His True Colors Novel Chapter 79 – 82

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Chapter 79

When everyone was staring at Amelia Su, Amelia Su was furious, and George Han whispered a few words in his ear.

Amelia Su looked at George Han in shock, and shook her head slightly. Now everyone is eager to put the blame on her. If she takes the initiative to take it, wouldn’t it just give them a chance?

George Han smiled and nodded, and said, “Trust me.”

Amelia Su was stunned. Every time George Han said these three words, she would choose to believe it without hesitation. This belief has almost become dependent.

“Grandma, I can find a way to get a bank loan.” Amelia Su stood up and said.

When these words came out, Harry Su sneered, and even the old lady couldn’t find a loan. How could Amelia Su manage it.

“Don’t talk about it, what grandma can’t do, can you do it?” Harry Su said.

“Harry, since she wants to brag, you can let her brag, but let’s say it in advance. What if you can’t do it?” Su Yihan smiled.

“If I can’t do it, I will sell the mountainside Villa without complaint, but if I can do it, I also have a requirement.” Amelia Su said.

“What’s the requirement?” The old lady stood up and asked. If she can find a bank loan, the Su family’s crisis will be gone. Even if Amelia Su has a request, the old lady is willing to meet.

After all, selling a house is just a stopgap measure, and it cannot last long. Only a loan can really handle this matter.

“The company’s finances. I will take care of it from now on.” Amelia Su said.


“Amelia Su, are you crazy?”

“The finances are for you, why don’t you say to leave the company to you alone.”

Relatives of the Su family got up angrily. Now Amelia Su is the person in charge of the Chengxi project, if she is handing over the finances to her. Isn’t she alone in the entire company? The most important thing is that if Amelia Su manages the finances, and they want to fish in the company in the future, what should Amelia Su do?

“Amelia Su, you are really convulsed, how could grandma leave the finances to you.” Harry Su has been seeking opportunities to regain his position and rights in the company. Now that Amelia Su rubs his nose, he certainly won’t agree.

Su Yihan sneered at Amelia Su and said: “Amelia Su, I didn’t expect your ambitions to be so big, you want to swallow the company alone.”

“Su Yihan, how did I swallow the company? Have I ever taken a penny that I shouldn’t have taken? It’s yours. You know how much corruption in the company every year. Since you want me to solve this financial problem, I manage Is there any problem with the company’s future finances? Or can you solve it?” Amelia Su retorted.

Amelia Su scanned the Su family’s relatives in the living room, and no one dared to look at him wherever he looked. They all knew their abilities. This matter must not have anything to do with them.

“Amelia. Do you really have a way to get a loan?” the old lady asked. Although she was unwilling to hand over the finances to Amelia Su, she had no choice for the current plan.

“Grandma, don’t believe her, how could she get a loan. Even if it’s no use getting one or two million, she just wants to defraud the company’s rights.” Harry Su said anxiously, but she couldn’t convince the old lady Amelia Su, otherwise he has no chance of turning over in the company.

“Amelia Su, you dare to play in front of grandma with this little trick, do you really think grandma is so good to deceive?” Su Yihan sneered.

“Yes, if you want to manage the company’s finances, you have to talk about how many loans you can get.” Su Guolin said.

Amelia Su didn’t speak yet, only a leisurely voice sounded: “Billion.”

Everyone followed their voices, and it turned out that George Han was talking.

“George Han, are you talking here? Are you really bragging about not looking at the weather or being afraid of being struck by lightning?” Harry Su said with a smile.

It’s not just the Su family’s relatives who don’t believe it, nor the old lady. How could the Su family be eligible to get a large loan of one billion.

“George Han, you shut up, there is no place for you to speak.” The old lady said dissatisfiedly, and the toad yawned, really loud.

Amelia Su glanced at George Han. Said to the old lady: “Grandma, he is not kidding, I can get a one billion loan, but the condition is the financial control of the company.”

Seeing that Amelia Su was so decisive, the old lady couldn’t help but breathe hurriedly. If she could get a one billion loan, she would no longer have to worry about the company’s financial situation.

“If you can get it, I can promise you.” said the old lady.

Harry Su and Su Yihan didn’t dare to refute this sentence, because Amelia Su can really do it and is indeed qualified to control the company’s financial power, but only if she can do it.

One billion, why can the Su family be able to borrow one billion, even if it is staked on the entire company, no bank is willing.

“This time Amelia Su is settled. How could she have loaned one billion.” After the Su family’s relatives were separated, Su Yihan and Harry Su left in the same car, Su Yihan said with a sneer.

“With the market value of the Su family’s company, it is indeed impossible for a bank to lend so much, but I am still a bit worried about accidents. If Amelia Su really controls the company’s financial power, we will be sad in the future.” Harry Su worried. .

“What’s to worry about, unless she sleeps with the president, but just like her. Even if she is willing to sleep with her, no one will take care of her.” Su Yihan said viciously.

On the other hand, the Audi A6 is on.

Amelia Su drove in a daze, and George Han gave her an idea. But she never expected that George Han would blurt out an astonishing amount of one billion loans.

“Three thousand, do you really think I can borrow one billion?” Amelia Su asked.

“George Han, if this thing cannot be done, our Villa will be gone. How can you open your mouth to a billion, do you think money can fall from the sky?” Lily Jiang began to complain before George Han spoke. , His temper a little bit, change to the usual, I am afraid that he has already pointed at George Han’s nose to curse.

Of course, there is a reason for not swearing, Lily Jiang still wants to let George Han transfer the Villa to Amelia Su.

“Don’t worry, there should be no problem.” George Han said.

Hearing what George Han said, Amelia Su was relieved.

Lily Jiang snorted twice and stopped talking.

Wilson Su looked worried. Said: “If we can’t get the loan, our Villa will be gone.”

“Dad, George Han said that there is no problem, then it must be no problem, you don’t have to worry about it.” Amelia Su said.

Wilson Su reached his lips, and finally swallowed it back. He wanted to say what George Han could do? But thinking that I was still living in the Villa, it was not a good thing to argue with George Han.

Back home, George Han called the bank, the last time he withdrew money. The young woman manager deliberately gave George Han a number, probably because he wanted to dedicate her life. Of course, George Han didn’t take her seriously. The charm was there, but it didn’t suit George Han’s appetite.

After receiving the call from George Han, the manager listened to George Han’s request. She couldn’t do such a big thing. She just said to report to the district governor.

“It is best to meet tomorrow, otherwise all my money in your bank will be transferred to other banks.” George Han hung up without waiting for the manager’s answer.

George Han could do this very simple thing. He could just give Amelia Su a billion, but he took the money and it was very troublesome to explain it. Therefore, under consideration, it is most appropriate to complete the loan through the bank.

“Brother Du, the Su family wants to make a loan. It is a guarantee from a major customer. Do you have time to meet him.” After the manager dialed the president Du Hong’s phone. It directly explains the situation.

“Su Family? What Su Family?” Du Hong asked.

“The Su family in charge of the West City project.”

“Hehe, you just reply and let them go, I don’t have time to waste with them.” Du Hong sneered. All the banks in Basin City will not give Su’s loan. He also received the notice and took a sum of money. Righteous Choi.

“Brother Du, that big customer said that if he doesn’t give Su’s loan, he will transfer all the money in our bank.” The manager became anxious when he heard this. Once the money on the Han three thousand card is transferred, it will be for them. It is a very huge loss.

“Just turn it around, the amount of money is so terrible, do you really think I put him in my eyes?” Du Hong said with disdain.

“Brother Du, this big customer has tens of billions of assets!”

Chapter 80

“What…what! What do you say is…how much.” Du Hong on the other end of the phone was shocked, and hurriedly pushed away the student girl who was holding Xiaoniairen.

“Brother Du, tens of billions.” The manager said.


Du Hong took a deep breath. Although he promised certain companies not to loan Su’s family and received certain benefits, he did not dare to offend customers with tens of billions of deposits.

After thinking about it for a moment, Du Hong felt something was wrong again. Asked: “Why is such a rich person willing to guarantee loans to the Su family?”

“Brother Du, I don’t know too much, but he said, meet tomorrow, if you don’t show up, I am worried that he will really transfer assets.” The manager said.

Du Hong knew how serious this matter was. Even if he was asked to return all the ill-gotten gains he had previously taken, he could only bear the pain and drip blood. Otherwise, he would not be able to keep his position as the district president.

“Yes, you can make an appointment for me and meet tomorrow.” Du Hong said.


After receiving Du Hong’s instructions, the manager quickly replied to George Han.

At this time, George Han and Amelia Su were lying in bed and playing with mobile phones. Amelia Su’s beautiful legs overlapped each other to form a beautiful curve, and George Han occasionally glanced at it, which was also satisfied.

After answering the phone. George Han said to Amelia Su: “I have made an appointment with the bank district president, and I will meet tomorrow.”

Hearing these words, Amelia Su sat up with excitement and asked, “Really?”

“Of course it is true, can I still lie to you.” George Han said with a smile.

Although Amelia Su believed in George Han, she was very nervous before, and it was only now that she was sure that she was really relieved.

Amelia Su, who was too happy to put her hands on her cheeks, looked at George Han with a smile on her face, and asked, “Go ahead, how do you want me to thank you.”

George Han didn’t think about what he would get in return. In his opinion, helping Amelia Su is a matter of course, after all, they are husband and wife.

“You are my wife, can I help you, do you have any benefits?” George Han said.

Amelia Su glared at George Han. Then lay on the bed, with her back facing George Han, this incomprehensible guy, wouldn’t she make a request so that she could go down the stairs? Do you plan not to cross the red line for the rest of your life?

George Han is a little confused, why is he angry for no reason?

Sure enough, a woman turned her face faster than a book, a needle on the seabed that couldn’t be figured out.

Early the next morning, after the two of them ran, Amelia Su personally fed George Han breakfast. The sweetness of the two made Lily Jiang very dissatisfied. She didn’t want Amelia Su to fall into this unnecessary relationship.

“George Han, since your hand is injured, just stay at home.” Lily Jiang said.

George Han was a little surprised at this sudden concern, Lily Jiang never cared about his life or death.

“Mom, Three Thousand wants to go to the company with me, otherwise no one will take care of him.” Amelia Su said.

“Aren’t you going to talk about loans? It’s not convenient to take him with him. He has He Ting at home. Are you afraid of starving him to death?” Lily Jiang said.

Amelia Su looked embarrassed and took George Han to talk about the loan. It was a bit inconvenient to take care of him, but George Han contacted the president. How could she leave George Han alone at home?

“Go, I also want to rest at home.” George Han said.

Seeing that George Han said so, Amelia Su had to agree.

After Amelia Su left, George Han sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV. Lily Jiang walked over. After sitting down, he smelled a strong perfume.

“When do you plan to add the name Amelia to the Villa?” Lily Jiang said directly.

George Han smiled, it turned out that Lily Jiang’s concern was because of this matter.

“As long as she wants. It doesn’t matter if the Villa only writes her name.” George Han said.

Lily Jiang didn’t expect George Han to be so happy. The 80 million mansion and villas didn’t even blink. This saves her the effort of grinding her mouth. She smiled and said: “In this case, you should find time. Go ahead and do this.”

“Lily Jiang, if I were really kicked out of the Su family by you. You might regret it very much.” George Han said with a smile.

“Hey.” Lily Jiang smiled contemptuously, and said: “Your money is almost spent, how long can you be arrogant?”

“Such a Villa, even if you buy ten. I won’t blink.”

“If you don’t improve your skills, your bragging skills are getting better and better. What’s more, even if you have money, I will not look down on Lily Jiang.” Lily Jiang said with disdain.

“Really? A woman who worships money like you. I actually look down on my money?” George Han laughed, Lily Jiang made things difficult, and now he wants to drive him out of the Villa. George Han knows that he can’t let him go anymore. Let her ride on her head.

“George Han, what do you mean!” Lily Jiang looked at George Han with a sharp expression.

“Speaking so clearly, you can’t understand it? I warn you, if you want to destroy the relationship between Amelia Su and me. I will make you regret being a human being.” George Han finished speaking, got up and returned to the room.

Regret being a man!

This sentence made Lily Jiang feel very familiar.

she was!

The woman with more than ten bodyguards said the same thing!

Thinking of Mary, Lily Jiang’s face became extremely pale, and the deterrence that Mary brought to her, even though many days had passed, still made Lily Jiang frightened.

At a certain moment, Lily Jiang even felt the tone and attitude of George Han and Mary. Like a withdrawal!

Lily Jiang shook his head. This must be an illusion. How could such a powerful woman have something to do with George Han?

“Hmph, when you give the Villa to Amelia, I’ll come and clean you up.” Lily Jiang said viciously.

On the other side, Amelia Su had already met Du Hong at this time, and the young woman manager.

Did not see George Han. The manager’s expression was slightly disappointed. If this kind of rich young Toshihiko could not hook up, it would be a regret in her life for her.

“Miss Su. Did you come by yourself today?” Du Hong didn’t dare to neglect Amelia Su. I don’t know what the relationship between that big customer and Amelia Su is, but since he can guarantee the Su family, it must be related.

“En. I am now the person in charge of the Chengxi project, so I will talk to you on behalf of me.” Amelia Su said.

Du Hong glanced at the manager. The person he wanted to meet wasn’t Amelia Su, but that person didn’t come, so it was nothing.

“Miss Su, you should also be aware of the current situation in Basin City. All banks refuse to lend you loans.” Du Hong said.

“President Du, I know what you said, but please believe that the Su family absolutely has the ability to repay. You should be very clear about the value of the Chengxi Project.” Amelia Su said.

Du Hong nodded undeniably, and said: “Yes, but as far as the Su family is concerned, you want to borrow one billion, and I am really embarrassed.”

Amelia Su was in a hurry, but she praised Haikou. If she couldn’t loan one billion, the Su family would definitely make things difficult for her.

“However, for the sake of your friend’s face, I will agree with this amount. I only hope that Miss Su can recommend it if she has time. I want to get to know him.” Du Hong said.


This incident was facilitated by George Han, and his so-called friend must be George Han.

Amelia Su originally thought that George Han had just invited her to the president, but now it seems that George Han has already settled this matter.

It depends on his face!

Is George Han’s face worth a billion?

Amelia Su was shocked in her heart. It seemed that after the Crystal Restaurant, George Han became more and more difficult.

In other words, he is not a simple person at first, but he has not shown it before.

“President Du, are you kidding me?” Amelia Su said.

“Of course not. I have already brought the loan contract. If Miss Su thinks that there is no problem, as long as it is signed, we will release the loan as soon as possible.” Du Hong said.

Amelia Su has a very unreal feeling, this is not ten yuan, but one billion! How could it be so easy?

“President Du, my friend’s face is worth so much money?” Amelia Su asked weakly.

“This…” Du Hong looked embarrassed. He didn’t know if exposing George Han’s wealth at random would cause George Han’s dissatisfaction. If he didn’t treat this big guy happy, it would be over.

Chapter 81

“If President Du is embarrassed, I won’t ask.” Amelia Su said.

Du Hong nodded and said, “If Miss Su has any questions, go and ask your friends. I really can’t disclose it.”

After signing the contract, Du Hong promised to lend the money as quickly as possible, and Amelia Su left.

“There will definitely be many companies dissatisfied with me this time.” Du Hong can foresee that he will be boycotted by those companies, but there is no way. This matter must be agreed.

“Brother Du, we have such a large customer, and it is not easy for the Su family to develop in the future. Those little fish and shrimps, what are you doing in your eyes.” said the manager.

Du Hong smiled and said, “That’s true, but who is this person? We Basin City, is there such a rich person?”

“Brother Du, his name is George Han, would you like to check it?” the manager said.

“George Han?” Du Hong frowned gradually, and suddenly said in surprise: “George Han, the famous trash son-in-law of the Su family, isn’t he called George Han?”

The manager stood on the spot, although she already knew George Han’s name. But he didn’t even think about that. How could someone with tens of billions of people be the waste son-in-law of the Su family?

“Du… Brother Du, no. He, isn’t he useless?” The manager said in disbelief.

Du Hong sighed and shook his head, and said: “I don’t know too much. Maybe, there are different people with the same name. After all, the Su family never put that trash son-in-law in his eyes. If they were the same person, how could George Han Help Su’s family.”

The manager also agreed with this statement and nodded.

Amelia Su did not return to the company, but returned to the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. She wanted to share the good news with George Han, but when she walked to the door of the Villa, Amelia Su realized that George Han had known the result a long time ago. For him , What can I share?

But why he could let Du Hong sell such a big face, Amelia Su still wanted to ask.

“Amelia. Why did you come back so early today?” Lily Jiang was very surprised to see Amelia Su go home.

“Mom, how about three thousand?” Amelia Su asked.

Lily Jiang pulled Amelia Su onto the sofa and sat down and said, “I have already talked to George Han. He is willing to change the name of the Villa to you. You can quickly find a time to do this with him.”

Amelia Su’s face instantly sank when she heard these words: “Mom, this is why you left George Han at home?”

“How about it, am I good?” Lily Jiang said triumphantly.

“Mom, I won’t want it.” Amelia Su said coldly.

“You girl, did you have a brain cramp? Mom took a lot of effort to get him to agree. I’m doing this for your own good. If you don’t do it, don’t recognize my mother.” Lily Jiang, hands on hips, Dissatisfied, she believed that she threatened Amelia Su in this way, and Amelia Su would definitely compromise.

George Han’s importance to this family is self-evident. Without him, Amelia Su would not be the person in charge of the Chengxi Project. It is even more impossible to get a one billion loan today, whether it is a Villa or a divorce, Amelia Su can’t do it.

And even without these things, Amelia Su had already faced her heart long ago and would not divorce George Han.

“Okay.” Amelia Su said without hesitation, standing up and walking towards the room.

Lily Jiang was stunned, threatening Amelia Su in this way, she didn’t even compromise.

“Amelia Su, stop for me.” Lily Jiang said loudly: “Don’t you even look at me now?”

“Mom, if you want to make trouble unreasonably, do I still have to accompany you? I have made it very clear. I hope you put away those careful thoughts, or you can move out.” Amelia Su said lightly.

“You…” Lily Jiang pointed at Amelia Su, too angry to speak.

Amelia Su returned to the room and found George Han lying on the bed struggling to play with his mobile phone, looking very bored.

When he walked to the bed, George Han made room for Amelia Su and asked with a smile, “How is it? Is things going well?”

“My mother is embarrassing you again?” Amelia Su asked.

“It’s okay. It’s not too embarrassing, but you should have your name written on the Villa.” George Han said.

“Don’t you know why my mother did this? How can you promise her?” Amelia Su said puzzledly.

“I know what she is for. But this matter, you can call the shots, don’t you? I don’t believe her, can I still believe you?” George Han smiled.

Amelia Su was so touched by these words that he had promised Lily Jiang. Not because of Lily Jiang, but because of believing in her!

Leaning over, a very quick kiss on George Han’s mouth, Amelia Su fled the room in a panic.

George Han was still staying. He didn’t recover for a while, and when he knew what had happened, he smiled bitterly.

“Well, give me some psychological preparation. I have a chance to respond.” George Han said regretfully, licking his lips.

How can there be a sweet smell?

Soon, Amelia Su turned back to the room, because she still had nothing to ask.

He lowered his head and leaned against the door and said: “The loan has been settled. President Du is only willing to lend the Su family because of your face. Is your face worth a billion?”

“Your kiss. If you don’t change your daughter, one billion is nothing.” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su, who was already red-faced, heard these words, and couldn’t wait to find a hole in the ground and said threateningly: “What happened just now is not allowed to be mentioned in the future.”

“How can this work? I want to recall a hundred times every day. Starting today, I will have to go on a hunger strike. lest your taste is gone.” George Han said shamelessly.

Amelia Su stomped her feet with anger, and George Han laughed out loud with her shyness.

“You are still smiling, do you want to sleep on the floor tonight?”

The laughter stopped abruptly, and George Han said solemnly: “Yes. Did Du Hong say anything else?”

“He said that he has the opportunity to introduce me, he wants to know you.” Amelia Su said.

“Well, I’ll find time. Let’s meet him.” George Han said. Although he disdains this kind of relationship, it helps Amelia Su a lot. Now Amelia Su controls almost all the power of Su’s company and wants to For better development in Cloud City, these relationships are indispensable.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.” Amelia Su returned to the first question, because she was really curious. George Han bought a car and bought a house. That was a question of money, but today’s matter is not money. What can be resolved, for Du Hong to pay such attention, will inevitably require a certain status.

But isn’t George Han’s reputation in Basin City already stinky by Harry Su?

What Amelia Su doesn’t understand is that when money becomes a string of meaningless numbers, identity and status will follow. But such status and status cannot represent rights.

Only power is the most gorgeous coat of a man, and this is what George Han lacks now.

“I have a worth of tens of billions, of course he wants to give me face.” George Han said with a smile.

He looked joking, Amelia Su couldn’t believe it, and she narrowed her mouth and said: “Don’t say it, forget it, don’t think I will do that kind of thing in the future.”

“What kind of thing, you can say it clearly.” Seeing Amelia Su running out of the room again, George Han asked impatiently.

For the next period of time, George Han meditated at home. The doctor said that it would take forty days to recover, but in fact, one week was enough for George Han.

A week later, George Han went to the hospital to remove the plaster. Even the doctors were amazed, saying that he had never seen George Han’s physique and his amazing recovery ability was beyond the scope of ordinary people.

I was finally able to move my hands, but this week’s day is still worth remembering. After all, George Han has also enjoyed the treatment of an emperor. Even when he goes to the toilet, someone helps to untie his pants. It is estimated that this kind of thing will never happen again. .

Walking to the entrance of the hospital, George Han took out the phone, dialed the bank manager’s number, and said, “Didn’t Du Hong want to see me? Tell him, I will go to the bank immediately.”

The manager was pleasantly surprised to convey the news to Du Hong, and Du Hong rushed to the bank to meet with George Han.

Chapter 82

Bank VIP room.

Du Hong met with George Han with excitement and anxiety.

Du Hong was shocked at how young George Han was. It was not that he had never met a young and promising person, but he had tens of billions of assets at such a young age.

“Mr. Han, I didn’t expect you to be so young. It’s really unexpected.” Du Hong said.

The manager winked at the side, planning to use his charm to seduce George Han. It’s a pity that George Han doesn’t squint, and completely ignores her deliberately raising her legs to show the scenery.

“President Du, I came to see you today because I hope you can take more care of Amelia Su in the future.” George Han said plainly.

Help Amelia Su by naming Dao, this George Han, wouldn’t he really be the son-in-law of the Su family?

“Mr. Han, I am curious. I don’t know if I can ask more.” Du Hong said.

George Han smiled, knowing the doubts in his heart, and said: “I am the person you think about, and other things, it is inconvenient for me to say more.”

It really is!

How could a person with tens of billions enter the Zuosu family and suffer humiliation? Could it be said that he was interested in the assets of the Su family?

With the weight of the Su family, it wouldn’t be enough to humiliate him for three years. His assets can only be compared to the Su family.

But George Han had already stated that it was inconvenient to say more, and Du Hong did not dare to ask more.

“As long as you are willing to help Amelia Su, I owe you a favor, and you will be useful to me in the future. You can also speak.” George Han continued.

Favor is more expensive than gold, and it is the favor of a big man like George Han. Du Hong knows its weight very well.

Now Basin City respects the heavenly family, but with the help of George Han, the Su family may not be qualified to compete with the heavenly family.

If the Su family becomes the first family of Basin City in the future, the usefulness of this favor would be too great!

“Mr. Han, don’t worry, I will do my best.” Du Hong said.

“Manager, you also helped me a lot. Let me introduce a wealth management product for fun.” George Han looked at the manager with a smile.

The manager didn’t help much in this matter, and just contacted Du Hong, and now George Han made it clear that she was benefiting!

“Mr. Han, this is what I should do.” said the manager.

“You don’t have to shirk, the opportunity is only once, it’s a pity if you don’t grasp it,” George Han said.

“Since Mr. Han is talking about it, please accept it.” Du Hong smiled.

The manager quickly brought a few documents and gave a detailed introduction to George Han.

George Han is not interested in wealth management products themselves, but only benefits the manager in this way. He just pointed to one and said, “Just this, how about 100 million for fun.”

“One…100 million!” The manager looked at George Han in astonishment, only to realize that there was something wrong with his ears.

Even Du Hong looked at George Han inconceivably. This shot was too amazing. Just throw 100 million out to play. This is not the money of Tiandi Bank.

“Hurry up and help me handle it. I have to pick up my wife from get off work.” George Han said with a smile.

This sentence made the manager’s eyes red with envy, saying that he was useless, who would have thought that he could buy a hundred million wealth management products casually? And the sincerity of Amelia Su is even rarer.

He is so young and gold, yet he treats a woman so sincerely, envious of women all over the world.

“Mr. Han, your wife is really enviable.” The manager said, sighing in his heart, no wonder that no matter how she scratches her head and poses, George Han can’t be shaken. It turned out that there was only Amelia Su in his heart.

After getting everything done, George Han left the bank.

Du Hong watched with a sigh, and said: “I am a waste? I don’t know if those who look down on Mr. Han, what would they feel if they knew his true strength?”

“Brother Du, Mr. Han is so rich, how could he join Su’s family?” the manager puzzled.

“Can’t you think of it?”

The manager shook his head.

“I can’t think of it either.” Du Hong smiled bitterly. He couldn’t understand the thoughts of these rich people.

George Han had just removed the plaster, so he could only walk to the company, wearing a cool woman along the road. The big white legs springing up like bamboo shoots did not allow George Han to take a look.

There is a Buddha in an empty heart, and everything is empty?


George Han had Amelia Su in his heart, so he was indifferent to Yingying and Yanyan.

On the way back to the company, a call made George Han stop.

Following the voice, Shen Lingyao stepped barefoot on the ground, running towards George Han with high heels in her hand.

This is summer. Doesn’t this woman feel hot to show up?

“What are you doing?” George Han asked puzzledly.

“Quick. Your car.” Shen Lingyao said hurriedly.

“I didn’t drive today. Are you being chased by someone?” George Han said with a smile, and Shen Lingyao kept jumping on the spot because of his hot feet.

“Ah.” Shen Lingyao roared crying bitterly. He jumped on George Han and said, “Carry me.”

George Han moved two steps sideways, directly causing Shen Lingyao to pounce.

At this time, a few people came after him. Shen Lingyao could only hide behind George Han.

“Bad Poss, see where you go.” The head was a woman with heavy makeup, wearing a very thin black gauze, and her underwear was clearly visible.

“You are the man of this eight-woman, just so, losing money.”

George Han said, “I don’t know her.”

Shen Lingyao punched George Han behind him and said, “I’m a good girlfriend of your wife, you can’t die.”

George Han smiled bitterly. He doesn’t even know what happened, how to save it?

“Since you have nothing to do with her, go away quickly and don’t delay my work.” The heavy makeup woman scolded.

“What if I don’t get out?” George Han said.

“No?” The woman with heavy makeup smiled coldly and said: “If you want to be beaten, of course you don’t have to.”

A few people wearing bodyguard clothes behind the heavily-makeup woman walked toward George Han, aggressively.

“Fool, hero save the United States. Anyway, see what you count.”

“You didn’t leave by yourself, don’t blame the brothers for being unsympathetic.”

Shen Lingyao pulled at George Han’s clothes and said, “Sorry, if you enter the hospital, I will find the best doctor for you.”

George Han couldn’t laugh or cry, and said, “Hide away, and by the way, check them out where the best orthopedic hospital is.”

Shen Lingyao still didn’t understand what George Han meant, only to see George Han make a sudden move. The menacing security guards fell to the ground with one punch each, and they all cried desperately.

The woman with heavy makeup looked at George Han in shock. Although these security guards are not powerful roles, they shouldn’t be so unavoidable, right?

Shen Lingyao’s mouth grew large enough to fit an entire egg.

“George Han, you…you can fight so!” Shen Lingyao said incredulously.

“Now you can tell me. What happened, right?” George Han asked.

“I…I…” Shen Lingyao hesitated and couldn’t say anything.

George Han turned his head to look at the woman with heavy makeup, and asked, “Or tell me what is going on.”

“You…you friend, tried on clothes in my shop and scratched my clothes. I didn’t expect her to run away.” After seeing George Han’s skill, the arrogance of the woman with heavy makeup just reduced a lot.

George Han was completely speechless, looking at several security guards who had been beaten in vain, and said apologetically: “I’m sorry, how much the clothes cost, I have paid for her. By the way, the medical expenses of these people will also be calculated.

The woman with heavy makeup didn’t expect George Han to be a reasonable person. She just thought about it and let it go. After all, these security guards couldn’t beat it.

“You didn’t joke with me, are you really going to lose money?”

“Of course, she broke your clothes, so she should lose money.” George Han said.

“That’s fine, follow me to the store.”

Following the heavy makeup woman, George Han didn’t notice. On the other side of the street, someone took the scene with his mobile phone.

Losing money and a gift, when George Han and Shen Lingyao left the clothing store, Shen Lingyao weakly said, “I will pay you back this money.”

“No, but you’d better be careful next time, not every time you can be so lucky.” George Han reminded.

“By the way, is Amelia going to attend the class reunion this year?” Shen Lingyao asked suddenly.

“Classmates reunion?” George Han and Amelia Su have been married for three years, but they have never heard her talk about class reunions.

“In the past, Amelia would participate every year, but after marrying you, she did not show up. You don’t know, those classmates are now taking Amelia as a joke.”

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