His True Colors Novel Chapter 811 – 814

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Chapter 811

A few rich second generations are usually arrogant and domineering, but they are sitting in front of Tian Linger, one by one, as docile as a little white rabbit, they dare not even breathe.

“It seems that you already knew what I knew?” Tian Linger said coldly.

This sentence scared the faces of several rich second generations. They knew what Tian Linger was talking about, and several people had discussed it in private, and even believed it to be true. Of course, in front of Tian Linger, they didn’t dare to show that they really believed in this matter.

“Linger, are you talking about someone slandering Amelia Su?” Someone asked Tian Linger smartly.

Hearing this, Tian Linger’s anger was slightly controlled, at least these guys knew that Amelia Su was slandered.

“Why didn’t you tell me.” Tian Linger asked.

“Linger, we don’t believe in such absurd rumors.”

“Yeah. I don’t know which idiot dared to say such a thing, in fact, we are already investigating the person behind the rumors.”

“Yes, yes, we originally planned to find out the rumors before telling you.”

Tian Linger looked at the people on the opposite side with questioning. With their personalities, how could they spontaneously take care of this kind of things. Soaking in clubs and nightclubs all day has almost emptied all of their time, so how can there be any thoughts on this? Help with things.

“Really? Since we are investigating, what did we find out?” Tian Linger asked.

“There is no news yet. The rumors are spreading too fast. Many people are now talking, so it is difficult to find the source, but you can rest assured, we will definitely find out.”

“Yes, as long as the person who spreads the rumors is from Basin City, he can definitely be found out. It just takes some time.”

“Linger, believe us, this matter is related to Brother George, we will never neglect.”

A few rich second-generation swearing looks, but Tian Linger didn’t have much hope for them, after all, these people except for the money at home. There is no real ability at all, and their contacts are only in women’s resources.

“Since I asked you to come out, I naturally hope that you can help with this matter. Before the matter has been investigated, if any of you dare not care, I will definitely let you go around.”

After saying this, Tian Linger paused and continued: “If you let me know that you are still wasting your time in clubs and clubs, don’t blame me for being polite.”

“Yes, yes. Don’t worry, we will make every effort to investigate this matter.”

“We will never do any entertainment until things come to light.”

“This matter was investigated by some low-level personnel. People with real identity should not dare to make such remarks.” Tian Linger said.

People with a little status in Basin City should be very aware of the serious consequences of offending George Han and want to hang on in Basin City. Never dared to do such things that slander Amelia Su, so in Tian Linger’s eyes, the person who did this thing. It may be just a few small characters.

Several people nodded their heads and promised Tian Linger that they would use the shortest possible time to find out the rumors.

After Tian Linger left the cafe, several rich second generations looked sad.

They had agreed to go to the nightclub together tonight, but now in this situation, who would dare to go?

“Hey, the good show tonight has fallen to the ground. I didn’t expect Tian Linger to ask us to investigate this matter.”

“Who said no, she can go to the mountainside Villa to ask for some benefits, what can we get.”

“Hurry up and shut up. If we don’t have cooperation with Tianjia and can be so rich, Tian Linger should have ordered us to do something. There is nothing to complain about. If you want to play, just take this one Let’s complete the matter. Activate the contacts around you to find out this matter as soon as possible.”

After Tian Linger left, he came to the magic city again. This matter has to let Mo Yang know that the biggest gray area power in Basin City is in Mo Yang’s hands. He will definitely get twice the result with half the effort to investigate this matter.

As for those rich second generations, Tian Linger didn’t hold much hope for them, only to find a few more helpers at that time. Just one more chance.

“Boss Mo, Tian Linger is here.” Yang Yong reported to Mo Yangtong.

“Let her in.” No need to think about Tian Linger’s position in the mountainside Villa, Mo Yang usually treats her as a younger sister.

“Brother Yang, you should know the rumors about my sister from the outside world?” Tian Linger asked after walking to Mo Yang’s office.

“I know, I have sent someone out to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon.” Mo Yang said, when he first heard about this, he also exploded in anger. With this green hat on George Han’s head, the rumors were playing with fire.

“Is there anyone to suspect?” Tian Linger asked.

As for the suspect, Mo Yang really had someone to choose. Because there are not many people in Basin City who dared to offend George Han, no one would seek his own death.

“Linger, do you think this matter has anything to do with Harry Su Su Yihan?” Mo Yang said.

Tian Linger knows how hateful these two brothers and sisters are, and after they are completely bankrupt, they have now become the lowest level people.

“I heard that Harry Su now has to work on the construction site in order to make ends meet. As for Su Yihan, he still has a heart to marry a rich family. When he sees the rich, he can’t wait to stick to the arms of others. These two people are living so badly now. Although it is self-inflicted, it has a lot to do with my brother. Maybe they really did it.” Tian Linger said coldly.

Mo Yang nodded, he thought so too, but there is no evidence yet, and it is impossible to know if the two of them are the source.

“I will send someone to focus on them. If they did this thing, I will make them regret it.” Mo Yang said.

Tian Linger has a plan, didn’t Su Yihan always want to join the giants? To satisfy her wish, she should be able to get something out of her mouth.

“Brother Yang, I have a plan. Don’t check these two people for the time being, and don’t arouse their alarm.” After speaking, Tian Linger took out the phone.

After the phone was dialed, Tian Linger said, “Chen Yi, give you a task to get Su Yihan.”

Chen Yi is one of the rich second generations just now. He also knows who Su Yihan is. This woman has a bad reputation in the rich second generation circle, because she often puts herself on the spot in order to meet the rich. Dressed up to be gorgeous, I don’t know how many men have played it.

“Linger, Su Yihan is such a bitch, what am I going to do with her?” Chen Yi asked puzzledly.

“I’ll talk about it first, then I have another task for you.” Tian Linger said.

Chapter 812

Although Chen Yi couldn’t take any interest in Su Yihan’s broken shoe, since it was Tian Linger’s request, he could only do so.

And for him, picking up girls is a good show, not to mention that Su Yihan is still a woman who admires vanity. It is not bothersome for Chen Yi to get this kind of woman.

“Okay, you have to reimburse me for expenses afterwards.” Chen Yi smiled.

“Didn’t your family always want to participate in the village in the city? As long as this matter is done. I will give you a chance.” Tian Linger said. Now the project in the village in the city, Tianjia also has a share, and Chen Yi’s family should eat something. Sweetness, to Tian Linger, is just a word.

“Really! Linger, you didn’t joke with me!” Chen Yi was so surprised that he couldn’t close his mouth from ear to ear. Recently, the family has been so troubled by this incident. If he can do this, who else would dare to say in the future He only knows about eating, drinking and having fun?

“When did I make a joke with you?” Tian Linger said.

“Linger, thank you, don’t worry, I will do this for you properly, and what plans you have next, I must listen to you.” Chen Yi is not a fool, Tian Linger is impossible. Let him chase Su Yihan for no reason, there must be some purpose behind this. But no matter what the purpose is, the project that allows the Chen family to enter the urban village, Chen Yi will complete it at all costs.

After hanging up the phone, Tian Linger said to Mo Yang, “Brother Yang, how is my plan?”

Although Tian Linger didn’t say his plan, how could he not come up with Mo Yang’s mind.

Su Yihan is addicted to money and wants to marry a wealthy family in his dreams. If there is Chen Yi’s pursuit, Su Yihan will definitely seize this opportunity. When the time is right, he will let Chen Yi talk. If the things that slander Amelia Su are really done by Su Yihan . She will definitely reveal it.

After all, women in love have no IQ, and Su Yihan, who was stunned by money, is even less likely to be smart.

“It’s really good. In this case, Su Yihan will leave it to you. I will start from other places and see if other people do it.” Mo Yang said.

At the same time, Fang Zhan has landed at Basin City Airport.

For Fang Zhan, Basin City is not a place he is familiar with, but when he returns here again, Fang Zhan’s heart is very heavy, because the news he brings is a fatal blow to the Han family, even he can imagine If Nangong Boring knew that George Han was dead, he would definitely leave Basin City immediately, and might even anger other people in the Han family.

“Hey. I didn’t expect to come here again with such a mood.” Fang Zhan sighed and said to himself.

When he walked out of the airport, Fang Zhan did not go to the Yundingshan Villa area for the first time.

In fact, there is still some selfishness in his heart. It is absolutely impossible to find the whereabouts of his daughter by his own strength alone. This is the result of verification that he has spent many years on. After leaving Apocalypse that year, he almost used it. All the methods will not stay in seclusion until complete despair.

And now, there are people like the Nangong family who have global coverage to help. The chance of finding his daughter would be much higher, and Fang Zhan didn’t want to miss such an opportunity.

As far as the opponent is concerned, his daughter is the last motivation for him to live in this world, if he can’t find a daughter. He has no meaning to live at all.

An idea emerged in Fang Zhan’s mind, not to tell them the news of George Han’s death for the time being, and wait until Nangong Boring found the news of his daughter, and then raise it to them.

Although this behavior is selfish. But Fang Zhan was also helpless.

“Three thousand, just take it as I am sorry, I really can’t do it.” After Fang Zhan said this, he first found a hotel to stay.

Mo Yang has very strict control over Basin City. So when Fang Zhan appeared in Basin City, he received the news as soon as possible.

Mo Yang didn’t know who Fang Zhan was, but he knew that Fang Zhan knew where George Han had gone. Now that Amelia Su’s illness is getting worse, Nangong Boring has been trying to notify George Han of this matter, but he is suffering. Can’t find a way.

Now that Fang Zhan has returned to Basin City, he must be able to tell George Han about this matter.

“Boss Mo, are you going to find Fang Zhan?” Lin Yong asked Mo Yang.

“You have to look for it, but you don’t need to fantasize. He comes back so low-key, and he certainly doesn’t want to attract too many people’s attention. I can just go by myself.” Mo Yang said.

Leaving the magic city and coming to the hotel where Fang Zhan was staying, Mo Yang directly asked the front desk: “Which room a person named Fang Zhan lives in?”

The little girl at the front desk rubbed her nails and heard Mo Yang’s words. Without lifting his head, he said, “I’m sorry, we can’t disclose the privacy of our guests casually.”

This can be regarded as the most basic professional ethics. Mo Yang wouldn’t embarrass her either, but now, Mo Yang couldn’t wait to see Fang Zhan, naturally he lost a lot of patience.

“Let your manager come out. He will know whether he should tell me or not.” Mo Yang said coldly.

Hearing this, the little girl at the front desk raised her head disdainfully, and took a look at Mo Yang. It was just an uncle who spoke so arrogantly, would she ever want to see the manager?

“Sorry, it’s useless even if the manager comes. This is the rule of our hotel.” The front desk girl said.

“The manager is useless. Just let your boss know who made the hotel’s rules. You can change it now.” Mo Yang said.

The little girl at the front desk couldn’t help but laugh. This guy has a big tone. Seeing that the manager is not enough, he even wanted to see the boss, and even asked the boss to change the rules, really thinking he was something.

“Uncle, don’t be funny, who do you think you are? Is the boss the one you can see if you want? Hurry up. If you don’t leave, I’ll ask the security to drive you out.” The little girl at the front desk said.


Mo Yang hit the front desk with a punch. The little girl at the front desk was so scared that she was clever.

“What are you doing, dare to mess around here, do you know who this hotel belongs to?” The little girl at the front desk scolded Mo Yang with an angry expression.

“I really want to know who this belongs to, so I might as well tell me. I have time in the future to talk to him.” Mo Yang sneered.

At this time, a wealthy middle-aged man in the distance was wearing formal clothes with a manager’s position badge hanging on his chest. He was originally inspecting the hotel environment comfortably. The flesh on his face stiffened when he saw Mo Yang.

This… isn’t this Boss Mo?

How could he appear here, and he looked very angry.

Could it be offended by the ignorant front desk?

The idea almost made the manager pee. Offended Mo Yang, if the boss knew about this, he would not only leave behind a blanket, I am afraid that the entire Basin City has no room for him to survive.

Three steps in two steps, the rich middle-aged man hurriedly ran towards Mo Yang.

Chapter 813

The young girl at the front desk who was originally frightened by Mo Yang’s punch saw the manager coming and said to Mo Yang with confidence, “Aren’t you going to see our manager? He is here, but I urge you to be polite. Our manager is not. It’s so messy.”

Mo Yang turned his head coldly. Looking at the middle-aged man running towards him.

not to be trifled?

“I like to mess with people who are not easy to mess with.” Mo Yang said coldly.

“I kindly advise you, if you don’t listen, then no one can blame me.” The little girl at the front desk rolled her eyes and said.

“Mo…Boss Mo, what kind of wind is blowing you here.” After the manager ran to Mo Yang, he quickly asked respectfully.

For this number one person in the gray area of ”‹”‹Cloud City, even the boss behind this hotel must be respectful. He, a little manager, would not dare to put his head in front of Mo Yang.

The front desk girl who was still waiting for a good show was dazed.

She knows the temper of her manager, because the boss behind the scenes is a big man in Cloud City, so the hotel manager also relies on the influence of the boss in Cloud City. Normal guests don’t pay attention to it.

If someone dared to make trouble in the hotel, the usual way of dealing with it is to find someone to fight out directly, without any mercy.

In the eyes of the little girl at the front desk. This uncle dared to make trouble in the hotel, he would definitely end up miserably, but what people did not expect was that the manager’s attitude towards him was so respectful!

“Your hotel has a lot of rules, even I don’t care about it.” Mo Yang said.

The fat on the manager’s face trembled. Through these words, he knew that the front desk must have said something to Mo Yang that shouldn’t be said. It was really damn, even Mo Yang dared to offend him.

“Are you blind? You don’t even know Boss Mo, so quickly apologize to Mo Lao Dadao.” The manager shouted to the little girl at the front desk.

The girl at the front desk who was already confused heard this, her expression suddenly panicked and said: “Manager, it’s not my fault, he wants to see the guest’s registration record, how can I give it to him casually, this is the hotel’s rules. “

“What rules? In front of Mr. Mo, the hotel has no rules. You f*cking want to kill me.” The manager said furiously.

After the scolding, the manager quickly asked Mo Yang: “Boss Mo. What do you want to know, I will adjust the information for you immediately.”

Mo Yang wasn’t here to show off his identity. The main purpose was to know which room Fang Zhan lived in. Now that he knew this, he didn’t need to continue to struggle with the matter.

“Fang Zhan, which room do you live in?” Mo Yang asked.

The manager glanced at the little girl at the front desk. This stupid woman didn’t even know what to do, and she was so annoyed.

“What are you doing in a daze. Check it with Boss Mo quickly.” The manager roared.

“Yes, I, I will check right away. Check right away.” The little girl at the front desk said in a panic.

In less than a minute, Fang Zhan’s room number was found.

Knowing the room number, Mo Yang didn’t pursue the attitude of the little girl at the front desk just now. Go directly to the elevator.

The manager’s forehead was sweating coldly, and Mo Yang just left, which made him scared. In case of being settled by the Queen of Autumn, this matter is not something he can bear.

“What’s the matter, are you so f*cking blind that you don’t even know Mo Yang?” the manager gritted his teeth and asked the little girl at the front desk.

Mo Yang!

There was a thud in the head of the little girl at the front desk. As a Basin City native, how could she not know who Mo Yang was?

But she didn’t expect that this unremarkable uncle would turn out to be Mo Yang, the famous Basin City!

She even threatened Mo Yang just now, this is just death!

“I, I don’t know, I don’t know he is Mo Yang.” The little girl at the front desk was trembling with fear, and it was too late to regret.

The manager’s breathing is trembling because he offends such a big man. Don’t talk about him, even the boss behind the scenes will be hurt in the fish pond.

“Did he just say anything?” the manager asked.

The little girl at the front desk trembled with fear, her complexion was as pale as paper. Said: “What he said, I don’t know what he said.”

“Cao Nima, think carefully about every word he said. Otherwise, I want you to walk around without eating it.” The manager gritted his teeth.

The little girl at the front desk could only recall every word Mo Yang had said, and then convey the words to the manager.

When the manager heard that Mo Yang was looking for the boss to talk to him, his mentality completely collapsed, his legs softened and he sat directly on the ground.

Talk to the boss?

This sentence directly made the manager desperate.

Tremblingly took out the phone and dialed the boss’s number: “Boss. Something has happened, please come to the hotel!”

Outside Fang Zhan’s room, Mo Yang had already rang the doorbell.

Fang Zhan was not surprised that Mo Yang came so quickly. After all, he knew Mo Yang’s identity in Basin City, and it was not unusual for him to learn that he had arrived in Basin City with his power.

“I didn’t expect you to come so soon.” Fang Zhan said to Mo Yang with a smile. Now that he has decided to temporarily conceal the news that George Han is dead, he will naturally not reveal any flaws.

“Why did you come to Basin City suddenly?” Mo Yang asked.

“Nangong Boring is helping me inquire about my daughter. I will come back to see if there is any latest news.” Fang Zhan said naturally.

“Three thousand. Why didn’t he come back with you.” Mo Yang continued to ask.

Fang Zhan did not change his face and said: “He has very important things, and he can’t get away for the time being. In a short time, he should not be back.”

“Do you have a way to contact him now?”

“Even I don’t know where he is. I want to contact him unless I wait for him to complete the task.” Fang Zhan said.

Mo Yang gritted his teeth, thinking that through Fang Zhan, George Han could know about Amelia Su’s situation, now it seems. Probably it won’t work.

“Why are you looking for him in such a hurry?” Fang Zhan asked suspiciously. Not only him, everyone in the Han family and Amelia Su should be aware that there is a very important thing for George Han to leave, and Amelia Su knows the existence of Apocalypse. Said that they couldn’t disturb George Han at this time.

“An accident happened to Amelia Su.” Mo Yang said in a deep voice.

Fang Zhan frowned.

How could something happen to Amelia Su!

This is Basin City. Could anyone else hurt her?

“What’s going on.” Fang Zhan asked.

“The head turned white overnight, aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, Nangong Boring invited famous doctors from all over the world, and temporarily identified it as aging.” Mo Yang explained.

“Aging?” Fang Zhan took a deep breath and said, “I have heard of this disease. There is no cure at all. Even if George Han is notified, he can’t save Amelia Su.”

“Is there no way that I can’t let him know? If Amelia Su has any shortcomings, how can I explain to him, can you help me and find a way to let him know?” Mo Yang said in a pleading tone.

Chapter 814

These words of Mo Yang made Fang Zhan feel a little guilty. Because of his selfishness, he hid the news of George Han’s death. He should have let these people know so that these people would no longer hold George Han. Hope of coming back.

But Fang Zhan has been searching for his daughter for so many years, and he desperately wants to know about his daughter. Once Nangong Boring knew that George Han was dead, he would definitely stop investigating the news of his daughter, which Fang Zhan didn’t want to see.

George Han, take it as I am sorry for you!

“I can’t help it.” Fang Zhan said with a sigh.

Mo Yang didn’t believe it and continued, “Why can’t you have no choice? How can you not know where he is if you take him away.”

“I’m in that place. I don’t have as much power as you think. There are many things that I am not qualified to contact. But I will write down this matter. As long as I see him, I will tell you as soon as possible. He.” Fang Zhan had no choice but to make such a promise to stop Mo Yang from being entangled.

Mo Yang saw that he had already said this, and sighed: “Please remember that if you have any needs in Cloud City, you can come to me, and I won’t bother.”

Fang Zhan nodded and sent Mo Yang out of the room.

When Mo Yang went downstairs, the hotel owner had already waited tremblingly. Seeing the crying face of the little girl at the front desk, he was obviously scolded.

Seeing Mo Yang, the boss took three steps and two steps. He quickly stepped forward and apologized: “Boss Mo, I already know the previous things, and I have taught her severely. If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me, I will do it to your satisfaction. “

Mo Yang was not in a good mood right now. When he saw Fang Zhan, he was unable to inform George Han of Amelia Su’s situation. This made him panicked. The trivial incident that happened just now is not worth his investigation.

“Go away.” Mo Yang said coldly.

The boss trembled all over, and quickly moved two steps sideways to make way for Mo Yang.

Mo Yang, who had taken a few steps, suddenly stopped because he saw the little girl at the front desk. He knew that if he left in this way, the front desk girl would definitely be punished very severely. Although it was indeed irritating to say that the front desk girl ignored him just now, but at the position of Moyang, he no longer cares about such trivial matters. Mo Yang has never been a narrow-minded person.

“Just forget what happened just now. Since people are crying by you, just forget it.” Mo Yang said to the boss.

The boss was thinking about punishing the younger sister and the manager at the front desk. He didn’t expect Mo Yang to say such a thing.

“Boss Mo, are you…do you really care about it?” the boss asked incredulously.

“I said so clearly. Don’t you understand?” Mo Yang said sharply.

“Understood, got it, got it. I know what to do.” The boss nodded and said.

The manager on the side understood that Mo Yang would not be held accountable just now, and said gratefully: “Thank you, Mr. Mo, thank you, Mr. Mo.”

After finishing talking, the manager gave the little girl at the front desk a look. The little girl at the front desk who didn’t put Mo Yang in his eyes just now also said gratefully: “Boss Mo, thank you for letting me go. Just now, I didn’t know Taishan. Thank you for not worrying about me.”

“Look for my face and remember to be polite to me next time you come.” After Mo Yang said this, he walked outside the hotel.

This seems to be meaningless, but it is actually beating the boss. Let the boss know that his so-called negligence has no other meaning, but really neglect.

After Mo Yang left, the three were completely relieved, especially the owner of this hotel. He knew that if Mo Yang really hated him because of this incident, he would not have to hang out in Basin City from now on.

In the current Basin City, Mo Yang’s status is second only to George Han, a big figure that no one can provoke.

“The two of you are lucky, but Boss Mo didn’t take responsibility. Next time I will cheer up and stop offending others.” The boss said to the manager and the front desk girl.

The two nodded like garlic. This time I have escaped a robbery, and next time I dare to look down on people casually.

At the same time, Chen Yi also launched his own plan.

Although Chen Yi is just a rich second-generation in Basin City. Not a celebrity in Basin City, but it is very simple to investigate Su Yihan’s whereabouts.

While Su Yihan and a group of sisters were shopping in the mall, Chen Yi arranged more than a dozen people. Each of them appeared in front of the women with a bunch of flowers in their hands.

This group of people say they are sisters, but in fact they are in intrigue with each other and compare their ranks. We never really communicate with each other. Everyone gets together, that is, there is an object to show off with each other. The topic is often what new clothes or bags have been bought, and the tone of show off never has the slightest. cover up.

When this scene appeared in front of them, several women were ready to move, hoping that this was the peach blossom they had brought.

Especially Su Yihan, who used to give gifts to the Han family, she preconceived that it was a betrothal gift for her. In this situation, Su Yihan immediately had the same idea.

“Isn’t this person Chen Yi!”

“Master Chen, although the company in his family is not big, it is said that he has a net worth of nearly 100 million yuan and has a good relationship with the Tian family. The future development of the company will definitely have a bright future. Is he looking after the people among us?

“It must be me. I have met Chen Yi several times before, and then I found him secretly observing me.” A woman couldn’t wait to say.

Su Yihan did not speak, but secretly folded the collar on his chest, revealing a touch of spring on his chest, secretly took out the makeup mirror, and took a look at his makeup.

At this time, Chen Yi walked in front of the women. When he saw the hopeful eyes of those women, he felt a strong disdain in his heart. Regarding the beauty of these women, he usually didn’t even have the interest to look at it, but it was a pity that Tian Ling If there is an order, he must get Su Yihan in his hands.

“Chen Yi, what are you doing?” The woman who thought Chen Yi was here to woo her couldn’t wait to stand up and said.

Chen Yi didn’t even glance at the woman who was talking, and walked straight to Su Yihan.

“Su Yihan! How could it be her.”

“It turned out to be her, isn’t Chen Yi blind.”

“Don’t he know how many people have worn Su Yihan’s broken shoe?”

The so-called sisterhood was fully manifested at this moment, and the muttered words of several people were full of disdain for Su Yihan.

Su Yihan herself was a little dazed. Although she was expecting something in her heart, she didn’t expect Chen Yi to actually come at her.

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