a big man like George Han would have today. It’s a pity that the person who gave him the green hat was not me.” Chen Yi Said to Su Yihan with regret.

Su Yihan sat on the edge of the bed and deliberately exposed his legs. After hearing what Chen Yi said, he said: “Do you want to know what’s going on?”

Chen Yi knew that the crucial time had come. He walked over to Su Yihan and sat down, gently hugging Su Yihan’s waist, and asked, “Of course, you don’t know any secrets?”

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