His True Colors Novel Chapter 803 – 806

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Chapter 803

“It’s ridiculous that you hit me and said that you are protecting me, He Qingfeng, if you have the ability, you let me go to the yellow character level, and my mother can watch from the sky.” He Xiaoxiao said stiffly.

He Qingfeng couldn’t help raising his hand again, she was so arrogant, saying this in public. There is no way left. As the master of the three halls, He Qingfeng can let He Xiaoxiao come here, but in the presence of Yi Lao, he has to make an explanation, otherwise this matter Will become a permanent stain on the Three Halls.

“He Qingfeng, since she made such a request, you should act in accordance with the rules of Tianqi. I was able to close one eye before, but this time I definitely won’t.” After leaving this sentence, Old Yi left.

He Qingfeng’s heart sank, it seems that Yi Lao will not compromise easily this time. And he couldn’t turn his face with Yi Lao in order to cover He Xiaoxiao, he couldn’t be the sinner who caused the Four Doors and Three Halls to fall apart.

“Elder Yi, He Xiaoxiao has been arrogant in Tianqi for many years, and he should have been demoted to the yellow-character level. Now it can be regarded as seeking benevolence and benevolence.” Assistant said to Yi Lao.

Elder Yi shook his head and said faintly: “Even if she dies, it has nothing to do with me. Her life is irrelevant to me and to the whole Tian Qi, but now George Han has an accident, which is devastating to Tian Qi. Blow.”

Thinking of George Han, his assistant also had a gray expression on his face. He knew very well the meaning of George Han’s existence. If George Han could come out of the Demon King’s Cave alive, he might also ignite other people’s desire to challenge the Demon King’s Cave, but Now, even he is dead, and other people will stay away from the Demon King’s Cave. I am afraid that in the next ten years, even 20 or 30 years, they will not dare to challenge the Demon King’s Cave.

George Han became a local master in half a month. Such an achievement has far surpassed Lintong, the proud man of heaven, but even so, he still failed to pass the Demon King’s Cave test. It is conceivable how this would make others feel.

“George Han should be unlucky and don’t know what creature he encountered.” The assistant sighed and shook his head.

Yi Lao also exhaled a bad breath, and said: “Forbidden land fluctuations have occurred, which indicates that the Second World is likely to come back. Judging from the current situation of Apocalypse, there is no way to stop it. Could it be that the apocalypse is exhausted? ?”

“Elder Yi, is there no other way?” the assistant frowned. Although he also knew that Apocalypse could not compete with the Second World now, after all, thousands of Heavenly Word level masters had fallen during the peak of Apocalypse, but there is no absolute in the world. , You can also seek opportunities in desperate situations, and you can never give up lightly.

“The way?” Yi Lao shook his head and said: “I also hope that there are other ways, but there is only one prerequisite for facing this matter. That is tyrannical strength. Without strength, no more methods will help. I thought that George Han could change the apocalypse, and even he was the savior. Now it seems that I still think wrong, how can such a big responsibility be placed on him alone.”

“Yilao, you, don’t you want to give up?” the assistant asked anxiously.

“Give up? Let’s talk until the moment I die in battle.” Yi Lao said firmly, even if he knew that Apocalypse could not compete with the second world now, but Yi Lao never had the slightest thought of shrinking, because behind the Apocalypse, With billions of creatures, how could he give up lightly?

The death of George Han in the Demon King’s Cave quickly fermented in a short time, so that the entire apocalypse was spread. No one was lamenting the fall of genius, even a strong man like George Han who quickly pushed up died in the Demon King’s Cave, which made the entire Apocalypse shrouded in fear of the Demon King’s Cave.

Those strong in the word level. Never again dared to mention the three words of Demon King’s Cave. Under this circumstance, they were even more repelled to enter the Demon King’s Cave, and the temptation of Tianzi-level identity became paler.

Yellow word level field.

Zhuang Tang and Gong Tian, ”‹”‹who were quite close to George Han, became silent after hearing the news.

Although Gong Tian and George Han had some contradictions with each other, as George Han proved himself with strength, Gong Tianxin had no complaints, after all, it took only half a month. George Han had become the earth character level, and he had been in Tianqi for many years, and he was still the yellow character level. Gong Tian knew the difference.

“Master, I didn’t expect George Han to die like this. I feel like I only met him yesterday.” Gong Tian said.

“George Han’s death, for Tianqi, is news that the sky has fallen.” Zhuang Tang shook his head. Although he does not know the meaning of Apocalypse, he understands the current situation of Apocalypse. No one dares to challenge the Devil’s Cave. This means that there will be no new Tianzi-level powerhouses. Perhaps in the next few decades, Apocalypse Will also be in this awkward state.

Gong Tian also understood this truth, nodded and said: “It is true, but it’s a pity that we don’t know what the Apocalypse exists because of, and we can’t predict how much this incident will have on the Apocalypse.”

“Gong Tian, ”‹”‹why do you think Tianqi gathers the strong in the world?” Zhuang Tang asked.

“In order to deal with some masters, or powerful forces.” Gong Tian answered without thinking, because of this kind of question, he has thought about it many times, and it is not only Gong Tian who has this idea. Most people in Apocalypse have had this kind of speculation, otherwise, it is impossible to explain the significance of the Apocalypse gathering masters.

“Then have you ever thought that these masters are also forces, not earth creatures?” Zhuang Tang said.

“Not an earth creature?” Gong Tian looked at Zhuang Tang in horror. He had never thought about it, and he didn’t know why Zhuang Tang had such thoughts.

“Master, do you know anything?” Gong Tian asked impatiently.

Zhuang Tang shook his head, also a yellow character. How could he know the core things of Apocalypse? All these are nothing more than his imagination and speculation.

“I don’t know much about you. But in my opinion, for an organization like Apocalypse to exist, the other party must be very powerful, and Apocalypse collects masters in the secular world, and it cannot be a secular force for convenience, because it is only a secular force. How could Apocalypse be in the eyes, and want to wipe out those people, wouldn’t it be easy to join forces with the government?” Zhuang Tang explained.

Gong Tian carefully recalled Zhuang Tang’s words, and found it very reasonable, but he was still a little unbelievable about the creatures other than the earth.


These three words seem ridiculous no matter how you think about them.

“Master, if George Han doesn’t die, based on our relationship, we might know something, but unfortunately, he is already dead.” Gong Tian sighed.

Chapter 804

Sandian area.

He Xiaoxiao knelt in front of her mother’s crystal coffin and confided in He Qingfeng’s “crimes”. In her opinion, what He Qingfeng did today has violated her original promise to her mother. She wants to tell her mother all this. She watched carefully from the sky how He Qingfeng treated her.

He Qingfeng was in distress at the moment. He didn’t want to see He Xiaoxiao go to the yellow character level, because the environment there was definitely not acceptable to her spoiled princess, but the old man Yi had already said very clearly, and He Xiaoxiao was so stubborn, if this time she protects He Xiaoxiao again , I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction with the entire four doors.

Before the change, He Qingfeng might not care about Simen’s views, and his daughter came willfully. You can do whatever you want, after all, she is the daughter of the Lord of the Three Halls.

But now, the changes in the second world of the forbidden area made He Qingfeng have to pay attention to the relationship between the four gates and the three halls.

“Hall Master. Do you really want the young lady to go to the yellow character level?” He Qingfeng’s men asked.

He Qingfeng sighed and said: “Before Xiaoxiao was headstrong, and only provokes some small people, but this time, she didn’t even pay attention to Yi Lao. If I continue to shelter, how can I explain to the four schools. “

“But the yellow-character environment, eating, drinking and lodging, is definitely not acceptable to the young lady.”

“What if she doesn’t accept it? It’s time to let her know the price of making a mistake, where is she?” He Qingfeng asked.

“Ancestral Hall.”

He Qingfeng frowned. Before, He Qingfeng blamed He Xiaoxiao, and He Xiaoxiao would go to the ancestral hall to complain. This is her ultimate ultimate move. Every time He Qingfeng can compromise, after all, that has the woman He Qingfeng loves most.

But this time, He Qingfeng will not compromise again, nor is he qualified to compromise easily.

“I still want to use this trick, it’s useless.” He Qingfeng said helplessly, got up and walked towards the ancestral hall.

He Xiaoxiao kneeling in front of the spiritual position. Hearing the footsteps of someone coming, she knew it must be He Qingfeng, and started her own performance.

“Mom, open your eyes and see what he did to me. His promise in front of you has turned into a bunch of shit. For an outsider, he has beaten me for the second time. You wake up. Wake up.” The crystal coffin contained the corpse of He Xiaoxiao’s mother. Although it has been for many years, the corpse is very well preserved. Aside from being bloodless, there is no sign of decay in his body.

He Qingfeng’s heart softened when he heard these words, but the words that Yi Lao left before echoed in his mind again, which made him have to be cruel.

“No matter how you act this time, it’s useless.” He Qingfeng said lightly.

“Mom, listen to what he is talking about, he actually wants to ignore me for an outsider.” He Xiaoxiao burst into tears. Crying heartbreaking.

“Go pack things, get ready to go to the yellow character level.” He Qingfeng continued.

Go to the yellow character level!

He Xiaoxiao was stunned. She was very aware of the environment of the shabby place like the yellow character. In her opinion, there was no human living there at all. How could her daughter of the master of three halls go to such a place.

“Mom, is it funny, he actually let me go to the yellow character level.” After He Xiaoxiao stood up, turned to look at He Qingfeng, and continued: “It’s useless to threaten me. I will never apologize to the old man. “

He Qingfeng shook his head helplessly. Even at this point, He Xiaoxiao still looks lawless, even thinking that he is just threatening?

“It’s no use even if you want to apologize to Elder Yi now. According to the rules of the apocalypse. You are not qualified to stay in the Three Halls domain.” He Qingfeng said solemnly.

He Xiaoxiao’s heart chuckles, seeing He Qingfeng’s expression, it doesn’t seem like he is joking, how is this possible! How could He Qingfeng really want to drive her to the yellow character level field.

“You are actually afraid of that old thing.” He Xiaoxiao said with gritted teeth.

“Your mother is also a master at the Tianzi level. She is very clear about the significance of Apocalypse. Even if she is still alive today, she will still be punished like this to you, because your willfulness is destroying the relationship between the four gates and three halls, and now Circumstances, the four gates and three halls must resolve the contradictions.” He Qingfeng said harshly.

“After saying so much, I think you are afraid of Yi Lao, you are the master of the Three Halls. You are afraid of the people of the Four Sects. Could that old thing take away your identity?” He Xiaoxiao said with disdain.

“It’s also time for you to suffer a bit. Otherwise, the future changes are not something you can accept. Blame me, blame me for not realizing this earlier, so that you have developed your arrogant character, but it is not too late. Go back to the Three Halls, come back with your own strength.” He Qingfeng said.

He Xiaoxiao squeezed her fists. She didn’t expect things to develop to this point. She thought it was just a joke, but only deliberately frightened her, but now it seems that this is true. He Qingfeng would really do it.

“You are not afraid of me going to see my mother?” He Xiaoxiao threatened.

“I will customize a coffin of the same for you, so that your mother and daughter will be together forever.” He Qingfeng turned his head and left after saying this, his heart was bleeding, but he had to do it again. .

He Xiaoxiao stood on the spot in a daze. From childhood to adulthood, no matter what she did, she would defend her father. She even said such words, which made her feel like she had a hallucination.


Does He Xiaoxiao really have that courage?

obviously. Her waywardness is not enough to let her face death. This young lady is not afraid of heaven and earth, but is afraid of death.

“George Han. I didn’t expect that you would leave me with so much trouble when you die. Don’t let me find your body, or I will thwart you!” He Xiaoxiao said with gritted teeth, all the reasons come from George Han. So at this time, He Xiaoxiao once again imposed hatred on George Han.

The Devil’s Cave at this time.

George Han and Jiang Yingying fell to the ground and died.

The little white snake entangled George Han’s chest, with a lazy look, obviously resting.

And that giant lizard. She cowered and hid in the corner, looking up at the little white snake from time to time, his eyes were obviously full of fear.

Judging from the wounds of the giant lizard, it was not lightly injured.

At this moment, George Han’s hand suddenly moved.

The little white snake looked up at the giant lizard, spitting a red letter.

The giant lizard was relieved and ran away, as if it had been waiting for George Han to wake up before it could leave.

The first time George Han woke up, he felt that his bones were about to fall apart, and the next thought was Jiang Yingying.

“Yingying, Yingying!” George Han endured the pain and sat up, looking for Jiang Yingying’s figure everywhere.

Chapter 805

When George Han found Jiang Yingying lying on her stomach in the distance, he exhausted all his strength to climb to Jiang Yingying’s side.

“Yingying, how are you.” George Han shook Jiang Yingying’s body.

Jiang Yingying did not respond, which made George Han a little desperate, but when he checked Jiang Yingying’s breath, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yingying just passed out. Not dead.

George Han just lay on his back on the ground, his energy was exhausted, and now he also needs to rest.

However, while resting George Han, some doubts gradually appeared in his heart. He still remembered what happened before he passed out.

In the process of fighting with the giant lizard, George Han was almost completely abused. At that time, George Han was almost desperate. In his opinion, there is no doubt that this battle will die, but now, he has not died, and the giant lizard is also Disappeared without a trace. what the hell is it.

Should have become the belly Chinese food of giant lizards, why is it just injured now?

Why did the giant lizard disappear again?

George Han thought of the orangutan he encountered when he first entered the Demon King’s Cave. It seemed to have encountered some more terrifying opponent, so he fled. Could it be that the giant lizard disappeared because of this reason?

George Han looked around subconsciously and could scare away the orangutans and giant lizards. What kind of creatures would it be?

not far away. What caught the eye was that little white snake, except that it looked a little weird, it didn’t make people think it had much lethality, and it was even harmless to humans and animals.

Is it?

George Han shook his head unconsciously. With its physique, how could it scare away the orangutans and giant lizards? This little guy probably just hatched.

Little White Snake noticed that George Han was observing himself, twisted his body, and came to George Han.

“It’s a pity that you can’t speak, otherwise, you can tell me what happened.” George Han did not show any fear towards Xiao Bai Snake. Because he can’t move too much in his current physical state, even if the little white snake in front of him is a highly poisonous thing, if he really wants to bite him, George Han can only suffer.

However, this seemed impossible to George Han. Xiao Bai Snake had been with him for a long time, and he would not wait until now if he really wanted to say something to him.

After resting for a short period of time, George Han finally recovered some physical strength, but it is obviously impossible for the body to get better for a while.

Sitting up, George Han checked Jiang Yingying’s physical condition. There are only some cuts in the trauma, which is not serious, but how can she pass out longer than herself?

But anyway. As long as she is still alive, it’s a good thing, now she just needs to wait for her to wake up slowly.

George Han, who was waiting bored, looked at Xiaobai Snake. Apart from Yubai’s body and scarlet eyes, this snake was a little strange. It was just an ordinary little snake, and the Devil’s Cave was such a dangerous place. How could there be a place for it?

George Han tried to beckon to the little white snake, but he did not expect that the little white snake actually understood his movement and climbed in front of him.

“Cold-blooded animals, they still understand human instructions!” George Han was a little bit astonished. If this happened to a dog, it would make him feel that it was not a big deal, but a snake could respond like this, it is really impressive. Unexpectedly.

Little White Snake held his head high, as if deliberately wanted to express his own difference, but its small body really couldn’t make George Han think it was any different, after all, after seeing the creatures in the Demon King’s Cave. This little white snake who can understand instructions is just a little surprised.

“How many creatures are there in the Demon King’s Cave?” George Han asked.

But after saying this, George Han regretted it. It can understand simple instructions, but how can it understand what people say. And it’s still such a complicated question, if it can be answered, unless it is refined.

But the next little white snake’s behavior shocked George Han’s heart.

I saw the little white snake arching its head on the ground, and several irregular circles were formed. It seemed to use this circle to answer George Han’s question.

George Han had a cold back. It’s incredible that a snake can really understand what he said!

There are six circles in total. Although it looks ugly, the meaning of the little white snake is already very obvious.

George Han wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in a trembling voice, “Six, six?”

Little White Snake nodded, one person and one animal, communicating without barriers. Fully barrier-free.

George Han took a deep breath, so far he could confirm that the snake could understand his own words, could it be that it was really refined!

“Are you one of them?” George Han continued.

The little white snake held his head up. A look of disdain to be with other creatures.

“You are better than them?” George Han sneered. How could this little guy compare to the orangutans and giant lizards he had seen.

Little White Snake continued to nod his head and answered George Han’s question very clearly.

George Han waved his hand and said, “Go away. I’m not interested in listening to you bragging.”

At this moment, Jiang Yingying moved suddenly and let out a painful groan, George Han’s attention instantly focused on Jiang Yingying.

The little white snake on the side drooped his head feebly, as if George Han didn’t believe it, so he was a little depressed.

Without George Han noticing it, the little white snake swam around and went to the depths of the cave.

“Yingying, how are you doing.” George Han asked.

Jiang Yingying took pains to open her eyelids. The moment she was conscious, she was not worried about herself, but about George Han’s situation. Seeing George Han seemed safe and sound, she was relieved.

“Brother George, you are fine.” Jiang Yingying said with a far-fetched smile.

“I’m fine, how are you, what is uncomfortable.” George Han asked.

“No, I’m fine, it’s just a headache.” Jiang Yingying said.

George Han helped Jiang Yingying up, and the two sat with their backs against the mountain wall. Although it was a disaster for the rest of their lives, both of them knew very well that the current danger had not been relieved. There is still a very difficult and dangerous way to leave the Demon King’s Cave. .

“Brother George, where is that lizard, did you kill it?” Jiang Yingying asked George Han.

“I’m just about to ask you, what did you see before you fell unconscious.” George Han was also full of doubts about this matter. He was in a desperate situation, but he was still alive after fainting and sober. He also wanted to know how to get back. thing.

“I only saw you fighting with the lizard. Just when I started fighting, I fainted.” Jiang Yingying said.

Chapter 806

At the beginning of the fight, Jiang Yingying fainted?

George Han frowned. This is too strange. The lizard’s target is him. How could Jiang Yingying be implicated?

Could it be that the giant lizard appeared at the same time. Other creatures appeared, but their focus was on the giant lizard, so they ignored it, but Jiang Yingying was attacked by other creatures?

This guess is not impossible, but Jiang Yingying did not die because of it, which is a bit strange.

After all, the white bones on the ground have fully demonstrated the lethality of these creatures. Once they are attacked, how can they just faint?

“Brother George, what exactly is this place and why are there these strange things?” Jiang Yingying asked George Han puzzled.

George Han had already thought about this question, probably this is the secret hidden by Apocalypse.

He has not become a Tianzi level, and has not experienced the test of Demon King’s Cave. He was not qualified to know the secret of Apocalypse. Before Yi Lao and Fang Zhan kept silent about it, George Han probably also found the reason.

This kind of thing, even if you tell him, he will not believe it, only seeing is believing.

More importantly, how can such a shocking secret be told to others casually?

“This is the secret hidden by Apocalypse, and I guess. What we see is just the tip of the secret iceberg.” George Han said solemnly.

The veil of mystery has been gradually unraveled. As long as he can leave the Demon King’s Cave alive, George Han will be able to know all this, but the current situation is not optimistic, and it may not be an easy task to go out.

“Once these creatures are allowed to appear in major cities, they will definitely be overwhelmed. How did the Apocalypse keep them here?” Jiang Yingying continued to ask.

George Han smiled helplessly, and said, “These questions are also doubtful to me. I want to know what is going on. I can only find out if I can ask Yi Lao.”

Jiang Yingying nodded, probably knowing that she had too many problems, so she closed her mouth.

“Let’s rest first, anyway, we have to find a way to leave here before talking.” George Han said.

Jiang Yingying leaned her back against the mountain wall, but the uneven mountain wall made her very uncomfortable, no matter how she changed her posture, it was useless.

Upon seeing this, George Han said, “Let on me, it’s not uncomfortable.”

Jiang Yingying was stunned for a moment, and then gently leaned her head on George Han’s shoulder. It was indeed a lot more comfortable and made her feel very safe.

When meeting George Han for the first time, Jiang Yingying was very happy. There was a little love for George Han. After all, a good and handsome man was very attractive to a girl like Jiang Yingying, but Jiang Yingying later learned that George Han was married. Only then did Anna let go of her feelings, and at this time, that emotion sprouted again. And it grows uncontrollably.

“What about that little white snake.” George Han said suddenly. Only then did he realize that the little white snake who had been following them suddenly disappeared.

“Isn’t it dead?” Jiang Yingying said.

“That’s not true, I have seen it just now, and it can understand human words.” George Han said.

This sentence made Jiang Yingying couldn’t help but laugh, and said: “Brother George, you will not have hallucinations, how can snakes understand human words? I used to work in a pet shop and have seen so many varieties. Snakes, they are all cold-blooded animals.”

“If someone else told me this kind of thing before. I wouldn’t believe it, but what I said is true. If you don’t believe it. When it appears, I can prove it to you.” George Han said.

Seeing that George Han didn’t seem to be joking, Jiang Yingying said with surprise: “Brother George. Are you serious?”

“Of course it’s serious, but this little thing, I don’t know where it went.” George Han said.

At this time, Jiang Yingying’s belly suddenly made a grunt, which made her very embarrassed to lower her head and cover her belly.

“Hungry?” George Han asked with a smile.

Jiang Yingying looked ashamed of seeing people. In any case, she is also a girl, this kind of appearance is embarrassing.

“I’m hungry too, and I don’t know how long I have been in.” George Han rubbed his stomach and said.

Jiang Yingying’s embarrassment was relieved a lot because of this sentence, and said: “It’s a pity that there is nothing to eat here. We will not starve to death here.”

“The chance of starving to death is very small, but it is very likely to become the food for those animals.” George Han joked.

At the moment when these words were just finished, heavy footsteps heard in the distance, which made the faces of George Han and Jiang Yingying changed greatly at the same time.

“It won’t be so crow’s mouth.” George Han looked regretful, in his current state. If another strange creature appears, it will really only become food for the opponent.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached, when George Han saw each other clearly. Only a desperate expression remained on his face.

Not only the giant lizards and orangutans appeared, but there were also three other creatures that did not show up.

According to Xiaobai Snake, there are six kinds of creatures in Demon King’s Cave, and five appear in this one. Isn’t it dead!

“Brother George, we, are we over?” Jiang Yingying said in a panic.

“It’s over, it’s estimated that there is no bone left.” George Han sighed. Only one death was enough to cause him to die hundreds of times. Facing this kind of battle, George Han resisted a little bit. The thoughts are gone.

“Brother George, since I’m dying, I want to tell you something.” Faced with death, Jiang Yingying mustered up the courage to say.

“What?” George Han asked in confusion.

“I, I like you.” Jiang Yingying said.

It was confessed that this kind of thing is a common occurrence for George Han, not to mention Shen Lingyao, who was kind to him at the beginning, Qi Yiyun, soy milk girl Qi Ran, neighbor Yang Meng, Tian Linger , These women are interesting to him, and George Han can detect it.

But this time is not a good time to express your feelings.

George Han has never been a person who can get caught in the face of a difficult situation. As long as there is a breath left, he will do his best to resist.

This is the character he has honed since childhood. No matter what happens, George Han will show the tenacity of not admitting defeat.

“If you don’t resist until the last moment, you can’t admit defeat.” George Han gritted his teeth, propped his back on the mountain wall, and barely allowed himself to stand up to prepare for the final battle in his life.

After the creatures approached, although they looked ugly and ferocious, they did not show hostility towards George Han. Instead, they stood in a row and looked like they were being trained by the military.

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