His True Colors Novel Chapter 807 – 810

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Chapter 807

After George Han discovered this, he was full of question marks. He encountered the orangutan before. Although it quickly ran away inexplicably, it was not so docile, let alone the giant lizard. When I meet, I can’t wait to eat them in my belly, but at this time, he also has a docile expression with his head down.

“What’s going on here?” George Han said in surprise.

Jiang Yingying also had a blank expression on her face. These vicious creatures have created the ground with dead bones. Why hasn’t she appeared in front of them now but haven’t attacked?

“Brother George, they didn’t see us.” Jiang Yingying said in a low voice.

This absurd statement made George Han laugh. Even if he wanted to comfort himself, it wasn’t such a comforting method.

Isn’t it nonsense that you can walk directly to them without seeing it?

“Yingying, after going out this time, Brother George will find a big hospital for you. Look at your brain.” George Han joked to Jiang Yingying, who was happy.

Jiang Yingying stuck out her tongue with an awkward expression.

At this time, George Han discovered that the little white snake was wrapped around the orangutan’s neck. When George Han found it, the little white snake spit out a red letter, seeming to show off to George Han.

This scene made George Han bewildered.

He thought that the little white snake was the most harmless creature in the Demon King’s Cave, but the current situation was obviously not what he thought.

The little white snake swam down by the huge body of the orangutan. Slowly came to George Han. When he turned around and spit out a red letter to the other creatures, George Han clearly saw those creatures trembled, and he unabashedly showed his fear of the little white snake. .


George Han was dumbfounded.

This little thing can actually scare these creatures.

With its body, a pot of snake meat is not enough to stuff its teeth. How can it overwhelm large creatures such as giant lizards in its momentum?

“They are afraid of you?” George Han asked little white snake in a puzzled way.

The little white snake nodded.

Jiang Yingying on the side was so surprised that she couldn’t close her mouth when she saw this action.

Although George Han had told her that Little White Snake could understand people’s words, Jiang Yingying still had doubts about it. Snakes were cold-blooded animals after all. How can you understand human words?

And this scene completely overturned Jiang Yingying’s knowledge of common sense.

This snake actually really understood what George Han was talking about.

George Han was equally surprised inside, but was different from Jiang Yingying’s surprise.

He couldn’t imagine why the little white snake could suppress other creatures. Is it possible that this little thing is unusually powerful?

“They won’t hurt us?” George Han continued to ask.

The little white snake swam to George Han, crawled along his legs to his shoulders, and then spit out red letters to those creatures.

All creatures crawl on the ground at the same time, the state they exhibited. Obviously it is not a single fear, but also respect.

George Han was even more at a loss, but he also knew a problem at the same time. That was all the dangers in the Demon King’s Cave, it seemed that they were all relieved at this time.

And all this was done by the little white snake on his shoulder.

Now George Han somewhat believes that Xiaobai Snake was not bragging before. However, something that made him shudder even more appeared. Xiao Bai Snake was not only able to understand people, but also had his own thinking. Isn’t it looking for these creatures to prove to George Han that it is stronger?

George Han took a deep breath. Although he has seen a lot of things that have subverted the Three Views when he came to the Demon King’s Cave, the performance of this little white snake is the most shocking. Apart from not being able to speak, it is completely like a Human beings can communicate and communicate, and they will also find ways to prove things that George Han does not believe.

The danger has been removed, and George Han breathed a sigh of relief and said to Jiang Yingying: “Don’t be afraid, these creatures won’t hurt us.”

Jiang Yingying glanced at Little White Snake subconsciously, except that it felt incredible. No other thoughts in my mind.

“Brother George, shall we go out?” Jiang Yingying reminded carefully.

For the previous George Han, leaving this place of right and wrong as soon as possible is a top priority. But now George Han is not in a hurry. Since there is no danger, why not take a good look at the Devil’s Cave. Maybe there are other new things to discover.

“Little White Snake, is there anything to eat here?” George Han asked Xiao Bai Snake. Jiang Yingying was hungry, and he was hungry too, so she had to add some energy first.

The little white snake crawled down his shoulders and led the way.

George Han followed closely. Jiang Yingying was holding George Han’s cuffs and dared not let go.

“Brother George, this snake can really understand humans, isn’t it already refined?” Jiang Yingying asked in a low voice.

“I don’t know, all the mysteries can only be solved after going out, but this secret is likely to make us aware of a different world.” George Han said, this is how he felt after coming to the Devil’s Cave. Feel faintly. This world is not as simple as what he saw. There must be some unknown things. These creatures in the Devil’s Cave are the best proof.

The two followed the little white snake to a small entrance with a winding path. The Demon King’s Cave, which was originally full of foul smell, had a scent of fragrance.

The inside of the small entrance is a large circular space. Although there are no traces of people living in it, it is more than a thousand times better than the environment of other places in the Demon King’s Cave.

“Brother George, I didn’t expect that there is such a good place in the Demon King’s Cave. There is no smell at all.” Jiang Yingying breathed the fragrant air with a look of enjoyment.

George Han didn’t expect there to be a cave in here, but there is nothing that can fill his stomach in this space.

“Little guy, where is the food?” George Han asked Xiao Bai Snake.

The little white snake got into the vines on the wall and soon appeared with a red fruit.

The fruit is the size of a saint fruit. After George Han peeled off the vine, he found that there were many such fruits inside. The color was very bright. Although people have a very strong desire for entrance, George Han knows that things you don’t know cannot Eating indiscriminately, in case it is highly toxic, it is not fun.

“Isn’t it poisonous?” George Han asked Xiaobai Snake.

After the little white snake shook his head, George Han tried to put one in his mouth, biting the peel, overflowing with juice, with a slight sweetness. For the already hungry George Han, it was a good belly. Things.

“The taste is not bad, you can try it too.” George Han said to Jiang Yingying.

After the two ate the first one, they couldn’t stop at all. One after another, they were sent to their mouths. They didn’t notice that the little white snake on the side seemed to have shown distressed and weeping faces.

Chapter 808

Four fields.

After the big news broke out in the Demon King’s Cave, almost everyone believed that George Han was dead.

Yi Lao was depressed and never left Simen since that day.

For Yi Lao, this incident was not a small blow. He placed too high expectations on George Han, and even put the entire apocalyptic hope on George Han. I hope George Han can arouse others’ confidence in this matter after passing the Demon King’s Cave test.

I hope that after George Han has a Tianzi-level status, he can command the four sects, and he can take off the burden and explore what is going on in the second world.

However, with the death of George Han, Yi Lao’s plans became a bubble, not only making those people at the Earth level more fearful of the Demon King’s Cave, the Simen’s desire to cultivate a sect master again became a luxury.

“Elder Yi, you don’t have to worry too much about this matter. Perhaps it is all destined. It is destined that George Han cannot take on this important task.” The assistant said to Yi Lao.

Yi Lao is depressed. Because George Han’s death was not just his death alone, Tian Qi would also be decadent because of it. Even he couldn’t complete the challenge of Demon King’s Cave. Would anyone dare to try?

“Do you know what kind of blow George Han’s death caused to Tianqi.” Yi Lao said with a sigh.

The assistant naturally understands the truth, but the matter is a foregone conclusion and no one can change it. If you continue to struggle, it will only make people even more unable to let go.

“Perhaps, you can put your hope on Lintong’s body. After all, he is the proud son of heaven. If he can pass the test of Devil’s Cave, he can change other people’s views on Demon’s Cave.” The assistant said tentatively.

Let Lintong try?

The corner of Yi Lao’s mouth raised a disdainful smile. Lintong was qualified to do this for a long time, but he has not raised it. This shows that Lintong is a very timid and cowardly person. It’s nonsense.

“Do you think Lintong dare? And he continues to die in the Demon King’s Cave, what will the Apocalypse be like. Can you predict it?” Yi Lao said, shaking his head.

The assistant sighed, not to mention whether Lintong dared or not. If he really died, Apocalypse would be completely finished. If two masters died one after another, the psychological shadow on others would be stronger.

“Elder Yi, don’t think too much, the ship will naturally straighten up to the bridge head. I believe there will be a change in the apocalypse.” said the assistant.

“The second world is about to move. There is not much time left for Apocalypse. As the master of the four doors. I can’t help it.” Yi Lao smiled self-deprecatingly and continued: “I am the master of the four doors. , Is it a waste?”

The assistant looked surprised.

How can the Lord of the Four Doors be waste?

Yi Lao would have such an idea. It shows that his current mood has been extremely negative.

“Elder Yi, you mustn’t think so, the four sects still need your leadership.” The assistant said quickly.

At this moment. Fang Zhan came to the two of them with a bad face, and said to Yi Lao: “Yilao, I heard that Basin City is looking for George Han. Something must have happened.”

“Go to Basin City and tell them the news of George Han’s death.” Yi Lao said, sooner or later this matter must be notified to Basin City, and there is no need to hide it.

Fang Zhan’s expression changed. If the news were conveyed back, wouldn’t those people despair?

Moreover, he now has to rely on the Nangong family to find his daughter. If Nangong Boring is informed that George Han is dead, he will definitely stop investigating this matter.

“Yilao. Don’t wait any longer?” Fang Zhan asked.

“Do you still expect to see the body of George Han? When did the person who died in the Demon King’s Cave have a body?” Yi Lao said.

As Fang Zhan who passed the test of Demon King’s Cave, he naturally knew the white bones all over the ground in Demon King’s Cave. Moreover, the creatures inside feed on human flesh. If George Han dies, he will surely become a meal for those creatures. How can you see the body?

“Go, there is no need to conceal this matter. Let them know earlier, or let them make plans earlier.” Yi Lao paused and continued: “If they have anything to help, you do your best to help. a bit.”

“Yes.” Elder Yi has already said this for this purpose. Fang Zhan had to obey orders.

Cloud City.

Famous doctors from all over the world have arrived one after another, and faces from all over the world gathered in front of the gate of the Villa District of Yunding Mountain, waiting for orders.

In the mountainside Villa, Mary looked at Amelia Su, who had white hair and looked very old, and felt distressed.

Since she turned her head all night, even the symptoms have appeared quickly, and she is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye almost every day. Amelia Su, who is in her twenties, now looks like a middle-aged woman in her 40s. And this situation continues.

“Amelia, the doctors are here, let them see you.” Mary persuaded Amelia Su.

Amelia Su dared not face this matter. She doesn’t even dare to look at herself in the mirror now. She refuses to see the doctor because she is worried that these famous doctors will be helpless, and she is afraid of hearing any desperate news.

“Mom, I’m fine, really fine.” Amelia Su lowered her head. Looking at Han Nian in her arms, she was very scared now, afraid that she would not be able to wait for the day when George Han came back, nor the day when Han Nian grew up.

Amelia Su was not afraid of death, but she was afraid that after she died, no one could take good care of Han Nian.

“Mom knows you will definitely be fine, but since these doctors are here, let them see. They are all world-renowned doctors from Nangong Boring. I believe they will definitely have a solution.” Mary said with a distressed look. .

Amelia Su shook her head. She had actually checked it secretly on the Internet. Her disease should be aging. There is no way to curb this disease. As the body functions aging, her life will be slowly lost. , This is something that no one can change.

“Mom, let them go, I don’t want to see anyone now, don’t force me.” Amelia Su said.

Mary glanced at the other people anxiously. Han Tianyang, including Wilson Su, also shook his head helplessly. What Amelia Su didn’t want to do was forced by them to no avail.

Standing up, Mary walked outside the Villa.

Both Mo Yang and Nangong Boring were waiting in the front yard.

Seeing Mary, Mo Yang walked quickly to Mary: “How about it, is Amelia going to see a doctor?”

Mary shook her head and said: “She is very resistant to this matter. I have tried every means to lobby, but she still doesn’t want to see it.”

“What should I do? If I don’t see the doctor, can I just keep on going like this?” Mo Yang said anxiously.

“I don’t know, she is aging faster and faster. If you don’t want to control it, I’m afraid…”

Chapter 809

Although Mary didn’t say the last half of the sentence, Mo Yang and Nangong Boring knew exactly what she wanted to express.

“Let me try.” Mo Yang gritted his teeth and said, he couldn’t watch the situation continue to deteriorate. When George Han left Basin City, he had to take on the responsibility of protecting Amelia Su and Han Nian. They must not be allowed to have accidents during this period.

Nangong Boring was also very anxious in his heart, and finally saw the hope of going to Apocalypse, he didn’t want to anger George Han because of Amelia Su’s death.

“With Mo Yang’s relationship with George Han, he has the opportunity to persuade Amelia Su to let him try.” Nangong Boling said.

Mary glanced at Mo Yang, and she used all the available methods. Amelia Su is not willing to face this matter at all now, in her opinion, even Mo Yang will not be useful.

But there seems to be no other choice right now. Let Mo Yang try, there is always some chance.

“Okay, you can try it.” Mary nodded.

Mo Yang stood at the door of the Villa and took a deep breath before pushing in.

Today, Mo Yang hasn’t seen Amelia Su yet. When he walked to the living room and saw Amelia Su, a look of pain flashed across his face.

Today’s Amelia Su is a bit older than yesterday, and this speed visible to the naked eye really makes Mo Yang’s heart drip.

“Amelia, the doctor is here, I will arrange for you to meet with them.” Mo Yang went straight to the point, because Amelia Su is not a fool, and he must understand his purpose.

“Boss Mo, I don’t want to see anyone now, you can let them go.” Amelia Su said.

“Amelia, I know how you feel. But the matter is here, what’s the use for you to escape? Han Nian still needs your care, do you have the heart to leave her? There are still three thousand. If he comes back, he won’t see you. , What’s your mood? Your condition is not terminally ill. There must be a way. How can you be discouraged.” Mo Yang said.

Amelia Su lowered her head and remained silent, Han Nian in her arms was so cute, how could she be willing to leave Han Nian behind?

Moreover, when George Han went to Tianqi and had not returned yet, Amelia Su was even more reluctant to bear this man who had been silently protecting herself.

“The medicine is so advanced now, our family has money. If you haven’t tried it if you haven’t tried it, why would you think it’s impossible?” Mo Yang continued.

“Yes. Amelia, these doctors are not the quack doctors of the past, they must have a way.” Mary echoed.

Wilson Su also walked to Amelia Su and said softly: “You are Han Nian’s mother. She needs your care now. If you have any shortcomings, what should she do? Don’t you have the heart to let Nian’er lose her mother?”

Amelia Su wiped her tears secretly, she couldn’t leave Han Nian, and even more could not leave George Han.

“Let them come.” Amelia Su said.

Mo Yang let out a bad breath, but fortunately Amelia Su didn’t continue to insist, otherwise. He didn’t know what to use to persuade Amelia Su.

“Okay, I’ll make arrangements right away.” Mo Yang walked out of the Villa in three steps and two steps.

Nangong Bo Ling couldn’t wait to ask: “How about it, are you willing to see you?”

“Arrange for them to go up the mountain. I saw them all at once, and then let them discuss the solution, and warn them for me that if there is no solution, they don’t want to leave Basin City.” Mo Yang said.

Nangong Boling’s mind was more vicious than Mo Yang, and he was counting on George Han to go to Apocalypse. Naturally, he didn’t want Amelia Su to have any accidents.

“Don’t worry, if they can’t think of a way, I won’t let them go.” Nangong Boling said.

During this period of time, there have been doctors appearing in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. Nowadays, a large number of famous foreign doctors have flocked to Yunding Mountain.

Of course, most people are discussing this matter carefully in private. After all, it has something to do with Mountainside Villa, and they don’t dare to talk rashly. If something is wrong because of this incident, it will be worth the loss.

After the company went bankrupt, Harry Su has completely reduced to an ordinary person. Now it is very miserable to live on a loose life.

Harry Su is also very concerned about the recent events in the Yundingshan Villa area. He knows that this must be a serious illness of the people in the mountainside Villa. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a big influence and be able to hand over all famous doctors from all over the world. .

“Harry. What happened to the Han family, do you know?” Su Yihan is still working hard to marry a rich family, but because of her poor relationship with George Han, it is a well-known thing in Basin City. Therefore, not only is there no wealthy child who can look at her, even people from ordinary families treat Su Yihan away. For fear of getting into trouble because of her.

“Maybe it’s Amelia Su, or Han Nian has a terminal illness.” Harry Su said with a smile, although he has no chance to turn over now. But he is still happy to see the current situation of the mountainside Villa, this is a great opportunity to get down the ground.

“Although the news is blocked very deadly, the scattered news disclosed by the local doctors seems to say that Amelia Su is sick. How likely do you think this is?” Su Yihan asked.

“Isn’t it right that Amelia Su’s bitch got sick? God can’t stand her bitch, so I want to accept her.” Harry Su gritted his teeth and said, thinking that when the Su family was still brilliant, he was riding Amelia Su shit and pee on her head, but now, Amelia Su has become a great figure, but he has to run around the construction site for life. This change makes Harry Su extremely unbalanced.

Harry Su cursed Amelia Su a few words almost every day, even a baby like Han Nian would not let it go.

“It would be great if I could go and see her. I really want to know what kind of illness she has.” Su Yihan said with regret. The current mountainside Villa is not something she is qualified to go to if she wants to go, even in the Yundingshan Villa area. At the gate, Su Yihan didn’t have the guts. After all, Mo Yang had already given orders. Once she and Harry Su approached, they would be at their own risk.

“In my opinion, this is George Han who is not at home all year round. She went out fooling around, so she got some venereal disease. George Han wears a really big green hat.” Harry Su said with a smile.

Su Yihan had an idea, her eyes gleamed and said: “Or, let’s think of a way to spread this statement, so that the entire Basin City can see the real face of Amelia Su, a bitch?”

As soon as Harry Su heard this, he immediately sat up, showing great interest, and said: “This is a good method. Even if it is not true, it can give Amelia Su a brain shit, but we must be careful not to reveal the news. The source, otherwise it will be over if Mo Yang finds out.”

Chapter 810

Mountainside Villa.

After seeing Amelia Su’s situation, a group of doctors did not directly make a judgment. This was also a special instruction from Nangong Boring. He did not want Amelia Su to be too aware of his condition, so as not to cause greater psychological pressure on Amelia Su.

On the grounds of discussing the condition, all the doctors evacuated the mountainside Villa. Nangong Boling brought all the doctors to the Peninsula Hotel, and this hotel had already been booked by Moyang. The entrances and exits of the hotel were guarded to prevent outsiders from entering and exiting and the doctors sneaking away.

The outside world wants to inquire about the news, but because the hotel is tightly closed, no entry is allowed. But at this time, an unknown source of news exploded in Basin City.

“Have you heard that Amelia Su stole a man outside and got sick. That’s why there are so many doctors going to the mountainside Villa.”

“Is the news reliable? Amelia Su doesn’t look like this kind of woman.”

“George Han is not at home all year round. It is also common sense for her to be lonely and lonely as a woman. Who can have no desire? Anyway, this news is quite true. Otherwise, why should we block the news.”

“Yes, if it weren’t for an inhuman disease, how could you be afraid of being known?”

Such remarks spread quickly in Basin City, and the fact that George Han was cuckold made many people secretly entertained.

Although George Han is now the supreme figure in Basin City, her wife has gotten sick because of desire and dissatisfaction. This kind of lively joke made the discussion among the people eating melon enthusiastic and almost became a topic of pastime for everyone after dinner.


Father and son Tian Honghui and Thomas Tian sat in the living room, Tian Honghui cautiously said: “Dad, have you heard that Amelia Su is sick?”

Thomas Tian frowned. I don’t know which damn guy is going to spread this kind of slanderous remarks against Amelia Su.

Thomas Tian knows exactly what kind of person Amelia Su is, and Tian Linger often goes to and out of the mountainside Villa. Amelia Su takes children at home almost every day. How could he do such a morally corrupt thing.

Moreover, Thomas Tian had also heard Tian Linger mention Amelia Su’s condition, and it was not a disease at all.

“Do you know where this news came from?” Thomas Tian asked in a deep voice.

Tian Honghui shook his head. Now everyone in Basin City knew that it was not a simple matter to find the source of the news, and Tian Honghui did not dare to intervene easily.

“I don’t know, but now the entire Cloud City is discussing this matter, and many people believe it.” Tian Honghui said.

“Mo Yang should know about this soon, and it is estimated that he will pick out the people behind the scenes. He is really reckless. Now someone dares to fight against the Su family.” Thomas Tian said with disdain.

At this moment. Tian Linger returned home. When the father and son saw Tian Linger, they immediately stopped discussing the matter. If this little Nizi knew about it, they would probably be so angry.

“What are you talking about? Why did you stop when you saw me.” Tian Linger looked at the two in confusion and asked.

“Linger is back, how is it? I heard that Amelia has already seen the doctors. What did the doctors say?” Thomas Tian asked.

Tian Linger shook his head feebly, Amelia Su’s situation became less optimistic, and after seeing the doctors today, they left without saying anything. So she doesn’t know what the situation is now.

“I don’t know. The doctors went back to the hotel to discuss the condition, and I don’t know if there is a solution.” Tian Linger finished. Lie directly on the sofa.

Seeing Amelia Su getting older day by day, Tian Linger felt very uncomfortable, and even thought that if she had to bear the pain herself, after all, Han Nian was still young and she couldn’t lose her mother.

“Don’t worry, in my opinion. There will be no problem. These doctors are all world-renowned, and they must have a way.” Thomas Tian said.

“Grandpa, what did you talk about just now?” Tian Linger’s ghostly personality, how could he not notice that Thomas Tian was deliberately changing the subject just now.

Seeing the two eloquent expressions, Tian Linger sat up. Said: “What’s the matter with you, what is going on?”

Tian Honghui glanced at Thomas Tian, this matter had spread all over Basin City, Tian Linger would hear of it sooner or later, even if it didn’t help her now.

Thomas Tian nodded, and Tian Honghui who was signaled said: “Linger, let me tell you, don’t get excited.”

“Dad, you underestimated me, I am now mature and stable, and I won’t get excited casually.” Tian Linger said.

“That’s right, there are rumors in Basin City now. It is said that Amelia Su has contracted an unclean disease and gave George Han a green hat.” Tian Honghui said.

After hearing these words, Tian Linger, who patted her chest to make sure she would not get excited. Almost exploded on the spot.

“Who, whoever kills a thousand knives dare to say such things.” Tian Linger said angrily with her fists.

Tian Linger’s reaction was expected by the father and son of Thomas Tian. After all, Tian Linger had already regarded the Mountainside Villa as his second home. To her, George Han and Amelia Su were like brothers and sisters. How could she tolerate malicious framing by others.

“A lot of people are discussing this matter now, so who actually said it, I really don’t know.” Tian Honghui said.

The angry Tian Linger turned around and left, as if going out.

Thomas Tian asked quickly: “Linger, it’s almost time to eat, where are you going.”

“Go find this person, I want him to be unable to take care of himself for the rest of his life.” Tian Linger said coldly.

Thomas Tian shook his head helplessly. With Tian Linger’s current temper, he couldn’t stop him.

“Dad, it won’t happen.” Tian Honghui asked worriedly.

“What can happen? Your daughter is now George Han’s sister. Who dares to do anything to her? Don’t worry. It’s a good thing to ask her to check. This kind of rumors should be calmed down as soon as possible. Once it reaches the mountainside Villa Let Amelia Su know that the consequences will be more serious.” Thomas Tian said.

After Tian Linger left home, he made a few phone calls. After appointing the meeting place, he kicked the accelerator and the car engine broke out with a heavy low roar, and drove out of the Tianjia Villa with the sound of burning tires and heavy smoke.

At the Qingyuan Café, when Linger arrived that day, several young people had been waiting at the door for a long time. They received a call from Tian Linger and rushed over without any delay. After all, Tian Linger’s identity is George Han. Qian’s sister, these young and rich second generations dare not resist.




Tian Linger glanced at a few people. These were some of her friends who played better, and they could be considered capable in Basin City.

“Go in first.” Tian Linger said in a deep voice.

Seeing Tian Linger with cold expressions, a few people probably guessed what was going on, and followed Tian Linger into the cafe.

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