His True Colors Novel Chapter 627 – 630

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Chapter 627

Ma Yu angrily kicked Ma Feihao’s ass.

Ma Feihao fell a shit and still looked ignorant.

Looking at Ma Yu suspiciously, “Uncle, why are you kicking me?”

Ma Yu gritted his teeth and looked at Ma Feihao, and said, “Go away, go find someone to protect George Han.”

Ma Feihao was very inexplicable about Ma Yu’s sudden anger, but he could clearly feel that Ma Yu was very angry.

When I got up, I didn’t even have time to dust off my body, and ran away in a hurry.

“What a f*cking idiot.” Ma Yu said angrily. For such a simple matter, Ma Feihao even came to ask him, does this guy have no brains at all?

Han Tiansheng went to Basin City to find Han Tianyang curve to save the country, and hope that Han Tianyang will prevent George Han from dealing with the Korean family in the United States? Ma Feihao couldn’t even think of such an obvious problem.

“Sister, if your son wants to have a great future, it depends on how he pleases George Han, and hope that this guy’s own ability will be destroyed by the Ma family sooner or later.” Ma Yu sighed and said to himself .

When Han Tiansheng and Han Xiao appeared in the VIP lounge at the airport, Han Tiansheng’s expression became more ugly.

According to Han Tiansheng’s original intention. He was absolutely unwilling to take the initiative to go to Basin City to see Han Tianyang, even if Han Tianyang personally went to the U.S., he wouldn’t necessarily help Han Tianyang.

But good luck makes people, things are impermanent. Now he needs him to see Han Tianyang in person, something that Han Tiansheng never dreamed of.

“I, Han Tiansheng, will fall to this point, and I want to beg for that waste.” Han Tiansheng said with his fist unwillingly.

Han Xiao knew how unwilling he was in his heart, but there was no alternative. There is simply no choice left to them.

“I think that waste did not agree with me, and I was kicked out of the Han family. Now the Han family has become a first-line family in the Chinese area. This is enough to prove that my original decision was correct. But because of George Han, I have to be right. He murmured, the dog was really blind.”

Han Xiao didn’t dare to talk, and let Han Tiansheng vent his dissatisfaction. He only hoped that after Han Tiansheng vented enough, he would no longer have this attitude when seeing Han Tianyang, otherwise. It became a joke to count on Han Tianyang for help.

When it was finally time to board the plane, no matter how much dissatisfaction Han Tiansheng had, he could only hide it in the bottom of his heart. The most important thing was to help the American Han family survive this disaster.

Cloud City.

Yundingshan Villa area.

Han Tianyang has been free recently, tidying the garden of the Villa, and hoeing the ground personally, which can be regarded as a way to pass the time.

Having been locked in the center of the earth for more than ten years, Han Tianyang has long felt disconnected from society. Although his adaptability is strong enough, for Han Tianyang, who is not yearning for the outside world, he would rather stay in a Villa. Find something to do in the district.

At this time, Jun Yan walked to Han Tianyang and said solemnly: “Han Tiansheng has boarded the plane. The destination should be Basin City.”

Yan Jun has an eyeliner closely following the development of events in the American Chinese area, so after Han Tiansheng boarded the plane, he received the news as soon as possible. Yan Jun felt a little unbelievable about Han Tiansheng’s trip to Basin City.

“Come, help me pour some water on the soil.” Han Tianyang said.

Yan Jun started to work without saying a word. As for how Han Tianyang would think about this matter, he could not intervene.

It took them a whole afternoon of events to tidy up the garden. Renovate the soil, fertilize and water.

“Go to the flower and bird market tomorrow and buy some peony and Pingyan bamboo.” Han Tianyang said, beating his waist, obviously very tired.

Peony symbolizes wealth and peace. As for Ping An bamboo, it goes without saying. Yan Jun naturally understood what Han Tianyang meant by doing this.

“Don’t worry, the brat will not be in danger. He is protected by a big man now.” Yan Jun said with a smile. Although he doesn’t know how people at that level view George Han, he is currently from Ma Yu. Judging from the appearance of this situation, George Han must be covered by a big man.

“In the world we understand. He is indeed safe, but when he really enters that level, what kind of situation will be like, we don’t know. But one thing is certain, fights are everywhere, he The more brilliant you are, the more troublesome you are.” Han Tianyang said.

Jun Yan nodded. This is indeed the case. If George Han behaves too brightly and enters that level, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among some people. For him, this is a dangerous path.

“We won’t be able to help with anything in the future.” Yan Jun sighed. He was able to protect George Han before, but now, the level that George Han touches is already beyond his ability to control, even he has no control over it. They are not qualified to enter that level, so the future things. Only rely on George Han’s own ability.

“Yes.” Han Tianyang nodded his head with a sigh, and said, “Everyone hopes that their children and grandchildren will be promising, but I never thought that it turned out to be too good. It’s also a trouble.”

When Yan Jun heard this, he couldn’t help but laughed, and said, “Can I understand what you meant by showing off?”

Han Tianyang couldn’t help but raise his mouth, and said with restraint, “Is it so obvious?”

“You can’t wait to write three thousand outstanding on your forehead.” Yan Jun said helplessly.

“Hahahahaha.” Han Tianyang laughed loudly, full of laughter.

Who doesn’t want his descendants to be successful, George Han is now excellent, and Han Tianyang naturally has the proud capital.

“If it was not three thousand, how could Han Tiansheng come to Basin City himself.” Han Tianyang continued.

“Han Tiansheng probably never dreamed that he would have today. For him. Everything here is worthless. I remember you said that he vowed not to step into China.” Yan Jun said with a smile.

“Do you know what is most unreliable in this world?” Han Tianyang asked Yan Jun.

“Oath.” Yan Jun said.

Han Tianyang nodded and said, “The oath is the biggest lie in the world. If God has eyes, there will be no sunny days in this world. Every day is thunder and lightning.”

Although Han Tianyang’s remarks are a bit exaggerated, they are absolutely reasonable. In this world, I don’t know how many people swear curses every day, but how many people can really fulfill their promises?

Someone swears to work hard tomorrow at night, but when they wake up early, tomorrow will be tomorrow.

Some people say that they love their whole life. Turning around, he turned to Yingying Yanyan.

“Do you want to see Han Tiansheng?” Jun Yan asked, this was his purpose of coming to Han Tianyang.

“Yes, of course I want to see. He forced me to kneel back then, completely disregarding my brotherhood. Now, should I repay my grievances with virtue? Han Tianyang doesn’t have this generous mind.” Han Tianyang said with a frosty face.

Jun Yan nodded. The humiliation that Han Tianyang suffered back then was simply not felt by others. No one is qualified to ask him to forgive Han Tiansheng. In Yan Jun’s view, no matter what Han Tianyang does, it cannot be considered excessive.

“Dad, it’s dinner.” At this time, Mary shouted to the two of them at the door.

“Here.” Han Tianyang replied.

When the family was eating, Wilson Su, who was in bed sick in the master bedroom on the second floor, was covered with bruises. This was all secretly beaten by Lily Jiang. This woman vented all her grievances on Wilson Su. In her opinion, Wilson Su is no different from a vegetable. There will be no feeling of hitting him.

But whenever Lily Jiang was not in the room, Wilson Su would open his eyes.

In the entire Villa, no one knew that Wilson Su had already sobered up a long time ago. He had been pretending to be in a coma because Wilson Su did not dare to let Lily Jiang know this.

At the beginning, Lily Jiang put Han Nian on the balcony and let the cold wind hit him, causing Han Nian to become ill. This was how a series of things happened.

Wilson Su personally witnessed this incident. He had to find an opportunity to tell Amelia Su about this incident, so that Lily Jiang could not destroy the entire Su family.

It’s a pity that Amelia Su has been in a trance recently, and has not come to see Wilson Su at all, so Wilson Su can only endure the torture caused by Lily Jiang.

Wilson Su has no feelings for the husband and wife of Lily Jiang, and he can’t wait to let Lily Jiang die!

At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Wilson Su hurriedly closed his eyes. He must not let Lily Jiang discover what he was sober.

But at this time, the voice coming from my ear was not Lily Jiang’s!

Chapter 628


Amelia Su walked to the bed with a self-blaming look on her face.

She knew that she had neglected Wilson Su because of Han Nian’s affairs during this period. This is a very unfilial thing. If it weren’t for Mary’s reminder, she might not have gone upstairs to see Wilson Su. As a daughter, she was serious. Responsibility, unexpectedly in the father’s serious illness. Forgetting him completely, this made Amelia Su feel very guilty.

After Wilson Su heard Amelia Su’s voice, his eyes suddenly widened. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he was so excited that he shed tears.

“Dad.” When Amelia Su saw Wilson Su open his eyes, she was extremely surprised.

Wilson Su is not a coma, why did he wake up suddenly!

“Dad, are you awake? How are you. If there is any discomfort, I will call a doctor for you immediately.” Amelia Su said excitedly.

Wilson Su shook his head and took Amelia Su’s hand, as if afraid that she would leave.

“Dad. What’s wrong with you, don’t cry.” Amelia Su looked at Wilson Su, who was full of tears, and blamed herself even more.

“Welcoming summer, Dad finally waited for you.” Wilson Su said with excitement.

“Wait for me?” Amelia Su looked at Wilson Su suspiciously, not quite sure what this sentence meant.

At this time, Amelia Su suddenly saw a lot of bruises in Wilson Su’s raised hand. When she couldn’t help raising her long sleeves, Amelia Su was stunned.

The whole arm, almost densely bruised, obviously has new and old injuries.

How is this going!

Wilson Su has always been at home, how could he be injured for no reason!

“Dad, what’s going on, who hit you.” Amelia Su said with a distressed look.

“It’s all your mother, all the injuries to my whole body were caused by your mother.” Wilson Su said, holding back his anger.

Lily Jiang!

Amelia Su’s eyes widened, she couldn’t believe it.

These injuries were actually caused by Lily Jiang.

how could be!

She has been taking care of Wilson Su all this time, how could she beat people for no reason?

But apart from her, it seems that no one would approach Wilson Su, not her. Who can it be!

“What is going on?” Amelia Su asked in a deep voice.

Wilson Su shook her head and said: “Every time your mother gets angry, she will vent on me. I will be beaten every day. If I hadn’t pretended to be unconscious, she would have beaten me a long time ago.”

Pretend to be unconscious?

During this period of time, did Wilson Su pretend to be in a coma?

Amelia Su didn’t understand even more, why did he pretend to be in a coma, and why did Lily Jiang beat him cruelly?

Could it be said that Lily Jiang would be driven out of the Villa again after she was afraid of Wilson Su’s situation?

Amelia Su never thought of driving Lily Jiang away, even if Wilson Su woke up, she would never do it.

No matter what happened between Lily Jiang and Wilson Su, but Lily Jiang is her mother after all, how could Amelia Su do such cruel things.

“By the way, where is Han Nian? Where is Han Nian.” Wilson Su has been forbearing, because of this incident, he is very worried about Han Nian’s current situation. If he can get out of bed, he will crawl to Amelia Su even if he can crawl.

Said Han Nian. Amelia Su’s expression became very ugly. Since Han Nian was kidnapped, there has been no news. Even though Mo Yang has sent all of his men to conduct close investigations in Basin City every day, there is still no news.

“Dad, Han Nian has been kidnapped.” Amelia Su said with her head down ashen.

“This damn woman.” Wilson Su gritted his teeth in resentment.

“Dad, this matter has nothing to do with He Ting. She should have been arrested along with Han Nian. I believe she would not do this kind of thing.” Amelia Su misunderstood who the woman in Wilson Su’s mouth represented, thinking Wilson Su was blaming He Ting, and from Amelia Su’s point of view, it is absolutely impossible for He Ting to do something that is sorry for the Han family. After all, George Han’s great kindness to her would not make her do such a thing.

“I don’t mean He Ting, I mean your mother.” Wilson Su’s eyes were throbbing with anger, only he knew how Lily Jiang made Han Nian sick. Only he knew that the kidnapping of Han Nian was simply planned by Lily Jiang!

“Mom? What’s wrong with mom?” Amelia Su looked at Wilson Su in confusion, his current anger. It seems not simply because of being tortured by Lily Jiang.

“Amelia, I actually regained consciousness a long time ago. Do you know why Han Nian got sick somehow?” Wilson Su said.

Regarding this incident, Amelia Su has recalled at least hundreds of times, but she still hasn’t figured out why Han Nian suddenly fell ill, but she didn’t think this incident was a flaw, because she couldn’t think of Han Nian being kidnapped. , Lily Jiang is also one of the masterminds.

“Why?” Amelia Su asked.

Wilson Su’s expression almost showed a hideous state. As soon as he thought that Lily Jiang cruelly threw Han Nian on the balcony and was hit by the cold wind, his anger became unstoppable, and he wanted to kill Lily Jiang, a cruel woman.

That’s just a baby, a newborn baby.

“It’s your mother. She threw Han Nian on the balcony and was frozen by the cold wind. She deliberately asked Han Nian to get sick and Han Nian was kidnapped. She is the mastermind.” Wilson Su said.

These words, like a thunderbolt in the sky, blew in Amelia Su’s ears, causing Amelia Su to take two steps back and sit on the ground.

Amelia Su thought about many possibilities. Among them, the most determined idea was that George Han’s enemy did this. It was because George Han had offended someone before, so he spread the anger of revenge on Han Nian. .

But Amelia Su never expected that the person who did this would be the closest person around him, her mother, the child’s grandmother!

“She is no longer my wife. If I hadn’t just been lying in bed, I would have killed her myself!” Wilson Su trembled all over, for a man who had been a waste of many years, he was able to rise to murder. His thoughts are enough to show his anger on this matter!

Amelia Su’s shocked expression. It gradually became gloomy.

Although Lily Jiang is her biological mother, at this moment, the love of relatives has disappeared for her, and she can be so cruel to her own granddaughter. Lily Jiang has lost his qualifications as a grandmother and mother.

“Dad, are you always pretending to be unconscious because you want to tell me this?” Amelia Su asked.

Wilson Su nodded and said: “I dare not wake up. Because this woman Lily Jiang has been stunned. If I die in her hands, this matter will become an eternal secret, so I can only bear it. She beats me up every day.”

Amelia Su stood up, walked to the bed, and said guiltily: “Dad, I’m sorry, I’m late, don’t worry, from now on, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Wilson Su nodded, not knowing what to say.

“You take a good rest, and I will ask the doctor to see it for you.” After saying this, Amelia Su left the room.

In the restaurant on the first floor, everyone is still eating.

Lily Jiang disliked Jiang Yingying’s craftsmanship while eating very fragrantly, which made the aggrieved Jiang Yingying dare not even breathe.

“Amelia, what are you doing without eating? It’s not too late to see your father.” Lily Jiang said to Amelia Su with an indifferent expression.

Amelia Su walked to Lily Jiang with a gloomy expression.

Lily Jiang hadn’t eaten the chicken legs heartlessly, and didn’t notice the change in Amelia Su.

“What’s wrong, eat quickly, the food will be cold later, Jiang Yingying is really not good at cooking, the family should hire a chef again.” Lily Jiang said.

At this time, Amelia Su suddenly waved her right hand and slapped Lily Jiang on the face.

Loud slaps rang throughout the restaurant.

Jiang Yingying’s eyes widened when she saw this scene. How could sister Amelia beat someone for no reason?

Mary also found it inexplicable. Amelia Su’s attitude towards Lily Jiang seemed to have suddenly changed, and her expression was particularly gloomy, with a strong killing intent.

“What are you doing, I’m your mother, you dare to hit me.” Lily Jiang roared at Amelia Su.

At this time, even Han Tianyang couldn’t help but frown. Although he didn’t know what happened, Lily Jiang was Amelia Su’s mother after all. How could she do such a rebellious thing?

“Amelia, what are you doing?” Han Tianyang asked in a deep voice, with a hint of blame in his tone.

Chapter 629

Facing Han Tianyang’s questioning, Amelia Su remained indifferent and raised her right hand again.

This time Lily Jiang didn’t give Amelia Su another chance to start, but moved swiftly to hide behind Mary.

“Are you crazy, you even dare to beat your own mother.” Lily Jiang said angrily.

Mary understands what kind of person Amelia Su is. She will never beat Lily Jiang without a reason, but she will not be able to understand if she doesn’t make things clear.

“Amelia. What is going on.” Mary asked.

Amelia Su thought of Han Nian being thrown on the balcony to get cold, tears flowed from her distress, and she even felt unable to breathe. She couldn’t imagine what kind of torture Han Nian suffered in the cold wind.

“Han Nian’s disappearance is related to her. The reason why Han Nian became ill was also the reason why she threw Han Nian on the balcony and got cold.” Amelia Su said through gritted teeth.

These words exploded in the restaurant, even an outsider Jiang Yingying. Also instantly angry.

Jiang Yingying only met Han Nian through photos. To her, it was a very cute baby. How could someone be willing to cruel her? And the person who hit her. It turned out to be her grandmother.


The porcelain bowl in Yan Jun’s hand was forcibly crushed.

Han Tian raised his anger and got up, murderous!

Mary’s forehead was instantly exposed, and she was obviously angry.

Lily Jiang looked at Amelia Su in horror. She did indeed do this thing, but how could Amelia Su know? In the room that day, there was absolutely no other person besides Wilson Su who was damned and could not die.

Lily Jiang can be sure that this matter will never be leaked to a third person.

“You are talking nonsense, Amelia, I am your mother, why are you slandering me.” Lily Jiang said in a panic, she absolutely can’t admit it at this time, otherwise even if Amelia Su is willing to let her go, Lily Jiang and Han Tianyang will not .

“I slandered you? You put Han Nian on the balcony that day. In fact, Dad’s consciousness has recovered. He saw you do this with his own eyes. The reason why Dad pretended to be in a coma was because he was afraid that you would kill him. It will become an eternal secret, so he will endure being beaten up by you every day. I blame me, I am late, otherwise, he will not be tortured so much.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang squatted on the ground with weak legs, Wilson Su had already regained consciousness!

If this matter was seen by his own eyes, Lily Jiang would never escape responsibility even if he tried his best.

“Your dad must be confused. He is talking nonsense. Han Nian is my granddaughter. How could I do this to her, not me, not me.” Lily Jiang explained in a flustered manner.

Amelia Su smiled miserably. She was even qualified to say that Han Nian was her granddaughter. If she could really read this blood relationship, how could she do this to Han Nian?

“From now on, our mother-daughter relationship will be severed.” Amelia Su said categorically. Such a person has any qualifications to be a mother. Amelia Su doesn’t care about this kind of family relationship anymore.

Mary stood up with a sinking face. Pulling Lily Jiang’s hair, slapped Lily Jiang’s face one after another.

Lily Jiang screamed in pain, and his face quickly became swollen, which was terrible.

However, Mary didn’t stop, and he fought harder than once, as if to vent his anger.

Lily Jiang begged for mercy in pain, but no matter how miserable her voice was, she couldn’t arouse other people’s sympathy. Even Jiang Yingying felt that Lily Jiang should die at this moment.

Tiger poison does not eat children, but Lily Jiang has done such an angry thing, and is not qualified to receive the slightest sympathy.

“Dare to do such a thing to my granddaughter, and it will cost you to die.” After Mary hit her palms red, she pulled Lily Jiang’s hair and dragged her abruptly towards the second floor.

Lily Jiang struggled with tears on her face, but Mary seemed to have exploded with great power, giving her no chance to break free.

Come to the second floor. Mary said with a gloomy face: “My granddaughter’s bitterness, I want you to double it back.”

After speaking, Mary forcibly removed Lily Jiang’s clothes and pushed her to the balcony.

The cold wind howled. In this kind of weather, even if you are wrapped in zongzi and stay outside, you will feel cold, let alone naked.

“If you can’t stand it, you can jump off here.” After Mary said coldly, she locked the sliding door.

Lily Jiang slapped the door, shivering with the cold, and finally had to kneel on the ground to beg Mary for mercy.

Through the glass door, Mary just stared coldly.


There are many people in this world who can make Mary arouse this kind of psychology. But Lily Jiang is definitely not among them.

She is not worthy of mercy, nor is she qualified.

Soon, Lily Jiang’s lips were purple with cold, and the force of tapping the glass door was getting less and less, but would she dare to jump off the balcony?

Obviously, people like Lily Jiang didn’t have such courage.

She hides in the corner and tries to avoid the cold wind. She would rather be cold. Keep on living.

The first floor.

Jun Yan, who crushed the porcelain bowl, restrained his killing intent.

He treats George Han as his grandson, and naturally treats Han Nian as his great-grandson. If the person who kidnapped Han Nian dared to show up in front of him, he would definitely torture him to death without hesitation.

But now, this matter has something to do with Lily Jiang, and this is not what he can say.

“What should we do?” Jun Yan asked Han Tianyang.

Han Tianyang took a deep breath and exhaled a bad breath before saying: “Lily Jiang can’t die now. Han Nian is the daughter of 3000. Her fate should be determined by 3000. But during this time, let this Women pay a heavy price.”

Jun Yan nodded, agreeing with Han Tianyang’s words.

Now that George Han has not returned, they are not qualified to handle Lily Jiang for George Han.

Han Tianyang walked to Amelia Su, patted Amelia Su on the shoulder, and said: “Amelia. Lily Jiang, this woman, has nothing to do with my Han family. I hope that when she is tried by 3000, you will not be soft.”

Amelia Su smiled bitterly. Said: “Grandpa, don’t worry, this woman is no longer qualified to be my mother, and I am no longer her daughter. When three thousand come back, even if she is to die, I will never have the slightest opinion.”

Han Tianyang nodded and continued: “I want to go back to Hillwood City. I’ll leave it to you.”

“Grandpa, why are you going back to Hillwood City suddenly?” Amelia Su asked puzzledly.

“A little thing needs me to deal with, don’t worry.” Han Tianyang said.

Listening to Han Tianyang’s words, Amelia Su stopped questioning.

On the balcony on the second floor, Lily Jiang had been frozen all over, and she was finally able to understand Han Nian’s original feelings, but this feeling was not deep enough. After all, she was an adult and Han Nian was just a baby.

Lily Jiang at this moment regrets it very much, because she knows what she will end up with, so she is very scared, and even hopes that time can go back, hoping that this has never happened.

But this kind of wishful thinking is impossible to realize. Lily Jiang has to pay for everything she has done. This is the consequence that she must bear.

After Amelia Su came to the room, Lily Jiang saw through the glass door and knelt in front of the door and begged Amelia Su for mercy.

Amelia Su looked at him coldly. Although the person outside the door was her mother, this feeling had no meaning to Amelia Su, and she would never feel soft.

“This is the suffering my child has suffered, and you should also have a taste at this time.” Amelia Su said calmly.

“Welcome Xia, please, please let me in, I can’t stand it anymore, are you going to watch me freeze to death?” Lily Jiang cried.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you freeze to death. You can only die after three thousand words.” Amelia Su said firmly.

“I’m your mother, I gave birth to you, you can’t do this to me, you will be struck by thunder.” Lily Jiang shouted loudly.

Amelia Su looked at Lily Jiang with a mocking face, the sky thundered? Even if there is a thunderstorm, she will avenge Han Nian because this is her responsibility as a mother.

“Come on, I am not afraid of the thunderstorm. The price you have to pay is not only that. From today to the time of three thousand return, you will feel what is called purgatory on earth.” Amelia Su said ruthlessly. .

Chapter 630

Hillwood City Airport.

When Han Tianyang appeared, the entire Hillwood City city exploded.

After all, for Hillwood City, Han Tianyang is already a dead person, and now he suddenly “resurrected from the dead” will inevitably cause many people to be shocked.

For Han Tiansheng, Han Tianyang is always a waste in his eyes.

But for Hillwood City, Han Tianyang is a demon king-level person. The turmoil he caused in Hillwood City is not worthy of being underestimated by anyone. At this time, those families who had been right against the Han family, after learning that Han Tian had returned, shivered one by one, for fear of being asked by the demon king.

But when Han Tianyang came back from this trip, he didn’t have the idea of ”‹”‹finding someone to settle the accounts. He now has no desire to compete for rights, and his status is even more worthless to Han Tianyang.

As long as George Han can enter that level, the so-called right in the world. It’s just clouds.

“I don’t know how many people should be afraid.” Yan Jun said with a sigh on his face.

Han Tianyang smiled indifferently, and said, “To me, everything here is meaningless, not as good as the garden at Yunding Mountain.”

Jun Yan knew that all Han Tianyang’s thoughts were now on George Han. He didn’t care about Yenching at all.

“But this does not hinder the impact of your coming back. People who should be afraid cannot sleep peacefully at night during this period of time.” Jun Yan said.

“Perhaps.” Han Tianyang stopped a taxi.

After the two got on the bus, Yan Jun told the driver where he was going.

The driver is a native of Hillwood City, so he also knows the Han family quite well. Isn’t this address the old family?

Unfortunately, with the deaths of Han Tianyang and Han Cheng, the Han family has become lonely in Hillwood City.

“You are from a different place. This place used to have a very famous family.” The driver began to chat.

After Han Tianyang and Yan Jun looked at each other, Yan Jun smiled and asked the driver: “A very famous family, is it amazing?”

“Of course.” At this point, the driver looked arrogant, as if he was the Han family, boasting: “You outsiders do not know the energy of the Han family, but the locals are very clear about it. In Yenching, that is the number one big man. I heard that even many of the people above have a very good relationship with him.”

Talking. The driver suddenly sighed and sighed: “It’s a pity that things are impermanent. The Han family is considered to have been planted this year. After Han Tianyang died a few years ago, the Han family and Han Cheng can support it, but now even Han Chengdu is dead. I heard that the old lady of the Han family is also dead, and the two younger generations of the Han family, one died young and the other is still in jail. It is really miserable.”

“So miserable? It seems that you have done something that hurts the world.” Han Tianyang said with a smile.

Hearing this, the driver looked dissatisfied and stepped on the brake with one foot, as if he was going to theory with Han Tianyang.

“Father, I don’t like to hear what you said. The Han family has done a lot of charity work. I heard that just donating money is more than seven figures every year, how can they do things that hurt the world.” The driver transferred He said to Han Tianyang.

“You can only see the surface of the matter, who knows if they have done bad things secretly, otherwise. How can there be such retribution.” Han Tianyang said.

The driver seemed to have some feelings for the Han family. The anger on his face was very obvious, and he said, “Master, you can get off the bus. I won’t do this business.”

Yan Jun couldn’t laugh or cry. When did the Han family be so popular in Hillwood City, even a taxi driver wanted to help Han family speak.

“Does the Han family give you any benefits? It’s worth speaking for them like this.” Jun Yan couldn’t help asking.

“My son’s illness was cured by the Han family’s charity fund. You outsiders don’t understand anything. Just open your mouth and talk nonsense. Get out of the car and don’t delay my business.” The driver was obviously already a little angry and asked Get off the two people.

Jun Yan didn’t expect to be able to hit such a coincidence, but even if he told the driver that the person next to him was Han Tianyang. The driver would not believe it. After all, Han Tianyang has been “dead” for many years to outsiders.

“We really don’t understand anything, you tolerate it. Send us over first. If you are not satisfied with what you said just now, I will apologize to you here.” Yan Jun said.

Seeing Yan Jun’s sincere attitude, the driver’s anger eased a lot.

“Forget it, I don’t bother to care about you people, but I don’t know anything in the future, it’s best not to judge others indiscriminately.” The driver finished speaking and finally drove.

Stop and go all the way. Han Tianyang sighed a lot. This place that was once very familiar to him has now become very strange, and even many places have changed drastically.

Finally, the car stopped in front of the Han’s compound, and the driver reminded the two of them: “Just look at this place from a distance. I heard that no one is at home in the Han’s house recently, and there is surveillance in this neighborhood. You can’t run away if you lose something.”

Yan Jun couldn’t laugh or cry. The sentiment driver was reminding them not to be thieves. It seemed that his affection for the Han family was deep enough.

“Would you like to go in for a cup of tea?” Yan Jun asked the driver.

“Go in?” The driver was stunned, then rolled his eyes, and said: “You’re almost blowing the cow into the sky. Do you know where this is? You can go in casually.”

Jun Yan stopped talking, followed Han Tianyang’s pace, and walked towards the gate of the compound.

The driver originally planned to leave directly, but he was afraid that the two of them were really thieves, so he waited in place to see what the two of them were doing.

When Yan Jun took out the key and opened the door, the driver’s eyes almost fell to the ground, and his chin could not be closed from ear to ear.

Able to open the door of Han’s house with a key. The driver is very clear about what this means.

“These… these two people turned out to be the Han family!” The driver was so shocked that he regretted what he said just now.

No matter who they are from the Han family, they are all benefactors to him. He almost drove the two men out of the car.

A strong sense of guilt rose in the driver’s heart, opened the door, and after getting out of the car, the driver faced the entrance of the Han’s compound. A deep bow.

This is to be sorry for just now, and also to thank the Han Family Charity Fund for saving his son’s life.

“Thank you, thank you.” The driver said gratefully.

After entering the compound, the layout of the home remains exactly the same as before. There was no change, but the garden was full of weeds, and apparently no one had cleaned it for a long time.

“For so many years, it is still a place I am familiar with.” Han Tianyang exclaimed.

“Take me to see where Three Thousand lives.” Han Tianyang said to Jun Yan.

Jun Yan nodded and walked towards the other courtyard.

The place where George Han lives is a small room in the courtyard. He lives with the former Han servants, but in terms of the room environment, it is not as good as those of the servants.

The small room was already covered with dust, and the furniture was all very old. From this alone, Han Tianyang could feel the suffering that George Han had suffered before.

“I have no place in the world, and one bottle will be the master of Hengshan.” Looking at the line of distorted lettering on the bedside, Han Tianyang said with a smile.

This is what George Han stayed here when he lived here. Since then, George Han has shown a strong desire to prove himself.

“This kid is very resilient, something I have never seen in anyone else.” Yan Jun said with admiration.

“It’s really not easy for him to secretly manipulate the business world and create his own power at such a young age.” Han Tianyang said with a smile.

“He secretly controls a company named FengQian, can you guess what the word FengQian means?” Yan Jun said while selling Guan Zi.

“Fengqian?” Han Tianyang frowned. Obviously, these two words were meant to hide three thousand two words, but what did this vertical stand for? With George Han’s character, he deliberately named this, which definitely contains a certain meaning.

“Can’t guess it.” Yan Jun said with a smile.

Han Tianyang glared at Jun Yan and said, “Are you very proud?”

Yan Jun quickly said with a serious expression, “No, I just think the name is very interesting, I want you to guess it.”

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