His True Colors Novel Chapter 67 – 70

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Chapter 67

Mo Yang looked at George Han with a smile, touched his nose, and said, “What a coincidence.”

“Coincident.” George Han said with a wry smile: “Why are you here?”

“Come here to talk about something, the subordinates told me that there is fun here, I stopped by to take a look, I didn’t expect it to be you.” Mo Yang said.

George Han didn’t doubt that Mo Yang would send someone to follow him, because there was no need, and the meeting between the two was a complete coincidence.

At this time, Liu Guang, who was so painful and cramped, finally recovered. He immediately began to call for help when he saw Mo Yang: “Brother Yang. This little bastard dares to hit me, Brother Yang, you have to call for me.”

Mo Yang glanced at Liu Guang impatiently, and his opponent said, “First fight.”

A few people walked to Liu Guang’s side, and it was a beating if nothing else.

Those onlookers were stunned. Who is this man, even Liu Guang had to call his brother, and he hit Liu Guang without blinking his eyes, obviously even more powerful than Liu Guang.

“Brother Yang, Brother Yang. You quickly let them stop, I didn’t provoke you, why did you beat me.” Liu Guang wailed in pain.

Mo Yang waved his hand, and the people around Liu Guang dispersed. Mo Yang walked up to Liu Guang and said, “Even my brother dares to provoke me. You are not brave enough.”

Mo Yang’s brother!

Liu Guang looked at George Han in horror. He turned out to be Mo Yang’s brother. What the f*ck is this blood mold!

Although Moyang was the former boss of Basin City, during this time, Moyang integrated the forces in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City. There is already a posture of regaining power, let alone Liu Guang, even the big men of Lin Yong dare not provoke Mo Yang.

“Little brother, I’m sorry, I don’t know you are Brother Yang’s brother. I’m sorry, please let me go.” Liu Guang knelt and begged George Han for mercy. He knew that if George Han pursued this matter, he would fall in Mo Don’t even think about living in Yang’s hands.

The plot took a turn for the worse. The person who had persuaded George Han to apologize just now never expected the scene of Liu Guang kneeling down and begging for mercy, and only then re-examined George Han.

Although this young man didn’t look very good, from the beginning to the end, even if Liu Guang appeared, he didn’t panic at all, and he almost cut off his descendants by kicking Liu Guang. This kind of calmness is not something ordinary people can have.

“Unexpectedly, he is still a big man.”

“Yeah, I can’t tell. No wonder he is not afraid of Liu Guang.”

“Now that’s all right, someone can finally teach Liu Guang, and see him dare not be arrogant in the future.”

When some people were talking in a low voice, George Han returned to the middle-aged woman and said to her: “These are my friends, you can see it. He is more powerful than Liu Guang. This woman slanders you. If you did not do it, or if there is any misunderstanding, you can say it now.”

“Let’s say, with me today, no one dares to embarrass you.” Mo Yang said.

The middle-aged woman glanced at the rich woman with a guilty conscience.

The wealthy woman glared fiercely, and said: “Ming Ren doesn’t do anything wrong, I didn’t wrong her.”

“Let’s talk about it, otherwise you won’t have the chance to clear the charge of the thief, and no one will ask you to do work in the future. Are you going to bear this charge for the rest of your life?” George Han said.

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth, she didn’t want to be unjustly wronged, and she didn’t want to be treated as a thief.

“You brought a young man home and he took it away. When I went to clean in the morning, I saw him leave in a panic.” The middle-aged woman said.

The rich woman’s face changed dramatically when she heard this!

She did take advantage of Liu Guang to take home a young and strong young man at the clubhouse when Liu Guang was not at home, but she paid the money. How could he steal the gold and silver jewelry?

And how would she explain this matter in front of Liu Guang?

“Smelly lady, you steal people behind my back.” Liu Guang said furiously.

“No, no, I didn’t, I didn’t. She slandered me, I didn’t steal anyone.” The rich woman said in a panic.

Liu Guang endured the pain and stood up, grabbed the rich woman’s hair, and slapped her face several times: “I make money to support you. You use Laozi’s money to raise a little white face, a bitch, see if I won’t kill you.”

The wealthy woman was dizzy and her face was swollen by a few slaps. She begged for mercy and said, “My husband, I’m sorry, I know I was wrong, and I won’t dare anymore.”

Liu Guang is a face-loving person, and a woman who is known to be stealing a man from the public can not tolerate it and act mercilessly. After kicking, the rich woman did not forget to kick a few feet after she fell to the ground.

The onlookers did not expect it to be such a situation. They could only endure if they wanted to laugh. Today’s incident is destined to become Liu Guang’s joke.

“I’ve played enough, should I apologize to the parties?” George Han asked.

Liu Guangyi excitedly pulled the rich woman’s hair to the middle-aged woman, and said, “If you don’t kneel down to apologize, I will lose all my face.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have wronged you.” The wealthy woman said in a hurry. She regrets now that she has troubled her very much. If she doesn’t care about the gold and silver jewelry, the stealing will not be exposed.

The middle-aged woman looked at George Han gratefully. Said: “Young man, thank you, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to wash away even if I jumped into the Yellow River.”

George Han knew that she was afraid of revenge, so he didn’t dare to say this. Said: “This incident is not your fault. You don’t need to thank me. And I help you. It’s not without purpose. My family needs a servant who cooks and cooks. If you want, you can go to my house to work. .”

The middle-aged woman was so excited that she didn’t know what to say, she nodded and said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Mo Yang coughed. Said to George Han, “I still have something, Liu Guang, what are you going to do with it?”

Liu Guangyi was frightened and knelt down directly in front of George Han: “Brother, I know I was wrong.”

“Forget it, I don’t bother to care about the person wearing the green hat.” George Han smiled.

After Mo Yang left with someone, the excitement here was over, and Liu Guang also took the wealthy woman away cursingly.

“Auntie, what is your name?” George Han asked the middle-aged woman.

“My name is He Ting.”

“Aunt He. Let me take you to the house first. If you think it’s suitable, I will take you home to pack up your things.” George Han said.

“No, no, no need to read it, you have helped me so much and you are willing to work for me, even if the salary is less, it doesn’t matter.” He Ting said.

George Han smiled. Of course he won’t give He Ting less salary, and said, “What do you think of 6,000 yuan a month?”

“Six thousand!” He Ting looked at George Han in surprise. The maid who cooks, cooks and cleans can get 6,000 yuan, but it’s a lot. She doesn’t think she’s worth the price, so she quickly said, “No, no need for that much.”

“Wait for you to come to my house. You know that six thousand are not much.” George Han smiled, but the whole Villa cleaning work is a lot of work every day. Six thousand yuan can make He Ting work hard. Really Not much.

First, I went to the house outside He Ting to get clothes. On the way, George Han learned that He Ting’s husband died of illness two years ago. She is now raising a daughter who went to college independently. Life is also very difficult, but fortunately, her daughter is obedient and has excellent academic performance, so she is very pleased. Even if you do physical work, even if you are a little wronged, just think about your daughter and you can survive everything.

He Ting belongs to the bottom of society, but she also knows something about the Yundingshan Villa area, knowing that this is a place where the richest people in Basin City can afford to live, so when the car drove to the Villa area, He Ting thought Started to be shocked.

“Boss, do you live here?” He Ting asked in surprise.

Hearing the name of the boss, George Han felt awkward and said, “You should call me George. I am not used to the name of the boss.”

“George? Your surname is Han…you’re George Han!” Compared to the shock that the Villa area brought to He Ting, the name of George Han made her eyes wide open!

George Han smiled bitterly. Does Basin City even He Ting know his name? This is too loud.

He Ting knew that she was a little gaffe, and said quickly: “Sorry boss, I…I…”

“I’m used to it, it’s okay, but if you call me the boss, I won’t hire you.”

Chapter 68

Bringing He Ting home, George Han was planning to tidy up a room for He Ting, Lily Jiang walked downstairs.

“George Han, what are you doing, who is this?” Lily Jiang asked George Han in a questioning tone.

“I invited Aunt He back. I will help the family cook and clean up in the future.” George Han said.

Please help?

Lily Jiang angrily walked to George Han, and said coldly: “You really have hard wings now. You don’t need to apply for me if you ask anyone at home, right? If you don’t want to cook for us, I will cook it myself.”

“Okay.” George Han glanced at Lily Jiang faintly, then turned to He Ting and said, “Aunt He, since someone is cooking, you can just clean it up in the future.”

Lily Jiang gritted her teeth with anger, how could she cook? Ever since George Han arrived at Su’s house, she had stayed away from the kitchen and was accustomed to the life of opening her mouth with food. It’s just that, George Han took it seriously.

“If you want to eat the food I cooked, you are not qualified yet.” Lily Jiang looked at George Han coldly. Continue to say: “How much do you ask her for a month? It has nothing to do with our family.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you pay a penny.” George Han said.

Seeing that George Han wanted He Ting to live in the guest room, Lily Jiang refused to agree, and said, “It’s just a servant, how can I live in the guest room? What if guests come to the house in the future, just go to the utility room to sleep on the floor.”

He Ting knew that she was humble, and in such a high-class Villa, how could she qualify for a guest room. There can be a place to shelter from the wind and rain. He said to George Han, “I still live in the utility room. This is where the guests live. How can I live?”

Lily Jiang looked at He Ting with a cold face, and said with disdain: “You still have a bit of self-knowledge.”

“Aunt He. This is my home. You live wherever I want you to live.” George Han said lightly, and carried He Ting’s luggage into the room. .

Lily Jiang was almost mad. In front of a servant, George Han did not give her face so much. What status would she have in this family in the future.

“George Han, are you sure you want to do this?” Lily Jiang said, looking at George Han with dark eyes.

“Aunt He, in the future, if anyone is embarrassing you in this family, just tell me.” George Han ignored Lily Jiang.

He Ting was a little embarrassed. She knew that George Han was a useless image in the Su family. Although what she saw was a little different from the rumors, she was still too reluctant to cause conflict between the two because of her. She is so much.

“Three thousand, I really don’t need to live here.” He Ting said.

“Okay, don’t talk about this matter, it’s something I decided. No one can change it. If you familiarize yourself with the home, I will have a visit.” George Han said.

He Ting nodded and could only respond.

Lily Jiang went back to the living room to watch TV, knocking on Erlang’s legs, and many evil thoughts were born in his mind.

After George Han left, Lily Jiang ate the seeds, turned a blind eye to the trash can, and threw the shell on the ground.

“He Ting, what are you doing, haven’t you seen that the house is dirty? Don’t come to clean it yet.” Lily Jiang roared.

Hearing Lily Jiang’s words, He Ting hurriedly found a broom to clean up the mess that Lily Jiang had caused.

Lily Jiang got up to get some water to drink, and he spilled it again.

“There is water on the ground, quickly get a mop.” Lily Jiang ordered.

He Ting, who had not put down the broom, picked up the mop again.

“The TV cabinet is all dust, can’t you see it?”

“The floor in the living room is so dirty, you can clean it up quickly.”

“And the handrails of the stairs, wipe them all for me.”

He Ting worked hard and didn’t complain, Lily Jiang said what she did.

“Be careful, if you break something, you can’t afford it.”

“People like you don’t know what kind of shit luck you had in your last life, and you can live in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain. I warn you. If you do something bad, I will let my daughter fire you. George Han Talking at home is not useful.”

“Sister Jiang, don’t worry, I will definitely do it well. If you think something is dirty, you can call me anytime.” He Ting said.

“Don’t you have eyes? You still need me to call you, please come back, do you want me to help you check where it is not clean, do you want to divide my monthly salary in half.” Lily Jiang looked bitter and mean. Extremely ugly.

“I’m out, and when I come back, if you see something unclean, just roll your own bed and get off.” Lily Jiang said coldly.

Today I made an appointment with a few friends to go shopping. Lily Jiang went out after taking the bag.

Meet at the agreed place. Those friends knew that Lily Jiang had lived in the mountainside Villa, and they were all too envious, making Lily Jiang very proud.

“In fact, it’s just that. It’s just that the place is a bit more spacious. To be honest, it’s too big. I’m still a little uncomfortable. The hygiene at home is not easy to do. By the way, I hired a servant today, and it’s good for a month. A few thousand yuan.” Lily Jiang said.

Friends around her. None of them are too rich. After all, Lily Jiang’s previous status could not be squeezed into the circle of rich people.

At this time, a graceful middle-aged woman walked towards Lily Jiang, followed by more than a dozen bodyguards in black suits. At first glance, this pomp is a big shot.

Moreover, her temperament and appearance made Lily Jiang and others only shameful.

“Which Kuo wife is this, who travels with so many bodyguards.”

“It’s great to have money. If I have money, I can maintain it like her.”

“Why did she come to us? Lily Jiang, you don’t know her.”

She walked to Lily Jiang and stopped.

Lily Jiang looked at her suspiciously.

“Are you Lily Jiang?”

“Yes… it’s me, may I ask if you are.”


The woman slapped Lily Jiang coldly on the face and slapped Lily Jiang directly.

When Lily Jiang’s friend saw this situation, although he felt a little bit injustice for her, but watching the other party’s more than a dozen bodyguards following, how dare to say anything.

“You… why did you hit me, do I know you?” Lily Jiang said bitterly, covering his face.

“Remember my name. Mary.” Mary, George Han’s mother, Han Family’s daughter-in-law, a woman above Basin City, is like an ant in her eyes.

“Starting from today, be a low-key person, you will have a hard time, I want you to regret being a person.” Mary said coldly.

Although George Han is not valued by the Han family, he is Mary’s biological son after all. Knowing that George Han was riding on the head by this woman at Su’s house, she even robbed her of the credit for buying the Villa. George Han could bear it, but Mary, who was a mother, could not bear it, so she had to give it to Lily Jiang A lesson.


As soon as I came out, Mary slapped Lily Jiang on the face again, and then walked away.

Lily Jiang was stunned in place, so shocked by Mary’s aura that she couldn’t say a word.

The wicked have their own grievances, and this sentence really makes sense.

Lily Jiang’s bitch was in front of Mary’s strength, and couldn’t even lift her head.

After Mary walked away. Lily Jiang’s friend said, “Lily Jiang, who is this woman, and what are you doing?”

“Your family, isn’t it a big deal?”

“I don’t think she looks like an ordinary person.”

Hearing these words, Lily Jiang’s face was as sinking as water. She had never seen Mary at all, so how could she offend?

And Lily Jiang didn’t know who he was in her mouth.

“Is it great to have money? Don’t let me catch the opportunity, or I will double the two slaps.” Mary has gone out of sight, and Lily Jiang dared to say this cruel thing.

just now. She was frightened, but now she looked like a shrew again.

Lily Jiang’s friends didn’t dare to talk too much. Mary had a distinguished status and brought more than a dozen bodyguards on the trip. That’s a status they never thought of. Although Lily Jiang is now living in a mountainside Villa, he wants to avenge this woman. Unlikely.

“Let’s go, go shopping, today there are many new products on the counter.”

“Yes, I have to take care of my face too.”

“If we don’t care, we can’t keep the man in the family tied up.”

Lily Jiang touched her swollen cheek, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to continue shopping in this state? Said: “You go shopping, I will go home first, and I will make an appointment next time.”

Chapter 69

Lily Jiang, who returned home, wanted to get more angry, so she could only use He Ting as an inflator and cursed wildly.

He Ting knows that she is humble, and seeing the fingerprints on Lily Jiang’s face, she must be depressed after being beaten. If she scolds her to calm her down, He Ting is willing to accept it.

After Wilson Su returned home after playing cards, Lily Jiang was in a frenzy. It was strange that there was a stranger in the family.

When he saw the redness and swelling on Lily Jiang’s face. He mistakenly thought it was He Ting, and said angrily: “Who are you and why are you in my house.”

“I am the servant of Three Thousand please come back.” He Ting said.


There is nothing wrong with asking a servant for such a big home, but she dared to beat the master, which is too deceptive.

“Lily Jiang, how are you, did she beat you?” Wilson Su asked with concern.

“How about she’s fighting? Are you silly dare to help me take revenge?” Lily Jiang was still angry, and his mind was full of Mary’s superior appearance. Speaking does not go through the mind.

When Wilson Su heard this, the facts were undisputed, and he walked to He Ting and slapped it out.

“You are just a servant, so even the master dare to beat him, so get out of me immediately.” Wilson Su scolded.

He Ting, who suffered from the unreasonable disaster, clutched her fiery cheeks and said: “I didn’t beat me, Sister Jiang, why did you wrong me.”

Lily Jiang didn’t expect that Wilson Su would hit others, but he hit them all. And it’s just a servant, what can we do?

“If you can’t stand it, you can get out now, our family doesn’t need you.” Lily Jiang said.

This job opportunity was given by George Han, and He Ting cherished it very much. Moreover, she now has no time and opportunity to find a second job, and it will soon be time to pay her daughter’s living expenses. For her daughter, He Ting can only swallow her anger.

“I’m going to cook.” He Ting said.

“Bone.” Lily Jiang cursed disdainfully.

Seeing He Ting walking towards the kitchen, Wilson Su stepped forward, grabbed He Ting’s shoulder, and said, “I want you to get out of my house now, don’t you understand?”

With tears in her aggrieved eyes, He Ting said, “I didn’t hit her, I just want a job to make a living.”

“No fight, did the wound on her face fall from the sky?” Wilson Su said coldly.

Lily Jiang sat on the sofa, leaning her legs up as if it had nothing to do with her.

Wilson Su is rare to be like a man, and she doesn’t want to explain so much, and He Ting was brought back by George Han. She would not accept this at first. If Wilson Su drove her away, it would be a good thing.

He Ting shook her head, not knowing how to explain.

Wilson Su pushed He Ting and said impatiently, “Get out of here, don’t let me see you.”

He Ting fell to the ground. She silently wiped a tear. She knew that when George Han came back, she would definitely stay, but this would make it very difficult for George Han to do. Although work was important, George Han saved her and she too Don’t want to embarrass George Han.

“I’m sorry.” He Ting said, stood up and went back to the room to pack her things.

At this time, George Han, who took Amelia Su off work, returned home.

On the way home, George Han told Amelia Su about He Ting’s affairs. Amelia Su had no opinion on this. George Han had cooked food for their family for three years, which was enough. It was also enough to ask a servant to share this matter. It should be.

“Where is Aunt He?” Amelia Su walked to the living room and only saw Lily Jiang and Wilson Su, asking suspiciously.

Wilson Su looked at George Han with a cold expression: “George Han, the person you invited back is really amazing, even your mother dares to fight.”

Hearing this, George Han frowned. What kind of person He Ting was? He knew very well how could he beat Lily Jiang? Even if Lily Jiang maliciously targeted her, with He Ting’s temper, she would definitely choose to swallow her anger.

“No. Aunt He can’t beat people.” George Han said decisively.

“Look at the wound on your mother’s face. She didn’t hit it, so who else could it be.” Wilson Su said.

Amelia Su clearly saw the wound on Lily Jiang’s face. It was indeed swollen with fingerprints, but on the way back, He Ting, who George Han described to her, shouldn’t have done this kind of thing.

“Mom, what’s the matter? Why did she beat you?” Amelia Su said.

This matter has reached this point, Lily Jiang can only wrong He Ting, and said: “I am the one who was beaten. Instead of asking her, come and ask me how do I know.”

George Han walked towards the room where He Ting lived.

He Ting was packing things in the room and saw George Han coming back and said, “George. I don’t want to make you embarrassed, thank you for helping me so much.”

“Aunt He, have you forgotten what you did in the labor market today, what you did not do, if you do not refute yourself, who can help you? And where can you go, where can you find the living expenses of your daughter? Will anyone still invite you?” George Han said. She also had injuries on her face, and the redness and swelling were even worse. She would definitely not be able to do it with a woman’s strength. It should be Wilson Su.

He Ting’s daughter’s living expenses matter. What she fears most is that when her daughter calls, she can’t get a penny.

“I don’t know what’s going on. She had injuries on her face when she returned home.” He Ting said.

“Come out with me.” George Han said.

He Ting followed George Han and came to the living room.

“Aunt He said, when you came back, there was a wound on your face. You were beaten outside and came home to wrong people, Lily Jiang, don’t challenge my tolerance limit.” George Han’s expression was extremely gloomy, He He brought Ting back. As an employer, he also has the responsibility and obligation to ensure He Ting’s personal safety and innocence.

“George Han, you dare to call my name.” Lily Jiang stood up suddenly and pointed at George Han angrily.

Looking at George Han’s gloomy face, Amelia Su felt the fear of George Han for the first time in her heart. She knew that George Han was really angry.

“Mom, who beat you, who did you seek revenge, why you wronged Aunt He. Have you become so unreasonable now?” Amelia Su said.

Wilson Su was controlled by her anger just now, so she didn’t doubt Lily Jiang’s words, and now she feels that something is wrong. No matter how courage He Ting is, she cannot beat Lily Jiang. Moreover, with Lily Jiang’s temper, if she is true After being beaten by He Ting, he had already fought against He Ting a long time ago. How could he wait until he comes back?

“Lily Jiang, speak quickly. Who on earth beat you.” Wilson Su asked.

“Why, do you now start to doubt me, do you believe in an outsider?” Lily Jiang questioned the three with a straightforward expression.

“You refuse to say that it doesn’t matter. I asked the property management department to adjust the monitoring to see if your injury was at home or brought back from outside.” George Han spoke and took out the phone.

It depends on the monitoring, this will definitely show up, Lily Jiang began to panic.

Sit on the ground. Lily Jiang resorted to crying and hanging himself.

“I don’t live anymore, you actually believe in outsiders and don’t believe in me. I am a member of this family. She is just a servant. Do you still have a conscience?” Lily Jiang cried.

George Han stared at each other coldly, unmoved.

“You still have a chance to tell the truth. If you have to go to the property department, you will only be even more embarrassed.” George Han said coldly.

“Yes, I was beaten outside. It wasn’t her, so what? Are you going to beat me? Just kill me, I will help you get the knife.” Lily Jiang looked like a rascal. Just rolled on the ground.

“You…” Wilson Su was so angry that his scalp was numb, and it didn’t matter if He Ting was wronged, but he still slapped He Ting unreasonably. What should he do?

And Lily Jiang watched this incident happen, but didn’t stop him. Isn’t this injustice to him?

“How about me, how about me, you are still not my man, you have the ability, you go and help me get revenge.” Lily Jiang roared.

George Han said, “You two, apologize to Aunt He.”

“You fart, why should I apologize to a servant, George Han, do you know what is wrong, I am your mother.” Lily Jiang said.

George Han glanced at Amelia Su. In the past, in order to take care of Amelia Su’s feelings, he could ignore it, but if Lily Jiang’s arrogance continued, George Han couldn’t do it.

“You don’t have to apologize, get out immediately and leave this home, my George Han’s home!”

Chapter 70

George Han’s words made Lily Jiang’s cry cease instantly. Wilson Su looked at George Han with a look of fear. At this time, George Han felt that he was not only a useless image, but also a strong one. Kind of suffocation.

“Amelia, you still don’t help me say something, it’s hard for you to watch me get kicked out by him?” Lily Jiang didn’t dare to play against George Han, so she could only put pressure on Amelia Su.

Amelia Su shook her head. Lily Jiang did too much this time, even her biological mother couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Mom, since you are wrong, you should apologize.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang’s move into the mountainside Villa was notified to all her friends, and she also said that she had the opportunity to take them to the house to see her. If she was driven away by George Han, her face would not be lost. For Lily Jiang, who wants face, she never wants to see things develop to this point.

“George Han, I’m also your mother, how can you let me apologize to a servant?” Lily Jiang said, with some plea in her words.

“You apologize to her, I will find the person who beat you, and let her apologize to you, how about it?” George Han said.

This is a step. Lily Jiang knew that if she was still stubborn, she would be ashamed, but she had to count on George Han to avenge her, Lily Jiang didn’t believe it either. That woman is carrying more than a dozen bodyguards, how could George Han’s uselessness have such an ability.

“I’m sorry.” Lily Jiang said to He Ting without sincerity.

Wilson Su slapped He Ting. Although Lily Jiang was misled in this matter, he was also wrong and said, “Sorry, I was too impulsive.”

“Now you can tell me who hit you.” George Han asked.

“I’ve never seen her before, but she said her name is Mary.” Lily Jiang said, she was even more depressed when she mentioned this incident. People who had never met at all came up to her with two slaps in the face. Yu Wuwang disaster.


These two words made George Han stand on the spot in a daze.

How could it be her?

Why did she come forward to teach Lily Jiang!

This is… Are you proud of being a daughter of the Han family?

I was looked down upon in the Han family and swallowed my anger in the Su family, so you still think I am useless, want to help me out?

The sneer on George Han’s face grew thicker.

“Do you know this woman? If you can avenge me, I will definitely treat you differently in the future.” Lily Jiang said. If she could have such a bad breath, she wouldn’t mind her attitude towards George Han.

“No.” George Han said, changing to someone else, even Basin City Tianjia, George Han could do it, but Mary couldn’t do it.

Lily Jiang smiled contemptuously, and said: “I thought you were so capable, you couldn’t do this little thing, and you are still boasting in front of me.”

“Three thousand, do you know this person?” Amelia Su asked suspiciously.

George Han nodded and said, “She will carry twelve bodyguards with her when she travels, and these bodyguards are all special retired masters, and they are not something ordinary people can provoke.”

Amelia Su was shocked, and she brought twelve bodyguards on the trip. What kind of person was this?

“And… even the Basin City Heavenly Family didn’t dare to provoke her.” George Han continued.

This sentence made Amelia Su’s family of three complexions pale and unbearable, Lily Jiang felt his legs feel weak.

Basin City Tianjia!

That was the supreme first-line family in Basin City, a person that the heavenly family couldn’t afford, Lily Jiang couldn’t imagine what kind of status that woman had.

“Lily Jiang, what’s the matter with you, how can you provoke such a powerful person?” Wilson Su asked sharply.

Lily Jiang didn’t care about Wilson Su’s tone of voice at this time. Panicked and said: “I…I don’t know, I haven’t seen her at all.”

Fear and horrified emotions swept through Lily Jiang’s body for a moment, making her at a loss and panic.

“Don’t worry, since she hit you, it means that the matter has been understood, otherwise with her ability, the entire Su family can be overturned overnight.” George Han said.

“But… but she said, let me be a low-key person and don’t embarrass him anymore. But I don’t understand what this sentence means.” Lily Jiang’s fear was not reduced by half because of George Han’s comfort. He must have offended someone, Lily Jiang was afraid that he would accidentally make such a mistake in the future.

George Han glanced at Amelia Su and said, “I’ll go out.”

Amelia Su didn’t know what to say, so she could only say: “Be careful.”

Driving to the Peninsula Hotel, George Han went straight to the presidential suite where he met last time.

The entire floor was wrapped up by Mary, and there were two bodyguards at the elevator entrance. There is a post every three meters, and the defense is tight. This is the pomp of Mary’s trip, comparable to the politicians.

Get out of the elevator. George Han was stopped by two bodyguards.

“I want to see her.” George Han said lightly.

“Young Master, the boss didn’t notify you to come, so we can’t let it go.” One of the bodyguards said to George Han.

George Han’s eyes narrowed and said, “I’m going. Do you dare to stop it?”

“Little master, please don’t make us embarrassed.” The two bodyguards said with their heads down.

George Han stepped forward, and the two immediately stood in front of him.

“Little master, you go one step further, don’t blame us for being rude.”

“Then show me your kindness.” George Han said coldly.

The two looked at each other, regardless of whether George Han was the young master of the Han family, they shot at the same time and attacked together.

George Han snorted coldly. Throw out two punches with the momentum of thunder.

The two bodyguards looked horrified, they were forced back with a punch, and looked at George Han incredibly.

Everyone in the Han family thought that George Han was inferior to his brother, and had never seen him even have such a powerful method.

The two of them clutched their chests, panting quickly, and could only watch George Han pass by.

Next, George Han’s momentum was like breaking a bamboo, as if entering the land of no one. A three-meter post, all fell under his fist!


“How can the young master be so powerful!”

The two bodyguards at the entrance of the elevator looked dumbfounded. They are special retired masters, but none of the twelve people can stop him, or even stop him from moving forward.

At the door of the room, George Han tidied his clothes and rang the doorbell.

Soon Mary opened the door. But when she saw George Han, she didn’t look surprised at all.

“Lao Yan once told me that you are outstandingly talented, and it seems to be true.” Mary sat on the sofa. Said with a smile on his face.

Mary’s noble temperament is as natural as she was born. Just sitting on one side makes people feel that she is aloof, without heavy makeup on her face, but she is still overwhelmed.

Old Yan is named Yanjun. The old lady of the Han family’s bodyguard, now staying in the Han family as an enshrinement, has amazing strength, and it was he who cultivated George Han to become the skill he is today.

“Why are you looking for Lily Jiang?” George Han asked.

“She looks down on my son, and I let her remember more, of course.” Mary’s smile gave people a feeling of spring breeze, extremely gentle, but George Han knew that her smile was very aggressive Sexual.

“I don’t need your intervention in my affairs. I hope you won’t trouble me again in the future.” George Han said coldly.

Mary took out a piece of candy from the bag and said, “This is your favorite when you were a kid. Mom brought it to you specially. Try it.”

“Every time I buy candy, I will pick out what I like and bury it in the backyard. Even if you see it, you won’t stop it. Why do you pretend to be in front of me now?” George Han said with disdain.

“The world is unfair, even if you are my son, you should know how much ability you need to inherit the Han family. You are dormant in your own right, but in the eyes of the old lady, it is useless. If you are strong, you must show it and let others know. It will be recognized. You think that gold always shines, but you don’t know that the pearl will not be able to see its brilliance for a hundred years. What’s the use?” Mary said.

“I’m not here to explain these great principles to you. I advise you to go back to Hillwood City as soon as possible. The small place in Basin City cannot accommodate your big Buddha.” George Han said.

“After you come to see me today, I will leave. Basin City can play whatever you want, but you have to remember that no one will hide their strength behind them.” Mary said.

George Han stood up, with a calm expression: “The gentleman hides his weapon and moves when he waits.”

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