His True Colors Novel Chapter 59 – 62

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Chapter 59

The reason why Lily Jiang’s story is not suspected is because the timing is just right. George Han and Amelia Su just bought a car and exchanged for a house just after their third wedding anniversary, making it impossible to find the slightest flaw.

100 million!

These two words became the pain in the hearts of the Su family relatives.

They looked at George Han, wishing that George Han was his son-in-law, even if he was just a trash, but he had 100 million. They can accept the waste.

Thinking about the irony to Wilson Su and the jokes about Amelia Su in the past three years, it’s no wonder that they are holding back their anger. It turns out that there are 100 million in the bag.

“It’s a pity that Mom didn’t come, otherwise, Mom would be very happy. We could have a good life with 100 million, but I also wanted to save my mother a bit, so I discussed buying the Mountainside Villa. Hey… “Lily Jiang sighed heavily, saying something that was very obvious.

Su Guolin rejected this matter for the old lady, and all the responsibility naturally fell on him.

Su Guolin was still unconvinced, even if the old man really gave them 100 million, the money would not allow them to monopolize, after all, the old man was dead.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.” Su Guolin stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Lily Jiang smiled. She knew that Su Guolin must have gone to call the old lady.

Amelia Su wanted to fight the injustice for George Han, but she also knew that if the money was George Han’s. Those relatives would definitely not believe that Lily Jiang’s story helped their family solve unexplainable troubles.

“Three thousand, this matter…”

Before Amelia Su had finished speaking, George Han shook his head and interrupted: “I don’t mind.”

Sighing, Amelia Su didn’t say anything.

At this time, Su Guolin, who was in the bathroom, had already dialed the number of the old lady.

The old lady didn’t care about Wilson Su’s move to a new house. She was a person who vowed not to go anywhere except the Yundingshan Villa area. This rule will not change until the day she dies.

“Didn’t you go to Wilson Su’s new home today? How about it?” the old lady asked casually.

“Mom, you may not believe me when I tell you.” Su Guolin said.

The tone of the old lady suddenly changed. Amelia Su was able to buy a house and she must have taken money from the company. If the house she bought was too good, it would mean that she had taken more money.

“Where is the new home?” the old lady asked coldly. The price she can accept is within one million, if it exceeds this price, she will never let Amelia Su go.

“Yunshanding Villa area.” Su Guolin said.

There was no response from the old lady on the phone, and it took a long time to hear her say: “What are you kidding, how can Amelia Su can afford the Yundingshan Villa area.”

“And it’s still a mountainside Villa.” Su Guolin continued.

“What!” The old lady’s voice exploded directly, full of disbelief, and said: “How is it possible, what is the point of you making such a joke with me.”

“Mom, what I said is true, I am in the mountainside Villa now, why would I be joking with you.” Su Guolin said.

“What’s the matter, how could she afford a mountainside Villa.” The old lady said shortly. This is her dream home for the elderly. In order to bring the Su family into the real high society of Basin City, the old lady never thinks again. She didn’t even have the right to live there when she lived in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Yunding Mountain, so she actually let Amelia Su live in.

“It’s Dad.” Su Guolin said.

“What do you mean, what does it have to do with your dad?” The old lady frowned. She has been dead for almost three years. How could it have anything to do with Amelia Su’s purchase of a Villa?

“According to Lily Jiang. Three years ago, George Han joined the family. To make up for Amelia Su, the old man gave Wilson Su 100 million in private. However, the old man has a rule that the 100 million can only be used after three years. It’s just right, there should be nothing wrong.” Su Guolin explained.

The old man gave Amelia Su 100 million!

The first reaction of the old lady was that it was impossible. She knew how much money the Su family had. In the past, in order to prevent the old man from supporting Xiaosan, she would personally check every account in the company. How could it be possible for him to have 100 million private money?

But if it weren’t for him, how could Wilson Su get so much money!

The old lady decided to ask Wilson Su clearly and said: “I will come to the Villa area right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Guolin went back to the living room and said to Lily Jiang: “Mom will be here soon, she wants to find out what’s going on.”

Lily Jiang’s face was indifferent, the old man had been dead for so many years, and no one was symptomatic. It’s not that she said what she said, even if the old lady came, as long as she insisted that the money was given by the old man, who could find the evidence?

“Okay. The money is given by the old man, what am I afraid of.” Lily Jiang said.

“Not everyone can come in in the Yundingshan Villa area. Go and pick up mom at the door, if she is stopped at the door. Wouldn’t it embarrass her old man?” Su Guolin reminded.

Lily Jiang suddenly panicked. This house has nothing to do with her. She is not the owner. How could the security guard at the door open the door to the old lady because of her?

There is a saying that people are invincible. Lily Jiang even said to George Han in a commanding tone: “Go and pick up grandma.”

“Okay.” George Han replied, and then left the Villa, followed by Amelia Su.

After stepping out of the Villa, Amelia Su said apologetically: “You have been wronged again. This incident should have been your credit. My mother’s face is really thicker than the city wall.”

“In fact, it’s also a good thing. No one will believe that I bought it. Mom has saved a lot of trouble.” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su knew that George Han would not care about these things, but she was very reluctant to do so. If she did not say it, her heart would be very sad.

“But I still have to say sorry for her.” Amelia Su said.

George Han suddenly looked at Amelia Su seriously. Said: “If you feel guilty, there is no way to solve it.”

“What way?” Amelia Su looked at George Han curiously.

“For example, I don’t sleep on the floor or something.”

“Okay, the living room is so big anyway, it should be very comfortable.”

Three black lines appeared on George Han’s forehead, and he quickly said, “You still think I didn’t say anything.”

After arriving at the gate below the mountain, the old lady came after not waiting long. Private cars are not allowed inside, so the old lady can only walk. She has no opinion on this, and dare not have any opinions. After all, this is the rule of the Villa area, and the Villa area represents heaven.

But when the old lady saw Amelia Su and George Han, her face was dissatisfied, and she said coldly: “Wilson Su is different now. I lived in a mountainside Villa, and I didn’t even come to pick it up.”

“Grandma, Dad didn’t mean that. There are a lot of his old classmates at home, so let us pick you up.” Amelia Su said.

It wasn’t that Wilson Su didn’t come, but it was useless if he came. The security guards didn’t recognize anyone except George Han.

But the old lady didn’t know, she just felt that Wilson Su swelled after living in the mountainside Villa, and she didn’t even pay attention to her.

“Humph.” The old lady snorted coldly: “Don’t forget, the money to buy this Villa belongs to my Su family. Although the old man is dead, his money is still mine.”

George Han frowned, this old lady, doesn’t she want to take the mountainside Villa as her own? If this is the case, he cannot accept it.

The Villa was given to Amelia Su, and no one was qualified to take it away.

Mountain roads are difficult, and for people like old women, it is even more difficult, and they can barely breathe before taking a few steps.

The old lady looked at George Han with a cold expression, and ordered: “Don’t you have eyes? Can’t you see that I can’t walk, you just came to carry me.”

George Han walked to the old lady and squatted down, showing no complaint.

“Be careful, you can’t be responsible for the consequences if you fell me.”

“Go faster, haven’t you eaten?”

The old lady’s eagerness in her heart can no longer be described in words. In the Yundingshan Villa area, there is finally a Su family, and it is a mountainside Villa. Although her people are still at the foot of the mountain, their heart has reached the mountainside. Slowly, you will inevitably curse.

Amelia Su looked at the old lady’s attitude towards George Han, and couldn’t wait to knock the old lady fainted with the crutches in her hand. She wanted to say that this Villa was bought by George Han, so why would you point to him?

Chapter 60

When she reached the mountainside, the old lady asked George Han to put her down, looking excitedly at the luxurious Villa in front of her. This is the place where Basin City represents her status and status. The old lady thought that she would be able to carry her with her life. The Su family had only reached the foot of the mountain, but she didn’t expect that she would be qualified to come to the mountainside.

“Old man, I really don’t know whether to blame you or to thank you. Without you, I would never have come here in my life. But why did you give the money to Wilson Su?” The old lady, even in front of Amelia Su , And said these words without any cover, it is not difficult to see that Wilson Su’s family really has no place in her heart.

Amelia Su looked unconvinced, looked at George Han and looked a little helpless again.

After the old lady walked into the Villa, the noisy chats in the living room suddenly quieted down, and all relatives of the Su family also got up from the sofa.

Harry Su’s footsteps were the most agile and trot to the old lady. Concerned: “Grandma, get tired, sit down and rest.”

Seeing this scene, George Han was full of cold eyes, and there was such a person in the Han family. It was because of his sweet mouth that George Han was treated like an orphan in a wealthy family.

George Han couldn’t figure out why these people who only talk sweetly but don’t have the slightest real ability can be favored.

In terms of ability, Harry Su is no better than Amelia Su, but his mouth is sweet. So the old lady loves it even more.

That man, because of his sweet mouth, was able to get the position of the heir of the Han family, and even the old lady of the Han family was afraid that his status would be threatened, and drove George Han out of the Han family. Insulted into the Zuo Su family.

Is it possible to support a family with just one mouth?

George Han wanted to prove to everyone that only real ability is the real ability.

He also wanted to let the old lady of the Su family know that the future of the Su family was in Amelia Su’s hands, not Harry Su’s trash.

The old lady was sitting in the main seat of the living room, she was very polite in the first sentence, and said to Wilson Su: “If you are irrelevant, you can go.”

When those students heard this sentence, their faces were all extremely embarrassed, they were obviously chasing guests, and they didn’t give anyone the slightest face.

“Wilson, since it’s something within your family, we will leave first.”

“Yes, let’s go first, and get together again when I have a chance.”

“Wilson, you will be busy first, and then get together next time.”

A group of classmates walked willingly, mainly because they didn’t want to offend the old lady of the Su family.

Tang Chengye and Tang Long had gloomy faces. After leaving the Villa, Tang Chengye said angrily: “This Su family’s immortal thing is really arrogant.”

“Dad, if there is a chance in the future, I will make things difficult for this old woman. Don’t forget, I am working in a weak water property right now.” Tang Long said.

Tang Chengye sighed, Tang Long should be proud of what he has achieved now, but compared with Amelia Su now, it is simply not comparable.

“Unexpectedly, the Su family father left so much money for Wilson Su before his death. He was lucky.” Tang Chengye said.

“What’s the matter with money? How long his family can spend the money, sooner or later they will spend it. It is George Han who can live in the mountainside Villa even with soft rice.” Tang Long gritted his teeth.

He was very dissatisfied. George Han should have been trampled on by him. But now, George Han lives in the mountainside Villa with Amelia Su. Even if Tang Long is unwilling to admit it, the fact is that George Han has a better life than him. .

“This is fate. Some people don’t need to fight and can get everything. But some people need to work hard for a lifetime, but my son. I believe your ability is not the Genting Mountain Villa District. Maybe we will have the opportunity to live in in the future. “Tang Chengye comforted.

Tang Long nodded. The Yundingshan Villa area is indeed very powerful in Basin City, but for larger cities, especially Hillwood City, it is not a big deal. If it can be reused by the Han family, it will be a big success. Just around the corner.

George Han?

How can a wimpy eating soft rice compare to me, Tang Long!

In the Villa.

The old lady seemed calm on the surface, but in fact the undercurrent surging in her heart took a long time to calm down.

“Wilson, what’s going on, you can make it clear.” The old lady asked Wilson Su.

This incident is a story made up by Lily Jiang. She was worried that Wilson Su had leaked her mouth and revealed flaws. She was about to speak, but was glared by the old lady.

“I didn’t ask you, do you have the qualifications to speak?” The old lady made Lily Jiang shut her mouth.

Wilson Su saw that the matter had reached this point, and said bitterly: “Mom, Dad did give me 100 million. He was worried that George Han was not promising, so he compensated Amelia. There is nothing complicated about this. He just missed us. Live better.”

“Worry? It’s a fact that George Han is not promising. Do you need to worry? I think you poured some ecstasy soup for Dad.” Su Guolin said coldly from the side.

“Absolutely not. Dad took the initiative to find me for this matter, and if he hadn’t given me such a large sum of money. Can I still grab it?” Wilson Su said.

Su Guolin couldn’t find anything to refute, so she closed her mouth with a cold snort.

“Since the old man gave the money, this Villa is not owned by you Wilson Su alone.” The old lady said.

Lily Jiang was unhappy when he heard this, if all the relatives of the Su family came to intervene. Is this Villa still peaceful?

“Mom, dad gave us this money. I used it to buy a Villa to give you a face. Do you want to divide the Villa for everyone? This is not a cake. Cut one by one person.” Lily Jiang said.

“Is there any place for you to speak here?” the old lady scolded.

Lily Jiang’s bitch was about to move, but she really didn’t have the courage to splash around in front of the old lady, and she could only bear it.

“Grandma, you should know the rules of Yunding Mountain. If you want everyone in the Su family to live here. We have no objection, but you have to ask Tianjia if you can agree.” George Han said.

The Villa area does not specify the number of people to stay in, but so many people living in the Su family will inevitably bring a lot of trouble to the property management department. Although it does not break the rules, there is no need to make the Tian family unhappy.

The old lady looked at George Han contemptuously, and even Lily Jiang had no right to speak. He was a wasteful son-in-law, and why should he remind her?

“George Han. You have become more courageous recently, do you want to teach me how to do things?” the old lady said.

George Han smiled faintly and said, “Don’t dare, I just don’t want the heavenly family to embarrass your old man. If the family wants to talk to you, this is not good news for the Su family.”

The old lady didn’t have the guts to offend the Heavenly Family, hoping to have the opportunity to be cautious, and after hearing what George Han said, she couldn’t refute it for a while.

“Moreover, there are so many rules in the Villa area of ”‹”‹Genting Mountain. In case someone accidentally offends it, the end will be more serious, grandma, can you make sure that everyone can follow the rules?” George Han continued.

“George Han.” Harry Su came up with the case and said angrily: “Can you shut your mouth, is there a place for someone like you to speak?”

“You don’t look at what position you are in the Su family. Why do you give pointers?”

“I really thought you would be able to stand up straight after eating soft rice and living in a mountainside Villa? George Han, you will always be our Su family.”

“Don’t take yourself too high, we don’t take you seriously.”

George Han didn’t look at the angry Su family relatives, but looked at the old lady quietly. What to do, he believed the old lady knew very well.

“I never said let everyone live here, but here, why should there be a share of my old lady?” The old lady stalked, stood up and continued: “The old man gave you the money, but the money It is also the name of my Su family. Can anyone deny this?”

Lily Jiang gritted her teeth. If the old lady lived here, she would not be able to serve the old lady in the future, and she would have to look at the expression of the old lady every day. She couldn’t bear this kind of day.

He elbows Wilson Su to signal Wilson Su to speak, lest the old lady really live in.

But how can Wilson Su have such courage, the old lady really wants to live, he can only agree.

“Grandma, what qualifications do you have to live in?” At this time, George Han remarked, shaking the sky!

Chapter 61

George Han’s words made the whole Villa instantly quiet, and the needle drop could be heard.

What qualifications does he have, as a son-in-law, he even said that the old lady has the qualifications to live here!

Wilson Su looked at George Han in fright, how could he say such a rebellious remark, angering the old lady, and Amelia Su’s future might be completely ruined.

“George Han, you shut up. Are you qualified to speak here?” Wilson Su said angrily.

Although Lily Jiang was surprised, she was quite satisfied with George Han’s strong performance. Anyway, she didn’t need her to bear the consequences afterwards. George Han could make trouble anyway. It is best not to let the old lady live in the Villa.

“George Han, did you take the wrong medicine today? Grandpa gave the money. It is natural for grandma to live in. You should get out until you eat soft rice.” Harry Su said.

“Yes. You should get out. Grandma is the head of the Su family. It is natural for her to live here.” Su Yihan had to accept that Amelia Su had a better life than her, but George Han was going out to die, how could she not step on her foot? ? It is best to let the old lady hate Amelia Su for this.

The old lady had a sullen face. The last time she talked with Zhong Liang about cooperation, she was swayed by George Han from that time. The old lady felt that George Han was a dangerous person. Now George Han questioned her qualifications in front of everyone. Is it really going to shake the sky?

“George Han, tell me. Why am I not qualified for the old lady.” The old lady asked coldly.

“Because for the past three years, you have treated Amelia Su like an outsider. Because for the past three years, you have been protecting Harry Su, even if Harry Su’s design almost made Amelia Su fall into Cheng Gang’s hands, you still have no accountability. You have the face to live here. Is it?” George Han said loudly.

The relatives of the Su family looked at George Han in disbelief after sweeping away the face of the old lady.

He actually had the guts to say such a thing!

Although it is true, he is not afraid that after speaking it out, won’t the old lady let him go?

Amelia Su was indeed at fault in the matter of Amelia Su, but relatives of the Su family knew that Harry Su was the future successor of the Su family, and it was reasonable to favor him.

There are some things that everyone knows, but putting them on the table will only embarrass people.

The old lady at this time was very embarrassed.

“George Han. Don’t think that I will care about the face of the Su family, just let you do anything wrong, believe it or not, I can get you out of the Su family now.” The old lady gritted her teeth.

“Amelia Su, what are you waiting for if you don’t divorce this kind of person? He has been in the Su family for so many years, so how much face we have lost in the Su family.” Su Guolin said.

“George Han, if I were you, I would have evaporated from the world a long time ago, so what face do you have to stay in the Su family.” Harry Su said.

“Grandma, let Amelia Su divorce him. He doesn’t put you in his eyes now, nor will he put us in his eyes in the future.” Su Yihan said.

Amelia Su panicked. She still thought about it two years ago, even when she didn’t face her feelings for George Han, she thought about it, but now she would never do it.

“I am the one who married him. If I don’t divorce, who can force me.” Amelia Su stood up. Said with a strong attitude.

This scene surprised the relatives of the Su family. Amelia Su had never been close to George Han before, but now he actually helped George Han speak!

A smile appeared on Harry Su’s face, and the more Amelia Su protected George Han, the more he had the opportunity to say right and wrong in front of his grandma.

“Amelia Su, when did you have such a good relationship with George Han?” Harry Su said.

“Amelia Su, I want you to divorce him, dare you not leave?” The old lady’s expression was extremely gloomy. In her opinion, Amelia Su is now controlled by George Han, and she is the person in charge of the Chengxi project. It was the wise choice for George Han to drive out of the Su family.

She couldn’t let George Han secretly control such a large project of the Su family.

Heard this sentence. Lily Jiang saw hope. She had long wanted to kick George Han out of the Su family, just because she was afraid that the old lady would disagree. Now that the old lady speaks, this is a good opportunity.

But just about to speak, Lily Jiang suddenly covered his mouth.

George Han bought the Villa and drove George Han out of Su’s house. What qualifications does she have to live here in the future?

Even if it is the property of husband and wife, Amelia Su can be divided into half. But it’s not as good as living in a mountainside Villa.

It seems that we have to find a way to make the real estate certificate only write the name of Amelia Su alone, only in this way can George Han be driven out of the Su family.

“Grandma, I won’t agree.” Amelia Su said firmly.

The old lady almost crushed her posterior molars and flew away in anger.

The Su family’s relatives also left the Villa with the old lady.

“Grandma. This Amelia Su really doesn’t know good or bad. I said earlier that George Han is likely to covet the Su family’s property. Now it depends on Amelia Su’s attitude. From now on, our Su family will not really fall into the hands of this foreigner.” Harry Su Said next to the old lady.

“Amelia Su will never become the chairman of the company. You will immediately contact Zhong Liang for me.” said the old lady.

Harry Su looked happy, and the old lady came forward in person. As long as Amelia Su’s identity as the person in charge is destroyed, the future company will be his own world again.

“Okay, I’ll get in touch right away.” Harry Su said.

Su Yihan looked at Harry Su with a smile, feeling that the conspiracy had succeeded.

In the Villa.

Lily Jiang went around for a few more laps. Back in the living room, he said to Amelia Su: “Amelia, I have already selected a room, just the one on the second floor, don’t you have any comments.”

That was the master bedroom. It was reasonable to say that she and George Han belonged to her. I didn’t expect Lily Jiang to turn away from the guest and chose their room.

“Mom. You…”

“Stop talking, Wilson, don’t go home with me to pack things, let’s move in today.” Lily Jiang said.

Wilson Su was not as skinny as Lily Jiang, but he couldn’t resist the temptation to live in the Villa, and said: “You two young people, do you want to grab a room from our old man? We are older and live in a bigger place. Avoid bumping Touched.”

Amelia Su was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. How could they not bump into the big place in the house before.

After the two left soon, Amelia Su really felt speechless. He looked at the empty south wall and said, “Or, let’s find some time to take a wedding photo?”

George Han has no idea which room to stay in. The master bedroom and the second bedroom are just a night’s sleep, he is more concerned about Amelia Su’s feelings.

Of course, the utility room is perfect if you can sleep in a bed.

“I don’t go to work and I’m free at any time, so you should arrange the time.” George Han said.

Amelia Su has always had a question in her heart, that is, how much money George Han has. I used to think it was not suitable to ask. After all, the two people are financially independent, but George Han was able to buy the mountainside Villa, which really made her can’t bear it. Live your own curiosity.

“Can I ask a question?” Amelia Su asked.

George Han smiled, guessed what Amelia Su wanted to ask, and said directly: “If I said that I bought this Villa, it’s just a little pocket money, do you believe it?”

“Well, more than 80 million pocket money, of course I believe it, so I believe it will not be a little doubtful.” Amelia Su stared at George Han and said, this bragging is too exaggerated, who can take more than 80 million Make pocket money?

“Look, I said you don’t believe me, what can I do.” George Han said.

Amelia Su mistakenly thought that George Han didn’t want to tell the truth to herself, maybe she didn’t have much money, so she didn’t bother to ask this question again.

“If you run out of money in the future, I will support you.” Amelia Su said.

George Han nodded repeatedly and said, “Of course, you are now the person in charge of the Chengxi Project, and I am counting on you to take me to eat and drink.”

“Hey.” Amelia Su sighed suddenly and said: “But my attitude towards grandma today, she should not easily spare me, and I don’t know how long this position can be maintained.”

“Don’t worry, without you, at any stage, Weak Water Real Estate will stop cooperating with the Su family, so the old lady will not deprive you of your status.” George Han said.

Amelia Su suddenly looked at George Han and asked, “By the way, if your classmate is free recently, we have to thank him.”

“Uh… he is still abroad. He should not be back in a short time.”

Chapter 62

Lily Jiang and Wilson Su went back in less than three hours. They had everything in the Villa, so they just brought some clothes back. Moreover, Lily Jiang was very decisive and planned to sell the house online for cash. , It seems that I will live here for the rest of my life. As for the words I said to George Han before, I have selectively forgotten them.

“This house looks empty. I will arrange it tomorrow.” Lily Jiang said this. George Han and Amelia Su didn’t care, but a nightmare began.

Early the next morning, George Han sent Amelia Su to work, while Lily Jiang went to the flower and bird market. Not only did he buy back a lot of cheap flowers and plants, but also many decorations, bottles and pots, tens of dollars apiece. Keep the living room full.

It was a simple decoration style, which forced Lily Jiang to transform into a large courtyard, and it had a strong cheap atmosphere.

Close to hundreds of millions of luxury villas. If you just look at it from the living room, it’s worth less than a million.

Regarding all this, Lily Jiang is still complacent, thinking that she has taste.

“Look, I still have a good taste, and it looks much better at home.” Lily Jiang looked at her masterpiece with pride.

Wilson Su still likes the way he was before. After being arranged by Lily Jiang, he is nondescript and has no sense of high class, but Lily Jiang likes it. He dare not say anything.

At the same time, Harry Su received the old lady in Su’s Villa.

Yesterday, I made an appointment with Zhong Liang. The old lady asked Harry Su to accompany him. This shows that the old lady intends to give Harry Su the position of the person in charge of the Chengxi project. This makes Harry Su very excited.

“You acted calmly today. You can convince Zhong Liang that I have a reason to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family.” The old lady warned Harry Su.

Harry Su patted his chest and promised: “Grandma, don’t worry, I know what to do.”

After arriving at the weak water real estate, the two were taken to the meeting room by the company’s front desk. Harry Su was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.

This day has finally come. Although Amelia Su has already lived in the mountainside Villa, as long as Amelia Su can be driven out of Su’s house, in Harry Su’s view, their life will not be able to survive sooner or later. Then they will use some means to make Amelia Su go bankrupt. It’s not difficult.

He couldn’t wait to see Amelia Su’s ashen face, and George Han begging in the street, it must have been a special taste.

After waiting in the conference room for less than ten minutes, Zhong Liang appeared.

“Brother Zhong.” Harry Su shouted enthusiastically.

“Boss Zhong, thank you for taking the time to meet us.” said the old lady.

With a professional smile on his face, Zhong Liang said: “The old lady is polite, you want to see me, even if I don’t have time, I have to make time to come out.”

Zhong Liang’s attitude made Harry Su see hope. It seems that he still wants to give the old lady face.

“I don’t know why you are looking for me?” Zhong Liang asked.

The old lady said: “The main thing is cooperation. Amelia Su’s ability is limited. I am afraid that the Chengxi project will be delayed.”

“Amelia Su’s ability is indeed not as strong as I thought, but her learning ability is still good, she has been improving recently, and she is a responsible person.” Zhong Liang said.

“This girl is indeed responsible and does everything she can. However, human abilities are limited. No matter how she learns, there are limits. In order for us to cooperate better, I plan to change to another person in charge.” Said the wife.

As soon as the old lady’s voice fell, Harry Su said, “Brother Zhong, although I did not participate in this project, I know very well about the specific matters of the project that it can be seamlessly connected. You don’t have to worry about any problems.”

Seeing that Zhong Liang didn’t mean to dislike, and with a smile on his face, Harry Su took a reassurance pill and continued: “At the Su family. I have higher rights and a deeper understanding, and I can definitely do better than Amelia Su. better.”

“You mean, Amelia Su has little power in the company and can’t make a final decision?” Zhong Liang asked.

“Of course, she is a thing, how can a woman in the company have the final say.” Harry Su said.

Zhong Liang nodded, as if thinking about something.

Seeing Zhong Liang hesitating, Harry Su continued: “Brother Zhong, you don’t need to have any worries. I can assure you that I will do better than Amelia Su.”

Even when the old lady felt that there was hope for the change of person in charge, Zhong Liang suddenly stood up and said: “I thought Amelia Su could speak well at the Su family, but she didn’t expect that she had no rights. It seems that I really want to consider meeting with the Su family. It’s a matter of cooperation.”

“Brother Zhong. Your decision is absolutely wise.” Harry Su didn’t notice that what Zhong Liang said was not Amelia Su, but the Su Family, and thought Zhong Liang had agreed.

But the old lady heard it very clearly. Although Amelia Su represented the Su family, he used the word Su family here, which was meaningful.

“Boss Zhong, what do you mean…” the old lady asked.

“Old lady, let me tell you the truth. No matter where the project is in, the weak water real estate will not change the person in charge. This is what our boss meant. He doesn’t like changing a project. Amelia Su has no status in the company. , It will definitely delay the progress. After all, everything has to be reported. A lot of time will be wasted. I will tell the boss truthfully about this matter. Then the boss will decide whether to change the partner.” Zhong Liang said.

A thunderbolt hit the heads of the old lady and Harry Su.

They are just here to talk about changing the person in charge, how come they have become a partner!

“Boss Zhong, I don’t mean that. I’m just worried that Amelia Su’s ability is insufficient.” The old lady said in a panic. The project cooperation has already begun. At this time, the replacement of weak water real estate for partners is a fatal blow to the Su family. Moreover, for this cooperation, the former old customers of the Su family have not asked for it. They all bet on the Chengxi project. If the cooperation is interrupted, the Su family must be hot. It may even go bankrupt.

Harry Su panicked too, and couldn’t help holding Zhong Liang’s hand.

Zhong Liang’s face was full of dissatisfaction, and he said coldly: “You don’t put the weak water real estate in your eyes, and you don’t put my boss in your eyes, why should the weak water real estate cooperate with the Su family? The first time you did it without consent I wanted to change the person in charge, but I didn’t tell the boss, as it was to give you the Su family a chance. This time you come back, if I conceal it, the boss knows, my job will not be kept.”

The old lady was panicked with fright. Her eyes were full of panic. How dare she look down on Weak Water Real Estate, she just wanted to drive Amelia Su out of Su’s house, she had never thought that there would be such serious consequences.

“Boss Zhong, I’m sorry, this is my problem, I apologize to you, I hope you can give the Su family another chance.” The old lady said.

“Old lady, you want to change the person in charge to Harry Su again and again, but I have investigated Harry Su’s background. He is just an unlearned brother. The destruction of your Su family in his hands has nothing to do with me, but you want It is absolutely impossible to affect the weak water property. I will tell the boss that it is his decision as to how the boss decides.” Zhong Liang said firmly.

The old lady has regretted her intestines now. If she had known this, she shouldn’t have such thoughts. She knew what kind of person Harry Su was, but the whole Su family was ruined just for the difference between a man and a woman, and the old lady couldn’t accept it.

“Harry Su, don’t apologize to Boss Zhong yet.” The old lady said sharply.

Harry Su was so flustered that he directly knelt down to Zhong Liang, and said in an imploring manner: “Brother Zhong, I’m sorry, this matter is the fault of the Su family, please give the Su family a chance. We will never again Change the person in charge.”

Harry Su knows that if the cooperation is gone, the Su family will be gone. He, the son of the Su family, is not even a fart. Even if Amelia Su cannot be driven out of the Su family, even if Amelia Su continues to be the project leader, he can still Enjoy the present glory and wealth.

The word bankruptcy was the worst nightmare for Harry Su.

“What’s the use if you don’t change, Amelia Su can’t speak in the company, and his low status is also delaying cooperation.” Zhong Liang said coldly.

“Boss Zhong, don’t worry, I will give the right to Amelia Su. In the future, Amelia Su can make any decisions regarding the Chengxi Project. There is no need to notify anyone, not even me.” The old lady said.

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