His True Colors Novel Chapter 567 – 570

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Chapter 567

In George Han’s view, even if Yuan Ling wouldn’t retreat directly, she couldn’t hold on for too long. After all, she was a girl, how could she hold on for too long in the face of this kind of coolie.

But Yuan Ling’s strong character obviously exceeded George Han’s imagination.

As one thing after another moved into the house, Yuan Ling had blood blisters on her palms, and she still insisted.

This surprised George Han very much. Unexpectedly, this woman’s temperament would be so strong, she had no idea of ”‹”‹giving up.

When George Han saw Yuan Ling wipe the worn-out blood with a tissue, George Han couldn’t help but said: “If you can’t hold on, give up, why bother with yourself.”

Yuan Ling lowered her head, tears were already in her eyes.

As a clerical worker, she has never suffered such a pain. The pain from her palm is like acupuncture, and now she has only moved some small items. The real painful piece is still waiting for her.

“Do I have any grudges against you?” The moment Yuan Ling raised her head, tears slipped out of her eyes.

George Han shrugged and said, “I know the purpose of your coming to me. Nangong Boring asked you to monitor me. You should even report my whereabouts to him every day. Do you think I need to keep you? Beside?”

“If I don’t listen to him, I won’t be able to keep my job. Do you want me to be unemployed?” Yuan Ling cried bitterly. She does have this responsibility, but this task is not something she is qualified to refuse. So in her opinion, she It’s just taking orders and doing things, just don’t want to lose your job. Why do you suffer such difficulties?

George Han was stunned. He really didn’t expect this aspect. Now that he thinks about it, it is indeed too much to make things difficult for Yuan Ling, after all, she has no choice.

“The stockings are broken, let’s change them.” After George Han finished speaking, he stood up to move things by himself.

Yuan Ling wiped the tears from her face, looked at her calf, and then went out to move things again.

“I don’t want to deceive your sympathy with my tears, and you don’t need to give me sympathy.” Yuan Ling said to George Han.

George Han smiled bitterly. This woman is really difficult to deal with, but someone with strong temperament like her still has something to appreciate. After all, with her appearance, it is very simple to want a good life, but she seems to disdain to do so. That’s why I worked so hard.

“Don’t worry, I won’t drive you away, but before reporting to Nangong Boring in the future, you’d better inform me.” George Han said.

“You are not my boss, why should I listen to you.” Yuan Ling said.

“You woman, do you have to confront me? Although I am not your boss, I have to find a way to fire you, but it’s very simple. Do you want to try?” George Han threatened.

“No.” Yuan Ling happily compromised.

George Han couldn’t laugh or cry. He had not been in contact with Yuan Ling for a long time, but her character made George Han feel very interesting.

At this time, George Han suddenly realized that Yuan Ling looked more pleasing to the eye.

Of course, the kind of affection between men and women is impossible for George Han, he just thinks Yuan Ling deserves respect.

Moved everything. George Han was also a little tired, lying on the sofa, and asked Yuan Ling: “Can you cook?”

“My task is just to make you more familiar with the company’s situation, not a nanny.” Yuan Ling stared at George Han and said.

“Would you like to try to submit your resume to other companies? What if you suddenly lose your job and you have no income?” George Han said with a smile.

Yuan Ling was biting her posterior molars, so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, but she did not dare to provoke George Han.

“What do you want to eat?” Yuan Ling asked.

“Eat whatever you want, as long as you can fill your stomach, I don’t have too much demand.” George Han said cheerfully.

Yuan Ling angrily got up and went to the kitchen, cursing George Han tens of thousands of times in her heart.

Boiled a bowl of noodles for George Han, which was dull and tasteless. Yuan Ling deliberately didn’t put salt in it, but George Han ate it with relish, making her want to take revenge on George Han. I felt that I had fallen to the bottom for an instant.

“Aren’t you going to eat it?” George Han asked.

“I’ll go home to eat.” Yuan Ling said.

“Go home? If you don’t live with me, how do you know what I do every day.” George Han smiled.

Yuan Ling looked at George Han vigilantly and said, “You’d better throw away those unclean thoughts. I won’t betray my flesh.”

George Han finished his last sip of soup. Said leisurely: “To be honest, I have no interest in you, after all, what I have is money, what kind of woman can’t get it.”

Yuan Ling couldn’t refute this sentence. She knew very well that in this real society, as long as there was money, those women would naturally embrace him, people like him. It is impossible to lack a woman.

“I wish you an early AIDS.” Yuan Ling said coldly.

The soup in George Han’s throat almost squirted out before he could swallow it. This woman was too cruel to curse him like that.

“A woman with a femme-hearted heart, you are really cruel.” George Han said.

There was a smug expression on Yuan Ling’s face. Although these words did not materially hurt George Han, they also satisfied her with the pleasure of revenge.

“So, don’t make things difficult for me in the future, otherwise I ask God to worship Buddha and curse you.” Yuan Ling said.

George Han waved his hand. With a helpless look, he said: “Tell me about the company’s situation and give you a chance to complete the task.”

Speaking of this matter, Yuan Ling’s expression became serious.

When Yuan Ling told George Han about the company’s situation, George Han couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed that the company did have a big crisis, but for the Nangong family, this kind of crisis just dropped some money. It is not a big problem at all to be able to get it done. It seems that the most important purpose of Nangong Boring let him come to the United States is not to solve the company’s troubles.

“What are you laughing at? Now that the company has reached the critical moment of life and death, you are still in the mood to laugh.” Yuan Ling could not understand George Han’s heartless performance. Of course, she didn’t know the real ability of the Nangong family. How big. After all, this kind of hidden family will not expose their strength casually, otherwise, those people on the rich list. What qualifications are there to stay on the list?

“In your opinion, it is a big problem, but for the Nangong family, this is just a trivial matter.” George Han said.

“You are so bragging. If you have the ability to solve this trouble.” Yuan Ling disdainfully said. The first impression that George Han gave her was a prodigal son, so she really didn’t understand why Nangong Boring sent such an incompetent person, and now her impression of George Han was even worse.

This is not only a prodigal son, but also a prodigal son who can only brag.

“Notify the company’s executives. To have a meeting tomorrow, by the way, invite the executives of these companies who are looking for trouble.” George Han said.

“Company insiders can be there, but senior executives of other companies can’t be invited casually.” Yuan Ling said.

George Han’s eyes gradually turned gloomy, and said, “If they don’t come, I’ll go and invite myself to see who can sit still.”

Yuan Ling couldn’t help rolling her eyes. This guy really regarded herself as a character. What if he personally invited him? What can he do if others don’t see him?

“Don’t blame me for pouring cold water on you. As you go to meet those people, they may not meet you.” Yuan Ling said.

“Don’t worry, they will see me, and they will kneel down to see me, do you believe it?” George Han asked.

Yuan Ling didn’t even think about it. She shook her head and knelt down to see him. How could this happen?

“The bull on the ground has been blown to the sky by you.” Yuan Ling said disdainfully.

“Make a bet, if I win, next time I cook the noodles, remember to give me salt, how about it?” George Han smiled.

Yuan Ling’s face suddenly turned red, and this cautious revenge was exposed by George Han, which inevitably made her a little embarrassed.

“Isn’t there salt on the noodles? Maybe I forgot.” Yuan Ling lowered her head and said with a panic expression.

George Han laughed out loud, and felt that Yuan Ling was a woman more interesting. It seemed that it would be more fun to keep her by her side.

“Go home and rest. My private life at night is rather chaotic. I’m afraid you can’t stand it.” George Han smiled.

Chapter 568

Yuan Ling left with a strong contempt. She had seen too many rich men’s corrupt lives, and George Han was a prodigal in her mind, so she would not think that George Han’s remarks were joking. The biggest difference between him and others is only that some people play in secret, while he plays more openly and without disguise.

But this kind of uprightness seemed even more shameless in Yuan Ling’s heart. This kind of scumbag was even more unscrupulous. If a woman ran into him, she would have done nothing in her previous life.

But actually. After Yuan Ling left, George Han did not act excessively except watching TV at home.

George Han was born in the Han Family, his status is definitely not low, but he is not like some rich second generations who indulge in beauty. From the day when his heart belonged, George Han never thought of betraying Amelia Su.

In George Han’s eyes, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she is just a passer-by in her life.

Night fell. A sneaky figure wandered outside George Han’s house, back and forth more than ten times, like a thief stepping on a spot.

However, this thief is different from ordinary thief. What she fancy is not the money of George Han’s family, but George Han himself.

Missing George Han at the auction, Qi Yiyun regretted it and learned that George Han’s address was. In my heart, I couldn’t help but want to meet George Han.

The longing for such a long time has completely turned into a tide, making Qi Yiyun anxious to find a vent, and George Han is naturally the best vent.

So in the middle of the night, Qi Yiyun drove the car and arrived outside George Han’s house.

But at this point in time, Qi Yiyun didn’t know what reason he should knock on the door more appropriate, so he wandered outside, like a lonely ghost.

When George Han watched TV, he was about to go to bed.

Back in the room and drawing the curtains, George Han saw Qi Yiyun on the street. However, due to the dim lights, George Han did not see her face clearly, only treating her as a passerby.

The moment when George Han closed the curtains, to Qi Yiyun, it was like a ruthless knife stuck in his heart.

“This guy. Haven’t you seen me yet!” Qi Yiyun gritted his teeth and said, dangling outside the house. Qi Yiyun wanted George Han to see himself through the window, but this guy actually closed the curtains directly.

“I’m such a beautiful and beautiful woman. Are you not afraid of my accident!” Qi Yiyun gritted his teeth. Late night in the United States is not as safe as Huaxia. Robbery and other incidents are possible here at any time, so George Han turned a blind eye. . Qi Yiyun was very angry.

But in fact, George Han didn’t see Qi Yiyun clearly at all, and didn’t even know that the figure wandering outside was actually an acquaintance.

but. It is possible that even if George Han saw it clearly, he would treat it as if he hadn’t seen it. After all, he always chose to stay away from Qi Yiyun.

An angry Qi Yiyun. Finally, with a wave of anger, he walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

George Han heard the doorbell as soon as he closed his eyes when he lay in bed. He felt a little strange. Could it be that Yuan Ling was back again? She is really dedicated, she would not let him go even at night.

Helplessly stood up and opened the door, but what George Han saw was not Yuan Ling, but an angry face. Qi Yiyun, who wanted to kill, made George Han feel very surprised.

“Qi Yiyun, why are you here?” George Han asked in astonishment.

Qi Yiyun pushed George Han away and walked directly into the house.

That gesture with hands on hips. Like a tigress, Qi Yiyun asked George Han in a questioning tone: “Aren’t you afraid that I will be taken away by bad guys!”

“What do you mean?” The monk of George Han was puzzled, completely unable to understand the meaning of Qi Yiyun’s words.

“Ask me what I mean, I went back and forth dozens of times outside, how could you not see me, you just pretended not to see me, do you know how dangerous the United States is at night?” Qi Yiyun gritted his teeth.

George Han couldn’t laugh or cry.

Dozens of times back and forth?

How idle Qi Yiyun is.

“Miss Qi, since you are coming to see me, why don’t you just knock on the door? Even if you walk outside until dawn, I don’t know it is you.” George Han said helplessly.

Qi Yiyun believed that George Han saw him and deliberately turned a blind eye, so this is the explanation. She obviously won’t accept it.

“Just make an excuse, I won’t believe it anyway.” Qi Yiyun said.

George Han shrugged helplessly, and said, “Believe it or not, what does it have to do with me. I’m going to rest now. You have nothing else to do. Just leave.”

These words directly caused Qi Yiyun to explode, blowing his beard and staring with anger.

“If you don’t go, you won’t go.” After Qi Yiyun finished speaking, he walked directly to George Han’s room.

George Han followed closely behind him, but when he walked into the room, Qi Yiyun was already lying on his bed.

“Miss Qi. Have you had enough trouble?” George Han said feebly. Facing this woman, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He couldn’t beat or scold him. The key point was that she couldn’t drive away with her face.

George Han couldn’t bear this heavy love, but Qi Yiyun still refused to give up after several rejections. George Han really didn’t try to deal with her.

“I’m going to bed, don’t disturb me.” Qi Yiyun turned sideways to George Han, and even closed his eyes directly. It seems that today is a cow that can’t be pulled away.

As soon as George Han arrived here, the room was cleaned up. When he couldn’t go away, George Han could only wrong himself and walked to the sofa in the living room. Ready to be here for one night.

Qi Yiyun once said that as long as George Han comes to the United States, she must find a way to tie George to the bed. This is the goal. She has never changed, but without a rope tonight, Qi Yiyun can only imply that she should let him go first and wait until tomorrow day to prepare.

Qi Yiyun felt at ease. He took off his clothes and got into the bed without closing the door.

She was not afraid of George Han coming in, but she was afraid that George Han would not come in.

It’s a pity that George Han, who was sleeping on the sofa, had no such thoughts. He closed his eyes and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning. When Yuan Ling came home, she bumped into Qi Yiyun unexpectedly.

Yuan Ling had prepared for George Han’s erosion last night, but when she saw Qi Yiyun, she was still shocked.

After all, Qi Yiyun is a celebrity in the Chinese area. Yuan Ling has seen it many times. Her suitors are countless, and they are also extraordinary figures. I don’t know how many women secretly envy Qi Yiyun’s treatment, even Yuan Ling. Ever imagined that if she was Qi Yiyun, how would she choose those rich and young sons.

But Yuan Ling never expected it. Those goddesses that the rich and young sons couldn’t ask for would actually appear in George Han’s home.

Alone men and widows live in the same room, so you don’t need to think about what happened.

If this let those rich and young princes know, they would still be thumped in anger!

“Who are you?” When Qi Yiyun saw Yuan Ling, he asked faintly. He didn’t panic at all because he was bumped into by Yuan Ling. As for whether this matter would be leaked out, Qi Yiyun was even more not worried, but instead She very much hopes that this news will spread so that no flies will bother her in the future.

“Miss Qi, I am George Han’s assistant.” Yuan Ling lowered her head and said to Qi Yiyun.

Qi Yiyun frowned. She knew which company Yuan Ling belonged to. How could she be an assistant to George Han?

Could it be that there is any connection between George Han and Nangong family?

This Nangong family has recently been boycotted by many Chinese companies, and even Qi Yiyun has participated, so she knows Nangong’s company very well.

Of course, this understanding is just what Qi Yiyun thinks. The real Nangong family has never shown fangs in the United States.

“He’s not here to help the Nangong family?” Qi Yiyun asked.

Yuan Ling didn’t dare to speak, because Qi Yiyun was one of Nangong’s opponents, and she couldn’t determine the relationship between George Han and Qi Yiyun.

Seeing Yuan Ling’s silence, Qi Yiyun affirmed his guess, but what is the relationship between George Han and the Nangong family?

Chapter 569

After George ran back home, he found that the two women were getting along very well, and the look in his eyes was a little weird, as if there was something inexplicable surprise in Yuan Ling’s eyes.

For Yuan Ling, she despised George Han as a scumbag in her heart.

However, according to her imagination, George Han was at best looking for some celebrities to come to the house, but Qi Yiyun’s existence really shocked Yuan Ling. After all, Qi Yiyun is not an ordinary woman, and George Han can actually have s*x with her. , This also shows George Han’s unique ability.

This is a very strange thought. Although they are both women, the difference in status determines Yuan Ling’s view of George Han.

“Are you ready for today’s meeting?” George Han asked Yuan Ling.

“The people inside have all notified.” Yuan Ling said.

George Han nodded, and continued: “Are there any other people targeting the company? Is there a list?”

Yuan Ling had anticipated it a long time ago, so this matter was prepared last night.

Take out a piece of A4 paper, the record on it is the company’s opponent.

George Han looked at the list. Most of them are unknown to him, but the two names Qi Yiyun and Han Yan are particularly dazzling.

“I didn’t expect you to have a holiday with the Nangong family?” George Han said to Qi Yiyun with a smile.

“Nangong family wants to become the leader of the Chinese district, naturally, we have to agree to it, but unfortunately, the strength of the Nangong family is not good.” Qi Yiyun said.

Poor strength?

If these four words are passed back to the Nangong family, I don’t know how many people have to laugh off their teeth, but this is not surprising, as a family of hidden rich people. The Nangong family has different spokespersons in industries all over the world, so it is reasonable for the outside world to misunderstand the Nangong family.

“Qi Yiyun, you are really lucky. If you meet me, if you change to another person, the Qi family will suffer this time.” George Han said with a smile.

Qi Yiyun frowned. In her opinion, the Nangong family invited George Han to help. George Han was indeed capable of helping the Nangong family get through the troubles in front of him, but George Han’s tone seemed to have other meanings.

“What do you mean?” Qi Yiyun asked.

George Han glanced at Yuan Ling and said, “You go back to the company first.”

If there is no Qi Yiyun present. Yuan Ling must be unwilling to leave, but out of fear of Qi Yiyun, she can only listen to George Han now.

After Yuan Ling left, Qi Yiyun couldn’t wait to ask: “Don’t sell it. If you have anything, please say it quickly.”

“The Nangong family you know is just the tip of the iceberg. The real Nangong family is much more powerful than you think.” George Han said.

Qi Yiyun smiled faintly. I didn’t believe George Han’s words at all, and said, “If the Nangong family is so powerful, do you still need your help?”

“Naturally, there are some reasons for this, but at this stage. I can’t tell you yet. You just need to know that if you do the right thing with the Nangong family, you will not end well. This family controls a small island country and is in every country in the world. There are amazing industries that are not known to the world. It is because the Nangong family, as a hermit family, does not want to expose too much to the outside world. Otherwise, the richest man on the rich list now only gives the Nangong family shoes.” George Han said with a smile.

These words really surprised Qi Yiyun.

She knew that George Han would never say these things to lie to her, and the Nangong family had such terrifying strength!

“No matter how great the Nangong family is, now you appear. As long as you ask me to do it, I will do it, I will listen to you.” Qi Yiyun said.

Facing these words, George Han smiled helplessly. He knows Qi Yiyun’s mind, but it is a pity that it is uncomfortable.

“I’m going to the Han’s house.” George Han said.

Qi Yiyun stood in front of George Han and said, “I have something to ask you. I will let you go only after you make it clear.”

“I don’t beat women, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be rough with women.” George Han said lightly.

Qi Yiyun was not timid, and said: “If you dare to be rough with me, I will take off my clothes so that you will not dare to look at me.”

George Han was defeated by Qi Yiyun’s wonderful tricks, and said with a wry smile: “Yes, you have anything you want to ask, please ask.”

“Where did you go some time ago. Why is there no news at all? Amelia has given birth to a child, and you haven’t returned to Basin City. Now Han Nian is kidnapped. You are still in the mood to come to the United States, why?” Qi Yiyun asked. .

Speaking of this matter, George Han’s expression instantly darkened.

The incident of Han Nian being kidnapped could easily arouse his anger, and he was always thinking about rescuing Han Nian, but now the time has not come, George Han dare not act rashly.

“I can only tell you that I will let the people kidnap Han Nian. I will live to death in the painful torture, and I will not let anyone related to this matter.” George Han said coldly.

I don’t know why, when Qi Yiyun saw George Han’s cold eyes, she was a little scared, although she knew that this kind of killing was not aimed at her, she would also have panic and fear.

“I heard Shen Lingyao say that Amelia is very sad now. Why don’t you go back and see her all day long?” Qi Yiyun said, although she wants to get George Han, this does not prevent her from caring about her sister.

“If I could, why didn’t I think about it.” George Han took a deep breath. Had it not been for Nangong Boring’s warning, he would have returned to Basin City a long time ago, and he would not dare to even call Amelia Su.

But the current situation. George Han has no right to choose. In order to protect Han Nian’s safety, he can only do what Nangong Boring said.

“Nangong used Han Nian to threaten you?” Qi Yiyun didn’t know the ins and outs of the matter, but George Han appeared in the United States. And it is also related to the Nangong family, which makes Qi Yiyun easily think that Han Nian’s things are related to the Nangong family. Otherwise, how could George Han help the Nangong family for no reason?

“You are very smart. But in this matter, I advise you not to be nosy.” George Han said.

Qi Yiyun’s heart sank. The fact that George Han could be so careful and serious showed that this matter was very serious.

“Don’t worry. I will not mess with you, but when you need help, I will definitely provide it with all my strength.” Qi Yiyun said.

“No need.” After George Han responded indifferently, he left home.

For George Han, the more people involved in this matter, the less optimistic.

Although he doesn’t care about the life and death of Qi’s family, how can he turn a blind eye when Qi Yiyun is really facing life and death troubles?

This woman never made George Han’s heart touched, but George Han did not really turn a blind eye to her love.

At least, George Han will not let this woman have a crisis in front of him.

Drive to the place where Han’s house is.

This is very different from the small courtyard where George Han lives. Just standing outside the Villa area gives you a sense of luxury.

And the entire Villa area is owned by the Han family. This is the only one in the Chinese area.

As soon as George Han parked the car at the door, a security guard walked over with a displeased face, knocking on the car window unhappy.

“This is a private parking space, so stop and stay away.” said the security guard.

George Han got out of the car and didn’t want to move the car. He said, “Go and inform Han Yan and say I want to see her.”

After Han Yan returned to the United States, she had completely controlled the Han family. Those voices that were dissatisfied with her were quickly suppressed by her shameless means. Today, the Han family can be said to be the biggest person in the entire Han family. Therefore, George Han’s words made the security sneer.

“Who do you think you are, you want to see Miss Han, are you qualified to meet such a big person?” the security guard said with disdain.

“You go and inform her, she will come out to meet me in person.” George Han said with a smile.

The security seemed to have heard a joke. The dignified Miss Han family is now the head of the family. Who is qualified to let her greet him in person?

“Dude, you are Miss Han’s suitor. Your methods are different from others. They are quite new. It’s a pity that you are so stupid. How could I believe what you said?” The security guard looked at it mockingly. George Han.

Chapter 570


These three words made George Han laugh.

Perhaps Han Yan can indeed be sought after by some men, but in George Han’s eyes, this woman with a snake-like heart is extremely ugly, and two more glances will make him feel sick.

“Since you refuse to inform her, I have to call and try.” After speaking, George Han took out his cell phone.

The security guard smiled coldly and said: “It’s useless to pretend to be in front of me. You should leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

George Han dialed the number and said directly to Han Yan: “I’m at your door. Your security stopped me from entering. It’s really hard to see you Miss Han.”

Hearing George Han’s words, Han Yan sweated coldly on her forehead.

The person she fears most is George Han, how could this guy come to the United States suddenly, and there is no news at all.

“Wait for me, I will come out to pick you up right away.” Han Yan said.

Han Yan can sit in today’s position. Thanks to George Han, she didn’t know that Han Li was dead, so she worried that once George Han released Han Li, her status in the Han family would plummet, and Han Feng’s death would make her even worse. Become a prisoner.

When George Han hung up the phone, the security guard reminded: “Don’t leave yet, do you have to force me to be rough?”

“Han Yan will come out soon. You don’t have to wait, otherwise, I’m afraid you will regret it.” George Han smiled.

Seeing George Han’s veteran presence, the security guard suddenly shook his heart. This guy, wouldn’t he be able to let Han Yan come out to pick him up?

If this is the case, it would be over today!

The security guard prayed that Han Yan would never show up, staring straight at the door of the Villa.

“God, you must bless me.”

God obviously didn’t hear the voice of the security guard, because Han Yan appeared soon, and she speeded up the pace deliberately. It is enough to show how much she values George.

When the security guard saw Han Yan, the whole person instantly became in a trance, and even his legs began to weaken.

“You dare to stop my distinguished guest.” Han Yan gritted her teeth and said to the security guard, if this caused George Han’s dissatisfaction. She has to find a way to make up.

The security guard knelt on the ground with a plop and begged George Han for mercy: “I’m sorry, but I don’t know Taishan. It’s my fault.”

George Han smiled faintly. There is no plan to hold the security guard accountable. There is no need for such a small person to care about it.

“Remember my face, don’t let me in when I come next time,” George Han said.

The security nodded repeatedly. Said: “I remembered, remembered.”

Han Yan frowned slightly. Seeing George Han’s appearance, he didn’t seem to be traveling. And he won’t leave in a short time, which is not good news for Han Yan.

“What are you doing this time?” Han Yan asked George Han.

The security guard knew that the two of them had something to talk about, so they got off the hook very funny.

“Do you know the Nangong family?” George Han said.

This time. It was Han Yan who took the lead. She was not satisfied with the Han family’s control of the Chinese area, so she would deal with the Nangong family, but she never expected that a small Nangong family would find George Han.

Although in Han Yan’s heart, George Han is not a big man, even a useless family abandoned son. But helplessly his own handle was in his hands, Han Yan had to be afraid of George Han.

“If you want to protect the Nangong family, I can speak out to ensure that the Nangong family can develop better.” Han Yan said.

George Han glanced at Han Yan unexpectedly. Said: “Do you have so much ability now?”

A trace of triumph flashed across Han Yan’s face. Her current status in the Chinese area is supreme. Almost all businessmen regard her as the head of her horse. Her words are in ancient times, that is the existence of imperial decree. This right brings Han Yan enjoys her superiority.

However, she could be arrogant in front of any, but she did not dare to do so in front of George Han.

“The influence of the Han family in the American Chinese area is not what you can imagine.” Han Yan said.

George Han narrowed her mouth, her arrogance was vulnerable in front of Nangong’s family. As long as the Nangong Clan is willing, ten Han Clan can be destroyed instantly.

“You met me, really lucky, not only can help you get the position of the head of the Han family. Now it can save your life.” George Han said with a smile.

If Nangong Falcon or Nangong Yan came to the United States, the Han family’s fate would be bankruptcy, and even Han Yan could not even save his life.

Han Yan naturally didn’t understand the danger, and only thought that George Han’s remarks were deliberately intimidating her. It was George Han who wanted to show his status in front of her, which made Han Yan very disdainful.

Had it not been for George Han’s hands, Han Yan would have trampled him under his feet.

“I can give you what you want. Don’t scare me deliberately.” Han Yan said lightly.

“If you think I’m scaring you, then you think so, but the attitude of your dog in front of me is getting higher and higher.” George Han said coldly, without reminding Han Yan. She seems to have almost forgotten her position, really taking herself as the superior Han family head?

Han Yan’s body trembled, she hadn’t forgotten this matter. I just don’t want to admit it.

She is the eldest daughter of the Han family, and now the head of the Han family in control.

But in front of George Han, can you only be a dog?

“George Han, do you have to humiliate me? Aren’t you afraid that I will tear my face with you?” Han Yan said with gritted teeth.

“A dog is always a dog, and there is only a dead end to tear his face with his owner.” George Han said lightly.

This is the Han family Villa, Han Yan can’t wait to find someone to kill George Han.

But she knew that even Han Long died in the hands of George Han. The bodyguard of the Han family is not necessarily George Han’s opponent.

If she really got to the point of tearing her face, her status would be in jeopardy.

“What do you want me to do!” Han Yan lowered her head and said.

At this moment. Many people in the distance of the Han family were watching them, including the bodyguards and relatives of the Han family.

George Han said faintly: “Doesn’t the dog kneel down after seeing the owner?”

“This is the Han family.” Han Yan said.

“Why, are you afraid of losing the face of your Miss Han family?” George Han said.

Face is for Han Yan. It’s extremely important, isn’t she getting rights just to get ahead of others?

If you kneel down for George Han, let the other Han family members see it. What face will she face in the future?

“Han Yan, do you still have a choice?” George Han said strongly.

The reason why George Han did this was to let Han Yan recognize her own identity. Otherwise, she would become more and more lost, and she would pay less and less attention to George Han.

In the distance, the Han family talked a lot, and they were puzzled by George Han’s identity.

In their opinion, George Han is likely to be Han Yan’s suitor, but it is not very similar. After all, Han Yan has never been so polite to those suitors, and he personally greeted them. This kind of treatment, even some big people in the Chinese area have never had it.

“Who is this young guy, Han Yan treats it so carefully.”

“I think he has a little white face, maybe he is a soft food.”

“I don’t look like it, have you ever seen Han Yan be so polite to outsiders?”

“Since Han Yan became the Patriarch, even we are not in the eyes. This woman’s temper is so big, I really want to have someone teach her.”

“Teach her? Don’t tell the jokes. In the Chinese district now, who is qualified to teach her, those businessmen saw Han Yan, and all of them became smiling Buddhas. They want to give Han Yan shoes.”

Within the Han family, there are people who are happy and sincere to Han Yan, but there are also some who dare not speak up. And these people want Han Yan to be hurt, and it is best to make some mistakes to make her fall from the position of Patriarch.

While everyone was talking about it, Han Yan suddenly knelt in front of George Han. This scene shocked everyone.

“What’s the matter, how could she kneel on the ground!”

“I’m not dazzled, Han Yan actually kneeled down!”

“f*ck, who is this young man who can make Han Yan kneel down!”

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