His True Colors Novel Chapter 571 – 574

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Chapter 571

Out of surprise at Han Yan’s kneeling action, everyone’s eyes were placed on George Han. In addition to the surprise, there were many puzzles, because they couldn’t figure out why this ordinary young man, Can actually ask Han Yan to do such a thing.

The security guard saw this scene from a distance, and his heart almost stopped in fright.

If Han Yan came to the door to greet George Han only as a distinguished guest, only to make the security guard feel scared, then at this moment, the security guard had even the heart to die. He racked his brains and couldn’t figure out what kind of person he gave to him. excuse me.

Han Yan knelt on the ground, her head buried with an angry expression.

she knows. This scene was seen by the rest of the Han family, and she would certainly gossip in private, but she had to do it again.

For Han Yan, Han Li is like a nightmare. Once George Han allows Han Li to return to the United States, everything she has will be in vain, which is not acceptable to Han Yan.

Han Yan believes that a momentary humiliation will not become a lifetime. As long as there is a chance, she can get out of this predicament.

“Han Yan, I know you are very unconvinced, but this is the life of a dog, don’t blame me for being impolite to you, you are not qualified.” George Han said lightly, the stronger the oppression of Han Yan, the more Can make this woman know what she should do.

of course. George Han knows that doing so may also have another effect, which is to cause Han Yan to resist, and her resistance is also a good thing for George Han. Only in this way can he have a more logical reason to deal with the United States and South Korea. Home.

Thinking about the ridicule that Grandpa suffered, Han Family was regarded as a foreigner by this group of people. This hatred, George Han has not forgotten.

“Yes.” Han Yan lowered her head, the time is not up, she will never explode her dissatisfaction with George Han. After all, today’s position is not easy to come by, she needs to stay dormant.

“Let’s go, take me to see what the Han family in the United States is like, I want to know. What kind of people are there to avoid the Han Family in their eyes.” George Han said lightly.

Yenching Han family?

These four words are a joke to the Korean family in the United States. No one wants to admit that they are related to the Han Family. Even the youngest generation has listened to many older generations. Regarding Han Family as a shame, whoever mentions it will be laughed at.

Han Yan’s heart sank and listened to what George Han meant. It seems that he wants to vindicate Hillwood City Han’s family. It would not be a good thing for Han Yan to let the people here know George Han’s identity. After all, she kneeled for George Han. But it was seen by many people.

But how can we stop George Han?

“I have a girlfriend party today. I will go out soon. If you want to visit the Han family. I can bring you here another day. My girlfriends are very beautiful. Do you want to meet them? I can introduce them to you.” Han Yan said that using a woman to seduce a man is a very useful trick, even for 90%, but it’s a pity that Han Yan met George Han. So this trick is destined to not be useful for George Han.

“Push it away.” George Han said lightly.

“They are very beautiful, don’t you want to know each other?” Han Yan continued.

George Han smiled faintly and said, “Han Yan, if you want to use a woman to seduce me. I advise you to give up this idea, I am not interested in these vulgar fans.”

“They are not vulgar fans, you know how many men…”

Before Han Yan finished speaking, George Han interrupted directly: “To me, women other than Amelia Su are all vulgar fans.”

Han Yan does not believe in evil, how can there be men who do not love beautiful women, how can there be men who are loyal to a woman?

In Han Yan’s eyes, men are all lecherous animals, no matter how serious men are in front of beauty, they can’t resist. George Han can’t be an exception.

In this world, can you find a man who is not greedy for beauty?

“As long as I have a word. My sisters are willing to accompany you, if you feel that one is not enough, you can still sleep together.” Han Yan said.

George Han walked towards the group of people watching the excitement, tempting Han Yan. There are no waves in my heart.

Indeed, too many men fell under the beautiful pomegranate skirt.

As the old saying goes, heroes are saddened by beauty, and many big figures in history have ruined their foundations because of women?

It’s a pity that George Han is not interested in those women from the bottom of his heart. Even if it is the slightest evil, George Han will feel very guilty. After all, the grievance and humiliation that Amelia Su suffered for him is irreplaceable by anyone.

“You are very curious about who I am?” George Han asked after walking to the crowd watching the crowd.

These people are indeed very curious about George Han’s identity, so after hearing what George Han said, they nodded unconsciously.

“My name is George Han, from the Han Family.” George Han said lightly.

Han Family!

These four words stirred up waves.

They all thought that George Han was a big figure in the United States, and even thought that he might be a character from the Pentagon, otherwise. How could Han Yan kneel to him?

However, George Han’s true identity stunned everyone.

Han Family.

The family founded by the waste after leaving the United States.

How could Han Yan kneel to him from this kind of garbage family?

An old man snorted with a serious expression and said to Han Yan: “Han Yan, you are our Patriarch, and you actually kneel to Hillwood City Han’s waste. It seems that your father gave you the position of Patriarch. A big mistake.”

George Han followed the prestige. I saw that the old man was looking at him with cold eyes and disdain, the high emanating from his bones, as if treating George Han as a subordinate.

“Old stuff, who are you?” George Han asked lightly.

The old man heard this disrespectful address. He immediately became angry and scolded: “Little waste, I don’t care who you are raised by Han Tian, ”‹”‹since you dare to be so disrespectful to me. Don’t blame me for being rude to you today.”

The old man also has a certain status in the Korean family in the United States. Even when Han Li was at home, he was quite respectful to him, after all, he was an elder. He is a veteran of the Han family.

But for George Han, there is no one from the Korean family in the United States worthy of his respect, because these people never regard the Han Family in their eyes, and even their grandfather is regarded as an enemy.

“Really?” George Han smiled coldly and said, “I want to see, how are you going to be rude to me.”

The old man let out a loud scream, and immediately a lot of bodyguards of the old generation surrounded him.

Han Yan watched this scene happen and didn’t stop it.

The reason why she didn’t dare to attack George Han was because she knew that George Han was so powerful that even Han Long could kill him. These bodyguards of the local generation were for him. What is it?

But now, she is not the one who has to deal with George Han. Therefore, without angering George Han, Han Yan also wants to see if George Han can deal with these local bodyguards. If he can Capture George Han, she can take this opportunity to kill George Han. If not, this matter has nothing to do with her.

The younger generation of the Korean Han family in the United States saw this scene and couldn’t help but teased George Han.

“Yenjing’s trash, you are so courageous. You dare to come to the Korean house in the United States to make trouble. Didn’t your elders warn you that this is not a place where you are qualified to go wild?”

“This is the bodyguard of our family, all of them are masters. Does your broken family have a bodyguard?”

“Today, let you see the gap between the Han family in the United States and the Han family in Hillwood City. You can only experience our greatness if you are a trash.”

Seeing the arrogant smiles on the faces of several young people, George Han’s expression became colder and colder.

“With these wastes, do you want to deal with me?” George Han said with a frosty face.

“Hahahaha.” The old man laughed loudly. In his eyes, George Han was already a turtle in the urn, and he had the courage to speak in this tone.

“Young man, you really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. It seems that Han Tianyang, who was educated by the waste, is nothing more than mere rubbish.”

Chapter 572

Hearing the old man’s words, George Han’s eyes condensed, staring at the old man with murderous aura, he did not allow anyone to say that Han Tian raised it.

No matter how Han Tianyang was once, in the eyes of George Han, he will always be a hero.

Without Han Tianyang, there would be no Han Family now!

And only Han Tianyang can give George Han the feeling of his relatives, so George Han will never insult Han Tianyang.

“Old thing, try it again!” George Han gritted his teeth.

The old man stared at George Han’s murderous eyes and couldn’t help taking a step back with a guilty conscience, even in his eyes. George Han was a trash, but the state he showed at this moment had to make people feel scared.

But after looking at the bodyguards of local generations around him, the old man regained some courage.

With so many bodyguards, what else is there to be afraid of, how can you be timid in front of a young man? And it’s still that kind of waste!

“What about it again, Han Tianyang is just a waste.” said the old man.

George Han clenched his fists and said coldly, “Let you see who is the real waste.”

Those bodyguards of local generation are worthy of masters. For George Han’s actions, they had already warned. After George Han took the shot, they immediately protected the Han family behind them.

When the young people from the Korean family in the United States saw George Han take the initiative, everyone couldn’t help showing a disdainful smile.

In their view, George Han’s behavior is entirely looking for death, a bodyguard of the local generation, but the strongest force lineup of the Korean family in the United States, almost invincible. George Han takes the initiative, can he end well?

“This guy, really an idiot, dare to take the initiative to take the initiative.”

“The bodyguards of the local generation, all of them are very skilled, and his fate today is terrible.”

“It’s better to call an ambulance for him first, otherwise, he died in our house, it’s not good to get dirty here.”

Several people ridiculed, even the old man couldn’t help saying: “I didn’t expect that the people from Hillwood City Han’s family would meet in this way after so many years. It’s okay. Let this waste know how good we are. .”

Just between everyone’s words, George Han had already figured out the strength of those bodyguards.

Of course, their strength is indeed good, if they change to the previous George Han. Under the siege of so many people, there is absolutely no chance to resist.

But now, George Han is no longer the same as before.

Although killing Han Long was an opportunistic trick, it was necessary to deal with these people of local character. For George Han, it was a breeze.

And after the slaughter in the heart of the earth, George Han was almost a god of murder!

The battle situation changed quickly. When George Han started to counterattack, the bodyguards of the local generation who seemed to have the advantage instantly couldn’t withstand the impact of George Han. Retreat steadily.

The sudden change in this scene silenced everyone in the Han family, and no longer teased George Han, but his expression became more and more surprised.

In the Korean house in the United States. The bodyguards of the locals are their greatest support. If even the bodyguards of the locals can’t deal with George Han, who can stop George Han?

“This person is so powerful.”

“Even the bodyguard of the earth generation is not his opponent. How could it be possible.”

“Isn’t it said that the Han Family are all rubbish? How could such a master appear, is he really a Han Family member?”

Out of the bad impression of the Han Family, some people have even begun to doubt the identity of George Han, thinking that he is not from the Han Family at all, but the Han Family deliberately invited a master to pretend to be theirs. People come to the United States to show off its strength.

When Han Yan saw this scene, her expectations were shattered. Although it had been predicted for a long time, loss was inevitable. After all, this was an opportunity to kill George Han, but it was a pity. These local bodyguards are really useless.

But fortunately, this matter is not because of her, she will not bear any responsibility.

George Han was reborn in blood and left white bones in the center of the earth. For him, although murder is not as simple as a daily routine, it will never leave any obstacles in his heart.

And at this moment, he was angry, so he didn’t keep any hands on those bodyguards.

In less than three minutes, the bodyguards of several local generations all fell down and lost their lives under George Han’s fist.

Those young people from the Korean family in the United States had turned pale with fright and their legs were weak.

They are arrogant. No one in the Chinese area dared to provoke them, relying on the name of the Han family to sway the city and dominate the city, but they have never seen such a cruel method.

“Dead, dead?”

“The bodyguard of the local generation. He actually killed them all!”

“How could this be, how could he be so strong.”

Several people were talking in horror, and when they looked at George Han’s eyes, it was like seeing a god of death, full of fear.

George Han walked to the old man.

The old man was so scared that he couldn’t speak, trembling all over, opened his lips slightly, even his teeth were fighting. Said to George Han, “You…what do you want to do?”

“Who is the waste?” George Han said coldly.

The old man felt he was surrounded by a chill, which made him shiver.

But even so, he still didn’t take back his words. For him, it was a trampling on dignity, and he would never give up in front of George Han.

“Even if you can fight, so what.” The old man gritted his teeth, almost exhausted all his courage to say this.

George Han pinched the old man’s throat and said with a frosty face: “I’ll give you one last chance. Otherwise, I will send you to see the king of Hades.”

The old man stared at George Han’s eyes and finally compromised. He couldn’t stand the pressure, let alone the threat of death.

Dignity can be thrown on the ground and trampled, but there is still a chance to pick it up.

But once the life is lost, there is no more.

Kneeling on the ground, the old man kept kowtow and said: “I am a trash. I am a trash.”

George Han turned his head to look at the group of young people. This very small gesture made the group of young people tremble with fear, and didn’t need George Han to speak one by one. All knelt on the ground.

They enjoyed the rights and money of the Korean family in the United States, and enjoyed the superior status that the Korean family brought to them, but at this moment they knew that the Han Family. It’s not that the older generations say it is so unbearable, because the facts have proved everything.

“Sorry, we just said unintentionally, please don’t take it seriously.”

“We also listen to the elderly at home before we believe it. It has nothing to do with us.”

“Yes, it has nothing to do with us, please let us go.”

A group of arrogant and domineering young people, in front of George Han at this time, all turned into softies, and all the demeanor of domineering children disappeared.

“Han Yan, are you disappointed?” George Han turned his head and looked at Han Yan coldly.

She is the Patriarch and is qualified to prevent that from happening just now, and since she didn’t say anything, how could George Han fail to guess her wishful thinking?

Han Yan was in a panic. Kneeled down with other people, this time it was no longer unwilling, but very active.

“I’m not disappointed, how could I be disappointed.” Han Yan explained in a panic.

George Han walked in front of Han Yan and said condescendingly: “Not disappointed? How can you not be disappointed? These people can’t deal with me, it means you can’t get rid of my control. Just now, you didn’t want to use this opportunity to test me. ?”

Han Yan shook her head quickly and explained: “No, I didn’t mean it, you misunderstood.”

George Han grabbed Han Yan by the hair and forced her to look up at herself.

“I warn you for the last time, you are just a dog of mine. If a dog is unfaithful, there is only one dead end. I will not give you this opportunity again.” George Han said.

“Yes, I got it.” Han Yan said with a pained expression on her scalp because of her hair.

Whether it was the young people or the old man, they were shocked when they heard what George Han said.

Han Yan, it turned out to be just one of his dogs!

When did the Korean family in the United States be a dog for the Han Family?

They don’t even know when this shameful thing started.

But at this moment this question is no longer important, because no one dares to have an opinion on George Han.

Chapter 573

George Han’s appearance in the Korean family in the United States undoubtedly created a stormy sea for the Korean family in the United States. Soon after he left, this matter spread throughout the family, so that many people found Han Yan, hoping she could give An explanation.

These people all have expressions of indignation. After all, in their concept, the existence of waste like the Han Family can only be shrunk in China. How can they be qualified to come to the United States to show off their power? They also killed the bodyguards of the local generation. This kind of humiliation was unacceptable to them.

“Han Yan, you won’t just let it go. The humiliation of the Korean family in my country can only be washed away with the blood of George Han.”

“Yes, this humiliation. He must be paid with his life.”

“If you allow the dignity of the Korean family in the United States to be trampled on, what qualifications do you have to be the head of the Korean family in the United States?”

Facing everyone’s questions, Han Yan seemed very calm.

“If any of you have the ability to kill George Han, I will give you heavy powers. Except for the Patriarch, you are allowed to choose, but there is a premise that this matter cannot be in the name of the Korean family of the United States.” Han Yan faintly Said.

“Not in the name of the Han family, what do you mean?” someone asked Han Yan.

“I don’t want to make enemies with the family. I don’t even want your personal hatred to affect the development of the family. George Han is great. You have never seen it before, but they can see it clearly. If you don’t believe it, you can ask. Asked. “Han Yan looked at the old man and a few young people. They were the personal experiencers of the incident. Compared to those who didn’t see anything, they only knew how to clamor in front of her. They can better understand George Han’s greatness.

“Personal hatred! You actually said that this incident is personal hatred, but he humiliated our entire family.” Han Yan’s words did not get the approval of these people, and someone immediately jumped out to refute.

Han Yan smiled contemptuously, and said: “If he pinches your throat, life and death are not in the line, do you still have the courage to say such things?”

The meaning of Han Yan’s remarks is already very obvious. After all, the only person who was pinched by George Han was the old man.

The old man knew that Han Yan was implying himself, and at this time he had to come forward and say: “George Han is indeed very powerful. The bodyguards of the local generation are in front of him, and they are simply vulnerable. And the biggest reliance of my Korean family is these bodyguards. , Even people of the local generation can’t deal with him, what else can be done?”

The old man is considered a high-power figure in the family. His words also have a certain degree of authority, so even if he came forward to admit it, he naturally suppressed some dissatisfaction.

“Are we going to forget it?” someone said unwillingly.

The old man was also unwilling in his heart, but before being choked by George Han, he really felt that his life was about to come to an end. After this experience, even if he wants revenge, he has to consider the consequences.

George Han was not the one who dared not kill, if he had a miserable end when he was old, it would be worth the loss.

“The current Han family. You need the younger generation to hold on. What you want to do is up to you. I’m old and don’t want to intervene in this matter anymore.” The old man finished. He just turned around and left, his attitude was very clear, he left himself clean and didn’t want to intervene in this matter anymore.

“Han Yan, what you said just now. Does it still count?” At this time, a young man named Han Zhong asked. He is in the Korean family in the United States and belongs to a person who is not reused. He has been holding his breath for so many years. . He wanted to find a chance to prove himself, but now, he felt that his chance had come. As long as he could kill George Han and clear the humiliation for the Han family, then his status in the Han family would definitely be promoted.

“Han Zhong, if you want to prove yourself, I will give you a chance, but you have to remember. From now on, you are no longer the Han family, unless George Han dies, you will have a chance to come back.” Han Yan said, she In order to clear one’s own responsibilities, he has also done very carefully. He even wanted Han Zhong to leave the Han family.

“No problem.” Han Zhong said happily. He didn’t believe that a trash was so capable. Leaving Han’s house was only temporary.

In Han Zhong’s view, one day he could trample on George Han’s bones and return with glory.

“Does anyone else want to try?” Han Yan looked at the others and asked. It is almost a fantasy to deal with George Han with Han Zhong alone, so she hopes that more people will join this one. During the matter.

Others were silent, especially those young people who had seen George Han’s greatness, and even dared not breathe.

It is enough for them to enjoy the glory and wealth brought by the Han family, so why bother to risk losing their lives?

Seeing this situation, Han Zhong snorted coldly, and said, “It seems that no one has the courage. I really don’t know what you are afraid of this waste. But it’s okay to leave the opportunity to me. You watch , I will make this waste pay the price.”

Those few people sneered in their hearts at Han Zhong’s crazy words. I haven’t seen George Han’s daring to say such things. When I see him, I will definitely be frightened.

George Han didn’t know the specific situation of the Han family, but he could predict that Han Yan would not stop there. This woman could even kill her own younger brother. With such a vicious heart, how could she be controlled by him willingly?

The meeting room of Nangong’s company is already full of high-level people, but as Yuan Ling said, except for the people in his company. None of the other invitation lists appeared.

“You are late.” Yuan Ling reminded George Han.

“Do you have any comments?” George Han asked lightly.

Facing George Han’s domineering character, Yuan Ling had no choice but to say: “The company’s top executives have all arrived, but they are very dissatisfied with your lateness. You can solve it yourself.”

George Han shrugged indifferently and followed Yuan Ling to the meeting room.

The eyes of a group of high-level officials looking at George Han were full of dissatisfaction. Although this was the person sent by the boss, his surname was not Nangong, indicating that he was not from the Nangong family. Naturally they would not look at it.

“If there is another time, you won’t have the chance to see us. This is the first time we have met, so I will give you face.” A certain senior said to George Han.

George Han dug his ears, frowned and looked at the man, and said, “Are you talking to me?”

The high-level executive felt George Han’s nonchalant attitude and became even more angry, and said coldly: “Yes, I am talking to you, so many of us are waiting for you. Who do you think you are?”

George Han knew that the anger of these people came not only from his lateness, but from his appearance, which made these senior leaders aware of the crisis. After all, he is not from the Nangong family, and these high-level officials will naturally regard him as a threat to grab status.

Want to give him power without weighing his own weight?

“Why do you guys wait for me? Isn’t it because you can’t solve the company’s troubles and rely on me, shouldn’t you wait for me?” George Han said lightly.

A group of high-level officials angrily shot the case.

“Who do you say is trash.”

“I warn you, don’t think you are someone sent by your boss. You can do whatever you want in the company.”

“As long as we jointly request the boss, you have to get out.”

Everyone expressed their dissatisfaction, but it was a pity that this threat was of no avail to George Han. They opened their teeth and claws, like monkeys in a zoo.

And these people don’t know anything. Do you really think the Nangong family will care about the survival of this company?

Even if they resigned collectively, it would be nothing more than a trivial matter for the Nangong family.

“Really? If you think you have this ability, you can give it a try and see what the Nangong family will do.” George Han said.

“Young man, don’t be too arrogant. You can’t do anything without our help.” At this time, a middle-aged man who had never spoken said to George Han.

From entering the conference room, George Han noticed this person. Although he was sitting in the corner, his temperament was not comparable to that of ordinary people, and a person’s temperament usually determines his status.

“Really? I have been to Han’s house, Han Yan is willing to fully support my affairs, and your help is useful to me?”

When George Han’s words came out, like thunder, the people in the conference room looked at each other.

Chapter 574

“Han Yan? This time it is Han Yan who is taking the lead against us. How can you get Han Yan’s support.”

“Yes, don’t think that we will believe it if you brag in front of us.”

“Young man, don’t fool people here, lest you make a joke and embarrass yourself.”

These people didn’t believe George Han’s words at all, and they refuted one after another.

The expression on the middle-aged man’s face just now didn’t change much, but obviously, his attitude towards George Han was more cautious.

He is the highest-ranking person in the management. For so many years, the Nangong family has kept the company in a stocking state. He originally wanted to take advantage of this troubled time. The appearance of George Han, who took the company as his own, would obviously destroy his plan, and he also said that he could get Han Yan’s support!

Can this young man really do it?

“Why do we believe what you said?” the middle-aged man said solemnly.

George Han stood up, walked straight to the middle-aged man, and said, “I know who you are. Your name is Sun Yi, right? I know your purpose very well, but do you know how stupid your thoughts are?”

A wave of fluctuation flashed in Sun Yi’s expression, and he said faintly: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

George Han smiled faintly, leaned over Sun Yi’s shoulders, and said, “Although the Nangong family has not managed this company for many years, it does not mean that things belonging to the Nangong family will be taken away by outsiders. There is no Nangong family. , Can you have the position you are today? I didn’t expect you to plot a rebellion. Do you know what the price would be?”

Sun Yi’s expression was no longer calm, and he yelled at George Han and said, “Don’t slander me. As the veteran of the company, how could I plot a rebellion?”

George Han stood upright, patted Sun Yi on the shoulder as if reminded, and said, “I would advise you, don’t do this kind of humiliating things. Otherwise, I need another person in my hand. Blood is gone.”

“Humph.” Sun Yi hummed coldly. He hasn’t seen anyone who has been immersed in Shang Hai for so many years. If only a few simple threats can scare him off, he would be too underestimated.

“Young man. It seems that you have no other means besides frightening people.” Sun Yi said coldly.

“Frighten people? Do you think I’m scaring you?” George Han looked at Sun Yi indifferently. For ordinary people, killing is something that violates taboos and laws. It is indeed impossible, but for George Han, it is a breeze, and no matter how much he makes in the United States. Nangong Boring would find a way to keep him, so George Han didn’t need to have the slightest worries.

“If you have the ability, you should solve the company’s troubles and start a meaningless company infighting here. What’s the use?” Sun Yi looked at George Han with disdain.

Yuan Ling on the side saw this scene and couldn’t help sighing. How could the Nangong family send someone like George Han to the company with no real ability? Now, not only has it not solved the external troubles, but it has also caused the company’s internal miasma.

Originally, everyone was unanimous to the outside world. But George Han’s performance just now, I don’t know how many people secretly hate him, how could they help him?

“For the sake of humanity, I will give you a reminder today, so that you don’t make mistakes, but if you don’t understand, I won’t give you another chance.” George Han said lightly.

Sun Yi stood up and said disdainfully: “It’s a waste of my time. It seems that Nangong has no one to use, so I will send you this waste.”

After speaking, Sun Yi walked out of the meeting room directly, and left along with other senior officials.

quickly. Only George Han and Yuan Ling remained in the conference room.

Facing this situation, Yuan Ling couldn’t help sighing.

“What’s the matter?” George Han asked Yuan Ling.

“How can you doubt Brother Sun? If the company hadn’t had him for so many years, it would have collapsed. Do you know how many people you have offended? Now the entire company’s senior executives are very dissatisfied with you. “Yuan Ling said speechlessly, George Han, a prodigal son, really has no real ability, coming to the company can’t solve the trouble very much, and will mess up the inside. How could such a person be dispatched by the Nangong family?

“Do you really think Sun Yi has done for the company for so many years?” George Han said with a smile.

“Of course, I can only see Brother Sun’s fortunes, if it weren’t for him. How could the company persist until now.” Yuan Ling said confidently.

George Han shook his head helplessly. The company has been able to persist until now, and it has nothing to do with Sun Yi. The Nangong family will not let the company collapse. No matter how the financial storm is swept, this place will not be affected in the slightest. After all, the Nangong family is. The existence of the global financial turmoil can be created by one hand, but it is a pity that Yuan Ling doesn’t even know this. George Han couldn’t explain to her either.

Of course, even if it was explained, Yuan Ling couldn’t believe it.

In the eyes of ordinary people like her, those on the rich list are the real rich.

“I’ve been to Han’s house just now. After meeting Han Yan, do you know what she told me?” George Han asked Yuan Ling.

Yuan Ling didn’t believe that George Han was qualified to see Han Yan, although Qi Yiyun appeared at his house. She was quite surprised, but Han Yan was one level higher than Qi Yiyun, which meant that George Han had the ability to meet Qi Yiyun, but he was not necessarily qualified to go to the Han family.

“There is no one else here, you don’t need to brag with me.” Yuan Ling said silently. She doesn’t like this kind of exaggeration. She knows bragging people all day long. In contrast, she prefers down-to-earth, diligent people, so she dislikes George Han in her heart. It has become stronger and stronger.

“Do you think it is necessary for me to brag, isn’t Han Yan this dog in your eyes. Is it so high?” George Han said lightly.

Yuan Ling looked at George Han in astonishment, as if hearing hallucinations, she couldn’t believe what George Han had just said.

“You…what do you say Miss Han is!” Yuan Ling stared at George Han in disbelief.

“It’s a dog. Is there any problem?” George Han said again.

Yuan Ling walked to George Han in horror, and directly covered his mouth, and said: “Do you want to die, dare to say that to Miss Han? If you let her know, you don’t even know how you died. .”

George Han was speechless. It seemed that this woman’s deterrent power in the Chinese district was really strong enough to make Yuan Ling so scared.

But thinking about how vicious she used to deal with Han Feng, she would naturally treat outsiders even more ruthlessly.

In fact, Han Yan’s fierceness is well-known in the Chinese area, and her must-see character makes many people stay away. There was once a very shocking incident. The clerk of a well-known luxury goods store was hospitalized because of some mistakes when receiving Han Yan. He was seriously injured by Han Yan and is still lying in the hospital. The incident caused a very big repercussions at the time, but due to the Han family’s influence, the most important Han Yan did not receive any punishment, but only lost some money.

Over time, Han Yan’s notoriety spread, so many people are very afraid of her.

“I’m telling the truth. What are you so scared of? If you don’t believe me, I will take you to Han’s house tonight, and by the way, let her tell you what kind of person Sun Yi is.” George Han said.

Yuan Ling looked disinterested and said, “Forget it, I don’t want to expose your bragging facts. You don’t need to pretend to be in front of me. You should quickly find a way to solve the company’s troubles.”

George Han smiled bitterly, why didn’t this woman believe him?

It seems that only by letting the facts speak, Yuan Ling will believe it.

George Han took out the phone and dialed Han Yan’s number.

Han Yan naturally did not dare to refuse George Han’s meal at Han’s house. After accepting it, she went to order the chef to prepare a feasting dinner.

“Let’s go, accompany me out, I haven’t been to the United States yet, and see how the scenery is here.” George Han said to Yuan Ling after hanging up the phone.

Yuan Ling mistakenly thought that George Han had stepped down by herself, so she didn’t mention Han Yan, and said, “Are you looking at the scenery or looking at women?”

“A woman is a landscape. A playboy like me, of course, looks at women.” George Han said with a smile.

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